path: root/moonv4/moon_utilities/Changelog
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-12-21python_moonutilities renameRHE1-65/+0
2017-12-18Moon_utilities cleanupThomas Duval1-0/+4
2017-11-07Connect the Moon subjects with the Keystone users.Thomas Duval1-0/+4
2017-11-06Fix the bug on the connection between interface and authz.Thomas Duval1-0/+4
2017-10-29Delete some Oslo modules and update the cacheThomas Duval1-0/+12
2017-10-04Update code to the latest working version: version 4.2asteroide1-0/+4
2017-07-26Add authentication features for interfaceasteroide1-1/+6
2017-07-26Add a missing requirementasteroide1-1/+5
2017-07-25Update to get configuration from the consulasteroide1-1/+5
2017-07-19add pip packageWuKong1-0/+3
2017-07-18Force requirements to be installed with pipasteroide1-0/+21