BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Auto Generated INFO.yaml file"Aric Gardner6 years
stable/fraserdocument update for Fraser release.Narinder Gupta7 years
stable/euphratesmodified as huawei lab moved to new location.Narinder Gupta7 years
stable/danubeFix space gateway processing from JSONMartin Kulhavy8 years
stable/coloradoFix path for lab configAric Gardner9 years
stable/brahmaputraadded the SR1 OpenDayLight build for Beryllium.Narinder Gupta9 years
opnfv-6.1.0commit ff656d6b0f...Aric Gardner7 years
opnfv-6.0.0commit 266a4fd08b...Trevor Bramwell7 years
opnfv-5.1.0commit d99bef0e89...Narinder Gupta7 years
opnfv-5.1.RC1commit d99bef0e89...Narinder Gupta7 years
opnfv-5.0.0commit 520f921f6e...Narinder Gupta7 years
opnfv-5.0.RC1commit 520f921f6e...Narinder Gupta7 years
danube.3.0commit 43c42ad2d8...Narinder Gupta8 years
danube.2.0commit c29eb81f79...Narinder Gupta8 years
danube.1.0commit 7cedf5645a...Narinder Gupta8 years
colorado.1.0commit 78ff341431...Narinder Gupta9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-03-30adding new scenraio documentation and updated the current one.danube.1.0Narinder Gupta10-36/+728
2017-03-29Merge "changing the user guide draft version." into stable/danubeNarinder Gupta2-474/+272
2017-03-28Updated release name and release dateSofia Wallin2-17/+17
2017-03-24changing the user guide draft version.Narinder Gupta2-474/+272
2017-03-23Add interface renaming on maas for heterogeneous hardware configBlaisonneau David2-8/+34
2017-03-21correct of maas deploy and orange pod2 updateBlaisonneau David2-142/+84
2017-03-21Add labels for scenario docsShubhamRathi2-0/+4
2017-03-21configure the VIP accordingly and also change the sequence.Narinder Gupta2-20/+9
2017-03-16fix for mutiple block devices for lxd containers.Narinder Gupta3-3/+3
2017-03-15modfiied to corner the concerns of Orange labs.Narinder Gupta12-156/+95