path: root/tests/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/utils')
2 files changed, 246 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/tests/utils/devstack/local.conf b/tests/utils/devstack/local.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b29ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utils/devstack/local.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Use eth1 for stacking (host-only network)
+# While ```` is happy to run without ``localrc``, devlife is better when
+# there are a few minimal variables set:
+# If the ``*_PASSWORD`` variables are not set here you will be prompted to enter
+# values for them by ````and they will be added to ``local.conf``.
+# ``HOST_IP`` and ``HOST_IPV6`` should be set manually for best results if
+# the NIC configuration of the host is unusual, i.e. ``eth1`` has the default
+# route but ``eth0`` is the public interface. They are auto-detected in
+# ```` but often is indeterminate on later runs due to the IP moving
+# from an Ethernet interface to a bridge on the host. Setting it here also
+# makes it available for ``openrc`` to include when setting ``OS_AUTH_URL``.
+# Neither is set by default.
+# By default only installs Python packages if no version is currently
+# installed or the current version does not match a specified requirement.
+# If PIP_UPGRADE is set to True then existing required Python packages will
+# be upgraded to the most recent version that matches requirements.
+# Logging
+# -------
+# By default ```` output only goes to the terminal where it runs. It can
+# be configured to additionally log to a file by setting ``LOGFILE`` to the full
+# path of the destination log file. A timestamp will be appended to the given name.
+# Old log files are automatically removed after 7 days to keep things neat. Change
+# the number of days by setting ``LOGDAYS``.
+# Nova logs will be colorized if ``SYSLOG`` is not set; turn this off by setting
+# ``LOG_COLOR`` false.
+# Using milestone-proposed branches
+# ---------------------------------
+# Uncomment these to grab the milestone-proposed branches from the
+# repos:
+# Using git versions of clients
+# -----------------------------
+# By default clients are installed from pip. See LIBS_FROM_GIT in
+# stackrc for details on getting clients from specific branches or
+# revisions. e.g.
+# LIBS_FROM_GIT="python-ironicclient"
+# IRONICCLIENT_BRANCH=refs/changes/44/2.../1
+# Disable Identity API v2
+# The Identity API v2 is deprecated as of Mitaka and it is recommended to only use the v3 API.
+# It is possible to setup keystone without v2 API, by doing:
+#ENABLE_IDENTITY_V2=False -- this is causing an issue with Congress
+# Turn on Neutron
+disable_service n-net
+enable_service neutron
+enable_service q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta
+# Turn on Swift (Object Store) without replication
+enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account
+# Since Newton release, Heat is available as a devstack plugin
+enable_plugin heat stable/newton
+# Download and register a VM image that Heat can launch
+#Enable Tacker
+#enable_plugin tacker stable/newton
+# Enable Congress
+enable_plugin congress stable/newton
+enable_plugin ceilometer stable/newton
diff --git a/tests/utils/ b/tests/utils/
index 4935d93..da9e4a1 100644
--- a/tests/utils/
+++ b/tests/utils/
@@ -14,14 +14,13 @@
# limitations under the License.
# What this is: Setup script for the OpenStack Tacker VNF Manager starting from
-# an Unbuntu Xenial docker container.
+# an Unbuntu Xenial docker container. This script is intended to be in an
+# OPNFV environment, or an plain OpenStack environment (e.g. Devstack).
# Status: this is a work in progress, under test.
# How to use:
-# $ bash [tacker-cli|tacker-api] [init|setup|clean]
-# tacker-cli: use Tacker CLI
-# tacker-api: use Tacker RESTful API
+# $ bash [init|setup|clean]
# init: Initialize docker container
# setup: Setup of Tacker in the docker container
# clean: Clean
@@ -52,54 +51,7 @@ function setenv () {
chmod 755 /tmp/tacker/*.sh
echo "$0: $(date) Setup"
- if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
- echo "$0: $(date) Ubuntu-based install"
- echo "$0: $(date) Create the environment file"
- KEYSTONE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/keystone\/0/ { print \$3 }")
- cat <<EOF >/tmp/tacker/
-export CONGRESS_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }")
-export HORIZON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }")
-export CEILOMETER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/ceilometer\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export CINDER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/cinder\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export GLANCE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/glance\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export NEUTRON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/neutron-api\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export NOVA_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/nova-cloud-controller\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export HEAT_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/heat\/0/ { print \$3 }")
-export OS_USERNAME=admin
-export OS_PASSWORD=openstack
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
-export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne
- else
- # Centos
- echo "$0: $(date) Centos-based install"
- echo "$0: $(date) Setup undercloud environment so we can get overcloud Controller server address"
- source ~/stackrc
- echo "$0: $(date) Get address of Controller node"
- export CONTROLLER_HOST1=$(openstack server list | awk "/overcloud-controller-0/ { print \$8 }" | sed 's/ctlplane=//g')
- echo "$0: $(date) Create the environment file"
- cat <<EOF >/tmp/tacker/
- cat ~/overcloudrc >>/tmp/tacker/
- source ~/overcloudrc
- export OS_REGION_NAME=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }")
- # sed command below is a workaound for a bug - region shows up twice for some reason
- cat <<EOF | sed '$d' >>/tmp/tacker/
- fi
-source /tmp/tacker/
+ source /tmp/tacker/
function get_external_net () {
@@ -145,6 +97,17 @@ EOF
+install_client () {
+ echo "$0: $(date) Install $1"
+ git clone$1.git
+ cd $1
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then git checkout $2; fi
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ pip install .
+ cd ..
function setup () {
echo "$0: $(date) Installing Tacker"
# STEP 2: Install Tacker in the container
@@ -161,6 +124,8 @@ function setup () {
apt-get install -y apg
apt-get install -y libffi-dev
apt-get install -y libssl-dev
+ # newton: tacker uses ping for monitoring VIM (not in default docker containers)
+ apt-get install -y inetutils-ping
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(/usr/bin/apg -n 1 -m 16 -c cl_seed)
echo $MYSQL_PASSWORD >~/mysql
debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password '$MYSQL_PASSWORD
@@ -172,17 +137,28 @@ function setup () {
cd /tmp/tacker
echo "$0: $(date) create Tacker database"
- mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE tacker; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'root@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"';"
+ mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE tacker; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'root@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'tacker'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"';"
echo "$0: $(date) Upgrage pip again - needs to be the latest version due to errors found in earlier testing"
pip install --upgrade pip
- echo "$0: $(date) install python-openstackclient python-glanceclient"
- pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient keystonemiddleware
+ echo "$0: $(date) Install OpenStack clients"
+ install_client python-openstackclient $branch
+ install_client python-neutronclient $branch
+# pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient keystonemiddleware
echo "$0: $(date) Setup"
source /tmp/tacker/
+ uid=$(openstack user list | awk "/ tacker / { print \$2 }")
+ if [[ $uid ]]; then
+ echo "$0: $(date) Remove prior Tacker user etc"
+ openstack user delete tacker
+ openstack service delete tacker
+ # Note: deleting the service deletes the endpoint
+ fi
echo "$0: $(date) Setup Tacker user in OpenStack"
service_project=$(openstack project list | awk "/service/ { print \$4 }")
openstack user create --project $service_project --password tacker tacker
@@ -205,7 +181,7 @@ function setup () {
if [[ -d /tmp/tacker/tacker ]]; then rm -rf /tmp/tacker/tacker; fi
git clone git://
cd tacker
- git checkout stable/mitaka
+ git checkout stable/newton
echo "$0: $(date) Setup Tacker"
pip install -r requirements.txt
@@ -213,34 +189,109 @@ function setup () {
python install
mkdir /var/log/tacker
- # Following lines apply to master and not stable/mitaka
- #echo "$0: $(date) install tox"
- #pip install tox
- #echo "$0: $(date) generate tacker.conf.sample"
- #tox -e config-gen
+ echo "$0: $(date) install tox"
+ pip install --upgrade tox
+ echo "$0: $(date) generate tacker.conf.sample"
+ tox -e config-gen
echo "$0: $(date) Update tacker.conf values"
mkdir /usr/local/etc/tacker
- cp etc/tacker/tacker.conf /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- 's/# auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = keystone/' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- 's/# debug = False/debug = True/' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- 's/# use_syslog = False/use_syslog = False/' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- 's~# state_path = /var/lib/tacker~state_path = /var/lib/tacker~' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/project_name = service/project_name = $service_project/g" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/password = service-password/password = tacker/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/username = tacker/username = tacker/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~auth_url = = http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:35357~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~identity_uri = identity_uri =" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~auth_uri = = http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- # Not sure what the effect of the next line is, given that we are running as root
+ cp etc/tacker/tacker.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # [DEFAULT] section (update)
+ sed -i -- 's/#auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = keystone/' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # [DEFAULT] section (add to)
+ sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/adebug = True" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/ause_syslog = False" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/alogging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- 's~#policy_file = policy.json~policy_file = /usr/local/etc/tacker/policy.json~' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- 's~#state_path = /var/lib/tacker~state_path = /var/lib/tacker~' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # Not sure what the effect of the next line is, given that we are running as root in the container
#sed -i -- "s~# root_helper = sudo~root_helper = sudo /usr/local/bin/tacker-rootwrap /usr/local/etc/tacker/rootwrap.conf~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~# connection = mysql://root:pass@ = mysql://root:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@localhost:3306/tacker?charset=utf8~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~heat_uri = http://localhost:8004/v1~heat_uri = http://$HEAT_HOST:8004/v1~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s~# api_paste_config = api-paste.ini~api_paste_config = /tmp/tacker/tacker/etc/tacker/api-paste.ini~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/# bind_host = = $ip/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/# bind_port = 8888/bind_port = 9890/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/stack_retries = 60/stack_retries = 10/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
- sed -i -- "s/stack_retry_wait = 5/stack_retry_wait = 60/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s~#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini~api_paste_config = /tmp/tacker/tacker/etc/tacker/api-paste.ini~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#bind_host = = $ip/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#bind_port = 8888/bind_port = 9890/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# Newton changes, based upon sample newton gate test conf file provided by sridhar_ram on #tacker
+ region=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }")
+ sed -i -- "s/#nova_region_name = <None>/#nova_region_name = $region/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#nova_api_insecure = false/nova_api_insecure = False/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#nova_ca_certificates_file = <None>/nova_ca_certificates_file =/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ keystone_adminurl=$(openstack endpoint show keystone | awk "/ adminurl / { print \$4 }")
+ sed -i -- "s~#nova_admin_auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0~nova_admin_auth_url = $keystone_adminurl~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # TODO: don't hard-code service tenant ID
+ sed -i -- "s/#nova_admin_tenant_id = <None>/nova_admin_tenant_id = service/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#nova_admin_password = <None>/nova_admin_password = $OS_PASSWORD/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # this diff seems superfluous < nova_admin_user_name = nova
+ # only one ref in tacker (setting the default value)
+ # devstack/lib/tacker: iniset $TACKER_CONF DEFAULT nova_admin_user_name nova
+ # set nova_url to "/v2" (normal value is "/v2.1") due to tacker API version compatibility (?)
+ nova_ipport=$(openstack endpoint show nova | awk "/ adminurl / { print \$4 }" | awk -F'[/]' '{print $3}')
+ sed -i -- "s~#nova_url = = http://$nova_ipport/v2~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ mkdir /var/lib/tacker
+ sed -i -- "s~#state_path = /var/lib/tacker~state_path = /var/lib/tacker~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # [alarm_auth] section - optional (?)
+ # < url =
+ # < project_name = service
+ # < password = secretservice
+ # < uername = tacker
+ # [nfvo_vim] section
+ sed -i -- "s/#default_vim = <None>/default_vim = VIM0/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # [openstack_vim] section
+ sed -i -- "s/#stack_retries = 60/stack_retries = 10/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ sed -i -- "s/#stack_retry_wait = 5/stack_retry_wait = 60/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ # newton: add [keystone_authtoken] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample, excluding the following
+ # (not referenced) memcached_servers =
+ # (not referenced) signing_dir = /var/cache/tacker
+ # (not referenced) cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
+ # (not referenced) auth_uri =
+ cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+auth_url = $(openstack endpoint show keystone | awk "/ internalurl / { print \$4 }")
+project_domain_name = Default
+project_name = $service_project
+user_domain_name = Default
+password = tacker
+username = tacker
+auth_type = password
+ # these diffs seem superfluous - not referenced at all:
+ # < transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:secretrabbit@
+ # < heat_uri =
+ # newton: add [tacker_heat] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample
+ cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+stack_retry_wait = 10
+stack_retries = 60
+heat_uri = http://$HEAT_HOST:8004/v1
+ # newton: add [database] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample
+ cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+connection = mysql://tacker:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@localhost:3306/tacker?charset=utf8
+ # newton: add [tacker_nova] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample, excluding the following
+ # these diffs seem superfluous - the only ref'd field is region_name:
+ # project_domain_id = default
+ # project_name = service
+ # user_domain_id = default
+ # password = secretservice
+ # username = nova
+ # auth_url =
+ # auth_plugin = password
+ cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+region_name = $region
echo "$0: $(date) Populate Tacker database"
/usr/local/bin/tacker-db-manage --config-file /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf upgrade head
@@ -250,7 +301,7 @@ function setup () {
if [[ -d /tmp/tacker/python-tackerclient ]]; then rm -rf /tmp/tacker/python-tackerclient; fi
git clone
cd python-tackerclient
- git checkout stable/mitaka
+ git checkout stable/newton
python install
# deferred until its determined how to get this to Horizon
@@ -271,14 +322,22 @@ function setup () {
echo "$0: $(date) Register default VIM"
cd /tmp/tacker
+ # TODO: bug in
+ # expects that there will be a port specified in the auth_url
+ # TODO: bug: user_domain_name: Default is required even for identity v2
cat <<EOF >vim-config.yaml
-auth_url: $OS_AUTH_URL
+auth_url: http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/identity/v2.0
username: $OS_USERNAME
password: $OS_PASSWORD
project_name: admin
+project_domain_name: Default
+user_domain_name: Default
+user_id: $(openstack user list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
- tacker vim-register --config-file vim-config.yaml --description OpenStack --name VIM0
+ # newton: NAME (was "--name") is now a positional parameter
+ tacker vim-register --config-file vim-config.yaml --description OpenStack VIM0
+ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then fail; fi
@@ -343,22 +402,13 @@ function clean () {
pid=($(neutron router-port-list vnf_private_router|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}')); for id in ${pid[@]}; do neutron router-interface-delete vnf_private_router vnf_private; done
neutron router-delete vnf_private_router
neutron net-delete vnf_private
- sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/tacker/ { print \$1 }")
- sudo docker rm -v $(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/tacker/ { print \$1 }")
start=`date +%s`
dist=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/*-release | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'`
-case "$2" in
+case "$1" in
- uid=$(openstack user list | awk "/ tacker / { print \$2 }")
- if [[ $uid ]]; then
- echo "$0: $(date) Remove prior Tacker user etc"
- openstack user delete tacker
- openstack service delete tacker
- # Note: deleting the service deletes the endpoint
- fi
@@ -371,7 +421,7 @@ case "$2" in
- echo "usage: bash [tacker-cli|tacker-api] [init|setup|clean]"
+ echo "usage: bash [init|setup|clean]"
echo "init: Initialize docker container"
echo "setup: Setup of Tacker in the docker container"
echo "clean: remove Tacker service"