path: root/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs
diff options
authorRajithaY <>2017-04-25 03:31:15 -0700
committerRajitha Yerrumchetty <>2017-05-22 06:48:08 +0000
commitbb756eebdac6fd24e8919e2c43f7d2c8c4091f59 (patch)
treeca11e03542edf2d8f631efeca5e1626d211107e3 /qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs
parenta14b48d18a9ed03ec191cf16b162206998a895ce (diff)
Adding qemu as a submodule of KVMFORNFV
This Patch includes the changes to add qemu as a submodule to kvmfornfv repo and make use of the updated latest qemu for the execution of all testcase Change-Id: I1280af507a857675c7f81d30c95255635667bdd7 Signed-off-by:RajithaY<>
Diffstat (limited to 'qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs')
25 files changed, 0 insertions, 15912 deletions
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/Makefile b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c8c6ac68..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# (C) Copyright 2006
-# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
-# (C) Copyright 2003
-# Pavel Bartusek, Sysgo Real-Time Solutions AG,
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-obj-y := ubifs.o io.o super.o sb.o master.o lpt.o
-obj-y += lpt_commit.o scan.o lprops.o
-obj-y += tnc.o tnc_misc.o debug.o crc16.o budget.o
-obj-y += log.o orphan.o recovery.o replay.o
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/budget.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/budget.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 85377ea2a..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/budget.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements the budgeting sub-system which is responsible for UBIFS
- * space management.
- *
- * Factors such as compression, wasted space at the ends of LEBs, space in other
- * journal heads, the effect of updates on the index, and so on, make it
- * impossible to accurately predict the amount of space needed. Consequently
- * approximations are used.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
-#include <linux/math64.h>
- * ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs - calculate amount of eraseblocks for the index.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function calculates and returns the number of eraseblocks which should
- * be kept for index usage.
- */
-int ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int idx_lebs, eff_leb_size = c->leb_size - c->max_idx_node_sz;
- long long idx_size;
- idx_size = c->old_idx_sz + c->budg_idx_growth + c->budg_uncommitted_idx;
- /* And make sure we have thrice the index size of space reserved */
- idx_size = idx_size + (idx_size << 1);
- /*
- * We do not maintain 'old_idx_size' as 'old_idx_lebs'/'old_idx_bytes'
- * pair, nor similarly the two variables for the new index size, so we
- * have to do this costly 64-bit division on fast-path.
- */
- idx_size += eff_leb_size - 1;
- idx_lebs = div_u64(idx_size, eff_leb_size);
- /*
- * The index head is not available for the in-the-gaps method, so add an
- * extra LEB to compensate.
- */
- idx_lebs += 1;
- if (idx_lebs < MIN_INDEX_LEBS)
- idx_lebs = MIN_INDEX_LEBS;
- return idx_lebs;
- * ubifs_reported_space - calculate reported free space.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @free: amount of free space
- *
- * This function calculates amount of free space which will be reported to
- * user-space. User-space application tend to expect that if the file-system
- * (e.g., via the 'statfs()' call) reports that it has N bytes available, they
- * are able to write a file of size N. UBIFS attaches node headers to each data
- * node and it has to write indexing nodes as well. This introduces additional
- * overhead, and UBIFS has to report slightly less free space to meet the above
- * expectations.
- *
- * This function assumes free space is made up of uncompressed data nodes and
- * full index nodes (one per data node, tripled because we always allow enough
- * space to write the index thrice).
- *
- * Note, the calculation is pessimistic, which means that most of the time
- * UBIFS reports less space than it actually has.
- */
-long long ubifs_reported_space(const struct ubifs_info *c, long long free)
- int divisor, factor, f;
- /*
- * Reported space size is @free * X, where X is UBIFS block size
- * divided by UBIFS block size + all overhead one data block
- * introduces. The overhead is the node header + indexing overhead.
- *
- * Indexing overhead calculations are based on the following formula:
- * I = N/(f - 1) + 1, where I - number of indexing nodes, N - number
- * of data nodes, f - fanout. Because effective UBIFS fanout is twice
- * as less than maximum fanout, we assume that each data node
- * introduces 3 * @c->max_idx_node_sz / (@c->fanout/2 - 1) bytes.
- * Note, the multiplier 3 is because UBIFS reserves thrice as more space
- * for the index.
- */
- f = c->fanout > 3 ? c->fanout >> 1 : 2;
- factor = UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
- divisor += (c->max_idx_node_sz * 3) / (f - 1);
- free *= factor;
- return div_u64(free, divisor);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 443ccf855..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- * crc16.c
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
- * Version 2. See the file COPYING for more details.
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include "crc16.h"
-/** CRC table for the CRC-16. The poly is 0x8005 (x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1) */
-u16 const crc16_table[256] = {
- 0x0000, 0xC0C1, 0xC181, 0x0140, 0xC301, 0x03C0, 0x0280, 0xC241,
- 0xC601, 0x06C0, 0x0780, 0xC741, 0x0500, 0xC5C1, 0xC481, 0x0440,
- 0xCC01, 0x0CC0, 0x0D80, 0xCD41, 0x0F00, 0xCFC1, 0xCE81, 0x0E40,
- 0x0A00, 0xCAC1, 0xCB81, 0x0B40, 0xC901, 0x09C0, 0x0880, 0xC841,
- 0xD801, 0x18C0, 0x1980, 0xD941, 0x1B00, 0xDBC1, 0xDA81, 0x1A40,
- 0x1E00, 0xDEC1, 0xDF81, 0x1F40, 0xDD01, 0x1DC0, 0x1C80, 0xDC41,
- 0x1400, 0xD4C1, 0xD581, 0x1540, 0xD701, 0x17C0, 0x1680, 0xD641,
- 0xD201, 0x12C0, 0x1380, 0xD341, 0x1100, 0xD1C1, 0xD081, 0x1040,
- 0xF001, 0x30C0, 0x3180, 0xF141, 0x3300, 0xF3C1, 0xF281, 0x3240,
- 0x3600, 0xF6C1, 0xF781, 0x3740, 0xF501, 0x35C0, 0x3480, 0xF441,
- 0x3C00, 0xFCC1, 0xFD81, 0x3D40, 0xFF01, 0x3FC0, 0x3E80, 0xFE41,
- 0xFA01, 0x3AC0, 0x3B80, 0xFB41, 0x3900, 0xF9C1, 0xF881, 0x3840,
- 0x2800, 0xE8C1, 0xE981, 0x2940, 0xEB01, 0x2BC0, 0x2A80, 0xEA41,
- 0xEE01, 0x2EC0, 0x2F80, 0xEF41, 0x2D00, 0xEDC1, 0xEC81, 0x2C40,
- 0xE401, 0x24C0, 0x2580, 0xE541, 0x2700, 0xE7C1, 0xE681, 0x2640,
- 0x2200, 0xE2C1, 0xE381, 0x2340, 0xE101, 0x21C0, 0x2080, 0xE041,
- 0xA001, 0x60C0, 0x6180, 0xA141, 0x6300, 0xA3C1, 0xA281, 0x6240,
- 0x6600, 0xA6C1, 0xA781, 0x6740, 0xA501, 0x65C0, 0x6480, 0xA441,
- 0x6C00, 0xACC1, 0xAD81, 0x6D40, 0xAF01, 0x6FC0, 0x6E80, 0xAE41,
- 0xAA01, 0x6AC0, 0x6B80, 0xAB41, 0x6900, 0xA9C1, 0xA881, 0x6840,
- 0x7800, 0xB8C1, 0xB981, 0x7940, 0xBB01, 0x7BC0, 0x7A80, 0xBA41,
- 0xBE01, 0x7EC0, 0x7F80, 0xBF41, 0x7D00, 0xBDC1, 0xBC81, 0x7C40,
- 0xB401, 0x74C0, 0x7580, 0xB541, 0x7700, 0xB7C1, 0xB681, 0x7640,
- 0x7200, 0xB2C1, 0xB381, 0x7340, 0xB101, 0x71C0, 0x7080, 0xB041,
- 0x5000, 0x90C1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53C0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
- 0x9601, 0x56C0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95C1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
- 0x9C01, 0x5CC0, 0x5D80, 0x9D41, 0x5F00, 0x9FC1, 0x9E81, 0x5E40,
- 0x5A00, 0x9AC1, 0x9B81, 0x5B40, 0x9901, 0x59C0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
- 0x8801, 0x48C0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4B00, 0x8BC1, 0x8A81, 0x4A40,
- 0x4E00, 0x8EC1, 0x8F81, 0x4F40, 0x8D01, 0x4DC0, 0x4C80, 0x8C41,
- 0x4400, 0x84C1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47C0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
- 0x8201, 0x42C0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81C1, 0x8081, 0x4040
- * crc16 - compute the CRC-16 for the data buffer
- * @crc: previous CRC value
- * @buffer: data pointer
- * @len: number of bytes in the buffer
- *
- * Returns the updated CRC value.
- */
-u16 crc16(u16 crc, u8 const *buffer, size_t len)
- while (len--)
- crc = crc16_byte(crc, *buffer++);
- return crc;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 052fd3311..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/crc16.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * crc16.h - CRC-16 routine
- *
- * Implements the standard CRC-16:
- * Width 16
- * Poly 0x8005 (x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1)
- * Init 0
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005 Ben Gardner <>
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
- * Version 2. See the file COPYING for more details.
- */
-#ifndef __CRC16_H
-#define __CRC16_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-extern u16 const crc16_table[256];
-extern u16 crc16(u16 crc, const u8 *buffer, size_t len);
-static inline u16 crc16_byte(u16 crc, const u8 data)
- return (crc >> 8) ^ crc16_table[(crc ^ data) & 0xff];
-#endif /* __CRC16_H */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6afb8835a..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file implements most of the debugging stuff which is compiled in only
- * when it is enabled. But some debugging check functions are implemented in
- * corresponding subsystem, just because they are closely related and utilize
- * various local functions of those subsystems.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
-static char dbg_key_buf0[128];
-static char dbg_key_buf1[128];
-unsigned int ubifs_msg_flags = UBIFS_MSG_FLAGS_DEFAULT;
-unsigned int ubifs_chk_flags = UBIFS_CHK_FLAGS_DEFAULT;
-unsigned int ubifs_tst_flags;
-module_param_named(debug_msgs, ubifs_msg_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-module_param_named(debug_chks, ubifs_chk_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-module_param_named(debug_tsts, ubifs_tst_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_msgs, "Debug message type flags");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_chks, "Debug check flags");
-MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_tsts, "Debug special test flags");
-static const char *get_key_type(int type)
- switch (type) {
- return "inode";
- return "direntry";
- return "xentry";
- return "data";
- return "truncate";
- default:
- return "unknown/invalid key";
- }
-static void sprintf_key(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- char *buffer)
- char *p = buffer;
- int type = key_type(c, key);
- if (c->key_fmt == UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT) {
- switch (type) {
- sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s)", (unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
- get_key_type(type));
- break;
- sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s, %#08x)",
- (unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
- get_key_type(type), key_hash(c, key));
- break;
- sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s, %u)",
- (unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
- get_key_type(type), key_block(c, key));
- break;
- sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s)",
- (unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
- get_key_type(type));
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(p, "(bad key type: %#08x, %#08x)",
- key->u32[0], key->u32[1]);
- }
- } else
- sprintf(p, "bad key format %d", c->key_fmt);
-const char *dbg_key_str0(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key)
- /* dbg_lock must be held */
- sprintf_key(c, key, dbg_key_buf0);
- return dbg_key_buf0;
-const char *dbg_key_str1(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key)
- /* dbg_lock must be held */
- sprintf_key(c, key, dbg_key_buf1);
- return dbg_key_buf1;
- * ubifs_debugging_init - initialize UBIFS debugging.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function initializes debugging-related data for the file system.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-int ubifs_debugging_init(struct ubifs_info *c)
- c->dbg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_debug_info), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->dbg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- c->dbg->buf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
- if (!c->dbg->buf)
- goto out;
- return 0;
- kfree(c->dbg);
- return -ENOMEM;
- * ubifs_debugging_exit - free debugging data.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-void ubifs_debugging_exit(struct ubifs_info *c)
- vfree(c->dbg->buf);
- kfree(c->dbg);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 62617b692..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/debug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
-#ifndef __UBIFS_DEBUG_H__
-#define __UBIFS_DEBUG_H__
- * ubifs_debug_info - per-FS debugging information.
- * @buf: a buffer of LEB size, used for various purposes
- * @old_zroot: old index root - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
- * @old_zroot_level: old index root level - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
- * @old_zroot_sqnum: old index root sqnum - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
- * @failure_mode: failure mode for recovery testing
- * @fail_delay: 0=>don't delay, 1=>delay a time, 2=>delay a number of calls
- * @fail_timeout: time in jiffies when delay of failure mode expires
- * @fail_cnt: current number of calls to failure mode I/O functions
- * @fail_cnt_max: number of calls by which to delay failure mode
- * @chk_lpt_sz: used by LPT tree size checker
- * @chk_lpt_sz2: used by LPT tree size checker
- * @chk_lpt_wastage: used by LPT tree size checker
- * @chk_lpt_lebs: used by LPT tree size checker
- * @new_nhead_offs: used by LPT tree size checker
- * @new_ihead_lnum: used by debugging to check @c->ihead_lnum
- * @new_ihead_offs: used by debugging to check @c->ihead_offs
- *
- * @saved_lst: saved lprops statistics (used by 'dbg_save_space_info()')
- * @saved_free: saved free space (used by 'dbg_save_space_info()')
- *
- * dfs_dir_name: name of debugfs directory containing this file-system's files
- * dfs_dir: direntry object of the file-system debugfs directory
- * dfs_dump_lprops: "dump lprops" debugfs knob
- * dfs_dump_budg: "dump budgeting information" debugfs knob
- * dfs_dump_tnc: "dump TNC" debugfs knob
- */
-struct ubifs_debug_info {
- void *buf;
- struct ubifs_zbranch old_zroot;
- int old_zroot_level;
- unsigned long long old_zroot_sqnum;
- int failure_mode;
- int fail_delay;
- unsigned long fail_timeout;
- unsigned int fail_cnt;
- unsigned int fail_cnt_max;
- long long chk_lpt_sz;
- long long chk_lpt_sz2;
- long long chk_lpt_wastage;
- int chk_lpt_lebs;
- int new_nhead_offs;
- int new_ihead_lnum;
- int new_ihead_offs;
- struct ubifs_lp_stats saved_lst;
- long long saved_free;
- char dfs_dir_name[100];
- struct dentry *dfs_dir;
- struct dentry *dfs_dump_lprops;
- struct dentry *dfs_dump_budg;
- struct dentry *dfs_dump_tnc;
-#define UBIFS_DBG(op) op
-#define ubifs_assert(expr) do { \
- if (unlikely(!(expr))) { \
- printk(KERN_CRIT "UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d)\n", \
- __func__, __LINE__, 0); \
- dbg_dump_stack(); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-#define ubifs_assert_cmt_locked(c) do { \
- if (unlikely(down_write_trylock(&(c)->commit_sem))) { \
- up_write(&(c)->commit_sem); \
- printk(KERN_CRIT "commit lock is not locked!\n"); \
- ubifs_assert(0); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_dump_stack() do { \
- if (!dbg_failure_mode) \
- dump_stack(); \
-} while (0)
-/* Generic debugging messages */
-#define dbg_msg(fmt, ...) do { \
- spin_lock(&dbg_lock); \
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "UBIFS DBG (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", 0, \
- __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
- spin_unlock(&dbg_lock); \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_do_msg(typ, fmt, ...) do { \
- if (ubifs_msg_flags & typ) \
- dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_err(fmt, ...) do { \
- spin_lock(&dbg_lock); \
- ubifs_err(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
- spin_unlock(&dbg_lock); \
-} while (0)
-const char *dbg_key_str0(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key);
-const char *dbg_key_str1(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key);
- * DBGKEY macros require @dbg_lock to be held, which it is in the dbg message
- * macros.
- */
-#define DBGKEY(key) dbg_key_str0(c, (key))
-#define DBGKEY1(key) dbg_key_str1(c, (key))
-/* General messages */
-#define dbg_gen(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_GEN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional journal messages */
-#define dbg_jnl(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_JNL, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional TNC messages */
-#define dbg_tnc(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_TNC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional lprops messages */
-#define dbg_lp(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_LP, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional LEB find messages */
-#define dbg_find(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_FIND, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional mount messages */
-#define dbg_mnt(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_MNT, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional I/O messages */
-#define dbg_io(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_IO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional commit messages */
-#define dbg_cmt(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_CMT, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional budgeting messages */
-#define dbg_budg(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_BUDG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional log messages */
-#define dbg_log(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_LOG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional gc messages */
-#define dbg_gc(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_GC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional scan messages */
-#define dbg_scan(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_SCAN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Additional recovery messages */
-#define dbg_rcvry(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_RCVRY, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- * Debugging message type flags (must match msg_type_names in debug.c).
- *
- * UBIFS_MSG_GEN: general messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_JNL: journal messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_MNT: mount messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_CMT: commit messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_FIND: LEB find messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_BUDG: budgeting messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_GC: garbage collection messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_TNC: TNC messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_LP: lprops messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_IO: I/O messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_LOG: log messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_SCAN: scan messages
- * UBIFS_MSG_RCVRY: recovery messages
- */
-enum {
- UBIFS_MSG_GEN = 0x1,
- UBIFS_MSG_JNL = 0x2,
- UBIFS_MSG_MNT = 0x4,
- UBIFS_MSG_CMT = 0x8,
- UBIFS_MSG_FIND = 0x10,
- UBIFS_MSG_BUDG = 0x20,
- UBIFS_MSG_GC = 0x40,
- UBIFS_MSG_TNC = 0x80,
- UBIFS_MSG_LP = 0x100,
- UBIFS_MSG_IO = 0x200,
- UBIFS_MSG_LOG = 0x400,
- UBIFS_MSG_SCAN = 0x800,
- UBIFS_MSG_RCVRY = 0x1000,
-/* Debugging message type flags for each default debug message level */
-#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_0 0
-#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_1 0x1
-#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_2 0x7f
-#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_3 0xffff
- * Debugging check flags (must match chk_names in debug.c).
- *
- * UBIFS_CHK_GEN: general checks
- * UBIFS_CHK_TNC: check TNC
- * UBIFS_CHK_IDX_SZ: check index size
- * UBIFS_CHK_ORPH: check orphans
- * UBIFS_CHK_OLD_IDX: check the old index
- * UBIFS_CHK_LPROPS: check lprops
- * UBIFS_CHK_FS: check the file-system
- */
-enum {
- UBIFS_CHK_GEN = 0x1,
- UBIFS_CHK_TNC = 0x2,
- UBIFS_CHK_FS = 0x40,
- * Special testing flags (must match tst_names in debug.c).
- *
- * UBIFS_TST_FORCE_IN_THE_GAPS: force the use of in-the-gaps method
- * UBIFS_TST_RCVRY: failure mode for recovery testing
- */
-enum {
-#define UBIFS_CHK_FLAGS_DEFAULT 0xffffffff
-#define dbg_ntype(type) ""
-#define dbg_cstate(cmt_state) ""
-#define dbg_get_key_dump(c, key) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_inode(c, inode) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_node(c, node) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_budget_req(req) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lstats(lst) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_budg(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lprop(c, lp) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lprops(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lpt_info(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_leb(c, lnum) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_znode(c, znode) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_heap(c, heap, cat) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_tnc(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_index(c) ({})
-#define dbg_walk_index(c, leaf_cb, znode_cb, priv) 0
-#define dbg_old_index_check_init(c, zroot) 0
-#define dbg_check_old_index(c, zroot) 0
-#define dbg_check_cats(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_ltab(c) 0
-#define dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc(c) 0
-#define dbg_chk_lpt_sz(c, action, len) 0
-#define dbg_check_synced_i_size(inode) 0
-#define dbg_check_dir_size(c, dir) 0
-#define dbg_check_tnc(c, x) 0
-#define dbg_check_idx_size(c, idx_size) 0
-#define dbg_check_filesystem(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, add_pos) ({})
-#define dbg_check_lprops(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_lpt_nodes(c, cnode, row, col) 0
-#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps_enabled 0
-#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps() 0
-#define dbg_failure_mode 0
-#define dbg_failure_mode_registration(c) ({})
-#define dbg_failure_mode_deregistration(c) ({})
-int ubifs_debugging_init(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_debugging_exit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-#define UBIFS_DBG(op)
-/* Use "if (0)" to make compiler check arguments even if debugging is off */
-#define ubifs_assert(expr) do { \
- if (0 && (expr)) \
- printk(KERN_CRIT "UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d)\n", \
- __func__, __LINE__, 0); \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_err(fmt, ...) do { \
- if (0) \
- ubifs_err(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_msg(fmt, ...) do { \
- if (0) \
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "UBIFS DBG (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", \
- 0, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
-} while (0)
-#define dbg_dump_stack()
-#define ubifs_assert_cmt_locked(c)
-#define dbg_gen(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_jnl(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_tnc(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_lp(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_find(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_mnt(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_io(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_cmt(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_budg(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_log(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_gc(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_scan(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_rcvry(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define DBGKEY(key) ((char *)(key))
-#define DBGKEY1(key) ((char *)(key))
-#define ubifs_debugging_init(c) 0
-#define ubifs_debugging_exit(c) ({})
-#define dbg_ntype(type) ""
-#define dbg_cstate(cmt_state) ""
-#define dbg_get_key_dump(c, key) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_inode(c, inode) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_node(c, node) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_budget_req(req) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lstats(lst) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_budg(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lprop(c, lp) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lprops(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_lpt_info(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_leb(c, lnum) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_znode(c, znode) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_heap(c, heap, cat) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_tnc(c) ({})
-#define dbg_dump_index(c) ({})
-#define dbg_walk_index(c, leaf_cb, znode_cb, priv) 0
-#define dbg_old_index_check_init(c, zroot) 0
-#define dbg_check_old_index(c, zroot) 0
-#define dbg_check_cats(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_ltab(c) 0
-#define dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc(c) 0
-#define dbg_chk_lpt_sz(c, action, len) 0
-#define dbg_check_synced_i_size(inode) 0
-#define dbg_check_dir_size(c, dir) 0
-#define dbg_check_tnc(c, x) 0
-#define dbg_check_idx_size(c, idx_size) 0
-#define dbg_check_filesystem(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, add_pos) ({})
-#define dbg_check_lprops(c) 0
-#define dbg_check_lpt_nodes(c, cnode, row, col) 0
-#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps_enabled 0
-#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps() 0
-#define dbg_failure_mode 0
-#define dbg_failure_mode_registration(c) ({})
-#define dbg_failure_mode_deregistration(c) ({})
-#endif /* !CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_DEBUG */
-#endif /* !__UBIFS_DEBUG_H__ */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/io.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/io.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aae5c65ea..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/io.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 University of Szeged, Hungary
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- * Zoltan Sogor
- */
- * This file implements UBIFS I/O subsystem which provides various I/O-related
- * helper functions (reading/writing/checking/validating nodes) and implements
- * write-buffering support. Write buffers help to save space which otherwise
- * would have been wasted for padding to the nearest minimal I/O unit boundary.
- * Instead, data first goes to the write-buffer and is flushed when the
- * buffer is full or when it is not used for some time (by timer). This is
- * similar to the mechanism is used by JFFS2.
- *
- * Write-buffers are defined by 'struct ubifs_wbuf' objects and protected by
- * mutexes defined inside these objects. Since sometimes upper-level code
- * has to lock the write-buffer (e.g. journal space reservation code), many
- * functions related to write-buffers have "nolock" suffix which means that the
- * caller has to lock the write-buffer before calling this function.
- *
- * UBIFS stores nodes at 64 bit-aligned addresses. If the node length is not
- * aligned, UBIFS starts the next node from the aligned address, and the padded
- * bytes may contain any rubbish. In other words, UBIFS does not put padding
- * bytes in those small gaps. Common headers of nodes store real node lengths,
- * not aligned lengths. Indexing nodes also store real lengths in branches.
- *
- * UBIFS uses padding when it pads to the next min. I/O unit. In this case it
- * uses padding nodes or padding bytes, if the padding node does not fit.
- *
- * All UBIFS nodes are protected by CRC checksums and UBIFS checks all nodes
- * every time they are read from the flash media.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * ubifs_ro_mode - switch UBIFS to read read-only mode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @err: error code which is the reason of switching to R/O mode
- */
-void ubifs_ro_mode(struct ubifs_info *c, int err)
- if (!c->ro_media) {
- c->ro_media = 1;
- c->no_chk_data_crc = 0;
- ubifs_warn("switched to read-only mode, error %d", err);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- }
- * ubifs_check_node - check node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: node to check
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
- * @quiet: print no messages
- * @must_chk_crc: indicates whether to always check the CRC
- *
- * This function checks node magic number and CRC checksum. This function also
- * validates node length to prevent UBIFS from becoming crazy when an attacker
- * feeds it a file-system image with incorrect nodes. For example, too large
- * node length in the common header could cause UBIFS to read memory outside of
- * allocated buffer when checking the CRC checksum.
- *
- * This function may skip data nodes CRC checking if @c->no_chk_data_crc is
- * true, which is controlled by corresponding UBIFS mount option. However, if
- * @must_chk_crc is true, then @c->no_chk_data_crc is ignored and CRC is
- * checked. Similarly, if @c->always_chk_crc is true, @c->no_chk_data_crc is
- * ignored and CRC is checked.
- *
- * This function returns zero in case of success and %-EUCLEAN in case of bad
- * CRC or magic.
- */
-int ubifs_check_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf, int lnum,
- int offs, int quiet, int must_chk_crc)
- int err = -EINVAL, type, node_len;
- uint32_t crc, node_crc, magic;
- const struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- ubifs_assert(lnum >= 0 && lnum < c->leb_cnt && offs >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(!(offs & 7) && offs < c->leb_size);
- magic = le32_to_cpu(ch->magic);
- if (magic != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC) {
- if (!quiet)
- ubifs_err("bad magic %#08x, expected %#08x",
- err = -EUCLEAN;
- goto out;
- }
- type = ch->node_type;
- if (type < 0 || type >= UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT) {
- if (!quiet)
- ubifs_err("bad node type %d", type);
- goto out;
- }
- node_len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- if (node_len + offs > c->leb_size)
- goto out_len;
- if (c->ranges[type].max_len == 0) {
- if (node_len != c->ranges[type].len)
- goto out_len;
- } else if (node_len < c->ranges[type].min_len ||
- node_len > c->ranges[type].max_len)
- goto out_len;
- if (!must_chk_crc && type == UBIFS_DATA_NODE && !c->always_chk_crc &&
- c->no_chk_data_crc)
- return 0;
- crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, node_len - 8);
- node_crc = le32_to_cpu(ch->crc);
- if (crc != node_crc) {
- if (!quiet)
- ubifs_err("bad CRC: calculated %#08x, read %#08x",
- crc, node_crc);
- err = -EUCLEAN;
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- if (!quiet)
- ubifs_err("bad node length %d", node_len);
- if (!quiet) {
- ubifs_err("bad node at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, buf);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- }
- return err;
- * ubifs_pad - pad flash space.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to put padding to
- * @pad: how many bytes to pad
- *
- * The flash media obliges us to write only in chunks of %c->min_io_size and
- * when we have to write less data we add padding node to the write-buffer and
- * pad it to the next minimal I/O unit's boundary. Padding nodes help when the
- * media is being scanned. If the amount of wasted space is not enough to fit a
- * padding node which takes %UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ bytes, we write padding bytes
- * pattern (%UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE).
- *
- * Padding nodes are also used to fill gaps when the "commit-in-gaps" method is
- * used.
- */
-void ubifs_pad(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int pad)
- uint32_t crc;
- ubifs_assert(pad >= 0 && !(pad & 7));
- if (pad >= UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ) {
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- struct ubifs_pad_node *pad_node = buf;
- ch->magic = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
- ch->node_type = UBIFS_PAD_NODE;
- ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
- ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
- ch->sqnum = 0;
- ch->len = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ);
- pad_node->pad_len = cpu_to_le32(pad);
- crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ - 8);
- ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
- memset(buf + UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ, 0, pad);
- } else if (pad > 0)
- /* Too little space, padding node won't fit */
- memset(buf, UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE, pad);
- * next_sqnum - get next sequence number.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static unsigned long long next_sqnum(struct ubifs_info *c)
- unsigned long long sqnum;
- spin_lock(&c->cnt_lock);
- sqnum = ++c->max_sqnum;
- spin_unlock(&c->cnt_lock);
- if (unlikely(sqnum >= SQNUM_WARN_WATERMARK)) {
- if (sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
- ubifs_err("sequence number overflow %llu, end of life",
- sqnum);
- ubifs_ro_mode(c, -EINVAL);
- }
- ubifs_warn("running out of sequence numbers, end of life soon");
- }
- return sqnum;
- * ubifs_prepare_node - prepare node to be written to flash.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @node: the node to pad
- * @len: node length
- * @pad: if the buffer has to be padded
- *
- * This function prepares node at @node to be written to the media - it
- * calculates node CRC, fills the common header, and adds proper padding up to
- * the next minimum I/O unit if @pad is not zero.
- */
-void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
- uint32_t crc;
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
- unsigned long long sqnum = next_sqnum(c);
- ubifs_assert(len >= UBIFS_CH_SZ);
- ch->magic = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
- ch->len = cpu_to_le32(len);
- ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
- ch->sqnum = cpu_to_le64(sqnum);
- ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
- crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, node + 8, len - 8);
- ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
- if (pad) {
- len = ALIGN(len, 8);
- pad = ALIGN(len, c->min_io_size) - len;
- ubifs_pad(c, node + len, pad);
- }
- * ubifs_read_node - read node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to read to
- * @type: node type
- * @len: node length (not aligned)
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
- *
- * This function reads a node of known type and and length, checks it and
- * stores in @buf. Returns zero in case of success, %-EUCLEAN if CRC mismatched
- * and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type, int len,
- int lnum, int offs)
- int err, l;
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- dbg_io("LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d", lnum, offs, dbg_ntype(type), len);
- ubifs_assert(lnum >= 0 && lnum < c->leb_cnt && offs >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(len >= UBIFS_CH_SZ && offs + len <= c->leb_size);
- ubifs_assert(!(offs & 7) && offs < c->leb_size);
- ubifs_assert(type >= 0 && type < UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT);
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len);
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG) {
- ubifs_err("cannot read node %d from LEB %d:%d, error %d",
- type, lnum, offs, err);
- return err;
- }
- if (type != ch->node_type) {
- ubifs_err("bad node type (%d but expected %d)",
- ch->node_type, type);
- goto out;
- }
- err = ubifs_check_node(c, buf, lnum, offs, 0, 0);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("expected node type %d", type);
- return err;
- }
- l = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- if (l != len) {
- ubifs_err("bad node length %d, expected %d", l, len);
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("bad node at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, buf);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- return -EINVAL;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/key.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/key.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efb3430a2..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/key.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This header contains various key-related definitions and helper function.
- * UBIFS allows several key schemes, so we access key fields only via these
- * helpers. At the moment only one key scheme is supported.
- *
- * Simple key scheme
- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- *
- * Keys are 64-bits long. First 32-bits are inode number (parent inode number
- * in case of direntry key). Next 3 bits are node type. The last 29 bits are
- * 4KiB offset in case of inode node, and direntry hash in case of a direntry
- * node. We use "r5" hash borrowed from reiserfs.
- */
-#ifndef __UBIFS_KEY_H__
-#define __UBIFS_KEY_H__
- * key_mask_hash - mask a valid hash value.
- * @val: value to be masked
- *
- * We use hash values as offset in directories, so values %0 and %1 are
- * reserved for "." and "..". %2 is reserved for "end of readdir" marker. This
- * function makes sure the reserved values are not used.
- */
-static inline uint32_t key_mask_hash(uint32_t hash)
- if (unlikely(hash <= 2))
- hash += 3;
- return hash;
- * key_r5_hash - R5 hash function (borrowed from reiserfs).
- * @s: direntry name
- * @len: name length
- */
-static inline uint32_t key_r5_hash(const char *s, int len)
- uint32_t a = 0;
- const signed char *str = (const signed char *)s;
- while (*str) {
- a += *str << 4;
- a += *str >> 4;
- a *= 11;
- str++;
- }
- return key_mask_hash(a);
- * key_test_hash - testing hash function.
- * @str: direntry name
- * @len: name length
- */
-static inline uint32_t key_test_hash(const char *str, int len)
- uint32_t a = 0;
- len = min_t(uint32_t, len, 4);
- memcpy(&a, str, len);
- return key_mask_hash(a);
- * ino_key_init - initialize inode key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static inline void ino_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- * ino_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash inode key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static inline void ino_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
- ino_t inum)
- union ubifs_key *key = k;
- key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
- key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_INO_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS);
- memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
- * lowest_ino_key - get the lowest possible inode key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static inline void lowest_ino_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = 0;
- * highest_ino_key - get the highest possible inode key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static inline void highest_ino_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = 0xffffffff;
- * dent_key_init - initialize directory entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: parent inode number
- * @nm: direntry name and length
- */
-static inline void dent_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_DENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
- * dent_key_init_hash - initialize directory entry key without re-calculating
- * hash function.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: parent inode number
- * @hash: direntry name hash
- */
-static inline void dent_key_init_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
- uint32_t hash)
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_DENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
- * dent_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash directory entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to initialize
- * @inum: parent inode number
- * @nm: direntry name and length
- */
-static inline void dent_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
- ino_t inum, const struct qstr *nm)
- union ubifs_key *key = k;
- uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
- key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(hash |
- memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
- * lowest_dent_key - get the lowest possible directory entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: where to store the lowest key
- * @inum: parent inode number
- */
-static inline void lowest_dent_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- * xent_key_init - initialize extended attribute entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: host inode number
- * @nm: extended attribute entry name and length
- */
-static inline void xent_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_XENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
- * xent_key_init_hash - initialize extended attribute entry key without
- * re-calculating hash function.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: host inode number
- * @hash: extended attribute entry name hash
- */
-static inline void xent_key_init_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
- uint32_t hash)
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_XENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
- * xent_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash extended attribute entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to initialize
- * @inum: host inode number
- * @nm: extended attribute entry name and length
- */
-static inline void xent_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
- ino_t inum, const struct qstr *nm)
- union ubifs_key *key = k;
- uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
- ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
- key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
- key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(hash |
- memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
- * lowest_xent_key - get the lowest possible extended attribute entry key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: where to store the lowest key
- * @inum: host inode number
- */
-static inline void lowest_xent_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- * data_key_init - initialize data key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- * @block: block number
- */
-static inline void data_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
- unsigned int block)
- ubifs_assert(!(block & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK));
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- key->u32[1] = block | (UBIFS_DATA_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS);
- * data_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash data key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- * @block: block number
- */
-static inline void data_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
- ino_t inum, unsigned int block)
- union ubifs_key *key = k;
- ubifs_assert(!(block & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK));
- key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
- key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(block |
- memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
- * trun_key_init - initialize truncation node key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to initialize
- * @inum: inode number
- *
- * Note, UBIFS does not have truncation keys on the media and this function is
- * only used for purposes of replay.
- */
-static inline void trun_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
- key->u32[0] = inum;
- * key_type - get key type.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to get type of
- */
-static inline int key_type(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key)
- return key->u32[1] >> UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS;
- * key_type_flash - get type of a on-flash formatted key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to get type of
- */
-static inline int key_type_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
- const union ubifs_key *key = k;
- return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) >> UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS;
- * key_inum - fetch inode number from key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to fetch inode number from
- */
-static inline ino_t key_inum(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
- const union ubifs_key *key = k;
- return key->u32[0];
- * key_inum_flash - fetch inode number from an on-flash formatted key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: key to fetch inode number from
- */
-static inline ino_t key_inum_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
- const union ubifs_key *key = k;
- return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[0]);
- * key_hash - get directory entry hash.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: the key to get hash from
- */
-static inline int key_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key)
- return key->u32[1] & UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK;
- * key_hash_flash - get directory entry hash from an on-flash formatted key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: the key to get hash from
- */
-static inline int key_hash_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
- const union ubifs_key *key = k;
- return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) & UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK;
- * key_block - get data block number.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: the key to get the block number from
- */
-static inline unsigned int key_block(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key)
- return key->u32[1] & UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK;
- * key_block_flash - get data block number from an on-flash formatted key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @k: the key to get the block number from
- */
-static inline unsigned int key_block_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const void *k)
- const union ubifs_key *key = k;
- return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) & UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK;
- * key_read - transform a key to in-memory format.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @from: the key to transform
- * @to: the key to store the result
- */
-static inline void key_read(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *from,
- union ubifs_key *to)
- const union ubifs_key *f = from;
- to->u32[0] = le32_to_cpu(f->j32[0]);
- to->u32[1] = le32_to_cpu(f->j32[1]);
- * key_write - transform a key from in-memory format.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @from: the key to transform
- * @to: the key to store the result
- */
-static inline void key_write(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *from, void *to)
- union ubifs_key *t = to;
- t->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[0]);
- t->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[1]);
- memset(to + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
- * key_write_idx - transform a key from in-memory format for the index.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @from: the key to transform
- * @to: the key to store the result
- */
-static inline void key_write_idx(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *from, void *to)
- union ubifs_key *t = to;
- t->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[0]);
- t->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[1]);
- * key_copy - copy a key.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @from: the key to copy from
- * @to: the key to copy to
- */
-static inline void key_copy(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *from, union ubifs_key *to)
- to->u64[0] = from->u64[0];
- * keys_cmp - compare keys.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key1: the first key to compare
- * @key2: the second key to compare
- *
- * This function compares 2 keys and returns %-1 if @key1 is less than
- * @key2, %0 if the keys are equivalent and %1 if @key1 is greater than @key2.
- */
-static inline int keys_cmp(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key1,
- const union ubifs_key *key2)
- if (key1->u32[0] < key2->u32[0])
- return -1;
- if (key1->u32[0] > key2->u32[0])
- return 1;
- if (key1->u32[1] < key2->u32[1])
- return -1;
- if (key1->u32[1] > key2->u32[1])
- return 1;
- return 0;
- * keys_eq - determine if keys are equivalent.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key1: the first key to compare
- * @key2: the second key to compare
- *
- * This function compares 2 keys and returns %1 if @key1 is equal to @key2 and
- * %0 if not.
- */
-static inline int keys_eq(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key1,
- const union ubifs_key *key2)
- if (key1->u32[0] != key2->u32[0])
- return 0;
- if (key1->u32[1] != key2->u32[1])
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * is_hash_key - is a key vulnerable to hash collisions.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key
- *
- * This function returns %1 if @key is a hashed key or %0 otherwise.
- */
-static inline int is_hash_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key)
- int type = key_type(c, key);
- return type == UBIFS_DENT_KEY || type == UBIFS_XENT_KEY;
- * key_max_inode_size - get maximum file size allowed by current key format.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static inline unsigned long long key_max_inode_size(const struct ubifs_info *c)
- switch (c->key_fmt) {
- default:
- return 0;
- }
-#endif /* !__UBIFS_KEY_H__ */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/log.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/log.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 68a9bd98f..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file is a part of UBIFS journal implementation and contains various
- * functions which manipulate the log. The log is a fixed area on the flash
- * which does not contain any data but refers to buds. The log is a part of the
- * journal.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * ubifs_search_bud - search bud LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number to search
- *
- * This function searches bud LEB @lnum. Returns bud description object in case
- * of success and %NULL if there is no bud with this LEB number.
- */
-struct ubifs_bud *ubifs_search_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
- struct rb_node *p;
- struct ubifs_bud *bud;
- spin_lock(&c->buds_lock);
- p = c->buds.rb_node;
- while (p) {
- bud = rb_entry(p, struct ubifs_bud, rb);
- if (lnum < bud->lnum)
- p = p->rb_left;
- else if (lnum > bud->lnum)
- p = p->rb_right;
- else {
- spin_unlock(&c->buds_lock);
- return bud;
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&c->buds_lock);
- return NULL;
- * ubifs_add_bud - add bud LEB to the tree of buds and its journal head list.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @bud: the bud to add
- */
-void ubifs_add_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_bud *bud)
- struct rb_node **p, *parent = NULL;
- struct ubifs_bud *b;
- struct ubifs_jhead *jhead;
- spin_lock(&c->buds_lock);
- p = &c->buds.rb_node;
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- b = rb_entry(parent, struct ubifs_bud, rb);
- ubifs_assert(bud->lnum != b->lnum);
- if (bud->lnum < b->lnum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- else
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- }
- rb_link_node(&bud->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&bud->rb, &c->buds);
- if (c->jheads) {
- jhead = &c->jheads[bud->jhead];
- list_add_tail(&bud->list, &jhead->buds_list);
- } else
- ubifs_assert(c->replaying && (c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY));
- /*
- * Note, although this is a new bud, we anyway account this space now,
- * before any data has been written to it, because this is about to
- * guarantee fixed mount time, and this bud will anyway be read and
- * scanned.
- */
- c->bud_bytes += c->leb_size - bud->start;
- dbg_log("LEB %d:%d, jhead %d, bud_bytes %lld", bud->lnum,
- bud->start, bud->jhead, c->bud_bytes);
- spin_unlock(&c->buds_lock);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lprops.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lprops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ce4949fc..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lprops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements the functions that access LEB properties and their
- * categories. LEBs are categorized based on the needs of UBIFS, and the
- * categories are stored as either heaps or lists to provide a fast way of
- * finding a LEB in a particular category. For example, UBIFS may need to find
- * an empty LEB for the journal, or a very dirty LEB for garbage collection.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * get_heap_comp_val - get the LEB properties value for heap comparisons.
- * @lprops: LEB properties
- * @cat: LEB category
- */
-static int get_heap_comp_val(struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
- switch (cat) {
- return lprops->free;
- return lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
- default:
- return lprops->dirty;
- }
- * move_up_lpt_heap - move a new heap entry up as far as possible.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @heap: LEB category heap
- * @lprops: LEB properties to move
- * @cat: LEB category
- *
- * New entries to a heap are added at the bottom and then moved up until the
- * parent's value is greater. In the case of LPT's category heaps, the value
- * is either the amount of free space or the amount of dirty space, depending
- * on the category.
- */
-static void move_up_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap,
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
- int val1, val2, hpos;
- hpos = lprops->hpos;
- if (!hpos)
- return; /* Already top of the heap */
- val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
- /* Compare to parent and, if greater, move up the heap */
- do {
- int ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
- val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
- if (val2 >= val1)
- return;
- /* Greater than parent so move up */
- heap->arr[ppos]->hpos = hpos;
- heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[ppos];
- heap->arr[ppos] = lprops;
- lprops->hpos = ppos;
- hpos = ppos;
- } while (hpos);
- * adjust_lpt_heap - move a changed heap entry up or down the heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @heap: LEB category heap
- * @lprops: LEB properties to move
- * @hpos: heap position of @lprops
- * @cat: LEB category
- *
- * Changed entries in a heap are moved up or down until the parent's value is
- * greater. In the case of LPT's category heaps, the value is either the amount
- * of free space or the amount of dirty space, depending on the category.
- */
-static void adjust_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap,
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int hpos, int cat)
- int val1, val2, val3, cpos;
- val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
- /* Compare to parent and, if greater than parent, move up the heap */
- if (hpos) {
- int ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
- val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
- if (val1 > val2) {
- /* Greater than parent so move up */
- while (1) {
- heap->arr[ppos]->hpos = hpos;
- heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[ppos];
- heap->arr[ppos] = lprops;
- lprops->hpos = ppos;
- hpos = ppos;
- if (!hpos)
- return;
- ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
- val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
- if (val1 <= val2)
- return;
- /* Still greater than parent so keep going */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Not greater than parent, so compare to children */
- while (1) {
- /* Compare to left child */
- cpos = hpos * 2 + 1;
- if (cpos >= heap->cnt)
- return;
- val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
- if (val1 < val2) {
- /* Less than left child, so promote biggest child */
- if (cpos + 1 < heap->cnt) {
- val3 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos + 1],
- cat);
- if (val3 > val2)
- cpos += 1; /* Right child is bigger */
- }
- heap->arr[cpos]->hpos = hpos;
- heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[cpos];
- heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
- lprops->hpos = cpos;
- hpos = cpos;
- continue;
- }
- /* Compare to right child */
- cpos += 1;
- if (cpos >= heap->cnt)
- return;
- val3 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
- if (val1 < val3) {
- /* Less than right child, so promote right child */
- heap->arr[cpos]->hpos = hpos;
- heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[cpos];
- heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
- lprops->hpos = cpos;
- hpos = cpos;
- continue;
- }
- return;
- }
- * add_to_lpt_heap - add LEB properties to a LEB category heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to add
- * @cat: LEB category
- *
- * This function returns %1 if @lprops is added to the heap for LEB category
- * @cat, otherwise %0 is returned because the heap is full.
- */
-static int add_to_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
- int cat)
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
- if (heap->cnt >= heap->max_cnt) {
- const int b = LPT_HEAP_SZ / 2 - 1;
- int cpos, val1, val2;
- /* Compare to some other LEB on the bottom of heap */
- /* Pick a position kind of randomly */
- cpos = (((size_t)lprops >> 4) & b) + b;
- ubifs_assert(cpos >= b);
- ubifs_assert(cpos < LPT_HEAP_SZ);
- ubifs_assert(cpos < heap->cnt);
- val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
- val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
- if (val1 > val2) {
- struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
- lp = heap->arr[cpos];
- lp->flags &= ~LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- lp->flags |= LPROPS_UNCAT;
- list_add(&lp->list, &c->uncat_list);
- lprops->hpos = cpos;
- heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
- move_up_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, cat);
- dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, lprops->hpos);
- return 1; /* Added to heap */
- }
- dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, -1);
- return 0; /* Not added to heap */
- } else {
- lprops->hpos = heap->cnt++;
- heap->arr[lprops->hpos] = lprops;
- move_up_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, cat);
- dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, lprops->hpos);
- return 1; /* Added to heap */
- }
- * remove_from_lpt_heap - remove LEB properties from a LEB category heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to remove
- * @cat: LEB category
- */
-static void remove_from_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
- int hpos = lprops->hpos;
- heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
- ubifs_assert(hpos >= 0 && hpos < heap->cnt);
- ubifs_assert(heap->arr[hpos] == lprops);
- heap->cnt -= 1;
- if (hpos < heap->cnt) {
- heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[heap->cnt];
- heap->arr[hpos]->hpos = hpos;
- adjust_lpt_heap(c, heap, heap->arr[hpos], hpos, cat);
- }
- dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, -1);
- * lpt_heap_replace - replace lprops in a category heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @old_lprops: LEB properties to replace
- * @new_lprops: LEB properties with which to replace
- * @cat: LEB category
- *
- * During commit it is sometimes necessary to copy a pnode (see dirty_cow_pnode)
- * and the lprops that the pnode contains. When that happens, references in
- * the category heaps to those lprops must be updated to point to the new
- * lprops. This function does that.
- */
-static void lpt_heap_replace(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_lprops *old_lprops,
- struct ubifs_lprops *new_lprops, int cat)
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
- int hpos = new_lprops->hpos;
- heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
- heap->arr[hpos] = new_lprops;
- * ubifs_add_to_cat - add LEB properties to a category list or heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to add
- * @cat: LEB category to which to add
- *
- * LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations.
- */
-void ubifs_add_to_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
- int cat)
- switch (cat) {
- if (add_to_lpt_heap(c, lprops, cat))
- break;
- /* No more room on heap so make it uncategorized */
- /* Fall through */
- list_add(&lprops->list, &c->uncat_list);
- break;
- list_add(&lprops->list, &c->empty_list);
- break;
- list_add(&lprops->list, &c->freeable_list);
- c->freeable_cnt += 1;
- break;
- list_add(&lprops->list, &c->frdi_idx_list);
- break;
- default:
- ubifs_assert(0);
- }
- lprops->flags &= ~LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- lprops->flags |= cat;
- * ubifs_remove_from_cat - remove LEB properties from a category list or heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to remove
- * @cat: LEB category from which to remove
- *
- * LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations.
- */
-static void ubifs_remove_from_cat(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
- switch (cat) {
- remove_from_lpt_heap(c, lprops, cat);
- break;
- c->freeable_cnt -= 1;
- ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt >= 0);
- /* Fall through */
- ubifs_assert(!list_empty(&lprops->list));
- list_del(&lprops->list);
- break;
- default:
- ubifs_assert(0);
- }
- * ubifs_replace_cat - replace lprops in a category list or heap.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @old_lprops: LEB properties to replace
- * @new_lprops: LEB properties with which to replace
- *
- * During commit it is sometimes necessary to copy a pnode (see dirty_cow_pnode)
- * and the lprops that the pnode contains. When that happens, references in
- * category lists and heaps must be replaced. This function does that.
- */
-void ubifs_replace_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *old_lprops,
- struct ubifs_lprops *new_lprops)
- int cat;
- cat = new_lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- switch (cat) {
- lpt_heap_replace(c, old_lprops, new_lprops, cat);
- break;
- list_replace(&old_lprops->list, &new_lprops->list);
- break;
- default:
- ubifs_assert(0);
- }
- * ubifs_ensure_cat - ensure LEB properties are categorized.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties
- *
- * A LEB may have fallen off of the bottom of a heap, and ended up as
- * uncategorized even though it has enough space for us now. If that is the case
- * this function will put the LEB back onto a heap.
- */
-void ubifs_ensure_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
- int cat = lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- if (cat != LPROPS_UNCAT)
- return;
- cat = ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
- if (cat == LPROPS_UNCAT)
- return;
- ubifs_remove_from_cat(c, lprops, LPROPS_UNCAT);
- ubifs_add_to_cat(c, lprops, cat);
- * ubifs_categorize_lprops - categorize LEB properties.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to categorize
- *
- * LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations. This function
- * returns the LEB category to which the LEB properties belong. Note however
- * that if the LEB category is stored as a heap and the heap is full, the
- * LEB properties may have their category changed to %LPROPS_UNCAT.
- */
-int ubifs_categorize_lprops(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
- if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN)
- return LPROPS_UNCAT;
- if (lprops->free == c->leb_size) {
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
- return LPROPS_EMPTY;
- }
- if (lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size) {
- if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)
- else
- }
- if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX) {
- if (lprops->dirty + lprops->free >= c->min_idx_node_sz)
- } else {
- if (lprops->dirty >= c->dead_wm &&
- lprops->dirty > lprops->free)
- return LPROPS_DIRTY;
- if (lprops->free > 0)
- return LPROPS_FREE;
- }
- return LPROPS_UNCAT;
- * change_category - change LEB properties category.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to recategorize
- *
- * LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations. When the LEB
- * properties change they must be recategorized.
- */
-static void change_category(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
- int old_cat = lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- int new_cat = ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
- if (old_cat == new_cat) {
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap = &c->lpt_heap[new_cat - 1];
- /* lprops on a heap now must be moved up or down */
- if (new_cat < 1 || new_cat > LPROPS_HEAP_CNT)
- return; /* Not on a heap */
- heap = &c->lpt_heap[new_cat - 1];
- adjust_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, lprops->hpos, new_cat);
- } else {
- ubifs_remove_from_cat(c, lprops, old_cat);
- ubifs_add_to_cat(c, lprops, new_cat);
- }
- * calc_dark - calculate LEB dark space size.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @spc: amount of free and dirty space in the LEB
- *
- * This function calculates amount of dark space in an LEB which has @spc bytes
- * of free and dirty space. Returns the calculations result.
- *
- * Dark space is the space which is not always usable - it depends on which
- * nodes are written in which order. E.g., if an LEB has only 512 free bytes,
- * it is dark space, because it cannot fit a large data node. So UBIFS cannot
- * count on this LEB and treat these 512 bytes as usable because it is not true
- * if, for example, only big chunks of uncompressible data will be written to
- * the FS.
- */
-static int calc_dark(struct ubifs_info *c, int spc)
- ubifs_assert(!(spc & 7));
- if (spc < c->dark_wm)
- return spc;
- /*
- * If we have slightly more space then the dark space watermark, we can
- * anyway safely assume it we'll be able to write a node of the
- * smallest size there.
- */
- if (spc - c->dark_wm < MIN_WRITE_SZ)
- return spc - MIN_WRITE_SZ;
- return c->dark_wm;
- * is_lprops_dirty - determine if LEB properties are dirty.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lprops: LEB properties to test
- */
-static int is_lprops_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
- int pos;
- pos = (lprops->lnum - c->main_first) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1);
- pnode = (struct ubifs_pnode *)container_of(lprops - pos,
- struct ubifs_pnode,
- lprops[0]);
- return !test_bit(COW_ZNODE, &pnode->flags) &&
- test_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &pnode->flags);
- * ubifs_change_lp - change LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lp: LEB properties to change
- * @free: new free space amount
- * @dirty: new dirty space amount
- * @flags: new flags
- * @idx_gc_cnt: change to the count of idx_gc list
- *
- * This function changes LEB properties (@free, @dirty or @flag). However, the
- * property which has the %LPROPS_NC value is not changed. Returns a pointer to
- * the updated LEB properties on success and a negative error code on failure.
- *
- * Note, the LEB properties may have had to be copied (due to COW) and
- * consequently the pointer returned may not be the same as the pointer
- * passed.
- */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_change_lp(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp,
- int free, int dirty, int flags,
- int idx_gc_cnt)
- /*
- * This is the only function that is allowed to change lprops, so we
- * discard the const qualifier.
- */
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops = (struct ubifs_lprops *)lp;
- dbg_lp("LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d",
- lprops->lnum, free, dirty, flags);
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- ubifs_assert(c->lst.empty_lebs >= 0 &&
- c->lst.empty_lebs <= c->main_lebs);
- ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt <= c->main_lebs);
- ubifs_assert(c->lst.taken_empty_lebs >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(c->lst.taken_empty_lebs <= c->lst.empty_lebs);
- ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_free & 7) && !(c->lst.total_dirty & 7));
- ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_dead & 7) && !(c->lst.total_dark & 7));
- ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_used & 7));
- ubifs_assert(free == LPROPS_NC || free >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(dirty == LPROPS_NC || dirty >= 0);
- if (!is_lprops_dirty(c, lprops)) {
- lprops = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lprops->lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lprops))
- return lprops;
- } else
- ubifs_assert(lprops == ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lprops->lnum));
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->free & 7) && !(lprops->dirty & 7));
- spin_lock(&c->space_lock);
- if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN) && lprops->free == c->leb_size)
- c->lst.taken_empty_lebs -= 1;
- if (!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
- int old_spc;
- old_spc = lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
- if (old_spc < c->dead_wm)
- c->lst.total_dead -= old_spc;
- else
- c->lst.total_dark -= calc_dark(c, old_spc);
- c->lst.total_used -= c->leb_size - old_spc;
- }
- if (free != LPROPS_NC) {
- free = ALIGN(free, 8);
- c->lst.total_free += free - lprops->free;
- /* Increase or decrease empty LEBs counter if needed */
- if (free == c->leb_size) {
- if (lprops->free != c->leb_size)
- c->lst.empty_lebs += 1;
- } else if (lprops->free == c->leb_size)
- c->lst.empty_lebs -= 1;
- lprops->free = free;
- }
- if (dirty != LPROPS_NC) {
- dirty = ALIGN(dirty, 8);
- c->lst.total_dirty += dirty - lprops->dirty;
- lprops->dirty = dirty;
- }
- if (flags != LPROPS_NC) {
- /* Take care about indexing LEBs counter if needed */
- if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
- if (!(flags & LPROPS_INDEX))
- c->lst.idx_lebs -= 1;
- } else if (flags & LPROPS_INDEX)
- c->lst.idx_lebs += 1;
- lprops->flags = flags;
- }
- if (!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
- int new_spc;
- new_spc = lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
- if (new_spc < c->dead_wm)
- c->lst.total_dead += new_spc;
- else
- c->lst.total_dark += calc_dark(c, new_spc);
- c->lst.total_used += c->leb_size - new_spc;
- }
- if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN) && lprops->free == c->leb_size)
- c->lst.taken_empty_lebs += 1;
- change_category(c, lprops);
- c->idx_gc_cnt += idx_gc_cnt;
- spin_unlock(&c->space_lock);
- return lprops;
- * ubifs_get_lp_stats - get lprops statistics.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @st: return statistics
- */
-void ubifs_get_lp_stats(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lp_stats *lst)
- spin_lock(&c->space_lock);
- memcpy(lst, &c->lst, sizeof(struct ubifs_lp_stats));
- spin_unlock(&c->space_lock);
- * ubifs_change_one_lp - change LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB to change properties for
- * @free: amount of free space
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space
- * @flags_set: flags to set
- * @flags_clean: flags to clean
- * @idx_gc_cnt: change to the count of idx_gc list
- *
- * This function changes properties of LEB @lnum. It is a helper wrapper over
- * 'ubifs_change_lp()' which hides lprops get/release. The arguments are the
- * same as in case of 'ubifs_change_lp()'. Returns zero in case of success and
- * a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_change_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
- int flags_set, int flags_clean, int idx_gc_cnt)
- int err = 0, flags;
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
- ubifs_get_lprops(c);
- lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- flags = (lp->flags | flags_set) & ~flags_clean;
- lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, free, dirty, flags, idx_gc_cnt);
- if (IS_ERR(lp))
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- ubifs_release_lprops(c);
- return err;
- * ubifs_update_one_lp - update LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB to change properties for
- * @free: amount of free space
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space to add
- * @flags_set: flags to set
- * @flags_clean: flags to clean
- *
- * This function is the same as 'ubifs_change_one_lp()' but @dirty is added to
- * current dirty space, not substitutes it.
- */
-int ubifs_update_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
- int flags_set, int flags_clean)
- int err = 0, flags;
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
- ubifs_get_lprops(c);
- lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- flags = (lp->flags | flags_set) & ~flags_clean;
- lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, free, lp->dirty + dirty, flags, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(lp))
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- ubifs_release_lprops(c);
- return err;
- * ubifs_read_one_lp - read LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB to read properties for
- * @lp: where to store read properties
- *
- * This helper function reads properties of a LEB @lnum and stores them in @lp.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-int ubifs_read_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, struct ubifs_lprops *lp)
- int err = 0;
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lpp;
- ubifs_get_lprops(c);
- lpp = ubifs_lpt_lookup(c, lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lpp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lpp);
- goto out;
- }
- memcpy(lp, lpp, sizeof(struct ubifs_lprops));
- ubifs_release_lprops(c);
- return err;
- * ubifs_fast_find_free - try to find a LEB with free space quickly.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns LEB properties for a LEB with free space or %NULL if
- * the function is unable to find a LEB quickly.
- */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_free(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- heap = &c->lpt_heap[LPROPS_FREE - 1];
- if (heap->cnt == 0)
- return NULL;
- lprops = heap->arr[0];
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
- return lprops;
- * ubifs_fast_find_empty - try to find an empty LEB quickly.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns LEB properties for an empty LEB or %NULL if the
- * function is unable to find an empty LEB quickly.
- */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_empty(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- if (list_empty(&c->empty_list))
- return NULL;
- lprops = list_entry(c->, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
- ubifs_assert(lprops->free == c->leb_size);
- return lprops;
- * ubifs_fast_find_freeable - try to find a freeable LEB quickly.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns LEB properties for a freeable LEB or %NULL if the
- * function is unable to find a freeable LEB quickly.
- */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_freeable(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- if (list_empty(&c->freeable_list))
- return NULL;
- lprops = list_entry(c->, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
- ubifs_assert(lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size);
- ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt > 0);
- return lprops;
- * ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx - try to find a freeable index LEB quickly.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns LEB properties for a freeable index LEB or %NULL if the
- * function is unable to find a freeable index LEB quickly.
- */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- if (list_empty(&c->frdi_idx_list))
- return NULL;
- lprops = list_entry(c->, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
- ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
- ubifs_assert((lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
- ubifs_assert(lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size);
- return lprops;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a50d4cc2..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1105 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements the LEB properties tree (LPT) area. The LPT area
- * contains the LEB properties tree, a table of LPT area eraseblocks (ltab), and
- * (for the "big" model) a table of saved LEB numbers (lsave). The LPT area sits
- * between the log and the orphan area.
- *
- * The LPT area is like a miniature self-contained file system. It is required
- * that it never runs out of space, is fast to access and update, and scales
- * logarithmically. The LEB properties tree is implemented as a wandering tree
- * much like the TNC, and the LPT area has its own garbage collection.
- *
- * The LPT has two slightly different forms called the "small model" and the
- * "big model". The small model is used when the entire LEB properties table
- * can be written into a single eraseblock. In that case, garbage collection
- * consists of just writing the whole table, which therefore makes all other
- * eraseblocks reusable. In the case of the big model, dirty eraseblocks are
- * selected for garbage collection, which consists of marking the clean nodes in
- * that LEB as dirty, and then only the dirty nodes are written out. Also, in
- * the case of the big model, a table of LEB numbers is saved so that the entire
- * LPT does not to be scanned looking for empty eraseblocks when UBIFS is first
- * mounted.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
-#include "crc16.h"
-#include <linux/math64.h>
- * do_calc_lpt_geom - calculate sizes for the LPT area.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * Calculate the sizes of LPT bit fields, nodes, and tree, based on the
- * properties of the flash and whether LPT is "big" (c->big_lpt).
- */
-static void do_calc_lpt_geom(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int i, n, bits, per_leb_wastage, max_pnode_cnt;
- long long sz, tot_wastage;
- n = c->main_lebs + c->max_leb_cnt - c->leb_cnt;
- max_pnode_cnt = DIV_ROUND_UP(n, UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT);
- c->lpt_hght = 1;
- while (n < max_pnode_cnt) {
- c->lpt_hght += 1;
- }
- c->pnode_cnt = DIV_ROUND_UP(c->main_lebs, UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT);
- n = DIV_ROUND_UP(c->pnode_cnt, UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT);
- c->nnode_cnt = n;
- for (i = 1; i < c->lpt_hght; i++) {
- c->nnode_cnt += n;
- }
- c->space_bits = fls(c->leb_size) - 3;
- c->lpt_lnum_bits = fls(c->lpt_lebs);
- c->lpt_offs_bits = fls(c->leb_size - 1);
- c->lpt_spc_bits = fls(c->leb_size);
- n = DIV_ROUND_UP(c->max_leb_cnt, UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT);
- c->pcnt_bits = fls(n - 1);
- c->lnum_bits = fls(c->max_leb_cnt - 1);
- (c->big_lpt ? c->pcnt_bits : 0) +
- (c->space_bits * 2 + 1) * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT;
- c->pnode_sz = (bits + 7) / 8;
- (c->big_lpt ? c->pcnt_bits : 0) +
- (c->lpt_lnum_bits + c->lpt_offs_bits) * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT;
- c->nnode_sz = (bits + 7) / 8;
- c->lpt_lebs * c->lpt_spc_bits * 2;
- c->ltab_sz = (bits + 7) / 8;
- c->lnum_bits * c->lsave_cnt;
- c->lsave_sz = (bits + 7) / 8;
- /* Calculate the minimum LPT size */
- c->lpt_sz = (long long)c->pnode_cnt * c->pnode_sz;
- c->lpt_sz += (long long)c->nnode_cnt * c->nnode_sz;
- c->lpt_sz += c->ltab_sz;
- if (c->big_lpt)
- c->lpt_sz += c->lsave_sz;
- /* Add wastage */
- sz = c->lpt_sz;
- per_leb_wastage = max_t(int, c->pnode_sz, c->nnode_sz);
- sz += per_leb_wastage;
- tot_wastage = per_leb_wastage;
- while (sz > c->leb_size) {
- sz += per_leb_wastage;
- sz -= c->leb_size;
- tot_wastage += per_leb_wastage;
- }
- tot_wastage += ALIGN(sz, c->min_io_size) - sz;
- c->lpt_sz += tot_wastage;
- * ubifs_calc_lpt_geom - calculate and check sizes for the LPT area.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_calc_lpt_geom(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int lebs_needed;
- long long sz;
- do_calc_lpt_geom(c);
- /* Verify that lpt_lebs is big enough */
- sz = c->lpt_sz * 2; /* Must have at least 2 times the size */
- lebs_needed = div_u64(sz + c->leb_size - 1, c->leb_size);
- if (lebs_needed > c->lpt_lebs) {
- ubifs_err("too few LPT LEBs");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Verify that ltab fits in a single LEB (since ltab is a single node */
- if (c->ltab_sz > c->leb_size) {
- ubifs_err("LPT ltab too big");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- c->check_lpt_free = c->big_lpt;
- return 0;
- * ubifs_unpack_bits - unpack bit fields.
- * @addr: address at which to unpack (passed and next address returned)
- * @pos: bit position at which to unpack (passed and next position returned)
- * @nrbits: number of bits of value to unpack (1-32)
- *
- * This functions returns the value unpacked.
- */
-uint32_t ubifs_unpack_bits(uint8_t **addr, int *pos, int nrbits)
- const int k = 32 - nrbits;
- uint8_t *p = *addr;
- int b = *pos;
- uint32_t uninitialized_var(val);
- const int bytes = (nrbits + b + 7) >> 3;
- ubifs_assert(nrbits > 0);
- ubifs_assert(nrbits <= 32);
- ubifs_assert(*pos >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(*pos < 8);
- if (b) {
- switch (bytes) {
- case 2:
- val = p[1];
- break;
- case 3:
- val = p[1] | ((uint32_t)p[2] << 8);
- break;
- case 4:
- val = p[1] | ((uint32_t)p[2] << 8) |
- ((uint32_t)p[3] << 16);
- break;
- case 5:
- val = p[1] | ((uint32_t)p[2] << 8) |
- ((uint32_t)p[3] << 16) |
- ((uint32_t)p[4] << 24);
- }
- val <<= (8 - b);
- val |= *p >> b;
- nrbits += b;
- } else {
- switch (bytes) {
- case 1:
- val = p[0];
- break;
- case 2:
- val = p[0] | ((uint32_t)p[1] << 8);
- break;
- case 3:
- val = p[0] | ((uint32_t)p[1] << 8) |
- ((uint32_t)p[2] << 16);
- break;
- case 4:
- val = p[0] | ((uint32_t)p[1] << 8) |
- ((uint32_t)p[2] << 16) |
- ((uint32_t)p[3] << 24);
- break;
- }
- }
- val <<= k;
- val >>= k;
- b = nrbits & 7;
- p += nrbits >> 3;
- *addr = p;
- *pos = b;
- ubifs_assert((val >> nrbits) == 0 || nrbits - b == 32);
- return val;
- * ubifs_add_lpt_dirt - add dirty space to LPT LEB properties.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to which to add dirty space
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space to add
- */
-void ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirty)
- if (!dirty || !lnum)
- return;
- dbg_lp("LEB %d add %d to %d",
- lnum, dirty, c->ltab[lnum - c->lpt_first].dirty);
- ubifs_assert(lnum >= c->lpt_first && lnum <= c->lpt_last);
- c->ltab[lnum - c->lpt_first].dirty += dirty;
- * ubifs_add_nnode_dirt - add dirty space to LPT LEB properties.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @nnode: nnode for which to add dirt
- */
-void ubifs_add_nnode_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *nnode)
- struct ubifs_nnode *np = nnode->parent;
- if (np)
- ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(c, np->nbranch[nnode->iip].lnum,
- c->nnode_sz);
- else {
- ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(c, c->lpt_lnum, c->nnode_sz);
- if (!(c->lpt_drty_flgs & LTAB_DIRTY)) {
- c->lpt_drty_flgs |= LTAB_DIRTY;
- ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(c, c->ltab_lnum, c->ltab_sz);
- }
- }
- * add_pnode_dirt - add dirty space to LPT LEB properties.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @pnode: pnode for which to add dirt
- */
-static void add_pnode_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_pnode *pnode)
- ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(c, pnode->parent->nbranch[pnode->iip].lnum,
- c->pnode_sz);
- * calc_nnode_num_from_parent - calculate nnode number.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * The nnode number is a number that uniquely identifies a nnode and can be used
- * easily to traverse the tree from the root to that nnode.
- *
- * This function calculates and returns the nnode number based on the parent's
- * nnode number and the index in parent.
- */
-static int calc_nnode_num_from_parent(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- int num, shft;
- if (!parent)
- return 1;
- shft = (c->lpt_hght - parent->level) * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT;
- num = parent->num ^ (1 << shft);
- num |= (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT + iip) << shft;
- return num;
- * calc_pnode_num_from_parent - calculate pnode number.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * The pnode number is a number that uniquely identifies a pnode and can be used
- * easily to traverse the tree from the root to that pnode.
- *
- * This function calculates and returns the pnode number based on the parent's
- * nnode number and the index in parent.
- */
-static int calc_pnode_num_from_parent(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- int i, n = c->lpt_hght - 1, pnum = parent->num, num = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- num |= pnum & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1);
- }
- num |= iip;
- return num;
- * update_cats - add LEB properties of a pnode to LEB category lists and heaps.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @pnode: pnode
- *
- * When a pnode is loaded into memory, the LEB properties it contains are added,
- * by this function, to the LEB category lists and heaps.
- */
-static void update_cats(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_pnode *pnode)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- int cat = pnode->lprops[i].flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
- int lnum = pnode->lprops[i].lnum;
- if (!lnum)
- return;
- ubifs_add_to_cat(c, &pnode->lprops[i], cat);
- }
- * replace_cats - add LEB properties of a pnode to LEB category lists and heaps.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @old_pnode: pnode copied
- * @new_pnode: pnode copy
- *
- * During commit it is sometimes necessary to copy a pnode
- * (see dirty_cow_pnode). When that happens, references in
- * category lists and heaps must be replaced. This function does that.
- */
-static void replace_cats(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_pnode *old_pnode,
- struct ubifs_pnode *new_pnode)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- if (!new_pnode->lprops[i].lnum)
- return;
- ubifs_replace_cat(c, &old_pnode->lprops[i],
- &new_pnode->lprops[i]);
- }
- * check_lpt_crc - check LPT node crc is correct.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer containing node
- * @len: length of node
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int check_lpt_crc(void *buf, int len)
- int pos = 0;
- uint8_t *addr = buf;
- uint16_t crc, calc_crc;
- crc = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BITS);
- calc_crc = crc16(-1, buf + UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BYTES,
- if (crc != calc_crc) {
- ubifs_err("invalid crc in LPT node: crc %hx calc %hx", crc,
- calc_crc);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * check_lpt_type - check LPT node type is correct.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @addr: address of type bit field is passed and returned updated here
- * @pos: position of type bit field is passed and returned updated here
- * @type: expected type
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int check_lpt_type(uint8_t **addr, int *pos, int type)
- int node_type;
- node_type = ubifs_unpack_bits(addr, pos, UBIFS_LPT_TYPE_BITS);
- if (node_type != type) {
- ubifs_err("invalid type (%d) in LPT node type %d", node_type,
- type);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * unpack_pnode - unpack a pnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer containing packed pnode to unpack
- * @pnode: pnode structure to fill
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int unpack_pnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode)
- uint8_t *addr = buf + UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BYTES;
- int i, pos = 0, err;
- err = check_lpt_type(&addr, &pos, UBIFS_LPT_PNODE);
- if (err)
- return err;
- if (c->big_lpt)
- pnode->num = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->pcnt_bits);
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- struct ubifs_lprops * const lprops = &pnode->lprops[i];
- lprops->free = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->space_bits);
- lprops->free <<= 3;
- lprops->dirty = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->space_bits);
- lprops->dirty <<= 3;
- if (ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, 1))
- lprops->flags = LPROPS_INDEX;
- else
- lprops->flags = 0;
- lprops->flags |= ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
- }
- err = check_lpt_crc(buf, c->pnode_sz);
- return err;
- * ubifs_unpack_nnode - unpack a nnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer containing packed nnode to unpack
- * @nnode: nnode structure to fill
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_unpack_nnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode)
- uint8_t *addr = buf + UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BYTES;
- int i, pos = 0, err;
- err = check_lpt_type(&addr, &pos, UBIFS_LPT_NNODE);
- if (err)
- return err;
- if (c->big_lpt)
- nnode->num = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->pcnt_bits);
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- int lnum;
- lnum = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->lpt_lnum_bits) +
- c->lpt_first;
- if (lnum == c->lpt_last + 1)
- lnum = 0;
- nnode->nbranch[i].lnum = lnum;
- nnode->nbranch[i].offs = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos,
- c->lpt_offs_bits);
- }
- err = check_lpt_crc(buf, c->nnode_sz);
- return err;
- * unpack_ltab - unpack the LPT's own lprops table.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer from which to unpack
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int unpack_ltab(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf)
- uint8_t *addr = buf + UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BYTES;
- int i, pos = 0, err;
- err = check_lpt_type(&addr, &pos, UBIFS_LPT_LTAB);
- if (err)
- return err;
- for (i = 0; i < c->lpt_lebs; i++) {
- int free = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->lpt_spc_bits);
- int dirty = ubifs_unpack_bits(&addr, &pos, c->lpt_spc_bits);
- if (free < 0 || free > c->leb_size || dirty < 0 ||
- dirty > c->leb_size || free + dirty > c->leb_size)
- return -EINVAL;
- c->ltab[i].free = free;
- c->ltab[i].dirty = dirty;
- c->ltab[i].tgc = 0;
- c->ltab[i].cmt = 0;
- }
- err = check_lpt_crc(buf, c->ltab_sz);
- return err;
- * validate_nnode - validate a nnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @nnode: nnode to validate
- * @parent: parent nnode (or NULL for the root nnode)
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int validate_nnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *nnode,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- int i, lvl, max_offs;
- if (c->big_lpt) {
- int num = calc_nnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- if (nnode->num != num)
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- lvl = parent ? parent->level - 1 : c->lpt_hght;
- if (lvl < 1)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (lvl == 1)
- max_offs = c->leb_size - c->pnode_sz;
- else
- max_offs = c->leb_size - c->nnode_sz;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- int lnum = nnode->nbranch[i].lnum;
- int offs = nnode->nbranch[i].offs;
- if (lnum == 0) {
- if (offs != 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- continue;
- }
- if (lnum < c->lpt_first || lnum > c->lpt_last)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (offs < 0 || offs > max_offs)
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * validate_pnode - validate a pnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @pnode: pnode to validate
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int validate_pnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_pnode *pnode,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- int i;
- if (c->big_lpt) {
- int num = calc_pnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- if (pnode->num != num)
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- int free = pnode->lprops[i].free;
- int dirty = pnode->lprops[i].dirty;
- if (free < 0 || free > c->leb_size || free % c->min_io_size ||
- (free & 7))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (dirty < 0 || dirty > c->leb_size || (dirty & 7))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (dirty + free > c->leb_size)
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * set_pnode_lnum - set LEB numbers on a pnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @pnode: pnode to update
- *
- * This function calculates the LEB numbers for the LEB properties it contains
- * based on the pnode number.
- */
-static void set_pnode_lnum(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode)
- int i, lnum;
- lnum = (pnode->num << UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT) + c->main_first;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- if (lnum >= c->leb_cnt)
- return;
- pnode->lprops[i].lnum = lnum++;
- }
- * ubifs_read_nnode - read a nnode from flash and link it to the tree in memory.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode (or NULL for the root)
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_read_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- struct ubifs_nbranch *branch = NULL;
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode = NULL;
- void *buf = c->lpt_nod_buf;
- int err, lnum, offs;
- if (parent) {
- branch = &parent->nbranch[iip];
- lnum = branch->lnum;
- offs = branch->offs;
- } else {
- lnum = c->lpt_lnum;
- offs = c->lpt_offs;
- }
- nnode = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_nnode), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!nnode) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- if (lnum == 0) {
- /*
- * This nnode was not written which just means that the LEB
- * properties in the subtree below it describe empty LEBs. We
- * make the nnode as though we had read it, which in fact means
- * doing almost nothing.
- */
- if (c->big_lpt)
- nnode->num = calc_nnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- } else {
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, c->nnode_sz);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = ubifs_unpack_nnode(c, buf, nnode);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- }
- err = validate_nnode(c, nnode, parent, iip);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- if (!c->big_lpt)
- nnode->num = calc_nnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- if (parent) {
- branch->nnode = nnode;
- nnode->level = parent->level - 1;
- } else {
- c->nroot = nnode;
- nnode->level = c->lpt_hght;
- }
- nnode->parent = parent;
- nnode->iip = iip;
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("error %d reading nnode at %d:%d", err, lnum, offs);
- kfree(nnode);
- return err;
- * read_pnode - read a pnode from flash and link it to the tree in memory.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int read_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- struct ubifs_nbranch *branch;
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode = NULL;
- void *buf = c->lpt_nod_buf;
- int err, lnum, offs;
- branch = &parent->nbranch[iip];
- lnum = branch->lnum;
- offs = branch->offs;
- pnode = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_pnode), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!pnode) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- if (lnum == 0) {
- /*
- * This pnode was not written which just means that the LEB
- * properties in it describe empty LEBs. We make the pnode as
- * though we had read it.
- */
- int i;
- if (c->big_lpt)
- pnode->num = calc_pnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- struct ubifs_lprops * const lprops = &pnode->lprops[i];
- lprops->free = c->leb_size;
- lprops->flags = ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
- }
- } else {
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, c->pnode_sz);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = unpack_pnode(c, buf, pnode);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- }
- err = validate_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- if (!c->big_lpt)
- pnode->num = calc_pnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip);
- branch->pnode = pnode;
- pnode->parent = parent;
- pnode->iip = iip;
- set_pnode_lnum(c, pnode);
- c->pnodes_have += 1;
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("error %d reading pnode at %d:%d", err, lnum, offs);
- dbg_dump_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip);
- dbg_msg("calc num: %d", calc_pnode_num_from_parent(c, parent, iip));
- kfree(pnode);
- return err;
- * read_ltab - read LPT's own lprops table.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int read_ltab(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err;
- void *buf;
- buf = vmalloc(c->ltab_sz);
- if (!buf)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, c->ltab_lnum, buf, c->ltab_offs, c->ltab_sz);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = unpack_ltab(c, buf);
- vfree(buf);
- return err;
- * ubifs_get_nnode - get a nnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode (or NULL for the root)
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the nnode on success or a negative error
- * code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_nnode *ubifs_get_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- struct ubifs_nbranch *branch;
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- int err;
- branch = &parent->nbranch[iip];
- nnode = branch->nnode;
- if (nnode)
- return nnode;
- err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, parent, iip);
- if (err)
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- return branch->nnode;
- * ubifs_get_pnode - get a pnode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the pnode on success or a negative error
- * code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_get_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip)
- struct ubifs_nbranch *branch;
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
- int err;
- branch = &parent->nbranch[iip];
- pnode = branch->pnode;
- if (pnode)
- return pnode;
- err = read_pnode(c, parent, iip);
- if (err)
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- update_cats(c, branch->pnode);
- return branch->pnode;
- * ubifs_lpt_lookup - lookup LEB properties in the LPT.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to lookup
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the LEB properties on success or a
- * negative error code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
- int err, i, h, iip, shft;
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
- if (!c->nroot) {
- err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, NULL, 0);
- if (err)
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- nnode = c->nroot;
- i = lnum - c->main_first;
- shft = c->lpt_hght * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT;
- for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
- iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- nnode = ubifs_get_nnode(c, nnode, iip);
- if (IS_ERR(nnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(nnode));
- }
- iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- pnode = ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
- if (IS_ERR(pnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(pnode));
- iip = (i & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- dbg_lp("LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d", lnum,
- pnode->lprops[iip].free, pnode->lprops[iip].dirty,
- pnode->lprops[iip].flags);
- return &pnode->lprops[iip];
- * dirty_cow_nnode - ensure a nnode is not being committed.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @nnode: nnode to check
- *
- * Returns dirtied nnode on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-static struct ubifs_nnode *dirty_cow_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode)
- struct ubifs_nnode *n;
- int i;
- if (!test_bit(COW_CNODE, &nnode->flags)) {
- /* nnode is not being committed */
- if (!test_and_set_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &nnode->flags)) {
- c->dirty_nn_cnt += 1;
- ubifs_add_nnode_dirt(c, nnode);
- }
- return nnode;
- }
- /* nnode is being committed, so copy it */
- n = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_nnode), GFP_NOFS);
- if (unlikely(!n))
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- memcpy(n, nnode, sizeof(struct ubifs_nnode));
- n->cnext = NULL;
- __set_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &n->flags);
- __clear_bit(COW_CNODE, &n->flags);
- /* The children now have new parent */
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- struct ubifs_nbranch *branch = &n->nbranch[i];
- if (branch->cnode)
- branch->cnode->parent = n;
- }
- ubifs_assert(!test_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &nnode->flags));
- __set_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &nnode->flags);
- c->dirty_nn_cnt += 1;
- ubifs_add_nnode_dirt(c, nnode);
- if (nnode->parent)
- nnode->parent->nbranch[n->iip].nnode = n;
- else
- c->nroot = n;
- return n;
- * dirty_cow_pnode - ensure a pnode is not being committed.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @pnode: pnode to check
- *
- * Returns dirtied pnode on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-static struct ubifs_pnode *dirty_cow_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode)
- struct ubifs_pnode *p;
- if (!test_bit(COW_CNODE, &pnode->flags)) {
- /* pnode is not being committed */
- if (!test_and_set_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &pnode->flags)) {
- c->dirty_pn_cnt += 1;
- add_pnode_dirt(c, pnode);
- }
- return pnode;
- }
- /* pnode is being committed, so copy it */
- p = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_pnode), GFP_NOFS);
- if (unlikely(!p))
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- memcpy(p, pnode, sizeof(struct ubifs_pnode));
- p->cnext = NULL;
- __set_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &p->flags);
- __clear_bit(COW_CNODE, &p->flags);
- replace_cats(c, pnode, p);
- ubifs_assert(!test_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &pnode->flags));
- __set_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &pnode->flags);
- c->dirty_pn_cnt += 1;
- add_pnode_dirt(c, pnode);
- pnode->parent->nbranch[p->iip].pnode = p;
- return p;
- * ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty - lookup LEB properties in the LPT.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to lookup
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the LEB properties on success or a
- * negative error code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
- int err, i, h, iip, shft;
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
- if (!c->nroot) {
- err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, NULL, 0);
- if (err)
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- nnode = c->nroot;
- nnode = dirty_cow_nnode(c, nnode);
- if (IS_ERR(nnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(nnode));
- i = lnum - c->main_first;
- shft = c->lpt_hght * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT;
- for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
- iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- nnode = ubifs_get_nnode(c, nnode, iip);
- if (IS_ERR(nnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(nnode));
- nnode = dirty_cow_nnode(c, nnode);
- if (IS_ERR(nnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(nnode));
- }
- iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- pnode = ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
- if (IS_ERR(pnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(pnode));
- pnode = dirty_cow_pnode(c, pnode);
- if (IS_ERR(pnode))
- return ERR_PTR(PTR_ERR(pnode));
- iip = (i & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
- dbg_lp("LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d", lnum,
- pnode->lprops[iip].free, pnode->lprops[iip].dirty,
- pnode->lprops[iip].flags);
- ubifs_assert(test_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &pnode->flags));
- return &pnode->lprops[iip];
- * lpt_init_rd - initialize the LPT for reading.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int lpt_init_rd(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err, i;
- c->ltab = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_lpt_lprops) * c->lpt_lebs);
- if (!c->ltab)
- return -ENOMEM;
- i = max_t(int, c->nnode_sz, c->pnode_sz);
- c->lpt_nod_buf = kmalloc(i, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->lpt_nod_buf)
- return -ENOMEM;
- for (i = 0; i < LPROPS_HEAP_CNT; i++) {
- c->lpt_heap[i].arr = kmalloc(sizeof(void *) * LPT_HEAP_SZ,
- if (!c->lpt_heap[i].arr)
- return -ENOMEM;
- c->lpt_heap[i].cnt = 0;
- c->lpt_heap[i].max_cnt = LPT_HEAP_SZ;
- }
- c->dirty_idx.arr = kmalloc(sizeof(void *) * LPT_HEAP_SZ, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->dirty_idx.arr)
- return -ENOMEM;
- c->dirty_idx.cnt = 0;
- c->dirty_idx.max_cnt = LPT_HEAP_SZ;
- err = read_ltab(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- dbg_lp("space_bits %d", c->space_bits);
- dbg_lp("lpt_lnum_bits %d", c->lpt_lnum_bits);
- dbg_lp("lpt_offs_bits %d", c->lpt_offs_bits);
- dbg_lp("lpt_spc_bits %d", c->lpt_spc_bits);
- dbg_lp("pcnt_bits %d", c->pcnt_bits);
- dbg_lp("lnum_bits %d", c->lnum_bits);
- dbg_lp("pnode_sz %d", c->pnode_sz);
- dbg_lp("nnode_sz %d", c->nnode_sz);
- dbg_lp("ltab_sz %d", c->ltab_sz);
- dbg_lp("lsave_sz %d", c->lsave_sz);
- dbg_lp("lsave_cnt %d", c->lsave_cnt);
- dbg_lp("lpt_hght %d", c->lpt_hght);
- dbg_lp("big_lpt %d", c->big_lpt);
- dbg_lp("LPT root is at %d:%d", c->lpt_lnum, c->lpt_offs);
- dbg_lp("LPT head is at %d:%d", c->nhead_lnum, c->nhead_offs);
- dbg_lp("LPT ltab is at %d:%d", c->ltab_lnum, c->ltab_offs);
- if (c->big_lpt)
- dbg_lp("LPT lsave is at %d:%d", c->lsave_lnum, c->lsave_offs);
- return 0;
- * ubifs_lpt_init - initialize the LPT.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @rd: whether to initialize lpt for reading
- * @wr: whether to initialize lpt for writing
- *
- * For mounting 'rw', @rd and @wr are both true. For mounting 'ro', @rd is true
- * and @wr is false. For mounting from 'ro' to 'rw', @rd is false and @wr is
- * true.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_lpt_init(struct ubifs_info *c, int rd, int wr)
- int err;
- if (rd) {
- err = lpt_init_rd(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c0af8187a..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements commit-related functionality of the LEB properties
- * subsystem.
- */
-#include "crc16.h"
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * free_obsolete_cnodes - free obsolete cnodes for commit end.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static void free_obsolete_cnodes(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_cnode *cnode, *cnext;
- cnext = c->lpt_cnext;
- if (!cnext)
- return;
- do {
- cnode = cnext;
- cnext = cnode->cnext;
- if (test_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &cnode->flags))
- kfree(cnode);
- else
- cnode->cnext = NULL;
- } while (cnext != c->lpt_cnext);
- c->lpt_cnext = NULL;
- * first_nnode - find the first nnode in memory.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @hght: height of tree where nnode found is returned here
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the nnode found or %NULL if no nnode is
- * found. This function is a helper to 'ubifs_lpt_free()'.
- */
-static struct ubifs_nnode *first_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, int *hght)
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- int h, i, found;
- nnode = c->nroot;
- *hght = 0;
- if (!nnode)
- return NULL;
- for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
- found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- if (nnode->nbranch[i].nnode) {
- found = 1;
- nnode = nnode->nbranch[i].nnode;
- *hght = h;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- break;
- }
- return nnode;
- * next_nnode - find the next nnode in memory.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @nnode: nnode from which to start.
- * @hght: height of tree where nnode is, is passed and returned here
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the nnode found or %NULL if no nnode is
- * found. This function is a helper to 'ubifs_lpt_free()'.
- */
-static struct ubifs_nnode *next_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode, int *hght)
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent;
- int iip, h, i, found;
- parent = nnode->parent;
- if (!parent)
- return NULL;
- if (nnode->iip == UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1) {
- *hght -= 1;
- return parent;
- }
- for (iip = nnode->iip + 1; iip < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; iip++) {
- nnode = parent->nbranch[iip].nnode;
- if (nnode)
- break;
- }
- if (!nnode) {
- *hght -= 1;
- return parent;
- }
- for (h = *hght + 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
- found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
- if (nnode->nbranch[i].nnode) {
- found = 1;
- nnode = nnode->nbranch[i].nnode;
- *hght = h;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- break;
- }
- return nnode;
- * ubifs_lpt_free - free resources owned by the LPT.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @wr_only: free only resources used for writing
- */
-void ubifs_lpt_free(struct ubifs_info *c, int wr_only)
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- int i, hght;
- /* Free write-only things first */
- free_obsolete_cnodes(c); /* Leftover from a failed commit */
- vfree(c->ltab_cmt);
- c->ltab_cmt = NULL;
- vfree(c->lpt_buf);
- c->lpt_buf = NULL;
- kfree(c->lsave);
- c->lsave = NULL;
- if (wr_only)
- return;
- /* Now free the rest */
- nnode = first_nnode(c, &hght);
- while (nnode) {
- for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++)
- kfree(nnode->nbranch[i].nnode);
- nnode = next_nnode(c, nnode, &hght);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < LPROPS_HEAP_CNT; i++)
- kfree(c->lpt_heap[i].arr);
- kfree(c->dirty_idx.arr);
- kfree(c->nroot);
- vfree(c->ltab);
- kfree(c->lpt_nod_buf);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/master.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/master.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f2926e87..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/master.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
-/* This file implements reading and writing the master node */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * scan_for_master - search the valid master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function scans the master node LEBs and search for the latest master
- * node. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static int scan_for_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- int lnum, offs = 0, nodes_cnt;
- lnum = UBIFS_MST_LNUM;
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return PTR_ERR(sleb);
- nodes_cnt = sleb->nodes_cnt;
- if (nodes_cnt > 0) {
- snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev, struct ubifs_scan_node,
- list);
- if (snod->type != UBIFS_MST_NODE)
- goto out;
- memcpy(c->mst_node, snod->node, snod->len);
- offs = snod->offs;
- }
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- lnum += 1;
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return PTR_ERR(sleb);
- if (sleb->nodes_cnt != nodes_cnt)
- goto out;
- if (!sleb->nodes_cnt)
- goto out;
- snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev, struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
- if (snod->type != UBIFS_MST_NODE)
- goto out;
- if (snod->offs != offs)
- goto out;
- if (memcmp((void *)c->mst_node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
- (void *)snod->node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
- goto out;
- c->mst_offs = offs;
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return 0;
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return -EINVAL;
- * validate_master - validate master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function validates data which was read from master node. Returns zero
- * if the data is all right and %-EINVAL if not.
- */
-static int validate_master(const struct ubifs_info *c)
- long long main_sz;
- int err;
- if (c->max_sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
- err = 1;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->cmt_no >= c->max_sqnum) {
- err = 2;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->highest_inum >= INUM_WATERMARK) {
- err = 3;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lhead_lnum < UBIFS_LOG_LNUM ||
- c->lhead_lnum >= UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs ||
- c->lhead_offs < 0 || c->lhead_offs >= c->leb_size ||
- c->lhead_offs & (c->min_io_size - 1)) {
- err = 4;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->zroot.lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->zroot.lnum < c->main_first ||
- c->zroot.offs >= c->leb_size || c->zroot.offs & 7) {
- err = 5;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->zroot.len < c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].min_len ||
- c->zroot.len > c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].max_len) {
- err = 6;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->gc_lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->gc_lnum < c->main_first) {
- err = 7;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->ihead_lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->ihead_lnum < c->main_first ||
- c->ihead_offs % c->min_io_size || c->ihead_offs < 0 ||
- c->ihead_offs > c->leb_size || c->ihead_offs & 7) {
- err = 8;
- goto out;
- }
- main_sz = (long long)c->main_lebs * c->leb_size;
- if (c->old_idx_sz & 7 || c->old_idx_sz >= main_sz) {
- err = 9;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lpt_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->lpt_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
- c->lpt_offs < 0 || c->lpt_offs + c->nnode_sz > c->leb_size) {
- err = 10;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->nhead_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->nhead_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
- c->nhead_offs < 0 || c->nhead_offs % c->min_io_size ||
- c->nhead_offs > c->leb_size) {
- err = 11;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->ltab_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->ltab_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
- c->ltab_offs < 0 ||
- c->ltab_offs + c->ltab_sz > c->leb_size) {
- err = 12;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->big_lpt && (c->lsave_lnum < c->lpt_first ||
- c->lsave_lnum > c->lpt_last || c->lsave_offs < 0 ||
- c->lsave_offs + c->lsave_sz > c->leb_size)) {
- err = 13;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lscan_lnum < c->main_first || c->lscan_lnum >= c->leb_cnt) {
- err = 14;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.empty_lebs < 0 || c->lst.empty_lebs > c->main_lebs - 2) {
- err = 15;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.idx_lebs < 0 || c->lst.idx_lebs > c->main_lebs - 1) {
- err = 16;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_free < 0 || c->lst.total_free > main_sz ||
- c->lst.total_free & 7) {
- err = 17;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_dirty < 0 || (c->lst.total_dirty & 7)) {
- err = 18;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_used < 0 || (c->lst.total_used & 7)) {
- err = 19;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty +
- c->lst.total_used > main_sz) {
- err = 20;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_dead + c->lst.total_dark +
- c->lst.total_used + c->old_idx_sz > main_sz) {
- err = 21;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_dead < 0 ||
- c->lst.total_dead > c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty ||
- c->lst.total_dead & 7) {
- err = 22;
- goto out;
- }
- if (c->lst.total_dark < 0 ||
- c->lst.total_dark > c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty ||
- c->lst.total_dark & 7) {
- err = 23;
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("bad master node at offset %d error %d", c->mst_offs, err);
- dbg_dump_node(c, c->mst_node);
- return -EINVAL;
- * ubifs_read_master - read master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function finds and reads the master node during file-system mount. If
- * the flash is empty, it creates default master node as well. Returns zero in
- * case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_read_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err, old_leb_cnt;
- c->mst_node = kzalloc(c->mst_node_alsz, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->mst_node)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = scan_for_master(c);
- if (err) {
- err = ubifs_recover_master_node(c);
- if (err)
- /*
- * Note, we do not free 'c->mst_node' here because the
- * unmount routine will take care of this.
- */
- return err;
- }
- /* Make sure that the recovery flag is clear */
- c->mst_node->flags &= cpu_to_le32(~UBIFS_MST_RCVRY);
- c->max_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ch.sqnum);
- c->highest_inum = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->highest_inum);
- c->cmt_no = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->cmt_no);
- c->zroot.lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_lnum);
- c->zroot.offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_offs);
- c->zroot.len = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_len);
- c->lhead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->log_lnum);
- c->gc_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->gc_lnum);
- c->ihead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ihead_lnum);
- c->ihead_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ihead_offs);
- c->old_idx_sz = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->index_size);
- c->lpt_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lpt_lnum);
- c->lpt_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lpt_offs);
- c->nhead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->nhead_lnum);
- c->nhead_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->nhead_offs);
- c->ltab_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ltab_lnum);
- c->ltab_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ltab_offs);
- c->lsave_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lsave_lnum);
- c->lsave_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lsave_offs);
- c->lscan_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lscan_lnum);
- c->lst.empty_lebs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->empty_lebs);
- c->lst.idx_lebs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->idx_lebs);
- old_leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->leb_cnt);
- c->lst.total_free = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_free);
- c->lst.total_dirty = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dirty);
- c->lst.total_used = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_used);
- c->lst.total_dead = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dead);
- c->lst.total_dark = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dark);
- c->calc_idx_sz = c->old_idx_sz;
- if (c->mst_node->flags & cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS))
- c->no_orphs = 1;
- if (old_leb_cnt != c->leb_cnt) {
- /* The file system has been resized */
- int growth = c->leb_cnt - old_leb_cnt;
- if (c->leb_cnt < old_leb_cnt ||
- c->leb_cnt < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT) {
- ubifs_err("bad leb_cnt on master node");
- dbg_dump_node(c, c->mst_node);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- dbg_mnt("Auto resizing (master) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs",
- old_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
- c->lst.empty_lebs += growth;
- c->lst.total_free += growth * (long long)c->leb_size;
- c->lst.total_dark += growth * (long long)c->dark_wm;
- /*
- * Reflect changes back onto the master node. N.B. the master
- * node gets written immediately whenever mounting (or
- * remounting) in read-write mode, so we do not need to write it
- * here.
- */
- c->mst_node->leb_cnt = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);
- c->mst_node->empty_lebs = cpu_to_le32(c->lst.empty_lebs);
- c->mst_node->total_free = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_free);
- c->mst_node->total_dark = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_dark);
- }
- err = validate_master(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = dbg_old_index_check_init(c, &c->zroot);
- return err;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/misc.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/misc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 609232e93..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/misc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file contains miscellaneous helper functions.
- */
-#ifndef __UBIFS_MISC_H__
-#define __UBIFS_MISC_H__
- * ubifs_zn_dirty - check if znode is dirty.
- * @znode: znode to check
- *
- * This helper function returns %1 if @znode is dirty and %0 otherwise.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_zn_dirty(const struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- return !!test_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &znode->flags);
- * ubifs_wake_up_bgt - wake up background thread.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static inline void ubifs_wake_up_bgt(struct ubifs_info *c)
- if (c->bgt && !c->need_bgt) {
- c->need_bgt = 1;
- wake_up_process(c->bgt);
- }
- * ubifs_tnc_find_child - find next child in znode.
- * @znode: znode to search at
- * @start: the zbranch index to start at
- *
- * This helper function looks for znode child starting at index @start. Returns
- * the child or %NULL if no children were found.
- */
-static inline struct ubifs_znode *
-ubifs_tnc_find_child(struct ubifs_znode *znode, int start)
- while (start < znode->child_cnt) {
- if (znode->zbranch[start].znode)
- return znode->zbranch[start].znode;
- start += 1;
- }
- return NULL;
- * ubifs_inode - get UBIFS inode information by VFS 'struct inode' object.
- * @inode: the VFS 'struct inode' pointer
- */
-static inline struct ubifs_inode *ubifs_inode(const struct inode *inode)
- return container_of(inode, struct ubifs_inode, vfs_inode);
- * ubifs_compr_present - check if compressor was compiled in.
- * @compr_type: compressor type to check
- *
- * This function returns %1 of compressor of type @compr_type is present, and
- * %0 if not.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_compr_present(int compr_type)
- ubifs_assert(compr_type >= 0 && compr_type < UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT);
- return !!ubifs_compressors[compr_type]->capi_name;
- * ubifs_compr_name - get compressor name string by its type.
- * @compr_type: compressor type
- *
- * This function returns compressor type string.
- */
-static inline const char *ubifs_compr_name(int compr_type)
- ubifs_assert(compr_type >= 0 && compr_type < UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT);
- return ubifs_compressors[compr_type]->name;
- * ubifs_wbuf_sync - synchronize write-buffer.
- * @wbuf: write-buffer to synchronize
- *
- * This is the same as as 'ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock()' but it does not assume
- * that the write-buffer is already locked.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_wbuf_sync(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf)
- int err;
- mutex_lock_nested(&wbuf->io_mutex, wbuf->jhead);
- err = ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock(wbuf);
- mutex_unlock(&wbuf->io_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_leb_unmap - unmap an LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to unmap
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_leb_unmap(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
- int err;
- if (c->ro_media)
- return -EROFS;
- err = ubi_leb_unmap(c->ubi, lnum);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("unmap LEB %d failed, error %d", lnum, err);
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_leb_write - write to a LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to write
- * @buf: buffer to write from
- * @offs: offset within LEB to write to
- * @len: length to write
- * @dtype: data type
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_leb_write(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- const void *buf, int offs, int len, int dtype)
- int err;
- if (c->ro_media)
- return -EROFS;
- err = ubi_leb_write(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len, dtype);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("writing %d bytes at %d:%d, error %d",
- len, lnum, offs, err);
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_leb_change - atomic LEB change.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to write
- * @buf: buffer to write from
- * @len: length to write
- * @dtype: data type
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_leb_change(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- const void *buf, int len, int dtype)
- int err;
- if (c->ro_media)
- return -EROFS;
- err = ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum, buf, len, dtype);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("changing %d bytes in LEB %d, error %d",
- len, lnum, err);
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_add_dirt - add dirty space to LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB to add dirty space for
- * @dirty: dirty space to add
- *
- * This is a helper function which increased amount of dirty LEB space. Returns
- * zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_add_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirty)
- return ubifs_update_one_lp(c, lnum, LPROPS_NC, dirty, 0, 0);
- * ubifs_return_leb - return LEB to lprops.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB to return
- *
- * This helper function cleans the "taken" flag of a logical eraseblock in the
- * lprops. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_return_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
- return ubifs_change_one_lp(c, lnum, LPROPS_NC, LPROPS_NC, 0,
- * ubifs_idx_node_sz - return index node size.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @child_cnt: number of children of this index node
- */
-static inline int ubifs_idx_node_sz(const struct ubifs_info *c, int child_cnt)
- return UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ + (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * child_cnt;
- * ubifs_idx_branch - return pointer to an index branch.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @idx: index node
- * @bnum: branch number
- */
-static inline
-struct ubifs_branch *ubifs_idx_branch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
- int bnum)
- return (struct ubifs_branch *)((void *)idx->branches +
- (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * bnum);
- * ubifs_idx_key - return pointer to an index key.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- * @idx: index node
- */
-static inline void *ubifs_idx_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_idx_node *idx)
- const __u8 *branch = idx->branches;
- return (void *)((struct ubifs_branch *)branch)->key;
- * ubifs_tnc_lookup - look up a file-system node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: node key to lookup
- * @node: the node is returned here
- *
- * This function look up and reads node with key @key. The caller has to make
- * sure the @node buffer is large enough to fit the node. Returns zero in case
- * of success, %-ENOENT if the node was not found, and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static inline int ubifs_tnc_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key, void *node)
- return ubifs_tnc_locate(c, key, node, NULL, NULL);
- * ubifs_get_lprops - get reference to LEB properties.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function locks lprops. Lprops have to be unlocked by
- * 'ubifs_release_lprops()'.
- */
-static inline void ubifs_get_lprops(struct ubifs_info *c)
- mutex_lock(&c->lp_mutex);
- * ubifs_release_lprops - release lprops lock.
- * @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function has to be called after each 'ubifs_get_lprops()' call to
- * unlock lprops.
- */
-static inline void ubifs_release_lprops(struct ubifs_info *c)
- ubifs_assert(mutex_is_locked(&c->lp_mutex));
- ubifs_assert(c->lst.empty_lebs >= 0 &&
- c->lst.empty_lebs <= c->main_lebs);
- mutex_unlock(&c->lp_mutex);
-#endif /* __UBIFS_MISC_H__ */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/orphan.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/orphan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d091031b8..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/orphan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Author: Adrian Hunter
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * An orphan is an inode number whose inode node has been committed to the index
- * with a link count of zero. That happens when an open file is deleted
- * (unlinked) and then a commit is run. In the normal course of events the inode
- * would be deleted when the file is closed. However in the case of an unclean
- * unmount, orphans need to be accounted for. After an unclean unmount, the
- * orphans' inodes must be deleted which means either scanning the entire index
- * looking for them, or keeping a list on flash somewhere. This unit implements
- * the latter approach.
- *
- * The orphan area is a fixed number of LEBs situated between the LPT area and
- * the main area. The number of orphan area LEBs is specified when the file
- * system is created. The minimum number is 1. The size of the orphan area
- * should be so that it can hold the maximum number of orphans that are expected
- * to ever exist at one time.
- *
- * The number of orphans that can fit in a LEB is:
- *
- * (c->leb_size - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) / sizeof(__le64)
- *
- * For example: a 15872 byte LEB can fit 1980 orphans so 1 LEB may be enough.
- *
- * Orphans are accumulated in a rb-tree. When an inode's link count drops to
- * zero, the inode number is added to the rb-tree. It is removed from the tree
- * when the inode is deleted. Any new orphans that are in the orphan tree when
- * the commit is run, are written to the orphan area in 1 or more orphan nodes.
- * If the orphan area is full, it is consolidated to make space. There is
- * always enough space because validation prevents the user from creating more
- * than the maximum number of orphans allowed.
- */
- * tot_avail_orphs - calculate total space.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns the number of orphans that can be written in half
- * the total space. That leaves half the space for adding new orphans.
- */
-static int tot_avail_orphs(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int avail_lebs, avail;
- avail_lebs = c->orph_lebs;
- avail = avail_lebs *
- ((c->leb_size - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) / sizeof(__le64));
- return avail / 2;
- * ubifs_clear_orphans - erase all LEBs used for orphans.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * If recovery is not required, then the orphans from the previous session
- * are not needed. This function locates the LEBs used to record
- * orphans, and un-maps them.
- */
-int ubifs_clear_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int lnum, err;
- for (lnum = c->orph_first; lnum <= c->orph_last; lnum++) {
- err = ubifs_leb_unmap(c, lnum);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- c->ohead_lnum = c->orph_first;
- c->ohead_offs = 0;
- return 0;
- * insert_dead_orphan - insert an orphan.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inum: orphan inode number
- *
- * This function is a helper to the 'do_kill_orphans()' function. The orphan
- * must be kept until the next commit, so it is added to the rb-tree and the
- * deletion list.
- */
-static int insert_dead_orphan(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum)
- struct ubifs_orphan *orphan, *o;
- struct rb_node **p, *parent = NULL;
- orphan = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_orphan), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!orphan)
- return -ENOMEM;
- orphan->inum = inum;
- p = &c->orph_tree.rb_node;
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- o = rb_entry(parent, struct ubifs_orphan, rb);
- if (inum < o->inum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- else if (inum > o->inum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- else {
- /* Already added - no problem */
- kfree(orphan);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- c->tot_orphans += 1;
- rb_link_node(&orphan->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&orphan->rb, &c->orph_tree);
- list_add_tail(&orphan->list, &c->orph_list);
- orphan->dnext = c->orph_dnext;
- c->orph_dnext = orphan;
- dbg_mnt("ino %lu, new %d, tot %d", (unsigned long)inum,
- c->new_orphans, c->tot_orphans);
- return 0;
- * do_kill_orphans - remove orphan inodes from the index.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sleb: scanned LEB
- * @last_cmt_no: cmt_no of last orphan node read is passed and returned here
- * @outofdate: whether the LEB is out of date is returned here
- * @last_flagged: whether the end orphan node is encountered
- *
- * This function is a helper to the 'kill_orphans()' function. It goes through
- * every orphan node in a LEB and for every inode number recorded, removes
- * all keys for that inode from the TNC.
- */
-static int do_kill_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- unsigned long long *last_cmt_no, int *outofdate,
- int *last_flagged)
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- struct ubifs_orph_node *orph;
- unsigned long long cmt_no;
- ino_t inum;
- int i, n, err, first = 1;
- list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
- if (snod->type != UBIFS_ORPH_NODE) {
- ubifs_err("invalid node type %d in orphan area at "
- "%d:%d", snod->type, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- orph = snod->node;
- /* Check commit number */
- cmt_no = le64_to_cpu(orph->cmt_no) & LLONG_MAX;
- /*
- * The commit number on the master node may be less, because
- * of a failed commit. If there are several failed commits in a
- * row, the commit number written on orphan nodes will continue
- * to increase (because the commit number is adjusted here) even
- * though the commit number on the master node stays the same
- * because the master node has not been re-written.
- */
- if (cmt_no > c->cmt_no)
- c->cmt_no = cmt_no;
- if (cmt_no < *last_cmt_no && *last_flagged) {
- /*
- * The last orphan node had a higher commit number and
- * was flagged as the last written for that commit
- * number. That makes this orphan node, out of date.
- */
- if (!first) {
- ubifs_err("out of order commit number %llu in "
- "orphan node at %d:%d",
- cmt_no, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- dbg_rcvry("out of date LEB %d", sleb->lnum);
- *outofdate = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (first)
- first = 0;
- n = (le32_to_cpu(orph->ch.len) - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) >> 3;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- inum = le64_to_cpu(orph->inos[i]);
- dbg_rcvry("deleting orphaned inode %lu",
- (unsigned long)inum);
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(c, inum);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = insert_dead_orphan(c, inum);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- *last_cmt_no = cmt_no;
- if (le64_to_cpu(orph->cmt_no) & (1ULL << 63)) {
- dbg_rcvry("last orph node for commit %llu at %d:%d",
- cmt_no, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
- *last_flagged = 1;
- } else
- *last_flagged = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- * kill_orphans - remove all orphan inodes from the index.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * If recovery is required, then orphan inodes recorded during the previous
- * session (which ended with an unclean unmount) must be deleted from the index.
- * This is done by updating the TNC, but since the index is not updated until
- * the next commit, the LEBs where the orphan information is recorded are not
- * erased until the next commit.
- */
-static int kill_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c)
- unsigned long long last_cmt_no = 0;
- int lnum, err = 0, outofdate = 0, last_flagged = 0;
- c->ohead_lnum = c->orph_first;
- c->ohead_offs = 0;
- /* Check no-orphans flag and skip this if no orphans */
- if (c->no_orphs) {
- dbg_rcvry("no orphans");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Orph nodes always start at c->orph_first and are written to each
- * successive LEB in turn. Generally unused LEBs will have been unmapped
- * but may contain out of date orphan nodes if the unmap didn't go
- * through. In addition, the last orphan node written for each commit is
- * marked (top bit of orph->cmt_no is set to 1). It is possible that
- * there are orphan nodes from the next commit (i.e. the commit did not
- * complete successfully). In that case, no orphans will have been lost
- * due to the way that orphans are written, and any orphans added will
- * be valid orphans anyway and so can be deleted.
- */
- for (lnum = c->orph_first; lnum <= c->orph_last; lnum++) {
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- dbg_rcvry("LEB %d", lnum);
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb)) {
- sleb = ubifs_recover_leb(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(sleb);
- break;
- }
- }
- err = do_kill_orphans(c, sleb, &last_cmt_no, &outofdate,
- &last_flagged);
- if (err || outofdate) {
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- break;
- }
- if (sleb->endpt) {
- c->ohead_lnum = lnum;
- c->ohead_offs = sleb->endpt;
- }
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- }
- return err;
- * ubifs_mount_orphans - delete orphan inodes and erase LEBs that recorded them.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @unclean: indicates recovery from unclean unmount
- * @read_only: indicates read only mount
- *
- * This function is called when mounting to erase orphans from the previous
- * session. If UBIFS was not unmounted cleanly, then the inodes recorded as
- * orphans are deleted.
- */
-int ubifs_mount_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c, int unclean, int read_only)
- int err = 0;
- c->max_orphans = tot_avail_orphs(c);
- if (!read_only) {
- c->orph_buf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
- if (!c->orph_buf)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- if (unclean)
- err = kill_orphans(c);
- else if (!read_only)
- err = ubifs_clear_orphans(c);
- return err;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/recovery.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/recovery.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 744465005..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/recovery.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1225 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements functions needed to recover from unclean un-mounts.
- * When UBIFS is mounted, it checks a flag on the master node to determine if
- * an un-mount was completed sucessfully. If not, the process of mounting
- * incorparates additional checking and fixing of on-flash data structures.
- * UBIFS always cleans away all remnants of an unclean un-mount, so that
- * errors do not accumulate. However UBIFS defers recovery if it is mounted
- * read-only, and the flash is not modified in that case.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * is_empty - determine whether a buffer is empty (contains all 0xff).
- * @buf: buffer to clean
- * @len: length of buffer
- *
- * This function returns %1 if the buffer is empty (contains all 0xff) otherwise
- * %0 is returned.
- */
-static int is_empty(void *buf, int len)
- uint8_t *p = buf;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- if (*p++ != 0xff)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * get_master_node - get the last valid master node allowing for corruption.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @pbuf: buffer containing the LEB read, is returned here
- * @mst: master node, if found, is returned here
- * @cor: corruption, if found, is returned here
- *
- * This function allocates a buffer, reads the LEB into it, and finds and
- * returns the last valid master node allowing for one area of corruption.
- * The corrupt area, if there is one, must be consistent with the assumption
- * that it is the result of an unclean unmount while the master node was being
- * written. Under those circumstances, it is valid to use the previously written
- * master node.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int get_master_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, void **pbuf,
- struct ubifs_mst_node **mst, void **cor)
- const int sz = c->mst_node_alsz;
- int err, offs, len;
- void *sbuf, *buf;
- sbuf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
- if (!sbuf)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf, 0, c->leb_size);
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG)
- goto out_free;
- /* Find the first position that is definitely not a node */
- offs = 0;
- buf = sbuf;
- len = c->leb_size;
- while (offs + UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ <= c->leb_size) {
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- if (le32_to_cpu(ch->magic) != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
- break;
- offs += sz;
- buf += sz;
- len -= sz;
- }
- /* See if there was a valid master node before that */
- if (offs) {
- int ret;
- offs -= sz;
- buf -= sz;
- len += sz;
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, 1);
- if (ret != SCANNED_A_NODE && offs) {
- /* Could have been corruption so check one place back */
- offs -= sz;
- buf -= sz;
- len += sz;
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, 1);
- if (ret != SCANNED_A_NODE)
- /*
- * We accept only one area of corruption because
- * we are assuming that it was caused while
- * trying to write a master node.
- */
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (ret == SCANNED_A_NODE) {
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- if (ch->node_type != UBIFS_MST_NODE)
- goto out_err;
- dbg_rcvry("found a master node at %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- *mst = buf;
- offs += sz;
- buf += sz;
- len -= sz;
- }
- }
- /* Check for corruption */
- if (offs < c->leb_size) {
- if (!is_empty(buf, min_t(int, len, sz))) {
- *cor = buf;
- dbg_rcvry("found corruption at %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- }
- offs += sz;
- buf += sz;
- len -= sz;
- }
- /* Check remaining empty space */
- if (offs < c->leb_size)
- if (!is_empty(buf, len))
- goto out_err;
- *pbuf = sbuf;
- return 0;
- err = -EINVAL;
- vfree(sbuf);
- *mst = NULL;
- *cor = NULL;
- return err;
- * write_rcvrd_mst_node - write recovered master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @mst: master node
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int write_rcvrd_mst_node(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_mst_node *mst)
- int err = 0, lnum = UBIFS_MST_LNUM, sz = c->mst_node_alsz;
- __le32 save_flags;
- dbg_rcvry("recovery");
- save_flags = mst->flags;
- mst->flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_RCVRY);
- ubifs_prepare_node(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, 1);
- err = ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum, mst, sz, UBI_SHORTTERM);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum + 1, mst, sz, UBI_SHORTTERM);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- mst->flags = save_flags;
- return err;
- * ubifs_recover_master_node - recover the master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function recovers the master node from corruption that may occur due to
- * an unclean unmount.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_recover_master_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
- void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL, *cor1 = NULL, *cor2 = NULL;
- struct ubifs_mst_node *mst1 = NULL, *mst2 = NULL, *mst;
- const int sz = c->mst_node_alsz;
- int err, offs1, offs2;
- dbg_rcvry("recovery");
- err = get_master_node(c, UBIFS_MST_LNUM, &buf1, &mst1, &cor1);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- err = get_master_node(c, UBIFS_MST_LNUM + 1, &buf2, &mst2, &cor2);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- if (mst1) {
- offs1 = (void *)mst1 - buf1;
- if ((le32_to_cpu(mst1->flags) & UBIFS_MST_RCVRY) &&
- (offs1 == 0 && !cor1)) {
- /*
- * mst1 was written by recovery at offset 0 with no
- * corruption.
- */
- dbg_rcvry("recovery recovery");
- mst = mst1;
- } else if (mst2) {
- offs2 = (void *)mst2 - buf2;
- if (offs1 == offs2) {
- /* Same offset, so must be the same */
- if (memcmp((void *)mst1 + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
- (void *)mst2 + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
- goto out_err;
- mst = mst1;
- } else if (offs2 + sz == offs1) {
- /* 1st LEB was written, 2nd was not */
- if (cor1)
- goto out_err;
- mst = mst1;
- } else if (offs1 == 0 && offs2 + sz >= c->leb_size) {
- /* 1st LEB was unmapped and written, 2nd not */
- if (cor1)
- goto out_err;
- mst = mst1;
- } else
- goto out_err;
- } else {
- /*
- * 2nd LEB was unmapped and about to be written, so
- * there must be only one master node in the first LEB
- * and no corruption.
- */
- if (offs1 != 0 || cor1)
- goto out_err;
- mst = mst1;
- }
- } else {
- if (!mst2)
- goto out_err;
- /*
- * 1st LEB was unmapped and about to be written, so there must
- * be no room left in 2nd LEB.
- */
- offs2 = (void *)mst2 - buf2;
- if (offs2 + sz + sz <= c->leb_size)
- goto out_err;
- mst = mst2;
- }
- dbg_rcvry("recovered master node from LEB %d",
- (mst == mst1 ? UBIFS_MST_LNUM : UBIFS_MST_LNUM + 1));
- memcpy(c->mst_node, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ);
- if ((c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
- /* Read-only mode. Keep a copy for switching to rw mode */
- c->rcvrd_mst_node = kmalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->rcvrd_mst_node) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_free;
- }
- memcpy(c->rcvrd_mst_node, c->mst_node, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ);
- }
- vfree(buf2);
- vfree(buf1);
- return 0;
- err = -EINVAL;
- ubifs_err("failed to recover master node");
- if (mst1) {
- dbg_err("dumping first master node");
- dbg_dump_node(c, mst1);
- }
- if (mst2) {
- dbg_err("dumping second master node");
- dbg_dump_node(c, mst2);
- }
- vfree(buf2);
- vfree(buf1);
- return err;
- * ubifs_write_rcvrd_mst_node - write the recovered master node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function writes the master node that was recovered during mounting in
- * read-only mode and must now be written because we are remounting rw.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_write_rcvrd_mst_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err;
- if (!c->rcvrd_mst_node)
- return 0;
- c->rcvrd_mst_node->flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_DIRTY);
- c->mst_node->flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_DIRTY);
- err = write_rcvrd_mst_node(c, c->rcvrd_mst_node);
- if (err)
- return err;
- kfree(c->rcvrd_mst_node);
- c->rcvrd_mst_node = NULL;
- return 0;
- * is_last_write - determine if an offset was in the last write to a LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to check
- * @offs: offset to check
- *
- * This function returns %1 if @offs was in the last write to the LEB whose data
- * is in @buf, otherwise %0 is returned. The determination is made by checking
- * for subsequent empty space starting from the next min_io_size boundary (or a
- * bit less than the common header size if min_io_size is one).
- */
-static int is_last_write(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int offs)
- int empty_offs;
- int check_len;
- uint8_t *p;
- if (c->min_io_size == 1) {
- check_len = c->leb_size - offs;
- p = buf + check_len;
- for (; check_len > 0; check_len--)
- if (*--p != 0xff)
- break;
- /*
- * 'check_len' is the size of the corruption which cannot be
- * more than the size of 1 node if it was caused by an unclean
- * unmount.
- */
- if (check_len > UBIFS_MAX_NODE_SZ)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Round up to the next c->min_io_size boundary i.e. 'offs' is in the
- * last wbuf written. After that should be empty space.
- */
- empty_offs = ALIGN(offs + 1, c->min_io_size);
- check_len = c->leb_size - empty_offs;
- p = buf + empty_offs - offs;
- for (; check_len > 0; check_len--)
- if (*p++ != 0xff)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * clean_buf - clean the data from an LEB sitting in a buffer.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to clean
- * @lnum: LEB number to clean
- * @offs: offset from which to clean
- * @len: length of buffer
- *
- * This function pads up to the next min_io_size boundary (if there is one) and
- * sets empty space to all 0xff. @buf, @offs and @len are updated to the next
- * min_io_size boundary (if there is one).
- */
-static void clean_buf(const struct ubifs_info *c, void **buf, int lnum,
- int *offs, int *len)
- int empty_offs, pad_len;
- lnum = lnum;
- dbg_rcvry("cleaning corruption at %d:%d", lnum, *offs);
- if (c->min_io_size == 1) {
- memset(*buf, 0xff, c->leb_size - *offs);
- return;
- }
- ubifs_assert(!(*offs & 7));
- empty_offs = ALIGN(*offs, c->min_io_size);
- pad_len = empty_offs - *offs;
- ubifs_pad(c, *buf, pad_len);
- *offs += pad_len;
- *buf += pad_len;
- *len -= pad_len;
- memset(*buf, 0xff, c->leb_size - empty_offs);
- * no_more_nodes - determine if there are no more nodes in a buffer.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to check
- * @len: length of buffer
- * @lnum: LEB number of the LEB from which @buf was read
- * @offs: offset from which @buf was read
- *
- * This function ensures that the corrupted node at @offs is the last thing
- * written to a LEB. This function returns %1 if more data is not found and
- * %0 if more data is found.
- */
-static int no_more_nodes(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len,
- int lnum, int offs)
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- int skip, dlen = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- /* Check for empty space after the corrupt node's common header */
- skip = ALIGN(offs + UBIFS_CH_SZ, c->min_io_size) - offs;
- if (is_empty(buf + skip, len - skip))
- return 1;
- /*
- * The area after the common header size is not empty, so the common
- * header must be intact. Check it.
- */
- if (ubifs_check_node(c, buf, lnum, offs, 1, 0) != -EUCLEAN) {
- dbg_rcvry("unexpected bad common header at %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Now we know the corrupt node's length we can skip over it */
- skip = ALIGN(offs + dlen, c->min_io_size) - offs;
- /* After which there should be empty space */
- if (is_empty(buf + skip, len - skip))
- return 1;
- dbg_rcvry("unexpected data at %d:%d", lnum, offs + skip);
- return 0;
- * fix_unclean_leb - fix an unclean LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sleb: scanned LEB information
- * @start: offset where scan started
- */
-static int fix_unclean_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- int start)
- int lnum = sleb->lnum, endpt = start;
- /* Get the end offset of the last node we are keeping */
- if (!list_empty(&sleb->nodes)) {
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev,
- struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
- endpt = snod->offs + snod->len;
- }
- if ((c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) && !c->remounting_rw) {
- /* Add to recovery list */
- struct ubifs_unclean_leb *ucleb;
- dbg_rcvry("need to fix LEB %d start %d endpt %d",
- lnum, start, sleb->endpt);
- ucleb = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_unclean_leb), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!ucleb)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ucleb->lnum = lnum;
- ucleb->endpt = endpt;
- list_add_tail(&ucleb->list, &c->unclean_leb_list);
- }
- return 0;
- * drop_incomplete_group - drop nodes from an incomplete group.
- * @sleb: scanned LEB information
- * @offs: offset of dropped nodes is returned here
- *
- * This function returns %1 if nodes are dropped and %0 otherwise.
- */
-static int drop_incomplete_group(struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb, int *offs)
- int dropped = 0;
- while (!list_empty(&sleb->nodes)) {
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- struct ubifs_ch *ch;
- snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev, struct ubifs_scan_node,
- list);
- ch = snod->node;
- if (ch->group_type != UBIFS_IN_NODE_GROUP)
- return dropped;
- dbg_rcvry("dropping node at %d:%d", sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
- *offs = snod->offs;
- list_del(&snod->list);
- kfree(snod);
- sleb->nodes_cnt -= 1;
- dropped = 1;
- }
- return dropped;
- * ubifs_recover_leb - scan and recover a LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @offs: offset
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- * @grouped: nodes may be grouped for recovery
- *
- * This function does a scan of a LEB, but caters for errors that might have
- * been caused by the unclean unmount from which we are attempting to recover.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_recover_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf, int grouped)
- int err, len = c->leb_size - offs, need_clean = 0, quiet = 1;
- int empty_chkd = 0, start = offs;
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- void *buf = sbuf + offs;
- dbg_rcvry("%d:%d", lnum, offs);
- sleb = ubifs_start_scan(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return sleb;
- if (sleb->ecc)
- need_clean = 1;
- while (len >= 8) {
- int ret;
- dbg_scan("look at LEB %d:%d (%d bytes left)",
- lnum, offs, len);
- cond_resched();
- /*
- * Scan quietly until there is an error from which we cannot
- * recover
- */
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, quiet);
- if (ret == SCANNED_A_NODE) {
- /* A valid node, and not a padding node */
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- int node_len;
- err = ubifs_add_snod(c, sleb, buf, offs);
- if (err)
- goto error;
- node_len = ALIGN(le32_to_cpu(ch->len), 8);
- offs += node_len;
- buf += node_len;
- len -= node_len;
- continue;
- }
- if (ret > 0) {
- /* Padding bytes or a valid padding node */
- offs += ret;
- buf += ret;
- len -= ret;
- continue;
- }
- if (ret == SCANNED_EMPTY_SPACE) {
- if (!is_empty(buf, len)) {
- if (!is_last_write(c, buf, offs))
- break;
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- }
- empty_chkd = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (is_last_write(c, buf, offs)) {
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- empty_chkd = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (no_more_nodes(c, buf, len, lnum, offs)) {
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- empty_chkd = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (quiet) {
- /* Redo the last scan but noisily */
- quiet = 0;
- continue;
- }
- switch (ret) {
- dbg_err("garbage");
- goto corrupted;
- dbg_err("bad node");
- goto corrupted;
- default:
- dbg_err("unknown");
- goto corrupted;
- }
- }
- if (!empty_chkd && !is_empty(buf, len)) {
- if (is_last_write(c, buf, offs)) {
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- } else {
- ubifs_err("corrupt empty space at LEB %d:%d",
- lnum, offs);
- goto corrupted;
- }
- }
- /* Drop nodes from incomplete group */
- if (grouped && drop_incomplete_group(sleb, &offs)) {
- buf = sbuf + offs;
- len = c->leb_size - offs;
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- }
- if (offs % c->min_io_size) {
- clean_buf(c, &buf, lnum, &offs, &len);
- need_clean = 1;
- }
- ubifs_end_scan(c, sleb, lnum, offs);
- if (need_clean) {
- err = fix_unclean_leb(c, sleb, start);
- if (err)
- goto error;
- }
- return sleb;
- ubifs_scanned_corruption(c, lnum, offs, buf);
- err = -EUCLEAN;
- ubifs_err("LEB %d scanning failed", lnum);
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- * get_cs_sqnum - get commit start sequence number.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number of commit start node
- * @offs: offset of commit start node
- * @cs_sqnum: commit start sequence number is returned here
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int get_cs_sqnum(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
- unsigned long long *cs_sqnum)
- struct ubifs_cs_node *cs_node = NULL;
- int err, ret;
- dbg_rcvry("at %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- cs_node = kmalloc(UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cs_node)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (c->leb_size - offs < UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ)
- goto out_err;
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, (void *)cs_node, offs, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ);
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG)
- goto out_free;
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, cs_node, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, lnum, offs, 0);
- if (ret != SCANNED_A_NODE) {
- dbg_err("Not a valid node");
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (cs_node->ch.node_type != UBIFS_CS_NODE) {
- dbg_err("Node a CS node, type is %d", cs_node->ch.node_type);
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (le64_to_cpu(cs_node->cmt_no) != c->cmt_no) {
- dbg_err("CS node cmt_no %llu != current cmt_no %llu",
- (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(cs_node->cmt_no),
- c->cmt_no);
- goto out_err;
- }
- *cs_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(cs_node->ch.sqnum);
- dbg_rcvry("commit start sqnum %llu", *cs_sqnum);
- kfree(cs_node);
- return 0;
- err = -EINVAL;
- ubifs_err("failed to get CS sqnum");
- kfree(cs_node);
- return err;
- * ubifs_recover_log_leb - scan and recover a log LEB.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @offs: offset
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- *
- * This function does a scan of a LEB, but caters for errors that might have
- * been caused by the unclean unmount from which we are attempting to recover.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_recover_log_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf)
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- int next_lnum;
- dbg_rcvry("LEB %d", lnum);
- next_lnum = lnum + 1;
- if (next_lnum >= UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs)
- next_lnum = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM;
- if (next_lnum != c->ltail_lnum) {
- /*
- * We can only recover at the end of the log, so check that the
- * next log LEB is empty or out of date.
- */
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, next_lnum, 0, sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return sleb;
- if (sleb->nodes_cnt) {
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- unsigned long long cs_sqnum = c->cs_sqnum;
- snod = list_entry(sleb->,
- struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
- if (cs_sqnum == 0) {
- int err;
- err = get_cs_sqnum(c, lnum, offs, &cs_sqnum);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- }
- if (snod->sqnum > cs_sqnum) {
- ubifs_err("unrecoverable log corruption "
- "in LEB %d", lnum);
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return ERR_PTR(-EUCLEAN);
- }
- }
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- }
- return ubifs_recover_leb(c, lnum, offs, sbuf, 0);
- * recover_head - recover a head.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number of head to recover
- * @offs: offset of head to recover
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- *
- * This function ensures that there is no data on the flash at a head location.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int recover_head(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
- void *sbuf)
- int len, err, need_clean = 0;
- if (c->min_io_size > 1)
- len = c->min_io_size;
- else
- len = 512;
- if (offs + len > c->leb_size)
- len = c->leb_size - offs;
- if (!len)
- return 0;
- /* Read at the head location and check it is empty flash */
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf, offs, len);
- if (err)
- need_clean = 1;
- else {
- uint8_t *p = sbuf;
- while (len--)
- if (*p++ != 0xff) {
- need_clean = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (need_clean) {
- dbg_rcvry("cleaning head at %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- if (offs == 0)
- return ubifs_leb_unmap(c, lnum);
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf, 0, offs);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf, offs, UBI_UNKNOWN);
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_recover_inl_heads - recover index and LPT heads.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- *
- * This function ensures that there is no data on the flash at the index and
- * LPT head locations.
- *
- * This deals with the recovery of a half-completed journal commit. UBIFS is
- * careful never to overwrite the last version of the index or the LPT. Because
- * the index and LPT are wandering trees, data from a half-completed commit will
- * not be referenced anywhere in UBIFS. The data will be either in LEBs that are
- * assumed to be empty and will be unmapped anyway before use, or in the index
- * and LPT heads.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_recover_inl_heads(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *sbuf)
- int err;
- ubifs_assert(!(c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) || c->remounting_rw);
- dbg_rcvry("checking index head at %d:%d", c->ihead_lnum, c->ihead_offs);
- err = recover_head(c, c->ihead_lnum, c->ihead_offs, sbuf);
- if (err)
- return err;
- dbg_rcvry("checking LPT head at %d:%d", c->nhead_lnum, c->nhead_offs);
- err = recover_head(c, c->nhead_lnum, c->nhead_offs, sbuf);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return 0;
- * clean_an_unclean_leb - read and write a LEB to remove corruption.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @ucleb: unclean LEB information
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- *
- * This function reads a LEB up to a point pre-determined by the mount recovery,
- * checks the nodes, and writes the result back to the flash, thereby cleaning
- * off any following corruption, or non-fatal ECC errors.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int clean_an_unclean_leb(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_unclean_leb *ucleb, void *sbuf)
- int err, lnum = ucleb->lnum, offs = 0, len = ucleb->endpt, quiet = 1;
- void *buf = sbuf;
- dbg_rcvry("LEB %d len %d", lnum, len);
- if (len == 0) {
- /* Nothing to read, just unmap it */
- err = ubifs_leb_unmap(c, lnum);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return 0;
- }
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len);
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG)
- return err;
- while (len >= 8) {
- int ret;
- cond_resched();
- /* Scan quietly until there is an error */
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, quiet);
- if (ret == SCANNED_A_NODE) {
- /* A valid node, and not a padding node */
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- int node_len;
- node_len = ALIGN(le32_to_cpu(ch->len), 8);
- offs += node_len;
- buf += node_len;
- len -= node_len;
- continue;
- }
- if (ret > 0) {
- /* Padding bytes or a valid padding node */
- offs += ret;
- buf += ret;
- len -= ret;
- continue;
- }
- if (ret == SCANNED_EMPTY_SPACE) {
- ubifs_err("unexpected empty space at %d:%d",
- lnum, offs);
- return -EUCLEAN;
- }
- if (quiet) {
- /* Redo the last scan but noisily */
- quiet = 0;
- continue;
- }
- ubifs_scanned_corruption(c, lnum, offs, buf);
- return -EUCLEAN;
- }
- /* Pad to min_io_size */
- len = ALIGN(ucleb->endpt, c->min_io_size);
- if (len > ucleb->endpt) {
- int pad_len = len - ALIGN(ucleb->endpt, 8);
- if (pad_len > 0) {
- buf = c->sbuf + len - pad_len;
- ubifs_pad(c, buf, pad_len);
- }
- }
- /* Write back the LEB atomically */
- err = ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf, len, UBI_UNKNOWN);
- if (err)
- return err;
- dbg_rcvry("cleaned LEB %d", lnum);
- return 0;
- * ubifs_clean_lebs - clean LEBs recovered during read-only mount.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sbuf: LEB-sized buffer to use
- *
- * This function cleans a LEB identified during recovery that needs to be
- * written but was not because UBIFS was mounted read-only. This happens when
- * remounting to read-write mode.
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_clean_lebs(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *sbuf)
- dbg_rcvry("recovery");
- while (!list_empty(&c->unclean_leb_list)) {
- struct ubifs_unclean_leb *ucleb;
- int err;
- ucleb = list_entry(c->,
- struct ubifs_unclean_leb, list);
- err = clean_an_unclean_leb(c, ucleb, sbuf);
- if (err)
- return err;
- list_del(&ucleb->list);
- kfree(ucleb);
- }
- return 0;
- * struct size_entry - inode size information for recovery.
- * @rb: link in the RB-tree of sizes
- * @inum: inode number
- * @i_size: size on inode
- * @d_size: maximum size based on data nodes
- * @exists: indicates whether the inode exists
- * @inode: inode if pinned in memory awaiting rw mode to fix it
- */
-struct size_entry {
- struct rb_node rb;
- ino_t inum;
- loff_t i_size;
- loff_t d_size;
- int exists;
- struct inode *inode;
- * add_ino - add an entry to the size tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inum: inode number
- * @i_size: size on inode
- * @d_size: maximum size based on data nodes
- * @exists: indicates whether the inode exists
- */
-static int add_ino(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum, loff_t i_size,
- loff_t d_size, int exists)
- struct rb_node **p = &c->size_tree.rb_node, *parent = NULL;
- struct size_entry *e;
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- e = rb_entry(parent, struct size_entry, rb);
- if (inum < e->inum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- else
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- }
- e = kzalloc(sizeof(struct size_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!e)
- return -ENOMEM;
- e->inum = inum;
- e->i_size = i_size;
- e->d_size = d_size;
- e->exists = exists;
- rb_link_node(&e->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&e->rb, &c->size_tree);
- return 0;
- * find_ino - find an entry on the size tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static struct size_entry *find_ino(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum)
- struct rb_node *p = c->size_tree.rb_node;
- struct size_entry *e;
- while (p) {
- e = rb_entry(p, struct size_entry, rb);
- if (inum < e->inum)
- p = p->rb_left;
- else if (inum > e->inum)
- p = p->rb_right;
- else
- return e;
- }
- return NULL;
- * remove_ino - remove an entry from the size tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inum: inode number
- */
-static void remove_ino(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum)
- struct size_entry *e = find_ino(c, inum);
- if (!e)
- return;
- rb_erase(&e->rb, &c->size_tree);
- kfree(e);
- * ubifs_recover_size_accum - accumulate inode sizes for recovery.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: node key
- * @deletion: node is for a deletion
- * @new_size: inode size
- *
- * This function has two purposes:
- * 1) to ensure there are no data nodes that fall outside the inode size
- * 2) to ensure there are no data nodes for inodes that do not exist
- * To accomplish those purposes, a rb-tree is constructed containing an entry
- * for each inode number in the journal that has not been deleted, and recording
- * the size from the inode node, the maximum size of any data node (also altered
- * by truncations) and a flag indicating a inode number for which no inode node
- * was present in the journal.
- *
- * Note that there is still the possibility that there are data nodes that have
- * been committed that are beyond the inode size, however the only way to find
- * them would be to scan the entire index. Alternatively, some provision could
- * be made to record the size of inodes at the start of commit, which would seem
- * very cumbersome for a scenario that is quite unlikely and the only negative
- * consequence of which is wasted space.
- *
- * This functions returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_recover_size_accum(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key,
- int deletion, loff_t new_size)
- ino_t inum = key_inum(c, key);
- struct size_entry *e;
- int err;
- switch (key_type(c, key)) {
- if (deletion)
- remove_ino(c, inum);
- else {
- e = find_ino(c, inum);
- if (e) {
- e->i_size = new_size;
- e->exists = 1;
- } else {
- err = add_ino(c, inum, new_size, 0, 1);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- }
- break;
- e = find_ino(c, inum);
- if (e) {
- if (new_size > e->d_size)
- e->d_size = new_size;
- } else {
- err = add_ino(c, inum, 0, new_size, 0);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- break;
- e = find_ino(c, inum);
- if (e)
- e->d_size = new_size;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_recover_size - recover inode size.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function attempts to fix inode size discrepancies identified by the
- * 'ubifs_recover_size_accum()' function.
- *
- * This functions returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct rb_node *this = rb_first(&c->size_tree);
- while (this) {
- struct size_entry *e;
- int err;
- e = rb_entry(this, struct size_entry, rb);
- if (!e->exists) {
- union ubifs_key key;
- ino_key_init(c, &key, e->inum);
- err = ubifs_tnc_lookup(c, &key, c->sbuf);
- if (err && err != -ENOENT)
- return err;
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- /* Remove data nodes that have no inode */
- dbg_rcvry("removing ino %lu",
- (unsigned long)e->inum);
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(c, e->inum);
- if (err)
- return err;
- } else {
- struct ubifs_ino_node *ino = c->sbuf;
- e->exists = 1;
- e->i_size = le64_to_cpu(ino->size);
- }
- }
- if (e->exists && e->i_size < e->d_size) {
- if (!e->inode && (c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
- /* Fix the inode size and pin it in memory */
- struct inode *inode;
- inode = ubifs_iget(c->vfs_sb, e->inum);
- if (IS_ERR(inode))
- return PTR_ERR(inode);
- if (inode->i_size < e->d_size) {
- dbg_rcvry("ino %lu size %lld -> %lld",
- (unsigned long)e->inum,
- e->d_size, inode->i_size);
- inode->i_size = e->d_size;
- ubifs_inode(inode)->ui_size = e->d_size;
- e->inode = inode;
- this = rb_next(this);
- continue;
- }
- iput(inode);
- }
- }
- this = rb_next(this);
- rb_erase(&e->rb, &c->size_tree);
- kfree(e);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/replay.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/replay.c
deleted file mode 100644
index da33a14ab..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/replay.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1070 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file contains journal replay code. It runs when the file-system is being
- * mounted and requires no locking.
- *
- * The larger is the journal, the longer it takes to scan it, so the longer it
- * takes to mount UBIFS. This is why the journal has limited size which may be
- * changed depending on the system requirements. But a larger journal gives
- * faster I/O speed because it writes the index less frequently. So this is a
- * trade-off. Also, the journal is indexed by the in-memory index (TNC), so the
- * larger is the journal, the more memory its index may consume.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * Replay flags.
- *
- * REPLAY_DELETION: node was deleted
- * REPLAY_REF: node is a reference node
- */
-enum {
- * struct replay_entry - replay tree entry.
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number of the node
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- * @sqnum: node sequence number
- * @flags: replay flags
- * @rb: links the replay tree
- * @key: node key
- * @nm: directory entry name
- * @old_size: truncation old size
- * @new_size: truncation new size
- * @free: amount of free space in a bud
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space in a bud from padding and deletion nodes
- *
- * UBIFS journal replay must compare node sequence numbers, which means it must
- * build a tree of node information to insert into the TNC.
- */
-struct replay_entry {
- int lnum;
- int offs;
- int len;
- unsigned long long sqnum;
- int flags;
- struct rb_node rb;
- union ubifs_key key;
- union {
- struct qstr nm;
- struct {
- loff_t old_size;
- loff_t new_size;
- };
- struct {
- int free;
- int dirty;
- };
- };
- * struct bud_entry - entry in the list of buds to replay.
- * @list: next bud in the list
- * @bud: bud description object
- * @free: free bytes in the bud
- * @sqnum: reference node sequence number
- */
-struct bud_entry {
- struct list_head list;
- struct ubifs_bud *bud;
- int free;
- unsigned long long sqnum;
- * set_bud_lprops - set free and dirty space used by a bud.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @r: replay entry of bud
- */
-static int set_bud_lprops(struct ubifs_info *c, struct replay_entry *r)
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
- int err = 0, dirty;
- ubifs_get_lprops(c);
- lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, r->lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- dirty = lp->dirty;
- if (r->offs == 0 && (lp->free != c->leb_size || lp->dirty != 0)) {
- /*
- * The LEB was added to the journal with a starting offset of
- * zero which means the LEB must have been empty. The LEB
- * property values should be lp->free == c->leb_size and
- * lp->dirty == 0, but that is not the case. The reason is that
- * the LEB was garbage collected. The garbage collector resets
- * the free and dirty space without recording it anywhere except
- * lprops, so if there is not a commit then lprops does not have
- * that information next time the file system is mounted.
- *
- * We do not need to adjust free space because the scan has told
- * us the exact value which is recorded in the replay entry as
- * r->free.
- *
- * However we do need to subtract from the dirty space the
- * amount of space that the garbage collector reclaimed, which
- * is the whole LEB minus the amount of space that was free.
- */
- dbg_mnt("bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty)", r->lnum,
- lp->free, lp->dirty);
- dbg_gc("bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty)", r->lnum,
- lp->free, lp->dirty);
- dirty -= c->leb_size - lp->free;
- /*
- * If the replay order was perfect the dirty space would now be
- * zero. The order is not perfect because the the journal heads
- * race with each other. This is not a problem but is does mean
- * that the dirty space may temporarily exceed c->leb_size
- * during the replay.
- */
- if (dirty != 0)
- dbg_msg("LEB %d lp: %d free %d dirty "
- "replay: %d free %d dirty", r->lnum, lp->free,
- lp->dirty, r->free, r->dirty);
- }
- lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, r->free, dirty + r->dirty,
- lp->flags | LPROPS_TAKEN, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- ubifs_release_lprops(c);
- return err;
- * trun_remove_range - apply a replay entry for a truncation to the TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @r: replay entry of truncation
- */
-static int trun_remove_range(struct ubifs_info *c, struct replay_entry *r)
- unsigned min_blk, max_blk;
- union ubifs_key min_key, max_key;
- ino_t ino;
- min_blk = r->new_size / UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (r->new_size & (UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1))
- min_blk += 1;
- max_blk = r->old_size / UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
- if ((r->old_size & (UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) == 0)
- max_blk -= 1;
- ino = key_inum(c, &r->key);
- data_key_init(c, &min_key, ino, min_blk);
- data_key_init(c, &max_key, ino, max_blk);
- return ubifs_tnc_remove_range(c, &min_key, &max_key);
- * apply_replay_entry - apply a replay entry to the TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @r: replay entry to apply
- *
- * Apply a replay entry to the TNC.
- */
-static int apply_replay_entry(struct ubifs_info *c, struct replay_entry *r)
- int err, deletion = ((r->flags & REPLAY_DELETION) != 0);
- dbg_mnt("LEB %d:%d len %d flgs %d sqnum %llu %s", r->lnum,
- r->offs, r->len, r->flags, r->sqnum, DBGKEY(&r->key));
- /* Set c->replay_sqnum to help deal with dangling branches. */
- c->replay_sqnum = r->sqnum;
- if (r->flags & REPLAY_REF)
- err = set_bud_lprops(c, r);
- else if (is_hash_key(c, &r->key)) {
- if (deletion)
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(c, &r->key, &r->nm);
- else
- err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &r->key, r->lnum, r->offs,
- r->len, &r->nm);
- } else {
- if (deletion)
- switch (key_type(c, &r->key)) {
- {
- ino_t inum = key_inum(c, &r->key);
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(c, inum);
- break;
- }
- err = trun_remove_range(c, r);
- break;
- default:
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove(c, &r->key);
- break;
- }
- else
- err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &r->key, r->lnum, r->offs,
- r->len);
- if (err)
- return err;
- if (c->need_recovery)
- err = ubifs_recover_size_accum(c, &r->key, deletion,
- r->new_size);
- }
- return err;
- * destroy_replay_tree - destroy the replay.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * Destroy the replay tree.
- */
-static void destroy_replay_tree(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct rb_node *this = c->replay_tree.rb_node;
- struct replay_entry *r;
- while (this) {
- if (this->rb_left) {
- this = this->rb_left;
- continue;
- } else if (this->rb_right) {
- this = this->rb_right;
- continue;
- }
- r = rb_entry(this, struct replay_entry, rb);
- this = rb_parent(this);
- if (this) {
- if (this->rb_left == &r->rb)
- this->rb_left = NULL;
- else
- this->rb_right = NULL;
- }
- if (is_hash_key(c, &r->key))
- kfree((void *)r->;
- kfree(r);
- }
- c->replay_tree = RB_ROOT;
- * apply_replay_tree - apply the replay tree to the TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * Apply the replay tree.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static int apply_replay_tree(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct rb_node *this = rb_first(&c->replay_tree);
- while (this) {
- struct replay_entry *r;
- int err;
- cond_resched();
- r = rb_entry(this, struct replay_entry, rb);
- err = apply_replay_entry(c, r);
- if (err)
- return err;
- this = rb_next(this);
- }
- return 0;
- * insert_node - insert a node to the replay tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: node logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- * @key: node key
- * @sqnum: sequence number
- * @deletion: non-zero if this is a deletion
- * @used: number of bytes in use in a LEB
- * @old_size: truncation old size
- * @new_size: truncation new size
- *
- * This function inserts a scanned non-direntry node to the replay tree. The
- * replay tree is an RB-tree containing @struct replay_entry elements which are
- * indexed by the sequence number. The replay tree is applied at the very end
- * of the replay process. Since the tree is sorted in sequence number order,
- * the older modifications are applied first. This function returns zero in
- * case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int insert_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
- union ubifs_key *key, unsigned long long sqnum,
- int deletion, int *used, loff_t old_size,
- loff_t new_size)
- struct rb_node **p = &c->replay_tree.rb_node, *parent = NULL;
- struct replay_entry *r;
- if (key_inum(c, key) >= c->highest_inum)
- c->highest_inum = key_inum(c, key);
- dbg_mnt("add LEB %d:%d, key %s", lnum, offs, DBGKEY(key));
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- r = rb_entry(parent, struct replay_entry, rb);
- if (sqnum < r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- continue;
- } else if (sqnum > r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- continue;
- }
- ubifs_err("duplicate sqnum in replay");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- r = kzalloc(sizeof(struct replay_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!r)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (!deletion)
- *used += ALIGN(len, 8);
- r->lnum = lnum;
- r->offs = offs;
- r->len = len;
- r->sqnum = sqnum;
- r->flags = (deletion ? REPLAY_DELETION : 0);
- r->old_size = old_size;
- r->new_size = new_size;
- key_copy(c, key, &r->key);
- rb_link_node(&r->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&r->rb, &c->replay_tree);
- return 0;
- * insert_dent - insert a directory entry node into the replay tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: node logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- * @key: node key
- * @name: directory entry name
- * @nlen: directory entry name length
- * @sqnum: sequence number
- * @deletion: non-zero if this is a deletion
- * @used: number of bytes in use in a LEB
- *
- * This function inserts a scanned directory entry node to the replay tree.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- *
- * This function is also used for extended attribute entries because they are
- * implemented as directory entry nodes.
- */
-static int insert_dent(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
- union ubifs_key *key, const char *name, int nlen,
- unsigned long long sqnum, int deletion, int *used)
- struct rb_node **p = &c->replay_tree.rb_node, *parent = NULL;
- struct replay_entry *r;
- char *nbuf;
- if (key_inum(c, key) >= c->highest_inum)
- c->highest_inum = key_inum(c, key);
- dbg_mnt("add LEB %d:%d, key %s", lnum, offs, DBGKEY(key));
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- r = rb_entry(parent, struct replay_entry, rb);
- if (sqnum < r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- continue;
- }
- if (sqnum > r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- continue;
- }
- ubifs_err("duplicate sqnum in replay");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- r = kzalloc(sizeof(struct replay_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!r)
- return -ENOMEM;
- nbuf = kmalloc(nlen + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!nbuf) {
- kfree(r);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- if (!deletion)
- *used += ALIGN(len, 8);
- r->lnum = lnum;
- r->offs = offs;
- r->len = len;
- r->sqnum = sqnum;
- r->nm.len = nlen;
- memcpy(nbuf, name, nlen);
- nbuf[nlen] = '\0';
- r-> = nbuf;
- r->flags = (deletion ? REPLAY_DELETION : 0);
- key_copy(c, key, &r->key);
- ubifs_assert(!*p);
- rb_link_node(&r->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&r->rb, &c->replay_tree);
- return 0;
- * ubifs_validate_entry - validate directory or extended attribute entry node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @dent: the node to validate
- *
- * This function validates directory or extended attribute entry node @dent.
- * Returns zero if the node is all right and a %-EINVAL if not.
- */
-int ubifs_validate_entry(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_dent_node *dent)
- int key_type = key_type_flash(c, dent->key);
- int nlen = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- if (le32_to_cpu(dent->ch.len) != nlen + UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ + 1 ||
- dent->type >= UBIFS_ITYPES_CNT ||
- nlen > UBIFS_MAX_NLEN || dent->name[nlen] != 0 ||
- strnlen((char *)dent->name, nlen) != nlen ||
- le64_to_cpu(dent->inum) > MAX_INUM) {
- ubifs_err("bad %s node", key_type == UBIFS_DENT_KEY ?
- "directory entry" : "extended attribute entry");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (key_type != UBIFS_DENT_KEY && key_type != UBIFS_XENT_KEY) {
- ubifs_err("bad key type %d", key_type);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * replay_bud - replay a bud logical eraseblock.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: bud logical eraseblock number to replay
- * @offs: bud start offset
- * @jhead: journal head to which this bud belongs
- * @free: amount of free space in the bud is returned here
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space from padding and deletion nodes is returned
- * here
- *
- * This function returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int jhead,
- int *free, int *dirty)
- int err = 0, used = 0;
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- struct ubifs_bud *bud;
- dbg_mnt("replay bud LEB %d, head %d", lnum, jhead);
- if (c->need_recovery)
- sleb = ubifs_recover_leb(c, lnum, offs, c->sbuf, jhead != GCHD);
- else
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, offs, c->sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return PTR_ERR(sleb);
- /*
- * The bud does not have to start from offset zero - the beginning of
- * the 'lnum' LEB may contain previously committed data. One of the
- * things we have to do in replay is to correctly update lprops with
- * newer information about this LEB.
- *
- * At this point lprops thinks that this LEB has 'c->leb_size - offs'
- * bytes of free space because it only contain information about
- * committed data.
- *
- * But we know that real amount of free space is 'c->leb_size -
- * sleb->endpt', and the space in the 'lnum' LEB between 'offs' and
- * 'sleb->endpt' is used by bud data. We have to correctly calculate
- * how much of these data are dirty and update lprops with this
- * information.
- *
- * The dirt in that LEB region is comprised of padding nodes, deletion
- * nodes, truncation nodes and nodes which are obsoleted by subsequent
- * nodes in this LEB. So instead of calculating clean space, we
- * calculate used space ('used' variable).
- */
- list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
- int deletion = 0;
- cond_resched();
- if (snod->sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
- ubifs_err("file system's life ended");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (snod->sqnum > c->max_sqnum)
- c->max_sqnum = snod->sqnum;
- switch (snod->type) {
- {
- struct ubifs_ino_node *ino = snod->node;
- loff_t new_size = le64_to_cpu(ino->size);
- if (le32_to_cpu(ino->nlink) == 0)
- deletion = 1;
- err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
- &snod->key, snod->sqnum, deletion,
- &used, 0, new_size);
- break;
- }
- {
- struct ubifs_data_node *dn = snod->node;
- loff_t new_size = le32_to_cpu(dn->size) +
- key_block(c, &snod->key) *
- err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
- &snod->key, snod->sqnum, deletion,
- &used, 0, new_size);
- break;
- }
- {
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = snod->node;
- err = ubifs_validate_entry(c, dent);
- if (err)
- goto out_dump;
- err = insert_dent(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
- &snod->key, (char *)dent->name,
- le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen), snod->sqnum,
- !le64_to_cpu(dent->inum), &used);
- break;
- }
- {
- struct ubifs_trun_node *trun = snod->node;
- loff_t old_size = le64_to_cpu(trun->old_size);
- loff_t new_size = le64_to_cpu(trun->new_size);
- union ubifs_key key;
- /* Validate truncation node */
- if (old_size < 0 || old_size > c->max_inode_sz ||
- new_size < 0 || new_size > c->max_inode_sz ||
- old_size <= new_size) {
- ubifs_err("bad truncation node");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- /*
- * Create a fake truncation key just to use the same
- * functions which expect nodes to have keys.
- */
- trun_key_init(c, &key, le32_to_cpu(trun->inum));
- err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
- &key, snod->sqnum, 1, &used,
- old_size, new_size);
- break;
- }
- default:
- ubifs_err("unexpected node type %d in bud LEB %d:%d",
- snod->type, lnum, snod->offs);
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (err)
- goto out;
- }
- bud = ubifs_search_bud(c, lnum);
- if (!bud)
- BUG();
- ubifs_assert(sleb->endpt - offs >= used);
- ubifs_assert(sleb->endpt % c->min_io_size == 0);
- *dirty = sleb->endpt - offs - used;
- *free = c->leb_size - sleb->endpt;
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return err;
- ubifs_err("bad node is at LEB %d:%d", lnum, snod->offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return -EINVAL;
- * insert_ref_node - insert a reference node to the replay tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: node logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: node offset
- * @sqnum: sequence number
- * @free: amount of free space in bud
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space from padding and deletion nodes
- *
- * This function inserts a reference node to the replay tree and returns zero
- * in case of success or a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int insert_ref_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
- unsigned long long sqnum, int free, int dirty)
- struct rb_node **p = &c->replay_tree.rb_node, *parent = NULL;
- struct replay_entry *r;
- dbg_mnt("add ref LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- r = rb_entry(parent, struct replay_entry, rb);
- if (sqnum < r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- continue;
- } else if (sqnum > r->sqnum) {
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- continue;
- }
- ubifs_err("duplicate sqnum in replay tree");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- r = kzalloc(sizeof(struct replay_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!r)
- return -ENOMEM;
- r->lnum = lnum;
- r->offs = offs;
- r->sqnum = sqnum;
- r->flags = REPLAY_REF;
- r->free = free;
- r->dirty = dirty;
- rb_link_node(&r->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&r->rb, &c->replay_tree);
- return 0;
- * replay_buds - replay all buds.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static int replay_buds(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct bud_entry *b;
- int err, uninitialized_var(free), uninitialized_var(dirty);
- list_for_each_entry(b, &c->replay_buds, list) {
- err = replay_bud(c, b->bud->lnum, b->bud->start, b->bud->jhead,
- &free, &dirty);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = insert_ref_node(c, b->bud->lnum, b->bud->start, b->sqnum,
- free, dirty);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- * destroy_bud_list - destroy the list of buds to replay.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static void destroy_bud_list(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct bud_entry *b;
- while (!list_empty(&c->replay_buds)) {
- b = list_entry(c->, struct bud_entry, list);
- list_del(&b->list);
- kfree(b);
- }
- * add_replay_bud - add a bud to the list of buds to replay.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: bud logical eraseblock number to replay
- * @offs: bud start offset
- * @jhead: journal head to which this bud belongs
- * @sqnum: reference node sequence number
- *
- * This function returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static int add_replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int jhead,
- unsigned long long sqnum)
- struct ubifs_bud *bud;
- struct bud_entry *b;
- dbg_mnt("add replay bud LEB %d:%d, head %d", lnum, offs, jhead);
- bud = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_bud), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!bud)
- return -ENOMEM;
- b = kmalloc(sizeof(struct bud_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!b) {
- kfree(bud);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- bud->lnum = lnum;
- bud->start = offs;
- bud->jhead = jhead;
- ubifs_add_bud(c, bud);
- b->bud = bud;
- b->sqnum = sqnum;
- list_add_tail(&b->list, &c->replay_buds);
- return 0;
- * validate_ref - validate a reference node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @ref: the reference node to validate
- * @ref_lnum: LEB number of the reference node
- * @ref_offs: reference node offset
- *
- * This function returns %1 if a bud reference already exists for the LEB. %0 is
- * returned if the reference node is new, otherwise %-EINVAL is returned if
- * validation failed.
- */
-static int validate_ref(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct ubifs_ref_node *ref)
- struct ubifs_bud *bud;
- int lnum = le32_to_cpu(ref->lnum);
- unsigned int offs = le32_to_cpu(ref->offs);
- unsigned int jhead = le32_to_cpu(ref->jhead);
- /*
- * ref->offs may point to the end of LEB when the journal head points
- * to the end of LEB and we write reference node for it during commit.
- * So this is why we require 'offs > c->leb_size'.
- */
- if (jhead >= c->jhead_cnt || lnum >= c->leb_cnt ||
- lnum < c->main_first || offs > c->leb_size ||
- offs & (c->min_io_size - 1))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* Make sure we have not already looked at this bud */
- bud = ubifs_search_bud(c, lnum);
- if (bud) {
- if (bud->jhead == jhead && bud->start <= offs)
- return 1;
- ubifs_err("bud at LEB %d:%d was already referred", lnum, offs);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- * replay_log_leb - replay a log logical eraseblock.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: log logical eraseblock to replay
- * @offs: offset to start replaying from
- * @sbuf: scan buffer
- *
- * This function replays a log LEB and returns zero in case of success, %1 if
- * this is the last LEB in the log, and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static int replay_log_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, void *sbuf)
- int err;
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- const struct ubifs_cs_node *node;
- dbg_mnt("replay log LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb)) {
- if (c->need_recovery)
- sleb = ubifs_recover_log_leb(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return PTR_ERR(sleb);
- }
- if (sleb->nodes_cnt == 0) {
- err = 1;
- goto out;
- }
- node = sleb->buf;
- snod = list_entry(sleb->, struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
- if (c->cs_sqnum == 0) {
- /*
- * This is the first log LEB we are looking at, make sure that
- * the first node is a commit start node. Also record its
- * sequence number so that UBIFS can determine where the log
- * ends, because all nodes which were have higher sequence
- * numbers.
- */
- if (snod->type != UBIFS_CS_NODE) {
- dbg_err("first log node at LEB %d:%d is not CS node",
- lnum, offs);
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (le64_to_cpu(node->cmt_no) != c->cmt_no) {
- dbg_err("first CS node at LEB %d:%d has wrong "
- "commit number %llu expected %llu",
- lnum, offs,
- (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(node->cmt_no),
- c->cmt_no);
- goto out_dump;
- }
- c->cs_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(node->ch.sqnum);
- dbg_mnt("commit start sqnum %llu", c->cs_sqnum);
- }
- if (snod->sqnum < c->cs_sqnum) {
- /*
- * This means that we reached end of log and now
- * look to the older log data, which was already
- * committed but the eraseblock was not erased (UBIFS
- * only un-maps it). So this basically means we have to
- * exit with "end of log" code.
- */
- err = 1;
- goto out;
- }
- /* Make sure the first node sits at offset zero of the LEB */
- if (snod->offs != 0) {
- dbg_err("first node is not at zero offset");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
- cond_resched();
- if (snod->sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
- ubifs_err("file system's life ended");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (snod->sqnum < c->cs_sqnum) {
- dbg_err("bad sqnum %llu, commit sqnum %llu",
- snod->sqnum, c->cs_sqnum);
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (snod->sqnum > c->max_sqnum)
- c->max_sqnum = snod->sqnum;
- switch (snod->type) {
- case UBIFS_REF_NODE: {
- const struct ubifs_ref_node *ref = snod->node;
- err = validate_ref(c, ref);
- if (err == 1)
- break; /* Already have this bud */
- if (err)
- goto out_dump;
- err = add_replay_bud(c, le32_to_cpu(ref->lnum),
- le32_to_cpu(ref->offs),
- le32_to_cpu(ref->jhead),
- snod->sqnum);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- /* Make sure it sits at the beginning of LEB */
- if (snod->offs != 0) {
- ubifs_err("unexpected node in log");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- break;
- default:
- ubifs_err("unexpected node in log");
- goto out_dump;
- }
- }
- if (sleb->endpt || c->lhead_offs >= c->leb_size) {
- c->lhead_lnum = lnum;
- c->lhead_offs = sleb->endpt;
- }
- err = !sleb->endpt;
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return err;
- ubifs_err("log error detected while replying the log at LEB %d:%d",
- lnum, offs + snod->offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return -EINVAL;
- * take_ihead - update the status of the index head in lprops to 'taken'.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns the amount of free space in the index head LEB or a
- * negative error code.
- */
-static int take_ihead(struct ubifs_info *c)
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
- int err, free;
- ubifs_get_lprops(c);
- lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, c->ihead_lnum);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- free = lp->free;
- lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, LPROPS_NC, LPROPS_NC,
- lp->flags | LPROPS_TAKEN, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(lp);
- goto out;
- }
- err = free;
- ubifs_release_lprops(c);
- return err;
- * ubifs_replay_journal - replay journal.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function scans the journal, replays and cleans it up. It makes sure all
- * memory data structures related to uncommitted journal are built (dirty TNC
- * tree, tree of buds, modified lprops, etc).
- */
-int ubifs_replay_journal(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err, i, lnum, offs, _free;
- void *sbuf = NULL;
- /* Update the status of the index head in lprops to 'taken' */
- _free = take_ihead(c);
- if (_free < 0)
- return _free; /* Error code */
- if (c->ihead_offs != c->leb_size - _free) {
- ubifs_err("bad index head LEB %d:%d", c->ihead_lnum,
- c->ihead_offs);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- sbuf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
- if (!sbuf)
- return -ENOMEM;
- dbg_mnt("start replaying the journal");
- c->replaying = 1;
- lnum = c->ltail_lnum = c->lhead_lnum;
- offs = c->lhead_offs;
- for (i = 0; i < c->log_lebs; i++, lnum++) {
- if (lnum >= UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs) {
- /*
- * The log is logically circular, we reached the last
- * LEB, switch to the first one.
- */
- lnum = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM;
- offs = 0;
- }
- err = replay_log_leb(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
- if (err == 1)
- /* We hit the end of the log */
- break;
- if (err)
- goto out;
- offs = 0;
- }
- err = replay_buds(c);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- err = apply_replay_tree(c);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- ubifs_assert(c->bud_bytes <= c->max_bud_bytes || c->need_recovery);
- dbg_mnt("finished, log head LEB %d:%d, max_sqnum %llu, "
- "highest_inum %lu", c->lhead_lnum, c->lhead_offs, c->max_sqnum,
- (unsigned long)c->highest_inum);
- destroy_replay_tree(c);
- destroy_bud_list(c);
- vfree(sbuf);
- c->replaying = 0;
- return err;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/sb.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/sb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c9cd31a..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/sb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file implements UBIFS superblock. The superblock is stored at the first
- * LEB of the volume and is never changed by UBIFS. Only user-space tools may
- * change it. The superblock node mostly contains geometry information.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * Default journal size in logical eraseblocks as a percent of total
- * flash size.
- */
-/* Default maximum journal size in bytes */
-#define DEFAULT_MAX_JNL (32*1024*1024)
-/* Default indexing tree fanout */
-/* Default number of data journal heads */
-/* Default positions of different LEBs in the main area */
-#define DEFAULT_IDX_LEB 0
-#define DEFAULT_GC_LEB 2
-/* Default number of LEB numbers in LPT's save table */
-#define DEFAULT_LSAVE_CNT 256
-/* Default reserved pool size as a percent of maximum free space */
-/* The default maximum size of reserved pool in bytes */
-#define DEFAULT_MAX_RP_SIZE (5*1024*1024)
-/* Default time granularity in nanoseconds */
-#define DEFAULT_TIME_GRAN 1000000000
- * validate_sb - validate superblock node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sup: superblock node
- *
- * This function validates superblock node @sup. Since most of data was read
- * from the superblock and stored in @c, the function validates fields in @c
- * instead. Returns zero in case of success and %-EINVAL in case of validation
- * failure.
- */
-static int validate_sb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup)
- long long max_bytes;
- int err = 1, min_leb_cnt;
- if (!c->key_hash) {
- err = 2;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (sup->key_fmt != UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT) {
- err = 3;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (le32_to_cpu(sup->min_io_size) != c->min_io_size) {
- ubifs_err("min. I/O unit mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real",
- le32_to_cpu(sup->min_io_size), c->min_io_size);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_size) != c->leb_size) {
- ubifs_err("LEB size mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real",
- le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_size), c->leb_size);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->log_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_LOG_LEBS ||
- c->lpt_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_LPT_LEBS ||
- c->orph_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_ORPH_LEBS ||
- c->main_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_MAIN_LEBS) {
- err = 4;
- goto failed;
- }
- /*
- * Calculate minimum allowed amount of main area LEBs. This is very
- * similar to %UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT, but we take into account real what we
- * have just read from the superblock.
- */
- min_leb_cnt = UBIFS_SB_LEBS + UBIFS_MST_LEBS + c->log_lebs;
- min_leb_cnt += c->lpt_lebs + c->orph_lebs + c->jhead_cnt + 6;
- if (c->leb_cnt < min_leb_cnt || c->leb_cnt > c->vi.size) {
- ubifs_err("bad LEB count: %d in superblock, %d on UBI volume, "
- "%d minimum required", c->leb_cnt, c->vi.size,
- min_leb_cnt);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->max_leb_cnt < c->leb_cnt) {
- ubifs_err("max. LEB count %d less than LEB count %d",
- c->max_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->main_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_MAIN_LEBS) {
- err = 7;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->max_bud_bytes < (long long)c->leb_size * UBIFS_MIN_BUD_LEBS ||
- c->max_bud_bytes > (long long)c->leb_size * c->main_lebs) {
- err = 8;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->jhead_cnt < NONDATA_JHEADS_CNT + 1 ||
- err = 9;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->fanout < UBIFS_MIN_FANOUT ||
- ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, c->fanout) > c->leb_size) {
- err = 10;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->lsave_cnt < 0 || (c->lsave_cnt > DEFAULT_LSAVE_CNT &&
- c->lsave_cnt > c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS -
- c->log_lebs - c->lpt_lebs - c->orph_lebs)) {
- err = 11;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (UBIFS_SB_LEBS + UBIFS_MST_LEBS + c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs +
- c->orph_lebs + c->main_lebs != c->leb_cnt) {
- err = 12;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (c->default_compr < 0 || c->default_compr >= UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT) {
- err = 13;
- goto failed;
- }
- max_bytes = c->main_lebs * (long long)c->leb_size;
- if (c->rp_size < 0 || max_bytes < c->rp_size) {
- err = 14;
- goto failed;
- }
- if (le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran) > 1000000000 ||
- le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran) < 1) {
- err = 15;
- goto failed;
- }
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("bad superblock, error %d", err);
- dbg_dump_node(c, sup);
- return -EINVAL;
- * ubifs_read_sb_node - read superblock node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the superblock node or a negative error
- * code.
- */
-struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
- int err;
- sup = kmalloc(ALIGN(UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!sup)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- err = ubifs_read_node(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ,
- if (err) {
- kfree(sup);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- return sup;
- * ubifs_read_superblock - read superblock.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function finds, reads and checks the superblock. If an empty UBI volume
- * is being mounted, this function creates default superblock. Returns zero in
- * case of success, and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int err, sup_flags;
- struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
- if (c->empty) {
- printf("No UBIFS filesystem found!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- sup = ubifs_read_sb_node(c);
- if (IS_ERR(sup))
- return PTR_ERR(sup);
- c->fmt_version = le32_to_cpu(sup->fmt_version);
- c->ro_compat_version = le32_to_cpu(sup->ro_compat_version);
- /*
- * The software supports all previous versions but not future versions,
- * due to the unavailability of time-travelling equipment.
- */
- if (c->fmt_version > UBIFS_FORMAT_VERSION) {
- struct super_block *sb = c->vfs_sb;
- int mounting_ro = sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY;
- ubifs_assert(!c->ro_media || mounting_ro);
- if (!mounting_ro ||
- c->ro_compat_version > UBIFS_RO_COMPAT_VERSION) {
- ubifs_err("on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but "
- "software only supports up to version "
- "w%d/r%d", c->fmt_version,
- c->ro_compat_version, UBIFS_FORMAT_VERSION,
- if (c->ro_compat_version <= UBIFS_RO_COMPAT_VERSION) {
- ubifs_msg("only R/O mounting is possible");
- err = -EROFS;
- } else
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * The FS is mounted R/O, and the media format is
- * R/O-compatible with the UBIFS implementation, so we can
- * mount.
- */
- c->rw_incompat = 1;
- }
- if (c->fmt_version < 3) {
- ubifs_err("on-flash format version %d is not supported",
- c->fmt_version);
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- switch (sup->key_hash) {
- c->key_hash = key_r5_hash;
- c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5;
- break;
- c->key_hash = key_test_hash;
- c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST;
- break;
- };
- c->key_fmt = sup->key_fmt;
- switch (c->key_fmt) {
- c->key_len = UBIFS_SK_LEN;
- break;
- default:
- ubifs_err("unsupported key format");
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- c->leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_cnt);
- c->max_leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->max_leb_cnt);
- c->max_bud_bytes = le64_to_cpu(sup->max_bud_bytes);
- c->log_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->log_lebs);
- c->lpt_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->lpt_lebs);
- c->orph_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->orph_lebs);
- c->jhead_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->jhead_cnt) + NONDATA_JHEADS_CNT;
- c->fanout = le32_to_cpu(sup->fanout);
- c->lsave_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->lsave_cnt);
- c->default_compr = le16_to_cpu(sup->default_compr);
- c->rp_size = le64_to_cpu(sup->rp_size);
- c->rp_uid = le32_to_cpu(sup->rp_uid);
- c->rp_gid = le32_to_cpu(sup->rp_gid);
- sup_flags = le32_to_cpu(sup->flags);
- c->vfs_sb->s_time_gran = le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran);
- memcpy(&c->uuid, &sup->uuid, 16);
- c->big_lpt = !!(sup_flags & UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT);
- /* Automatically increase file system size to the maximum size */
- c->old_leb_cnt = c->leb_cnt;
- if (c->leb_cnt < c->vi.size && c->leb_cnt < c->max_leb_cnt) {
- c->leb_cnt = min_t(int, c->max_leb_cnt, c->vi.size);
- dbg_mnt("Auto resizing (ro) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs",
- c->old_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
- }
- c->log_bytes = (long long)c->log_lebs * c->leb_size;
- c->log_last = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs - 1;
- c->lpt_first = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs;
- c->lpt_last = c->lpt_first + c->lpt_lebs - 1;
- c->orph_first = c->lpt_last + 1;
- c->orph_last = c->orph_first + c->orph_lebs - 1;
- c->main_lebs = c->leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS;
- c->main_lebs -= c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs + c->orph_lebs;
- c->main_first = c->leb_cnt - c->main_lebs;
- c->report_rp_size = ubifs_reported_space(c, c->rp_size);
- err = validate_sb(c, sup);
- kfree(sup);
- return err;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/scan.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/scan.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed82479b..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/scan.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements the scan which is a general-purpose function for
- * determining what nodes are in an eraseblock. The scan is used to replay the
- * journal, to do garbage collection. for the TNC in-the-gaps method, and by
- * debugging functions.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * scan_padding_bytes - scan for padding bytes.
- * @buf: buffer to scan
- * @len: length of buffer
- *
- * This function returns the number of padding bytes on success and
- * %SCANNED_GARBAGE on failure.
- */
-static int scan_padding_bytes(void *buf, int len)
- int pad_len = 0, max_pad_len = min_t(int, UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ, len);
- uint8_t *p = buf;
- dbg_scan("not a node");
- while (pad_len < max_pad_len && *p++ == UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE)
- pad_len += 1;
- if (!pad_len || (pad_len & 7))
- dbg_scan("%d padding bytes", pad_len);
- return pad_len;
- * ubifs_scan_a_node - scan for a node or padding.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to scan
- * @len: length of buffer
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
- * @quiet: print no messages
- *
- * This function returns a scanning code to indicate what was scanned.
- */
-int ubifs_scan_a_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
- int offs, int quiet)
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- uint32_t magic;
- magic = le32_to_cpu(ch->magic);
- if (magic == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- dbg_scan("hit empty space");
- }
- if (magic != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
- return scan_padding_bytes(buf, len);
- if (len < UBIFS_CH_SZ)
- dbg_scan("scanning %s", dbg_ntype(ch->node_type));
- if (ubifs_check_node(c, buf, lnum, offs, quiet, 1))
- if (ch->node_type == UBIFS_PAD_NODE) {
- struct ubifs_pad_node *pad = buf;
- int pad_len = le32_to_cpu(pad->pad_len);
- int node_len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- /* Validate the padding node */
- if (pad_len < 0 ||
- offs + node_len + pad_len > c->leb_size) {
- if (!quiet) {
- ubifs_err("bad pad node at LEB %d:%d",
- lnum, offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, pad);
- }
- }
- /* Make the node pads to 8-byte boundary */
- if ((node_len + pad_len) & 7) {
- if (!quiet) {
- dbg_err("bad padding length %d - %d",
- offs, offs + node_len + pad_len);
- }
- }
- dbg_scan("%d bytes padded, offset now %d",
- pad_len, ALIGN(offs + node_len + pad_len, 8));
- return node_len + pad_len;
- }
- return SCANNED_A_NODE;
- * ubifs_start_scan - create LEB scanning information at start of scan.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
- * @sbuf: scan buffer (must be c->leb_size)
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_start_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf)
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- int err;
- dbg_scan("scan LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- sleb = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_scan_leb), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!sleb)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- sleb->lnum = lnum;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sleb->nodes);
- sleb->buf = sbuf;
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf + offs, offs, c->leb_size - offs);
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG) {
- ubifs_err("cannot read %d bytes from LEB %d:%d,"
- " error %d", c->leb_size - offs, lnum, offs, err);
- kfree(sleb);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- if (err == -EBADMSG)
- sleb->ecc = 1;
- return sleb;
- * ubifs_end_scan - update LEB scanning information at end of scan.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sleb: scanning information
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-void ubifs_end_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- int lnum, int offs)
- lnum = lnum;
- dbg_scan("stop scanning LEB %d at offset %d", lnum, offs);
- ubifs_assert(offs % c->min_io_size == 0);
- sleb->endpt = ALIGN(offs, c->min_io_size);
- * ubifs_add_snod - add a scanned node to LEB scanning information.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @sleb: scanning information
- * @buf: buffer containing node
- * @offs: offset of node on flash
- *
- * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_add_snod(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- void *buf, int offs)
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- struct ubifs_ino_node *ino = buf;
- struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
- snod = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_scan_node), GFP_NOFS);
- if (!snod)
- return -ENOMEM;
- snod->sqnum = le64_to_cpu(ch->sqnum);
- snod->type = ch->node_type;
- snod->offs = offs;
- snod->len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- snod->node = buf;
- switch (ch->node_type) {
- /*
- * The key is in the same place in all keyed
- * nodes.
- */
- key_read(c, &ino->key, &snod->key);
- break;
- }
- list_add_tail(&snod->list, &sleb->nodes);
- sleb->nodes_cnt += 1;
- return 0;
- * ubifs_scanned_corruption - print information after UBIFS scanned corruption.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number of corruption
- * @offs: offset of corruption
- * @buf: buffer containing corruption
- */
-void ubifs_scanned_corruption(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
- void *buf)
- int len;
- ubifs_err("corrupted data at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
- if (dbg_failure_mode)
- return;
- len = c->leb_size - offs;
- if (len > 4096)
- len = 4096;
- dbg_err("first %d bytes from LEB %d:%d", len, lnum, offs);
- print_hex_dump(KERN_DEBUG, "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 32, 4, buf, len, 1);
- * ubifs_scan - scan a logical eraseblock.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
- * @sbuf: scan buffer (must be c->leb_size)
- *
- * This function scans LEB number @lnum and returns complete information about
- * its contents. Returns an error code in case of failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf)
- void *buf = sbuf + offs;
- int err, len = c->leb_size - offs;
- struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
- sleb = ubifs_start_scan(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
- if (IS_ERR(sleb))
- return sleb;
- while (len >= 8) {
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- int node_len, ret;
- dbg_scan("look at LEB %d:%d (%d bytes left)",
- lnum, offs, len);
- cond_resched();
- ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, 0);
- if (ret > 0) {
- /* Padding bytes or a valid padding node */
- offs += ret;
- buf += ret;
- len -= ret;
- continue;
- }
- /* Empty space is checked later */
- break;
- switch (ret) {
- dbg_err("garbage");
- goto corrupted;
- break;
- dbg_err("bad node");
- goto corrupted;
- default:
- dbg_err("unknown");
- goto corrupted;
- }
- err = ubifs_add_snod(c, sleb, buf, offs);
- if (err)
- goto error;
- node_len = ALIGN(le32_to_cpu(ch->len), 8);
- offs += node_len;
- buf += node_len;
- len -= node_len;
- }
- if (offs % c->min_io_size)
- goto corrupted;
- ubifs_end_scan(c, sleb, lnum, offs);
- for (; len > 4; offs += 4, buf = buf + 4, len -= 4)
- if (*(uint32_t *)buf != 0xffffffff)
- break;
- for (; len; offs++, buf++, len--)
- if (*(uint8_t *)buf != 0xff) {
- ubifs_err("corrupt empty space at LEB %d:%d",
- lnum, offs);
- goto corrupted;
- }
- return sleb;
- ubifs_scanned_corruption(c, lnum, offs, buf);
- err = -EUCLEAN;
- ubifs_err("LEB %d scanning failed", lnum);
- ubifs_scan_destroy(sleb);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- * ubifs_scan_destroy - destroy LEB scanning information.
- * @sleb: scanning information to free
- */
-void ubifs_scan_destroy(struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb)
- struct ubifs_scan_node *node;
- struct list_head *head;
- head = &sleb->nodes;
- while (!list_empty(head)) {
- node = list_entry(head->next, struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
- list_del(&node->list);
- kfree(node);
- }
- kfree(sleb);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/super.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/super.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 748ab6792..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/super.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1199 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file implements UBIFS initialization and VFS superblock operations. Some
- * initialization stuff which is rather large and complex is placed at
- * corresponding subsystems, but most of it is here.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
-#include <linux/math64.h>
-#define INODE_LOCKED_MAX 64
-struct super_block *ubifs_sb;
-static struct inode *inodes_locked_down[INODE_LOCKED_MAX];
-/* shrinker.c */
-/* List of all UBIFS file-system instances */
-struct list_head ubifs_infos;
-/* linux/fs/super.c */
-static int sb_set(struct super_block *sb, void *data)
- dev_t *dev = data;
- sb->s_dev = *dev;
- return 0;
- * sget - find or create a superblock
- * @type: filesystem type superblock should belong to
- * @test: comparison callback
- * @set: setup callback
- * @data: argument to each of them
- */
-struct super_block *sget(struct file_system_type *type,
- int (*test)(struct super_block *,void *),
- int (*set)(struct super_block *,void *),
- void *data)
- struct super_block *s = NULL;
- int err;
- s = kzalloc(sizeof(struct super_block), GFP_USER);
- if (!s) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_instances);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_inodes);
- s->s_time_gran = 1000000000;
- err = set(s, data);
- if (err) {
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- s->s_type = type;
- strncpy(s->s_id, type->name, sizeof(s->s_id));
- list_add(&s->s_instances, &type->fs_supers);
- return s;
- * validate_inode - validate inode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inode: the inode to validate
- *
- * This is a helper function for 'ubifs_iget()' which validates various fields
- * of a newly built inode to make sure they contain sane values and prevent
- * possible vulnerabilities. Returns zero if the inode is all right and
- * a non-zero error code if not.
- */
-static int validate_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode)
- int err;
- const struct ubifs_inode *ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
- if (inode->i_size > c->max_inode_sz) {
- ubifs_err("inode is too large (%lld)",
- (long long)inode->i_size);
- return 1;
- }
- if (ui->compr_type < 0 || ui->compr_type >= UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT) {
- ubifs_err("unknown compression type %d", ui->compr_type);
- return 2;
- }
- if (ui->data_len < 0 || ui->data_len > UBIFS_MAX_INO_DATA)
- return 4;
- if (!ubifs_compr_present(ui->compr_type)) {
- ubifs_warn("inode %lu uses '%s' compression, but it was not "
- "compiled in", inode->i_ino,
- ubifs_compr_name(ui->compr_type));
- }
- err = dbg_check_dir_size(c, inode);
- return err;
-struct inode *iget_locked(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long ino)
- struct inode *inode;
- inode = (struct inode *)malloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_inode));
- if (inode) {
- inode->i_ino = ino;
- inode->i_sb = sb;
- list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
- inode->i_state = I_LOCK | I_NEW;
- }
- return inode;
-int ubifs_iput(struct inode *inode)
- list_del_init(&inode->i_sb_list);
- free(inode);
- return 0;
- * Lock (save) inode in inode array for readback after recovery
- */
-void iput(struct inode *inode)
- int i;
- struct inode *ino;
- /*
- * Search end of list
- */
- for (i = 0; i < INODE_LOCKED_MAX; i++) {
- if (inodes_locked_down[i] == NULL)
- break;
- }
- if (i >= INODE_LOCKED_MAX) {
- ubifs_err("Error, can't lock (save) more inodes while recovery!!!");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate and use new inode
- */
- ino = (struct inode *)malloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_inode));
- memcpy(ino, inode, sizeof(struct ubifs_inode));
- /*
- * Finally save inode in array
- */
- inodes_locked_down[i] = ino;
-struct inode *ubifs_iget(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long inum)
- int err;
- union ubifs_key key;
- struct ubifs_ino_node *ino;
- struct ubifs_info *c = sb->s_fs_info;
- struct inode *inode;
- struct ubifs_inode *ui;
- int i;
- dbg_gen("inode %lu", inum);
- /*
- * U-Boot special handling of locked down inodes via recovery
- * e.g. ubifs_recover_size()
- */
- for (i = 0; i < INODE_LOCKED_MAX; i++) {
- /*
- * Exit on last entry (NULL), inode not found in list
- */
- if (inodes_locked_down[i] == NULL)
- break;
- if (inodes_locked_down[i]->i_ino == inum) {
- /*
- * We found the locked down inode in our array,
- * so just return this pointer instead of creating
- * a new one.
- */
- return inodes_locked_down[i];
- }
- }
- inode = iget_locked(sb, inum);
- if (!inode)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- if (!(inode->i_state & I_NEW))
- return inode;
- ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
- ino = kmalloc(UBIFS_MAX_INO_NODE_SZ, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!ino) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- ino_key_init(c, &key, inode->i_ino);
- err = ubifs_tnc_lookup(c, &key, ino);
- if (err)
- goto out_ino;
- inode->i_flags |= (S_NOCMTIME | S_NOATIME);
- inode->i_nlink = le32_to_cpu(ino->nlink);
- inode->i_uid = le32_to_cpu(ino->uid);
- inode->i_gid = le32_to_cpu(ino->gid);
- inode->i_atime.tv_sec = (int64_t)le64_to_cpu(ino->atime_sec);
- inode->i_atime.tv_nsec = le32_to_cpu(ino->atime_nsec);
- inode->i_mtime.tv_sec = (int64_t)le64_to_cpu(ino->mtime_sec);
- inode->i_mtime.tv_nsec = le32_to_cpu(ino->mtime_nsec);
- inode->i_ctime.tv_sec = (int64_t)le64_to_cpu(ino->ctime_sec);
- inode->i_ctime.tv_nsec = le32_to_cpu(ino->ctime_nsec);
- inode->i_mode = le32_to_cpu(ino->mode);
- inode->i_size = le64_to_cpu(ino->size);
- ui->data_len = le32_to_cpu(ino->data_len);
- ui->flags = le32_to_cpu(ino->flags);
- ui->compr_type = le16_to_cpu(ino->compr_type);
- ui->creat_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(ino->creat_sqnum);
- ui->synced_i_size = ui->ui_size = inode->i_size;
- err = validate_inode(c, inode);
- if (err)
- goto out_invalid;
- if ((inode->i_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
- if (ui->data_len <= 0 || ui->data_len > UBIFS_MAX_INO_DATA) {
- err = 12;
- goto out_invalid;
- }
- ui->data = kmalloc(ui->data_len + 1, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!ui->data) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_ino;
- }
- memcpy(ui->data, ino->data, ui->data_len);
- ((char *)ui->data)[ui->data_len] = '\0';
- }
- kfree(ino);
- inode->i_state &= ~(I_LOCK | I_NEW);
- return inode;
- ubifs_err("inode %lu validation failed, error %d", inode->i_ino, err);
- dbg_dump_node(c, ino);
- dbg_dump_inode(c, inode);
- err = -EINVAL;
- kfree(ino);
- ubifs_err("failed to read inode %lu, error %d", inode->i_ino, err);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- * init_constants_early - initialize UBIFS constants.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function initialize UBIFS constants which do not need the superblock to
- * be read. It also checks that the UBI volume satisfies basic UBIFS
- * requirements. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static int init_constants_early(struct ubifs_info *c)
- if (c->vi.corrupted) {
- ubifs_warn("UBI volume is corrupted - read-only mode");
- c->ro_media = 1;
- }
- if (c->di.ro_mode) {
- ubifs_msg("read-only UBI device");
- c->ro_media = 1;
- }
- if (c->vi.vol_type == UBI_STATIC_VOLUME) {
- ubifs_msg("static UBI volume - read-only mode");
- c->ro_media = 1;
- }
- c->leb_cnt = c->vi.size;
- c->leb_size = c->vi.usable_leb_size;
- c->half_leb_size = c->leb_size / 2;
- c->min_io_size = c->di.min_io_size;
- c->min_io_shift = fls(c->min_io_size) - 1;
- if (c->leb_size < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ) {
- ubifs_err("too small LEBs (%d bytes), min. is %d bytes",
- c->leb_size, UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (c->leb_cnt < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT) {
- ubifs_err("too few LEBs (%d), min. is %d",
- c->leb_cnt, UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (!is_power_of_2(c->min_io_size)) {
- ubifs_err("bad min. I/O size %d", c->min_io_size);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /*
- * UBIFS aligns all node to 8-byte boundary, so to make function in
- * io.c simpler, assume minimum I/O unit size to be 8 bytes if it is
- * less than 8.
- */
- if (c->min_io_size < 8) {
- c->min_io_size = 8;
- c->min_io_shift = 3;
- }
- c->ref_node_alsz = ALIGN(UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
- c->mst_node_alsz = ALIGN(UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
- /*
- * Initialize node length ranges which are mostly needed for node
- * length validation.
- */
- c->ranges[UBIFS_PAD_NODE].len = UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_SB_NODE].len = UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_MST_NODE].len = UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_REF_NODE].len = UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_CS_NODE].len = UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_INO_NODE].min_len = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_INO_NODE].max_len = UBIFS_MAX_INO_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_ORPH_NODE].min_len =
- UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ + sizeof(__le64);
- c->ranges[UBIFS_ORPH_NODE].max_len = c->leb_size;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_DENT_NODE].min_len = UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_DENT_NODE].max_len = UBIFS_MAX_DENT_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_XENT_NODE].min_len = UBIFS_XENT_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_XENT_NODE].max_len = UBIFS_MAX_XENT_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_DATA_NODE].min_len = UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ;
- c->ranges[UBIFS_DATA_NODE].max_len = UBIFS_MAX_DATA_NODE_SZ;
- /*
- * Minimum indexing node size is amended later when superblock is
- * read and the key length is known.
- */
- /*
- * Maximum indexing node size is amended later when superblock is
- * read and the fanout is known.
- */
- c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].max_len = INT_MAX;
- /*
- * Initialize dead and dark LEB space watermarks. See gc.c for comments
- * about these values.
- */
- c->dead_wm = ALIGN(MIN_WRITE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
- c->dark_wm = ALIGN(UBIFS_MAX_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
- /*
- * Calculate how many bytes would be wasted at the end of LEB if it was
- * fully filled with data nodes of maximum size. This is used in
- * calculations when reporting free space.
- */
- c->leb_overhead = c->leb_size % UBIFS_MAX_DATA_NODE_SZ;
- return 0;
- * init_constants_sb - initialize UBIFS constants.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This is a helper function which initializes various UBIFS constants after
- * the superblock has been read. It also checks various UBIFS parameters and
- * makes sure they are all right. Returns zero in case of success and a
- * negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int init_constants_sb(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int tmp, err;
- long long tmp64;
- c->main_bytes = (long long)c->main_lebs * c->leb_size;
- c->max_znode_sz = sizeof(struct ubifs_znode) +
- c->fanout * sizeof(struct ubifs_zbranch);
- tmp = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, 1);
- c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].min_len = tmp;
- c->min_idx_node_sz = ALIGN(tmp, 8);
- tmp = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, c->fanout);
- c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].max_len = tmp;
- c->max_idx_node_sz = ALIGN(tmp, 8);
- /* Make sure LEB size is large enough to fit full commit */
- tmp = UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ + UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ * c->jhead_cnt;
- tmp = ALIGN(tmp, c->min_io_size);
- if (tmp > c->leb_size) {
- dbg_err("too small LEB size %d, at least %d needed",
- c->leb_size, tmp);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure that the log is large enough to fit reference nodes for
- * all buds plus one reserved LEB.
- */
- tmp64 = c->max_bud_bytes + c->leb_size - 1;
- c->max_bud_cnt = div_u64(tmp64, c->leb_size);
- tmp = (c->ref_node_alsz * c->max_bud_cnt + c->leb_size - 1);
- tmp /= c->leb_size;
- tmp += 1;
- if (c->log_lebs < tmp) {
- dbg_err("too small log %d LEBs, required min. %d LEBs",
- c->log_lebs, tmp);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /*
- * When budgeting we assume worst-case scenarios when the pages are not
- * be compressed and direntries are of the maximum size.
- *
- * Note, data, which may be stored in inodes is budgeted separately, so
- * it is not included into 'c->inode_budget'.
- */
- c->inode_budget = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
- c->dent_budget = UBIFS_MAX_DENT_NODE_SZ;
- /*
- * When the amount of flash space used by buds becomes
- * 'c->max_bud_bytes', UBIFS just blocks all writers and starts commit.
- * The writers are unblocked when the commit is finished. To avoid
- * writers to be blocked UBIFS initiates background commit in advance,
- * when number of bud bytes becomes above the limit defined below.
- */
- c->bg_bud_bytes = (c->max_bud_bytes * 13) >> 4;
- /*
- * Ensure minimum journal size. All the bytes in the journal heads are
- * considered to be used, when calculating the current journal usage.
- * Consequently, if the journal is too small, UBIFS will treat it as
- * always full.
- */
- tmp64 = (long long)(c->jhead_cnt + 1) * c->leb_size + 1;
- if (c->bg_bud_bytes < tmp64)
- c->bg_bud_bytes = tmp64;
- if (c->max_bud_bytes < tmp64 + c->leb_size)
- c->max_bud_bytes = tmp64 + c->leb_size;
- err = ubifs_calc_lpt_geom(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return 0;
- * init_constants_master - initialize UBIFS constants.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This is a helper function which initializes various UBIFS constants after
- * the master node has been read. It also checks various UBIFS parameters and
- * makes sure they are all right.
- */
-static void init_constants_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
- long long tmp64;
- c->min_idx_lebs = ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs(c);
- /*
- * Calculate total amount of FS blocks. This number is not used
- * internally because it does not make much sense for UBIFS, but it is
- * necessary to report something for the 'statfs()' call.
- *
- * Subtract the LEB reserved for GC, the LEB which is reserved for
- * deletions, minimum LEBs for the index, and assume only one journal
- * head is available.
- */
- tmp64 = c->main_lebs - 1 - 1 - MIN_INDEX_LEBS - c->jhead_cnt + 1;
- tmp64 *= (long long)c->leb_size - c->leb_overhead;
- tmp64 = ubifs_reported_space(c, tmp64);
- c->block_cnt = tmp64 >> UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
- * free_orphans - free orphans.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- */
-static void free_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct ubifs_orphan *orph;
- while (c->orph_dnext) {
- orph = c->orph_dnext;
- c->orph_dnext = orph->dnext;
- list_del(&orph->list);
- kfree(orph);
- }
- while (!list_empty(&c->orph_list)) {
- orph = list_entry(c->, struct ubifs_orphan, list);
- list_del(&orph->list);
- kfree(orph);
- dbg_err("orphan list not empty at unmount");
- }
- vfree(c->orph_buf);
- c->orph_buf = NULL;
- * check_volume_empty - check if the UBI volume is empty.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function checks if the UBIFS volume is empty by looking if its LEBs are
- * mapped or not. The result of checking is stored in the @c->empty variable.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static int check_volume_empty(struct ubifs_info *c)
- int lnum, err;
- c->empty = 1;
- for (lnum = 0; lnum < c->leb_cnt; lnum++) {
- err = ubi_is_mapped(c->ubi, lnum);
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- return err;
- if (err == 1) {
- c->empty = 0;
- break;
- }
- cond_resched();
- }
- return 0;
- * mount_ubifs - mount UBIFS file-system.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * This function mounts UBIFS file system. Returns zero in case of success and
- * a negative error code in case of failure.
- *
- * Note, the function does not de-allocate resources it it fails half way
- * through, and the caller has to do this instead.
- */
-static int mount_ubifs(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct super_block *sb = c->vfs_sb;
- int err, mounted_read_only = (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY);
- long long x;
- size_t sz;
- err = init_constants_early(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = ubifs_debugging_init(c);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = check_volume_empty(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- if (c->empty && (mounted_read_only || c->ro_media)) {
- /*
- * This UBI volume is empty, and read-only, or the file system
- * is mounted read-only - we cannot format it.
- */
- ubifs_err("can't format empty UBI volume: read-only %s",
- c->ro_media ? "UBI volume" : "mount");
- err = -EROFS;
- goto out_free;
- }
- if (c->ro_media && !mounted_read_only) {
- ubifs_err("cannot mount read-write - read-only media");
- err = -EROFS;
- goto out_free;
- }
- /*
- * The requirement for the buffer is that it should fit indexing B-tree
- * height amount of integers. We assume the height if the TNC tree will
- * never exceed 64.
- */
- err = -ENOMEM;
- c->bottom_up_buf = kmalloc(BOTTOM_UP_HEIGHT * sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c->bottom_up_buf)
- goto out_free;
- c->sbuf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
- if (!c->sbuf)
- goto out_free;
- /*
- * We have to check all CRCs, even for data nodes, when we mount the FS
- * (specifically, when we are replaying).
- */
- c->always_chk_crc = 1;
- err = ubifs_read_superblock(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- /*
- * Make sure the compressor which is set as default in the superblock
- * or overridden by mount options is actually compiled in.
- */
- if (!ubifs_compr_present(c->default_compr)) {
- ubifs_err("'compressor \"%s\" is not compiled in",
- ubifs_compr_name(c->default_compr));
- goto out_free;
- }
- dbg_failure_mode_registration(c);
- err = init_constants_sb(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- sz = ALIGN(c->max_idx_node_sz, c->min_io_size);
- sz = ALIGN(sz + c->max_idx_node_sz, c->min_io_size);
- c->cbuf = kmalloc(sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!c->cbuf) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_free;
- }
- sprintf(c->bgt_name, BGT_NAME_PATTERN, c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id);
- err = ubifs_read_master(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_master;
- init_constants_master(c);
- if ((c->mst_node->flags & cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_DIRTY)) != 0) {
- ubifs_msg("recovery needed");
- c->need_recovery = 1;
- }
- err = ubifs_lpt_init(c, 1, !mounted_read_only);
- if (err)
- goto out_lpt;
- err = dbg_check_idx_size(c, c->old_idx_sz);
- if (err)
- goto out_lpt;
- err = ubifs_replay_journal(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_journal;
- err = ubifs_mount_orphans(c, c->need_recovery, mounted_read_only);
- if (err)
- goto out_orphans;
- if (c->need_recovery) {
- err = ubifs_recover_size(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_orphans;
- }
- spin_lock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- list_add_tail(&c->infos_list, &ubifs_infos);
- spin_unlock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- if (c->need_recovery) {
- if (mounted_read_only)
- ubifs_msg("recovery deferred");
- else {
- c->need_recovery = 0;
- ubifs_msg("recovery completed");
- }
- }
- err = dbg_check_filesystem(c);
- if (err)
- goto out_infos;
- c->always_chk_crc = 0;
- ubifs_msg("mounted UBI device %d, volume %d, name \"%s\"",
- c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, c->;
- if (mounted_read_only)
- ubifs_msg("mounted read-only");
- x = (long long)c->main_lebs * c->leb_size;
- ubifs_msg("file system size: %lld bytes (%lld KiB, %lld MiB, %d "
- "LEBs)", x, x >> 10, x >> 20, c->main_lebs);
- x = (long long)c->log_lebs * c->leb_size + c->max_bud_bytes;
- ubifs_msg("journal size: %lld bytes (%lld KiB, %lld MiB, %d "
- "LEBs)", x, x >> 10, x >> 20, c->log_lebs + c->max_bud_cnt);
- ubifs_msg("media format: w%d/r%d (latest is w%d/r%d)",
- c->fmt_version, c->ro_compat_version,
- ubifs_msg("default compressor: %s", ubifs_compr_name(c->default_compr));
- ubifs_msg("reserved for root: %llu bytes (%llu KiB)",
- c->report_rp_size, c->report_rp_size >> 10);
- dbg_msg("min. I/O unit size: %d bytes", c->min_io_size);
- dbg_msg("LEB size: %d bytes (%d KiB)",
- c->leb_size, c->leb_size >> 10);
- dbg_msg("data journal heads: %d",
- c->jhead_cnt - NONDATA_JHEADS_CNT);
- dbg_msg("UUID: %02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X"
- "-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
- c->uuid[0], c->uuid[1], c->uuid[2], c->uuid[3],
- c->uuid[4], c->uuid[5], c->uuid[6], c->uuid[7],
- c->uuid[8], c->uuid[9], c->uuid[10], c->uuid[11],
- c->uuid[12], c->uuid[13], c->uuid[14], c->uuid[15]);
- dbg_msg("big_lpt %d", c->big_lpt);
- dbg_msg("log LEBs: %d (%d - %d)",
- c->log_lebs, UBIFS_LOG_LNUM, c->log_last);
- dbg_msg("LPT area LEBs: %d (%d - %d)",
- c->lpt_lebs, c->lpt_first, c->lpt_last);
- dbg_msg("orphan area LEBs: %d (%d - %d)",
- c->orph_lebs, c->orph_first, c->orph_last);
- dbg_msg("main area LEBs: %d (%d - %d)",
- c->main_lebs, c->main_first, c->leb_cnt - 1);
- dbg_msg("index LEBs: %d", c->lst.idx_lebs);
- dbg_msg("total index bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB)",
- c->old_idx_sz, c->old_idx_sz >> 10, c->old_idx_sz >> 20);
- dbg_msg("key hash type: %d", c->key_hash_type);
- dbg_msg("tree fanout: %d", c->fanout);
- dbg_msg("reserved GC LEB: %d", c->gc_lnum);
- dbg_msg("first main LEB: %d", c->main_first);
- dbg_msg("max. znode size %d", c->max_znode_sz);
- dbg_msg("max. index node size %d", c->max_idx_node_sz);
- dbg_msg("node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu, dentry %zu",
- dbg_msg("node sizes: trun %zu, sb %zu, master %zu",
- dbg_msg("node sizes: ref %zu, cmt. start %zu, orph %zu",
- dbg_msg("max. node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu dentry %zu",
- dbg_msg("dead watermark: %d", c->dead_wm);
- dbg_msg("dark watermark: %d", c->dark_wm);
- dbg_msg("LEB overhead: %d", c->leb_overhead);
- x = (long long)c->main_lebs * c->dark_wm;
- dbg_msg("max. dark space: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB)",
- x, x >> 10, x >> 20);
- dbg_msg("maximum bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB)",
- c->max_bud_bytes, c->max_bud_bytes >> 10,
- c->max_bud_bytes >> 20);
- dbg_msg("BG commit bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB)",
- c->bg_bud_bytes, c->bg_bud_bytes >> 10,
- c->bg_bud_bytes >> 20);
- dbg_msg("current bud bytes %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB)",
- c->bud_bytes, c->bud_bytes >> 10, c->bud_bytes >> 20);
- dbg_msg("max. seq. number: %llu", c->max_sqnum);
- dbg_msg("commit number: %llu", c->cmt_no);
- return 0;
- spin_lock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- list_del(&c->infos_list);
- spin_unlock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- free_orphans(c);
- ubifs_lpt_free(c, 0);
- kfree(c->mst_node);
- kfree(c->rcvrd_mst_node);
- if (c->bgt)
- kthread_stop(c->bgt);
- kfree(c->cbuf);
- vfree(c->ileb_buf);
- vfree(c->sbuf);
- kfree(c->bottom_up_buf);
- ubifs_debugging_exit(c);
- return err;
- * ubifs_umount - un-mount UBIFS file-system.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * Note, this function is called to free allocated resourced when un-mounting,
- * as well as free resources when an error occurred while we were half way
- * through mounting (error path cleanup function). So it has to make sure the
- * resource was actually allocated before freeing it.
- */
-void ubifs_umount(struct ubifs_info *c)
- dbg_gen("un-mounting UBI device %d, volume %d", c->vi.ubi_num,
- c->vi.vol_id);
- spin_lock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- list_del(&c->infos_list);
- spin_unlock(&ubifs_infos_lock);
- if (c->bgt)
- kthread_stop(c->bgt);
- free_orphans(c);
- ubifs_lpt_free(c, 0);
- kfree(c->cbuf);
- kfree(c->rcvrd_mst_node);
- kfree(c->mst_node);
- vfree(c->ileb_buf);
- vfree(c->sbuf);
- kfree(c->bottom_up_buf);
- ubifs_debugging_exit(c);
- /* Finally free U-Boot's global copy of superblock */
- if (ubifs_sb != NULL) {
- free(ubifs_sb->s_fs_info);
- free(ubifs_sb);
- }
- * open_ubi - parse UBI device name string and open the UBI device.
- * @name: UBI volume name
- * @mode: UBI volume open mode
- *
- * There are several ways to specify UBI volumes when mounting UBIFS:
- * o ubiX_Y - UBI device number X, volume Y;
- * o ubiY - UBI device number 0, volume Y;
- * o ubiX:NAME - mount UBI device X, volume with name NAME;
- * o ubi:NAME - mount UBI device 0, volume with name NAME.
- *
- * Alternative '!' separator may be used instead of ':' (because some shells
- * like busybox may interpret ':' as an NFS host name separator). This function
- * returns ubi volume object in case of success and a negative error code in
- * case of failure.
- */
-static struct ubi_volume_desc *open_ubi(const char *name, int mode)
- int dev, vol;
- char *endptr;
- if (name[0] != 'u' || name[1] != 'b' || name[2] != 'i')
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
- /* ubi:NAME method */
- if ((name[3] == ':' || name[3] == '!') && name[4] != '\0')
- return ubi_open_volume_nm(0, name + 4, mode);
- if (!isdigit(name[3]))
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
- dev = simple_strtoul(name + 3, &endptr, 0);
- /* ubiY method */
- if (*endptr == '\0')
- return ubi_open_volume(0, dev, mode);
- /* ubiX_Y method */
- if (*endptr == '_' && isdigit(endptr[1])) {
- vol = simple_strtoul(endptr + 1, &endptr, 0);
- if (*endptr != '\0')
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
- return ubi_open_volume(dev, vol, mode);
- }
- /* ubiX:NAME method */
- if ((*endptr == ':' || *endptr == '!') && endptr[1] != '\0')
- return ubi_open_volume_nm(dev, ++endptr, mode);
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-static int ubifs_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *data, int silent)
- struct ubi_volume_desc *ubi = sb->s_fs_info;
- struct ubifs_info *c;
- struct inode *root;
- int err;
- c = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_info), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!c)
- return -ENOMEM;
- spin_lock_init(&c->cnt_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&c->cs_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&c->buds_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&c->space_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&c->orphan_lock);
- init_rwsem(&c->commit_sem);
- mutex_init(&c->lp_mutex);
- mutex_init(&c->tnc_mutex);
- mutex_init(&c->log_mutex);
- mutex_init(&c->mst_mutex);
- mutex_init(&c->umount_mutex);
- init_waitqueue_head(&c->cmt_wq);
- c->buds = RB_ROOT;
- c->old_idx = RB_ROOT;
- c->size_tree = RB_ROOT;
- c->orph_tree = RB_ROOT;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->infos_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->idx_gc);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->replay_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->replay_buds);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->uncat_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->empty_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->freeable_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->frdi_idx_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->unclean_leb_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->old_buds);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->orph_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&c->orph_new);
- c->highest_inum = UBIFS_FIRST_INO;
- c->lhead_lnum = c->ltail_lnum = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM;
- ubi_get_volume_info(ubi, &c->vi);
- ubi_get_device_info(c->vi.ubi_num, &c->di);
- /* Re-open the UBI device in read-write mode */
- c->ubi = ubi_open_volume(c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, UBI_READONLY);
- if (IS_ERR(c->ubi)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(c->ubi);
- goto out_free;
- }
- c->vfs_sb = sb;
- sb->s_fs_info = c;
- sb->s_magic = UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC;
- sb->s_blocksize = UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
- sb->s_blocksize_bits = UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
- sb->s_dev = c->vi.cdev;
- sb->s_maxbytes = c->max_inode_sz = key_max_inode_size(c);
- if (c->max_inode_sz > MAX_LFS_FILESIZE)
- sb->s_maxbytes = c->max_inode_sz = MAX_LFS_FILESIZE;
- if (c->rw_incompat) {
- ubifs_err("the file-system is not R/W-compatible");
- ubifs_msg("on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but software "
- "only supports up to version w%d/r%d", c->fmt_version,
- c->ro_compat_version, UBIFS_FORMAT_VERSION,
- return -EROFS;
- }
- mutex_lock(&c->umount_mutex);
- err = mount_ubifs(c);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_assert(err < 0);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- /* Read the root inode */
- root = ubifs_iget(sb, UBIFS_ROOT_INO);
- if (IS_ERR(root)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(root);
- goto out_umount;
- }
- sb->s_root = NULL;
- mutex_unlock(&c->umount_mutex);
- return 0;
- ubifs_umount(c);
- mutex_unlock(&c->umount_mutex);
- ubi_close_volume(c->ubi);
- kfree(c);
- return err;
-static int sb_test(struct super_block *sb, void *data)
- dev_t *dev = data;
- return sb->s_dev == *dev;
-static int ubifs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type, int flags,
- const char *name, void *data, struct vfsmount *mnt)
- struct ubi_volume_desc *ubi;
- struct ubi_volume_info vi;
- struct super_block *sb;
- int err;
- dbg_gen("name %s, flags %#x", name, flags);
- /*
- * Get UBI device number and volume ID. Mount it read-only so far
- * because this might be a new mount point, and UBI allows only one
- * read-write user at a time.
- */
- ubi = open_ubi(name, UBI_READONLY);
- if (IS_ERR(ubi)) {
- ubifs_err("cannot open \"%s\", error %d",
- name, (int)PTR_ERR(ubi));
- return PTR_ERR(ubi);
- }
- ubi_get_volume_info(ubi, &vi);
- dbg_gen("opened ubi%d_%d", vi.ubi_num, vi.vol_id);
- sb = sget(fs_type, &sb_test, &sb_set, &vi.cdev);
- if (IS_ERR(sb)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(sb);
- goto out_close;
- }
- if (sb->s_root) {
- /* A new mount point for already mounted UBIFS */
- dbg_gen("this ubi volume is already mounted");
- if ((flags ^ sb->s_flags) & MS_RDONLY) {
- err = -EBUSY;
- goto out_deact;
- }
- } else {
- sb->s_flags = flags;
- /*
- * Pass 'ubi' to 'fill_super()' in sb->s_fs_info where it is
- * replaced by 'c'.
- */
- sb->s_fs_info = ubi;
- err = ubifs_fill_super(sb, data, flags & MS_SILENT ? 1 : 0);
- if (err)
- goto out_deact;
- /* We do not support atime */
- sb->s_flags |= MS_ACTIVE | MS_NOATIME;
- }
- /* 'fill_super()' opens ubi again so we must close it here */
- ubi_close_volume(ubi);
- ubifs_sb = sb;
- return 0;
- up_write(&sb->s_umount);
- ubi_close_volume(ubi);
- return err;
-int __init ubifs_init(void)
- int err;
- BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct ubifs_ch) != 24);
- /* Make sure node sizes are 8-byte aligned */
- /* Check min. node size */
- /* Defined node sizes */
- /*
- * We use 2 bit wide bit-fields to store compression type, which should
- * be amended if more compressors are added. The bit-fields are:
- * @compr_type in 'struct ubifs_inode', @default_compr in
- * 'struct ubifs_info' and @compr_type in 'struct ubifs_mount_opts'.
- */
- /*
- * We require that PAGE_CACHE_SIZE is greater-than-or-equal-to
- * UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE. It is assumed that both are powers of 2.
- */
- ubifs_err("VFS page cache size is %u bytes, but UBIFS requires"
- " at least 4096 bytes",
- (unsigned int)PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- err = -ENOMEM;
- err = ubifs_compressors_init();
- if (err)
- goto out_shrinker;
- return 0;
- return err;
- * ubifsmount...
- */
-static struct file_system_type ubifs_fs_type = {
- .name = "ubifs",
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .get_sb = ubifs_get_sb,
-int ubifs_mount(char *name)
- int flags;
- void *data;
- struct vfsmount *mnt;
- int ret;
- struct ubifs_info *c;
- /*
- * First unmount if allready mounted
- */
- if (ubifs_sb)
- ubifs_umount(ubifs_sb->s_fs_info);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ubifs_infos);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ubifs_fs_type.fs_supers);
- /*
- * Mount in read-only mode
- */
- flags = MS_RDONLY;
- data = NULL;
- mnt = NULL;
- ret = ubifs_get_sb(&ubifs_fs_type, flags, name, data, mnt);
- if (ret) {
- ubifs_err("Error reading superblock on volume '%s' errno=%d!\n", name, ret);
- return -1;
- }
- c = ubifs_sb->s_fs_info;
- ubi_close_volume(c->ubi);
- return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ccda9387b..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2767 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file implements TNC (Tree Node Cache) which caches indexing nodes of
- * the UBIFS B-tree.
- *
- * At the moment the locking rules of the TNC tree are quite simple and
- * straightforward. We just have a mutex and lock it when we traverse the
- * tree. If a znode is not in memory, we read it from flash while still having
- * the mutex locked.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * Returned codes of 'matches_name()' and 'fallible_matches_name()' functions.
- * @NAME_LESS: name corresponding to the first argument is less than second
- * @NAME_MATCHES: names match
- * @NAME_GREATER: name corresponding to the second argument is greater than
- * first
- * @NOT_ON_MEDIA: node referred by zbranch does not exist on the media
- *
- * These constants were introduce to improve readability.
- */
-enum {
- NAME_LESS = 0,
- * insert_old_idx - record an index node obsoleted since the last commit start.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number of obsoleted index node
- * @offs: offset of obsoleted index node
- *
- * Returns %0 on success, and a negative error code on failure.
- *
- * For recovery, there must always be a complete intact version of the index on
- * flash at all times. That is called the "old index". It is the index as at the
- * time of the last successful commit. Many of the index nodes in the old index
- * may be dirty, but they must not be erased until the next successful commit
- * (at which point that index becomes the old index).
- *
- * That means that the garbage collection and the in-the-gaps method of
- * committing must be able to determine if an index node is in the old index.
- * Most of the old index nodes can be found by looking up the TNC using the
- * 'lookup_znode()' function. However, some of the old index nodes may have
- * been deleted from the current index or may have been changed so much that
- * they cannot be easily found. In those cases, an entry is added to an RB-tree.
- * That is what this function does. The RB-tree is ordered by LEB number and
- * offset because they uniquely identify the old index node.
- */
-static int insert_old_idx(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs)
- struct ubifs_old_idx *old_idx, *o;
- struct rb_node **p, *parent = NULL;
- old_idx = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_old_idx), GFP_NOFS);
- if (unlikely(!old_idx))
- return -ENOMEM;
- old_idx->lnum = lnum;
- old_idx->offs = offs;
- p = &c->old_idx.rb_node;
- while (*p) {
- parent = *p;
- o = rb_entry(parent, struct ubifs_old_idx, rb);
- if (lnum < o->lnum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- else if (lnum > o->lnum)
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- else if (offs < o->offs)
- p = &(*p)->rb_left;
- else if (offs > o->offs)
- p = &(*p)->rb_right;
- else {
- ubifs_err("old idx added twice!");
- kfree(old_idx);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- rb_link_node(&old_idx->rb, parent, p);
- rb_insert_color(&old_idx->rb, &c->old_idx);
- return 0;
- * insert_old_idx_znode - record a znode obsoleted since last commit start.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode of obsoleted index node
- *
- * Returns %0 on success, and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int insert_old_idx_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- if (znode->parent) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- zbr = &znode->parent->zbranch[znode->iip];
- if (zbr->len)
- return insert_old_idx(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- } else
- if (c->zroot.len)
- return insert_old_idx(c, c->zroot.lnum,
- c->zroot.offs);
- return 0;
- * ins_clr_old_idx_znode - record a znode obsoleted since last commit start.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode of obsoleted index node
- *
- * Returns %0 on success, and a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int ins_clr_old_idx_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- int err;
- if (znode->parent) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- zbr = &znode->parent->zbranch[znode->iip];
- if (zbr->len) {
- err = insert_old_idx(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- if (err)
- return err;
- zbr->lnum = 0;
- zbr->offs = 0;
- zbr->len = 0;
- }
- } else
- if (c->zroot.len) {
- err = insert_old_idx(c, c->zroot.lnum, c->zroot.offs);
- if (err)
- return err;
- c->zroot.lnum = 0;
- c->zroot.offs = 0;
- c->zroot.len = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- * destroy_old_idx - destroy the old_idx RB-tree.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- *
- * During start commit, the old_idx RB-tree is used to avoid overwriting index
- * nodes that were in the index last commit but have since been deleted. This
- * is necessary for recovery i.e. the old index must be kept intact until the
- * new index is successfully written. The old-idx RB-tree is used for the
- * in-the-gaps method of writing index nodes and is destroyed every commit.
- */
-void destroy_old_idx(struct ubifs_info *c)
- struct rb_node *this = c->old_idx.rb_node;
- struct ubifs_old_idx *old_idx;
- while (this) {
- if (this->rb_left) {
- this = this->rb_left;
- continue;
- } else if (this->rb_right) {
- this = this->rb_right;
- continue;
- }
- old_idx = rb_entry(this, struct ubifs_old_idx, rb);
- this = rb_parent(this);
- if (this) {
- if (this->rb_left == &old_idx->rb)
- this->rb_left = NULL;
- else
- this->rb_right = NULL;
- }
- kfree(old_idx);
- }
- c->old_idx = RB_ROOT;
- * copy_znode - copy a dirty znode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to copy
- *
- * A dirty znode being committed may not be changed, so it is copied.
- */
-static struct ubifs_znode *copy_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- struct ubifs_znode *zn;
- zn = kmalloc(c->max_znode_sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (unlikely(!zn))
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- memcpy(zn, znode, c->max_znode_sz);
- zn->cnext = NULL;
- __set_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &zn->flags);
- __clear_bit(COW_ZNODE, &zn->flags);
- ubifs_assert(!test_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE, &znode->flags));
- __set_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE, &znode->flags);
- if (znode->level != 0) {
- int i;
- const int n = zn->child_cnt;
- /* The children now have new parent */
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &zn->zbranch[i];
- if (zbr->znode)
- zbr->znode->parent = zn;
- }
- }
- atomic_long_inc(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- return zn;
- * add_idx_dirt - add dirt due to a dirty znode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number of index node
- * @dirt: size of index node
- *
- * This function updates lprops dirty space and the new size of the index.
- */
-static int add_idx_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirt)
- c->calc_idx_sz -= ALIGN(dirt, 8);
- return ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, dirt);
- * dirty_cow_znode - ensure a znode is not being committed.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: branch of znode to check
- *
- * Returns dirtied znode on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-static struct ubifs_znode *dirty_cow_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr)
- struct ubifs_znode *znode = zbr->znode;
- struct ubifs_znode *zn;
- int err;
- if (!test_bit(COW_ZNODE, &znode->flags)) {
- /* znode is not being committed */
- if (!test_and_set_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &znode->flags)) {
- atomic_long_inc(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- atomic_long_dec(&c->clean_zn_cnt);
- atomic_long_dec(&ubifs_clean_zn_cnt);
- err = add_idx_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- if (unlikely(err))
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- }
- return znode;
- }
- zn = copy_znode(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(zn))
- return zn;
- if (zbr->len) {
- err = insert_old_idx(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- if (unlikely(err))
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- err = add_idx_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- } else
- err = 0;
- zbr->znode = zn;
- zbr->lnum = 0;
- zbr->offs = 0;
- zbr->len = 0;
- if (unlikely(err))
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- return zn;
- * lnc_add - add a leaf node to the leaf node cache.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: zbranch of leaf node
- * @node: leaf node
- *
- * Leaf nodes are non-index nodes directory entry nodes or data nodes. The
- * purpose of the leaf node cache is to save re-reading the same leaf node over
- * and over again. Most things are cached by VFS, however the file system must
- * cache directory entries for readdir and for resolving hash collisions. The
- * present implementation of the leaf node cache is extremely simple, and
- * allows for error returns that are not used but that may be needed if a more
- * complex implementation is created.
- *
- * Note, this function does not add the @node object to LNC directly, but
- * allocates a copy of the object and adds the copy to LNC. The reason for this
- * is that @node has been allocated outside of the TNC subsystem and will be
- * used with @c->tnc_mutex unlock upon return from the TNC subsystem. But LNC
- * may be changed at any time, e.g. freed by the shrinker.
- */
-static int lnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- const void *node)
- int err;
- void *lnc_node;
- const struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = node;
- ubifs_assert(!zbr->leaf);
- ubifs_assert(zbr->len != 0);
- ubifs_assert(is_hash_key(c, &zbr->key));
- err = ubifs_validate_entry(c, dent);
- if (err) {
- dbg_dump_stack();
- dbg_dump_node(c, dent);
- return err;
- }
- lnc_node = kmalloc(zbr->len, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!lnc_node)
- /* We don't have to have the cache, so no error */
- return 0;
- memcpy(lnc_node, node, zbr->len);
- zbr->leaf = lnc_node;
- return 0;
- /**
- * lnc_add_directly - add a leaf node to the leaf-node-cache.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: zbranch of leaf node
- * @node: leaf node
- *
- * This function is similar to 'lnc_add()', but it does not create a copy of
- * @node but inserts @node to TNC directly.
- */
-static int lnc_add_directly(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- void *node)
- int err;
- ubifs_assert(!zbr->leaf);
- ubifs_assert(zbr->len != 0);
- err = ubifs_validate_entry(c, node);
- if (err) {
- dbg_dump_stack();
- dbg_dump_node(c, node);
- return err;
- }
- zbr->leaf = node;
- return 0;
- * lnc_free - remove a leaf node from the leaf node cache.
- * @zbr: zbranch of leaf node
- * @node: leaf node
- */
-static void lnc_free(struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr)
- if (!zbr->leaf)
- return;
- kfree(zbr->leaf);
- zbr->leaf = NULL;
- * tnc_read_node_nm - read a "hashed" leaf node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: key and position of the node
- * @node: node is returned here
- *
- * This function reads a "hashed" node defined by @zbr from the leaf node cache
- * (in it is there) or from the hash media, in which case the node is also
- * added to LNC. Returns zero in case of success or a negative negative error
- * code in case of failure.
- */
-static int tnc_read_node_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- void *node)
- int err;
- ubifs_assert(is_hash_key(c, &zbr->key));
- if (zbr->leaf) {
- /* Read from the leaf node cache */
- ubifs_assert(zbr->len != 0);
- memcpy(node, zbr->leaf, zbr->len);
- return 0;
- }
- err = ubifs_tnc_read_node(c, zbr, node);
- if (err)
- return err;
- /* Add the node to the leaf node cache */
- err = lnc_add(c, zbr, node);
- return err;
- * try_read_node - read a node if it is a node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer to read to
- * @type: node type
- * @len: node length (not aligned)
- * @lnum: LEB number of node to read
- * @offs: offset of node to read
- *
- * This function tries to read a node of known type and length, checks it and
- * stores it in @buf. This function returns %1 if a node is present and %0 if
- * a node is not present. A negative error code is returned for I/O errors.
- * This function performs that same function as ubifs_read_node except that
- * it does not require that there is actually a node present and instead
- * the return code indicates if a node was read.
- *
- * Note, this function does not check CRC of data nodes if @c->no_chk_data_crc
- * is true (it is controlled by corresponding mount option). However, if
- * @c->always_chk_crc is true, @c->no_chk_data_crc is ignored and CRC is always
- * checked.
- */
-static int try_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type,
- int len, int lnum, int offs)
- int err, node_len;
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- uint32_t crc, node_crc;
- dbg_io("LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d", lnum, offs, dbg_ntype(type), len);
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("cannot read node type %d from LEB %d:%d, error %d",
- type, lnum, offs, err);
- return err;
- }
- if (le32_to_cpu(ch->magic) != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
- return 0;
- if (ch->node_type != type)
- return 0;
- node_len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- if (node_len != len)
- return 0;
- if (type == UBIFS_DATA_NODE && !c->always_chk_crc && c->no_chk_data_crc)
- return 1;
- crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, node_len - 8);
- node_crc = le32_to_cpu(ch->crc);
- if (crc != node_crc)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * fallible_read_node - try to read a leaf node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of node to read
- * @zbr: position of node
- * @node: node returned
- *
- * This function tries to read a node and returns %1 if the node is read, %0
- * if the node is not present, and a negative error code in the case of error.
- */
-static int fallible_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr, void *node)
- int ret;
- dbg_tnc("LEB %d:%d, key %s", zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, DBGKEY(key));
- ret = try_read_node(c, node, key_type(c, key), zbr->len, zbr->lnum,
- zbr->offs);
- if (ret == 1) {
- union ubifs_key node_key;
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = node;
- /* All nodes have key in the same place */
- key_read(c, &dent->key, &node_key);
- if (keys_cmp(c, key, &node_key) != 0)
- ret = 0;
- }
- if (ret == 0 && c->replaying)
- dbg_mnt("dangling branch LEB %d:%d len %d, key %s",
- zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, zbr->len, DBGKEY(key));
- return ret;
- * matches_name - determine if a direntry or xattr entry matches a given name.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: zbranch of dent
- * @nm: name to match
- *
- * This function checks if xentry/direntry referred by zbranch @zbr matches name
- * @nm. Returns %NAME_MATCHES if it does, %NAME_LESS if the name referred by
- * @zbr is less than @nm, and %NAME_GREATER if it is greater than @nm. In case
- * of failure, a negative error code is returned.
- */
-static int matches_name(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
- int nlen, err;
- /* If possible, match against the dent in the leaf node cache */
- if (!zbr->leaf) {
- dent = kmalloc(zbr->len, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!dent)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = ubifs_tnc_read_node(c, zbr, dent);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- /* Add the node to the leaf node cache */
- err = lnc_add_directly(c, zbr, dent);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- } else
- dent = zbr->leaf;
- nlen = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- err = memcmp(dent->name, nm->name, min_t(int, nlen, nm->len));
- if (err == 0) {
- if (nlen == nm->len)
- return NAME_MATCHES;
- else if (nlen < nm->len)
- return NAME_LESS;
- else
- return NAME_GREATER;
- } else if (err < 0)
- return NAME_LESS;
- else
- return NAME_GREATER;
- kfree(dent);
- return err;
- * get_znode - get a TNC znode that may not be loaded yet.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: parent znode
- * @n: znode branch slot number
- *
- * This function returns the znode or a negative error code.
- */
-static struct ubifs_znode *get_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode, int n)
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- if (zbr->znode)
- znode = zbr->znode;
- else
- znode = ubifs_load_znode(c, zbr, znode, n);
- return znode;
- * tnc_next - find next TNC entry.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zn: znode is passed and returned here
- * @n: znode branch slot number is passed and returned here
- *
- * This function returns %0 if the next TNC entry is found, %-ENOENT if there is
- * no next entry, or a negative error code otherwise.
- */
-static int tnc_next(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n)
- struct ubifs_znode *znode = *zn;
- int nn = *n;
- nn += 1;
- if (nn < znode->child_cnt) {
- *n = nn;
- return 0;
- }
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_znode *zp;
- zp = znode->parent;
- if (!zp)
- return -ENOENT;
- nn = znode->iip + 1;
- znode = zp;
- if (nn < znode->child_cnt) {
- znode = get_znode(c, znode, nn);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- while (znode->level != 0) {
- znode = get_znode(c, znode, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- nn = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- return 0;
- * tnc_prev - find previous TNC entry.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zn: znode is returned here
- * @n: znode branch slot number is passed and returned here
- *
- * This function returns %0 if the previous TNC entry is found, %-ENOENT if
- * there is no next entry, or a negative error code otherwise.
- */
-static int tnc_prev(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n)
- struct ubifs_znode *znode = *zn;
- int nn = *n;
- if (nn > 0) {
- *n = nn - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_znode *zp;
- zp = znode->parent;
- if (!zp)
- return -ENOENT;
- nn = znode->iip - 1;
- znode = zp;
- if (nn >= 0) {
- znode = get_znode(c, znode, nn);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- while (znode->level != 0) {
- nn = znode->child_cnt - 1;
- znode = get_znode(c, znode, nn);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- nn = znode->child_cnt - 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- return 0;
- * resolve_collision - resolve a collision.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of a directory or extended attribute entry
- * @zn: znode is returned here
- * @n: zbranch number is passed and returned here
- * @nm: name of the entry
- *
- * This function is called for "hashed" keys to make sure that the found key
- * really corresponds to the looked up node (directory or extended attribute
- * entry). It returns %1 and sets @zn and @n if the collision is resolved.
- * %0 is returned if @nm is not found and @zn and @n are set to the previous
- * entry, i.e. to the entry after which @nm could follow if it were in TNC.
- * This means that @n may be set to %-1 if the leftmost key in @zn is the
- * previous one. A negative error code is returned on failures.
- */
-static int resolve_collision(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- int err;
- err = matches_name(c, &(*zn)->zbranch[*n], nm);
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- return err;
- if (err == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- if (err == NAME_GREATER) {
- /* Look left */
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_prev(c, zn, n);
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- ubifs_assert(*n == 0);
- *n = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &(*zn)->zbranch[*n].key, key)) {
- /*
- * We have found the branch after which we would
- * like to insert, but inserting in this znode
- * may still be wrong. Consider the following 3
- * znodes, in the case where we are resolving a
- * collision with Key2.
- *
- * znode zp
- * ----------------------
- * level 1 | Key0 | Key1 |
- * -----------------------
- * | |
- * znode za | | znode zb
- * ------------ ------------
- * level 0 | Key0 | | Key2 |
- * ------------ ------------
- *
- * The lookup finds Key2 in znode zb. Lets say
- * there is no match and the name is greater so
- * we look left. When we find Key0, we end up
- * here. If we return now, we will insert into
- * znode za at slot n = 1. But that is invalid
- * according to the parent's keys. Key2 must
- * be inserted into znode zb.
- *
- * Note, this problem is not relevant for the
- * case when we go right, because
- * 'tnc_insert()' would correct the parent key.
- */
- if (*n == (*zn)->child_cnt - 1) {
- err = tnc_next(c, zn, n);
- if (err) {
- /* Should be impossible */
- ubifs_assert(0);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- err = -EINVAL;
- return err;
- }
- ubifs_assert(*n == 0);
- *n = -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- err = matches_name(c, &(*zn)->zbranch[*n], nm);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (err == NAME_LESS)
- return 0;
- if (err == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- ubifs_assert(err == NAME_GREATER);
- }
- } else {
- int nn = *n;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode = *zn;
- /* Look right */
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &nn);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- return 0;
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &znode->zbranch[nn].key, key))
- return 0;
- err = matches_name(c, &znode->zbranch[nn], nm);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (err == NAME_GREATER)
- return 0;
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- if (err == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- ubifs_assert(err == NAME_LESS);
- }
- }
- * fallible_matches_name - determine if a dent matches a given name.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: zbranch of dent
- * @nm: name to match
- *
- * This is a "fallible" version of 'matches_name()' function which does not
- * panic if the direntry/xentry referred by @zbr does not exist on the media.
- *
- * This function checks if xentry/direntry referred by zbranch @zbr matches name
- * @nm. Returns %NAME_MATCHES it does, %NAME_LESS if the name referred by @zbr
- * is less than @nm, %NAME_GREATER if it is greater than @nm, and @NOT_ON_MEDIA
- * if xentry/direntry referred by @zbr does not exist on the media. A negative
- * error code is returned in case of failure.
- */
-static int fallible_matches_name(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
- int nlen, err;
- /* If possible, match against the dent in the leaf node cache */
- if (!zbr->leaf) {
- dent = kmalloc(zbr->len, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!dent)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = fallible_read_node(c, &zbr->key, zbr, dent);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_free;
- if (err == 0) {
- /* The node was not present */
- err = NOT_ON_MEDIA;
- goto out_free;
- }
- ubifs_assert(err == 1);
- err = lnc_add_directly(c, zbr, dent);
- if (err)
- goto out_free;
- } else
- dent = zbr->leaf;
- nlen = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- err = memcmp(dent->name, nm->name, min_t(int, nlen, nm->len));
- if (err == 0) {
- if (nlen == nm->len)
- return NAME_MATCHES;
- else if (nlen < nm->len)
- return NAME_LESS;
- else
- return NAME_GREATER;
- } else if (err < 0)
- return NAME_LESS;
- else
- return NAME_GREATER;
- kfree(dent);
- return err;
- * fallible_resolve_collision - resolve a collision even if nodes are missing.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key
- * @zn: znode is returned here
- * @n: branch number is passed and returned here
- * @nm: name of directory entry
- * @adding: indicates caller is adding a key to the TNC
- *
- * This is a "fallible" version of the 'resolve_collision()' function which
- * does not panic if one of the nodes referred to by TNC does not exist on the
- * media. This may happen when replaying the journal if a deleted node was
- * Garbage-collected and the commit was not done. A branch that refers to a node
- * that is not present is called a dangling branch. The following are the return
- * codes for this function:
- * o if @nm was found, %1 is returned and @zn and @n are set to the found
- * branch;
- * o if we are @adding and @nm was not found, %0 is returned;
- * o if we are not @adding and @nm was not found, but a dangling branch was
- * found, then %1 is returned and @zn and @n are set to the dangling branch;
- * o a negative error code is returned in case of failure.
- */
-static int fallible_resolve_collision(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n,
- const struct qstr *nm, int adding)
- struct ubifs_znode *o_znode = NULL, *znode = *zn;
- int uninitialized_var(o_n), err, cmp, unsure = 0, nn = *n;
- cmp = fallible_matches_name(c, &znode->zbranch[nn], nm);
- if (unlikely(cmp < 0))
- return cmp;
- if (cmp == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- if (cmp == NOT_ON_MEDIA) {
- o_znode = znode;
- o_n = nn;
- /*
- * We are unlucky and hit a dangling branch straight away.
- * Now we do not really know where to go to find the needed
- * branch - to the left or to the right. Well, let's try left.
- */
- unsure = 1;
- } else if (!adding)
- unsure = 1; /* Remove a dangling branch wherever it is */
- if (cmp == NAME_GREATER || unsure) {
- /* Look left */
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_prev(c, zn, n);
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- ubifs_assert(*n == 0);
- *n = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &(*zn)->zbranch[*n].key, key)) {
- /* See comments in 'resolve_collision()' */
- if (*n == (*zn)->child_cnt - 1) {
- err = tnc_next(c, zn, n);
- if (err) {
- /* Should be impossible */
- ubifs_assert(0);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- err = -EINVAL;
- return err;
- }
- ubifs_assert(*n == 0);
- *n = -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- err = fallible_matches_name(c, &(*zn)->zbranch[*n], nm);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (err == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- if (err == NOT_ON_MEDIA) {
- o_znode = *zn;
- o_n = *n;
- continue;
- }
- if (!adding)
- continue;
- if (err == NAME_LESS)
- break;
- else
- unsure = 0;
- }
- }
- if (cmp == NAME_LESS || unsure) {
- /* Look right */
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &nn);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- break;
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &znode->zbranch[nn].key, key))
- break;
- err = fallible_matches_name(c, &znode->zbranch[nn], nm);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (err == NAME_GREATER)
- break;
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- if (err == NAME_MATCHES)
- return 1;
- if (err == NOT_ON_MEDIA) {
- o_znode = znode;
- o_n = nn;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Never match a dangling branch when adding */
- if (adding || !o_znode)
- return 0;
- dbg_mnt("dangling match LEB %d:%d len %d %s",
- o_znode->zbranch[o_n].lnum, o_znode->zbranch[o_n].offs,
- o_znode->zbranch[o_n].len, DBGKEY(key));
- *zn = o_znode;
- *n = o_n;
- return 1;
- * matches_position - determine if a zbranch matches a given position.
- * @zbr: zbranch of dent
- * @lnum: LEB number of dent to match
- * @offs: offset of dent to match
- *
- * This function returns %1 if @lnum:@offs matches, and %0 otherwise.
- */
-static int matches_position(struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr, int lnum, int offs)
- if (zbr->lnum == lnum && zbr->offs == offs)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- * resolve_collision_directly - resolve a collision directly.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of directory entry
- * @zn: znode is passed and returned here
- * @n: zbranch number is passed and returned here
- * @lnum: LEB number of dent node to match
- * @offs: offset of dent node to match
- *
- * This function is used for "hashed" keys to make sure the found directory or
- * extended attribute entry node is what was looked for. It is used when the
- * flash address of the right node is known (@lnum:@offs) which makes it much
- * easier to resolve collisions (no need to read entries and match full
- * names). This function returns %1 and sets @zn and @n if the collision is
- * resolved, %0 if @lnum:@offs is not found and @zn and @n are set to the
- * previous directory entry. Otherwise a negative error code is returned.
- */
-static int resolve_collision_directly(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n,
- int lnum, int offs)
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- int nn, err;
- znode = *zn;
- nn = *n;
- if (matches_position(&znode->zbranch[nn], lnum, offs))
- return 1;
- /* Look left */
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_prev(c, &znode, &nn);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- break;
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &znode->zbranch[nn].key, key))
- break;
- if (matches_position(&znode->zbranch[nn], lnum, offs)) {
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* Look right */
- znode = *zn;
- nn = *n;
- while (1) {
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &nn);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- return 0;
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, &znode->zbranch[nn].key, key))
- return 0;
- *zn = znode;
- *n = nn;
- if (matches_position(&znode->zbranch[nn], lnum, offs))
- return 1;
- }
- * dirty_cow_bottom_up - dirty a znode and its ancestors.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to dirty
- *
- * If we do not have a unique key that resides in a znode, then we cannot
- * dirty that znode from the top down (i.e. by using lookup_level0_dirty)
- * This function records the path back to the last dirty ancestor, and then
- * dirties the znodes on that path.
- */
-static struct ubifs_znode *dirty_cow_bottom_up(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- struct ubifs_znode *zp;
- int *path = c->bottom_up_buf, p = 0;
- ubifs_assert(c->zroot.znode);
- ubifs_assert(znode);
- if (c->zroot.znode->level > BOTTOM_UP_HEIGHT) {
- kfree(c->bottom_up_buf);
- c->bottom_up_buf = kmalloc(c->zroot.znode->level * sizeof(int),
- if (!c->bottom_up_buf)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- path = c->bottom_up_buf;
- }
- if (c->zroot.znode->level) {
- /* Go up until parent is dirty */
- while (1) {
- int n;
- zp = znode->parent;
- if (!zp)
- break;
- n = znode->iip;
- ubifs_assert(p < c->zroot.znode->level);
- path[p++] = n;
- if (!zp->cnext && ubifs_zn_dirty(znode))
- break;
- znode = zp;
- }
- }
- /* Come back down, dirtying as we go */
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- zp = znode->parent;
- if (zp) {
- ubifs_assert(path[p - 1] >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(path[p - 1] < zp->child_cnt);
- zbr = &zp->zbranch[path[--p]];
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, zbr);
- } else {
- ubifs_assert(znode == c->zroot.znode);
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, &c->zroot);
- }
- if (IS_ERR(znode) || !p)
- break;
- ubifs_assert(path[p - 1] >= 0);
- ubifs_assert(path[p - 1] < znode->child_cnt);
- znode = znode->zbranch[path[p - 1]].znode;
- }
- return znode;
- * ubifs_lookup_level0 - search for zero-level znode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to lookup
- * @zn: znode is returned here
- * @n: znode branch slot number is returned here
- *
- * This function looks up the TNC tree and search for zero-level znode which
- * refers key @key. The found zero-level znode is returned in @zn. There are 3
- * cases:
- * o exact match, i.e. the found zero-level znode contains key @key, then %1
- * is returned and slot number of the matched branch is stored in @n;
- * o not exact match, which means that zero-level znode does not contain
- * @key, then %0 is returned and slot number of the closed branch is stored
- * in @n;
- * o @key is so small that it is even less than the lowest key of the
- * leftmost zero-level node, then %0 is returned and %0 is stored in @n.
- *
- * Note, when the TNC tree is traversed, some znodes may be absent, then this
- * function reads corresponding indexing nodes and inserts them to TNC. In
- * case of failure, a negative error code is returned.
- */
-int ubifs_lookup_level0(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n)
- int err, exact;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- unsigned long time = get_seconds();
- dbg_tnc("search key %s", DBGKEY(key));
- znode = c->zroot.znode;
- if (unlikely(!znode)) {
- znode = ubifs_load_znode(c, &c->zroot, NULL, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- znode->time = time;
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- exact = ubifs_search_zbranch(c, znode, key, n);
- if (znode->level == 0)
- break;
- if (*n < 0)
- *n = 0;
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[*n];
- if (zbr->znode) {
- znode->time = time;
- znode = zbr->znode;
- continue;
- }
- /* znode is not in TNC cache, load it from the media */
- znode = ubifs_load_znode(c, zbr, znode, *n);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- *zn = znode;
- if (exact || !is_hash_key(c, key) || *n != -1) {
- dbg_tnc("found %d, lvl %d, n %d", exact, znode->level, *n);
- return exact;
- }
- /*
- * Here is a tricky place. We have not found the key and this is a
- * "hashed" key, which may collide. The rest of the code deals with
- * situations like this:
- *
- * | 3 | 5 |
- * / \
- * | 3 | 5 | | 6 | 7 | (x)
- *
- * Or more a complex example:
- *
- * | 1 | 5 |
- * / \
- * | 1 | 3 | | 5 | 8 |
- * \ /
- * | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 7 | (x)
- *
- * In the examples, if we are looking for key "5", we may reach nodes
- * marked with "(x)". In this case what we have do is to look at the
- * left and see if there is "5" key there. If there is, we have to
- * return it.
- *
- * Note, this whole situation is possible because we allow to have
- * elements which are equivalent to the next key in the parent in the
- * children of current znode. For example, this happens if we split a
- * znode like this: | 3 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 |, which results in something
- * like this:
- * | 3 | 5 |
- * / \
- * | 3 | 5 | | 5 | 6 | 7 |
- * ^
- * And this becomes what is at the first "picture" after key "5" marked
- * with "^" is removed. What could be done is we could prohibit
- * splitting in the middle of the colliding sequence. Also, when
- * removing the leftmost key, we would have to correct the key of the
- * parent node, which would introduce additional complications. Namely,
- * if we changed the the leftmost key of the parent znode, the garbage
- * collector would be unable to find it (GC is doing this when GC'ing
- * indexing LEBs). Although we already have an additional RB-tree where
- * we save such changed znodes (see 'ins_clr_old_idx_znode()') until
- * after the commit. But anyway, this does not look easy to implement
- * so we did not try this.
- */
- err = tnc_prev(c, &znode, n);
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- dbg_tnc("found 0, lvl %d, n -1", znode->level);
- *n = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, key, &znode->zbranch[*n].key)) {
- dbg_tnc("found 0, lvl %d, n -1", znode->level);
- *n = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- dbg_tnc("found 1, lvl %d, n %d", znode->level, *n);
- *zn = znode;
- return 1;
- * lookup_level0_dirty - search for zero-level znode dirtying.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to lookup
- * @zn: znode is returned here
- * @n: znode branch slot number is returned here
- *
- * This function looks up the TNC tree and search for zero-level znode which
- * refers key @key. The found zero-level znode is returned in @zn. There are 3
- * cases:
- * o exact match, i.e. the found zero-level znode contains key @key, then %1
- * is returned and slot number of the matched branch is stored in @n;
- * o not exact match, which means that zero-level znode does not contain @key
- * then %0 is returned and slot number of the closed branch is stored in
- * @n;
- * o @key is so small that it is even less than the lowest key of the
- * leftmost zero-level node, then %0 is returned and %-1 is stored in @n.
- *
- * Additionally all znodes in the path from the root to the located zero-level
- * znode are marked as dirty.
- *
- * Note, when the TNC tree is traversed, some znodes may be absent, then this
- * function reads corresponding indexing nodes and inserts them to TNC. In
- * case of failure, a negative error code is returned.
- */
-static int lookup_level0_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n)
- int err, exact;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- unsigned long time = get_seconds();
- dbg_tnc("search and dirty key %s", DBGKEY(key));
- znode = c->zroot.znode;
- if (unlikely(!znode)) {
- znode = ubifs_load_znode(c, &c->zroot, NULL, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, &c->zroot);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- znode->time = time;
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- exact = ubifs_search_zbranch(c, znode, key, n);
- if (znode->level == 0)
- break;
- if (*n < 0)
- *n = 0;
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[*n];
- if (zbr->znode) {
- znode->time = time;
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, zbr);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- continue;
- }
- /* znode is not in TNC cache, load it from the media */
- znode = ubifs_load_znode(c, zbr, znode, *n);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, zbr);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- *zn = znode;
- if (exact || !is_hash_key(c, key) || *n != -1) {
- dbg_tnc("found %d, lvl %d, n %d", exact, znode->level, *n);
- return exact;
- }
- /*
- * See huge comment at 'lookup_level0_dirty()' what is the rest of the
- * code.
- */
- err = tnc_prev(c, &znode, n);
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- *n = -1;
- dbg_tnc("found 0, lvl %d, n -1", znode->level);
- return 0;
- }
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- return err;
- if (keys_cmp(c, key, &znode->zbranch[*n].key)) {
- *n = -1;
- dbg_tnc("found 0, lvl %d, n -1", znode->level);
- return 0;
- }
- if (znode->cnext || !ubifs_zn_dirty(znode)) {
- znode = dirty_cow_bottom_up(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- }
- dbg_tnc("found 1, lvl %d, n %d", znode->level, *n);
- *zn = znode;
- return 1;
- * maybe_leb_gced - determine if a LEB may have been garbage collected.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @gc_seq1: garbage collection sequence number
- *
- * This function determines if @lnum may have been garbage collected since
- * sequence number @gc_seq1. If it may have been then %1 is returned, otherwise
- * %0 is returned.
- */
-static int maybe_leb_gced(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int gc_seq1)
- /*
- * No garbage collection in the read-only U-Boot implementation
- */
- return 0;
- * ubifs_tnc_locate - look up a file-system node and return it and its location.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: node key to lookup
- * @node: the node is returned here
- * @lnum: LEB number is returned here
- * @offs: offset is returned here
- *
- * This function look up and reads node with key @key. The caller has to make
- * sure the @node buffer is large enough to fit the node. Returns zero in case
- * of success, %-ENOENT if the node was not found, and a negative error code in
- * case of failure. The node location can be returned in @lnum and @offs.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_locate(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- void *node, int *lnum, int *offs)
- int found, n, err, safely = 0, gc_seq1;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- struct ubifs_zbranch zbr, *zt;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- found = ubifs_lookup_level0(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (!found) {
- err = -ENOENT;
- goto out;
- } else if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out;
- }
- zt = &znode->zbranch[n];
- if (lnum) {
- *lnum = zt->lnum;
- *offs = zt->offs;
- }
- if (is_hash_key(c, key)) {
- /*
- * In this case the leaf node cache gets used, so we pass the
- * address of the zbranch and keep the mutex locked
- */
- err = tnc_read_node_nm(c, zt, node);
- goto out;
- }
- if (safely) {
- err = ubifs_tnc_read_node(c, zt, node);
- goto out;
- }
- /* Drop the TNC mutex prematurely and race with garbage collection */
- zbr = znode->zbranch[n];
- gc_seq1 = c->gc_seq;
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- err = fallible_read_node(c, key, &zbr, node);
- if (err <= 0 || maybe_leb_gced(c, zbr.lnum, gc_seq1)) {
- /*
- * The node may have been GC'ed out from under us so try again
- * while keeping the TNC mutex locked.
- */
- safely = 1;
- goto again;
- }
- return 0;
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_get_bu_keys - lookup keys for bulk-read.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @bu: bulk-read parameters and results
- *
- * Lookup consecutive data node keys for the same inode that reside
- * consecutively in the same LEB. This function returns zero in case of success
- * and a negative error code in case of failure.
- *
- * Note, if the bulk-read buffer length (@bu->buf_len) is known, this function
- * makes sure bulk-read nodes fit the buffer. Otherwise, this function prepares
- * maximum possible amount of nodes for bulk-read.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_get_bu_keys(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bu_info *bu)
- int n, err = 0, lnum = -1, uninitialized_var(offs);
- int uninitialized_var(len);
- unsigned int block = key_block(c, &bu->key);
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- bu->cnt = 0;
- bu->blk_cnt = 0;
- bu->eof = 0;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- /* Find first key */
- err = ubifs_lookup_level0(c, &bu->key, &znode, &n);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out;
- if (err) {
- /* Key found */
- len = znode->zbranch[n].len;
- /* The buffer must be big enough for at least 1 node */
- if (len > bu->buf_len) {
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- /* Add this key */
- bu->zbranch[bu->cnt++] = znode->zbranch[n];
- bu->blk_cnt += 1;
- lnum = znode->zbranch[n].lnum;
- offs = ALIGN(znode->zbranch[n].offs + len, 8);
- }
- while (1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- union ubifs_key *key;
- unsigned int next_block;
- /* Find next key */
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &n);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- key = &zbr->key;
- /* See if there is another data key for this file */
- if (key_inum(c, key) != key_inum(c, &bu->key) ||
- key_type(c, key) != UBIFS_DATA_KEY) {
- err = -ENOENT;
- goto out;
- }
- if (lnum < 0) {
- /* First key found */
- lnum = zbr->lnum;
- offs = ALIGN(zbr->offs + zbr->len, 8);
- len = zbr->len;
- if (len > bu->buf_len) {
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * The data nodes must be in consecutive positions in
- * the same LEB.
- */
- if (zbr->lnum != lnum || zbr->offs != offs)
- goto out;
- offs += ALIGN(zbr->len, 8);
- len = ALIGN(len, 8) + zbr->len;
- /* Must not exceed buffer length */
- if (len > bu->buf_len)
- goto out;
- }
- /* Allow for holes */
- next_block = key_block(c, key);
- bu->blk_cnt += (next_block - block - 1);
- if (bu->blk_cnt >= UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ)
- goto out;
- block = next_block;
- /* Add this key */
- bu->zbranch[bu->cnt++] = *zbr;
- bu->blk_cnt += 1;
- /* See if we have room for more */
- if (bu->cnt >= UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ)
- goto out;
- if (bu->blk_cnt >= UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ)
- goto out;
- }
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- bu->eof = 1;
- err = 0;
- }
- bu->gc_seq = c->gc_seq;
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- if (err)
- return err;
- /*
- * An enormous hole could cause bulk-read to encompass too many
- * page cache pages, so limit the number here.
- */
- if (bu->blk_cnt > UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ)
- bu->blk_cnt = UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ;
- /*
- * Ensure that bulk-read covers a whole number of page cache
- * pages.
- */
- !(bu->blk_cnt & (UBIFS_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1)))
- return 0;
- if (bu->eof) {
- /* At the end of file we can round up */
- bu->blk_cnt += UBIFS_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Exclude data nodes that do not make up a whole page cache page */
- block = key_block(c, &bu->key) + bu->blk_cnt;
- block &= ~(UBIFS_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1);
- while (bu->cnt) {
- if (key_block(c, &bu->zbranch[bu->cnt - 1].key) < block)
- break;
- bu->cnt -= 1;
- }
- return 0;
- * validate_data_node - validate data nodes for bulk-read.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: buffer containing data node to validate
- * @zbr: zbranch of data node to validate
- *
- * This functions returns %0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
- */
-static int validate_data_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr)
- union ubifs_key key1;
- struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
- int err, len;
- if (ch->node_type != UBIFS_DATA_NODE) {
- ubifs_err("bad node type (%d but expected %d)",
- ch->node_type, UBIFS_DATA_NODE);
- goto out_err;
- }
- err = ubifs_check_node(c, buf, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, 0, 0);
- if (err) {
- ubifs_err("expected node type %d", UBIFS_DATA_NODE);
- goto out;
- }
- len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
- if (len != zbr->len) {
- ubifs_err("bad node length %d, expected %d", len, zbr->len);
- goto out_err;
- }
- /* Make sure the key of the read node is correct */
- key_read(c, buf + UBIFS_KEY_OFFSET, &key1);
- if (!keys_eq(c, &zbr->key, &key1)) {
- ubifs_err("bad key in node at LEB %d:%d",
- zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- dbg_tnc("looked for key %s found node's key %s",
- DBGKEY(&zbr->key), DBGKEY1(&key1));
- goto out_err;
- }
- return 0;
- err = -EINVAL;
- ubifs_err("bad node at LEB %d:%d", zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- dbg_dump_node(c, buf);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_bulk_read - read a number of data nodes in one go.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @bu: bulk-read parameters and results
- *
- * This functions reads and validates the data nodes that were identified by the
- * 'ubifs_tnc_get_bu_keys()' function. This functions returns %0 on success,
- * -EAGAIN to indicate a race with GC, or another negative error code on
- * failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_bulk_read(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bu_info *bu)
- int lnum = bu->zbranch[0].lnum, offs = bu->zbranch[0].offs, len, err, i;
- void *buf;
- len = bu->zbranch[bu->cnt - 1].offs;
- len += bu->zbranch[bu->cnt - 1].len - offs;
- if (len > bu->buf_len) {
- ubifs_err("buffer too small %d vs %d", bu->buf_len, len);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* Do the read */
- err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, bu->buf, offs, len);
- /* Check for a race with GC */
- if (maybe_leb_gced(c, lnum, bu->gc_seq))
- return -EAGAIN;
- if (err && err != -EBADMSG) {
- ubifs_err("failed to read from LEB %d:%d, error %d",
- lnum, offs, err);
- dbg_dump_stack();
- dbg_tnc("key %s", DBGKEY(&bu->key));
- return err;
- }
- /* Validate the nodes read */
- buf = bu->buf;
- for (i = 0; i < bu->cnt; i++) {
- err = validate_data_node(c, buf, &bu->zbranch[i]);
- if (err)
- return err;
- buf = buf + ALIGN(bu->zbranch[i].len, 8);
- }
- return 0;
- * do_lookup_nm- look up a "hashed" node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: node key to lookup
- * @node: the node is returned here
- * @nm: node name
- *
- * This function look up and reads a node which contains name hash in the key.
- * Since the hash may have collisions, there may be many nodes with the same
- * key, so we have to sequentially look to all of them until the needed one is
- * found. This function returns zero in case of success, %-ENOENT if the node
- * was not found, and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int do_lookup_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- void *node, const struct qstr *nm)
- int found, n, err;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- dbg_tnc("name '%.*s' key %s", nm->len, nm->name, DBGKEY(key));
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- found = ubifs_lookup_level0(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (!found) {
- err = -ENOENT;
- goto out_unlock;
- } else if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- ubifs_assert(n >= 0);
- err = resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n, nm);
- dbg_tnc("rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d", err, znode, n);
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- goto out_unlock;
- if (err == 0) {
- err = -ENOENT;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- err = tnc_read_node_nm(c, &znode->zbranch[n], node);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_lookup_nm - look up a "hashed" node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: node key to lookup
- * @node: the node is returned here
- * @nm: node name
- *
- * This function look up and reads a node which contains name hash in the key.
- * Since the hash may have collisions, there may be many nodes with the same
- * key, so we have to sequentially look to all of them until the needed one is
- * found. This function returns zero in case of success, %-ENOENT if the node
- * was not found, and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_lookup_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- void *node, const struct qstr *nm)
- int err, len;
- const struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = node;
- /*
- * We assume that in most of the cases there are no name collisions and
- * 'ubifs_tnc_lookup()' returns us the right direntry.
- */
- err = ubifs_tnc_lookup(c, key, node);
- if (err)
- return err;
- len = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- if (nm->len == len && !memcmp(dent->name, nm->name, len))
- return 0;
- /*
- * Unluckily, there are hash collisions and we have to iterate over
- * them look at each direntry with colliding name hash sequentially.
- */
- return do_lookup_nm(c, key, node, nm);
- * correct_parent_keys - correct parent znodes' keys.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to correct parent znodes for
- *
- * This is a helper function for 'tnc_insert()'. When the key of the leftmost
- * zbranch changes, keys of parent znodes have to be corrected. This helper
- * function is called in such situations and corrects the keys if needed.
- */
-static void correct_parent_keys(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- union ubifs_key *key, *key1;
- ubifs_assert(znode->parent);
- ubifs_assert(znode->iip == 0);
- key = &znode->zbranch[0].key;
- key1 = &znode->parent->zbranch[0].key;
- while (keys_cmp(c, key, key1) < 0) {
- key_copy(c, key, key1);
- znode = znode->parent;
- znode->alt = 1;
- if (!znode->parent || znode->iip)
- break;
- key1 = &znode->parent->zbranch[0].key;
- }
- * insert_zbranch - insert a zbranch into a znode.
- * @znode: znode into which to insert
- * @zbr: zbranch to insert
- * @n: slot number to insert to
- *
- * This is a helper function for 'tnc_insert()'. UBIFS does not allow "gaps" in
- * znode's array of zbranches and keeps zbranches consolidated, so when a new
- * zbranch has to be inserted to the @znode->zbranches[]' array at the @n-th
- * slot, zbranches starting from @n have to be moved right.
- */
-static void insert_zbranch(struct ubifs_znode *znode,
- const struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr, int n)
- int i;
- ubifs_assert(ubifs_zn_dirty(znode));
- if (znode->level) {
- for (i = znode->child_cnt; i > n; i--) {
- znode->zbranch[i] = znode->zbranch[i - 1];
- if (znode->zbranch[i].znode)
- znode->zbranch[i].znode->iip = i;
- }
- if (zbr->znode)
- zbr->znode->iip = n;
- } else
- for (i = znode->child_cnt; i > n; i--)
- znode->zbranch[i] = znode->zbranch[i - 1];
- znode->zbranch[n] = *zbr;
- znode->child_cnt += 1;
- /*
- * After inserting at slot zero, the lower bound of the key range of
- * this znode may have changed. If this znode is subsequently split
- * then the upper bound of the key range may change, and furthermore
- * it could change to be lower than the original lower bound. If that
- * happens, then it will no longer be possible to find this znode in the
- * TNC using the key from the index node on flash. That is bad because
- * if it is not found, we will assume it is obsolete and may overwrite
- * it. Then if there is an unclean unmount, we will start using the
- * old index which will be broken.
- *
- * So we first mark znodes that have insertions at slot zero, and then
- * if they are split we add their lnum/offs to the old_idx tree.
- */
- if (n == 0)
- znode->alt = 1;
- * tnc_insert - insert a node into TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to insert into
- * @zbr: branch to insert
- * @n: slot number to insert new zbranch to
- *
- * This function inserts a new node described by @zbr into znode @znode. If
- * znode does not have a free slot for new zbranch, it is split. Parent znodes
- * are splat as well if needed. Returns zero in case of success or a negative
- * error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int tnc_insert(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode *znode,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr, int n)
- struct ubifs_znode *zn, *zi, *zp;
- int i, keep, move, appending = 0;
- union ubifs_key *key = &zbr->key, *key1;
- ubifs_assert(n >= 0 && n <= c->fanout);
- /* Implement naive insert for now */
- zp = znode->parent;
- if (znode->child_cnt < c->fanout) {
- ubifs_assert(n != c->fanout);
- dbg_tnc("inserted at %d level %d, key %s", n, znode->level,
- DBGKEY(key));
- insert_zbranch(znode, zbr, n);
- /* Ensure parent's key is correct */
- if (n == 0 && zp && znode->iip == 0)
- correct_parent_keys(c, znode);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Unfortunately, @znode does not have more empty slots and we have to
- * split it.
- */
- dbg_tnc("splitting level %d, key %s", znode->level, DBGKEY(key));
- if (znode->alt)
- /*
- * We can no longer be sure of finding this znode by key, so we
- * record it in the old_idx tree.
- */
- ins_clr_old_idx_znode(c, znode);
- zn = kzalloc(c->max_znode_sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!zn)
- return -ENOMEM;
- zn->parent = zp;
- zn->level = znode->level;
- /* Decide where to split */
- if (znode->level == 0 && key_type(c, key) == UBIFS_DATA_KEY) {
- /* Try not to split consecutive data keys */
- if (n == c->fanout) {
- key1 = &znode->zbranch[n - 1].key;
- if (key_inum(c, key1) == key_inum(c, key) &&
- key_type(c, key1) == UBIFS_DATA_KEY)
- appending = 1;
- } else
- goto check_split;
- } else if (appending && n != c->fanout) {
- /* Try not to split consecutive data keys */
- appending = 0;
- if (n >= (c->fanout + 1) / 2) {
- key1 = &znode->zbranch[0].key;
- if (key_inum(c, key1) == key_inum(c, key) &&
- key_type(c, key1) == UBIFS_DATA_KEY) {
- key1 = &znode->zbranch[n].key;
- if (key_inum(c, key1) != key_inum(c, key) ||
- key_type(c, key1) != UBIFS_DATA_KEY) {
- keep = n;
- move = c->fanout - keep;
- zi = znode;
- goto do_split;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (appending) {
- keep = c->fanout;
- move = 0;
- } else {
- keep = (c->fanout + 1) / 2;
- move = c->fanout - keep;
- }
- /*
- * Although we don't at present, we could look at the neighbors and see
- * if we can move some zbranches there.
- */
- if (n < keep) {
- /* Insert into existing znode */
- zi = znode;
- move += 1;
- keep -= 1;
- } else {
- /* Insert into new znode */
- zi = zn;
- n -= keep;
- /* Re-parent */
- if (zn->level != 0)
- zbr->znode->parent = zn;
- }
- __set_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &zn->flags);
- atomic_long_inc(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- zn->child_cnt = move;
- znode->child_cnt = keep;
- dbg_tnc("moving %d, keeping %d", move, keep);
- /* Move zbranch */
- for (i = 0; i < move; i++) {
- zn->zbranch[i] = znode->zbranch[keep + i];
- /* Re-parent */
- if (zn->level != 0)
- if (zn->zbranch[i].znode) {
- zn->zbranch[i].znode->parent = zn;
- zn->zbranch[i].znode->iip = i;
- }
- }
- /* Insert new key and branch */
- dbg_tnc("inserting at %d level %d, key %s", n, zn->level, DBGKEY(key));
- insert_zbranch(zi, zbr, n);
- /* Insert new znode (produced by spitting) into the parent */
- if (zp) {
- if (n == 0 && zi == znode && znode->iip == 0)
- correct_parent_keys(c, znode);
- /* Locate insertion point */
- n = znode->iip + 1;
- /* Tail recursion */
- zbr->key = zn->zbranch[0].key;
- zbr->znode = zn;
- zbr->lnum = 0;
- zbr->offs = 0;
- zbr->len = 0;
- znode = zp;
- goto again;
- }
- /* We have to split root znode */
- dbg_tnc("creating new zroot at level %d", znode->level + 1);
- zi = kzalloc(c->max_znode_sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!zi)
- return -ENOMEM;
- zi->child_cnt = 2;
- zi->level = znode->level + 1;
- __set_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &zi->flags);
- atomic_long_inc(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- zi->zbranch[0].key = znode->zbranch[0].key;
- zi->zbranch[0].znode = znode;
- zi->zbranch[0].lnum = c->zroot.lnum;
- zi->zbranch[0].offs = c->zroot.offs;
- zi->zbranch[0].len = c->zroot.len;
- zi->zbranch[1].key = zn->zbranch[0].key;
- zi->zbranch[1].znode = zn;
- c->zroot.lnum = 0;
- c->zroot.offs = 0;
- c->zroot.len = 0;
- c->zroot.znode = zi;
- zn->parent = zi;
- zn->iip = 1;
- znode->parent = zi;
- znode->iip = 0;
- return 0;
- * ubifs_tnc_add - add a node to TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to add
- * @lnum: LEB number of node
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- *
- * This function adds a node with key @key to TNC. The node may be new or it may
- * obsolete some existing one. Returns %0 on success or negative error code on
- * failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
- int offs, int len)
- int found, n, err = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- dbg_tnc("%d:%d, len %d, key %s", lnum, offs, len, DBGKEY(key));
- found = lookup_level0_dirty(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (!found) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch zbr;
- zbr.znode = NULL;
- zbr.lnum = lnum;
- zbr.offs = offs;
- zbr.len = len;
- key_copy(c, key, &zbr.key);
- err = tnc_insert(c, znode, &zbr, n + 1);
- } else if (found == 1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- lnc_free(zbr);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- zbr->lnum = lnum;
- zbr->offs = offs;
- zbr->len = len;
- } else
- err = found;
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_replace - replace a node in the TNC only if the old node is found.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to add
- * @old_lnum: LEB number of old node
- * @old_offs: old node offset
- * @lnum: LEB number of node
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- *
- * This function replaces a node with key @key in the TNC only if the old node
- * is found. This function is called by garbage collection when node are moved.
- * Returns %0 on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_replace(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- int old_lnum, int old_offs, int lnum, int offs, int len)
- int found, n, err = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- dbg_tnc("old LEB %d:%d, new LEB %d:%d, len %d, key %s", old_lnum,
- old_offs, lnum, offs, len, DBGKEY(key));
- found = lookup_level0_dirty(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (found == 1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- found = 0;
- if (zbr->lnum == old_lnum && zbr->offs == old_offs) {
- lnc_free(zbr);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- if (err)
- goto out_unlock;
- zbr->lnum = lnum;
- zbr->offs = offs;
- zbr->len = len;
- found = 1;
- } else if (is_hash_key(c, key)) {
- found = resolve_collision_directly(c, key, &znode, &n,
- old_lnum, old_offs);
- dbg_tnc("rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d, LEB %d:%d",
- found, znode, n, old_lnum, old_offs);
- if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (found) {
- /* Ensure the znode is dirtied */
- if (znode->cnext || !ubifs_zn_dirty(znode)) {
- znode = dirty_cow_bottom_up(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(znode)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(znode);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- lnc_free(zbr);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, zbr->lnum,
- zbr->len);
- if (err)
- goto out_unlock;
- zbr->lnum = lnum;
- zbr->offs = offs;
- zbr->len = len;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, len);
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_add_nm - add a "hashed" node to TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to add
- * @lnum: LEB number of node
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- * @nm: node name
- *
- * This is the same as 'ubifs_tnc_add()' but it should be used with keys which
- * may have collisions, like directory entry keys.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- int lnum, int offs, int len, const struct qstr *nm)
- int found, n, err = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- dbg_tnc("LEB %d:%d, name '%.*s', key %s", lnum, offs, nm->len, nm->name,
- DBGKEY(key));
- found = lookup_level0_dirty(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (found == 1) {
- if (c->replaying)
- found = fallible_resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n,
- nm, 1);
- else
- found = resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n, nm);
- dbg_tnc("rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d", found, znode, n);
- if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- /* Ensure the znode is dirtied */
- if (znode->cnext || !ubifs_zn_dirty(znode)) {
- znode = dirty_cow_bottom_up(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(znode)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(znode);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- if (found == 1) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- lnc_free(zbr);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- zbr->lnum = lnum;
- zbr->offs = offs;
- zbr->len = len;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- struct ubifs_zbranch zbr;
- zbr.znode = NULL;
- zbr.lnum = lnum;
- zbr.offs = offs;
- zbr.len = len;
- key_copy(c, key, &zbr.key);
- err = tnc_insert(c, znode, &zbr, n + 1);
- if (err)
- goto out_unlock;
- if (c->replaying) {
- /*
- * We did not find it in the index so there may be a
- * dangling branch still in the index. So we remove it
- * by passing 'ubifs_tnc_remove_nm()' the same key but
- * an unmatchable name.
- */
- struct qstr noname = { .len = 0, .name = "" };
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(c, key, &noname);
- }
- }
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * tnc_delete - delete a znode form TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to delete from
- * @n: zbranch slot number to delete
- *
- * This function deletes a leaf node from @n-th slot of @znode. Returns zero in
- * case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int tnc_delete(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode *znode, int n)
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- struct ubifs_znode *zp;
- int i, err;
- /* Delete without merge for now */
- ubifs_assert(znode->level == 0);
- ubifs_assert(n >= 0 && n < c->fanout);
- dbg_tnc("deleting %s", DBGKEY(&znode->zbranch[n].key));
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- lnc_free(zbr);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->len);
- if (err) {
- dbg_dump_znode(c, znode);
- return err;
- }
- /* We do not "gap" zbranch slots */
- for (i = n; i < znode->child_cnt - 1; i++)
- znode->zbranch[i] = znode->zbranch[i + 1];
- znode->child_cnt -= 1;
- if (znode->child_cnt > 0)
- return 0;
- /*
- * This was the last zbranch, we have to delete this znode from the
- * parent.
- */
- do {
- ubifs_assert(!test_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE, &znode->flags));
- ubifs_assert(ubifs_zn_dirty(znode));
- zp = znode->parent;
- n = znode->iip;
- atomic_long_dec(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- err = insert_old_idx_znode(c, znode);
- if (err)
- return err;
- if (znode->cnext) {
- __set_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE, &znode->flags);
- atomic_long_inc(&c->clean_zn_cnt);
- atomic_long_inc(&ubifs_clean_zn_cnt);
- } else
- kfree(znode);
- znode = zp;
- } while (znode->child_cnt == 1); /* while removing last child */
- /* Remove from znode, entry n - 1 */
- znode->child_cnt -= 1;
- ubifs_assert(znode->level != 0);
- for (i = n; i < znode->child_cnt; i++) {
- znode->zbranch[i] = znode->zbranch[i + 1];
- if (znode->zbranch[i].znode)
- znode->zbranch[i].znode->iip = i;
- }
- /*
- * If this is the root and it has only 1 child then
- * collapse the tree.
- */
- if (!znode->parent) {
- while (znode->child_cnt == 1 && znode->level != 0) {
- zp = znode;
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[0];
- znode = get_znode(c, znode, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- znode = dirty_cow_znode(c, zbr);
- if (IS_ERR(znode))
- return PTR_ERR(znode);
- znode->parent = NULL;
- znode->iip = 0;
- if (c->zroot.len) {
- err = insert_old_idx(c, c->zroot.lnum,
- c->zroot.offs);
- if (err)
- return err;
- }
- c->zroot.lnum = zbr->lnum;
- c->zroot.offs = zbr->offs;
- c->zroot.len = zbr->len;
- c->zroot.znode = znode;
- ubifs_assert(!test_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE,
- &zp->flags));
- ubifs_assert(test_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &zp->flags));
- atomic_long_dec(&c->dirty_zn_cnt);
- if (zp->cnext) {
- __set_bit(OBSOLETE_ZNODE, &zp->flags);
- atomic_long_inc(&c->clean_zn_cnt);
- atomic_long_inc(&ubifs_clean_zn_cnt);
- } else
- kfree(zp);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * ubifs_tnc_remove - remove an index entry of a node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of node
- *
- * Returns %0 on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_remove(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key)
- int found, n, err = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- dbg_tnc("key %s", DBGKEY(key));
- found = lookup_level0_dirty(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (found < 0) {
- err = found;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (found == 1)
- err = tnc_delete(c, znode, n);
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_remove_nm - remove an index entry for a "hashed" node.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of node
- * @nm: directory entry name
- *
- * Returns %0 on success or negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- int n, err;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- dbg_tnc("%.*s, key %s", nm->len, nm->name, DBGKEY(key));
- err = lookup_level0_dirty(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_unlock;
- if (err) {
- if (c->replaying)
- err = fallible_resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n,
- nm, 0);
- else
- err = resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n, nm);
- dbg_tnc("rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d", err, znode, n);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_unlock;
- if (err) {
- /* Ensure the znode is dirtied */
- if (znode->cnext || !ubifs_zn_dirty(znode)) {
- znode = dirty_cow_bottom_up(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(znode)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(znode);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- err = tnc_delete(c, znode, n);
- }
- }
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * key_in_range - determine if a key falls within a range of keys.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key to check
- * @from_key: lowest key in range
- * @to_key: highest key in range
- *
- * This function returns %1 if the key is in range and %0 otherwise.
- */
-static int key_in_range(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key,
- union ubifs_key *from_key, union ubifs_key *to_key)
- if (keys_cmp(c, key, from_key) < 0)
- return 0;
- if (keys_cmp(c, key, to_key) > 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * ubifs_tnc_remove_range - remove index entries in range.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @from_key: lowest key to remove
- * @to_key: highest key to remove
- *
- * This function removes index entries starting at @from_key and ending at
- * @to_key. This function returns zero in case of success and a negative error
- * code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_range(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *from_key,
- union ubifs_key *to_key)
- int i, n, k, err = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- union ubifs_key *key;
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- while (1) {
- /* Find first level 0 znode that contains keys to remove */
- err = ubifs_lookup_level0(c, from_key, &znode, &n);
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_unlock;
- if (err)
- key = from_key;
- else {
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &n);
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- err = 0;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (err < 0)
- goto out_unlock;
- key = &znode->zbranch[n].key;
- if (!key_in_range(c, key, from_key, to_key)) {
- err = 0;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- /* Ensure the znode is dirtied */
- if (znode->cnext || !ubifs_zn_dirty(znode)) {
- znode = dirty_cow_bottom_up(c, znode);
- if (IS_ERR(znode)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(znode);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- /* Remove all keys in range except the first */
- for (i = n + 1, k = 0; i < znode->child_cnt; i++, k++) {
- key = &znode->zbranch[i].key;
- if (!key_in_range(c, key, from_key, to_key))
- break;
- lnc_free(&znode->zbranch[i]);
- err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, znode->zbranch[i].lnum,
- znode->zbranch[i].len);
- if (err) {
- dbg_dump_znode(c, znode);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- dbg_tnc("removing %s", DBGKEY(key));
- }
- if (k) {
- for (i = n + 1 + k; i < znode->child_cnt; i++)
- znode->zbranch[i - k] = znode->zbranch[i];
- znode->child_cnt -= k;
- }
- /* Now delete the first */
- err = tnc_delete(c, znode, n);
- if (err)
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- if (!err)
- err = dbg_check_tnc(c, 0);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return err;
- * ubifs_tnc_remove_ino - remove an inode from TNC.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @inum: inode number to remove
- *
- * This function remove inode @inum and all the extended attributes associated
- * with the anode from TNC and returns zero in case of success or a negative
- * error code in case of failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum)
- union ubifs_key key1, key2;
- struct ubifs_dent_node *xent, *pxent = NULL;
- struct qstr nm = { .name = NULL };
- dbg_tnc("ino %lu", (unsigned long)inum);
- /*
- * Walk all extended attribute entries and remove them together with
- * corresponding extended attribute inodes.
- */
- lowest_xent_key(c, &key1, inum);
- while (1) {
- ino_t xattr_inum;
- int err;
- xent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key1, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(xent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(xent);
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- break;
- return err;
- }
- xattr_inum = le64_to_cpu(xent->inum);
- dbg_tnc("xent '%s', ino %lu", xent->name,
- (unsigned long)xattr_inum);
- = (char *)xent->name;
- nm.len = le16_to_cpu(xent->nlen);
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(c, &key1, &nm);
- if (err) {
- kfree(xent);
- return err;
- }
- lowest_ino_key(c, &key1, xattr_inum);
- highest_ino_key(c, &key2, xattr_inum);
- err = ubifs_tnc_remove_range(c, &key1, &key2);
- if (err) {
- kfree(xent);
- return err;
- }
- kfree(pxent);
- pxent = xent;
- key_read(c, &xent->key, &key1);
- }
- kfree(pxent);
- lowest_ino_key(c, &key1, inum);
- highest_ino_key(c, &key2, inum);
- return ubifs_tnc_remove_range(c, &key1, &key2);
- * ubifs_tnc_next_ent - walk directory or extended attribute entries.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @key: key of last entry
- * @nm: name of last entry found or %NULL
- *
- * This function finds and reads the next directory or extended attribute entry
- * after the given key (@key) if there is one. @nm is used to resolve
- * collisions.
- *
- * If the name of the current entry is not known and only the key is known,
- * @nm->name has to be %NULL. In this case the semantics of this function is a
- * little bit different and it returns the entry corresponding to this key, not
- * the next one. If the key was not found, the closest "right" entry is
- * returned.
- *
- * If the fist entry has to be found, @key has to contain the lowest possible
- * key value for this inode and @name has to be %NULL.
- *
- * This function returns the found directory or extended attribute entry node
- * in case of success, %-ENOENT is returned if no entry was found, and a
- * negative error code is returned in case of failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_dent_node *ubifs_tnc_next_ent(struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key,
- const struct qstr *nm)
- int n, err, type = key_type(c, key);
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr;
- union ubifs_key *dkey;
- dbg_tnc("%s %s", nm->name ? (char *)nm->name : "(lowest)", DBGKEY(key));
- ubifs_assert(is_hash_key(c, key));
- mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- err = ubifs_lookup_level0(c, key, &znode, &n);
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- goto out_unlock;
- if (nm->name) {
- if (err) {
- /* Handle collisions */
- err = resolve_collision(c, key, &znode, &n, nm);
- dbg_tnc("rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d",
- err, znode, n);
- if (unlikely(err < 0))
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- /* Now find next entry */
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &n);
- if (unlikely(err))
- goto out_unlock;
- } else {
- /*
- * The full name of the entry was not given, in which case the
- * behavior of this function is a little different and it
- * returns current entry, not the next one.
- */
- if (!err) {
- /*
- * However, the given key does not exist in the TNC
- * tree and @znode/@n variables contain the closest
- * "preceding" element. Switch to the next one.
- */
- err = tnc_next(c, &znode, &n);
- if (err)
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- }
- zbr = &znode->zbranch[n];
- dent = kmalloc(zbr->len, GFP_NOFS);
- if (unlikely(!dent)) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
- /*
- * The above 'tnc_next()' call could lead us to the next inode, check
- * this.
- */
- dkey = &zbr->key;
- if (key_inum(c, dkey) != key_inum(c, key) ||
- key_type(c, dkey) != type) {
- err = -ENOENT;
- goto out_free;
- }
- err = tnc_read_node_nm(c, zbr, dent);
- if (unlikely(err))
- goto out_free;
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return dent;
- kfree(dent);
- mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 955219fa0..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Adrian Hunter
- * Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- */
- * This file contains miscelanious TNC-related functions shared betweend
- * different files. This file does not form any logically separate TNC
- * sub-system. The file was created because there is a lot of TNC code and
- * putting it all in one file would make that file too big and unreadable.
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
- * ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next - next TNC tree element in levelorder traversal.
- * @zr: root of the subtree to traverse
- * @znode: previous znode
- *
- * This function implements levelorder TNC traversal. The LNC is ignored.
- * Returns the next element or %NULL if @znode is already the last one.
- */
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *zr,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- int level, iip, level_search = 0;
- struct ubifs_znode *zn;
- ubifs_assert(zr);
- if (unlikely(!znode))
- return zr;
- if (unlikely(znode == zr)) {
- if (znode->level == 0)
- return NULL;
- return ubifs_tnc_find_child(zr, 0);
- }
- level = znode->level;
- iip = znode->iip;
- while (1) {
- ubifs_assert(znode->level <= zr->level);
- /*
- * First walk up until there is a znode with next branch to
- * look at.
- */
- while (znode->parent != zr && iip >= znode->parent->child_cnt) {
- znode = znode->parent;
- iip = znode->iip;
- }
- if (unlikely(znode->parent == zr &&
- iip >= znode->parent->child_cnt)) {
- /* This level is done, switch to the lower one */
- level -= 1;
- if (level_search || level < 0)
- /*
- * We were already looking for znode at lower
- * level ('level_search'). As we are here
- * again, it just does not exist. Or all levels
- * were finished ('level < 0').
- */
- return NULL;
- level_search = 1;
- iip = -1;
- znode = ubifs_tnc_find_child(zr, 0);
- ubifs_assert(znode);
- }
- /* Switch to the next index */
- zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode->parent, iip + 1);
- if (!zn) {
- /* No more children to look at, we have walk up */
- iip = znode->parent->child_cnt;
- continue;
- }
- /* Walk back down to the level we came from ('level') */
- while (zn->level != level) {
- znode = zn;
- zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(zn, 0);
- if (!zn) {
- /*
- * This path is not too deep so it does not
- * reach 'level'. Try next path.
- */
- iip = znode->iip;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (zn) {
- ubifs_assert(zn->level >= 0);
- return zn;
- }
- }
- * ubifs_search_zbranch - search znode branch.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @znode: znode to search in
- * @key: key to search for
- * @n: znode branch slot number is returned here
- *
- * This is a helper function which search branch with key @key in @znode using
- * binary search. The result of the search may be:
- * o exact match, then %1 is returned, and the slot number of the branch is
- * stored in @n;
- * o no exact match, then %0 is returned and the slot number of the left
- * closest branch is returned in @n; the slot if all keys in this znode are
- * greater than @key, then %-1 is returned in @n.
- */
-int ubifs_search_zbranch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_znode *znode,
- const union ubifs_key *key, int *n)
- int beg = 0, end = znode->child_cnt, uninitialized_var(mid);
- int uninitialized_var(cmp);
- const struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[0];
- ubifs_assert(end > beg);
- while (end > beg) {
- mid = (beg + end) >> 1;
- cmp = keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[mid].key);
- if (cmp > 0)
- beg = mid + 1;
- else if (cmp < 0)
- end = mid;
- else {
- *n = mid;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- *n = end - 1;
- /* The insert point is after *n */
- ubifs_assert(*n >= -1 && *n < znode->child_cnt);
- if (*n == -1)
- ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[0].key) < 0);
- else
- ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[*n].key) > 0);
- if (*n + 1 < znode->child_cnt)
- ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[*n + 1].key) < 0);
- return 0;
- * ubifs_tnc_postorder_first - find first znode to do postorder tree traversal.
- * @znode: znode to start at (root of the sub-tree to traverse)
- *
- * Find the lowest leftmost znode in a subtree of the TNC tree. The LNC is
- * ignored.
- */
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_first(struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- if (unlikely(!znode))
- return NULL;
- while (znode->level > 0) {
- struct ubifs_znode *child;
- child = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode, 0);
- if (!child)
- return znode;
- znode = child;
- }
- return znode;
- * ubifs_tnc_postorder_next - next TNC tree element in postorder traversal.
- * @znode: previous znode
- *
- * This function implements postorder TNC traversal. The LNC is ignored.
- * Returns the next element or %NULL if @znode is already the last one.
- */
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- struct ubifs_znode *zn;
- ubifs_assert(znode);
- if (unlikely(!znode->parent))
- return NULL;
- /* Switch to the next index in the parent */
- zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode->parent, znode->iip + 1);
- if (!zn)
- /* This is in fact the last child, return parent */
- return znode->parent;
- /* Go to the first znode in this new subtree */
- return ubifs_tnc_postorder_first(zn);
- * read_znode - read an indexing node from flash and fill znode.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB of the indexing node to read
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
- * @znode: znode to read to
- *
- * This function reads an indexing node from the flash media and fills znode
- * with the read data. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error
- * code in case of failure. The read indexing node is validated and if anything
- * is wrong with it, this function prints complaint messages and returns
- * %-EINVAL.
- */
-static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode)
- int i, err, type, cmp;
- struct ubifs_idx_node *idx;
- idx = kmalloc(c->max_idx_node_sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!idx)
- return -ENOMEM;
- err = ubifs_read_node(c, idx, UBIFS_IDX_NODE, len, lnum, offs);
- if (err < 0) {
- kfree(idx);
- return err;
- }
- znode->child_cnt = le16_to_cpu(idx->child_cnt);
- znode->level = le16_to_cpu(idx->level);
- dbg_tnc("LEB %d:%d, level %d, %d branch",
- lnum, offs, znode->level, znode->child_cnt);
- if (znode->child_cnt > c->fanout || znode->level > UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS) {
- dbg_err("current fanout %d, branch count %d",
- c->fanout, znode->child_cnt);
- dbg_err("max levels %d, znode level %d",
- UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS, znode->level);
- err = 1;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < znode->child_cnt; i++) {
- const struct ubifs_branch *br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, i);
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[i];
- key_read(c, &br->key, &zbr->key);
- zbr->lnum = le32_to_cpu(br->lnum);
- zbr->offs = le32_to_cpu(br->offs);
- zbr->len = le32_to_cpu(br->len);
- zbr->znode = NULL;
- /* Validate branch */
- if (zbr->lnum < c->main_first ||
- zbr->lnum >= c->leb_cnt || zbr->offs < 0 ||
- zbr->offs + zbr->len > c->leb_size || zbr->offs & 7) {
- dbg_err("bad branch %d", i);
- err = 2;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- switch (key_type(c, &zbr->key)) {
- break;
- default:
- dbg_msg("bad key type at slot %d: %s", i,
- DBGKEY(&zbr->key));
- err = 3;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- if (znode->level)
- continue;
- type = key_type(c, &zbr->key);
- if (c->ranges[type].max_len == 0) {
- if (zbr->len != c->ranges[type].len) {
- dbg_err("bad target node (type %d) length (%d)",
- type, zbr->len);
- dbg_err("have to be %d", c->ranges[type].len);
- err = 4;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- } else if (zbr->len < c->ranges[type].min_len ||
- zbr->len > c->ranges[type].max_len) {
- dbg_err("bad target node (type %d) length (%d)",
- type, zbr->len);
- dbg_err("have to be in range of %d-%d",
- c->ranges[type].min_len,
- c->ranges[type].max_len);
- err = 5;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Ensure that the next key is greater or equivalent to the
- * previous one.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < znode->child_cnt - 1; i++) {
- const union ubifs_key *key1, *key2;
- key1 = &znode->zbranch[i].key;
- key2 = &znode->zbranch[i + 1].key;
- cmp = keys_cmp(c, key1, key2);
- if (cmp > 0) {
- dbg_err("bad key order (keys %d and %d)", i, i + 1);
- err = 6;
- goto out_dump;
- } else if (cmp == 0 && !is_hash_key(c, key1)) {
- /* These can only be keys with colliding hash */
- dbg_err("keys %d and %d are not hashed but equivalent",
- i, i + 1);
- err = 7;
- goto out_dump;
- }
- }
- kfree(idx);
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("bad indexing node at LEB %d:%d, error %d", lnum, offs, err);
- dbg_dump_node(c, idx);
- kfree(idx);
- return -EINVAL;
- * ubifs_load_znode - load znode to TNC cache.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: znode branch
- * @parent: znode's parent
- * @iip: index in parent
- *
- * This function loads znode pointed to by @zbr into the TNC cache and
- * returns pointer to it in case of success and a negative error code in case
- * of failure.
- */
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_load_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- struct ubifs_znode *parent, int iip)
- int err;
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- ubifs_assert(!zbr->znode);
- /*
- * A slab cache is not presently used for znodes because the znode size
- * depends on the fanout which is stored in the superblock.
- */
- znode = kzalloc(c->max_znode_sz, GFP_NOFS);
- if (!znode)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- err = read_znode(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, zbr->len, znode);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- zbr->znode = znode;
- znode->parent = parent;
- znode->time = get_seconds();
- znode->iip = iip;
- return znode;
- kfree(znode);
- return ERR_PTR(err);
- * ubifs_tnc_read_node - read a leaf node from the flash media.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @zbr: key and position of the node
- * @node: node is returned here
- *
- * This function reads a node defined by @zbr from the flash media. Returns
- * zero in case of success or a negative negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-int ubifs_tnc_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- void *node)
- union ubifs_key key1, *key = &zbr->key;
- int err, type = key_type(c, key);
- err = ubifs_read_node(c, node, type, zbr->len, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- if (err) {
- dbg_tnc("key %s", DBGKEY(key));
- return err;
- }
- /* Make sure the key of the read node is correct */
- key_read(c, node + UBIFS_KEY_OFFSET, &key1);
- if (!keys_eq(c, key, &key1)) {
- ubifs_err("bad key in node at LEB %d:%d",
- zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
- dbg_tnc("looked for key %s found node's key %s",
- DBGKEY(key), DBGKEY1(&key1));
- dbg_dump_node(c, node);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eee07e0c..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,775 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
- * This file describes UBIFS on-flash format and contains definitions of all the
- * relevant data structures and constants.
- *
- * All UBIFS on-flash objects are stored in the form of nodes. All nodes start
- * with the UBIFS node magic number and have the same common header. Nodes
- * always sit at 8-byte aligned positions on the media and node header sizes are
- * also 8-byte aligned (except for the indexing node and the padding node).
- */
-#ifndef __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__
-#define __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__
-/* UBIFS node magic number (must not have the padding byte first or last) */
-#define UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC 0x06101831
- * UBIFS on-flash format version. This version is increased when the on-flash
- * format is changing. If this happens, UBIFS is will support older versions as
- * well. But older UBIFS code will not support newer formats. Format changes
- * will be rare and only when absolutely necessary, e.g. to fix a bug or to add
- * a new feature.
- *
- * UBIFS went into mainline kernel with format version 4. The older formats
- * were development formats.
- */
- * Read-only compatibility version. If the UBIFS format is changed, older UBIFS
- * implementations will not be able to mount newer formats in read-write mode.
- * However, depending on the change, it may be possible to mount newer formats
- * in R/O mode. This is indicated by the R/O compatibility version which is
- * stored in the super-block.
- *
- * This is needed to support boot-loaders which only need R/O mounting. With
- * this flag it is possible to do UBIFS format changes without a need to update
- * boot-loaders.
- */
-/* Minimum logical eraseblock size in bytes */
-#define UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ (15*1024)
-/* Initial CRC32 value used when calculating CRC checksums */
- * UBIFS does not try to compress data if its length is less than the below
- * constant.
- */
-#define UBIFS_MIN_COMPR_LEN 128
- * If compressed data length is less than %UBIFS_MIN_COMPRESS_DIFF bytes
- * shorter than uncompressed data length, UBIFS prefers to leave this data
- * node uncompress, because it'll be read faster.
- */
-/* Root inode number */
-#define UBIFS_ROOT_INO 1
-/* Lowest inode number used for regular inodes (not UBIFS-only internal ones) */
-#define UBIFS_FIRST_INO 64
- * Maximum file name and extended attribute length (must be a multiple of 8,
- * minus 1).
- */
-#define UBIFS_MAX_NLEN 255
-/* Maximum number of data journal heads */
- * Size of UBIFS data block. Note, UBIFS is not a block oriented file-system,
- * which means that it does not treat the underlying media as consisting of
- * blocks like in case of hard drives. Do not be confused. UBIFS block is just
- * the maximum amount of data which one data node can have or which can be
- * attached to an inode node.
- */
-#define UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE 4096
-/* UBIFS padding byte pattern (must not be first or last byte of node magic) */
-/* Maximum possible key length */
-#define UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN 16
-/* Key length ("simple" format) */
-#define UBIFS_SK_LEN 8
-/* Minimum index tree fanout */
-/* Maximum number of levels in UBIFS indexing B-tree */
-#define UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS 512
-/* Maximum amount of data attached to an inode in bytes */
-/* LEB Properties Tree fanout (must be power of 2) and fanout shift */
-/* LEB Properties Tree bit field sizes */
-#define UBIFS_LPT_CRC_BITS 16
-/* The key is always at the same position in all keyed nodes */
-#define UBIFS_KEY_OFFSET offsetof(struct ubifs_ino_node, key)
- * LEB Properties Tree node types.
- *
- * UBIFS_LPT_PNODE: LPT leaf node (contains LEB properties)
- * UBIFS_LPT_NNODE: LPT internal node
- * UBIFS_LPT_LTAB: LPT's own lprops table
- * UBIFS_LPT_LSAVE: LPT's save table (big model only)
- * UBIFS_LPT_NODE_CNT: count of LPT node types
- * UBIFS_LPT_NOT_A_NODE: all ones (15 for 4 bits) is never a valid node type
- */
-enum {
- * UBIFS inode types.
- *
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_REG: regular file
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR: directory
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_LNK: soft link
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_BLK: block device node
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_CHR: character device node
- * UBIFS_ITYPE_SOCK: socket
- * UBIFS_ITYPES_CNT: count of supported file types
- */
-enum {
- * Supported key hash functions.
- *
- * UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5: R5 hash
- * UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST: test hash which just returns first 4 bytes of the name
- */
-enum {
- * Supported key formats.
- *
- * UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT: simple key format
- */
-enum {
- * The simple key format uses 29 bits for storing UBIFS block number and hash
- * value.
- */
- * Key types.
- *
- * UBIFS_INO_KEY: inode node key
- * UBIFS_DATA_KEY: data node key
- * UBIFS_DENT_KEY: directory entry node key
- * UBIFS_XENT_KEY: extended attribute entry key
- * UBIFS_KEY_TYPES_CNT: number of supported key types
- */
-enum {
-/* Count of LEBs reserved for the superblock area */
-#define UBIFS_SB_LEBS 1
-/* Count of LEBs reserved for the master area */
-#define UBIFS_MST_LEBS 2
-/* First LEB of the superblock area */
-#define UBIFS_SB_LNUM 0
-/* First LEB of the master area */
-/* First LEB of the log area */
- * The below constants define the absolute minimum values for various UBIFS
- * media areas. Many of them actually depend of flash geometry and the FS
- * configuration (number of journal heads, orphan LEBs, etc). This means that
- * the smallest volume size which can be used for UBIFS cannot be pre-defined
- * by these constants. The file-system that meets the below limitation will not
- * necessarily mount. UBIFS does run-time calculations and validates the FS
- * size.
- */
-/* Minimum number of logical eraseblocks in the log */
-/* Minimum number of bud logical eraseblocks (one for each head) */
-/* Minimum number of journal logical eraseblocks */
-/* Minimum number of LPT area logical eraseblocks */
-/* Minimum number of orphan area logical eraseblocks */
- * Minimum number of main area logical eraseblocks (buds, 3 for the index, 1
- * for GC, 1 for deletions, and at least 1 for committed data).
- */
-/* Minimum number of logical eraseblocks */
-/* Node sizes (N.B. these are guaranteed to be multiples of 8) */
-#define UBIFS_CH_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ch)
-#define UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ino_node)
-#define UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_data_node)
-#define UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_dent_node)
-#define UBIFS_TRUN_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_trun_node)
-#define UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_pad_node)
-#define UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_sb_node)
-#define UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_mst_node)
-#define UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ref_node)
-#define UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_idx_node)
-#define UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_cs_node)
-#define UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_orph_node)
-/* Extended attribute entry nodes are identical to directory entry nodes */
-/* Only this does not have to be multiple of 8 bytes */
-#define UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_branch)
-/* Maximum node sizes (N.B. these are guaranteed to be multiples of 8) */
-/* The largest UBIFS node */
- * On-flash inode flags.
- *
- * UBIFS_COMPR_FL: use compression for this inode
- * UBIFS_SYNC_FL: I/O on this inode has to be synchronous
- * UBIFS_IMMUTABLE_FL: inode is immutable
- * UBIFS_APPEND_FL: writes to the inode may only append data
- * UBIFS_DIRSYNC_FL: I/O on this directory inode has to be synchronous
- * UBIFS_XATTR_FL: this inode is the inode for an extended attribute value
- *
- * Note, these are on-flash flags which correspond to ioctl flags
- * (@FS_COMPR_FL, etc). They have the same values now, but generally, do not
- * have to be the same.
- */
-enum {
- UBIFS_COMPR_FL = 0x01,
- UBIFS_SYNC_FL = 0x02,
- UBIFS_XATTR_FL = 0x20,
-/* Inode flag bits used by UBIFS */
-#define UBIFS_FL_MASK 0x0000001F
- * UBIFS compression algorithms.
- *
- * UBIFS_COMPR_NONE: no compression
- * UBIFS_COMPR_LZO: LZO compression
- * UBIFS_COMPR_ZLIB: ZLIB compression
- * UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT: count of supported compression types
- */
-enum {
- * UBIFS node types.
- *
- * UBIFS_INO_NODE: inode node
- * UBIFS_DATA_NODE: data node
- * UBIFS_DENT_NODE: directory entry node
- * UBIFS_XENT_NODE: extended attribute node
- * UBIFS_TRUN_NODE: truncation node
- * UBIFS_PAD_NODE: padding node
- * UBIFS_SB_NODE: superblock node
- * UBIFS_MST_NODE: master node
- * UBIFS_REF_NODE: LEB reference node
- * UBIFS_IDX_NODE: index node
- * UBIFS_CS_NODE: commit start node
- * UBIFS_ORPH_NODE: orphan node
- * UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT: count of supported node types
- *
- * Note, we index arrays by these numbers, so keep them low and contiguous.
- * Node type constants for inodes, direntries and so on have to be the same as
- * corresponding key type constants.
- */
-enum {
- * Master node flags.
- *
- * UBIFS_MST_DIRTY: rebooted uncleanly - master node is dirty
- * UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS: no orphan inodes present
- * UBIFS_MST_RCVRY: written by recovery
- */
-enum {
- * Node group type (used by recovery to recover whole group or none).
- *
- * UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP: this node is not part of a group
- * UBIFS_IN_NODE_GROUP: this node is a part of a group
- * UBIFS_LAST_OF_NODE_GROUP: this node is the last in a group
- */
-enum {
- * Superblock flags.
- *
- * UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT: if "big" LPT model is used if set
- */
-enum {
- * struct ubifs_ch - common header node.
- * @magic: UBIFS node magic number (%UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
- * @crc: CRC-32 checksum of the node header
- * @sqnum: sequence number
- * @len: full node length
- * @node_type: node type
- * @group_type: node group type
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- *
- * Every UBIFS node starts with this common part. If the node has a key, the
- * key always goes next.
- */
-struct ubifs_ch {
- __le32 magic;
- __le32 crc;
- __le64 sqnum;
- __le32 len;
- __u8 node_type;
- __u8 group_type;
- __u8 padding[2];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * union ubifs_dev_desc - device node descriptor.
- * @new: new type device descriptor
- * @huge: huge type device descriptor
- *
- * This data structure describes major/minor numbers of a device node. In an
- * inode is a device node then its data contains an object of this type. UBIFS
- * uses standard Linux "new" and "huge" device node encodings.
- */
-union ubifs_dev_desc {
- __le32 new;
- __le64 huge;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_ino_node - inode node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @key: node key
- * @creat_sqnum: sequence number at time of creation
- * @size: inode size in bytes (amount of uncompressed data)
- * @atime_sec: access time seconds
- * @ctime_sec: creation time seconds
- * @mtime_sec: modification time seconds
- * @atime_nsec: access time nanoseconds
- * @ctime_nsec: creation time nanoseconds
- * @mtime_nsec: modification time nanoseconds
- * @nlink: number of hard links
- * @uid: owner ID
- * @gid: group ID
- * @mode: access flags
- * @flags: per-inode flags (%UBIFS_COMPR_FL, %UBIFS_SYNC_FL, etc)
- * @data_len: inode data length
- * @xattr_cnt: count of extended attributes this inode has
- * @xattr_size: summarized size of all extended attributes in bytes
- * @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @xattr_names: sum of lengths of all extended attribute names belonging to
- * this inode
- * @compr_type: compression type used for this inode
- * @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @data: data attached to the inode
- *
- * Note, even though inode compression type is defined by @compr_type, some
- * nodes of this inode may be compressed with different compressor - this
- * happens if compression type is changed while the inode already has data
- * nodes. But @compr_type will be use for further writes to the inode.
- *
- * Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_ino_node_unused()' function when changing
- * the padding fields.
- */
-struct ubifs_ino_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
- __le64 creat_sqnum;
- __le64 size;
- __le64 atime_sec;
- __le64 ctime_sec;
- __le64 mtime_sec;
- __le32 atime_nsec;
- __le32 ctime_nsec;
- __le32 mtime_nsec;
- __le32 nlink;
- __le32 uid;
- __le32 gid;
- __le32 mode;
- __le32 flags;
- __le32 data_len;
- __le32 xattr_cnt;
- __le32 xattr_size;
- __u8 padding1[4]; /* Watch 'zero_ino_node_unused()' if changing! */
- __le32 xattr_names;
- __le16 compr_type;
- __u8 padding2[26]; /* Watch 'zero_ino_node_unused()' if changing! */
- __u8 data[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_dent_node - directory entry node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @key: node key
- * @inum: target inode number
- * @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @type: type of the target inode (%UBIFS_ITYPE_REG, %UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR, etc)
- * @nlen: name length
- * @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @name: zero-terminated name
- *
- * Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_dent_node_unused()' function when
- * changing the padding fields.
- */
-struct ubifs_dent_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
- __le64 inum;
- __u8 padding1;
- __u8 type;
- __le16 nlen;
- __u8 padding2[4]; /* Watch 'zero_dent_node_unused()' if changing! */
- __u8 name[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_data_node - data node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @key: node key
- * @size: uncompressed data size in bytes
- * @compr_type: compression type (%UBIFS_COMPR_NONE, %UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @data: data
- *
- * Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_data_node_unused()' function when
- * changing the padding fields.
- */
-struct ubifs_data_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
- __le32 size;
- __le16 compr_type;
- __u8 padding[2]; /* Watch 'zero_data_node_unused()' if changing! */
- __u8 data[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_trun_node - truncation node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @inum: truncated inode number
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @old_size: size before truncation
- * @new_size: size after truncation
- *
- * This node exists only in the journal and never goes to the main area. Note,
- * do not forget to amend 'zero_trun_node_unused()' function when changing the
- * padding fields.
- */
-struct ubifs_trun_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le32 inum;
- __u8 padding[12]; /* Watch 'zero_trun_node_unused()' if changing! */
- __le64 old_size;
- __le64 new_size;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_pad_node - padding node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @pad_len: how many bytes after this node are unused (because padded)
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- */
-struct ubifs_pad_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le32 pad_len;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_sb_node - superblock node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @key_hash: type of hash function used in keys
- * @key_fmt: format of the key
- * @flags: file-system flags (%UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT, etc)
- * @min_io_size: minimal input/output unit size
- * @leb_size: logical eraseblock size in bytes
- * @leb_cnt: count of LEBs used by file-system
- * @max_leb_cnt: maximum count of LEBs used by file-system
- * @max_bud_bytes: maximum amount of data stored in buds
- * @log_lebs: log size in logical eraseblocks
- * @lpt_lebs: number of LEBs used for lprops table
- * @orph_lebs: number of LEBs used for recording orphans
- * @jhead_cnt: count of journal heads
- * @fanout: tree fanout (max. number of links per indexing node)
- * @lsave_cnt: number of LEB numbers in LPT's save table
- * @fmt_version: UBIFS on-flash format version
- * @default_compr: default compression algorithm (%UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
- * @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @rp_uid: reserve pool UID
- * @rp_gid: reserve pool GID
- * @rp_size: size of the reserved pool in bytes
- * @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
- * @time_gran: time granularity in nanoseconds
- * @uuid: UUID generated when the file system image was created
- * @ro_compat_version: UBIFS R/O compatibility version
- */
-struct ubifs_sb_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __u8 padding[2];
- __u8 key_hash;
- __u8 key_fmt;
- __le32 flags;
- __le32 min_io_size;
- __le32 leb_size;
- __le32 leb_cnt;
- __le32 max_leb_cnt;
- __le64 max_bud_bytes;
- __le32 log_lebs;
- __le32 lpt_lebs;
- __le32 orph_lebs;
- __le32 jhead_cnt;
- __le32 fanout;
- __le32 lsave_cnt;
- __le32 fmt_version;
- __le16 default_compr;
- __u8 padding1[2];
- __le32 rp_uid;
- __le32 rp_gid;
- __le64 rp_size;
- __le32 time_gran;
- __u8 uuid[16];
- __le32 ro_compat_version;
- __u8 padding2[3968];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_mst_node - master node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @highest_inum: highest inode number in the committed index
- * @cmt_no: commit number
- * @flags: various flags (%UBIFS_MST_DIRTY, etc)
- * @log_lnum: start of the log
- * @root_lnum: LEB number of the root indexing node
- * @root_offs: offset within @root_lnum
- * @root_len: root indexing node length
- * @gc_lnum: LEB reserved for garbage collection (%-1 value means the LEB was
- * not reserved and should be reserved on mount)
- * @ihead_lnum: LEB number of index head
- * @ihead_offs: offset of index head
- * @index_size: size of index on flash
- * @total_free: total free space in bytes
- * @total_dirty: total dirty space in bytes
- * @total_used: total used space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
- * @total_dead: total dead space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
- * @total_dark: total dark space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
- * @lpt_lnum: LEB number of LPT root nnode
- * @lpt_offs: offset of LPT root nnode
- * @nhead_lnum: LEB number of LPT head
- * @nhead_offs: offset of LPT head
- * @ltab_lnum: LEB number of LPT's own lprops table
- * @ltab_offs: offset of LPT's own lprops table
- * @lsave_lnum: LEB number of LPT's save table (big model only)
- * @lsave_offs: offset of LPT's save table (big model only)
- * @lscan_lnum: LEB number of last LPT scan
- * @empty_lebs: number of empty logical eraseblocks
- * @idx_lebs: number of indexing logical eraseblocks
- * @leb_cnt: count of LEBs used by file-system
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- */
-struct ubifs_mst_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le64 highest_inum;
- __le64 cmt_no;
- __le32 flags;
- __le32 log_lnum;
- __le32 root_lnum;
- __le32 root_offs;
- __le32 root_len;
- __le32 gc_lnum;
- __le32 ihead_lnum;
- __le32 ihead_offs;
- __le64 index_size;
- __le64 total_free;
- __le64 total_dirty;
- __le64 total_used;
- __le64 total_dead;
- __le64 total_dark;
- __le32 lpt_lnum;
- __le32 lpt_offs;
- __le32 nhead_lnum;
- __le32 nhead_offs;
- __le32 ltab_lnum;
- __le32 ltab_offs;
- __le32 lsave_lnum;
- __le32 lsave_offs;
- __le32 lscan_lnum;
- __le32 empty_lebs;
- __le32 idx_lebs;
- __le32 leb_cnt;
- __u8 padding[344];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_ref_node - logical eraseblock reference node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @lnum: the referred logical eraseblock number
- * @offs: start offset in the referred LEB
- * @jhead: journal head number
- * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
- */
-struct ubifs_ref_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le32 lnum;
- __le32 offs;
- __le32 jhead;
- __u8 padding[28];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_branch - key/reference/length branch
- * @lnum: LEB number of the target node
- * @offs: offset within @lnum
- * @len: target node length
- * @key: key
- */
-struct ubifs_branch {
- __le32 lnum;
- __le32 offs;
- __le32 len;
- __u8 key[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_idx_node - indexing node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @child_cnt: number of child index nodes
- * @level: tree level
- * @branches: LEB number / offset / length / key branches
- */
-struct ubifs_idx_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le16 child_cnt;
- __le16 level;
- __u8 branches[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_cs_node - commit start node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @cmt_no: commit number
- */
-struct ubifs_cs_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le64 cmt_no;
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * struct ubifs_orph_node - orphan node.
- * @ch: common header
- * @cmt_no: commit number (also top bit is set on the last node of the commit)
- * @inos: inode numbers of orphans
- */
-struct ubifs_orph_node {
- struct ubifs_ch ch;
- __le64 cmt_no;
- __le64 inos[];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-#endif /* __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__ */
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.c b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 273c0a963..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2008-2010
- * Stefan Roese, DENX Software Engineering,
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
-#include "ubifs.h"
-#include <u-boot/zlib.h>
-/* compress.c */
- * We need a wrapper for zunzip() because the parameters are
- * incompatible with the lzo decompressor.
- */
-static int gzip_decompress(const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len,
- unsigned char *out, size_t *out_len)
- return zunzip(out, *out_len, (unsigned char *)in,
- (unsigned long *)out_len, 0, 0);
-/* Fake description object for the "none" compressor */
-static struct ubifs_compressor none_compr = {
- .compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_NONE,
- .name = "no compression",
- .capi_name = "",
- .decompress = NULL,
-static struct ubifs_compressor lzo_compr = {
- .compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_LZO,
- .name = "LZO",
- .capi_name = "lzo",
- .decompress = lzo1x_decompress_safe,
-static struct ubifs_compressor zlib_compr = {
- .compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_ZLIB,
- .name = "zlib",
- .capi_name = "deflate",
- .decompress = gzip_decompress,
-/* All UBIFS compressors */
-struct ubifs_compressor *ubifs_compressors[UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT];
- * ubifs_decompress - decompress data.
- * @in_buf: data to decompress
- * @in_len: length of the data to decompress
- * @out_buf: output buffer where decompressed data should
- * @out_len: output length is returned here
- * @compr_type: type of compression
- *
- * This function decompresses data from buffer @in_buf into buffer @out_buf.
- * The length of the uncompressed data is returned in @out_len. This functions
- * returns %0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
- */
-int ubifs_decompress(const void *in_buf, int in_len, void *out_buf,
- int *out_len, int compr_type)
- int err;
- struct ubifs_compressor *compr;
- if (unlikely(compr_type < 0 || compr_type >= UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT)) {
- ubifs_err("invalid compression type %d", compr_type);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- compr = ubifs_compressors[compr_type];
- if (unlikely(!compr->capi_name)) {
- ubifs_err("%s compression is not compiled in", compr->name);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if (compr_type == UBIFS_COMPR_NONE) {
- memcpy(out_buf, in_buf, in_len);
- *out_len = in_len;
- return 0;
- }
- err = compr->decompress(in_buf, in_len, out_buf, (size_t *)out_len);
- if (err)
- ubifs_err("cannot decompress %d bytes, compressor %s, "
- "error %d", in_len, compr->name, err);
- return err;
- * compr_init - initialize a compressor.
- * @compr: compressor description object
- *
- * This function initializes the requested compressor and returns zero in case
- * of success or a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-static int __init compr_init(struct ubifs_compressor *compr)
- ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type] = compr;
- ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->name += gd->reloc_off;
- ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->capi_name += gd->reloc_off;
- ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->decompress += gd->reloc_off;
- return 0;
- * ubifs_compressors_init - initialize UBIFS compressors.
- *
- * This function initializes the compressor which were compiled in. Returns
- * zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
- */
-int __init ubifs_compressors_init(void)
- int err;
- err = compr_init(&lzo_compr);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = compr_init(&zlib_compr);
- if (err)
- return err;
- err = compr_init(&none_compr);
- if (err)
- return err;
- return 0;
- * ubifsls...
- */
-static int filldir(struct ubifs_info *c, const char *name, int namlen,
- u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
- struct inode *inode;
- char filetime[32];
- switch (d_type) {
- printf("\t");
- break;
- printf("<DIR>\t");
- break;
- printf("<LNK>\t");
- break;
- default:
- printf("other\t");
- break;
- }
- inode = ubifs_iget(c->vfs_sb, ino);
- if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
- printf("%s: Error in ubifs_iget(), ino=%lld ret=%p!\n",
- __func__, ino, inode);
- return -1;
- }
- ctime_r((time_t *)&inode->i_mtime, filetime);
- printf("%9lld %24.24s ", inode->i_size, filetime);
- ubifs_iput(inode);
- printf("%s\n", name);
- return 0;
-static int ubifs_printdir(struct file *file, void *dirent)
- int err, over = 0;
- struct qstr nm;
- union ubifs_key key;
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
- struct inode *dir = file->f_path.dentry->d_inode;
- struct ubifs_info *c = dir->i_sb->s_fs_info;
- dbg_gen("dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx", dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
- if (file->f_pos > UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK || file->f_pos == 2)
- /*
- * The directory was seek'ed to a senseless position or there
- * are no more entries.
- */
- return 0;
- if (file->f_pos == 1) {
- /* Find the first entry in TNC and save it */
- lowest_dent_key(c, &key, dir->i_ino);
- = NULL;
- dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(dent);
- goto out;
- }
- file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
- file->private_data = dent;
- }
- dent = file->private_data;
- if (!dent) {
- /*
- * The directory was seek'ed to and is now readdir'ed.
- * Find the entry corresponding to @file->f_pos or the
- * closest one.
- */
- dent_key_init_hash(c, &key, dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
- = NULL;
- dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(dent);
- goto out;
- }
- file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
- file->private_data = dent;
- }
- while (1) {
- dbg_gen("feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x",
- dent->name, (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(dent->inum),
- key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key));
- ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dent->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(dir)->creat_sqnum);
- nm.len = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- over = filldir(c, (char *)dent->name, nm.len,
- le64_to_cpu(dent->inum), dent->type);
- if (over)
- return 0;
- /* Switch to the next entry */
- key_read(c, &dent->key, &key);
- = (char *)dent->name;
- dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(dent);
- goto out;
- }
- kfree(file->private_data);
- file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
- file->private_data = dent;
- cond_resched();
- }
- if (err != -ENOENT) {
- ubifs_err("cannot find next direntry, error %d", err);
- return err;
- }
- kfree(file->private_data);
- file->private_data = NULL;
- file->f_pos = 2;
- return 0;
-static int ubifs_finddir(struct super_block *sb, char *dirname,
- unsigned long root_inum, unsigned long *inum)
- int err;
- struct qstr nm;
- union ubifs_key key;
- struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
- struct ubifs_info *c;
- struct file *file;
- struct dentry *dentry;
- struct inode *dir;
- int ret = 0;
- file = kzalloc(sizeof(struct file), 0);
- dentry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct dentry), 0);
- dir = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inode), 0);
- if (!file || !dentry || !dir) {
- printf("%s: Error, no memory for malloc!\n", __func__);
- err = -ENOMEM;
- goto out;
- }
- dir->i_sb = sb;
- file->f_path.dentry = dentry;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_parent = dentry;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_inode = dir;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino = root_inum;
- c = sb->s_fs_info;
- dbg_gen("dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx", dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
- /* Find the first entry in TNC and save it */
- lowest_dent_key(c, &key, dir->i_ino);
- = NULL;
- dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(dent);
- goto out;
- }
- file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
- file->private_data = dent;
- while (1) {
- dbg_gen("feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x",
- dent->name, (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(dent->inum),
- key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key));
- ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dent->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(dir)->creat_sqnum);
- nm.len = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
- if ((strncmp(dirname, (char *)dent->name, nm.len) == 0) &&
- (strlen(dirname) == nm.len)) {
- *inum = le64_to_cpu(dent->inum);
- ret = 1;
- goto out_free;
- }
- /* Switch to the next entry */
- key_read(c, &dent->key, &key);
- = (char *)dent->name;
- dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
- if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
- err = PTR_ERR(dent);
- goto out;
- }
- kfree(file->private_data);
- file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
- file->private_data = dent;
- cond_resched();
- }
- if (err != -ENOENT)
- ubifs_err("cannot find next direntry, error %d", err);
- if (file->private_data)
- kfree(file->private_data);
- if (file)
- free(file);
- if (dentry)
- free(dentry);
- if (dir)
- free(dir);
- return ret;
-static unsigned long ubifs_findfile(struct super_block *sb, char *filename)
- int ret;
- char *next;
- char fpath[128];
- char symlinkpath[128];
- char *name = fpath;
- unsigned long root_inum = 1;
- unsigned long inum;
- int symlink_count = 0; /* Don't allow symlink recursion */
- char link_name[64];
- strcpy(fpath, filename);
- /* Remove all leading slashes */
- while (*name == '/')
- name++;
- /*
- * Handle root-direcoty ('/')
- */
- inum = root_inum;
- if (!name || *name == '\0')
- return inum;
- for (;;) {
- struct inode *inode;
- struct ubifs_inode *ui;
- /* Extract the actual part from the pathname. */
- next = strchr(name, '/');
- if (next) {
- /* Remove all leading slashes. */
- while (*next == '/')
- *(next++) = '\0';
- }
- ret = ubifs_finddir(sb, name, root_inum, &inum);
- if (!ret)
- return 0;
- inode = ubifs_iget(sb, inum);
- if (!inode)
- return 0;
- ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
- if ((inode->i_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) {
- char buf[128];
- /* We have some sort of symlink recursion, bail out */
- if (symlink_count++ > 8) {
- printf("Symlink recursion, aborting\n");
- return 0;
- }
- memcpy(link_name, ui->data, ui->data_len);
- link_name[ui->data_len] = '\0';
- if (link_name[0] == '/') {
- /* Absolute path, redo everything without
- * the leading slash */
- next = name = link_name + 1;
- root_inum = 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* Relative to cur dir */
- sprintf(buf, "%s/%s",
- link_name, next == NULL ? "" : next);
- memcpy(symlinkpath, buf, sizeof(buf));
- next = name = symlinkpath;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Check if directory with this name exists
- */
- /* Found the node! */
- if (!next || *next == '\0')
- return inum;
- root_inum = inum;
- name = next;
- }
- return 0;
-int ubifs_ls(char *filename)
- struct ubifs_info *c = ubifs_sb->s_fs_info;
- struct file *file;
- struct dentry *dentry;
- struct inode *dir;
- void *dirent = NULL;
- unsigned long inum;
- int ret = 0;
- c->ubi = ubi_open_volume(c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, UBI_READONLY);
- inum = ubifs_findfile(ubifs_sb, filename);
- if (!inum) {
- ret = -1;
- goto out;
- }
- file = kzalloc(sizeof(struct file), 0);
- dentry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct dentry), 0);
- dir = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inode), 0);
- if (!file || !dentry || !dir) {
- printf("%s: Error, no memory for malloc!\n", __func__);
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto out_mem;
- }
- dir->i_sb = ubifs_sb;
- file->f_path.dentry = dentry;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_parent = dentry;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_inode = dir;
- file->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino = inum;
- file->f_pos = 1;
- file->private_data = NULL;
- ubifs_printdir(file, dirent);
- if (file)
- free(file);
- if (dentry)
- free(dentry);
- if (dir)
- free(dir);
- ubi_close_volume(c->ubi);
- return ret;
- * ubifsload...
- */
-/* file.c */
-static inline void *kmap(struct page *page)
- return page->addr;
-static int read_block(struct inode *inode, void *addr, unsigned int block,
- struct ubifs_data_node *dn)
- struct ubifs_info *c = inode->i_sb->s_fs_info;
- int err, len, out_len;
- union ubifs_key key;
- unsigned int dlen;
- data_key_init(c, &key, inode->i_ino, block);
- err = ubifs_tnc_lookup(c, &key, dn);
- if (err) {
- if (err == -ENOENT)
- /* Not found, so it must be a hole */
- memset(addr, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
- return err;
- }
- ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dn->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(inode)->creat_sqnum);
- len = le32_to_cpu(dn->size);
- if (len <= 0 || len > UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- goto dump;
- dlen = le32_to_cpu(dn->ch.len) - UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ;
- out_len = UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
- err = ubifs_decompress(&dn->data, dlen, addr, &out_len,
- le16_to_cpu(dn->compr_type));
- if (err || len != out_len)
- goto dump;
- /*
- * Data length can be less than a full block, even for blocks that are
- * not the last in the file (e.g., as a result of making a hole and
- * appending data). Ensure that the remainder is zeroed out.
- */
- if (len < UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE)
- memset(addr + len, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - len);
- return 0;
- ubifs_err("bad data node (block %u, inode %lu)",
- block, inode->i_ino);
- dbg_dump_node(c, dn);
- return -EINVAL;
-static int do_readpage(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode,
- struct page *page, int last_block_size)
- void *addr;
- int err = 0, i;
- unsigned int block, beyond;
- struct ubifs_data_node *dn;
- loff_t i_size = inode->i_size;
- dbg_gen("ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld",
- inode->i_ino, page->index, i_size);
- addr = kmap(page);
- block = page->index << UBIFS_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE_SHIFT;
- beyond = (i_size + UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
- if (block >= beyond) {
- /* Reading beyond inode */
- memset(addr, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
- goto out;
- }
- if (!dn)
- return -ENOMEM;
- i = 0;
- while (1) {
- int ret;
- if (block >= beyond) {
- /* Reading beyond inode */
- err = -ENOENT;
- memset(addr, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
- } else {
- /*
- * Reading last block? Make sure to not write beyond
- * the requested size in the destination buffer.
- */
- if (((block + 1) == beyond) || last_block_size) {
- void *buff;
- int dlen;
- /*
- * We need to buffer the data locally for the
- * last block. This is to not pad the
- * destination area to a multiple of
- */
- buff = malloc(UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
- if (!buff) {
- printf("%s: Error, malloc fails!\n",
- __func__);
- err = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- /* Read block-size into temp buffer */
- ret = read_block(inode, buff, block, dn);
- if (ret) {
- err = ret;
- if (err != -ENOENT) {
- free(buff);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (last_block_size)
- dlen = last_block_size;
- else
- dlen = le32_to_cpu(dn->size);
- /* Now copy required size back to dest */
- memcpy(addr, buff, dlen);
- free(buff);
- } else {
- ret = read_block(inode, addr, block, dn);
- if (ret) {
- err = ret;
- if (err != -ENOENT)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- block += 1;
- }
- if (err) {
- if (err == -ENOENT) {
- /* Not found, so it must be a hole */
- dbg_gen("hole");
- goto out_free;
- }
- ubifs_err("cannot read page %lu of inode %lu, error %d",
- page->index, inode->i_ino, err);
- goto error;
- }
- kfree(dn);
- return 0;
- kfree(dn);
- return err;
-int ubifs_load(char *filename, u32 addr, u32 size)
- struct ubifs_info *c = ubifs_sb->s_fs_info;
- unsigned long inum;
- struct inode *inode;
- struct page page;
- int err = 0;
- int i;
- int count;
- int last_block_size = 0;
- c->ubi = ubi_open_volume(c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, UBI_READONLY);
- /* ubifs_findfile will resolve symlinks, so we know that we get
- * the real file here */
- inum = ubifs_findfile(ubifs_sb, filename);
- if (!inum) {
- err = -1;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * Read file inode
- */
- inode = ubifs_iget(ubifs_sb, inum);
- if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
- printf("%s: Error reading inode %ld!\n", __func__, inum);
- err = PTR_ERR(inode);
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * If no size was specified or if size bigger than filesize
- * set size to filesize
- */
- if ((size == 0) || (size > inode->i_size))
- size = inode->i_size;
- count = (size + UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
- printf("Loading file '%s' to addr 0x%08x with size %d (0x%08x)...\n",
- filename, addr, size, size);
- page.addr = (void *)addr;
- page.index = 0;
- page.inode = inode;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- /*
- * Make sure to not read beyond the requested size
- */
- if (((i + 1) == count) && (size < inode->i_size))
- last_block_size = size - (i * PAGE_SIZE);
- err = do_readpage(c, inode, &page, last_block_size);
- if (err)
- break;
- page.addr += PAGE_SIZE;
- page.index++;
- }
- if (err)
- printf("Error reading file '%s'\n", filename);
- else {
- setenv_hex("filesize", size);
- printf("Done\n");
- }
- ubifs_iput(inode);
- ubi_close_volume(c->ubi);
- return err;
diff --git a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h b/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 221320157..000000000
--- a/qemu/roms/u-boot/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2154 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of UBIFS.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
- *
- * (C) Copyright 2008-2009
- * Stefan Roese, DENX Software Engineering,
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
- * Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
- * Adrian Hunter
- */
-#ifndef __UBIFS_H__
-#define __UBIFS_H__
-#if 0 /* Enable for debugging output */
-#include <ubi_uboot.h>
-#include <linux/ctype.h>
-#include <linux/time.h>
-#include <linux/math64.h>
-#include "ubifs-media.h"
-struct dentry;
-struct file;
-struct iattr;
-struct kstat;
-struct vfsmount;
-extern struct super_block *ubifs_sb;
-extern unsigned int ubifs_msg_flags;
-extern unsigned int ubifs_chk_flags;
-extern unsigned int ubifs_tst_flags;
-#define pgoff_t unsigned long
- * We "simulate" the Linux page struct much simpler here
- */
-struct page {
- pgoff_t index;
- void *addr;
- struct inode *inode;
-void iput(struct inode *inode);
- * The atomic operations are used for budgeting etc which is not
- * needed for the read-only U-Boot implementation:
- */
-#define atomic_long_inc(a)
-#define atomic_long_dec(a)
-#define atomic_long_sub(a, b)
-/* linux/include/time.h */
-struct timespec {
- time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
- long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */
-/* linux/include/dcache.h */
- * "quick string" -- eases parameter passing, but more importantly
- * saves "metadata" about the string (ie length and the hash).
- *
- * hash comes first so it snuggles against d_parent in the
- * dentry.
- */
-struct qstr {
- unsigned int hash;
- unsigned int len;
- const char *name;
-struct inode {
- struct hlist_node i_hash;
- struct list_head i_list;
- struct list_head i_sb_list;
- struct list_head i_dentry;
- unsigned long i_ino;
- unsigned int i_nlink;
- uid_t i_uid;
- gid_t i_gid;
- dev_t i_rdev;
- u64 i_version;
- loff_t i_size;
- seqcount_t i_size_seqcount;
- struct timespec i_atime;
- struct timespec i_mtime;
- struct timespec i_ctime;
- unsigned int i_blkbits;
- unsigned short i_bytes;
- umode_t i_mode;
- spinlock_t i_lock; /* i_blocks, i_bytes, maybe i_size */
- struct mutex i_mutex;
- struct rw_semaphore i_alloc_sem;
- const struct inode_operations *i_op;
- const struct file_operations *i_fop; /* former ->i_op->default_file_ops */
- struct super_block *i_sb;
- struct file_lock *i_flock;
- struct dquot *i_dquot[MAXQUOTAS];
- struct list_head i_devices;
- int i_cindex;
- __u32 i_generation;
- unsigned long i_dnotify_mask; /* Directory notify events */
- struct dnotify_struct *i_dnotify; /* for directory notifications */
- struct list_head inotify_watches; /* watches on this inode */
- struct mutex inotify_mutex; /* protects the watches list */
- unsigned long i_state;
- unsigned long dirtied_when; /* jiffies of first dirtying */
- unsigned int i_flags;
- void *i_security;
- void *i_private; /* fs or device private pointer */
-struct super_block {
- struct list_head s_list; /* Keep this first */
- dev_t s_dev; /* search index; _not_ kdev_t */
- unsigned long s_blocksize;
- unsigned char s_blocksize_bits;
- unsigned char s_dirt;
- unsigned long long s_maxbytes; /* Max file size */
- struct file_system_type *s_type;
- const struct super_operations *s_op;
- struct dquot_operations *dq_op;
- struct quotactl_ops *s_qcop;
- const struct export_operations *s_export_op;
- unsigned long s_flags;
- unsigned long s_magic;
- struct dentry *s_root;
- struct rw_semaphore s_umount;
- struct mutex s_lock;
- int s_count;
- int s_syncing;
- int s_need_sync_fs;
- void *s_security;
- struct xattr_handler **s_xattr;
- struct list_head s_inodes; /* all inodes */
- struct list_head s_dirty; /* dirty inodes */
- struct list_head s_io; /* parked for writeback */
- struct list_head s_more_io; /* parked for more writeback */
- struct hlist_head s_anon; /* anonymous dentries for (nfs) exporting */
- struct list_head s_files;
- /* s_dentry_lru and s_nr_dentry_unused are protected by dcache_lock */
- struct list_head s_dentry_lru; /* unused dentry lru */
- int s_nr_dentry_unused; /* # of dentry on lru */
- struct block_device *s_bdev;
- struct mtd_info *s_mtd;
- struct list_head s_instances;
- int s_frozen;
- wait_queue_head_t s_wait_unfrozen;
- char s_id[32]; /* Informational name */
- void *s_fs_info; /* Filesystem private info */
- /*
- * The next field is for VFS *only*. No filesystems have any business
- * even looking at it. You had been warned.
- */
- struct mutex s_vfs_rename_mutex; /* Kludge */
- /* Granularity of c/m/atime in ns.
- Cannot be worse than a second */
- u32 s_time_gran;
- /*
- * Filesystem subtype. If non-empty the filesystem type field
- * in /proc/mounts will be "type.subtype"
- */
- char *s_subtype;
- /*
- * Saved mount options for lazy filesystems using
- * generic_show_options()
- */
- char *s_options;
-struct file_system_type {
- const char *name;
- int fs_flags;
- int (*get_sb) (struct file_system_type *, int,
- const char *, void *, struct vfsmount *);
- void (*kill_sb) (struct super_block *);
- struct module *owner;
- struct file_system_type * next;
- struct list_head fs_supers;
-struct vfsmount {
- struct list_head mnt_hash;
- struct vfsmount *mnt_parent; /* fs we are mounted on */
- struct dentry *mnt_mountpoint; /* dentry of mountpoint */
- struct dentry *mnt_root; /* root of the mounted tree */
- struct super_block *mnt_sb; /* pointer to superblock */
- struct list_head mnt_mounts; /* list of children, anchored here */
- struct list_head mnt_child; /* and going through their mnt_child */
- int mnt_flags;
- /* 4 bytes hole on 64bits arches */
- const char *mnt_devname; /* Name of device e.g. /dev/dsk/hda1 */
- struct list_head mnt_list;
- struct list_head mnt_expire; /* link in fs-specific expiry list */
- struct list_head mnt_share; /* circular list of shared mounts */
- struct list_head mnt_slave_list;/* list of slave mounts */
- struct list_head mnt_slave; /* slave list entry */
- struct vfsmount *mnt_master; /* slave is on master->mnt_slave_list */
- struct mnt_namespace *mnt_ns; /* containing namespace */
- int mnt_id; /* mount identifier */
- int mnt_group_id; /* peer group identifier */
- /*
- * We put mnt_count & mnt_expiry_mark at the end of struct vfsmount
- * to let these frequently modified fields in a separate cache line
- * (so that reads of mnt_flags wont ping-pong on SMP machines)
- */
- int mnt_expiry_mark; /* true if marked for expiry */
- int mnt_pinned;
- int mnt_ghosts;
- /*
- * This value is not stable unless all of the mnt_writers[] spinlocks
- * are held, and all mnt_writer[]s on this mount have 0 as their ->count
- */
-struct path {
- struct vfsmount *mnt;
- struct dentry *dentry;
-struct file {
- struct path f_path;
-#define f_dentry f_path.dentry
-#define f_vfsmnt f_path.mnt
- const struct file_operations *f_op;
- unsigned int f_flags;
- loff_t f_pos;
- unsigned int f_uid, f_gid;
- u64 f_version;
- void *f_security;
- /* needed for tty driver, and maybe others */
- void *private_data;
- /* Used by fs/eventpoll.c to link all the hooks to this file */
- struct list_head f_ep_links;
- spinlock_t f_ep_lock;
-#endif /* #ifdef CONFIG_EPOLL */
- unsigned long f_mnt_write_state;
- * get_seconds() not really needed in the read-only implmentation
- */
-#define get_seconds() 0
-/* 4k page size */
-#define PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT 12
-/* Page cache limit. The filesystems should put that into their s_maxbytes
- limits, otherwise bad things can happen in VM. */
-#if BITS_PER_LONG==32
-#elif BITS_PER_LONG==64
-#define MAX_LFS_FILESIZE 0x7fffffffffffffffUL
-#define INT_MAX ((int)(~0U>>1))
-#define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
-#define LLONG_MAX ((long long)(~0ULL>>1))
- * These are the fs-independent mount-flags: up to 32 flags are supported
- */
-#define MS_RDONLY 1 /* Mount read-only */
-#define MS_NOSUID 2 /* Ignore suid and sgid bits */
-#define MS_NODEV 4 /* Disallow access to device special files */
-#define MS_NOEXEC 8 /* Disallow program execution */
-#define MS_SYNCHRONOUS 16 /* Writes are synced at once */
-#define MS_REMOUNT 32 /* Alter flags of a mounted FS */
-#define MS_MANDLOCK 64 /* Allow mandatory locks on an FS */
-#define MS_DIRSYNC 128 /* Directory modifications are synchronous */
-#define MS_NOATIME 1024 /* Do not update access times. */
-#define MS_NODIRATIME 2048 /* Do not update directory access times */
-#define MS_BIND 4096
-#define MS_MOVE 8192
-#define MS_REC 16384
-#define MS_VERBOSE 32768 /* War is peace. Verbosity is silence.
- MS_VERBOSE is deprecated. */
-#define MS_SILENT 32768
-#define MS_POSIXACL (1<<16) /* VFS does not apply the umask */
-#define MS_UNBINDABLE (1<<17) /* change to unbindable */
-#define MS_PRIVATE (1<<18) /* change to private */
-#define MS_SLAVE (1<<19) /* change to slave */
-#define MS_SHARED (1<<20) /* change to shared */
-#define MS_RELATIME (1<<21) /* Update atime relative to mtime/ctime. */
-#define MS_KERNMOUNT (1<<22) /* this is a kern_mount call */
-#define MS_I_VERSION (1<<23) /* Update inode I_version field */
-#define MS_ACTIVE (1<<30)
-#define MS_NOUSER (1<<31)
-#define I_NEW 8
-/* Inode flags - they have nothing to superblock flags now */
-#define S_SYNC 1 /* Writes are synced at once */
-#define S_NOATIME 2 /* Do not update access times */
-#define S_APPEND 4 /* Append-only file */
-#define S_IMMUTABLE 8 /* Immutable file */
-#define S_DEAD 16 /* removed, but still open directory */
-#define S_NOQUOTA 32 /* Inode is not counted to quota */
-#define S_DIRSYNC 64 /* Directory modifications are synchronous */
-#define S_NOCMTIME 128 /* Do not update file c/mtime */
-#define S_SWAPFILE 256 /* Do not truncate: swapon got its bmaps */
-#define S_PRIVATE 512 /* Inode is fs-internal */
-/* include/linux/stat.h */
-#define S_IFMT 00170000
-#define S_IFSOCK 0140000
-#define S_IFLNK 0120000
-#define S_IFREG 0100000
-#define S_IFBLK 0060000
-#define S_IFDIR 0040000
-#define S_IFCHR 0020000
-#define S_IFIFO 0010000
-#define S_ISUID 0004000
-#define S_ISGID 0002000
-#define S_ISVTX 0001000
-/* include/linux/fs.h */
- * File types
- *
- * NOTE! These match bits 12..15 of stat.st_mode
- * (ie "(i_mode >> 12) & 15").
- */
-#define DT_UNKNOWN 0
-#define DT_FIFO 1
-#define DT_CHR 2
-#define DT_DIR 4
-#define DT_BLK 6
-#define DT_REG 8
-#define DT_LNK 10
-#define DT_SOCK 12
-#define DT_WHT 14
-#define I_DIRTY_SYNC 1
-#define I_DIRTY_PAGES 4
-#define I_NEW 8
-#define I_WILL_FREE 16
-#define I_FREEING 32
-#define I_CLEAR 64
-#define __I_LOCK 7
-#define I_LOCK (1 << __I_LOCK)
-#define __I_SYNC 8
-#define I_SYNC (1 << __I_SYNC)
-/* linux/include/dcache.h */
-struct dentry {
- unsigned int d_flags; /* protected by d_lock */
- spinlock_t d_lock; /* per dentry lock */
- struct inode *d_inode; /* Where the name belongs to - NULL is
- * negative */
- /*
- * The next three fields are touched by __d_lookup. Place them here
- * so they all fit in a cache line.
- */
- struct hlist_node d_hash; /* lookup hash list */
- struct dentry *d_parent; /* parent directory */
- struct qstr d_name;
- struct list_head d_lru; /* LRU list */
- /*
- * d_child and d_rcu can share memory
- */
- struct list_head d_subdirs; /* our children */
- struct list_head d_alias; /* inode alias list */
- unsigned long d_time; /* used by d_revalidate */
- struct super_block *d_sb; /* The root of the dentry tree */
- void *d_fsdata; /* fs-specific data */
- struct dcookie_struct *d_cookie; /* cookie, if any */
- int d_mounted;
- unsigned char d_iname[DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN]; /* small names */
-static inline ino_t parent_ino(struct dentry *dentry)
- ino_t res;
- spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- res = dentry->d_parent->d_inode->i_ino;
- spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- return res;
-/* debug.c */
-#define DEFINE_SPINLOCK(...)
-#define module_param_named(...)
-/* misc.h */
-#define mutex_lock_nested(...)
-#define mutex_unlock_nested(...)
-#define mutex_is_locked(...) 0
-/* Version of this UBIFS implementation */
-#define UBIFS_VERSION 1
-/* Normal UBIFS messages */
-#define ubifs_msg(fmt, ...)
-#define ubifs_msg(fmt, ...) \
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "UBIFS: " fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* UBIFS error messages */
-#define ubifs_err(fmt, ...) \
- printk(KERN_ERR "UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", 0, \
- __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* UBIFS warning messages */
-#define ubifs_warn(fmt, ...) \
- printk(KERN_WARNING "UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", \
- 0, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* UBIFS file system VFS magic number */
-#define UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x24051905
-/* Number of UBIFS blocks per VFS page */
-/* "File system end of life" sequence number watermark */
- * Minimum amount of LEBs reserved for the index. At present the index needs at
- * least 2 LEBs: one for the index head and one for in-the-gaps method (which
- * currently does not cater for the index head and so excludes it from
- * consideration).
- */
-#define MIN_INDEX_LEBS 2
-/* Minimum amount of data UBIFS writes to the flash */
- * Currently we do not support inode number overlapping and re-using, so this
- * watermark defines dangerous inode number level. This should be fixed later,
- * although it is difficult to exceed current limit. Another option is to use
- * 64-bit inode numbers, but this means more overhead.
- */
-/* Largest key size supported in this implementation */
-/* Maximum number of entries in each LPT (LEB category) heap */
-#define LPT_HEAP_SZ 256
- * Background thread name pattern. The numbers are UBI device and volume
- * numbers.
- */
-#define BGT_NAME_PATTERN "ubifs_bgt%d_%d"
-/* Default write-buffer synchronization timeout (5 secs) */
-/* Maximum possible inode number (only 32-bit inodes are supported now) */
-/* Number of non-data journal heads */
-/* Garbage collector head */
-#define GCHD 0
-/* Base journal head number */
-#define BASEHD 1
-/* First "general purpose" journal head */
-#define DATAHD 2
-/* 'No change' value for 'ubifs_change_lp()' */
-#define LPROPS_NC 0x80000001
- * There is no notion of truncation key because truncation nodes do not exist
- * in TNC. However, when replaying, it is handy to introduce fake "truncation"
- * keys for truncation nodes because the code becomes simpler. So we define
- * %UBIFS_TRUN_KEY type.
- */
- * How much a directory entry/extended attribute entry adds to the parent/host
- * inode.
- */
-#define CALC_DENT_SIZE(name_len) ALIGN(UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ + (name_len) + 1, 8)
-/* How much an extended attribute adds to the host inode */
-#define CALC_XATTR_BYTES(data_len) ALIGN(UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ + (data_len) + 1, 8)
- * Znodes which were not touched for 'OLD_ZNODE_AGE' seconds are considered
- * "old", and znode which were touched last 'YOUNG_ZNODE_AGE' seconds ago are
- * considered "young". This is used by shrinker when selecting znode to trim
- * off.
- */
-#define OLD_ZNODE_AGE 20
-#define YOUNG_ZNODE_AGE 5
- * Some compressors, like LZO, may end up with more data then the input buffer.
- * So UBIFS always allocates larger output buffer, to be sure the compressor
- * will not corrupt memory in case of worst case compression.
- */
-/* Maximum expected tree height for use by bottom_up_buf */
-#define BOTTOM_UP_HEIGHT 64
-/* Maximum number of data nodes to bulk-read */
- * Lockdep classes for UBIFS inode @ui_mutex.
- */
-enum {
- WB_MUTEX_1 = 0,
- WB_MUTEX_2 = 1,
- WB_MUTEX_3 = 2,
- * Znode flags (actually, bit numbers which store the flags).
- *
- * DIRTY_ZNODE: znode is dirty
- * COW_ZNODE: znode is being committed and a new instance of this znode has to
- * be created before changing this znode
- * OBSOLETE_ZNODE: znode is obsolete, which means it was deleted, but it is
- * still in the commit list and the ongoing commit operation
- * will commit it, and delete this znode after it is done
- */
-enum {
- COW_ZNODE = 1,
- * Commit states.
- *
- * COMMIT_RESTING: commit is not wanted
- * COMMIT_BACKGROUND: background commit has been requested
- * COMMIT_REQUIRED: commit is required
- * COMMIT_RUNNING_BACKGROUND: background commit is running
- * COMMIT_RUNNING_REQUIRED: commit is running and it is required
- * COMMIT_BROKEN: commit failed
- */
-enum {
- * 'ubifs_scan_a_node()' return values.
- *
- * SCANNED_GARBAGE: scanned garbage
- * SCANNED_EMPTY_SPACE: scanned empty space
- * SCANNED_A_NODE: scanned a valid node
- * SCANNED_A_CORRUPT_NODE: scanned a corrupted node
- * SCANNED_A_BAD_PAD_NODE: scanned a padding node with invalid pad length
- *
- * Greater than zero means: 'scanned that number of padding bytes'
- */
-enum {
- * LPT cnode flag bits.
- *
- * DIRTY_CNODE: cnode is dirty
- * COW_CNODE: cnode is being committed and must be copied before writing
- * OBSOLETE_CNODE: cnode is being committed and has been copied (or deleted),
- * so it can (and must) be freed when the commit is finished
- */
-enum {
- COW_CNODE = 1,
- * Dirty flag bits (lpt_drty_flgs) for LPT special nodes.
- *
- * LTAB_DIRTY: ltab node is dirty
- * LSAVE_DIRTY: lsave node is dirty
- */
-enum {
- * Return codes used by the garbage collector.
- * @LEB_FREED: the logical eraseblock was freed and is ready to use
- * @LEB_FREED_IDX: indexing LEB was freed and can be used only after the commit
- * @LEB_RETAINED: the logical eraseblock was freed and retained for GC purposes
- */
-enum {
- * struct ubifs_old_idx - index node obsoleted since last commit start.
- * @rb: rb-tree node
- * @lnum: LEB number of obsoleted index node
- * @offs: offset of obsoleted index node
- */
-struct ubifs_old_idx {
- struct rb_node rb;
- int lnum;
- int offs;
-/* The below union makes it easier to deal with keys */
-union ubifs_key {
- uint8_t u8[CUR_MAX_KEY_LEN];
- uint32_t u32[CUR_MAX_KEY_LEN/4];
- uint64_t u64[CUR_MAX_KEY_LEN/8];
- __le32 j32[CUR_MAX_KEY_LEN/4];
- * struct ubifs_scan_node - UBIFS scanned node information.
- * @list: list of scanned nodes
- * @key: key of node scanned (if it has one)
- * @sqnum: sequence number
- * @type: type of node scanned
- * @offs: offset with LEB of node scanned
- * @len: length of node scanned
- * @node: raw node
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_node {
- struct list_head list;
- union ubifs_key key;
- unsigned long long sqnum;
- int type;
- int offs;
- int len;
- void *node;
- * struct ubifs_scan_leb - UBIFS scanned LEB information.
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @nodes_cnt: number of nodes scanned
- * @nodes: list of struct ubifs_scan_node
- * @endpt: end point (and therefore the start of empty space)
- * @ecc: read returned -EBADMSG
- * @buf: buffer containing entire LEB scanned
- */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb {
- int lnum;
- int nodes_cnt;
- struct list_head nodes;
- int endpt;
- int ecc;
- void *buf;
- * struct ubifs_gced_idx_leb - garbage-collected indexing LEB.
- * @list: list
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @unmap: OK to unmap this LEB
- *
- * This data structure is used to temporary store garbage-collected indexing
- * LEBs - they are not released immediately, but only after the next commit.
- * This is needed to guarantee recoverability.
- */
-struct ubifs_gced_idx_leb {
- struct list_head list;
- int lnum;
- int unmap;
- * struct ubifs_inode - UBIFS in-memory inode description.
- * @vfs_inode: VFS inode description object
- * @creat_sqnum: sequence number at time of creation
- * @del_cmtno: commit number corresponding to the time the inode was deleted,
- * protected by @c->commit_sem;
- * @xattr_size: summarized size of all extended attributes in bytes
- * @xattr_cnt: count of extended attributes this inode has
- * @xattr_names: sum of lengths of all extended attribute names belonging to
- * this inode
- * @dirty: non-zero if the inode is dirty
- * @xattr: non-zero if this is an extended attribute inode
- * @bulk_read: non-zero if bulk-read should be used
- * @ui_mutex: serializes inode write-back with the rest of VFS operations,
- * serializes "clean <-> dirty" state changes, serializes bulk-read,
- * protects @dirty, @bulk_read, @ui_size, and @xattr_size
- * @ui_lock: protects @synced_i_size
- * @synced_i_size: synchronized size of inode, i.e. the value of inode size
- * currently stored on the flash; used only for regular file
- * inodes
- * @ui_size: inode size used by UBIFS when writing to flash
- * @flags: inode flags (@UBIFS_COMPR_FL, etc)
- * @compr_type: default compression type used for this inode
- * @last_page_read: page number of last page read (for bulk read)
- * @read_in_a_row: number of consecutive pages read in a row (for bulk read)
- * @data_len: length of the data attached to the inode
- * @data: inode's data
- *
- * @ui_mutex exists for two main reasons. At first it prevents inodes from
- * being written back while UBIFS changing them, being in the middle of an VFS
- * operation. This way UBIFS makes sure the inode fields are consistent. For
- * example, in 'ubifs_rename()' we change 3 inodes simultaneously, and
- * write-back must not write any of them before we have finished.
- *
- * The second reason is budgeting - UBIFS has to budget all operations. If an
- * operation is going to mark an inode dirty, it has to allocate budget for
- * this. It cannot just mark it dirty because there is no guarantee there will
- * be enough flash space to write the inode back later. This means UBIFS has
- * to have full control over inode "clean <-> dirty" transitions (and pages
- * actually). But unfortunately, VFS marks inodes dirty in many places, and it
- * does not ask the file-system if it is allowed to do so (there is a notifier,
- * but it is not enough), i.e., there is no mechanism to synchronize with this.
- * So UBIFS has its own inode dirty flag and its own mutex to serialize
- * "clean <-> dirty" transitions.
- *
- * The @synced_i_size field is used to make sure we never write pages which are
- * beyond last synchronized inode size. See 'ubifs_writepage()' for more
- * information.
- *
- * The @ui_size is a "shadow" variable for @inode->i_size and UBIFS uses
- * @ui_size instead of @inode->i_size. The reason for this is that UBIFS cannot
- * make sure @inode->i_size is always changed under @ui_mutex, because it
- * cannot call 'vmtruncate()' with @ui_mutex locked, because it would deadlock
- * with 'ubifs_writepage()' (see file.c). All the other inode fields are
- * changed under @ui_mutex, so they do not need "shadow" fields. Note, one
- * could consider to rework locking and base it on "shadow" fields.
- */
-struct ubifs_inode {
- struct inode vfs_inode;
- unsigned long long creat_sqnum;
- unsigned long long del_cmtno;
- unsigned int xattr_size;
- unsigned int xattr_cnt;
- unsigned int xattr_names;
- unsigned int dirty:1;
- unsigned int xattr:1;
- unsigned int bulk_read:1;
- unsigned int compr_type:2;
- struct mutex ui_mutex;
- spinlock_t ui_lock;
- loff_t synced_i_size;
- loff_t ui_size;
- int flags;
- pgoff_t last_page_read;
- pgoff_t read_in_a_row;
- int data_len;
- void *data;
- * struct ubifs_unclean_leb - records a LEB recovered under read-only mode.
- * @list: list
- * @lnum: LEB number of recovered LEB
- * @endpt: offset where recovery ended
- *
- * This structure records a LEB identified during recovery that needs to be
- * cleaned but was not because UBIFS was mounted read-only. The information
- * is used to clean the LEB when remounting to read-write mode.
- */
-struct ubifs_unclean_leb {
- struct list_head list;
- int lnum;
- int endpt;
- * LEB properties flags.
- *
- * LPROPS_UNCAT: not categorized
- * LPROPS_DIRTY: dirty > free, dirty >= @c->dead_wm, not index
- * LPROPS_DIRTY_IDX: dirty + free > @c->min_idx_node_sze and index
- * LPROPS_FREE: free > 0, dirty < @c->dead_wm, not empty, not index
- * LPROPS_HEAP_CNT: number of heaps used for storing categorized LEBs
- * LPROPS_EMPTY: LEB is empty, not taken
- * LPROPS_FREEABLE: free + dirty == leb_size, not index, not taken
- * LPROPS_FRDI_IDX: free + dirty == leb_size and index, may be taken
- * LPROPS_CAT_MASK: mask for the LEB categories above
- * LPROPS_TAKEN: LEB was taken (this flag is not saved on the media)
- * LPROPS_INDEX: LEB contains indexing nodes (this flag also exists on flash)
- */
-enum {
- * struct ubifs_lprops - logical eraseblock properties.
- * @free: amount of free space in bytes
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space in bytes
- * @flags: LEB properties flags (see above)
- * @lnum: LEB number
- * @list: list of same-category lprops (for LPROPS_EMPTY and LPROPS_FREEABLE)
- * @hpos: heap position in heap of same-category lprops (other categories)
- */
-struct ubifs_lprops {
- int free;
- int dirty;
- int flags;
- int lnum;
- union {
- struct list_head list;
- int hpos;
- };
- * struct ubifs_lpt_lprops - LPT logical eraseblock properties.
- * @free: amount of free space in bytes
- * @dirty: amount of dirty space in bytes
- * @tgc: trivial GC flag (1 => unmap after commit end)
- * @cmt: commit flag (1 => reserved for commit)
- */
-struct ubifs_lpt_lprops {
- int free;
- int dirty;
- unsigned tgc:1;
- unsigned cmt:1;
- * struct ubifs_lp_stats - statistics of eraseblocks in the main area.
- * @empty_lebs: number of empty LEBs
- * @taken_empty_lebs: number of taken LEBs
- * @idx_lebs: number of indexing LEBs
- * @total_free: total free space in bytes (includes all LEBs)
- * @total_dirty: total dirty space in bytes (includes all LEBs)
- * @total_used: total used space in bytes (does not include index LEBs)
- * @total_dead: total dead space in bytes (does not include index LEBs)
- * @total_dark: total dark space in bytes (does not include index LEBs)
- *
- * The @taken_empty_lebs field counts the LEBs that are in the transient state
- * of having been "taken" for use but not yet written to. @taken_empty_lebs is
- * needed to account correctly for @gc_lnum, otherwise @empty_lebs could be
- * used by itself (in which case 'unused_lebs' would be a better name). In the
- * case of @gc_lnum, it is "taken" at mount time or whenever a LEB is retained
- * by GC, but unlike other empty LEBs that are "taken", it may not be written
- * straight away (i.e. before the next commit start or unmount), so either
- * @gc_lnum must be specially accounted for, or the current approach followed
- * i.e. count it under @taken_empty_lebs.
- *
- * @empty_lebs includes @taken_empty_lebs.
- *
- * @total_used, @total_dead and @total_dark fields do not account indexing
- * LEBs.
- */
-struct ubifs_lp_stats {
- int empty_lebs;
- int taken_empty_lebs;
- int idx_lebs;
- long long total_free;
- long long total_dirty;
- long long total_used;
- long long total_dead;
- long long total_dark;
-struct ubifs_nnode;
- * struct ubifs_cnode - LEB Properties Tree common node.
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @cnext: next cnode to commit
- * @flags: flags (%DIRTY_LPT_NODE or %OBSOLETE_LPT_NODE)
- * @iip: index in parent
- * @level: level in the tree (zero for pnodes, greater than zero for nnodes)
- * @num: node number
- */
-struct ubifs_cnode {
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent;
- struct ubifs_cnode *cnext;
- unsigned long flags;
- int iip;
- int level;
- int num;
- * struct ubifs_pnode - LEB Properties Tree leaf node.
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @cnext: next cnode to commit
- * @flags: flags (%DIRTY_LPT_NODE or %OBSOLETE_LPT_NODE)
- * @iip: index in parent
- * @level: level in the tree (always zero for pnodes)
- * @num: node number
- * @lprops: LEB properties array
- */
-struct ubifs_pnode {
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent;
- struct ubifs_cnode *cnext;
- unsigned long flags;
- int iip;
- int level;
- int num;
- struct ubifs_lprops lprops[UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT];
- * struct ubifs_nbranch - LEB Properties Tree internal node branch.
- * @lnum: LEB number of child
- * @offs: offset of child
- * @nnode: nnode child
- * @pnode: pnode child
- * @cnode: cnode child
- */
-struct ubifs_nbranch {
- int lnum;
- int offs;
- union {
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
- struct ubifs_cnode *cnode;
- };
- * struct ubifs_nnode - LEB Properties Tree internal node.
- * @parent: parent nnode
- * @cnext: next cnode to commit
- * @flags: flags (%DIRTY_LPT_NODE or %OBSOLETE_LPT_NODE)
- * @iip: index in parent
- * @level: level in the tree (always greater than zero for nnodes)
- * @num: node number
- * @nbranch: branches to child nodes
- */
-struct ubifs_nnode {
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent;
- struct ubifs_cnode *cnext;
- unsigned long flags;
- int iip;
- int level;
- int num;
- struct ubifs_nbranch nbranch[UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT];
- * struct ubifs_lpt_heap - heap of categorized lprops.
- * @arr: heap array
- * @cnt: number in heap
- * @max_cnt: maximum number allowed in heap
- *
- * There are %LPROPS_HEAP_CNT heaps.
- */
-struct ubifs_lpt_heap {
- struct ubifs_lprops **arr;
- int cnt;
- int max_cnt;
- * Return codes for LPT scan callback function.
- *
- * LPT_SCAN_CONTINUE: continue scanning
- * LPT_SCAN_ADD: add the LEB properties scanned to the tree in memory
- * LPT_SCAN_STOP: stop scanning
- */
-enum {
-struct ubifs_info;
-/* Callback used by the 'ubifs_lpt_scan_nolock()' function */
-typedef int (*ubifs_lpt_scan_callback)(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
- int in_tree, void *data);
- * struct ubifs_wbuf - UBIFS write-buffer.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @buf: write-buffer (of min. flash I/O unit size)
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number the write-buffer points to
- * @offs: write-buffer offset in this logical eraseblock
- * @avail: number of bytes available in the write-buffer
- * @used: number of used bytes in the write-buffer
- * @dtype: type of data stored in this LEB (%UBI_LONGTERM, %UBI_SHORTTERM,
- * @jhead: journal head the mutex belongs to (note, needed only to shut lockdep
- * up by 'mutex_lock_nested()).
- * @sync_callback: write-buffer synchronization callback
- * @io_mutex: serializes write-buffer I/O
- * @lock: serializes @buf, @lnum, @offs, @avail, @used, @next_ino and @inodes
- * fields
- * @timer: write-buffer timer
- * @timeout: timer expire interval in jiffies
- * @need_sync: it is set if its timer expired and needs sync
- * @next_ino: points to the next position of the following inode number
- * @inodes: stores the inode numbers of the nodes which are in wbuf
- *
- * The write-buffer synchronization callback is called when the write-buffer is
- * synchronized in order to notify how much space was wasted due to
- * write-buffer padding and how much free space is left in the LEB.
- *
- * Note: the fields @buf, @lnum, @offs, @avail and @used can be read under
- * spin-lock or mutex because they are written under both mutex and spin-lock.
- * @buf is appended to under mutex but overwritten under both mutex and
- * spin-lock. Thus the data between @buf and @buf + @used can be read under
- * spinlock.
- */
-struct ubifs_wbuf {
- struct ubifs_info *c;
- void *buf;
- int lnum;
- int offs;
- int avail;
- int used;
- int dtype;
- int jhead;
- int (*sync_callback)(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int pad);
- struct mutex io_mutex;
- spinlock_t lock;
- int timeout;
- int need_sync;
- int next_ino;
- ino_t *inodes;
- * struct ubifs_bud - bud logical eraseblock.
- * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
- * @start: where the (uncommitted) bud data starts
- * @jhead: journal head number this bud belongs to
- * @list: link in the list buds belonging to the same journal head
- * @rb: link in the tree of all buds
- */
-struct ubifs_bud {
- int lnum;
- int start;
- int jhead;
- struct list_head list;
- struct rb_node rb;
- * struct ubifs_jhead - journal head.
- * @wbuf: head's write-buffer
- * @buds_list: list of bud LEBs belonging to this journal head
- *
- * Note, the @buds list is protected by the @c->buds_lock.
- */
-struct ubifs_jhead {
- struct ubifs_wbuf wbuf;
- struct list_head buds_list;
- * struct ubifs_zbranch - key/coordinate/length branch stored in znodes.
- * @key: key
- * @znode: znode address in memory
- * @lnum: LEB number of the target node (indexing node or data node)
- * @offs: target node offset within @lnum
- * @len: target node length
- */
-struct ubifs_zbranch {
- union ubifs_key key;
- union {
- struct ubifs_znode *znode;
- void *leaf;
- };
- int lnum;
- int offs;
- int len;
- * struct ubifs_znode - in-memory representation of an indexing node.
- * @parent: parent znode or NULL if it is the root
- * @cnext: next znode to commit
- * @flags: znode flags (%DIRTY_ZNODE, %COW_ZNODE or %OBSOLETE_ZNODE)
- * @time: last access time (seconds)
- * @level: level of the entry in the TNC tree
- * @child_cnt: count of child znodes
- * @iip: index in parent's zbranch array
- * @alt: lower bound of key range has altered i.e. child inserted at slot 0
- * @lnum: LEB number of the corresponding indexing node
- * @offs: offset of the corresponding indexing node
- * @len: length of the corresponding indexing node
- * @zbranch: array of znode branches (@c->fanout elements)
- */
-struct ubifs_znode {
- struct ubifs_znode *parent;
- struct ubifs_znode *cnext;
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned long time;
- int level;
- int child_cnt;
- int iip;
- int alt;
- int lnum, offs, len;
- struct ubifs_zbranch zbranch[];
- * struct bu_info - bulk-read information.
- * @key: first data node key
- * @zbranch: zbranches of data nodes to bulk read
- * @buf: buffer to read into
- * @buf_len: buffer length
- * @gc_seq: GC sequence number to detect races with GC
- * @cnt: number of data nodes for bulk read
- * @blk_cnt: number of data blocks including holes
- * @oef: end of file reached
- */
-struct bu_info {
- union ubifs_key key;
- struct ubifs_zbranch zbranch[UBIFS_MAX_BULK_READ];
- void *buf;
- int buf_len;
- int gc_seq;
- int cnt;
- int blk_cnt;
- int eof;
- * struct ubifs_node_range - node length range description data structure.
- * @len: fixed node length
- * @min_len: minimum possible node length
- * @max_len: maximum possible node length
- *
- * If @max_len is %0, the node has fixed length @len.
- */
-struct ubifs_node_range {
- union {
- int len;
- int min_len;
- };
- int max_len;
- * struct ubifs_compressor - UBIFS compressor description structure.
- * @compr_type: compressor type (%UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
- * @cc: cryptoapi compressor handle
- * @comp_mutex: mutex used during compression
- * @decomp_mutex: mutex used during decompression
- * @name: compressor name
- * @capi_name: cryptoapi compressor name
- */
-struct ubifs_compressor {
- int compr_type;
- char *name;
- char *capi_name;
- int (*decompress)(const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len,
- unsigned char *out, size_t *out_len);
- * struct ubifs_budget_req - budget requirements of an operation.
- *
- * @fast: non-zero if the budgeting should try to acquire budget quickly and
- * should not try to call write-back
- * @recalculate: non-zero if @idx_growth, @data_growth, and @dd_growth fields
- * have to be re-calculated
- * @new_page: non-zero if the operation adds a new page
- * @dirtied_page: non-zero if the operation makes a page dirty
- * @new_dent: non-zero if the operation adds a new directory entry
- * @mod_dent: non-zero if the operation removes or modifies an existing
- * directory entry
- * @new_ino: non-zero if the operation adds a new inode
- * @new_ino_d: now much data newly created inode contains
- * @dirtied_ino: how many inodes the operation makes dirty
- * @dirtied_ino_d: now much data dirtied inode contains
- * @idx_growth: how much the index will supposedly grow
- * @data_growth: how much new data the operation will supposedly add
- * @dd_growth: how much data that makes other data dirty the operation will
- * supposedly add
- *
- * @idx_growth, @data_growth and @dd_growth are not used in budget request. The
- * budgeting subsystem caches index and data growth values there to avoid
- * re-calculating them when the budget is released. However, if @idx_growth is
- * %-1, it is calculated by the release function using other fields.
- *
- * An inode may contain 4KiB of data at max., thus the widths of @new_ino_d
- * is 13 bits, and @dirtied_ino_d - 15, because up to 4 inodes may be made
- * dirty by the re-name operation.
- *
- * Note, UBIFS aligns node lengths to 8-bytes boundary, so the requester has to
- * make sure the amount of inode data which contribute to @new_ino_d and
- * @dirtied_ino_d fields are aligned.
- */
-struct ubifs_budget_req {
- unsigned int fast:1;
- unsigned int recalculate:1;
-#ifndef UBIFS_DEBUG
- unsigned int new_page:1;
- unsigned int dirtied_page:1;
- unsigned int new_dent:1;
- unsigned int mod_dent:1;
- unsigned int new_ino:1;
- unsigned int new_ino_d:13;
- unsigned int dirtied_ino:4;
- unsigned int dirtied_ino_d:15;
- /* Not bit-fields to check for overflows */
- unsigned int new_page;
- unsigned int dirtied_page;
- unsigned int new_dent;
- unsigned int mod_dent;
- unsigned int new_ino;
- unsigned int new_ino_d;
- unsigned int dirtied_ino;
- unsigned int dirtied_ino_d;
- int idx_growth;
- int data_growth;
- int dd_growth;
- * struct ubifs_orphan - stores the inode number of an orphan.
- * @rb: rb-tree node of rb-tree of orphans sorted by inode number
- * @list: list head of list of orphans in order added
- * @new_list: list head of list of orphans added since the last commit
- * @cnext: next orphan to commit
- * @dnext: next orphan to delete
- * @inum: inode number
- * @new: %1 => added since the last commit, otherwise %0
- */
-struct ubifs_orphan {
- struct rb_node rb;
- struct list_head list;
- struct list_head new_list;
- struct ubifs_orphan *cnext;
- struct ubifs_orphan *dnext;
- ino_t inum;
- int new;
- * struct ubifs_mount_opts - UBIFS-specific mount options information.
- * @unmount_mode: selected unmount mode (%0 default, %1 normal, %2 fast)
- * @bulk_read: enable/disable bulk-reads (%0 default, %1 disabe, %2 enable)
- * @chk_data_crc: enable/disable CRC data checking when reading data nodes
- * (%0 default, %1 disabe, %2 enable)
- * @override_compr: override default compressor (%0 - do not override and use
- * superblock compressor, %1 - override and use compressor
- * specified in @compr_type)
- * @compr_type: compressor type to override the superblock compressor with
- * (%UBIFS_COMPR_NONE, etc)
- */
-struct ubifs_mount_opts {
- unsigned int unmount_mode:2;
- unsigned int bulk_read:2;
- unsigned int chk_data_crc:2;
- unsigned int override_compr:1;
- unsigned int compr_type:2;
-struct ubifs_debug_info;
- * struct ubifs_info - UBIFS file-system description data structure
- * (per-superblock).
- * @vfs_sb: VFS @struct super_block object
- * @bdi: backing device info object to make VFS happy and disable read-ahead
- *
- * @highest_inum: highest used inode number
- * @max_sqnum: current global sequence number
- * @cmt_no: commit number of the last successfully completed commit, protected
- * by @commit_sem
- * @cnt_lock: protects @highest_inum and @max_sqnum counters
- * @fmt_version: UBIFS on-flash format version
- * @ro_compat_version: R/O compatibility version
- * @uuid: UUID from super block
- *
- * @lhead_lnum: log head logical eraseblock number
- * @lhead_offs: log head offset
- * @ltail_lnum: log tail logical eraseblock number (offset is always 0)
- * @log_mutex: protects the log, @lhead_lnum, @lhead_offs, @ltail_lnum, and
- * @bud_bytes
- * @min_log_bytes: minimum required number of bytes in the log
- * @cmt_bud_bytes: used during commit to temporarily amount of bytes in
- * committed buds
- *
- * @buds: tree of all buds indexed by bud LEB number
- * @bud_bytes: how many bytes of flash is used by buds
- * @buds_lock: protects the @buds tree, @bud_bytes, and per-journal head bud
- * lists
- * @jhead_cnt: count of journal heads
- * @jheads: journal heads (head zero is base head)
- * @max_bud_bytes: maximum number of bytes allowed in buds
- * @bg_bud_bytes: number of bud bytes when background commit is initiated
- * @old_buds: buds to be released after commit ends
- * @max_bud_cnt: maximum number of buds
- *
- * @commit_sem: synchronizes committer with other processes
- * @cmt_state: commit state
- * @cs_lock: commit state lock
- * @cmt_wq: wait queue to sleep on if the log is full and a commit is running
- *
- * @big_lpt: flag that LPT is too big to write whole during commit
- * @no_chk_data_crc: do not check CRCs when reading data nodes (except during
- * recovery)
- * @bulk_read: enable bulk-reads
- * @default_compr: default compression algorithm (%UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
- * @rw_incompat: the media is not R/W compatible
- *
- * @tnc_mutex: protects the Tree Node Cache (TNC), @zroot, @cnext, @enext, and
- * @calc_idx_sz
- * @zroot: zbranch which points to the root index node and znode
- * @cnext: next znode to commit
- * @enext: next znode to commit to empty space
- * @gap_lebs: array of LEBs used by the in-gaps commit method
- * @cbuf: commit buffer
- * @ileb_buf: buffer for commit in-the-gaps method
- * @ileb_len: length of data in ileb_buf
- * @ihead_lnum: LEB number of index head
- * @ihead_offs: offset of index head
- * @ilebs: pre-allocated index LEBs
- * @ileb_cnt: number of pre-allocated index LEBs
- * @ileb_nxt: next pre-allocated index LEBs
- * @old_idx: tree of index nodes obsoleted since the last commit start
- * @bottom_up_buf: a buffer which is used by 'dirty_cow_bottom_up()' in tnc.c
- *
- * @mst_node: master node
- * @mst_offs: offset of valid master node
- * @mst_mutex: protects the master node area, @mst_node, and @mst_offs
- *
- * @max_bu_buf_len: maximum bulk-read buffer length
- * @bu_mutex: protects the pre-allocated bulk-read buffer and @c->bu
- * @bu: pre-allocated bulk-read information
- *
- * @log_lebs: number of logical eraseblocks in the log
- * @log_bytes: log size in bytes
- * @log_last: last LEB of the log
- * @lpt_lebs: number of LEBs used for lprops table
- * @lpt_first: first LEB of the lprops table area
- * @lpt_last: last LEB of the lprops table area
- * @orph_lebs: number of LEBs used for the orphan area
- * @orph_first: first LEB of the orphan area
- * @orph_last: last LEB of the orphan area
- * @main_lebs: count of LEBs in the main area
- * @main_first: first LEB of the main area
- * @main_bytes: main area size in bytes
- *
- * @key_hash_type: type of the key hash
- * @key_hash: direntry key hash function
- * @key_fmt: key format
- * @key_len: key length
- * @fanout: fanout of the index tree (number of links per indexing node)
- *
- * @min_io_size: minimal input/output unit size
- * @min_io_shift: number of bits in @min_io_size minus one
- * @leb_size: logical eraseblock size in bytes
- * @half_leb_size: half LEB size
- * @leb_cnt: count of logical eraseblocks
- * @max_leb_cnt: maximum count of logical eraseblocks
- * @old_leb_cnt: count of logical eraseblocks before re-size
- * @ro_media: the underlying UBI volume is read-only
- *
- * @dirty_pg_cnt: number of dirty pages (not used)
- * @dirty_zn_cnt: number of dirty znodes
- * @clean_zn_cnt: number of clean znodes
- *
- * @budg_idx_growth: amount of bytes budgeted for index growth
- * @budg_data_growth: amount of bytes budgeted for cached data
- * @budg_dd_growth: amount of bytes budgeted for cached data that will make
- * other data dirty
- * @budg_uncommitted_idx: amount of bytes were budgeted for growth of the index,
- * but which still have to be taken into account because
- * the index has not been committed so far
- * @space_lock: protects @budg_idx_growth, @budg_data_growth, @budg_dd_growth,
- * @budg_uncommited_idx, @min_idx_lebs, @old_idx_sz, @lst,
- * @nospace, and @nospace_rp;
- * @min_idx_lebs: minimum number of LEBs required for the index
- * @old_idx_sz: size of index on flash
- * @calc_idx_sz: temporary variable which is used to calculate new index size
- * (contains accurate new index size at end of TNC commit start)
- * @lst: lprops statistics
- * @nospace: non-zero if the file-system does not have flash space (used as
- * optimization)
- * @nospace_rp: the same as @nospace, but additionally means that even reserved
- * pool is full
- *
- * @page_budget: budget for a page
- * @inode_budget: budget for an inode
- * @dent_budget: budget for a directory entry
- *
- * @ref_node_alsz: size of the LEB reference node aligned to the min. flash
- * I/O unit
- * @mst_node_alsz: master node aligned size
- * @min_idx_node_sz: minimum indexing node aligned on 8-bytes boundary
- * @max_idx_node_sz: maximum indexing node aligned on 8-bytes boundary
- * @max_inode_sz: maximum possible inode size in bytes
- * @max_znode_sz: size of znode in bytes
- *
- * @leb_overhead: how many bytes are wasted in an LEB when it is filled with
- * data nodes of maximum size - used in free space reporting
- * @dead_wm: LEB dead space watermark
- * @dark_wm: LEB dark space watermark
- * @block_cnt: count of 4KiB blocks on the FS
- *
- * @ranges: UBIFS node length ranges
- * @ubi: UBI volume descriptor
- * @di: UBI device information
- * @vi: UBI volume information
- *
- * @orph_tree: rb-tree of orphan inode numbers
- * @orph_list: list of orphan inode numbers in order added
- * @orph_new: list of orphan inode numbers added since last commit
- * @orph_cnext: next orphan to commit
- * @orph_dnext: next orphan to delete
- * @orphan_lock: lock for orph_tree and orph_new
- * @orph_buf: buffer for orphan nodes
- * @new_orphans: number of orphans since last commit
- * @cmt_orphans: number of orphans being committed
- * @tot_orphans: number of orphans in the rb_tree
- * @max_orphans: maximum number of orphans allowed
- * @ohead_lnum: orphan head LEB number
- * @ohead_offs: orphan head offset
- * @no_orphs: non-zero if there are no orphans
- *
- * @bgt: UBIFS background thread
- * @bgt_name: background thread name
- * @need_bgt: if background thread should run
- * @need_wbuf_sync: if write-buffers have to be synchronized
- *
- * @gc_lnum: LEB number used for garbage collection
- * @sbuf: a buffer of LEB size used by GC and replay for scanning
- * @idx_gc: list of index LEBs that have been garbage collected
- * @idx_gc_cnt: number of elements on the idx_gc list
- * @gc_seq: incremented for every non-index LEB garbage collected
- * @gced_lnum: last non-index LEB that was garbage collected
- *
- * @infos_list: links all 'ubifs_info' objects
- * @umount_mutex: serializes shrinker and un-mount
- * @shrinker_run_no: shrinker run number
- *
- * @space_bits: number of bits needed to record free or dirty space
- * @lpt_lnum_bits: number of bits needed to record a LEB number in the LPT
- * @lpt_offs_bits: number of bits needed to record an offset in the LPT
- * @lpt_spc_bits: number of bits needed to space in the LPT
- * @pcnt_bits: number of bits needed to record pnode or nnode number
- * @lnum_bits: number of bits needed to record LEB number
- * @nnode_sz: size of on-flash nnode
- * @pnode_sz: size of on-flash pnode
- * @ltab_sz: size of on-flash LPT lprops table
- * @lsave_sz: size of on-flash LPT save table
- * @pnode_cnt: number of pnodes
- * @nnode_cnt: number of nnodes
- * @lpt_hght: height of the LPT
- * @pnodes_have: number of pnodes in memory
- *
- * @lp_mutex: protects lprops table and all the other lprops-related fields
- * @lpt_lnum: LEB number of the root nnode of the LPT
- * @lpt_offs: offset of the root nnode of the LPT
- * @nhead_lnum: LEB number of LPT head
- * @nhead_offs: offset of LPT head
- * @lpt_drty_flgs: dirty flags for LPT special nodes e.g. ltab
- * @dirty_nn_cnt: number of dirty nnodes
- * @dirty_pn_cnt: number of dirty pnodes
- * @check_lpt_free: flag that indicates LPT GC may be needed
- * @lpt_sz: LPT size
- * @lpt_nod_buf: buffer for an on-flash nnode or pnode
- * @lpt_buf: buffer of LEB size used by LPT
- * @nroot: address in memory of the root nnode of the LPT
- * @lpt_cnext: next LPT node to commit
- * @lpt_heap: array of heaps of categorized lprops
- * @dirty_idx: a (reverse sorted) copy of the LPROPS_DIRTY_IDX heap as at
- * previous commit start
- * @uncat_list: list of un-categorized LEBs
- * @empty_list: list of empty LEBs
- * @freeable_list: list of freeable non-index LEBs (free + dirty == leb_size)
- * @frdi_idx_list: list of freeable index LEBs (free + dirty == leb_size)
- * @freeable_cnt: number of freeable LEBs in @freeable_list
- *
- * @ltab_lnum: LEB number of LPT's own lprops table
- * @ltab_offs: offset of LPT's own lprops table
- * @ltab: LPT's own lprops table
- * @ltab_cmt: LPT's own lprops table (commit copy)
- * @lsave_cnt: number of LEB numbers in LPT's save table
- * @lsave_lnum: LEB number of LPT's save table
- * @lsave_offs: offset of LPT's save table
- * @lsave: LPT's save table
- * @lscan_lnum: LEB number of last LPT scan
- *
- * @rp_size: size of the reserved pool in bytes
- * @report_rp_size: size of the reserved pool reported to user-space
- * @rp_uid: reserved pool user ID
- * @rp_gid: reserved pool group ID
- *
- * @empty: if the UBI device is empty
- * @replay_tree: temporary tree used during journal replay
- * @replay_list: temporary list used during journal replay
- * @replay_buds: list of buds to replay
- * @cs_sqnum: sequence number of first node in the log (commit start node)
- * @replay_sqnum: sequence number of node currently being replayed
- * @need_recovery: file-system needs recovery
- * @replaying: set to %1 during journal replay
- * @unclean_leb_list: LEBs to recover when mounting ro to rw
- * @rcvrd_mst_node: recovered master node to write when mounting ro to rw
- * @size_tree: inode size information for recovery
- * @remounting_rw: set while remounting from ro to rw (sb flags have MS_RDONLY)
- * @always_chk_crc: always check CRCs (while mounting and remounting rw)
- * @mount_opts: UBIFS-specific mount options
- *
- * @dbg: debugging-related information
- */
-struct ubifs_info {
- struct super_block *vfs_sb;
- ino_t highest_inum;
- unsigned long long max_sqnum;
- unsigned long long cmt_no;
- spinlock_t cnt_lock;
- int fmt_version;
- int ro_compat_version;
- unsigned char uuid[16];
- int lhead_lnum;
- int lhead_offs;
- int ltail_lnum;
- struct mutex log_mutex;
- int min_log_bytes;
- long long cmt_bud_bytes;
- struct rb_root buds;
- long long bud_bytes;
- spinlock_t buds_lock;
- int jhead_cnt;
- struct ubifs_jhead *jheads;
- long long max_bud_bytes;
- long long bg_bud_bytes;
- struct list_head old_buds;
- int max_bud_cnt;
- struct rw_semaphore commit_sem;
- int cmt_state;
- spinlock_t cs_lock;
- wait_queue_head_t cmt_wq;
- unsigned int big_lpt:1;
- unsigned int no_chk_data_crc:1;
- unsigned int bulk_read:1;
- unsigned int default_compr:2;
- unsigned int rw_incompat:1;
- struct mutex tnc_mutex;
- struct ubifs_zbranch zroot;
- struct ubifs_znode *cnext;
- struct ubifs_znode *enext;
- int *gap_lebs;
- void *cbuf;
- void *ileb_buf;
- int ileb_len;
- int ihead_lnum;
- int ihead_offs;
- int *ilebs;
- int ileb_cnt;
- int ileb_nxt;
- struct rb_root old_idx;
- int *bottom_up_buf;
- struct ubifs_mst_node *mst_node;
- int mst_offs;
- struct mutex mst_mutex;
- int max_bu_buf_len;
- struct mutex bu_mutex;
- struct bu_info bu;
- int log_lebs;
- long long log_bytes;
- int log_last;
- int lpt_lebs;
- int lpt_first;
- int lpt_last;
- int orph_lebs;
- int orph_first;
- int orph_last;
- int main_lebs;
- int main_first;
- long long main_bytes;
- uint8_t key_hash_type;
- uint32_t (*key_hash)(const char *str, int len);
- int key_fmt;
- int key_len;
- int fanout;
- int min_io_size;
- int min_io_shift;
- int leb_size;
- int half_leb_size;
- int leb_cnt;
- int max_leb_cnt;
- int old_leb_cnt;
- int ro_media;
- long long budg_idx_growth;
- long long budg_data_growth;
- long long budg_dd_growth;
- long long budg_uncommitted_idx;
- spinlock_t space_lock;
- int min_idx_lebs;
- unsigned long long old_idx_sz;
- unsigned long long calc_idx_sz;
- struct ubifs_lp_stats lst;
- unsigned int nospace:1;
- unsigned int nospace_rp:1;
- int page_budget;
- int inode_budget;
- int dent_budget;
- int ref_node_alsz;
- int mst_node_alsz;
- int min_idx_node_sz;
- int max_idx_node_sz;
- long long max_inode_sz;
- int max_znode_sz;
- int leb_overhead;
- int dead_wm;
- int dark_wm;
- int block_cnt;
- struct ubifs_node_range ranges[UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT];
- struct ubi_volume_desc *ubi;
- struct ubi_device_info di;
- struct ubi_volume_info vi;
- struct rb_root orph_tree;
- struct list_head orph_list;
- struct list_head orph_new;
- struct ubifs_orphan *orph_cnext;
- struct ubifs_orphan *orph_dnext;
- spinlock_t orphan_lock;
- void *orph_buf;
- int new_orphans;
- int cmt_orphans;
- int tot_orphans;
- int max_orphans;
- int ohead_lnum;
- int ohead_offs;
- int no_orphs;
- struct task_struct *bgt;
- char bgt_name[sizeof(BGT_NAME_PATTERN) + 9];
- int need_bgt;
- int need_wbuf_sync;
- int gc_lnum;
- void *sbuf;
- struct list_head idx_gc;
- int idx_gc_cnt;
- int gc_seq;
- int gced_lnum;
- struct list_head infos_list;
- struct mutex umount_mutex;
- unsigned int shrinker_run_no;
- int space_bits;
- int lpt_lnum_bits;
- int lpt_offs_bits;
- int lpt_spc_bits;
- int pcnt_bits;
- int lnum_bits;
- int nnode_sz;
- int pnode_sz;
- int ltab_sz;
- int lsave_sz;
- int pnode_cnt;
- int nnode_cnt;
- int lpt_hght;
- int pnodes_have;
- struct mutex lp_mutex;
- int lpt_lnum;
- int lpt_offs;
- int nhead_lnum;
- int nhead_offs;
- int lpt_drty_flgs;
- int dirty_nn_cnt;
- int dirty_pn_cnt;
- int check_lpt_free;
- long long lpt_sz;
- void *lpt_nod_buf;
- void *lpt_buf;
- struct ubifs_nnode *nroot;
- struct ubifs_cnode *lpt_cnext;
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap lpt_heap[LPROPS_HEAP_CNT];
- struct ubifs_lpt_heap dirty_idx;
- struct list_head uncat_list;
- struct list_head empty_list;
- struct list_head freeable_list;
- struct list_head frdi_idx_list;
- int freeable_cnt;
- int ltab_lnum;
- int ltab_offs;
- struct ubifs_lpt_lprops *ltab;
- struct ubifs_lpt_lprops *ltab_cmt;
- int lsave_cnt;
- int lsave_lnum;
- int lsave_offs;
- int *lsave;
- int lscan_lnum;
- long long rp_size;
- long long report_rp_size;
- uid_t rp_uid;
- gid_t rp_gid;
- /* The below fields are used only during mounting and re-mounting */
- int empty;
- struct rb_root replay_tree;
- struct list_head replay_list;
- struct list_head replay_buds;
- unsigned long long cs_sqnum;
- unsigned long long replay_sqnum;
- int need_recovery;
- int replaying;
- struct list_head unclean_leb_list;
- struct ubifs_mst_node *rcvrd_mst_node;
- struct rb_root size_tree;
- int remounting_rw;
- int always_chk_crc;
- struct ubifs_mount_opts mount_opts;
- struct ubifs_debug_info *dbg;
-extern spinlock_t ubifs_infos_lock;
-extern struct kmem_cache *ubifs_inode_slab;
-extern const struct super_operations ubifs_super_operations;
-extern const struct address_space_operations ubifs_file_address_operations;
-extern const struct file_operations ubifs_file_operations;
-extern const struct inode_operations ubifs_file_inode_operations;
-extern const struct file_operations ubifs_dir_operations;
-extern const struct inode_operations ubifs_dir_inode_operations;
-extern const struct inode_operations ubifs_symlink_inode_operations;
-extern struct backing_dev_info ubifs_backing_dev_info;
-extern struct ubifs_compressor *ubifs_compressors[UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT];
-/* io.c */
-void ubifs_ro_mode(struct ubifs_info *c, int err);
-int ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, void *buf, int len);
-int ubifs_wbuf_seek_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, int lnum, int offs,
- int dtype);
-int ubifs_wbuf_init(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf);
-int ubifs_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type, int len,
- int lnum, int offs);
-int ubifs_read_node_wbuf(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, void *buf, int type, int len,
- int lnum, int offs);
-int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int lnum,
- int offs, int dtype);
-int ubifs_check_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf, int lnum,
- int offs, int quiet, int must_chk_crc);
-void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int pad);
-void ubifs_prep_grp_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int last);
-int ubifs_io_init(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_pad(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int pad);
-int ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf);
-int ubifs_bg_wbufs_sync(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_wbuf_add_ino_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, ino_t inum);
-int ubifs_sync_wbufs_by_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode);
-/* scan.c */
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf);
-void ubifs_scan_destroy(struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb);
-int ubifs_scan_a_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
- int offs, int quiet);
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_start_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf);
-void ubifs_end_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- int lnum, int offs);
-int ubifs_add_snod(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
- void *buf, int offs);
-void ubifs_scanned_corruption(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
- void *buf);
-/* log.c */
-void ubifs_add_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_bud *bud);
-void ubifs_create_buds_lists(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_add_bud_to_log(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, int lnum, int offs);
-struct ubifs_bud *ubifs_search_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
-struct ubifs_wbuf *ubifs_get_wbuf(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
-int ubifs_log_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int *ltail_lnum);
-int ubifs_log_end_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int new_ltail_lnum);
-int ubifs_log_post_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int old_ltail_lnum);
-int ubifs_consolidate_log(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* journal.c */
-int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
- const struct qstr *nm, const struct inode *inode,
- int deletion, int xent);
-int ubifs_jnl_write_data(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
- const union ubifs_key *key, const void *buf, int len);
-int ubifs_jnl_write_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode);
-int ubifs_jnl_delete_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode);
-int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
- const struct dentry *old_dentry,
- const struct inode *new_dir,
- const struct dentry *new_dentry, int sync);
-int ubifs_jnl_truncate(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
- loff_t old_size, loff_t new_size);
-int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
- const struct inode *inode, const struct qstr *nm);
-int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode1,
- const struct inode *inode2);
-/* budget.c */
-int ubifs_budget_space(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_budget_req *req);
-void ubifs_release_budget(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_budget_req *req);
-void ubifs_release_dirty_inode_budget(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_inode *ui);
-int ubifs_budget_inode_op(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode,
- struct ubifs_budget_req *req);
-void ubifs_release_ino_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode,
- struct ubifs_budget_req *req);
-void ubifs_cancel_ino_op(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode,
- struct ubifs_budget_req *req);
-long long ubifs_get_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c);
-long long ubifs_get_free_space_nolock(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_convert_page_budget(struct ubifs_info *c);
-long long ubifs_reported_space(const struct ubifs_info *c, long long free);
-long long ubifs_calc_available(const struct ubifs_info *c, int min_idx_lebs);
-/* find.c */
-int ubifs_find_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c, int min_space, int *free,
- int squeeze);
-int ubifs_find_free_leb_for_idx(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_find_dirty_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *ret_lp,
- int min_space, int pick_free);
-int ubifs_find_dirty_idx_leb(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_save_dirty_idx_lnums(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* tnc.c */
-int ubifs_lookup_level0(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- struct ubifs_znode **zn, int *n);
-int ubifs_tnc_lookup_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- void *node, const struct qstr *nm);
-int ubifs_tnc_locate(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- void *node, int *lnum, int *offs);
-int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
- int offs, int len);
-int ubifs_tnc_replace(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- int old_lnum, int old_offs, int lnum, int offs, int len);
-int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- int lnum, int offs, int len, const struct qstr *nm);
-int ubifs_tnc_remove(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key);
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
- const struct qstr *nm);
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_range(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *from_key,
- union ubifs_key *to_key);
-int ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum);
-struct ubifs_dent_node *ubifs_tnc_next_ent(struct ubifs_info *c,
- union ubifs_key *key,
- const struct qstr *nm);
-void ubifs_tnc_close(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_tnc_has_node(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key, int level,
- int lnum, int offs, int is_idx);
-int ubifs_dirty_idx_node(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key, int level,
- int lnum, int offs);
-/* Shared by tnc.c for tnc_commit.c */
-void destroy_old_idx(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int is_idx_node_in_tnc(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key, int level,
- int lnum, int offs);
-int insert_old_idx_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode *znode);
-int ubifs_tnc_get_bu_keys(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bu_info *bu);
-int ubifs_tnc_bulk_read(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bu_info *bu);
-/* tnc_misc.c */
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *zr,
- struct ubifs_znode *znode);
-int ubifs_search_zbranch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_znode *znode,
- const union ubifs_key *key, int *n);
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_first(struct ubifs_znode *znode);
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *znode);
-long ubifs_destroy_tnc_subtree(struct ubifs_znode *zr);
-struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_load_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- struct ubifs_znode *parent, int iip);
-int ubifs_tnc_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
- void *node);
-/* tnc_commit.c */
-int ubifs_tnc_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zroot);
-int ubifs_tnc_end_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* shrinker.c */
-int ubifs_shrinker(int nr_to_scan, gfp_t gfp_mask);
-/* commit.c */
-int ubifs_bg_thread(void *info);
-void ubifs_commit_required(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_request_bg_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_run_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_recovery_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_gc_should_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_wait_for_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* master.c */
-int ubifs_read_master(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_write_master(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* sb.c */
-int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c);
-struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_write_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup);
-/* replay.c */
-int ubifs_validate_entry(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_dent_node *dent);
-int ubifs_replay_journal(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* gc.c */
-int ubifs_garbage_collect(struct ubifs_info *c, int anyway);
-int ubifs_gc_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_gc_end_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_destroy_idx_gc(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_get_idx_gc_leb(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_garbage_collect_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lp);
-/* orphan.c */
-int ubifs_add_orphan(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum);
-void ubifs_delete_orphan(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum);
-int ubifs_orphan_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_orphan_end_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_mount_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c, int unclean, int read_only);
-int ubifs_clear_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* lpt.c */
-int ubifs_calc_lpt_geom(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
- int *lpt_lebs, int *big_lpt);
-int ubifs_lpt_init(struct ubifs_info *c, int rd, int wr);
-struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
-struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
-int ubifs_lpt_scan_nolock(struct ubifs_info *c, int start_lnum, int end_lnum,
- ubifs_lpt_scan_callback scan_cb, void *data);
-/* Shared by lpt.c for lpt_commit.c */
-void ubifs_pack_lsave(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int *lsave);
-void ubifs_pack_ltab(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_lpt_lprops *ltab);
-void ubifs_pack_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_pnode *pnode);
-void ubifs_pack_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode);
-struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_get_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
-struct ubifs_nnode *ubifs_get_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
-int ubifs_read_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
-void ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirty);
-void ubifs_add_nnode_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *nnode);
-uint32_t ubifs_unpack_bits(uint8_t **addr, int *pos, int nrbits);
-struct ubifs_nnode *ubifs_first_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, int *hght);
-/* Needed only in debugging code in lpt_commit.c */
-int ubifs_unpack_nnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
- struct ubifs_nnode *nnode);
-/* lpt_commit.c */
-int ubifs_lpt_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_lpt_end_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_lpt_post_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_lpt_free(struct ubifs_info *c, int wr_only);
-/* lprops.c */
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_change_lp(struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lp,
- int free, int dirty, int flags,
- int idx_gc_cnt);
-void ubifs_get_lp_stats(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lp_stats *lst);
-void ubifs_add_to_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
- int cat);
-void ubifs_replace_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *old_lprops,
- struct ubifs_lprops *new_lprops);
-void ubifs_ensure_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops);
-int ubifs_categorize_lprops(const struct ubifs_info *c,
- const struct ubifs_lprops *lprops);
-int ubifs_change_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
- int flags_set, int flags_clean, int idx_gc_cnt);
-int ubifs_update_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
- int flags_set, int flags_clean);
-int ubifs_read_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, struct ubifs_lprops *lp);
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_free(struct ubifs_info *c);
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_empty(struct ubifs_info *c);
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_freeable(struct ubifs_info *c);
-const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* file.c */
-int ubifs_fsync(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry, int datasync);
-int ubifs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr);
-/* dir.c */
-struct inode *ubifs_new_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
- int mode);
-int ubifs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *dentry,
- struct kstat *stat);
-/* xattr.c */
-int ubifs_setxattr(struct dentry *dentry, const char *name,
- const void *value, size_t size, int flags);
-ssize_t ubifs_getxattr(struct dentry *dentry, const char *name, void *buf,
- size_t size);
-ssize_t ubifs_listxattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *buffer, size_t size);
-int ubifs_removexattr(struct dentry *dentry, const char *name);
-/* super.c */
-struct inode *ubifs_iget(struct super_block *sb, unsigned long inum);
-int ubifs_iput(struct inode *inode);
-/* recovery.c */
-int ubifs_recover_master_node(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_write_rcvrd_mst_node(struct ubifs_info *c);
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_recover_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf, int grouped);
-struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_recover_log_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
- int offs, void *sbuf);
-int ubifs_recover_inl_heads(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *sbuf);
-int ubifs_clean_lebs(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *sbuf);
-int ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_recover_size_accum(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key,
- int deletion, loff_t new_size);
-int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c);
-void ubifs_destroy_size_tree(struct ubifs_info *c);
-/* ioctl.c */
-long ubifs_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
-void ubifs_set_inode_flags(struct inode *inode);
-long ubifs_compat_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
-/* compressor.c */
-int __init ubifs_compressors_init(void);
-void __exit ubifs_compressors_exit(void);
-void ubifs_compress(const void *in_buf, int in_len, void *out_buf, int *out_len,
- int *compr_type);
-int ubifs_decompress(const void *buf, int len, void *out, int *out_len,
- int compr_type);
-/* these are used in cmd_ubifs.c */
-int ubifs_init(void);
-int ubifs_mount(char *vol_name);
-void ubifs_umount(struct ubifs_info *c);
-int ubifs_ls(char *dir_name);
-int ubifs_load(char *filename, u32 addr, u32 size);
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "key.h"
-/* todo: Move these to a common U-Boot header */
-int lzo1x_decompress_safe(const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len,
- unsigned char *out, size_t *out_len);
-#endif /* !__UBIFS_H__ */