path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
diff options
authorLuc Provoost <>2020-05-11 05:06:17 -0400
committerLuc Provoost <>2020-05-15 11:55:09 +0200
commit9d4e94ed8cbd2110cab0388181bad3223a1155ce (patch)
treef5c92fdccccdc54701ea21a2a4e7b6aa47bfe8cd /VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
parent4d932aced6931d756e07dbce6ab7cf04799ba5f4 (diff) is now using heat templates yaml
yaml files have been added to the repo as an example. Please check the README explaining the output section reqs for this yaml file. There is also a new file (config_file): it also specifies which yaml files to use. multiple dataplane interfaces per VM can now be specified and will appear in the <STACK>.env file. An error in setting the packet size has been fixed (see set_udp_packet_size for packet size setting details) Change-Id: Ie89a4940521dac7dd3652acca477739abb9f5497 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..25b9895f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import os_client_config
+import heatclient
+from heatclient.client import Client as Heat_Client
+from keystoneclient.v3 import Client as Keystone_Client
+from heatclient.common import template_utils
+from novaclient import client as NovaClient
+import yaml
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from rapid_log import RapidLog
+class StackDeployment(object):
+ """Deployment class to create VMs for test execution in OpenStack
+ environment.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cloud_name):
+# RapidLog.log_init('CREATEStack.log', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', '2020.05.05')
+ self.dp_ips = []
+ self.dp_macs = []
+ self.mngmt_ips = []
+ self.names = []
+ self.number_of_servers = 0
+ self.cloud_name = cloud_name
+ self.heat_template = 'L6_heat_template.yaml'
+ self.heat_param = 'params_rapid.yaml'
+ self.cloud_config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig().get_all_clouds()
+ ks_client = None
+ for cloud in self.cloud_config:
+ if == self.cloud_name:
+ ks_client = Keystone_Client(**cloud.config['auth'])
+ break
+ if ks_client == None:
+ sys.exit()
+ heat_endpoint = ks_client.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='orchestration',
+ endpoint_type='publicURL')
+ self.heatclient = Heat_Client('1', heat_endpoint, token=ks_client.auth_token)
+ self.nova_client = NovaClient.Client(2, **cloud.config['auth'])
+ def generate_paramDict(self):
+ for output in self.stack.output_list()['outputs']:
+ output_value = self.stack.output_show(output['output_key'])['output']['output_value']
+ for server_group_output in output_value:
+ if (output['output_key'] == 'number_of_servers'):
+ self.number_of_servers += int (server_group_output)
+ elif (output['output_key'] == 'mngmt_ips'):
+ for ip in server_group_output:
+ self.mngmt_ips.append(ip)
+ elif (output['output_key'] == 'data_plane_ips'):
+ for dps in server_group_output:
+ self.dp_ips.append(dps)
+ elif (output['output_key'] == 'data_plane_macs'):
+ for mac in server_group_output:
+ self.dp_macs.append(mac)
+ elif (output['output_key'] == 'server_name'):
+ for name in server_group_output:
+ self.names.append(name)
+ def print_paramDict(self, user, push_gateway):
+ if not(len(self.dp_ips) == len(self.dp_macs) == len(self.mngmt_ips)):
+ sys.exit()
+ _ENV_FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ env_file = os.path.join(_ENV_FILE_DIR, self.stack.stack_name)+ '.env'
+ with open(env_file, 'w') as env_file:
+ env_file.write('[rapid]\n')
+ env_file.write('total_number_of_machines = {}\n'.format(str(self.number_of_servers)))
+ env_file.write('\n')
+ for count in range(self.number_of_servers):
+ env_file.write('[M' + str(count+1) + ']\n')
+ env_file.write('name = {}\n'.format(str(self.names[count])))
+ env_file.write('admin_ip = {}\n'.format(str(self.mngmt_ips[count])))
+ if type(self.dp_ips[count]) == list:
+ for i, dp_ip in enumerate(self.dp_ips[count], start = 1):
+ env_file.write('dp_ip{} = {}\n'.format(i, str(dp_ip)))
+ else:
+ env_file.write('dp_ip1 = {}\n'.format(str(self.dp_ips[count])))
+ if type(self.dp_macs[count]) == list:
+ for i, dp_mac in enumerate(self.dp_macs[count], start = 1):
+ env_file.write('dp_mac{} = {}\n'.format(i, str(dp_mac)))
+ else:
+ env_file.write('dp_mac1 = {}\n'.format(str(self.dp_macs[count])))
+ env_file.write('\n')
+ env_file.write('[ssh]\n')
+ env_file.write('key = {}\n'.format(self.private_key_filename))
+ env_file.write('user = {}\n'.format(user))
+ env_file.write('\n')
+ env_file.write('[Varia]\n')
+ env_file.write('vim = OpenStack\n')
+ env_file.write('stack = {}\n'.format(self.stack.stack_name))
+ env_file.write('pushgateway = {}\n'.format(push_gateway))
+ def create_stack(self, stack_name, stack_file_path, param_file):
+ files, template = template_utils.process_template_path(stack_file_path)
+ heat_parameters = open(param_file)
+ temp_params = yaml.load(heat_parameters,Loader=yaml.BaseLoader)
+ heat_parameters.close()
+ stack_created = self.heatclient.stacks.create(stack_name=stack_name, template=template,
+ parameters=temp_params["parameters"], files=files)
+ stack = self.heatclient.stacks.get(stack_created['stack']['id'], resolve_outputs=True)
+ # Poll at 5 second intervals, until the status is no longer 'BUILD'
+ while stack.stack_status == 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS':
+ print('waiting..')
+ time.sleep(5)
+ stack = self.heatclient.stacks.get(stack_created['stack']['id'], resolve_outputs=True)
+ if stack.stack_status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE':
+ return stack
+ else:
+ RapidLog.exception('Error in stack deployment')
+ def create_key(self):
+ keypair = self.nova_client.keypairs.create(name=self.key_name)
+ # Create a file for writing that can only be read and written by owner
+ fp =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600)
+ with os.fdopen(fp, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(keypair.private_key)
+'Keypair {} created'.format(self.key_name))
+ def IsDeployed(self, stack_name):
+ for stack in self.heatclient.stacks.list():
+ if stack.stack_name == stack_name:
+'Stack already existing: {}'.format(stack_name))
+ self.stack = stack
+ return True
+ return False
+ def IsKey(self):
+ keypairs = self.nova_client.keypairs.list()
+ if next((x for x in keypairs if == self.key_name), None):
+'Keypair {} already exists'.format(self.key_name))
+ return True
+ return False
+ def deploy(self, stack_name, keypair_name, heat_template, heat_param):
+ self.key_name = keypair_name
+ self.private_key_filename = '{}.pem'.format(keypair_name)
+ if not self.IsDeployed(stack_name):
+ if not self.IsKey():
+ self.create_key()
+ self.stack = self.create_stack(stack_name, heat_template, heat_param)
+ def generate_env_file(self, user = 'centos', push_gateway = None):
+ self.generate_paramDict()
+ self.print_paramDict(user, push_gateway)