path: root/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/workunits/rest/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rest/ b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b55378..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import json
-import os
-import requests
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import uuid
-import xml.etree.ElementTree
-BASEURL = os.environ.get('BASEURL', 'http://localhost:5000/api/v0.1')
-def fail(r, msg):
- print('FAILURE: url ', r.url, file=sys.stderr)
- print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
- print('Response content: ', r.text, file=sys.stderr)
- print('Headers: ', r.headers, file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-def expect(url, method, respcode, contenttype, extra_hdrs=None, data=None):
- failmsg, r = expect_nofail(url, method, respcode, contenttype, extra_hdrs,
- data)
- if failmsg:
- fail(r, failmsg)
- return r
-def expect_nofail(url, method, respcode, contenttype, extra_hdrs=None,
- data=None):
- fdict = {'get':requests.get, 'put':requests.put}
- f = fdict[method.lower()]
- r = f(BASEURL + '/' + url, headers=extra_hdrs, data=data)
- print('{0} {1}: {2} {3}'.format(method, url, contenttype, r.status_code))
- if r.status_code != respcode:
- return 'expected {0}, got {1}'.format(respcode, r.status_code), r
- r_contenttype = r.headers['content-type']
- if contenttype in ['json', 'xml']:
- contenttype = 'application/' + contenttype
- elif contenttype:
- contenttype = 'text/' + contenttype
- if contenttype and r_contenttype != contenttype:
- return 'expected {0}, got "{1}"'.format(contenttype, r_contenttype), r
- if contenttype.startswith('application'):
- if r_contenttype == 'application/json':
- try:
- # older doesn't create r.myjson; create it myself
- r.myjson = json.loads(r.text)
- assert(r.myjson is not None)
- except Exception as e:
- return 'Invalid JSON returned: "{0}"'.format(str(e)), r
- if r_contenttype == 'application/xml':
- try:
- # if it's there, squirrel it away for use in the caller
- r.tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(r.text)
- except Exception as e:
- return 'Invalid XML returned: "{0}"'.format(str(e)), r
- return '', r
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- expect('auth/export', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- expect('auth/export.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- expect('auth/export.xml', 'GET', 200, 'xml')
- expect('auth/export', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('auth/export', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- expect('auth/add?entity=client.xx&'
- 'caps=mon&caps=allow&caps=osd&caps=allow+*', 'PUT', 200, 'json',
- r = expect('auth/export?entity=client.xx', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- # must use text/plain; default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- expect('auth/add?entity=client.xx', 'PUT', 200, 'plain',
- {'Content-Type':'text/plain'}, data=r.text)
- r = expect('auth/list', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- assert('client.xx' in r.text)
- r = expect('auth/list.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- dictlist = r.myjson['output']['auth_dump']
- xxdict = [d for d in dictlist if d['entity'] == 'client.xx'][0]
- assert(xxdict)
- assert('caps' in xxdict)
- assert('mon' in xxdict['caps'])
- assert('osd' in xxdict['caps'])
- expect('auth/get-key?entity=client.xx', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('auth/print-key?entity=client.xx', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('auth/print_key?entity=client.xx', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('auth/caps?entity=client.xx&caps=osd&caps=allow+rw', 'PUT', 200,
- 'json', JSONHDR)
- r = expect('auth/list.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- dictlist = r.myjson['output']['auth_dump']
- xxdict = [d for d in dictlist if d['entity'] == 'client.xx'][0]
- assert(xxdict)
- assert('caps' in xxdict)
- assert(not 'mon' in xxdict['caps'])
- assert('osd' in xxdict['caps'])
- assert(xxdict['caps']['osd'] == 'allow rw')
- # export/import/export, compare
- r = expect('auth/export', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- exp1 = r.text
- assert('client.xx' in exp1)
- r = expect('auth/import', 'PUT', 200, 'plain',
- {'Content-Type':'text/plain'}, data=r.text)
- r2 = expect('auth/export', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- assert(exp1 == r2.text)
- expect('auth/del?entity=client.xx', 'PUT', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('epoch' in r.myjson['output'])
- assert('GLOBAL' in expect('df', 'GET', 200, 'plain').text)
- assert('DIRTY' in expect('df?detail=detail', 'GET', 200, 'plain').text)
- # test param with no value (treated as param=param)
- assert('DIRTY' in expect('df?detail', 'GET', 200, 'plain').text)
- r = expect('df', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('total_used_bytes' in r.myjson['output']['stats'])
- r = expect('df', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/stats/stats/total_used_bytes') is not None)
- r = expect('df?detail', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('rd_bytes' in r.myjson['output']['pools'][0]['stats'])
- r = expect('df?detail', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/stats/pools/pool/stats/rd_bytes') is not None)
- expect('fsid', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('health', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('health?detail', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('health?detail', 'GET', 200, 'plain')
- # XXX no ceph -w equivalent yet
- expect('mds/cluster_down', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/cluster_down', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/cluster_up', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/cluster_up', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/compat/rm_incompat?feature=4', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/compat/rm_incompat?feature=4', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('mds/compat/show', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('incompat' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('mds/compat/show', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/mds_compat/incompat') is not None)
- # EEXIST from CLI
- expect('mds/deactivate?who=2', 'PUT', 400, '')
- r = expect('mds/dump.xml', 'GET', 200, 'xml')
- assert(r.tree.find('output/mdsmap/created') is not None)
- expect('fs/flag/set?flag_name=enable_multiple&val=true', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/pool/create?pg_num=1&pool=my_cephfs_metadata', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/pool/create?pg_num=1&pool=my_cephfs_data', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('fs/new?fs_name=mycephfs&metadata=my_cephfs_metadata&data=my_cephfs_data', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/pool/create?pool=data2&pg_num=10', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- pools = r.myjson['output']['pools']
- poolnum = None
- for p in pools:
- if p['pool_name'] == 'data2':
- poolnum = p['pool']
- assert(p['pg_num'] == 10)
- break
- assert(poolnum is not None)
- expect('mds/add_data_pool?pool={0}'.format(poolnum), 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/remove_data_pool?pool={0}'.format(poolnum), 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/pool/delete?pool=data2&pool2=data2'
- '&sure=--yes-i-really-really-mean-it', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=allow_multimds&val=true&confirm=--yes-i-really-mean-it', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set_max_mds?maxmds=4', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=max_mds&val=4', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=max_file_size&val=1048576', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=allow_new_snaps&val=true&confirm=--yes-i-really-mean-it', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=allow_new_snaps&val=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=inline_data&val=true&confirm=--yes-i-really-mean-it', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('mds/set?var=inline_data&val=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('mds/dump.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(r.myjson['output']['max_mds'] == 4)
- expect('mds/set_max_mds?maxmds=3', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('mds/stat.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- expect('mds/set?var=max_mds&val=2', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('mds/stat.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert('epoch' in r.myjson['output']['fsmap'])
- r = expect('mds/stat.xml', 'GET', 200, 'xml')
- assert(r.tree.find('output/mds_stat/fsmap/epoch') is not None)
- # more content tests below, just check format here
- expect('mon/dump.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- expect('mon/dump.xml', 'GET', 200, 'xml')
- r = expect('mon/getmap', 'GET', 200, '')
- assert(len(r.text) != 0)
- r = expect('mon_status.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert('name' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('mon_status.xml', 'GET', 200, 'xml')
- assert(r.tree.find('output/mon_status/name') is not None)
- bl = ''
- expect('osd/blacklist?blacklistop=add&addr=' + bl, 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/blacklist/ls.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert([b for b in r.myjson['output'] if b['addr'] == bl])
- expect('osd/blacklist?blacklistop=rm&addr=' + bl, 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/blacklist/ls.json', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert([b for b in r.myjson['output'] if b['addr'] == bl] == [])
- expect('osd/crush/tunables?profile=legacy', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/crush/tunables?profile=bobtail', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/scrub?who=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/deep-scrub?who=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/repair?who=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/set?key=noup', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/down?ids=0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['osd'] == 0)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['up'] == 0)
- expect('osd/unset?key=noup', 'PUT', 200, '')
- for i in range(0,100):
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['osd'] == 0)
- if r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['up'] == 1:
- break
- else:
- print("waiting for osd.0 to come back up", file=sys.stderr)
- time.sleep(10)
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['osd'] == 0)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][0]['up'] == 1)
- r = expect('osd/find?id=1', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osd'] == 1)
- expect('osd/out?ids=1', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][1]['osd'] == 1)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][1]['in'] == 0)
- expect('osd/in?ids=1', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][1]['osd'] == 1)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osds'][1]['in'] == 1)
- r = expect('osd/find?id=0', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['osd'] == 0)
- r = expect('osd/getmaxosd', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/getmaxosd/max_osd') is not None)
- r = expect('osd/getmaxosd', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- saved_maxosd = r.myjson['output']['max_osd']
- expect('osd/setmaxosd?newmax=10', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/getmaxosd', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['max_osd'] == 10)
- expect('osd/setmaxosd?newmax={0}'.format(saved_maxosd), 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/getmaxosd', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(r.myjson['output']['max_osd'] == saved_maxosd)
- osd_uuid=uuid.uuid1()
- r = expect('osd/create?uuid={0}'.format(osd_uuid), 'PUT', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('osdid' in r.myjson['output'])
- osdid = r.myjson['output']['osdid']
- expect('osd/lost?id={0}'.format(osdid), 'PUT', 400, '')
- expect('osd/lost?id={0}&sure=--yes-i-really-mean-it'.format(osdid),
- 'PUT', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('osd/rm?ids={0}'.format(osdid), 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/ls', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(isinstance(r.myjson['output'], list))
- r = expect('osd/ls', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/osds/osd') is not None)
- expect('osd/pause', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('pauserd,pausewr' in r.myjson['output']['flags'])
- expect('osd/unpause', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('pauserd,pausewr' not in r.myjson['output']['flags'])
- r = expect('osd/tree', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('nodes' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('osd/tree', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/tree/nodes') is not None)
- expect('osd/pool/create?pool=data2&pg_num=10', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/lspools', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert([p for p in r.myjson['output'] if p['poolname'] == 'data2'])
- expect('osd/pool/rename?srcpool=data2&destpool=data3', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/lspools', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert([p for p in r.myjson['output'] if p['poolname'] == 'data3'])
- expect('osd/pool/mksnap?pool=data3&snap=datasnap', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r ='rados -p data3 lssnap | grep -q datasnap', shell=True)
- assert(r == 0)
- expect('osd/pool/rmsnap?pool=data3&snap=datasnap', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/pool/delete?pool=data3', 'PUT', 400, '')
- expect('osd/pool/delete?pool=data3&pool2=data3&sure=--yes-i-really-really-mean-it', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/stat', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('num_up_osds' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('osd/stat', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/osdmap/num_up_osds') is not None)
- r = expect('osd/ls', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- for osdid in r.myjson['output']:
- expect('tell/osd.{0}/version'.format(osdid), 'GET', 200, '')
- expect('pg/debug?debugop=unfound_objects_exist', 'GET', 200, '')
- expect('pg/debug?debugop=degraded_pgs_exist', 'GET', 200, '')
- expect('pg/deep-scrub?pgid=1.0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('pg/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('pg_stats_sum' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('pg/dump', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/pg_map/pg_stats_sum') is not None)
- expect('pg/dump_json', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('pg/dump_pools_json', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('pg/dump_stuck?stuckops=inactive', 'GET', 200, '')
- expect('pg/dump_stuck?stuckops=unclean', 'GET', 200, '')
- expect('pg/dump_stuck?stuckops=stale', 'GET', 200, '')
- r = expect('pg/getmap', 'GET', 200, '')
- assert(len(r.text) != 0)
- r = expect('pg/map?pgid=1.0', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('acting' in r.myjson['output'])
- assert(r.myjson['output']['pgid'] == '1.0')
- r = expect('pg/map?pgid=1.0', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/pg_map/acting') is not None)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/pg_map/pgid').text == '1.0')
- expect('pg/repair?pgid=1.0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('pg/scrub?pgid=1.0', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/set-full-ratio?ratio=0.90', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(float(r.myjson['output']['full_ratio']) == 0.90)
- expect('osd/set-full-ratio?ratio=0.95', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/set-backfillfull-ratio?ratio=0.88', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(float(r.myjson['output']['backfillfull_ratio']) == 0.88)
- expect('osd/set-backfillfull-ratio?ratio=0.90', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/set-nearfull-ratio?ratio=0.90', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('osd/dump', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert(float(r.myjson['output']['nearfull_ratio']) == 0.90)
- expect('osd/set-nearfull-ratio?ratio=0.85', 'PUT', 200, '')
- r = expect('pg/stat', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('num_pgs' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('pg/stat', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/pg_summary/num_pgs') is not None)
- expect('tell/1.0/query', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('quorum?quorumcmd=enter', 'PUT', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('quorum?quorumcmd=enter', 'PUT', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- expect('quorum_status', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- expect('quorum_status', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- # report's CRC needs to be handled
- # r = expect('report', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- # assert('osd_stats' in r.myjson['output'])
- # r = expect('report', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- # assert(r.tree.find('output/report/osdmap') is not None)
- r = expect('status', 'GET', 200, 'json', JSONHDR)
- assert('osdmap' in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('status', 'GET', 200, 'xml', XMLHDR)
- assert(r.tree.find('output/status/osdmap') is not None)
- r = expect('tell/osd.0/version', 'GET', 200, '')
- assert('ceph version' in r.text)
- expect('tell/osd.999/version', 'GET', 400, '')
- expect('tell/', 'GET', 400, '')
- r = expect('tell/osd.0/dump_pg_recovery_stats', 'GET', 200, '')
- assert('Started' in r.text)
- expect('osd/reweight?id=0&weight=0.9', 'PUT', 200, '')
- expect('osd/reweight?id=0&weight=-1', 'PUT', 400, '')
- expect('osd/reweight?id=0&weight=1', 'PUT', 200, '')
- for v in ['pg_num', 'pgp_num', 'size', 'min_size',
- 'crush_rule']:
- r = expect('osd/pool/get.json?pool=rbd&var=' + v, 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(v in r.myjson['output'])
- r = expect('osd/pool/get.json?pool=rbd&var=size', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(r.myjson['output']['size'] >= 2)
- expect('osd/pool/set?pool=rbd&var=size&val=3', 'PUT', 200, 'plain')
- r = expect('osd/pool/get.json?pool=rbd&var=size', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(r.myjson['output']['size'] == 3)
- expect('osd/pool/set?pool=rbd&var=size&val=2', 'PUT', 200, 'plain')
- r = expect('osd/pool/get.json?pool=rbd&var=size', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(r.myjson['output']['size'] == 2)
- r = expect('osd/pool/get.json?pool=rbd&var=crush_rule', 'GET', 200, 'json')
- assert(r.myjson['output']['crush_rule'] == "replicated_rule")
- print('OK')