path: root/docs/dovetailtool/dovetail.tool.configuration.rst
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2016-10-26dovetail tool: developer userguide documentMatthewLi1-0/+35
d='n42' href='#n42'>42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
# Functest

Network virtualization has dramatically modified our architectures which asks
for more automation and powerful testing tools like Functest, a collection of
state-of-the-art virtual infrastructure test suites, including automatic VNF
testing (cf.

In context of OPNFV, Functest verifies any kind of OpenStack and Kubernetes
deployments including production environments. It conforms to upstream rules
and integrates smoothly lots of the test cases available in the opensource
market. It includes about 3000+ functional tests and 3 hours upstream API and
dataplane benchmarks. It’s completed by Virtual Network Function deployments
and testing (vIMS, vRouter and vEPC) to ensure that the platforms meet Network
Functions Virtualization requirements. Raspberry PI is also supported to verify
datacenters as the lowest cost (50 euros hardware and software included).

| Functest releases | Kubernetes releases           |
| v1.22             | v1.22                         |
| v1.23             | v1.23                         |
| v1.24             | v1.24                         |
| v1.25             | v1.25                         |
| v1.26             | v1.26                         |
| **Master**        | **v1.27.0-alpha.0 (rolling)** |

## Prepare your environment

cat env

## Run healthcheck suite

sudo docker run --env-file env \
    -v $(pwd)/config:/home/xtesting/.kube/config \

|     TEST CASE     |     PROJECT      |         TIER        |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
|     k8s_quick     |     functest     |     healthcheck     |      00:18       |      PASS      |
|     k8s_smoke     |     functest     |     healthcheck     |      01:14       |      PASS      |

## Run smoke suite

sudo docker run --env-file env \
    -v $(pwd)/config:/home/xtesting/.kube/config \

|            TEST CASE             |     PROJECT      |      TIER     |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
|        xrally_kubernetes         |     functest     |     smoke     |      13:00       |      PASS      |
|         k8s_conformance          |     functest     |     smoke     |      16:31       |      PASS      |
|      k8s_conformance_serial      |     functest     |     smoke     |      15:34       |      PASS      |
|        sig_api_machinery         |     functest     |     smoke     |      09:01       |      PASS      |
|     sig_api_machinery_serial     |     functest     |     smoke     |      01:24       |      PASS      |
|             sig_apps             |     functest     |     smoke     |      03:45       |      PASS      |
|         sig_apps_serial          |     functest     |     smoke     |      00:31       |      PASS      |
|             sig_auth             |     functest     |     smoke     |      09:04       |      PASS      |
|      sig_cluster_lifecycle       |     functest     |     smoke     |      00:26       |      PASS      |
|       sig_instrumentation        |     functest     |     smoke     |      00:03       |      PASS      |
|           sig_network            |     functest     |     smoke     |      05:43       |      PASS      |
|             sig_node             |     functest     |     smoke     |      28:03       |      PASS      |
|      sig_scheduling_serial       |     functest     |     smoke     |      08:03       |      PASS      |
|           sig_storage            |     functest     |     smoke     |      09:17       |      PASS      |
|        sig_storage_serial        |     functest     |     smoke     |      02:40       |      PASS      |

## Run security suite

sudo docker run --env-file env \
    -v $(pwd)/config:/home/xtesting/.kube/config \

|         TEST CASE         |     PROJECT      |       TIER       |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
|        kube_hunter        |     functest     |     security     |      00:19       |      PASS      |
|     kube_bench_master     |     functest     |     security     |      00:02       |      PASS      |
|      kube_bench_node      |     functest     |     security     |      00:01       |      PASS      |

## Run benchmarking suite

sudo docker run --env-file env \
    -v $(pwd)/config:/home/xtesting/.kube/config \

|           TEST CASE            |     PROJECT      |         TIER         |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
|     xrally_kubernetes_full     |     functest     |     benchmarking     |      33:07       |      PASS      |
|            netperf             |     functest     |     benchmarking     |      40:16       |      PASS      |

## Run cnf suite

sudo docker run --env-file env \
    -v $(pwd)/config:/home/xtesting/.kube/config \

|       TEST CASE       |     PROJECT      |     TIER     |     DURATION     |     RESULT     |
|        k8s_vims       |     functest     |     cnf      |      09:06       |      PASS      |
|       helm_vims       |     functest     |     cnf      |      08:54       |      PASS      |
|     cnf_testsuite     |     functest     |     cnf      |      16:47       |      PASS      |

## Use on air gap environments (no access to Internet)

To test a Kubernetes without access to Internet, repository mirrors needs to be

Currently, all tests supports this feature except cnf conformance.

There's two ways for providing the repository mirrors:

- Give an environment variable (`MIRROR_REPO`) which gives a repository with
  all needed images.
- Gives an environment variable per needed repo:
  - `DOCKERHUB_REPO` for DockerHub repository (``)
  - `GCR_REPO` for Google Cloud repository (``)
  - `K8S_GCR_REPO` for Kubernetes repository (``)
  - `QUAY_REPO` for Quay repository (``)

All needed images are given in

For e2e tests, `` is hardcoded. it does mean that you'll have to set up
a mirror on docker. An example on how to set it up on docker daemon is provided