path: root/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rename/plan.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/workunits/rename/plan.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rename/plan.txt b/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rename/plan.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b423b41..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/workunits/rename/plan.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# srcdn destdn targeti
-## pri auth null auth -
-## pri rep null auth -
-## rem auth null auth -
-## rem rep null auth -
-#/ pri auth null rep - dup of pr_na
-#/ pri rep null rep -
-#/ rem auth null rep - dup of rr_na
-#/ rem rep null rep -
-## pri auth pri auth -
-# pri rep pri auth -
-## rem auth pri auth -
-# rem rep pri auth -
-# pri auth pri rep -
-# pri rep pri rep -
-# rem auth pri rep -
-# rem rep pri rep -
-## pri auth rem auth auth
-# pri rep rem auth auth
-## rem auth rem auth auth
-# rem rep rem auth auth
-# pri auth rem rep auth
-# pri rep rem rep auth
-# rem auth rem rep auth
-# rem rep rem rep auth
-# pri auth rem auth rep
-# pri rep rem auth rep
-# rem auth rem auth rep
-# rem rep rem auth rep
-# pri auth rem rep rep
-# pri rep rem rep rep
-# rem auth rem rep rep
-# rem rep rem rep rep
-types of operations
-pri nul
- srcdn=destdn
- diff
-rem nul
- srci=srcdn=destdn
- srci=srcdn
- srcdn=destdn
- srci=destdn
- all different
-pri pri
- srcdn=destdn
- different
-rem pri
- srci=srcdn=destdn
- srci=srcdn
- srcdn=destdn
- srci=destdn
- all different
-pri rem
- srcdn=destdn=desti
- srcdn=destdn
- destdn=desti
- srcdn=desti
- all different
-rem rem
- srci=srcdn=destdn=desti
- srci=srcdn=destdn
- srci=srcdn=desti
- srci=destdn=desti
- srcdni=destdn=desti
- srci=srcdn destdn=desti
- srci=destdn srcdn=desti
- srci=desti srcdn=destdn
- srci=srcdn
- srci=destdn
- srci=desti
- srcdn=destdn
- srcdn=desti
- destdn=desti
- all different
-p n same
-r n same
-p n diff
-r n diff
-p p same
-r p same
-p r