path: root/yardstick/common/exceptions.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/common/exceptions.py')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/common/exceptions.py b/yardstick/common/exceptions.py
index 4780822a4..010ec6a51 100644
--- a/yardstick/common/exceptions.py
+++ b/yardstick/common/exceptions.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
from oslo_utils import excutils
+from yardstick.common import constants
class ProcessExecutionError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, message, returncode):
@@ -21,6 +23,16 @@ class ProcessExecutionError(RuntimeError):
self.returncode = returncode
+class ErrorClass(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'test' not in kwargs:
+ raise RuntimeError
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ raise AttributeError
class YardstickException(Exception):
"""Base Yardstick Exception.
@@ -54,6 +66,364 @@ class YardstickException(Exception):
return False
+class ResourceCommandError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Command: "%(command)s" Failed, stderr: "%(stderr)s"'
+class ContextUpdateCollectdForNodeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Cannot find node %(attr_name)s'
class FunctionNotImplemented(YardstickException):
message = ('The function "%(function_name)s" is not implemented in '
'"%(class_name)" class.')
+class InvalidType(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Type "%(type_to_convert)s" is not valid'
+class InfluxDBConfigurationMissing(YardstickException):
+ message = ('InfluxDB configuration is not available. Add "influxdb" as '
+ 'a dispatcher and the configuration section')
+class YardstickBannedModuleImported(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Module "%(module)s" cannnot be imported. Reason: "%(reason)s"'
+class IXIAUnsupportedProtocol(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Protocol "%(protocol)" is not supported in IXIA'
+class PayloadMissingAttributes(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Error instantiating a Payload class, missing attributes: '
+ '%(missing_attributes)s')
+class HeatTemplateError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Error in Heat during the creation of the OpenStack stack '
+ '"%(stack_name)s"')
+class IPv6RangeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Start IP "%(start_ip)s" is greater than end IP "%(end_ip)s"'
+class TrafficProfileNotImplemented(YardstickException):
+ message = 'No implementation for traffic profile %(profile_class)s.'
+class TrafficProfileRate(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Traffic profile rate must be "<number>[fps|%]"'
+class DPDKSetupDriverError(YardstickException):
+ message = '"igb_uio" driver is not loaded'
+class OVSUnsupportedVersion(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Unsupported OVS version "%(ovs_version)s". Please check the '
+ 'config. OVS to DPDK version map: %(ovs_to_dpdk_map)s.')
+class OVSHugepagesInfoError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'MemInfo cannnot be retrieved.'
+class OVSHugepagesNotConfigured(YardstickException):
+ message = 'HugePages are not configured in this system.'
+class OVSHugepagesZeroFree(YardstickException):
+ message = ('There are no HugePages free in this system. Total HugePages '
+ 'configured: %(total_hugepages)s')
+class OVSDeployError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'OVS deploy tool failed with error: %(stderr)s.'
+class OVSSetupError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'OVS setup error. Command: %(command)s. Error: %(error)s.'
+class LibvirtCreateError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Error creating the virtual machine. Error: %(error)s.'
+class LibvirtQemuImageBaseImageNotPresent(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Error creating the qemu image for %(vm_image)s. Base image: '
+ '%(base_image)s. Base image not present in execution host or '
+ 'remote host.')
+class LibvirtQemuImageCreateError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Error creating the qemu image for %(vm_image)s. Base image: '
+ '%(base_image)s. Error: %(error)s.')
+class SSHError(YardstickException):
+ message = '%(error_msg)s'
+class SSHTimeout(SSHError):
+ pass
+class IncorrectConfig(YardstickException):
+ message = '%(error_msg)s'
+class IncorrectSetup(YardstickException):
+ message = '%(error_msg)s'
+class IncorrectNodeSetup(IncorrectSetup):
+ pass
+class ScenarioConfigContextNameNotFound(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Context for host name "%(host_name)s" not found'
+class StackCreationInterrupt(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Stack create interrupted.'
+class TaskRenderArgumentError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Error reading the task input arguments'
+class TaskReadError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Failed to read task %(task_file)s'
+class TaskRenderError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Failed to render template:\n%(input_task)s'
+class TimerTimeout(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Timer timeout expired, %(timeout)s seconds'
+class WaitTimeout(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Wait timeout while waiting for condition'
+class PktgenActionError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Error in "%(action)s" action'
+class KubernetesApiException(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Kubernetes API errors. Action: %(action)s, '
+ 'resource: %(resource)s')
+class KubernetesConfigFileNotFound(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Config file (%s) not found' % constants.K8S_CONF_FILE
+class KubernetesTemplateInvalidVolumeType(YardstickException):
+ message = 'No valid "volume" types present in %(volume)s'
+class KubernetesSSHPortNotDefined(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Port 22 needs to be defined'
+class KubernetesServiceObjectNotDefined(YardstickException):
+ message = 'ServiceObject is not defined'
+class KubernetesServiceObjectDefinitionError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Kubernetes Service object definition error, missing '
+ 'parameters: %(missing_parameters)s')
+class KubernetesServiceObjectNameError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Kubernetes Service object name "%(name)s" does not comply'
+ 'naming convention')
+class KubernetesCRDObjectDefinitionError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition Object error, missing '
+ 'parameters: %(missing_parameters)s')
+class KubernetesNetworkObjectDefinitionError(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Kubernetes Network object definition error, missing '
+ 'parameters: %(missing_parameters)s')
+class KubernetesNetworkObjectKindMissing(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Kubernetes kind "Network" is not defined'
+class KubernetesWrongRestartPolicy(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Restart policy "%(rpolicy)s" is not valid'
+class KubernetesContainerPortNotDefined(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Container port not defined in "%(port)s"'
+class KubernetesContainerWrongImagePullPolicy(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Image pull policy must be "Always", "IfNotPresent" or "Never"'
+class KubernetesContainerCommandType(YardstickException):
+ message = '"args" and "command" must be string or list of strings'
+class ScenarioCreateNetworkError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Create Neutron Network Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateSubnetError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Create Neutron Subnet Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteRouterError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Delete Neutron Router Scenario failed'
+class MissingPodInfoError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Missing pod args, please check'
+class UnsupportedPodFormatError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Failed to load pod info, unsupported format'
+class ScenarioCreateRouterError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Create Neutron Router Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioRemoveRouterIntError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Remove Neutron Router Interface Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateFloatingIPError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Create Neutron Floating IP Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteFloatingIPError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Delete Neutron Floating IP Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateSecurityGroupError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Create Neutron Security Group Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteNetworkError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Delete Neutron Network Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateServerError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Create Server Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteServerError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Delete Server Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateKeypairError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Create Keypair Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteKeypairError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Delete Keypair Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioAttachVolumeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Attach Volume Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioGetServerError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Get Server Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioGetFlavorError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Nova Get Falvor Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioCreateVolumeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Cinder Create Volume Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteVolumeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Cinder Delete Volume Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDetachVolumeError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Cinder Detach Volume Scenario failed'
+class ApiServerError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'An unkown exception happened to Api Server!'
+class UploadOpenrcError(ApiServerError):
+ message = 'Upload openrc ERROR!'
+class UpdateOpenrcError(ApiServerError):
+ message = 'Update openrc ERROR!'
+class ScenarioCreateImageError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Glance Create Image Scenario failed'
+class ScenarioDeleteImageError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Glance Delete Image Scenario failed'
+class IxNetworkClientNotConnected(YardstickException):
+ message = 'IxNetwork client not connected to a TCL server'
+class IxNetworkFlowNotPresent(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Flow Group "%(flow_group)s" is not present'
+class IxNetworkFieldNotPresentInStackItem(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Field "%(field_name)s" not present in stack item %(stack_item)s'
+class IncorrectFlowOption(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Flow option {option} for {link} is incorrect'
+class SLAValidationError(YardstickException):
+ message = '%(case_name)s SLA validation failed. Error: %(error_msg)s'
+class AclMissingActionArguments(YardstickException):
+ message = ('Missing ACL action parameter '
+ '[action=%(action_name)s parameter=%(action_param)s]')
+class AclUnknownActionTemplate(YardstickException):
+ message = 'No ACL CLI template found for "%(action_name)s" action'
+class InvalidMacAddress(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Mac address "%(mac_address)s" is invalid'
+class ValueCheckError(YardstickException):
+ message = 'Constraint "%(value1)s %(operator)s %(value2)s" does not hold'
+class RestApiError(RuntimeError):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self._message = message
+ super(RestApiError, self).__init__(message)
+class LandslideTclException(RuntimeError):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self._message = message
+ super(LandslideTclException, self).__init__(message)