path: root/nfvbenchvm/dib/elements/nfvbenchvm/static/etc/rc.d/rc.local.loopvm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nfvbenchvm/dib/elements/nfvbenchvm/static/etc/rc.d/rc.local.loopvm')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nfvbenchvm/dib/elements/nfvbenchvm/static/etc/rc.d/rc.local.loopvm b/nfvbenchvm/dib/elements/nfvbenchvm/static/etc/rc.d/rc.local.loopvm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..181ff2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nfvbenchvm/dib/elements/nfvbenchvm/static/etc/rc.d/rc.local.loopvm
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+touch /var/lock/subsys/local
+# Waiting for cloud-init to generate $NFVBENCH_CONF, retry 60 seconds
+until [ $retry -eq 0 ]; do
+ if [ -f $NFVBENCH_CONF ]; then break; fi
+ retry=$[$retry-1]
+ sleep 2
+if [ ! -f $NFVBENCH_CONF ]; then
+ exit 0
+# Parse and obtain all configurations
+echo "Generating configurations for forwarder..."
+eval $(cat $NFVBENCH_CONF)
+touch /nfvbench_configured.flag
+# WE assume there are at least 2 cores available for the VM
+CPU_CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)
+# We need at least 1 admin core.
+if [ $CPU_CORES -le 2 ]; then
+ # If the number of cores is even we
+ # reserve 2 cores for admin (second being idle) so the number of
+ # workers is either 1 (if CPU_CORES is 2) or always even
+ if (( $CPU_CORES % 2 )); then
+ else
+ fi
+# 2 vcpus: AW (core 0: Admin, core 1: Worker)
+# 3 vcpus: AWW (core 0: Admin, core 1,2: Worker)
+# 4 vcpus: AWWU (core 0: Admin, core 1,2: Worker, core 3: Unused)
+# 5 vcpus: AWWWW
+# 6 vcpus: AWWWWU
+# worker cores are all cores except the admin core (core 0) and the eventual unused core
+# AW -> 1
+# AWW -> 1,2
+# AWWU -> 1,2
+# always use all cores
+CORE_MASK=0x$(echo "obase=16; 2 ^ $CPU_CORES - 1" | bc)
+# CPU isolation optimizations
+echo 1 > /sys/bus/workqueue/devices/writeback/cpumask
+echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask
+echo 1 > /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity
+for irq in `ls /proc/irq/`; do
+ if [ -f /proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity ]; then
+ echo 1 > /proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity
+ fi
+# Isolate all cores that are reserved for workers
+tuna -c $WORKER_CORE_LIST --isolate
+get_pci_address() {
+ # device mapping for CentOS Linux 7:
+ # lspci:
+ # 00.03.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device
+ # 00.04.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device
+ # /sys/class/net:
+ # /sys/class/net/eth0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/virtio0/net/eth0
+ # /sys/class/net/eth1 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio1/net/eth1
+ mac=$1
+ for f in $(ls $NET_PATH/); do
+ if grep -q "$mac" $NET_PATH/$f/address; then
+ pci_addr=$(readlink $NET_PATH/$f | cut -d "/" -f5)
+ # some virtual interfaces match on MAC and do not have a PCI address
+ if [ "$pci_addr" -a "$pci_addr" != "N/A" ]; then
+ # Found matching interface
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: found interface $f ($pci_addr) matching $mac"
+ break
+ else
+ pci_addr=""
+ fi
+ fi;
+ done
+ if [ -z "$pci_addr" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot find pci address for MAC $mac" >&2
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: Cannot find pci address for MAC $mac"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo $pci_addr
+ return 0
+get_eth_port() {
+ # device mapping for CentOS Linux 7:
+ # lspci:
+ # 00.03.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device
+ # 00.04.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc. Virtio network device
+ # /sys/class/net:
+ # /sys/class/net/eth0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:03.0/virtio0/net/eth0
+ # /sys/class/net/eth1 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio1/net/eth1
+ mac=$1
+ for f in $(ls $NET_PATH/); do
+ if grep -q "$mac" $NET_PATH/$f/address; then
+ eth_port=$(readlink $NET_PATH/$f | cut -d "/" -f8)
+ # some virtual interfaces match on MAC and do not have a PCI address
+ if [ "$eth_port" -a "$eth_port" != "N/A" ]; then
+ # Found matching interface
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: found interface $f ($eth_port) matching $mac"
+ break
+ else
+ eth_port=""
+ fi
+ fi;
+ done
+ if [ -z "$eth_port" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot find eth port for MAC $mac" >&2
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: Cannot find eth port for MAC $mac"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo $eth_port
+ return 0
+# Set VM MANAGEMENT port up and running
+if [ $INTF_MGMT_CIDR ] && [ $INTF_MGMT_IP_GW ]; then
+ if [ $INTF_MAC_MGMT ]; then
+ ETH_PORT=$(get_eth_port $INTF_MAC_MGMT)
+ else
+ ETH_PORT="eth0"
+ fi
+ # By default, configure the MTU of the management interface to the
+ # conservative value of 1500: this will reduce the risk to get an
+ # unmanageable VM in some setups.
+ #
+ # To set the MTU to a different value, configure the INTF_MGMT_MTU variable
+ # in /etc/nfvbenchvm.conf. If INTF_MGMT_MTU is set to the special value
+ # "auto", the MTU will not be configured and it will keep the value set by
+ # the hypervisor ("legacy" nfvbenchvm behavior). If INTF_MGMT_MTU is unset,
+ # the MTU will be set to 1500. In other cases, the MTU will be set to the
+ # value of INTF_MGMT_MTU.
+ #
+ if [[ -z "$INTF_MGMT_MTU" ]]; then
+ ip link set $ETH_PORT mtu 1500
+ elif [[ "$INTF_MGMT_MTU" != "auto" ]]; then
+ ip link set $ETH_PORT mtu $INTF_MGMT_MTU
+ fi
+ ip addr add $INTF_MGMT_CIDR dev $ETH_PORT
+ ip link set $ETH_PORT up
+ ip route add default via $INTF_MGMT_IP_GW dev $ETH_PORT
+ echo "INFO: VM management IP Addresses missing in $NFVBENCH_CONF"
+# Set dynamically interfaces mac values, if VM is spawn without using NFVBench
+# and management interface is used on eth0
+if [ -z "$INTF_MAC1" ] && [ -z "$INTF_MAC2" ]; then
+ INTF_MAC1=$(ip l show eth1 | grep -o -Ei '([a-fA-F0-9:]{17}|[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$)' | head -1)
+ INTF_MAC2=$(ip l show eth2 | grep -o -Ei '([a-fA-F0-9:]{17}|[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$)' | head -1)
+# Sometimes the interfaces on the loopback VM will use different drivers, e.g.
+# one from vswitch which is virtio based, one is from SRIOV VF. In this case,
+# we have to make sure the forwarder uses them in the right order, which is
+# especially important if the VM is in a PVVP chain.
+if [ $INTF_MAC1 ] && [ $INTF_MAC2 ]; then
+ PCI_ADDRESS_1=$(get_pci_address $INTF_MAC1)
+ PCI_ADDRESS_2=$(get_pci_address $INTF_MAC2)
+ echo "ERROR: VM MAC Addresses missing in $NFVBENCH_CONF"
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: VM MAC Addresses missing in $NFVBENCH_CONF"
+wait_vpp_service() {
+ # Wait for at most wait_max=$1 seconds until VPP service is ready. Exit
+ # with code 1 if timeout is reached.
+ #
+ # Because VPP systemd unit has Type=simple, systemctl will report the
+ # service to be active has soon as it is forked. This does not mean that
+ # the service is ready, and actually it takes some times before vppctl can
+ # succesfully connect to VPP client socket /run/vpp/cli.sock.
+ local wait_max=$1
+ local wait_time=0
+ while ! vppctl show int; do
+ if [[ $wait_time -ge $wait_max ]]; then
+ # Log error to both system log and standard error output
+ logger -s "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: VPP service still not ready after $wait_max seconds." \
+ "Exiting $(basename $0)."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ wait_time=$(( wait_time + 1 ))
+ done
+if [ $PCI_ADDRESS_1 ] && [ $PCI_ADDRESS_2 ]; then
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: Using pci $PCI_ADDRESS_1 ($INTF_MAC1)"
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: Using pci $PCI_ADDRESS_2 ($INTF_MAC2)"
+ # active uio_pci_generic driver
+ modprobe uio_pci_generic
+ # Configure the forwarder
+ if [ "$FORWARDER" == "testpmd" ]; then
+ echo "Configuring testpmd..."
+ mkdir /dpdk
+ echo "set promisc all off" > /dpdk/testpmd_cmd.txt
+ # Binding ports to DPDK VFIO or UIO
+ dpdk-devbind -b vfio-pci $PCI_ADDRESS_1 || dpdk-devbind -b uio_pci_generic $PCI_ADDRESS_1
+ dpdk-devbind -b vfio-pci $PCI_ADDRESS_2 || dpdk-devbind -b uio_pci_generic $PCI_ADDRESS_2
+ screen -dmSL testpmd testpmd \
+ -c $CORE_MASK \
+ -n 4 \
+ -- \
+ --nb-ports=2 \
+ --burst=32 \
+ --txd=256 \
+ --rxd=1024 \
+ --eth-peer=0,$TG_MAC1 \
+ --eth-peer=1,$TG_MAC2 \
+ --forward-mode=mac \
+ --nb-cores=$WORKER_CORES \
+ --txq=$VIF_MQ_SIZE \
+ --rxq=$VIF_MQ_SIZE \
+ --max-pkt-len=9000 \
+ --cmdline-file=/dpdk/testpmd_cmd.txt
+ echo "testpmd running in screen 'testpmd'"
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: testpmd running in screen 'testpmd'"
+ elif [ "$FORWARDER" == "vpp" ]; then
+ echo "Configuring vpp..."
+ cp /vpp/startup.conf /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ cp /vpp/vm.conf /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{PCI_ADDRESS_1}}/$PCI_ADDRESS_1/g" /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{PCI_ADDRESS_2}}/$PCI_ADDRESS_2/g" /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{WORKER_CORES}}/$WORKER_CORES/g" /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{VIF_MQ_SIZE}}/${VIF_MQ_SIZE}/g" /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{NUM_MBUFS}}/${NUM_MBUFS}/g" /etc/vpp/startup.conf
+ systemctl start vpp
+ # Wait until VPP service is ready for at most 30 seconds
+ wait_vpp_service 30
+ VPPCTL_OUTPUT=$(vppctl show int)
+ INTFS=$(echo "$VPPCTL_OUTPUT" | grep Ethernet | xargs)
+ INTF_1=$(echo $INTFS | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ INTF_2=$(echo $INTFS | awk '{ print $4 }')
+ if [[ -z "$INTF_1" ]] || [[ -z "$INTF_2" ]]; then
+ # Log error to both system log and standard error output
+ logger -s "NFVBENCHVM DEBUG: \"vppctl show int\" output:"
+ logger -s "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: vppctl does not show the two Ethernet interfaces we expect." \
+ "Exiting $(basename $0)."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${TG_MAC1}" ]; then
+ # vm.conf does not support lines commented with #, so
+ # we need to remove the line to set the static ARP entry.
+ sed -i "/{{TG_MAC1}}/d" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ else
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_MAC1}}/${TG_MAC1}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${TG_MAC2}" ]; then
+ sed -i "/{{TG_MAC2}}/d" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ else
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_MAC2}}/${TG_MAC2}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ fi
+ sed -i "s/{{INTF_1}}/${INTF_1//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{INTF_2}}/${INTF_2//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{VNF_GATEWAY1_CIDR}}/${VNF_GATEWAY1_CIDR//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{VNF_GATEWAY2_CIDR}}/${VNF_GATEWAY2_CIDR//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_NET1}}/${TG_NET1//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_NET2}}/${TG_NET2//\//\/}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_GATEWAY1_IP}}/${TG_GATEWAY1_IP}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ sed -i "s/{{TG_GATEWAY2_IP}}/${TG_GATEWAY2_IP}/g" /etc/vpp/vm.conf
+ systemctl restart vpp
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM: vpp service restarted"
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: Unknown forwarder value. Accepted values: testpmd or vpp"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "ERROR: Cannot find PCI Address from MAC"
+ echo "$INTF_MAC1: $PCI_ADDRESS_1"
+ echo "$INTF_MAC2: $PCI_ADDRESS_2"
+ logger "NFVBENCHVM ERROR: Cannot find PCI Address from MAC"
+exit 0