Test Results Collector of OPNFV Test Projects
Start Server
Getting setup
Requirements for opnfv-testapi:
* tornado
* epydoc
These requirements are expressed in the requirements.txt file and may be
installed by running the following (from within a virtual environment)::
pip install -r requirements.txt
How to install
From within your environment, just run:
How to run
From within your environment, just run:
This will start a server on port 8000. Just visit http://localhost:8000
For swagger website, just visit http://localhost:8000/swagger/spec.html
Getting setup
Requirements for unittest:
* testtools
* discover
* futures
These requirements are expressed in the test-requirements.txt file and may be
installed by running the following (from within a virtual environment)::
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
How to run
From within your environment, just run::
bash run_test.sh