path: root/cvp/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/resources/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cvp/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/resources/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 410 deletions
diff --git a/cvp/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/resources/ b/cvp/opnfv_testapi/tests/unit/resources/
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-# Copyright (c) 2016 ZTE Corporation
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-import copy
-import httplib
-import unittest
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import json
-from opnfv_testapi.common import message
-from opnfv_testapi.resources import pod_models
-from opnfv_testapi.resources import project_models
-from opnfv_testapi.resources import result_models
-from opnfv_testapi.resources import testcase_models
-from opnfv_testapi.tests.unit import executor
-from opnfv_testapi.tests.unit.resources import test_base as base
-class Details(object):
- def __init__(self, timestart=None, duration=None, status=None):
- self.timestart = timestart
- self.duration = duration
- self.status = status
- self.items = [{'item1': 1}, {'item2': 2}]
- def format(self):
- return {
- "timestart": self.timestart,
- "duration": self.duration,
- "status": self.status,
- 'items': [{'item1': 1}, {'item2': 2}]
- }
- @staticmethod
- def from_dict(a_dict):
- if a_dict is None:
- return None
- t = Details()
- t.timestart = a_dict.get('timestart')
- t.duration = a_dict.get('duration')
- t.status = a_dict.get('status')
- t.items = a_dict.get('items')
- return t
-class TestResultBase(base.TestBase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.pod = 'zte-pod1'
- self.project = 'functest'
- = 'vPing'
- self.installer = 'fuel'
- self.version = 'C'
- self.build_tag = 'v3.0'
- self.scenario = 'odl-l2'
- self.criteria = 'passed'
- self.trust_indicator = result_models.TI(0.7)
- self.start_date = str(
- self.stop_date = str( + timedelta(minutes=1))
- self.update_date = str( + timedelta(days=1))
- self.update_step = -0.05
- super(TestResultBase, self).setUp()
- self.details = Details(timestart='0', duration='9s', status='OK')
- self.req_d = result_models.ResultCreateRequest(
- pod_name=self.pod,
- project_name=self.project,
- installer=self.installer,
- version=self.version,
- start_date=self.start_date,
- stop_date=self.stop_date,
- details=self.details.format(),
- build_tag=self.build_tag,
- scenario=self.scenario,
- criteria=self.criteria,
- trust_indicator=self.trust_indicator)
- self.get_res = result_models.TestResult
- self.list_res = result_models.TestResults
- self.update_res = result_models.TestResult
- self.basePath = '/api/v1/results'
- self.req_pod = pod_models.PodCreateRequest(
- self.pod,
- 'metal',
- 'zte pod 1')
- self.req_project = project_models.ProjectCreateRequest(
- self.project,
- 'vping test')
- self.req_testcase = testcase_models.TestcaseCreateRequest(
- '/cases/vping',
- 'vping-ssh test')
- self.create_help('/api/v1/pods', self.req_pod)
- self.create_help('/api/v1/projects', self.req_project)
- self.create_help('/api/v1/projects/%s/cases',
- self.req_testcase,
- self.project)
- def assert_res(self, result, req=None):
- if req is None:
- req = self.req_d
- self.assertEqual(result.pod_name, req.pod_name)
- self.assertEqual(result.project_name, req.project_name)
- self.assertEqual(result.case_name, req.case_name)
- self.assertEqual(result.installer, req.installer)
- self.assertEqual(result.version, req.version)
- details_req = Details.from_dict(req.details)
- details_res = Details.from_dict(result.details)
- self.assertEqual(details_res.duration, details_req.duration)
- self.assertEqual(details_res.timestart, details_req.timestart)
- self.assertEqual(details_res.status, details_req.status)
- self.assertEqual(details_res.items, details_req.items)
- self.assertEqual(result.build_tag, req.build_tag)
- self.assertEqual(result.scenario, req.scenario)
- self.assertEqual(result.criteria, req.criteria)
- self.assertEqual(result.start_date, req.start_date)
- self.assertEqual(result.stop_date, req.stop_date)
- self.assertIsNotNone(result._id)
- ti = result.trust_indicator
- self.assertEqual(ti.current, req.trust_indicator.current)
- if ti.histories:
- history = ti.histories[0]
- self.assertEqual(, self.update_date)
- self.assertEqual(history.step, self.update_step)
- def _create_d(self):
- _, res = self.create_d()
- return res.href.split('/')[-1]
- def upload(self, req):
- if req and not isinstance(req, str) and hasattr(req, 'format'):
- req = req.format()
- res = self.fetch(self.basePath + '/upload',
- method='POST',
- body=json.dumps(req),
- headers=self.headers)
- return self._get_return(res, self.create_res)
-class TestResultUpload(TestResultBase):
- @executor.upload(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.key_error('file'))
- def test_filenotfind(self):
- return None
-class TestResultCreate(TestResultBase):
- @executor.create(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.no_body())
- def test_nobody(self):
- return None
- @executor.create(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.missing('pod_name'))
- def test_podNotProvided(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.pod_name = None
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.missing('project_name'))
- def test_projectNotProvided(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.project_name = None
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.missing('case_name'))
- def test_testcaseNotProvided(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.case_name = None
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.FORBIDDEN, message.not_found_base)
- def test_noPod(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.pod_name = 'notExistPod'
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.FORBIDDEN, message.not_found_base)
- def test_noProject(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.project_name = 'notExistProject'
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.FORBIDDEN, message.not_found_base)
- def test_noTestcase(self):
- req = self.req_d
- req.case_name = 'notExistTestcase'
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.OK, 'assert_href')
- def test_success(self):
- return self.req_d
- @executor.create(httplib.OK, 'assert_href')
- def test_key_with_doc(self):
- req = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- req.details = {'': 'dot_name'}
- return req
- @executor.create(httplib.OK, '_assert_no_ti')
- def test_no_ti(self):
- req = result_models.ResultCreateRequest(pod_name=self.pod,
- project_name=self.project,
- installer=self.installer,
- version=self.version,
- start_date=self.start_date,
- stop_date=self.stop_date,
- details=self.details.format(),
- build_tag=self.build_tag,
- scenario=self.scenario,
- criteria=self.criteria)
- self.actual_req = req
- return req
- def _assert_no_ti(self, body):
- _id = body.href.split('/')[-1]
- code, body = self.get(_id)
- self.assert_res(body, self.actual_req)
-class TestResultGet(TestResultBase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestResultGet, self).setUp()
- self.req_10d_before = self._create_changed_date(days=-10)
- self.req_d_id = self._create_d()
- self.req_10d_later = self._create_changed_date(days=10)
- @executor.get(httplib.OK, 'assert_res')
- def test_getOne(self):
- return self.req_d_id
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryPod(self):
- return self._set_query('pod')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryProject(self):
- return self._set_query('project')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryTestcase(self):
- return self._set_query('case')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryVersion(self):
- return self._set_query('version')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryInstaller(self):
- return self._set_query('installer')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryBuildTag(self):
- return self._set_query('build_tag')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryScenario(self):
- return self._set_query('scenario')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryTrustIndicator(self):
- return self._set_query('trust_indicator')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 3)
- def test_queryCriteria(self):
- return self._set_query('criteria')
- @executor.query(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.must_int('period'))
- def test_queryPeriodNotInt(self):
- return self._set_query('period=a')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_period_one', 1)
- def test_queryPeriodSuccess(self):
- return self._set_query('period=5')
- @executor.query(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, message.must_int('last'))
- def test_queryLastNotInt(self):
- return self._set_query('last=a')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_last_one', 1)
- def test_queryLast(self):
- return self._set_query('last=1')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 4)
- def test_queryPublic(self):
- self._create_public_data()
- return self._set_query('')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 1)
- def test_queryPrivate(self):
- self._create_private_data()
- return self._set_query('public=false')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_period_one', 1)
- def test_combination(self):
- return self._set_query('pod',
- 'project',
- 'case',
- 'version',
- 'installer',
- 'build_tag',
- 'scenario',
- 'trust_indicator',
- 'criteria',
- 'period=5')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 0)
- def test_notFound(self):
- return self._set_query('pod=notExistPod',
- 'project',
- 'case',
- 'version',
- 'installer',
- 'build_tag',
- 'scenario',
- 'trust_indicator',
- 'criteria',
- 'period=1')
- @executor.query(httplib.OK, '_query_success', 1)
- def test_filterErrorStartdate(self):
- self._create_error_start_date(None)
- self._create_error_start_date('None')
- self._create_error_start_date('null')
- self._create_error_start_date('')
- return self._set_query('period=5')
- def _query_success(self, body, number):
- self.assertEqual(number, len(body.results))
- def _query_last_one(self, body, number):
- self.assertEqual(number, len(body.results))
- self.assert_res(body.results[0], self.req_10d_later)
- def _query_period_one(self, body, number):
- self.assertEqual(number, len(body.results))
- self.assert_res(body.results[0], self.req_d)
- def _create_error_start_date(self, start_date):
- req = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- req.start_date = start_date
- self.create(req)
- return req
- def _create_changed_date(self, **kwargs):
- req = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- req.start_date = + timedelta(**kwargs)
- req.stop_date = str(req.start_date + timedelta(minutes=10))
- req.start_date = str(req.start_date)
- self.create(req)
- return req
- def _create_public_data(self, **kwargs):
- req = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- req.public = 'true'
- self.create(req)
- return req
- def _create_private_data(self, **kwargs):
- req = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- req.public = 'false'
- self.create(req)
- return req
- def _set_query(self, *args):
- def get_value(arg):
- return self.__getattribute__(arg) \
- if arg != 'trust_indicator' else self.trust_indicator.current
- uri = ''
- for arg in args:
- if arg:
- if '=' in arg:
- uri += arg + '&'
- else:
- uri += '{}={}&'.format(arg, get_value(arg))
- return uri[0: -1]
-class TestResultUpdate(TestResultBase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestResultUpdate, self).setUp()
- self.req_d_id = self._create_d()
- @executor.update(httplib.OK, '_assert_update_ti')
- def test_success(self):
- new_ti = copy.deepcopy(self.trust_indicator)
- new_ti.current += self.update_step
- new_ti.histories.append(
- result_models.TIHistory(self.update_date, self.update_step))
- new_data = copy.deepcopy(self.req_d)
- new_data.trust_indicator = new_ti
- update = result_models.ResultUpdateRequest(trust_indicator=new_ti)
- self.update_req = new_data
- return update, self.req_d_id
- def _assert_update_ti(self, request, body):
- ti = body.trust_indicator
- self.assertEqual(ti.current, request.trust_indicator.current)
- if ti.histories:
- history = ti.histories[0]
- self.assertEqual(, self.update_date)
- self.assertEqual(history.step, self.update_step)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()