path: root/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock')
5 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f6348e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/ceph.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+- name: install ceph-common external package when ceph backend enabled
+ apt:
+ name: ceph-common
+ when: enabled_backend == "ceph"
+- name: check for ceph-ansible source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cephansibleexisted
+- name: download ceph-ansible source code
+ git:
+ repo:
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+ when:
+ - cephansibleexisted.stat.exists is undefined or cephansibleexisted.stat.exists == false
+- name: copy ceph inventory host into ceph-ansible directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/ceph.hosts
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/ceph.hosts
+- name: copy ceph all.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/all.yml
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/group_vars/all.yml
+- name: copy ceph osds.yml file into ceph-ansible group_vars directory
+ copy:
+ src: ../../../group_vars/ceph/osds.yml
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/group_vars/osds.yml
+- name: copy site.yml.sample to site.yml in ceph-ansible
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/ceph-ansible/site.yml.sample
+ dest: /tmp/ceph-ansible/site.yml
+- name: ping all hosts
+ shell: ansible all -m ping -i ceph.hosts
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+- name: run ceph-ansible playbook
+ shell: ansible-playbook site.yml -i ceph.hosts
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: /tmp/ceph-ansible
+- name: Check if ceph osd is running
+ shell: ps aux | grep ceph-osd | grep -v grep
+ ignore_errors: false
+ changed_when: false
+ register: service_ceph_osd_status
+- name: Check if ceph mon is running
+ shell: ps aux | grep ceph-mon | grep -v grep
+ ignore_errors: false
+ changed_when: false
+ register: service_ceph_mon_status
+- name: Create a pool and initialize it.
+ shell: ceph osd pool create {{ ceph_pool_name }} 100 && ceph osd pool set {{ ceph_pool_name }} size 1
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ changed_when: false
+ register: ceph_init_pool
+ when: service_ceph_mon_status.rc == 0 and service_ceph_osd_status.rc == 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7313caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad5cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+- name: install python-pip
+ apt:
+ name: python-pip
+- name: install lvm2
+ apt:
+ name: lvm2
+- name: install thin-provisioning-tools
+ apt:
+ name: thin-provisioning-tools
+- name: install docker-compose
+ pip:
+ name: docker-compose
+- name: create directory to save source code and volume group file
+ file:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}"
+ state: directory
+ recurse: yes
+- name: create volume group in thin mode
+ shell:
+ _raw_params: |
+ function _create_lvm_volume_group {
+ local vg=$1
+ local size=$2
+ local backing_file={{ cinder_data_dir }}/${vg}.img
+ if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
+ # Only create if the file doesn't already exists
+ [[ -f $backing_file ]] || truncate -s $size $backing_file
+ local vg_dev
+ vg_dev=`sudo losetup -f --show $backing_file`
+ # Only create volume group if it doesn't already exist
+ if ! sudo vgs $vg; then
+ sudo vgcreate $vg $vg_dev
+ fi
+ fi
+ }
+ modprobe dm_thin_pool
+ _create_lvm_volume_group {{ cinder_volume_group }} 10G
+ args:
+ executable: /bin/bash
+ become: true
+- name: check for python-cinderclient source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cinderclient_existed
+- name: download python-cinderclient source code
+ git:
+ repo:
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+ when:
+ - cinderclient_existed.stat.exists is undefined or cinderclient_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `ab0185bfc6e8797a35a2274c2a5ee03afb03dd60`
+# git checkout -b ab0185bfc6e8797a35a2274c2a5ee03afb03dd60
+- name: pip install cinderclinet
+ shell: |
+ pip install -e .
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-cinderclient"
+- name: check for python-brick-cinderclient-ext source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: brick_existed
+- name: download python-brick-cinderclient-ext source code
+ git:
+ repo:
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+ when:
+ - brick_existed.stat.exists is undefined or brick_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `a281e67bf9c12521ea5433f86cec913854826a33`
+# git checkout -b a281e67bf9c12521ea5433f86cec913854826a33
+- name: pip install python-brick-cinderclient-ext
+ shell: |
+ pip install -e .
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/python-brick-cinderclient-ext"
+- name: check for cinder source code existed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: cinder_existed
+- name: download cinder source code
+ git:
+ repo:
+ dest: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder"
+ when:
+ - cinder_existed.stat.exists is undefined or cinder_existed.stat.exists == false
+# Tested successfully in this version `7bbc95344d3961d0bf059252723fa40b33d4b3fe`
+# git checkout -b 7bbc95344d3961d0bf059252723fa40b33d4b3fe
+- name: update blockbox configuration
+ shell: |
+ sed -i "s/PLATFORM ?= debian:stretch/PLATFORM ?= {{ cinder_container_platform }}/g" Makefile
+ sed -i "s/TAG ?= debian-cinder:latest/TAG ?= {{ cinder_image_tag }}:latest/g" Makefile
+ sed -i "s/image: debian-cinder/image: {{ cinder_image_tag }}/g" docker-compose.yml
+ sed -i "s/image: lvm-debian-cinder/image: {{ cinder_image_tag }}/g" docker-compose.yml
+ sed -i "s/volume_group = cinder-volumes /volume_group = {{ cinder_volume_group }}/g" etc/cinder.conf
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: make blockbox
+ shell: make blockbox
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: start cinder-standalone service
+ shell: docker-compose up -d
+ become: true
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ cinder_data_dir }}/cinder/contrib/block-box"
+- name: wait for cinder service to start normally
+ wait_for:
+ host:
+ port: 8776
+ delay: 2
+ timeout: 120
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d7b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/scenarios/lvm.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- name: install lvm2 external package when lvm backend enabled
+ apt:
+ name: lvm2
+- name: check if physical volume existed
+ shell: pvdisplay {{ pv_device }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: pv_existed
+- name: create a physical volume
+ shell: pvcreate {{ pv_device }}
+ when: pv_existed is undefined or pv_existed.rc != 0
+- name: check if volume group existed
+ shell: vgdisplay {{ vg_name }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ register: vg_existed
+- name: create a volume group
+ shell: vgcreate {{ vg_name }} {{ pv_device }}
+ when: vg_existed is undefined or vg_existed.rc != 0
diff --git a/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2462905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/ansible/roles/osdsdock/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- name: include scenarios/lvm.yml
+ include: scenarios/lvm.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "lvm"
+- name: include scenarios/ceph.yml
+ include: scenarios/ceph.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "ceph"
+- name: include scenarios/cinder.yml
+ include: scenarios/cinder.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder" and use_cinder_standalone == false
+- name: include scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
+ include: scenarios/cinder_standalone.yml
+ when: enabled_backend == "cinder" and use_cinder_standalone == true
+- name: run osdsdock daemon service
+ shell:
+ cmd: |
+ i=0
+ while
+ i="$((i+1))"
+ [ "$i" -lt 4 ]
+ do
+ nohup bin/osdsdock &>/dev/null &
+ sleep 5
+ ps aux | grep osdsdock | grep -v grep && break
+ done
+ args:
+ chdir: "{{ opensds_build_dir }}/out"