diff options
3 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitreview b/.gitreview
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37a186d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitreview
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2e240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# Copyright 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# What this is: Deployment script for the VNF Event Stream (VES) Reference VNF
+# and Test Collector. Runs the VES Collector in a docker container on the
+# OPNFV jumphost, and the VES Reference VNF as an OpenStack VM.
+# Status: this is a work in progress, under test.
+# How to use:
+# $ git clone
+# $ cd ves/tests
+# $ bash [setup|start|run|stop|clean]
+# setup: setup test environment
+# start: install blueprint and run test
+# run: setup test environment and run test
+# stop: stop test and uninstall blueprint
+# clean: cleanup after test
+trap 'fail' ERR
+pass() {
+ echo "$0: Hooray!"
+ set +x #echo off
+ exit 0
+fail() {
+ echo "$0: Test Failed!"
+ set +x
+ exit 1
+function setenv () {
+ echo "$0: Setup OpenStack environment variables"
+ source utils/ /tmp/VES
+get_floating_net () {
+ network_ids=($(neutron net-list|grep -v "+"|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}'))
+ for id in ${network_ids[@]}; do
+ [[ $(neutron net-show ${id}|grep 'router:external'|grep -i "true") != "" ]] && FLOATING_NETWORK_ID=${id}
+ done
+ if [[ $FLOATING_NETWORK_ID ]]; then
+ FLOATING_NETWORK_NAME=$(openstack network show $FLOATING_NETWORK_ID | awk "/ name / { print \$4 }")
+ else
+ echo "$0: Floating network not found"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+try () {
+ count=$1
+ $3
+ while [[ $? -eq 1 && $count -gt 0 ]]
+ do
+ sleep $2
+ let count=$count-1
+ $3
+ done
+ if [[ $count -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$0: Command \"$3\" was not successful after $1 tries"; fi
+function create_container () {
+ echo "$0: Creating docker container"
+ echo "$0: Copy this script to /tmp/VES"
+ mkdir /tmp/VES
+ cp $0 /tmp/VES/.
+ chmod 755 /tmp/VES/*.sh
+ echo "$0: reset blueprints folder"
+ if [[ -d /tmp/VES/blueprints/ ]]; then rm -rf /tmp/VES/blueprints/; fi
+ mkdir -p /tmp/VES/blueprints/
+ echo "$0: Setup"
+ setenv
+ echo "$0: Setup container"
+ if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
+ # xenial is needed for python 3.5
+ sudo docker pull ubuntu:xenial
+ sudo service docker start
+ # Port 30000 is the default for the VES Collector
+ sudo docker run -it -d -p 30000:30000 -v /tmp/VES/:/tmp/VES \
+ --name VES ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
+ else
+ # Centos
+ echo "Centos-based install"
+ sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo <<-'EOF'
+name=Docker Repository--parents
+ sudo yum install -y docker-engine
+ # xenial is needed for python 3.5
+ sudo service docker start
+ sudo docker pull ubuntu:xenial
+ # Port 30000 is the default for the VES Collector
+ sudo docker run -i -t -d -p 30000:30000 -v /tmp/VES/:/tmp/VES \
+ --name VES ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash
+ fi
+setup_Openstack () {
+ echo "$0: install OpenStack clients"
+ pip install --upgrade python-openstackclient
+ pip install --upgrade python-glanceclient
+ pip install --upgrade python-neutronclient
+ pip install --upgrade python-heatclient
+# pip install --upgrade keystonemiddleware
+ echo "$0: setup OpenStack environment"
+ source /tmp/VES/
+ echo "$0: determine external (public) network as the floating ip network" echo "$0: setup OpenStack environment"
+ get_floating_net
+ echo "$0: Setup centos7-server glance image if needed"
+ if [[ -z $(openstack image list | awk "/ centos7-server / { print \$2 }") ]]; \
+ then glance --os-image-api-version 1 image-create \
+ --name centos7-server \
+ --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --location \
+ --container-format bare; fi
+ if [[ -z $(neutron net-list | awk "/ internal / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
+ echo "$0: Create internal network"
+ neutron net-create internal
+ echo "$0: Create internal subnet"
+ neutron subnet-create internal --name internal \
+ --gateway --enable-dhcp \
+ --allocation-pool start=,end= \
+ --dns-nameserver
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $(neutron router-list | awk "/ public_router / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
+ echo "$0: Create router"
+ neutron router-create public_router
+ echo "$0: Create router gateway"
+ neutron router-gateway-set public_router $FLOATING_NETWORK_NAME
+ echo "$0: Add router interface for internal network"
+ neutron router-interface-add public_router subnet=internal
+ fi
+setup_Collector () {
+ echo "$0: Install dependencies - OS specific"
+ if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get install -y python
+ apt-get install -y python-pip
+ apt-get install -y git
+ else
+ yum install -y python
+ yum install -y python-pip
+ yum install -y git
+ fi
+ pip install --upgrade pip
+ echo "$0: clone VES Collector repo"
+ cd /tmp/VES/blueprints/
+ git clone
+ echo "$0: update collector.conf"
+ cd /tmp/VES/blueprints/evel-test-collector
+ sed -i -- 's~/var/log/att/~/tmp/VES/~g' config/collector.conf
+start_Collector () {
+ echo "$0: start the VES Collector"
+ cd /tmp/VES/blueprints/evel-test-collector
+ python code/collector/ \
+ --config config/collector.conf \
+ --section default \
+ --verbose
+setup_Reference_VNF_VM () {
+ echo "$0: Create Nova key pair"
+ nova keypair-add VES > /tmp/VES/VES-key
+ chmod 600 /tmp/VES/VES-key
+ echo "$0: Add ssh key"
+ eval $(ssh-agent -s)
+ ssh-add /tmp/VES/VES-key
+ echo "$0: clone VES Reference VNF repo"
+ cd /tmp/VES/blueprints/
+ git clone
+ echo "$0: customize VES Reference VNF Heat template"
+ cd evel-reporting-reference-vnf/hot
+ ID=$(openstack image list | awk "/ centos7-server / { print \$2 }")
+ sed -i -- "s/40299aa3-2921-43b0-86b9-56c28a2b5232/$ID/g" event_reporting_vnf.env.yaml
+ ID=$(neutron net-list | awk "/ internal / { print \$2 }")
+ sed -i -- "s/84985f60-fbba-4a78-ba83-2815ff620dbc/$ID/g" event_reporting_vnf.env.yaml
+ sed -i -- "s/$JUMPHOST/g" event_reporting_vnf.env.yaml
+ sed -i -- "s/my-keyname/VES/g" event_reporting_vnf.env.yaml
+ echo "$0: Create VES Reference VNF via Heat"
+ heat stack-create -e event_reporting_vnf.env.yaml \
+ -f event_reporting_vnf.template.yaml VES
+ echo "$0: Wait for VES Reference VNF to go Active"
+ until [[ $(heat stack-list | awk "/ VES / { print \$6 }") == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]]; do
+ sleep 5
+ let COUNTER+=1
+ if [[ $COUNTER > "20" ]]; then fail; fi
+ done
+ echo "$0: Get Server ID"
+ SID=$(heat resource-list VES | awk "/ OS::Nova::Server / { print \$4 }")
+ echo "$0: associate SSH security group"
+ # TODO: Update Heat template to include security group
+ if [[ $(openstack security group list | awk "/ vHello / { print \$2 }") ]]; then neutron security-group-delete vHello; fi
+ openstack security group create VES_Reference
+ openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol TCP --dst-port 22:22 VES_Reference
+ openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol TCP --dst-port 80:80 VES_Reference
+ openstack server add security group $SID VES_Reference
+ echo "$0: associate floating IP"
+ # TODO: Update Heat template to include floating IP (if supported)
+ FIP=$(openstack floating ip create $FLOATING_NETWORK_NAME | awk "/floating_ip_address/ { print \$4 }")
+ nova floating-ip-associate $SID $FIP
+# scp -i /tmp/VES/VES-key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /tmp/VES/ centos@$FIP:/home/centos
+ scp -i /tmp/VES/VES-key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
+ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
+ $0 centos@$FIP:/home/centos
+# run thru setup_Reference_VNF manually to verify
+# ssh -i /tmp/VES/VES-key -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no centos@$FIP
+# ssh -i /tmp/VES/VES-key -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
+# -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
+# centos@$FIP \
+# "nohup source $0 setup_VNF &"
+setup_Reference_VNF () {
+ echo "$0: Install dependencies"
+ sudo yum update -y
+ sudo yum install -y wget
+ sudo yum install -y gcc
+ sudo yum install -y openssl-devel
+ sudo yum install -y epel-release
+ sudo yum install -y python-pip
+ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
+ sudo yum install -y git
+ echo "$0: Install Django"
+ sudo pip install django
+ echo "$0: Install Apache"
+ sudo yum install -y httpd httpd-devel
+ echo "$0: Install mod_python"
+ sudo yum install -y python-devel
+ mkdir ~/mod_python-3.4.1
+ cd ~/mod_python-3.4.1
+ wget
+ tar xvf mod_python-3.4.1.tgz
+ cd mod_python-3.4.1
+ # Edit .../dist/ to remove the dependency on Git as described at
+ #
+ sed \
+ -e 's/(git describe --always)/(git describe --always 2>\/dev\/null)/g' \
+ -e 's/`git describe --always`/`git describe --always 2>\/dev\/null`/g' \
+ -i $( find . -type f -name Makefile\* -o -name )
+ ./configure
+ make
+ sudo make install
+ make test
+ echo "$0: Install mod_wsgi"
+ sudo yum install -y mod_wsgi
+ echo "$0: clone VES Reference VNF repo"
+ cd ~
+ git clone
+ echo "$0: Setup collector"
+ sudo mkdir -p /opt/att/collector
+ sudo install -m=644 -t /opt/att/collector ~/evel-reporting-reference-vnf/code/collector/*
+ echo "$0: Setup Reference VNF website"
+ sudo mkdir -p /opt/att/website/
+ sudo cp -r ~/evel-reporting-reference-vnf/code/webserver/django/* /opt/att/website/
+ sudo chown -R root:root /opt/att/website/
+ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/att/
+ echo "eh?" | sudo tee /var/log/att/django.log
+ cd /opt/att/website
+ sudo python migrate
+ sudo rm -f /var/log/att/django.log
+ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+ sudo systemctl enable httpd
+ sudo systemctl restart httpd
+ echo "$0: Setup website backend"
+ sudo mkdir -p /opt/att/backend/
+ sudo install -m=644 -t /opt/att/backend ~/evel-reporting-reference-vnf/code/backend/*
+ sudo install -m=644 ~/evel-reporting-reference-vnf/config/backend.service /etc/systemd/system
+ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+ sudo systemctl enable backend
+ sudo systemctl restart backend
+ echo "$0: Create database"
+ ???
+ echo "$0: Change security context for database"
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t db.sqlite3
+ chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t .
+ setsebool -P httpd_unified 1
+ setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+ echo "$0: Gather static files"
+ sudo python collectstatic
+ echo "$0: Install jsonschema"
+ sudo pip install jsonschema
+ echo "$0: Put backend.service into /etc/systemd/system"
+ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+ sudo systemctl start backend
+ sudo systemctl status backend
+ sudo systemctl enable backend
+ # from
+ cd /opt/att/website
+ sudo python migrate
+ sudo python createsuperuser
+ # from
+ sudo python /opt/att/website/ runserver &
+ # from
+ sudo python /opt/att/backend/ --config ~/evel-reporting-reference-vnf/config/backend.conf --section default --verbose &
+clean () {
+ echo "$0: delete container"
+ CONTAINER=$(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/VES/ { print \$1 }")
+ sudo docker stop $CONTAINER
+ sudo docker rm -v $CONTAINER
+forward_to_container () {
+ echo "$0: pass $1 command to in container"
+ CONTAINER=$(sudo docker ps -a | awk "/VES/ { print \$1 }")
+ sudo docker exec $CONTAINER /bin/bash /tmp/VES/ $1 $1
+ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then fail; fi
+dist=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/*-release | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'`
+case "$1" in
+ setup)
+ if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
+ create_container
+ echo "$0: Execute in the container"
+ CONTAINER=$(sudo docker ps -l | awk "/VES/ { print \$1 }")
+ if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
+ sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER /bin/bash /tmp/VES/ setup setup
+ else
+ sudo docker exec -i -t $CONTAINER /bin/bash /tmp/VES/ setup setup
+ fi
+ else
+ # Running in the container, continue VES setup
+ setup_Collector
+ setup_Openstack
+ setup_Reference_VNF_VM
+ start_Collector
+ fi
+ pass
+ ;;
+ setup_VNF)
+ setup_Reference_VNF
+ ;;
+ clean)
+ echo "$0: Uninstall"
+ clean
+ pass
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "usage: bash [setup|clean]"
+ echo "setup: setup test environment"
+ echo "clean: cleanup after test"
+ fail
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5247b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# What this is: OpenStack environment file setup for OPNFV deployments. Sets up
+# the environment parameters allowing use of OpenStack CLI commands, and as needed
+# for OPNFV test scripts.
+# Status: this is a work in progress, under test.
+# How to use:
+# $ wget -O [folder]
+# folder: folder to place the script in
+# $ source /tmp/ [target]
+# folder: folder in which to put the created file
+# TODO: Find a more precise way to determine the OPNFV install... currently
+# this assumes that the script is running on the OPNFV jumphost, and
+# Ubuntu=JOID, Centos=Apex
+dist=`grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/*-release | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'`
+if [ "$dist" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
+ # Ubuntu: assumes JOID-based install, and that this script is being run on the jumphost.
+ echo "$0: Ubuntu-based install"
+ echo "$0: Create the environment file"
+ KEYSTONE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/keystone\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+ cat <<EOF >$1/
+export CONGRESS_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }")
+export HORIZON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/openstack-dashboard/ { print \$3 }")
+export CEILOMETER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/ceilometer\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+export CINDER_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/cinder\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+export GLANCE_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/glance\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+export NEUTRON_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/neutron-api\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+export NOVA_HOST=$(juju status --format=short | awk "/nova-cloud-controller\/0/ { print \$3 }")
+export JUMPHOST=$(ifconfig brAdm | awk "/inet addr/ { print \$2 }" | sed 's/addr://g')
+export OS_USERNAME=admin
+export OS_PASSWORD=openstack
+export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
+export OS_AUTH_URL=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne
+ # Centos: assumes Apex-based install, and that this script is being run on the Undercloud controller VM.
+ echo "$0: Centos-based install"
+ echo "$0: Setup undercloud environment so we can get overcloud Controller server address"
+ source ~/stackrc
+ echo "$0: Get address of Controller node"
+ export CONTROLLER_HOST1=$(openstack server list | awk "/overcloud-controller-0/ { print \$8 }" | sed 's/ctlplane=//g')
+ echo "$0: Create the environment file"
+ cat <<EOF >/tmp/VES/
+export JUMPHOST=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
+ cat ~/overcloudrc >>$1/
+ source ~/overcloudrc
+ export OS_REGION_NAME=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }")
+ # sed command below is a workaound for a bug - region shows up twice for some reason
+ cat <<EOF | sed '$d' $1/VES/
+source $1/