path: root/tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py
diff options
authorChristian Trautman <ctrautma@redhat.com>2017-04-27 16:08:49 -0400
committerChristian Trautman <ctrautma@redhat.com>2017-05-15 10:23:32 -0400
commit7eaeffff1c2976e1022f7716c7eb0c746482824e (patch)
treed5e1dea51a1f2c859241803aea1d017625d0b291 /tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py
parent59aae8c0539ca9632d9ffdcb2788ab715fbff9ec (diff)
xena_pairs: Add pairs topology for 2544 testing
Add xena pairs topology and port removal options for JSON files with RFC2544 testing. Refactored JSON code for better expansion later. Resolved pathing issues related to previous patch allowing for execution of VSPerf from any directory. JIRA: VSPERF-502 Change-Id: Ida60c1223ae0f45f8879351770ab7fdce859b59b Signed-off-by: Christian Trautman <ctrautma@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py b/tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1eed720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pkt_gen/xena/json/xena_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2017 Red Hat Inc & Xena Networks.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Contributors:
+# Dan Amzulescu, Xena Networks
+# Christian Trautman, Red Hat Inc.
+# Usage can be seen below in unit test. This implementation is designed for one
+# module two port Xena chassis runs only.
+Xena JSON module
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import locale
+import logging
+import os
+import scapy.layers.inet as inet
+from tools.pkt_gen.xena.json import json_utilities
+_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_LOCALE = locale.getlocale()[1]
+_CURR_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+class XenaJSON(object):
+ """
+ Parent Class to modify and read Xena JSON configuration files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ json_path=os.path.join(
+ _CURR_DIR, '../profiles/baseconfig.x2544')):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ :param json_path: path to JSON file to read. Expected files must have
+ two module ports with each port having its own stream config profile.
+ :return: XenaJSON object
+ """
+ self.json_data = json_utilities.read_json_file(json_path)
+ self.packet_data = OrderedDict()
+ self.packet_data['layer2'] = None
+ self.packet_data['vlan'] = None
+ self.packet_data['layer3'] = None
+ self.packet_data['layer4'] = None
+ def _add_multistream_layer(self, entity, seg_uuid, stop_value, layer):
+ """
+ Add the multi stream layers to the json file based on the layer provided
+ :param entity: Entity to append the segment to in entity list
+ :param seg_uuid: The UUID to attach the multistream layer to
+ :param stop_value: The number of flows to configure
+ :param layer: the layer that the multistream will be attached to
+ :return: None
+ """
+ field_name = {
+ 2: ('Dst MAC addr', 'Src MAC addr'),
+ 3: ('Dest IP Addr', 'Src IP Addr'),
+ 4: ('Dest Port', 'Src Port')
+ }
+ segments = [
+ {
+ "Offset": 0,
+ "Mask": "//8=", # mask of 255/255
+ "Action": "INC",
+ "StartValue": 0,
+ "StopValue": stop_value,
+ "StepValue": 1,
+ "RepeatCount": 1,
+ "SegmentId": seg_uuid,
+ "FieldName": field_name[int(layer)][0]
+ },
+ {
+ "Offset": 0,
+ "Mask": "//8=", # mask of 255/255
+ "Action": "INC",
+ "StartValue": 0,
+ "StopValue": stop_value,
+ "StepValue": 1,
+ "RepeatCount": 1,
+ "SegmentId": seg_uuid,
+ "FieldName": field_name[int(layer)][1]
+ }
+ ]
+ self.json_data['StreamProfileHandler']['EntityList'][entity][
+ 'StreamConfig']['HwModifiers'] = (segments)
+ def _create_packet_header(self):
+ """
+ Create the scapy packet header based on what has been built in this
+ instance using the set header methods. Return tuple of the two byte
+ arrays, one for each port.
+ :return: Scapy packet headers as bytearrays
+ """
+ if not self.packet_data['layer2']:
+ _LOGGER.warning('Using dummy info for layer 2 in Xena JSON file')
+ self.set_header_layer2()
+ packet1, packet2 = (self.packet_data['layer2'][0],
+ self.packet_data['layer2'][1])
+ for packet_header in list(self.packet_data.copy().values())[1:]:
+ if packet_header:
+ packet1 /= packet_header[0]
+ packet2 /= packet_header[1]
+ ret = (bytes(packet1), bytes(packet2))
+ return ret
+ def add_header_segments(self, flows=0, multistream_layer=None):
+ """
+ Build the header segments to write to the JSON file.
+ :param flows: Number of flows to configure for multistream if enabled
+ :param multistream_layer: layer to set multistream flows as string.
+ Acceptable values are L2, L3 or L4
+ :return: None
+ """
+ packet = self._create_packet_header()
+ segment1 = list()
+ segment2 = list()
+ header_pos = 0
+ if self.packet_data['layer2']:
+ # slice out the layer 2 bytes from the packet header byte array
+ layer2 = packet[0][header_pos: len(self.packet_data['layer2'][0])]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "ETHERNET", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer2).decode(
+ if multistream_layer == 'L2' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=0, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=2)
+ segment1.append(seg)
+ # now do the other port data with reversed src, dst info
+ layer2 = packet[1][header_pos: len(self.packet_data['layer2'][1])]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "ETHERNET", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer2).decode(
+ segment2.append(seg)
+ if multistream_layer == 'L2' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=1, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=2)
+ header_pos = len(layer2)
+ if self.packet_data['vlan']:
+ # slice out the vlan bytes from the packet header byte array
+ vlan = packet[0][header_pos: len(
+ self.packet_data['vlan'][0]) + header_pos]
+ segment1.append(json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "VLAN", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(vlan).decode(_LOCALE)))
+ segment2.append(json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "VLAN", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(vlan).decode(_LOCALE)))
+ header_pos += len(vlan)
+ if self.packet_data['layer3']:
+ # slice out the layer 3 bytes from the packet header byte array
+ layer3 = packet[0][header_pos: len(
+ self.packet_data['layer3'][0]) + header_pos]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "IP", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer3).decode(_LOCALE))
+ segment1.append(seg)
+ if multistream_layer == 'L3' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=0, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=3)
+ # now do the other port data with reversed src, dst info
+ layer3 = packet[1][header_pos: len(
+ self.packet_data['layer3'][1]) + header_pos]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "IP", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer3).decode(_LOCALE))
+ segment2.append(seg)
+ if multistream_layer == 'L3' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=1, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=3)
+ header_pos += len(layer3)
+ if self.packet_data['layer4']:
+ # slice out the layer 4 bytes from the packet header byte array
+ layer4 = packet[0][header_pos: len(
+ self.packet_data['layer4'][0]) + header_pos]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "UDP", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer4).decode(_LOCALE))
+ segment1.append(seg)
+ if multistream_layer == 'L4' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=0, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=4)
+ # now do the other port data with reversed src, dst info
+ layer4 = packet[1][header_pos: len(
+ self.packet_data['layer4'][1]) + header_pos]
+ seg = json_utilities.create_segment(
+ "UDP", json_utilities.encode_byte_array(layer4).decode(_LOCALE))
+ segment2.append(seg)
+ if multistream_layer == 'L4' and flows > 0:
+ self._add_multistream_layer(entity=1, seg_uuid=seg['ItemID'],
+ stop_value=flows, layer=4)
+ header_pos += len(layer4)
+ self.json_data['StreamProfileHandler']['EntityList'][0][
+ 'StreamConfig']['HeaderSegments'] = segment1
+ self.json_data['StreamProfileHandler']['EntityList'][1][
+ 'StreamConfig']['HeaderSegments'] = segment2
+ def disable_back2back_test(self):
+ """
+ Disable the rfc2544 back to back test
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'Enabled'] = 'false'
+ def disable_throughput_test(self):
+ """
+ Disable the rfc2544 throughput test
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'Enabled'] = 'false'
+ def enable_back2back_test(self):
+ """
+ Enable the rfc2544 back to back test
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'Enabled'] = 'true'
+ def enable_throughput_test(self):
+ """
+ Enable the rfc2544 throughput test
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'Enabled'] = 'true'
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ def modify_2544_tput_options(self, initial_value, minimum_value,
+ maximum_value, value_resolution,
+ use_pass_threshhold, pass_threshhold):
+ """
+ modify_2544_tput_options
+ """
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['InitialValue'] = initial_value
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['MinimumValue'] = minimum_value
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['MaximumValue'] = maximum_value
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['ValueResolution'] = value_resolution
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['UsePassThreshold'] = use_pass_threshhold
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['PassThreshold'] = pass_threshhold
+ def set_chassis_info(self, hostname, pwd):
+ """
+ Set the chassis info
+ :param hostname: hostname as string of ip
+ :param pwd: password to chassis as string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['ChassisManager']['ChassisList'][0][
+ 'HostName'] = hostname
+ self.json_data['ChassisManager']['ChassisList'][0][
+ 'Password'] = pwd
+ def set_header_layer2(self, dst_mac='cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc',
+ src_mac='bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Build a scapy Ethernet L2 objects inside instance packet_data structure
+ :param dst_mac: destination mac as string. Example "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa"
+ :param src_mac: source mac as string. Example "bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb"
+ :param kwargs: Extra params per scapy usage.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.packet_data['layer2'] = [
+ inet.Ether(dst=dst_mac, src=src_mac, **kwargs),
+ inet.Ether(dst=src_mac, src=dst_mac, **kwargs)]
+ def set_header_layer3(self, src_ip='', dst_ip='',
+ protocol='UDP', **kwargs):
+ """
+ Build scapy IPV4 L3 objects inside instance packet_data structure
+ :param src_ip: source IP as string in dot notation format
+ :param dst_ip: destination IP as string in dot notation format
+ :param protocol: protocol for l4
+ :param kwargs: Extra params per scapy usage
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.packet_data['layer3'] = [
+ inet.IP(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, proto=protocol.lower(), **kwargs),
+ inet.IP(src=dst_ip, dst=src_ip, proto=protocol.lower(), **kwargs)]
+ def set_header_layer4_udp(self, source_port, destination_port, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Build scapy UDP L4 objects inside instance packet_data structure
+ :param source_port: Source port as int
+ :param destination_port: Destination port as int
+ :param kwargs: Extra params per scapy usage
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.packet_data['layer4'] = [
+ inet.UDP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, **kwargs),
+ inet.UDP(sport=source_port, dport=destination_port, **kwargs)]
+ def set_header_vlan(self, vlan_id=1, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Build a Dot1Q scapy object inside instance packet_data structure
+ :param vlan_id: The VLAN ID
+ :param kwargs: Extra params per scapy usage
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.packet_data['vlan'] = [
+ inet.Dot1Q(vlan=vlan_id, **kwargs),
+ inet.Dot1Q(vlan=vlan_id, **kwargs)]
+ def set_port(self, index, module, port):
+ """
+ Set the module and port for the 0 index port to use with the test
+ :param index: Index of port to set, 0 = port1, 1=port2, etc..
+ :param module: module location as int
+ :param port: port location in module as int
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][index]['PortRef'][
+ 'ModuleIndex'] = module
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][index]['PortRef'][
+ 'PortIndex'] = port
+ def set_port_ip_v4(self, port, ip_addr, netmask, gateway):
+ """
+ Set the port IP info
+ :param port: port number as int of port to set ip info
+ :param ip_addr: ip address in dot notation format as string
+ :param netmask: cidr number for netmask (ie 24/16/8) as int
+ :param gateway: gateway address in dot notation format
+ :return: None
+ """
+ available_ports = range(len(
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList']))
+ if port not in available_ports:
+ raise ValueError("{}{}{}".format(
+ 'Port assignment must be an available port ',
+ 'number in baseconfig file. Port=', port))
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV4Address"] = ip_addr
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV4Gateway"] = gateway
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV4RoutingPrefix"] = int(netmask)
+ def set_port_ip_v6(self, port, ip_addr, netmask, gateway):
+ """
+ Set the port IP info
+ :param port: port number as int of port to set ip info
+ :param ip_addr: ip address as 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal groups separated
+ by a colon.
+ :param netmask: cidr number for netmask (ie 24/16/8) as int
+ :param gateway: gateway address as string in 8 group of 4 hexadecimal
+ groups separated by a colon.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ available_ports = range(len(
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList']))
+ if port not in available_ports:
+ raise ValueError("{}{}{}".format(
+ 'Port assignment must be an available port ',
+ 'number in baseconfig file. Port=', port))
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV6Address"] = ip_addr
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV6Gateway"] = gateway
+ self.json_data['PortHandler']['EntityList'][
+ port]["IpV6RoutingPrefix"] = int(netmask)
+ def set_test_options_tput(self, packet_sizes, duration, iterations,
+ loss_rate, micro_tpld=False):
+ """
+ Set the tput test options
+ :param packet_sizes: List of packet sizes to test, single int entry is
+ acceptable for one packet size testing
+ :param duration: time for each test in seconds as int
+ :param iterations: number of iterations of testing as int
+ :param loss_rate: acceptable loss rate as float
+ :param micro_tpld: boolean if micro_tpld should be enabled or disabled
+ :return: None
+ """
+ if isinstance(packet_sizes, int):
+ packet_sizes = [packet_sizes]
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['PacketSizes'][
+ 'CustomPacketSizes'] = packet_sizes
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'Duration'] = duration
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'RateIterationOptions']['AcceptableLoss'] = loss_rate
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['FlowCreationOptions'][
+ 'UseMicroTpldOnDemand'] = 'true' if micro_tpld else 'false'
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Throughput'][
+ 'Iterations'] = iterations
+ def set_test_options_back2back(self, packet_sizes, duration,
+ iterations, startvalue, endvalue,
+ micro_tpld=False):
+ """
+ Set the back2back test options
+ :param packet_sizes: List of packet sizes to test, single int entry is
+ acceptable for one packet size testing
+ :param duration: time for each test in seconds as int
+ :param iterations: number of iterations of testing as int
+ :param micro_tpld: boolean if micro_tpld should be enabled or disabled
+ :param StartValue: start value
+ :param EndValue: end value
+ :return: None
+ """
+ if isinstance(packet_sizes, int):
+ packet_sizes = [packet_sizes]
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['PacketSizes'][
+ 'CustomPacketSizes'] = packet_sizes
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'Duration'] = duration
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['FlowCreationOptions'][
+ 'UseMicroTpldOnDemand'] = 'true' if micro_tpld else 'false'
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'Iterations'] = iterations
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'RateSweepOptions']['StartValue'] = startvalue
+ self.json_data['TestOptions']['TestTypeOptionMap']['Back2Back'][
+ 'RateSweepOptions']['EndValue'] = endvalue
+ def write_config(self, path='./2bUsed.x2544'):
+ """
+ Write the config to out as file
+ :param path: Output file to export the json data to
+ :return: None
+ """
+ if not json_utilities.write_json_file(self.json_data, path):
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not write out file, please check config")