path: root/docs/lma/devguide.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/lma/devguide.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/docs/lma/devguide.rst b/docs/lma/devguide.rst
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index c72b8b12..00000000
--- a/docs/lma/devguide.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Table of Contents
-.. contents::
-.. section-numbering::
-Ansible Client-side
-Ansible File Organisation
-Files Structure::
- ansible-client
- ├── ansible.cfg
- ├── hosts
- ├── playbooks
- │ └── setup.yaml
- └── roles
- ├── clean-td-agent
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- └── td-agent
- ├── files
- │ └── td-agent.conf
- └── tasks
- └── main.yml
-Summary of roles
-====================== ======================
-Roles Description
-====================== ======================
-``td-agent`` Install Td-agent & change configuration file
-``clean-td-agent`` Unistall Td-agent
-====================== ======================
-Configurable Parameters
-====================================================== ====================== ======================
-File (ansible-client/roles/) Parameter Description
-====================================================== ====================== ======================
-``td-agent/files/td-agent.conf`` host Fluentd-server IP
-``td-agent/files/td-agent.conf`` port Fluentd-Server Port
-====================================================== ====================== ======================
-Ansible Server-side
-Ansible File Organisation
-Files Structure::
- ansible-server
- ├── ansible.cfg
- ├── group_vars
- │ └── all.yml
- ├── hosts
- ├── playbooks
- │ └── setup.yaml
- └── roles
- ├── clean-logging
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- ├── k8s-master
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- ├── k8s-pre
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- ├── k8s-worker
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- ├── logging
- │ ├── files
- │ │ ├── elastalert
- │ │ │ ├── ealert-conf-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ ├── ealert-key-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ ├── ealert-rule-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ └── elastalert.yaml
- │ │ ├── elasticsearch
- │ │ │ ├── elasticsearch.yaml
- │ │ │ └── user-secret.yaml
- │ │ ├── fluentd
- │ │ │ ├── fluent-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ ├── fluent-service.yaml
- │ │ │ └── fluent.yaml
- │ │ ├── kibana
- │ │ │ └── kibana.yaml
- │ │ ├── namespace.yaml
- │ │ ├── nginx
- │ │ │ ├── nginx-conf-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ ├── nginx-key-cm.yaml
- │ │ │ ├── nginx-service.yaml
- │ │ │ └── nginx.yaml
- │ │ ├── persistentVolume.yaml
- │ │ └── storageClass.yaml
- │ └── tasks
- │ └── main.yml
- └── nfs
- └── tasks
- └── main.yml
-Summary of roles
-====================== ======================
-Roles Description
-====================== ======================
-``k8s-pre`` Pre-requisite for installing K8s, like installing docker & K8s, disable swap etc.
-``k8s-master`` Reset K8s & make a master
-``k8s-worker`` Join woker nodes with token
-``logging`` EFK & elastalert setup in K8s
-``clean logging`` Remove EFK & elastalert setup from K8s
-``nfs`` Start a NFS server to store Elasticsearch data
-====================== ======================
-Configurable Parameters
-========================================================================= ============================================ ======================
-File (ansible-server/roles/) Parameter name Description
-========================================================================= ============================================ ======================
-**Role: logging**
-``logging/files/persistentVolume.yaml`` storage Increase or Decrease Storage size of Persistent Volume size for each VM
-``logging/files/kibana/kibana.yaml`` version To Change the Kibana Version
-``logging/files/kibana/kibana.yaml`` count To increase or decrease the replica
-``logging/files/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml`` version To Change the Elasticsearch Version
-``logging/files/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml`` nodePort To Change Service Port
-``logging/files/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml`` storage Increase or Decrease Storage size of Elasticsearch data for each VM
-``logging/files/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml`` nodeAffinity -> values (hostname) In which VM Elasticsearch master or data pod will run (change the hostname to run the Elasticsearch master or data pod on a specific node)
-``logging/files/elasticsearch/user-secret.yaml`` stringData Add Elasticsearch User & its roles (`Elastic Docs <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud-on-k8s/master/k8s-users-and-roles.html#k8s_file_realm>`_)
-``logging/files/fluentd/fluent.yaml`` replicas To increase or decrease the replica
-``logging/files/fluentd/fluent-service.yaml`` nodePort To Change Service Port
-``logging/files/fluentd/fluent-cm.yaml`` index_template.json -> number_of_replicas To increase or decrease replica of data in Elasticsearch
-``logging/files/fluentd/fluent-cm.yaml`` fluent.conf Server port & other Fluentd Configuration
-``logging/files/nginx/nginx.yaml`` replicas To increase or decrease the replica
-``logging/files/nginx/nginx-service.yaml`` nodePort To Change Service Port
-``logging/files/nginx/nginx-key-cm.yaml`` kibana-access.key, kibana-access.pem Key file for HTTPs Connection
-``logging/files/nginx/nginx-conf-cm.yaml`` - Nginx Configuration
-``logging/files/elastalert/elastalert.yaml`` replicas To increase or decrease the replica
-``logging/files/elastalert/ealert-key-cm.yaml`` elastalert.key, elastalert.pem Key file for HTTPs Connection
-``logging/files/elastalert/ealert-conf-cm.yaml`` run_every How often ElastAlert will query Elasticsearch
-``logging/files/elastalert/ealert-conf-cm.yaml`` alert_time_limit If an alert fails for some reason, ElastAlert will retry sending the alert until this time period has elapsed
-``logging/files/elastalert/ealert-conf-cm.yaml`` es_host, es_port Elasticsearch Serivce name & port in K8s
-``logging/files/elastalert/ealert-rule-cm.yaml`` http_post_url Alert Receiver IP (`Elastalert Rule Config <https://elastalert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ruletypes.html>`_)
-**Role: nfs**
-``nfs/tasks/main.yml`` line Path of NFS storage
-========================================================================= ============================================ ======================