path: root/vsperf
diff options
authorRichard Elias <richardx.elias@intel.com>2018-02-28 15:48:00 +0000
committerRichard Elias <richardx.elias@intel.com>2018-03-19 11:15:54 +0000
commit82a17a3d7c59a49105d6f3b2e4044ab19f77b0a0 (patch)
treea581b058b4fe287b317360f5505b3baf96d7e40a /vsperf
parent50658b85db1d848ab1ebfa7daaac8ce479c793b4 (diff)
vsperf: Performance Matrix functionality support
The patch expands the vsperf --test-params argument with list functionality, which enables running multiple tests with different parameters. If more tests are run then parameters provided, the last parameters will be reused. Example: ./vsperf --test-params "['','TRAFFICGEN_PKTSIZE = (64,)']" phy2phy_cont phy2phy_cont CUMULATIVE_PARAMS if true, instead of using the default settings, each test will take the parameters of the previous test before applying it's own. The patch also adds the vsperf --matrix argument which analyzes and compares the results of all the tests run, printing it as a table, as well as saving it into a file in the results directory. MATRIX_METRIC metric used by Performance Matrix to compare tests. JIRA: VSPERF-554 Change-Id: I71530ddf110890612236a7e57039f249609c835b Signed-off-by: Richard Elias <richardx.elias@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Martin Klozik <martinx.klozik@intel.com> Reviewed-by: Al Morton <acmorton@att.com> Reviewed-by: Christian Trautman <ctrautma@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Sridhar Rao <sridhar.rao@spirent.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'vsperf')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/vsperf b/vsperf
index 5589ac39..d205ad1f 100755
--- a/vsperf
+++ b/vsperf
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import sys
import argparse
import re
import time
+import csv
import datetime
import shutil
import unittest
@@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ import glob
import subprocess
import ast
import xmlrunner
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from conf import merge_spec
from conf import settings
import core.component_factory as component_factory
from core.loader import Loader
@@ -42,7 +45,6 @@ from tools import networkcard
from tools import functions
from tools.pkt_gen import trafficgen
from tools.opnfvdashboard import opnfvdashboard
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
@@ -61,40 +63,68 @@ _TEMPLATE_RST = {'head' : os.path.join(_CURR_DIR, 'tools/report/report_head.rst
'tmp' : os.path.join(_CURR_DIR, 'tools/report/report_tmp_caption.rst')
+_TEMPLATE_MATRIX = "Performance Matrix\n------------------\n\n"\
+ "The following performance matrix was generated with the results of all the\n"\
+ "currently run tests. The metric used for comparison is {}.\n\n{}\n\n"
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()
+def parse_param_string(values):
+ """
+ Parse and split a single '--test-params' argument.
+ This expects either 'x=y', 'x=y,z' or 'x' (implicit true)
+ values. For multiple overrides use a ; separated list for
+ e.g. --test-params 'x=z; y=(a,b)'
+ """
+ results = {}
+ if values == '':
+ return {}
+ for param, _, value in re.findall('([^;=]+)(=([^;]+))?', values):
+ param = param.strip()
+ value = value.strip()
+ if param:
+ if value:
+ # values are passed inside string from CLI, so we must retype them accordingly
+ try:
+ results[param] = ast.literal_eval(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ # for backward compatibility, we have to accept strings without quotes
+ _LOGGER.warning("Adding missing quotes around string value: %s = %s",
+ param, str(value))
+ results[param] = str(value)
+ else:
+ results[param] = True
+ return results
def parse_arguments():
Parse command line arguments.
class _SplitTestParamsAction(argparse.Action):
- Parse and split the '--test-params' argument.
+ Parse and split '--test-params' arguments.
- This expects either 'x=y', 'x=y,z' or 'x' (implicit true)
- values. For multiple overrides use a ; separated list for
+ This expects either a single list of ; separated overrides
+ as 'x=y', 'x=y,z' or 'x' (implicit true) values.
e.g. --test-params 'x=z; y=(a,b)'
+ Or a list of these ; separated lists with overrides for
+ multiple tests.
+ e.g. --test-params "['x=z; y=(a,b)','x=z']"
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- results = {}
- for param, _, value in re.findall('([^;=]+)(=([^;]+))?', values):
- param = param.strip()
- value = value.strip()
- if len(param):
- if len(value):
- # values are passed inside string from CLI, so we must retype them accordingly
- try:
- results[param] = ast.literal_eval(value)
- except ValueError:
- # for backward compatibility, we have to accept strings without quotes
- _LOGGER.warning("Adding missing quotes around string value: %s = %s",
- param, str(value))
- results[param] = str(value)
- else:
- results[param] = True
+ if values[0] == '[':
+ input_list = ast.literal_eval(values)
+ parameter_list = []
+ for test_params in input_list:
+ parameter_list.append(parse_param_string(test_params))
+ else:
+ parameter_list = parse_param_string(values)
+ results = {'_PARAMS_LIST':parameter_list}
setattr(namespace, self.dest, results)
class _ValidateFileAction(argparse.Action):
@@ -126,7 +156,7 @@ def parse_arguments():
def list_logging_levels():
"""Give a summary of all available logging levels.
- :return: List of verbosity level names in decreasing order of
+ :return: List of verbosity level names in decreasing order of
return sorted(VERBOSITY_LEVELS.keys(),
@@ -189,9 +219,14 @@ def parse_arguments():
help='settings file')
group.add_argument('--test-params', action=_SplitTestParamsAction,
help='csv list of test parameters: key=val; e.g. '
- 'GUEST_LOOPBACK=["l2fwd"] ...')
+ 'GUEST_LOOPBACK=["l2fwd"] ...'
+ ' or a list of csv lists of test parameters: key=val; e.g. '
group.add_argument('--opnfvpod', help='name of POD in opnfv')
+ group.add_argument('--matrix', help='enable performance matrix analysis',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
@@ -359,6 +394,69 @@ def generate_final_report():
_LOGGER.error('Generatrion of overall test report has failed.')
+def generate_performance_matrix(selected_tests, results_path):
+ """
+ Loads the results of all the currently run tests, compares them
+ based on the MATRIX_METRIC, outputs and saves the generated table.
+ :selected_tests: list of currently run test
+ :results_path: directory path to the results of current tests
+ """
+ _LOGGER.info('Performance Matrix:')
+ test_list = []
+ for test in selected_tests:
+ test_name = test.get('Name', '<Name not set>')
+ test_deployment = test.get('Deployment', '<Deployment not set>')
+ test_list.append({'test_name':test_name, 'test_deployment':test_deployment, 'csv_data':False})
+ test_params = {}
+ output = []
+ all_params = settings.getValue('_PARAMS_LIST')
+ for i in range(len(selected_tests)):
+ test = test_list[i]
+ if isinstance(all_params, list):
+ list_index = i
+ if i >= len(all_params):
+ list_index = len(all_params) - 1
+ if settings.getValue('CUMULATIVE_PARAMS') and (i > 0):
+ test_params.update(all_params[list_index])
+ else:
+ test_params = all_params[list_index]
+ else:
+ test_params = all_params
+ settings.setValue('TEST_PARAMS', test_params)
+ test['test_params'] = copy.deepcopy(test_params)
+ try:
+ with open("{}/result_{}_{}_{}.csv".format(results_path, str(i),
+ test['test_name'], test['test_deployment'])) as csvfile:
+ reader = list(csv.DictReader(csvfile))
+ test['csv_data'] = reader[0]
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ except (Exception) as ex:
+ _LOGGER.error("Result file not found: %s", ex)
+ metric = settings.getValue('MATRIX_METRIC')
+ change = {}
+ output_header = ("ID", "Name", metric, "Change [%]", "Parameters, "\
+ "CUMULATIVE_PARAMS = {}".format(settings.getValue('CUMULATIVE_PARAMS')))
+ if not test_list[0]['csv_data'] or float(test_list[0]['csv_data'][metric]) == 0:
+ _LOGGER.error("Incorrect format of test results")
+ return
+ for i, test in enumerate(test_list):
+ if test['csv_data']:
+ change[i] = float(test['csv_data'][metric])/\
+ (float(test_list[0]['csv_data'][metric]) / 100) - 100
+ output.append([i, test['test_name'], float(test['csv_data'][metric]),
+ change[i], str(test['test_params'])[1:-1]])
+ else:
+ change[i] = 0
+ output.append([i, test['test_name'], "Test Failed", 0, test['test_params']])
+ print(tabulate(output, headers=output_header, tablefmt="grid", floatfmt="0.3f"))
+ with open(results_path + '/result_performance_matrix.rst', 'w+') as output_file:
+ output_file.write(_TEMPLATE_MATRIX.format(metric, tabulate(output, headers=output_header,
+ tablefmt="rst", floatfmt="0.3f")))
+ _LOGGER.info('Performance matrix written to: "%s/result_performance_matrix.rst"', results_path)
def enable_sriov(nic_list):
""" Enable SRIOV for given enhanced PCI IDs
@@ -483,9 +581,6 @@ def list_testcases(args):
print(' {:40} {}'.format('', description[i]))
def vsperf_finalize():
""" Clean up before exit
@@ -665,14 +760,13 @@ def main():
if not os.path.exists(results_path):
_LOGGER.info("Creating result directory: " + results_path)
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
if settings.getValue('mode') == 'trafficgen':
# execute only traffic generator
_LOGGER.debug("Executing traffic generator:")
loader = Loader()
# set traffic details, so they can be passed to traffic ctl
traffic = copy.deepcopy(settings.getValue('TRAFFIC'))
traffic = functions.check_traffic(traffic)
traffic_ctl = component_factory.create_traffic(
@@ -696,7 +790,11 @@ def main():
if args['exact_test_name']:
exact_names = args['exact_test_name']
# positional args => exact matches only
- selected_tests = [test for test in testcases if test['Name'] in exact_names]
+ selected_tests = []
+ for test_name in exact_names:
+ for test in testcases:
+ if test['Name'] == test_name:
+ selected_tests.append(test)
elif args['tests']:
# --tests => apply filter to select requested tests
selected_tests = apply_filter(testcases, args['tests'])
@@ -715,26 +813,50 @@ def main():
# pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
settings_snapshot = copy.deepcopy(settings.__dict__)
- for cfg in selected_tests:
+ for i, cfg in enumerate(selected_tests):
+ settings.setValue('_TEST_INDEX', i)
test_name = cfg.get('Name', '<Name not set>')
+ test_params = settings.getValue('_PARAMS_LIST')
+ if isinstance(test_params, list):
+ list_index = i
+ if i >= len(test_params):
+ list_index = len(test_params) - 1
+ test_params = test_params[list_index]
+ if settings.getValue('CUMULATIVE_PARAMS'):
+ test_params = merge_spec(settings.getValue('TEST_PARAMS'), test_params)
+ settings.setValue('TEST_PARAMS', test_params)
if args['integration']:
test = IntegrationTestCase(cfg)
test = PerformanceTestCase(cfg)
suite.addTest(MockTestCase('', True, test.name))
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except (Exception) as ex:
_LOGGER.exception("Failed to run test: %s", test_name)
suite.addTest(MockTestCase(str(ex), False, test_name))
_LOGGER.info("Continuing with next test...")
- settings.restore_from_dict(settings_snapshot)
+ if not settings.getValue('CUMULATIVE_PARAMS'):
+ settings.restore_from_dict(settings_snapshot)
+ settings.restore_from_dict(settings_snapshot)
+ # Generate and printout Performance Matrix
+ if args['matrix']:
+ generate_performance_matrix(selected_tests, results_path)
# generate final rst report with results of all executed TCs
if settings.getValue('XUNIT'):
output=settings.getValue('XUNIT_DIR'), outsuffix="",