path: root/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone
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Diffstat (limited to 'yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone')
3 files changed, 498 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/model.py b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/model.py
index 85ae14b1d..a15426872 100644
--- a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/model.py
+++ b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/model.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import time
@@ -25,17 +24,19 @@ from netaddr import IPNetwork
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from yardstick import ssh
-from yardstick.common.constants import YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH
-from yardstick.common.yaml_loader import yaml_load
+from yardstick.common import constants
+from yardstick.common import exceptions
+from yardstick.common import utils as common_utils
+from yardstick.common import yaml_loader
from yardstick.network_services.utils import PciAddress
from yardstick.network_services.helpers.cpu import CpuSysCores
-from yardstick.common.utils import write_file
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
<domain type="kvm">
- <name>{vm_name}</name>
+ <name>{vm_name}</name>
<memory unit="MB">{memory}</memory>
<currentMemory unit="MB">{memory}</currentMemory>
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ VM_TEMPLATE = """
<vcpu cpuset='{cpuset}'>{vcpu}</vcpu>
- <type arch="x86_64" machine="pc-i440fx-utopic">hvm</type>
+ <type arch="x86_64" machine="{machine}">hvm</type>
<boot dev="hd" />
@@ -80,9 +81,39 @@ VM_TEMPLATE = """
<source bridge="br-int" />
<model type='virtio'/>
- </devices>
+ <serial type='pty'>
+ <target port='0'/>
+ </serial>
+ <console type='pty'>
+ <target type='serial' port='0'/>
+ </console>
+ </devices>
+cat > {user_file} <<EOF
+preserve_hostname: false
+hostname: {host}
+cat > {network_file} <<EOF
+version: 2
+ ens3:
+ match:
+ macaddress: {mac_address}
+ addresses:
+ - {ip_address}
@@ -100,12 +131,17 @@ class Libvirt(object):
def virsh_create_vm(connection, cfg):
- err = connection.execute("virsh create %s" % cfg)[0]
- LOG.info("VM create status: %s", err)
+ LOG.info('VM create, XML config: %s', cfg)
+ status, _, error = connection.execute('virsh create %s' % cfg)
+ if status:
+ raise exceptions.LibvirtCreateError(error=error)
def virsh_destroy_vm(vm_name, connection):
- connection.execute("virsh destroy %s" % vm_name)
+ LOG.info('VM destroy, VM name: %s', vm_name)
+ status, _, error = connection.execute('virsh destroy %s' % vm_name)
+ if status:
+ LOG.warning('Error destroying VM %s. Error: %s', vm_name, error)
def _add_interface_address(interface, pci_address):
@@ -126,7 +162,8 @@ class Libvirt(object):
return vm_pci
- def add_ovs_interface(cls, vpath, port_num, vpci, vports_mac, xml):
+ def add_ovs_interface(cls, vpath, port_num, vpci, vports_mac, xml_str,
+ queues):
"""Add a DPDK OVS 'interface' XML node in 'devices' node
@@ -150,7 +187,7 @@ class Libvirt(object):
vhost_path = ('{0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser{1}'.
format(vpath, port_num))
- root = ET.parse(xml)
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
pci_address = PciAddress(vpci.strip())
device = root.find('devices')
@@ -168,17 +205,17 @@ class Libvirt(object):
model.set('type', 'virtio')
driver = ET.SubElement(interface, 'driver')
- driver.set('queues', '4')
+ driver.set('queues', str(queues))
host = ET.SubElement(driver, 'host')
host.set('mrg_rxbuf', 'off')
cls._add_interface_address(interface, pci_address)
- root.write(xml)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
- def add_sriov_interfaces(cls, vm_pci, vf_pci, vf_mac, xml):
+ def add_sriov_interfaces(cls, vm_pci, vf_pci, vf_mac, xml_str):
"""Add a SR-IOV 'interface' XML node in 'devices' node
@@ -201,7 +238,7 @@ class Libvirt(object):
- root = ET.parse(xml)
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
device = root.find('devices')
interface = ET.SubElement(device, 'interface')
@@ -212,27 +249,53 @@ class Libvirt(object):
mac.set('address', vf_mac)
source = ET.SubElement(interface, 'source')
- addr = ET.SubElement(source, 'address')
pci_address = PciAddress(vf_pci.strip())
- cls._add_interface_address(addr, pci_address)
+ cls._add_interface_address(source, pci_address)
pci_vm_address = PciAddress(vm_pci.strip())
cls._add_interface_address(interface, pci_vm_address)
- root.write(xml)
+ return ET.tostring(root)
- def create_snapshot_qemu(connection, index, vm_image):
- # build snapshot image
- image = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/%s.qcow2" % index
- connection.execute("rm %s" % image)
- qemu_template = "qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=%s %s"
- connection.execute(qemu_template % (vm_image, image))
+ def create_snapshot_qemu(connection, index, base_image):
+ """Create the snapshot image for a VM using a base image
- return image
+ :param connection: SSH connection to the remote host
+ :param index: index of the VM to be spawn
+ :param base_image: path of the VM base image in the remote host
+ :return: snapshot image path
+ """
+ vm_image = '/var/lib/libvirt/images/%s.qcow2' % index
+ connection.execute('rm -- "%s"' % vm_image)
+ status, _, _ = connection.execute('test -r %s' % base_image)
+ if status:
+ if not os.access(base_image, os.R_OK):
+ raise exceptions.LibvirtQemuImageBaseImageNotPresent(
+ vm_image=vm_image, base_image=base_image)
+ # NOTE(ralonsoh): done in two steps to avoid root permission
+ # issues.
+ LOG.info('Copy %s from execution host to remote host', base_image)
+ file_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(base_image))
+ connection.put_file(base_image, '/tmp/%s' % file_name)
+ status, _, error = connection.execute(
+ 'mv -- "/tmp/%s" "%s"' % (file_name, base_image))
+ if status:
+ raise exceptions.LibvirtQemuImageCreateError(
+ vm_image=vm_image, base_image=base_image, error=error)
+ LOG.info('Convert image %s to %s', base_image, vm_image)
+ qemu_cmd = ('qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=%s %s' %
+ (base_image, vm_image))
+ status, _, error = connection.execute(qemu_cmd)
+ if status:
+ raise exceptions.LibvirtQemuImageCreateError(
+ vm_image=vm_image, base_image=base_image, error=error)
+ return vm_image
- def build_vm_xml(cls, connection, flavor, cfg, vm_name, index):
+ def build_vm_xml(cls, connection, flavor, vm_name, index, cdrom_img):
+ """Build the XML from the configuration parameters"""
memory = flavor.get('ram', '4096')
extra_spec = flavor.get('extra_specs', {})
cpu = extra_spec.get('hw:cpu_cores', '2')
@@ -244,6 +307,7 @@ class Libvirt(object):
cpuset = Libvirt.pin_vcpu_for_perf(connection, hw_socket)
cputune = extra_spec.get('cputune', '')
+ machine = extra_spec.get('machine_type', 'pc-i440fx-xenial')
mac = StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address(0x00)
image = cls.create_snapshot_qemu(connection, index,
flavor.get("images", None))
@@ -254,11 +318,13 @@ class Libvirt(object):
memory=memory, vcpu=vcpu, cpu=cpu,
socket=socket, threads=threads,
- vm_image=image, cpuset=cpuset, cputune=cputune)
+ vm_image=image, cpuset=cpuset,
+ machine=machine, cputune=cputune)
- write_file(cfg, vm_xml)
+ # Add CD-ROM device
+ vm_xml = Libvirt.add_cdrom(cdrom_img, vm_xml)
- return [vcpu, mac]
+ return vm_xml, mac
def update_interrupts_hugepages_perf(connection):
@@ -278,6 +344,82 @@ class Libvirt(object):
cpuset = "%s,%s" % (cores, threads)
return cpuset
+ @classmethod
+ def write_file(cls, file_name, xml_str):
+ """Dump a XML string to a file"""
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
+ et = ET.ElementTree(element=root)
+ et.write(file_name, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')
+ @classmethod
+ def add_cdrom(cls, file_path, xml_str):
+ """Add a CD-ROM disk XML node in 'devices' node
+ <devices>
+ <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
+ <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
+ <source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/data.img'/>
+ <target dev='hdb'/>
+ <readonly/>
+ </disk>
+ ...
+ </devices>
+ """
+ root = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
+ device = root.find('devices')
+ disk = ET.SubElement(device, 'disk')
+ disk.set('type', 'file')
+ disk.set('device', 'cdrom')
+ driver = ET.SubElement(disk, 'driver')
+ driver.set('name', 'qemu')
+ driver.set('type', 'raw')
+ source = ET.SubElement(disk, 'source')
+ source.set('file', file_path)
+ target = ET.SubElement(disk, 'target')
+ target.set('dev', 'hdb')
+ ET.SubElement(disk, 'readonly')
+ return ET.tostring(root)
+ @staticmethod
+ def gen_cdrom_image(connection, file_path, vm_name, vm_user, key_filename, mac, ip):
+ """Generate ISO image for CD-ROM """
+ user_config = [" - name: {user_name}",
+ " ssh_authorized_keys:",
+ " - {pub_key_str}"]
+ if vm_user != "root":
+ user_config.append(" sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL")
+ meta_data = "/tmp/meta-data"
+ user_data = "/tmp/user-data"
+ network_data = "/tmp/network-config"
+ with open(".".join([key_filename, "pub"]), "r") as pub_key_file:
+ pub_key_str = pub_key_file.read().rstrip()
+ user_conf = os.linesep.join(user_config).format(pub_key_str=pub_key_str, user_name=vm_user)
+ cmd_lst = [
+ "touch %s" % meta_data,
+ USER_DATA_TEMPLATE.format(user_file=user_data, host=vm_name, user_config=user_conf),
+ NETWORK_DATA_TEMPLATE.format(network_file=network_data, mac_address=mac,
+ ip_address=ip),
+ "genisoimage -output {0} -volid cidata -joliet -r {1} {2} {3}".format(file_path,
+ meta_data,
+ user_data,
+ network_data),
+ "rm {0} {1} {2}".format(meta_data, user_data, network_data),
+ ]
+ for cmd in cmd_lst:
+ LOG.info(cmd)
+ status, _, error = connection.execute(cmd)
+ if status:
+ raise exceptions.LibvirtQemuImageCreateError(error=error)
class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
""" This class handles all the common code for standalone
@@ -287,8 +429,9 @@ class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
super(StandaloneContextHelper, self).__init__()
- def install_req_libs(connection, extra_pkgs=[]):
- pkgs = ["qemu-kvm", "libvirt-bin", "bridge-utils", "numactl", "fping"]
+ def install_req_libs(connection, extra_pkgs=None):
+ extra_pkgs = extra_pkgs or []
+ pkgs = ["qemu-kvm", "libvirt-bin", "bridge-utils", "numactl", "fping", "genisoimage"]
cmd_template = "dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\\n' \"%s\"|grep 'ok installed'"
for pkg in pkgs:
@@ -304,7 +447,7 @@ class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
return driver
- def get_nic_details(cls, connection, networks, dpdk_nic_bind):
+ def get_nic_details(cls, connection, networks, dpdk_devbind):
for key, ports in networks.items():
if key == "mgmt":
@@ -314,11 +457,11 @@ class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
driver = cls.get_kernel_module(connection, phy_ports, phy_driver)
# Make sure that ports are bound to kernel drivers e.g. i40e/ixgbe
- bind_cmd = "{dpdk_nic_bind} --force -b {driver} {port}"
+ bind_cmd = "{dpdk_devbind} --force -b {driver} {port}"
lshw_cmd = "lshw -c network -businfo | grep '{port}'"
link_show_cmd = "ip -s link show {interface}"
- cmd = bind_cmd.format(dpdk_nic_bind=dpdk_nic_bind,
+ cmd = bind_cmd.format(dpdk_devbind=dpdk_devbind,
driver=driver, port=ports['phy_port'])
@@ -351,25 +494,18 @@ class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
return pf_vfs
- def read_config_file(self):
- """Read from config file"""
- with open(self.file_path) as stream:
- LOG.info("Parsing pod file: %s", self.file_path)
- cfg = yaml_load(stream)
- return cfg
def parse_pod_file(self, file_path, nfvi_role='Sriov'):
self.file_path = file_path
nodes = []
nfvi_host = []
- cfg = self.read_config_file()
+ cfg = yaml_loader.read_yaml_file(self.file_path)
except IOError as io_error:
if io_error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- self.file_path = os.path.join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH, file_path)
- cfg = self.read_config_file()
+ self.file_path = os.path.join(constants.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH,
+ file_path)
+ cfg = yaml_loader.read_yaml_file(self.file_path)
nodes.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if str(node["role"]) != nfvi_role])
nfvi_host.extend([node for node in cfg["nodes"] if str(node["role"]) == nfvi_role])
@@ -419,8 +555,41 @@ class StandaloneContextHelper(object):
ip = cls.get_mgmt_ip(connection, node["mac"], mgmtip, node)
if ip:
node["ip"] = ip
+ client = ssh.SSH.from_node(node)
+ LOG.debug("OS version: %s",
+ common_utils.get_os_version(client))
+ LOG.debug("Kernel version: %s",
+ common_utils.get_kernel_version(client))
+ vnfs_data = common_utils.get_sample_vnf_info(client)
+ for vnf_name, vnf_data in vnfs_data.items():
+ LOG.debug("VNF name: '%s', commit ID/branch: '%s'",
+ vnf_name, vnf_data["branch_commit"])
+ LOG.debug("%s", vnf_data["md5_result"])
return nodes
+ @classmethod
+ def check_update_key(cls, connection, node, vm_name, id_name, cdrom_img, mac):
+ # Generate public/private keys if private key file is not provided
+ user_name = node.get('user')
+ if not user_name:
+ node['user'] = 'root'
+ user_name = node.get('user')
+ if not node.get('key_filename'):
+ key_filename = ''.join(
+ 'yardstick/resources/files/yardstick_key-',
+ id_name, '-', vm_name])
+ ssh.SSH.gen_keys(key_filename)
+ node['key_filename'] = key_filename
+ # Update image with public key
+ key_filename = node.get('key_filename')
+ ip_netmask = "{0}/{1}".format(node.get('ip'), node.get('netmask'))
+ ip_netmask = "{0}/{1}".format(node.get('ip'),
+ IPNetwork(ip_netmask).prefixlen)
+ Libvirt.gen_cdrom_image(connection, cdrom_img, vm_name, user_name, key_filename, mac,
+ ip_netmask)
+ return node
class Server(object):
""" This class handles geting vnf nodes
@@ -433,7 +602,7 @@ class Server(object):
for key, vfs in vnf["network_ports"].items():
if key == "mgmt":
- mgmtip = str(IPNetwork(vfs['cidr']).ip)
+ mgmt_cidr = IPNetwork(vfs['cidr'])
vf = ports[vfs[0]]
@@ -450,14 +619,15 @@ class Server(object):
index = index + 1
- return mgmtip, interfaces
+ return mgmt_cidr, interfaces
def generate_vnf_instance(cls, flavor, ports, ip, key, vnf, mac):
- mgmtip, interfaces = cls.build_vnf_interfaces(vnf, ports)
+ mgmt_cidr, interfaces = cls.build_vnf_interfaces(vnf, ports)
result = {
- "ip": mgmtip,
+ "ip": str(mgmt_cidr.ip),
+ "netmask": str(mgmt_cidr.netmask),
"mac": mac,
"host": ip,
"user": flavor.get('user', 'root'),
@@ -500,7 +670,7 @@ class OvsDeploy(object):
StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection, pkgs)
def ovs_deploy(self):
- ovs_deploy = os.path.join(YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH,
+ ovs_deploy = os.path.join(constants.YARDSTICK_ROOT_PATH,
if os.path.isfile(ovs_deploy):
@@ -516,4 +686,6 @@ class OvsDeploy(object):
cmd = "sudo -E %s --ovs='%s' --dpdk='%s' -p='%s'" % (remote_ovs_deploy,
ovs, dpdk, http_proxy)
- self.connection.execute(cmd)
+ exit_status, _, stderr = self.connection.execute(cmd)
+ if exit_status:
+ raise exceptions.OVSDeployError(stderr=stderr)
diff --git a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/ovs_dpdk.py b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/ovs_dpdk.py
index 3755b84e9..c6e19f614 100644
--- a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/ovs_dpdk.py
+++ b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/ovs_dpdk.py
@@ -12,33 +12,34 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os
-import logging
+import io
import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import re
import time
-from collections import OrderedDict
from yardstick import ssh
+from yardstick.benchmark import contexts
+from yardstick.benchmark.contexts import base
+from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone import model
+from yardstick.common import exceptions
+from yardstick.common import utils as common_utils
+from yardstick.network_services import utils
from yardstick.network_services.utils import get_nsb_option
-from yardstick.network_services.utils import provision_tool
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.base import Context
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import Libvirt
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import StandaloneContextHelper
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import Server
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import OvsDeploy
-from yardstick.network_services.utils import PciAddress
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+MAIN_BRIDGE = 'br0'
-class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
+class OvsDpdkContext(base.Context):
""" This class handles OVS standalone nodes - VM running on Non-Managed NFVi
Configuration: ovs_dpdk
- __context_type__ = "StandaloneOvsDpdk"
+ __context_type__ = contexts.CONTEXT_STANDALONEOVSDPDK
'2.6.0': '16.07.1',
@@ -46,36 +47,42 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
'2.7.0': '16.11.1',
'2.7.1': '16.11.2',
'2.7.2': '16.11.3',
- '2.8.0': '17.05.2'
+ '2.8.0': '17.05.2',
+ '2.8.1': '17.05.2'
DEFAULT_OVS = '2.6.0'
- PKILL_TEMPLATE = "pkill %s %s"
+ DEFAULT_USER_PATH = '/usr/local'
def __init__(self):
self.file_path = None
self.sriov = []
self.first_run = True
- self.dpdk_nic_bind = ""
+ self.dpdk_devbind = os.path.join(get_nsb_option('bin_path'),
+ 'dpdk-devbind.py')
self.vm_names = []
- self.name = None
self.nfvi_host = []
self.nodes = []
self.networks = {}
self.attrs = {}
self.vm_flavor = None
self.servers = None
- self.helper = StandaloneContextHelper()
- self.vnf_node = Server()
+ self.helper = model.StandaloneContextHelper()
+ self.vnf_node = model.Server()
self.ovs_properties = {}
self.wait_for_vswitchd = 10
super(OvsDpdkContext, self).__init__()
+ def get_dpdk_socket_mem_size(self, socket_id):
+ """Get the size of OvS DPDK socket memory (Mb)"""
+ ram = self.ovs_properties.get("ram", {})
+ return ram.get('socket_%d' % (socket_id), 2048)
def init(self, attrs):
"""initializes itself from the supplied arguments"""
+ super(OvsDpdkContext, self).init(attrs)
- self.name = attrs["name"]
self.file_path = attrs.get("file", "pod.yaml")
self.nodes, self.nfvi_host, self.host_mgmt = \
@@ -94,34 +101,32 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
LOG.debug("Networks: %r", self.networks)
def setup_ovs(self):
- vpath = self.ovs_properties.get("vpath", "/usr/local")
- xargs_kill_cmd = self.PKILL_TEMPLATE % ('-9', 'ovs')
+ """Initialize OVS-DPDK"""
+ vpath = self.ovs_properties.get('vpath', self.DEFAULT_USER_PATH)
create_from = os.path.join(vpath, 'etc/openvswitch/conf.db')
create_to = os.path.join(vpath, 'share/openvswitch/vswitch.ovsschema')
cmd_list = [
- "chmod 0666 /dev/vfio/*",
- "chmod a+x /dev/vfio",
- "pkill -9 ovs",
- xargs_kill_cmd,
- "killall -r 'ovs*'",
- "mkdir -p {0}/etc/openvswitch".format(vpath),
- "mkdir -p {0}/var/run/openvswitch".format(vpath),
- "rm {0}/etc/openvswitch/conf.db".format(vpath),
- "ovsdb-tool create {0} {1}".format(create_from, create_to),
- "modprobe vfio-pci",
- "chmod a+x /dev/vfio",
- "chmod 0666 /dev/vfio/*",
+ 'killall -r "ovs.*" -q | true',
+ 'mkdir -p {0}/etc/openvswitch'.format(vpath),
+ 'mkdir -p {0}/var/run/openvswitch'.format(vpath),
+ 'rm {0}/etc/openvswitch/conf.db | true'.format(vpath),
+ 'ovsdb-tool create {0} {1}'.format(create_from, create_to),
+ 'modprobe vfio-pci',
+ 'chmod a+x /dev/vfio',
+ 'chmod 0666 /dev/vfio/*',
+ bind_cmd = '%s --force -b vfio-pci {port}' % self.dpdk_devbind
+ for port in self.networks.values():
+ cmd_list.append(bind_cmd.format(port=port.get('phy_port')))
for cmd in cmd_list:
- self.connection.execute(cmd)
- bind_cmd = "{dpdk_nic_bind} --force -b {driver} {port}"
- phy_driver = "vfio-pci"
- for _, port in self.networks.items():
- vpci = port.get("phy_port")
- self.connection.execute(bind_cmd.format(dpdk_nic_bind=self.dpdk_nic_bind,
- driver=phy_driver, port=vpci))
+ LOG.info(cmd)
+ exit_status, _, stderr = self.connection.execute(
+ cmd, timeout=self.CMD_TIMEOUT)
+ if exit_status:
+ raise exceptions.OVSSetupError(command=cmd, error=stderr)
def start_ovs_serverswitch(self):
vpath = self.ovs_properties.get("vpath")
@@ -134,9 +139,6 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
if pmd_cpu_mask:
pmd_mask = pmd_cpu_mask
- socket0 = self.ovs_properties.get("ram", {}).get("socket_0", "2048")
- socket1 = self.ovs_properties.get("ram", {}).get("socket_1", "2048")
ovs_other_config = "ovs-vsctl {0}set Open_vSwitch . other_config:{1}"
detach_cmd = "ovs-vswitchd unix:{0}{1} --pidfile --detach --log-file={2}"
@@ -144,16 +146,23 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
if lcore_mask:
lcore_mask = ovs_other_config.format("--no-wait ", "dpdk-lcore-mask='%s'" % lcore_mask)
+ max_idle = self.ovs_properties.get("max_idle", '')
+ if max_idle:
+ max_idle = ovs_other_config.format("", "max-idle=%s" % max_idle)
cmd_list = [
"mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch",
"mkdir -p {}".format(os.path.dirname(log_path)),
- "ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/{0}/{1} --pidfile --detach".format(vpath,
- ovs_sock_path),
+ ("ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/{0}/{1} --remote=ptcp:6640"
+ " --pidfile --detach").format(vpath, ovs_sock_path),
ovs_other_config.format("--no-wait ", "dpdk-init=true"),
- ovs_other_config.format("--no-wait ", "dpdk-socket-mem='%s,%s'" % (socket0, socket1)),
+ ovs_other_config.format("--no-wait ", "dpdk-socket-mem='%d,%d'" % (
+ self.get_dpdk_socket_mem_size(0),
+ self.get_dpdk_socket_mem_size(1))),
detach_cmd.format(vpath, ovs_sock_path, log_path),
ovs_other_config.format("", "pmd-cpu-mask=%s" % pmd_mask),
+ max_idle,
for cmd in cmd_list:
@@ -163,56 +172,92 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
def setup_ovs_bridge_add_flows(self):
dpdk_args = ""
- dpdk_list = []
vpath = self.ovs_properties.get("vpath", "/usr/local")
version = self.ovs_properties.get('version', {})
ovs_ver = [int(x) for x in version.get('ovs', self.DEFAULT_OVS).split('.')]
- ovs_add_port = \
- "ovs-vsctl add-port {br} {port} -- set Interface {port} type={type_}{dpdk_args}"
- ovs_add_queue = "ovs-vsctl set Interface {port} options:n_rxq={queue}"
- chmod_vpath = "chmod 0777 {0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser*"
- cmd_dpdk_list = [
- "ovs-vsctl del-br br0",
- "rm -rf {0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser*".format(vpath),
- "ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- set bridge br0 datapath_type=netdev",
+ ovs_add_port = ('ovs-vsctl add-port {br} {port} -- '
+ 'set Interface {port} type={type_}{dpdk_args}'
+ '{dpdk_rxq}{pmd_rx_aff}')
+ chmod_vpath = 'chmod 0777 {0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser*'
+ cmd_list = [
+ 'ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br {0}'.format(MAIN_BRIDGE),
+ 'rm -rf {0}/var/run/openvswitch/dpdkvhostuser*'.format(vpath),
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br {0} -- set bridge {0} datapath_type=netdev'.
+ format(MAIN_BRIDGE)
+ dpdk_rxq = ""
+ queues = self.ovs_properties.get("queues")
+ if queues:
+ dpdk_rxq = " options:n_rxq={queue}".format(queue=queues)
- ordered_network = OrderedDict(self.networks)
+ # Sorting the array to make sure we execute dpdk0... in the order
+ ordered_network = collections.OrderedDict(
+ sorted(self.networks.items(), key=lambda t: t[1].get('port_num', 0)))
+ pmd_rx_aff_ports = self.ovs_properties.get("dpdk_pmd-rxq-affinity", {})
for index, vnf in enumerate(ordered_network.values()):
if ovs_ver >= [2, 7, 0]:
dpdk_args = " options:dpdk-devargs=%s" % vnf.get("phy_port")
- dpdk_list.append(ovs_add_port.format(br='br0', port='dpdk%s' % vnf.get("port_num", 0),
- type_='dpdk', dpdk_args=dpdk_args))
- dpdk_list.append(ovs_add_queue.format(port='dpdk%s' % vnf.get("port_num", 0),
- queue=self.ovs_properties.get("queues", 1)))
- # Sorting the array to make sure we execute dpdk0... in the order
- list.sort(dpdk_list)
- cmd_dpdk_list.extend(dpdk_list)
+ affinity = pmd_rx_aff_ports.get(vnf.get("port_num", -1), "")
+ if affinity:
+ pmd_rx_aff = ' other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity=' \
+ '"{affinity}"'.format(affinity=affinity)
+ else:
+ pmd_rx_aff = ""
+ cmd_list.append(ovs_add_port.format(
+ br=MAIN_BRIDGE, port='dpdk%s' % vnf.get("port_num", 0),
+ type_='dpdk', dpdk_args=dpdk_args, dpdk_rxq=dpdk_rxq,
+ pmd_rx_aff=pmd_rx_aff))
# Need to do two for loop to maintain the dpdk/vhost ports.
+ pmd_rx_aff_ports = self.ovs_properties.get("vhost_pmd-rxq-affinity",
+ {})
for index, _ in enumerate(ordered_network):
- cmd_dpdk_list.append(ovs_add_port.format(br='br0', port='dpdkvhostuser%s' % index,
- type_='dpdkvhostuser', dpdk_args=""))
- for cmd in cmd_dpdk_list:
- LOG.info(cmd)
- self.connection.execute(cmd)
- # Fixme: add flows code
- ovs_flow = "ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=%s,action=output:%s"
+ affinity = pmd_rx_aff_ports.get(index)
+ if affinity:
+ pmd_rx_aff = ' other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity=' \
+ '"{affinity}"'.format(affinity=affinity)
+ else:
+ pmd_rx_aff = ""
+ cmd_list.append(ovs_add_port.format(
+ br=MAIN_BRIDGE, port='dpdkvhostuser%s' % index,
+ type_='dpdkvhostuser', dpdk_args="", dpdk_rxq=dpdk_rxq,
+ pmd_rx_aff=pmd_rx_aff))
+ ovs_flow = ("ovs-ofctl add-flow {0} in_port=%s,action=output:%s".
+ format(MAIN_BRIDGE))
network_count = len(ordered_network) + 1
for in_port, out_port in zip(range(1, network_count),
range(network_count, network_count * 2)):
- self.connection.execute(ovs_flow % (in_port, out_port))
- self.connection.execute(ovs_flow % (out_port, in_port))
+ cmd_list.append(ovs_flow % (in_port, out_port))
+ cmd_list.append(ovs_flow % (out_port, in_port))
+ cmd_list.append(chmod_vpath.format(vpath))
- self.connection.execute(chmod_vpath.format(vpath))
+ for cmd in cmd_list:
+ LOG.info(cmd)
+ exit_status, _, stderr = self.connection.execute(
+ cmd, timeout=self.CMD_TIMEOUT)
+ if exit_status:
+ raise exceptions.OVSSetupError(command=cmd, error=stderr)
+ def _check_hugepages(self):
+ meminfo = io.BytesIO()
+ self.connection.get_file_obj('/proc/meminfo', meminfo)
+ regex = re.compile(r"HugePages_Total:\s+(?P<hp_total>\d+)[\n\r]"
+ r"HugePages_Free:\s+(?P<hp_free>\d+)")
+ match = regex.search(meminfo.getvalue().decode('utf-8'))
+ if not match:
+ raise exceptions.OVSHugepagesInfoError()
+ if int(match.group('hp_total')) == 0:
+ raise exceptions.OVSHugepagesNotConfigured()
+ if int(match.group('hp_free')) == 0:
+ raise exceptions.OVSHugepagesZeroFree(
+ total_hugepages=int(match.group('hp_total')))
def cleanup_ovs_dpdk_env(self):
- self.connection.execute("ovs-vsctl del-br br0")
+ self.connection.execute(
+ 'ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br {0}'.format(MAIN_BRIDGE))
self.connection.execute("pkill -9 ovs")
def check_ovs_dpdk_env(self):
@@ -224,13 +269,15 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
supported_version = self.SUPPORTED_OVS_TO_DPDK_MAP.get(ovs_ver, None)
if supported_version is None or supported_version.split('.')[:2] != dpdk_ver[:2]:
- raise Exception("Unsupported ovs '{}'. Please check the config...".format(ovs_ver))
+ raise exceptions.OVSUnsupportedVersion(
+ ovs_version=ovs_ver,
+ ovs_to_dpdk_map=self.SUPPORTED_OVS_TO_DPDK_MAP)
status = self.connection.execute("ovs-vsctl -V | grep -i '%s'" % ovs_ver)[0]
if status:
- deploy = OvsDeploy(self.connection,
- get_nsb_option("bin_path"),
- self.ovs_properties)
+ deploy = model.OvsDeploy(self.connection,
+ utils.get_nsb_option("bin_path"),
+ self.ovs_properties)
def deploy(self):
@@ -241,26 +288,21 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
self.connection = ssh.SSH.from_node(self.host_mgmt)
- self.dpdk_nic_bind = provision_tool(
- self.connection,
- os.path.join(get_nsb_option("bin_path"), "dpdk-devbind.py"))
# Check dpdk/ovs version, if not present install
# Todo: NFVi deploy (sriov, vswitch, ovs etc) based on the config.
- StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection)
- self.networks = StandaloneContextHelper.get_nic_details(self.connection,
- self.networks,
- self.dpdk_nic_bind)
+ model.StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection)
+ self.networks = model.StandaloneContextHelper.get_nic_details(
+ self.connection, self.networks, self.dpdk_devbind)
self.nodes = self.setup_ovs_dpdk_context()
LOG.debug("Waiting for VM to come up...")
- self.nodes = StandaloneContextHelper.wait_for_vnfs_to_start(self.connection,
- self.servers,
- self.nodes)
+ self.nodes = model.StandaloneContextHelper.wait_for_vnfs_to_start(
+ self.connection, self.servers, self.nodes)
def undeploy(self):
@@ -271,16 +313,31 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
# Bind nics back to kernel
- bind_cmd = "{dpdk_nic_bind} --force -b {driver} {port}"
+ bind_cmd = "{dpdk_devbind} --force -b {driver} {port}"
for port in self.networks.values():
vpci = port.get("phy_port")
phy_driver = port.get("driver")
- self.connection.execute(bind_cmd.format(dpdk_nic_bind=self.dpdk_nic_bind,
- driver=phy_driver, port=vpci))
+ self.connection.execute(bind_cmd.format(
+ dpdk_devbind=self.dpdk_devbind, driver=phy_driver, port=vpci))
# Todo: NFVi undeploy (sriov, vswitch, ovs etc) based on the config.
for vm in self.vm_names:
- Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm, self.connection)
+ model.Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm, self.connection)
+ def _get_physical_nodes(self):
+ return self.nfvi_host
+ def _get_physical_node_for_server(self, server_name):
+ node_name, ctx_name = self.split_host_name(server_name)
+ if ctx_name is None or self.name != ctx_name:
+ return None
+ matching_nodes = [s for s in self.servers if s == node_name]
+ if len(matching_nodes) == 0:
+ return None
+ # self.nfvi_host always contain only one host
+ return "{}.{}".format(self.nfvi_host[0]["name"], self._name)
def _get_server(self, attr_name):
"""lookup server info by name from context
@@ -288,7 +345,7 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
Keyword arguments:
attr_name -- A name for a server listed in nodes config file
- node_name, name = self.split_name(attr_name)
+ node_name, name = self.split_host_name(attr_name)
if name is None or self.name != name:
return None
@@ -335,57 +392,78 @@ class OvsDpdkContext(Context):
return result
def configure_nics_for_ovs_dpdk(self):
- portlist = OrderedDict(self.networks)
+ portlist = collections.OrderedDict(self.networks)
for key in portlist:
- mac = StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address()
+ mac = model.StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address()
portlist[key].update({'mac': mac})
self.networks = portlist
LOG.info("Ports %s", self.networks)
- def _enable_interfaces(self, index, vfs, cfg):
+ def _enable_interfaces(self, index, vfs, xml_str):
vpath = self.ovs_properties.get("vpath", "/usr/local")
+ queue = self.ovs_properties.get("queues", 1)
vf = self.networks[vfs[0]]
port_num = vf.get('port_num', 0)
- vpci = PciAddress(vf['vpci'].strip())
+ vpci = utils.PciAddress(vf['vpci'].strip())
# Generate the vpci for the interfaces
slot = index + port_num + 10
vf['vpci'] = \
"{}:{}:{:02x}.{}".format(vpci.domain, vpci.bus, slot, vpci.function)
- Libvirt.add_ovs_interface(vpath, port_num, vf['vpci'], vf['mac'], str(cfg))
+ return model.Libvirt.add_ovs_interface(
+ vpath, port_num, vf['vpci'], vf['mac'], xml_str, queue)
def setup_ovs_dpdk_context(self):
nodes = []
- for index, (key, vnf) in enumerate(OrderedDict(self.servers).items()):
+ hp_total_mb = int(self.vm_flavor.get('ram', '4096')) * len(self.servers)
+ common_utils.setup_hugepages(self.connection, (hp_total_mb + \
+ self.get_dpdk_socket_mem_size(0) + \
+ self.get_dpdk_socket_mem_size(1)) * 1024)
+ self._check_hugepages()
+ for index, (key, vnf) in enumerate(collections.OrderedDict(
+ self.servers).items()):
cfg = '/tmp/vm_ovs_%d.xml' % index
- vm_name = "vm_%d" % index
+ vm_name = "vm-%d" % index
+ cdrom_img = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/cdrom-%d.img" % index
# 1. Check and delete VM if already exists
- Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm_name, self.connection)
+ model.Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm_name,
+ self.connection)
+ xml_str, mac = model.Libvirt.build_vm_xml(
+ self.connection, self.vm_flavor, vm_name, index, cdrom_img)
- _, mac = Libvirt.build_vm_xml(self.connection, self.vm_flavor,
- cfg, vm_name, index)
# 2: Cleanup already available VMs
- for vkey, vfs in OrderedDict(vnf["network_ports"]).items():
- if vkey == "mgmt":
- continue
- self._enable_interfaces(index, vfs, cfg)
+ for vfs in [vfs for vfs_name, vfs in vnf["network_ports"].items()
+ if vfs_name != 'mgmt']:
+ xml_str = self._enable_interfaces(index, vfs, xml_str)
# copy xml to target...
+ model.Libvirt.write_file(cfg, xml_str)
self.connection.put(cfg, cfg)
+ node = self.vnf_node.generate_vnf_instance(self.vm_flavor,
+ self.networks,
+ self.host_mgmt.get('ip'),
+ key, vnf, mac)
+ # Generate public/private keys if password or private key file is not provided
+ node = model.StandaloneContextHelper.check_update_key(self.connection,
+ node,
+ vm_name,
+ self.name,
+ cdrom_img,
+ mac)
+ # store vnf node details
+ nodes.append(node)
# NOTE: launch through libvirt
LOG.info("virsh create ...")
- Libvirt.virsh_create_vm(self.connection, cfg)
+ model.Libvirt.virsh_create_vm(self.connection, cfg)
- # build vnf node details
- nodes.append(self.vnf_node.generate_vnf_instance(self.vm_flavor,
- self.networks,
- self.host_mgmt.get('ip'),
- key, vnf, mac))
return nodes
diff --git a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/sriov.py b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/sriov.py
index 9d8423b5f..e037dd85a 100644
--- a/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/sriov.py
+++ b/yardstick/benchmark/contexts/standalone/sriov.py
@@ -16,49 +16,47 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import logging
import collections
-from collections import OrderedDict
from yardstick import ssh
+from yardstick.benchmark import contexts
+from yardstick.benchmark.contexts import base
+from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone import model
+from yardstick.common import utils
from yardstick.network_services.utils import get_nsb_option
-from yardstick.network_services.utils import provision_tool
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.base import Context
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import Libvirt
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import StandaloneContextHelper
-from yardstick.benchmark.contexts.standalone.model import Server
from yardstick.network_services.utils import PciAddress
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class SriovContext(Context):
+class SriovContext(base.Context):
""" This class handles SRIOV standalone nodes - VM running on Non-Managed NFVi
Configuration: sr-iov
- __context_type__ = "StandaloneSriov"
+ __context_type__ = contexts.CONTEXT_STANDALONESRIOV
def __init__(self):
self.file_path = None
self.sriov = []
self.first_run = True
- self.dpdk_nic_bind = ""
+ self.dpdk_devbind = os.path.join(get_nsb_option('bin_path'),
+ 'dpdk-devbind.py')
self.vm_names = []
- self.name = None
self.nfvi_host = []
self.nodes = []
self.networks = {}
self.attrs = {}
self.vm_flavor = None
self.servers = None
- self.helper = StandaloneContextHelper()
- self.vnf_node = Server()
+ self.helper = model.StandaloneContextHelper()
+ self.vnf_node = model.Server()
self.drivers = []
super(SriovContext, self).__init__()
def init(self, attrs):
"""initializes itself from the supplied arguments"""
+ super(SriovContext, self).init(attrs)
- self.name = attrs["name"]
self.file_path = attrs.get("file", "pod.yaml")
self.nodes, self.nfvi_host, self.host_mgmt = \
@@ -83,21 +81,16 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
self.connection = ssh.SSH.from_node(self.host_mgmt)
- self.dpdk_nic_bind = provision_tool(
- self.connection,
- os.path.join(get_nsb_option("bin_path"), "dpdk_nic_bind.py"))
# Todo: NFVi deploy (sriov, vswitch, ovs etc) based on the config.
- StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection)
- self.networks = StandaloneContextHelper.get_nic_details(self.connection,
- self.networks,
- self.dpdk_nic_bind)
+ model.StandaloneContextHelper.install_req_libs(self.connection)
+ self.networks = model.StandaloneContextHelper.get_nic_details(
+ self.connection, self.networks, self.dpdk_devbind)
self.nodes = self.setup_sriov_context()
LOG.debug("Waiting for VM to come up...")
- self.nodes = StandaloneContextHelper.wait_for_vnfs_to_start(self.connection,
- self.servers,
- self.nodes)
+ self.nodes = model.StandaloneContextHelper.wait_for_vnfs_to_start(
+ self.connection, self.servers, self.nodes)
def undeploy(self):
"""don't need to undeploy"""
@@ -107,7 +100,7 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
# Todo: NFVi undeploy (sriov, vswitch, ovs etc) based on the config.
for vm in self.vm_names:
- Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm, self.connection)
+ model.Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm, self.connection)
# Bind nics back to kernel
for ports in self.networks.values():
@@ -115,13 +108,29 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
build_vfs = "echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/{0}/sriov_numvfs"
+ def _get_physical_nodes(self):
+ return self.nfvi_host
+ def _get_physical_node_for_server(self, server_name):
+ # self.nfvi_host always contain only one host.
+ node_name, ctx_name = self.split_host_name(server_name)
+ if ctx_name is None or self.name != ctx_name:
+ return None
+ matching_nodes = [s for s in self.servers if s == node_name]
+ if len(matching_nodes) == 0:
+ return None
+ return "{}.{}".format(self.nfvi_host[0]["name"], self._name)
def _get_server(self, attr_name):
"""lookup server info by name from context
Keyword arguments:
attr_name -- A name for a server listed in nodes config file
- node_name, name = self.split_name(attr_name)
+ node_name, name = self.split_host_name(attr_name)
if name is None or self.name != name:
return None
@@ -138,8 +147,8 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
except StopIteration:
- raise ValueError("Duplicate nodes!!! Nodes: %s %s",
- (node, duplicate))
+ raise ValueError("Duplicate nodes!!! Nodes: %s %s"
+ % (node, duplicate))
node["name"] = attr_name
return node
@@ -181,7 +190,7 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
# configure VFs...
- mac = StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address()
+ mac = model.StandaloneContextHelper.get_mac_address()
interface = ports.get('interface')
if interface is not None:
self.connection.execute(vf_cmd.format(interface, mac))
@@ -203,10 +212,10 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
slot = index + idx + 10
vf['vpci'] = \
"{}:{}:{:02x}.{}".format(vpci.domain, vpci.bus, slot, vpci.function)
- Libvirt.add_sriov_interfaces(
- vf['vpci'], vf['vf_pci']['vf_pci'], vf['mac'], str(cfg))
self.connection.execute("ifconfig %s up" % vf['interface'])
+ return model.Libvirt.add_sriov_interfaces(
+ vf['vpci'], vf['vf_pci']['vf_pci'], vf['mac'], str(cfg))
def setup_sriov_context(self):
nodes = []
@@ -214,35 +223,52 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
# 1 : modprobe host_driver with num_vfs
- for index, (key, vnf) in enumerate(OrderedDict(self.servers).items()):
+ hp_total_mb = int(self.vm_flavor.get('ram', '4096')) * len(self.servers)
+ utils.setup_hugepages(self.connection, hp_total_mb * 1024)
+ for index, (key, vnf) in enumerate(collections.OrderedDict(
+ self.servers).items()):
cfg = '/tmp/vm_sriov_%s.xml' % str(index)
- vm_name = "vm_%s" % str(index)
+ vm_name = "vm-%s" % str(index)
+ cdrom_img = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/cdrom-%d.img" % index
# 1. Check and delete VM if already exists
- Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm_name, self.connection)
+ model.Libvirt.check_if_vm_exists_and_delete(vm_name,
+ self.connection)
+ xml_str, mac = model.Libvirt.build_vm_xml(
+ self.connection, self.vm_flavor, vm_name, index, cdrom_img)
- _, mac = Libvirt.build_vm_xml(self.connection, self.vm_flavor, cfg, vm_name, index)
# 2: Cleanup already available VMs
- for idx, (vkey, vfs) in enumerate(OrderedDict(vnf["network_ports"]).items()):
- if vkey == "mgmt":
- continue
- self._enable_interfaces(index, idx, vfs, cfg)
+ network_ports = collections.OrderedDict(
+ {k: v for k, v in vnf["network_ports"].items() if k != 'mgmt'})
+ for idx, vfs in enumerate(network_ports.values()):
+ xml_str = self._enable_interfaces(index, idx, vfs, xml_str)
# copy xml to target...
+ model.Libvirt.write_file(cfg, xml_str)
self.connection.put(cfg, cfg)
+ node = self.vnf_node.generate_vnf_instance(self.vm_flavor,
+ self.networks,
+ self.host_mgmt.get('ip'),
+ key, vnf, mac)
+ # Generate public/private keys if password or private key file is not provided
+ node = model.StandaloneContextHelper.check_update_key(self.connection,
+ node,
+ vm_name,
+ self.name,
+ cdrom_img,
+ mac)
+ # store vnf node details
+ nodes.append(node)
# NOTE: launch through libvirt
LOG.info("virsh create ...")
- Libvirt.virsh_create_vm(self.connection, cfg)
+ model.Libvirt.virsh_create_vm(self.connection, cfg)
- # build vnf node details
- nodes.append(self.vnf_node.generate_vnf_instance(self.vm_flavor,
- self.networks,
- self.host_mgmt.get('ip'),
- key, vnf, mac))
return nodes
def _get_vf_data(self, value, vfmac, pfif):
@@ -250,7 +276,8 @@ class SriovContext(Context):
"mac": vfmac,
"pf_if": pfif
- vfs = StandaloneContextHelper.get_virtual_devices(self.connection, value)
+ vfs = model.StandaloneContextHelper.get_virtual_devices(
+ self.connection, value)
for k, v in vfs.items():
m = PciAddress(k.strip())
m1 = PciAddress(value.strip())