path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 486 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
deleted file mode 100644
index f69b396..0000000
--- a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
+++ /dev/null
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-Workunit task -- Run ceph on sets of specific clients
-import logging
-import pipes
-import os
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from util import get_remote_for_role
-from teuthology import misc
-from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
-from import CommandFailedError
-from teuthology.parallel import parallel
-from teuthology.orchestra import run
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Refspec:
- def __init__(self, refspec):
- self.refspec = refspec
- def __str__(self):
- return self.refspec
- def _clone(self, git_url, clonedir, opts=None):
- if opts is None:
- opts = []
- return (['rm', '-rf', clonedir] +
- [run.Raw('&&')] +
- ['git', 'clone'] + opts +
- [git_url, clonedir])
- def _cd(self, clonedir):
- return ['cd', clonedir]
- def _checkout(self):
- return ['git', 'checkout', self.refspec]
- def clone(self, git_url, clonedir):
- return (self._clone(git_url, clonedir) +
- [run.Raw('&&')] +
- self._cd(clonedir) +
- [run.Raw('&&')] +
- self._checkout())
-class Branch(Refspec):
- def __init__(self, tag):
- Refspec.__init__(self, tag)
- def clone(self, git_url, clonedir):
- opts = ['--depth', '1',
- '--branch', self.refspec]
- return (self._clone(git_url, clonedir, opts) +
- [run.Raw('&&')] +
- self._cd(clonedir))
-class Head(Refspec):
- def __init__(self):
- Refspec.__init__(self, 'HEAD')
- def clone(self, git_url, clonedir):
- opts = ['--depth', '1']
- return (self._clone(git_url, clonedir, opts) +
- [run.Raw('&&')] +
- self._cd(clonedir))
-def task(ctx, config):
- """
- Run ceph on all workunits found under the specified path.
- For example::
- tasks:
- - ceph:
- - ceph-fuse: [client.0]
- - workunit:
- clients:
- client.0: [direct_io,]
- client.1: [snaps]
- branch: foo
- You can also run a list of workunits on all clients:
- tasks:
- - ceph:
- - ceph-fuse:
- - workunit:
- tag: v0.47
- clients:
- all: [direct_io,, snaps]
- If you have an "all" section it will run all the workunits
- on each client simultaneously, AFTER running any workunits specified
- for individual clients. (This prevents unintended simultaneous runs.)
- To customize tests, you can specify environment variables as a dict. You
- can also specify a time limit for each work unit (defaults to 3h):
- tasks:
- - ceph:
- - ceph-fuse:
- - workunit:
- sha1: 9b28948635b17165d17c1cf83d4a870bd138ddf6
- clients:
- all: [snaps]
- env:
- FOO: bar
- BAZ: quux
- timeout: 3h
- This task supports roles that include a ceph cluster, e.g.::
- tasks:
- - ceph:
- - workunit:
- clients:
- backup.client.0: [foo]
- client.1: [bar] # cluster is implicitly 'ceph'
- You can also specify an alternative top-level dir to 'qa/workunits', like
- 'qa/standalone', with::
- tasks:
- - install:
- - workunit:
- basedir: qa/standalone
- clients:
- client.0:
- -
- :param ctx: Context
- :param config: Configuration
- """
- assert isinstance(config, dict)
- assert isinstance(config.get('clients'), dict), \
- 'configuration must contain a dictionary of clients'
- # mimic the behavior of the "install" task, where the "overrides" are
- # actually the defaults of that task. in other words, if none of "sha1",
- # "tag", or "branch" is specified by a "workunit" tasks, we will update
- # it with the information in the "workunit" sub-task nested in "overrides".
- overrides = deepcopy(ctx.config.get('overrides', {}).get('workunit', {}))
- refspecs = {'branch': Branch, 'tag': Refspec, 'sha1': Refspec}
- if any(map(lambda i: i in config, refspecs.iterkeys())):
- for i in refspecs.iterkeys():
- overrides.pop(i, None)
- misc.deep_merge(config, overrides)
- for spec, cls in refspecs.iteritems():
- refspec = config.get(spec)
- if refspec:
- refspec = cls(refspec)
- break
- if refspec is None:
- refspec = Head()
- timeout = config.get('timeout', '3h')
-'Pulling workunits from ref %s', refspec)
- created_mountpoint = {}
- if config.get('env') is not None:
- assert isinstance(config['env'], dict), 'env must be a dictionary'
- clients = config['clients']
- # Create scratch dirs for any non-all workunits
-'Making a separate scratch dir for every client...')
- for role in clients.iterkeys():
- assert isinstance(role, basestring)
- if role == "all":
- continue
- assert 'client' in role
- created_mnt_dir = _make_scratch_dir(ctx, role, config.get('subdir'))
- created_mountpoint[role] = created_mnt_dir
- # Execute any non-all workunits
- with parallel() as p:
- for role, tests in clients.iteritems():
- if role != "all":
- p.spawn(_run_tests, ctx, refspec, role, tests,
- config.get('env'),
- basedir=config.get('basedir','qa/workunits'),
- timeout=timeout)
- # Clean up dirs from any non-all workunits
- for role, created in created_mountpoint.items():
- _delete_dir(ctx, role, created)
- # Execute any 'all' workunits
- if 'all' in clients:
- all_tasks = clients["all"]
- _spawn_on_all_clients(ctx, refspec, all_tasks, config.get('env'),
- config.get('basedir', 'qa/workunits'),
- config.get('subdir'), timeout=timeout)
-def _client_mountpoint(ctx, cluster, id_):
- """
- Returns the path to the expected mountpoint for workunits running
- on some kind of filesystem.
- """
- # for compatibility with tasks like ceph-fuse that aren't cluster-aware yet,
- # only include the cluster name in the dir if the cluster is not 'ceph'
- if cluster == 'ceph':
- dir_ = 'mnt.{0}'.format(id_)
- else:
- dir_ = 'mnt.{0}.{1}'.format(cluster, id_)
- return os.path.join(misc.get_testdir(ctx), dir_)
-def _delete_dir(ctx, role, created_mountpoint):
- """
- Delete file used by this role, and delete the directory that this
- role appeared in.
- :param ctx: Context
- :param role: "role.#" where # is used for the role id.
- """
- cluster, _, id_ = misc.split_role(role)
- remote = get_remote_for_role(ctx, role)
- mnt = _client_mountpoint(ctx, cluster, id_)
- client = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_))
- # Remove the directory inside the mount where the workunit ran
- args=[
- 'sudo',
- 'rm',
- '-rf',
- '--',
- client,
- ],
- )
-"Deleted dir {dir}".format(dir=client))
- # If the mount was an artificially created dir, delete that too
- if created_mountpoint:
- args=[
- 'rmdir',
- '--',
- mnt,
- ],
- )
-"Deleted artificial mount point {dir}".format(dir=client))
-def _make_scratch_dir(ctx, role, subdir):
- """
- Make scratch directories for this role. This also makes the mount
- point if that directory does not exist.
- :param ctx: Context
- :param role: "role.#" where # is used for the role id.
- :param subdir: use this subdir (False if not used)
- """
- created_mountpoint = False
- cluster, _, id_ = misc.split_role(role)
- remote = get_remote_for_role(ctx, role)
- dir_owner = remote.user
- mnt = _client_mountpoint(ctx, cluster, id_)
- # if neither kclient nor ceph-fuse are required for a workunit,
- # mnt may not exist. Stat and create the directory if it doesn't.
- try:
- args=[
- 'stat',
- '--',
- mnt,
- ],
- )
-'Did not need to create dir {dir}'.format(dir=mnt))
- except CommandFailedError:
- args=[
- 'mkdir',
- '--',
- mnt,
- ],
- )
-'Created dir {dir}'.format(dir=mnt))
- created_mountpoint = True
- if not subdir:
- subdir = 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_)
- if created_mountpoint:
- args=[
- 'cd',
- '--',
- mnt,
- run.Raw('&&'),
- 'mkdir',
- '--',
- subdir,
- ],
- )
- else:
- args=[
- # cd first so this will fail if the mount point does
- # not exist; pure install -d will silently do the
- # wrong thing
- 'cd',
- '--',
- mnt,
- run.Raw('&&'),
- 'sudo',
- 'install',
- '-d',
- '-m', '0755',
- '--owner={user}'.format(user=dir_owner),
- '--',
- subdir,
- ],
- )
- return created_mountpoint
-def _spawn_on_all_clients(ctx, refspec, tests, env, basedir, subdir, timeout=None):
- """
- Make a scratch directory for each client in the cluster, and then for each
- test spawn _run_tests() for each role.
- See run_tests() for parameter documentation.
- """
- is_client = misc.is_type('client')
- client_remotes = {}
- created_mountpoint = {}
- for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.items():
- for role in roles_for_host:
- if is_client(role):
- client_remotes[role] = remote
- created_mountpoint[role] = _make_scratch_dir(ctx, role, subdir)
- for unit in tests:
- with parallel() as p:
- for role, remote in client_remotes.items():
- p.spawn(_run_tests, ctx, refspec, role, [unit], env,
- basedir,
- subdir,
- timeout=timeout)
- # cleanup the generated client directories
- for role, _ in client_remotes.items():
- _delete_dir(ctx, role, created_mountpoint[role])
-def _run_tests(ctx, refspec, role, tests, env, basedir,
- subdir=None, timeout=None):
- """
- Run the individual test. Create a scratch directory and then extract the
- workunits from git. Make the executables, and then run the tests.
- Clean up (remove files created) after the tests are finished.
- :param ctx: Context
- :param refspec: branch, sha1, or version tag used to identify this
- build
- :param tests: specific tests specified.
- :param env: environment set in yaml file. Could be None.
- :param subdir: subdirectory set in yaml file. Could be None
- :param timeout: If present, use the 'timeout' command on the remote host
- to limit execution time. Must be specified by a number
- followed by 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for
- hours, or 'd' for days. If '0' or anything that evaluates
- to False is passed, the 'timeout' command is not used.
- """
- testdir = misc.get_testdir(ctx)
- assert isinstance(role, basestring)
- cluster, type_, id_ = misc.split_role(role)
- assert type_ == 'client'
- remote = get_remote_for_role(ctx, role)
- mnt = _client_mountpoint(ctx, cluster, id_)
- # subdir so we can remove and recreate this a lot without sudo
- if subdir is None:
- scratch_tmp = os.path.join(mnt, 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_), 'tmp')
- else:
- scratch_tmp = os.path.join(mnt, subdir)
- clonedir = '{tdir}/clone.{role}'.format(tdir=testdir, role=role)
- srcdir = '{cdir}/{basedir}'.format(cdir=clonedir,
- basedir=basedir)
- git_url = teuth_config.get_ceph_qa_suite_git_url()
- # if we are running an upgrade test, and ceph-ci does not have branches like
- # `jewel`, so should use ceph.git as an alternative.
- try:
- args=refspec.clone(git_url, clonedir))
- except CommandFailedError:
- if git_url.endswith('/ceph-ci.git'):
- alt_git_url = git_url.replace('/ceph-ci.git', '/ceph.git')
- elif git_url.endswith('/ceph-ci'):
- alt_git_url = re.sub(r'/ceph-ci$', '/ceph.git', git_url)
- else:
- raise
- "failed to check out '%s' from %s; will also try in %s",
- refspec,
- git_url,
- alt_git_url,
- )
- args=refspec.clone(alt_git_url, clonedir))
- logger=log.getChild(role),
- args=[
- 'cd', '--', srcdir,
- run.Raw('&&'),
- 'if', 'test', '-e', 'Makefile', run.Raw(';'), 'then', 'make', run.Raw(';'), 'fi',
- run.Raw('&&'),
- 'find', '-executable', '-type', 'f', '-printf', r'%P\0'.format(srcdir=srcdir),
- run.Raw('>{tdir}/workunits.list.{role}'.format(tdir=testdir, role=role)),
- ],
- )
- workunits_file = '{tdir}/workunits.list.{role}'.format(tdir=testdir, role=role)
- workunits = sorted(misc.get_file(remote, workunits_file).split('\0'))
- assert workunits
- try:
- assert isinstance(tests, list)
- for spec in tests:
-'Running workunits matching %s on %s...', spec, role)
- prefix = '{spec}/'.format(spec=spec)
- to_run = [w for w in workunits if w == spec or w.startswith(prefix)]
- if not to_run:
- raise RuntimeError('Spec did not match any workunits: {spec!r}'.format(spec=spec))
- for workunit in to_run:
-'Running workunit %s...', workunit)
- args = [
- 'mkdir', '-p', '--', scratch_tmp,
- run.Raw('&&'),
- 'cd', '--', scratch_tmp,
- run.Raw('&&'),
- run.Raw('CEPH_REF={ref}'.format(ref=refspec)),
- run.Raw('TESTDIR="{tdir}"'.format(tdir=testdir)),
- run.Raw('CEPH_ARGS="--cluster {0}"'.format(cluster)),
- run.Raw('CEPH_ID="{id}"'.format(id=id_)),
- run.Raw('PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin'),
- run.Raw('CEPH_BASE={dir}'.format(dir=clonedir)),
- run.Raw('CEPH_ROOT={dir}'.format(dir=clonedir)),
- ]
- if env is not None:
- for var, val in env.iteritems():
- quoted_val = pipes.quote(val)
- env_arg = '{var}={val}'.format(var=var, val=quoted_val)
- args.append(run.Raw(env_arg))
- args.extend([
- 'adjust-ulimits',
- 'ceph-coverage',
- '{tdir}/archive/coverage'.format(tdir=testdir)])
- if timeout and timeout != '0':
- args.extend(['timeout', timeout])
- args.extend([
- '{srcdir}/{workunit}'.format(
- srcdir=srcdir,
- workunit=workunit,
- ),
- ])
- logger=log.getChild(role),
- args=args,
- label="workunit test {workunit}".format(workunit=workunit)
- )
- logger=log.getChild(role),
- args=['sudo', 'rm', '-rf', '--', scratch_tmp],
- )
- finally:
-'Stopping %s on %s...', tests, role)
- logger=log.getChild(role),
- args=[
- 'rm', '-rf', '--', workunits_file, clonedir,
- ],
- )