BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdate to new version 5.4Thomas Duval5 years
stable/jermaUpdate to new version 5.4Thomas Duval5 years
stable/euphratesUpdate index in the doc tree.asteroide7 years
stable/coloradoUpdate scenario documentation.Thomas Duval8 years
stable/brahmaputraMerge "Fix a bug in test."Ruan HE9 years
opnfv-5.1.RC1commit 2c380003fa...RHE7 years
colorado.2.0commit 0f22f48939...Aric Gardner8 years
colorado.1.0commit f772cfeb0c...WuKong8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2016-09-20moon colorado release doccolorado.1.0WuKong1-0/+842
2016-09-20Bug fixes when calling openstack client.Thomas Duval1-4/+4
2016-09-20Bug fixThomas Duval1-5/+13
2016-09-20Set the test user to the admin roleThomas Duval1-39/+21
2016-09-20Move ODL-AAA-MOON under 'upstream' DirectoryTrevor Bramwell278-3/+3
2016-09-20Modify the auth process for ODL.Thomas Duval1-9/+14
2016-09-20Udate the basic auth for the federation test and move some moonclient tests.Thomas Duval5-20/+20
2016-09-20Use curl to auth to ODL and fix a bug in moonclient test.Thomas Duval2-8/+24
2016-09-20Create user demo if he doesn't exist and force his passord.Thomas Duval1-3/+9
2016-09-20Fix a bug when connecting with demo user to novaThomas Duval1-3/+3