path: root/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
diff options
authorQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-04 13:43:33 +0800
committerQiaowei Ren <>2018-01-05 11:59:39 +0800
commit812ff6ca9fcd3e629e49d4328905f33eee8ca3f5 (patch)
tree04ece7b4da00d9d2f98093774594f4057ae561d4 /src/ceph/qa/tasks/
parent15280273faafb77777eab341909a3f495cf248d9 (diff)
initial code repo
This patch creates initial code repo. For ceph, luminous stable release will be used for base code, and next changes and optimization for ceph will be added to it. For opensds, currently any changes can be upstreamed into original opensds repo (, and so stor4nfv will directly clone opensds code to deploy stor4nfv environment. And the scripts for deployment based on ceph and opensds will be put into 'ci' directory. Change-Id: I46a32218884c75dda2936337604ff03c554648e4 Signed-off-by: Qiaowei Ren <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ceph/qa/tasks/')
1 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ceph/qa/tasks/ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38fbe43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ceph/qa/tasks/
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+Execute ceph-deploy as a task
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import contextlib
+import os
+import time
+import logging
+import traceback
+from teuthology import misc as teuthology
+from teuthology import contextutil
+from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
+from teuthology.task import install as install_fn
+from teuthology.orchestra import run
+from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem
+from teuthology.misc import wait_until_healthy
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def download_ceph_deploy(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Downloads ceph-deploy from the git mirror and (by default)
+ switches to the master branch. If the `ceph-deploy-branch` is specified, it
+ will use that instead. The `bootstrap` script is ran, with the argument
+ obtained from `python_version`, if specified.
+ """
+ # use mon.a for ceph_admin
+ (ceph_admin,) = ctx.cluster.only('mon.a').remotes.iterkeys()
+ try:
+ py_ver = str(config['python_version'])
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ supported_versions = ['2', '3']
+ if py_ver not in supported_versions:
+ raise ValueError("python_version must be: {}, not {}".format(
+ ' or '.join(supported_versions), py_ver
+ ))
+"Installing Python")
+ system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(ceph_admin)
+ if system_type == 'rpm':
+ package = 'python34' if py_ver == '3' else 'python'
+ 'sudo', 'yum', '-y', 'install',
+ package, 'python-virtualenv'
+ ])
+ else:
+ package = 'python3' if py_ver == '3' else 'python'
+ 'sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', '--force-yes', 'install',
+ package, 'python-virtualenv'
+ ])
+'Downloading ceph-deploy...')
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ ceph_deploy_branch = config.get('ceph-deploy-branch', 'master')
+ args=[
+ 'git', 'clone', '-b', ceph_deploy_branch,
+ teuth_config.ceph_git_base_url + 'ceph-deploy.git',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ ],
+ )
+ args = [
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ './bootstrap',
+ ]
+ try:
+ args.append(str(config['python_version']))
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+'Removing ceph-deploy ...')
+ args=[
+ 'rm',
+ '-rf',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ ],
+ )
+def is_healthy(ctx, config):
+ """Wait until a Ceph cluster is healthy."""
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ ceph_admin = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
+ (remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(ceph_admin).remotes.keys()
+ max_tries = 90 # 90 tries * 10 secs --> 15 minutes
+ tries = 0
+ while True:
+ tries += 1
+ if tries >= max_tries:
+ msg = "ceph health was unable to get 'HEALTH_OK' after waiting 15 minutes"
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo', 'ceph',
+ 'report',
+ ],
+ )
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ r =
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo', 'ceph',
+ 'health',
+ ],
+ stdout=StringIO(),
+ logger=log.getChild('health'),
+ )
+ out = r.stdout.getvalue()
+'Ceph health: %s', out.rstrip('\n'))
+ if out.split(None, 1)[0] == 'HEALTH_OK':
+ break
+ time.sleep(10)
+def get_nodes_using_role(ctx, target_role):
+ """
+ Extract the names of nodes that match a given role from a cluster, and modify the
+ cluster's service IDs to match the resulting node-based naming scheme that ceph-deploy
+ uses, such that if "mon.a" is on host "foo23", it'll be renamed to "mon.foo23".
+ """
+ # Nodes containing a service of the specified role
+ nodes_of_interest = []
+ # Prepare a modified version of cluster.remotes with ceph-deploy-ized names
+ modified_remotes = {}
+ ceph_deploy_mapped = dict()
+ for _remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
+ modified_remotes[_remote] = []
+ for svc_id in roles_for_host:
+ if svc_id.startswith("{0}.".format(target_role)):
+ fqdn = str(_remote).split('@')[-1]
+ nodename = str(str(_remote).split('.')[0]).split('@')[1]
+ if target_role == 'mon':
+ nodes_of_interest.append(fqdn)
+ else:
+ nodes_of_interest.append(nodename)
+ mapped_role = "{0}.{1}".format(target_role, nodename)
+ modified_remotes[_remote].append(mapped_role)
+ # keep dict of mapped role for later use by tasks
+ # eg. mon.a => mon.node1
+ ceph_deploy_mapped[svc_id] = mapped_role
+ else:
+ modified_remotes[_remote].append(svc_id)
+ ctx.cluster.remotes = modified_remotes
+ ctx.cluster.mapped_role = ceph_deploy_mapped
+ return nodes_of_interest
+def get_dev_for_osd(ctx, config):
+ """Get a list of all osd device names."""
+ osd_devs = []
+ for remote, roles_for_host in ctx.cluster.remotes.iteritems():
+ host ='@')[-1]
+ shortname = host.split('.')[0]
+ devs = teuthology.get_scratch_devices(remote)
+ num_osd_per_host = list(
+ teuthology.roles_of_type(
+ roles_for_host, 'osd'))
+ num_osds = len(num_osd_per_host)
+ if config.get('separate_journal_disk') is not None:
+ num_devs_reqd = 2 * num_osds
+ assert num_devs_reqd <= len(
+ devs), 'fewer data and journal disks than required ' + shortname
+ for dindex in range(0, num_devs_reqd, 2):
+ jd_index = dindex + 1
+ dev_short = devs[dindex].split('/')[-1]
+ jdev_short = devs[jd_index].split('/')[-1]
+ osd_devs.append((shortname, dev_short, jdev_short))
+ else:
+ assert num_osds <= len(devs), 'fewer disks than osds ' + shortname
+ for dev in devs[:num_osds]:
+ dev_short = dev.split('/')[-1]
+ osd_devs.append((shortname, dev_short))
+ return osd_devs
+def get_all_nodes(ctx, config):
+ """Return a string of node names separated by blanks"""
+ nodelist = []
+ for t, k in ctx.config['targets'].iteritems():
+ host = t.split('@')[-1]
+ simple_host = host.split('.')[0]
+ nodelist.append(simple_host)
+ nodelist = " ".join(nodelist)
+ return nodelist
+def build_ceph_cluster(ctx, config):
+ """Build a ceph cluster"""
+ # Expect to find ceph_admin on the first mon by ID, same place that the download task
+ # puts it. Remember this here, because subsequently IDs will change from those in
+ # the test config to those that ceph-deploy invents.
+ (ceph_admin,) = ctx.cluster.only('mon.a').remotes.iterkeys()
+ def execute_ceph_deploy(cmd):
+ """Remotely execute a ceph_deploy command"""
+ return
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ run.Raw(cmd),
+ ],
+ check_status=False,
+ ).exitstatus
+ try:
+'Building ceph cluster using ceph-deploy...')
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ ceph_branch = None
+ if config.get('branch') is not None:
+ cbranch = config.get('branch')
+ for var, val in cbranch.iteritems():
+ ceph_branch = '--{var}={val}'.format(var=var, val=val)
+ all_nodes = get_all_nodes(ctx, config)
+ mds_nodes = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mds')
+ mds_nodes = " ".join(mds_nodes)
+ mon_node = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mon')
+ mon_nodes = " ".join(mon_node)
+ # skip mgr based on config item
+ # this is needed when test uses latest code to install old ceph
+ # versions
+ skip_mgr = config.get('skip-mgr', False)
+ if not skip_mgr:
+ mgr_nodes = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mgr')
+ mgr_nodes = " ".join(mgr_nodes)
+ new_mon = './ceph-deploy new' + " " + mon_nodes
+ if not skip_mgr:
+ mgr_create = './ceph-deploy mgr create' + " " + mgr_nodes
+ mon_hostname = mon_nodes.split(' ')[0]
+ mon_hostname = str(mon_hostname)
+ gather_keys = './ceph-deploy gatherkeys' + " " + mon_hostname
+ deploy_mds = './ceph-deploy mds create' + " " + mds_nodes
+ no_of_osds = 0
+ if mon_nodes is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("no monitor nodes in the config file")
+ estatus_new = execute_ceph_deploy(new_mon)
+ if estatus_new != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: new command failed")
+'adding config inputs...')
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ conf_path = '{tdir}/ceph-deploy/ceph.conf'.format(tdir=testdir)
+ if config.get('conf') is not None:
+ confp = config.get('conf')
+ for section, keys in confp.iteritems():
+ lines = '[{section}]\n'.format(section=section)
+ teuthology.append_lines_to_file(ceph_admin, conf_path, lines,
+ sudo=True)
+ for key, value in keys.iteritems():
+"[%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value))
+ lines = '{key} = {value}\n'.format(key=key, value=value)
+ teuthology.append_lines_to_file(
+ ceph_admin, conf_path, lines, sudo=True)
+ # install ceph
+ dev_branch = ctx.config['branch']
+ branch = '--dev={branch}'.format(branch=dev_branch)
+ if ceph_branch:
+ option = ceph_branch
+ else:
+ option = branch
+ install_nodes = './ceph-deploy install ' + option + " " + all_nodes
+ estatus_install = execute_ceph_deploy(install_nodes)
+ if estatus_install != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to install ceph")
+ # install ceph-test package too
+ install_nodes2 = './ceph-deploy install --tests ' + option + \
+ " " + all_nodes
+ estatus_install = execute_ceph_deploy(install_nodes2)
+ if estatus_install != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to install ceph-test")
+ mon_create_nodes = './ceph-deploy mon create-initial'
+ # If the following fails, it is OK, it might just be that the monitors
+ # are taking way more than a minute/monitor to form quorum, so lets
+ # try the next block which will wait up to 15 minutes to gatherkeys.
+ execute_ceph_deploy(mon_create_nodes)
+ # create-keys is explicit now
+ #
+ mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
+ for remote in mons.remotes.iterkeys():
+['sudo', 'ceph-create-keys', '--cluster', 'ceph',
+ '--id', remote.shortname])
+ estatus_gather = execute_ceph_deploy(gather_keys)
+ if not skip_mgr:
+ execute_ceph_deploy(mgr_create)
+ if mds_nodes:
+ estatus_mds = execute_ceph_deploy(deploy_mds)
+ if estatus_mds != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to deploy mds")
+ if config.get('test_mon_destroy') is not None:
+ for d in range(1, len(mon_node)):
+ mon_destroy_nodes = './ceph-deploy mon destroy' + \
+ " " + mon_node[d]
+ estatus_mon_d = execute_ceph_deploy(mon_destroy_nodes)
+ if estatus_mon_d != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to delete monitor")
+ node_dev_list = get_dev_for_osd(ctx, config)
+ for d in node_dev_list:
+ node = d[0]
+ for disk in d[1:]:
+ zap = './ceph-deploy disk zap ' + node + ':' + disk
+ estatus = execute_ceph_deploy(zap)
+ if estatus != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to zap osds")
+ osd_create_cmd = './ceph-deploy osd create '
+ # first check for filestore, default is bluestore with ceph-deploy
+ if config.get('filestore') is not None:
+ osd_create_cmd += '--filestore '
+ elif config.get('bluestore') is not None:
+ osd_create_cmd += '--bluestore '
+ if config.get('dmcrypt') is not None:
+ osd_create_cmd += '--dmcrypt '
+ osd_create_cmd += ":".join(d)
+ estatus_osd = execute_ceph_deploy(osd_create_cmd)
+ if estatus_osd == 0:
+'successfully created osd')
+ no_of_osds += 1
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("ceph-deploy: Failed to create osds")
+ if config.get('wait-for-healthy', True) and no_of_osds >= 2:
+ is_healthy(ctx=ctx, config=None)
+'Setting up client nodes...')
+ conf_path = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
+ admin_keyring_path = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring'
+ first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
+ (mon0_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.keys()
+ conf_data = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ path=conf_path,
+ sudo=True,
+ )
+ admin_keyring = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ path=admin_keyring_path,
+ sudo=True,
+ )
+ clients = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('client'))
+ for remot, roles_for_host in clients.remotes.iteritems():
+ for id_ in teuthology.roles_of_type(roles_for_host, 'client'):
+ client_keyring = \
+ '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{id}.keyring'.format(id=id_)
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ 'sudo', 'bash', '-c',
+ run.Raw('"'), 'ceph',
+ 'auth',
+ 'get-or-create',
+ 'client.{id}'.format(id=id_),
+ 'mds', 'allow',
+ 'mon', 'allow *',
+ 'osd', 'allow *',
+ run.Raw('>'),
+ client_keyring,
+ run.Raw('"'),
+ ],
+ )
+ key_data = teuthology.get_file(
+ remote=mon0_remote,
+ path=client_keyring,
+ sudo=True,
+ )
+ teuthology.sudo_write_file(
+ remote=remot,
+ path=client_keyring,
+ data=key_data,
+ perms='0644'
+ )
+ teuthology.sudo_write_file(
+ remote=remot,
+ path=admin_keyring_path,
+ data=admin_keyring,
+ perms='0644'
+ )
+ teuthology.sudo_write_file(
+ remote=remot,
+ path=conf_path,
+ data=conf_data,
+ perms='0644'
+ )
+ if mds_nodes:
+'Configuring CephFS...')
+ Filesystem(ctx, create=True)
+ elif not config.get('only_mon'):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "The cluster is NOT operational due to insufficient OSDs")
+ yield
+ except Exception:
+ "Error encountered, logging exception before tearing down ceph-deploy")
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if config.get('keep_running'):
+ return
+'Stopping ceph...')
+['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', ''])
+ # Are you really not running anymore?
+ # try first with the init tooling
+ # ignoring the status so this becomes informational only
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'status', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'status', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'status', ''],
+ check_status=False)
+ # and now just check for the processes themselves, as if upstart/sysvinit
+ # is lying to us. Ignore errors if the grep fails
+['sudo', 'ps', 'aux', run.Raw('|'),
+ 'grep', '-v', 'grep', run.Raw('|'),
+ 'grep', 'ceph'], check_status=False)
+ if ctx.archive is not None:
+ # archive mon data, too
+'Archiving mon data...')
+ path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'data')
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
+ for remote, roles in mons.remotes.iteritems():
+ for role in roles:
+ if role.startswith('mon.'):
+ teuthology.pull_directory_tarball(
+ remote,
+ '/var/lib/ceph/mon',
+ path + '/' + role + '.tgz')
+'Compressing logs...')
+ run.wait(
+ args=[
+ 'sudo',
+ 'find',
+ '/var/log/ceph',
+ '-name',
+ '*.log',
+ '-print0',
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ 'sudo',
+ 'xargs',
+ '-0',
+ '--no-run-if-empty',
+ '--',
+ 'gzip',
+ '--',
+ ],
+ wait=False,
+ ),
+ )
+'Archiving logs...')
+ path = os.path.join(ctx.archive, 'remote')
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ for remote in ctx.cluster.remotes.iterkeys():
+ sub = os.path.join(path, remote.shortname)
+ os.makedirs(sub)
+ teuthology.pull_directory(remote, '/var/log/ceph',
+ os.path.join(sub, 'log'))
+ # Prevent these from being undefined if the try block fails
+ all_nodes = get_all_nodes(ctx, config)
+ purge_nodes = './ceph-deploy purge' + " " + all_nodes
+ purgedata_nodes = './ceph-deploy purgedata' + " " + all_nodes
+'Purging package...')
+ execute_ceph_deploy(purge_nodes)
+'Purging data...')
+ execute_ceph_deploy(purgedata_nodes)
+def cli_test(ctx, config):
+ """
+ ceph-deploy cli to exercise most commonly use cli's and ensure
+ all commands works and also startup the init system.
+ """
+'Ceph-deploy Test')
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ test_branch = ''
+ conf_dir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx) + "/cdtest"
+ def execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path):
+ """Execute ceph-deploy commands """
+ """Either use git path or repo path """
+ args = ['cd', conf_dir, run.Raw(';')]
+ if path:
+ args.append('{path}/ceph-deploy/ceph-deploy'.format(path=path))
+ else:
+ args.append('ceph-deploy')
+ args.append(run.Raw(cmd))
+ ec =, check_status=False).exitstatus
+ if ec != 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "failed during ceph-deploy cmd: {cmd} , ec={ec}".format(cmd=cmd, ec=ec))
+ if config.get('rhbuild'):
+ path = None
+ else:
+ path = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ # test on branch from config eg: wip-* , master or next etc
+ # packages for all distro's should exist for wip*
+ if ctx.config.get('branch'):
+ branch = ctx.config.get('branch')
+ test_branch = ' --dev={branch} '.format(branch=branch)
+ mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
+ for node, role in mons.remotes.iteritems():
+ admin = node
+['mkdir', conf_dir], check_status=False)
+ nodename = admin.shortname
+ system_type = teuthology.get_system_type(admin)
+ if config.get('rhbuild'):
+['sudo', 'yum', 'install', 'ceph-deploy', '-y'])
+'system type is %s', system_type)
+ osds = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('osd'))
+ for remote, roles in osds.remotes.iteritems():
+ devs = teuthology.get_scratch_devices(remote)
+"roles %s", roles)
+ if (len(devs) < 3):
+ log.error(
+ 'Test needs minimum of 3 devices, only found %s',
+ str(devs))
+ raise RuntimeError("Needs minimum of 3 devices ")
+ conf_path = '{conf_dir}/ceph.conf'.format(conf_dir=conf_dir)
+ new_cmd = 'new ' + nodename
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, new_cmd, path)
+ if config.get('conf') is not None:
+ confp = config.get('conf')
+ for section, keys in confp.iteritems():
+ lines = '[{section}]\n'.format(section=section)
+ teuthology.append_lines_to_file(admin, conf_path, lines,
+ sudo=True)
+ for key, value in keys.iteritems():
+"[%s] %s = %s" % (section, key, value))
+ lines = '{key} = {value}\n'.format(key=key, value=value)
+ teuthology.append_lines_to_file(admin, conf_path, lines,
+ sudo=True)
+ new_mon_install = 'install {branch} --mon '.format(
+ branch=test_branch) + nodename
+ new_mgr_install = 'install {branch} --mgr '.format(
+ branch=test_branch) + nodename
+ new_osd_install = 'install {branch} --osd '.format(
+ branch=test_branch) + nodename
+ new_admin = 'install {branch} --cli '.format(branch=test_branch) + nodename
+ create_initial = 'mon create-initial '
+ # either use create-keys or push command
+ push_keys = 'admin ' + nodename
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, new_mon_install, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, new_mgr_install, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, new_osd_install, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, new_admin, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, create_initial, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, push_keys, path)
+ for i in range(3):
+ zap_disk = 'disk zap ' + "{n}:{d}".format(n=nodename, d=devs[i])
+ prepare = 'osd prepare ' + "{n}:{d}".format(n=nodename, d=devs[i])
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, zap_disk, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, prepare, path)
+"list files for debugging purpose to check file permissions")
+['ls', run.Raw('-lt'), conf_dir])
+['sudo', 'ceph', '-s'], check_status=False)
+ r =['sudo', 'ceph', 'health'], stdout=StringIO())
+ out = r.stdout.getvalue()
+'Ceph health: %s', out.rstrip('\n'))
+"Waiting for cluster to become healthy")
+ with contextutil.safe_while(sleep=10, tries=6,
+ action='check health') as proceed:
+ while proceed():
+ r =['sudo', 'ceph', 'health'], stdout=StringIO())
+ out = r.stdout.getvalue()
+ if (out.split(None, 1)[0] == 'HEALTH_OK'):
+ break
+ rgw_install = 'install {branch} --rgw {node}'.format(
+ branch=test_branch,
+ node=nodename,
+ )
+ rgw_create = 'rgw create ' + nodename
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, rgw_install, path)
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, rgw_create, path)
+'All ceph-deploy cli tests passed')
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+"cleaning up")
+['sudo', 'stop', 'ceph-all', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'service', 'ceph', 'stop', run.Raw('||'),
+ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'stop', ''],
+ check_status=False)
+ time.sleep(4)
+ for i in range(3):
+ umount_dev = "{d}1".format(d=devs[i])
+ r =['sudo', 'umount', run.Raw(umount_dev)])
+ cmd = 'purge ' + nodename
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path)
+ cmd = 'purgedata ' + nodename
+ execute_cdeploy(admin, cmd, path)
+"Removing temporary dir")
+ args=[
+ 'rm',
+ run.Raw('-rf'),
+ run.Raw(conf_dir)],
+ check_status=False)
+ if config.get('rhbuild'):
+['sudo', 'yum', 'remove', 'ceph-deploy', '-y'])
+def single_node_test(ctx, config):
+ """
+ - ceph-deploy.single_node_test: null
+ #rhbuild testing
+ - ceph-deploy.single_node_test:
+ rhbuild: 1.2.3
+ """
+"Testing ceph-deploy on single node")
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
+ teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph-deploy', {}))
+ if config.get('rhbuild'):
+"RH Build, Skip Download")
+ with contextutil.nested(
+ lambda: cli_test(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ ):
+ yield
+ else:
+ with contextutil.nested(
+ lambda: install_fn.ship_utilities(ctx=ctx, config=None),
+ lambda: download_ceph_deploy(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ lambda: cli_test(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ ):
+ yield
+def upgrade(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Upgrade using ceph-deploy
+ eg:
+ ceph-deploy.upgrade:
+ # to upgrade to specific branch, use
+ branch:
+ stable: jewel
+ # to setup mgr node, use
+ setup-mgr-node: True
+ # to wait for cluster to be healthy after all upgrade, use
+ wait-for-healthy: True
+ role: (upgrades the below roles serially)
+ mon.a
+ mon.b
+ osd.0
+ """
+ roles = config.get('roles')
+ # get the roles that are mapped as per ceph-deploy
+ # roles are mapped for mon/mds eg: mon.a => mon.host_short_name
+ mapped_role = ctx.cluster.mapped_role
+ if config.get('branch'):
+ branch = config.get('branch')
+ (var, val) = branch.items()[0]
+ ceph_branch = '--{var}={val}'.format(var=var, val=val)
+ else:
+ # default to master
+ ceph_branch = '--dev=master'
+ # get the node used for initial deployment which is mon.a
+ mon_a = mapped_role.get('mon.a')
+ (ceph_admin,) = ctx.cluster.only(mon_a).remotes.iterkeys()
+ testdir = teuthology.get_testdir(ctx)
+ cmd = './ceph-deploy install ' + ceph_branch
+ for role in roles:
+ # check if this role is mapped (mon or mds)
+ if mapped_role.get(role):
+ role = mapped_role.get(role)
+ remotes_and_roles = ctx.cluster.only(role).remotes
+ for remote, roles in remotes_and_roles.iteritems():
+ nodename = remote.shortname
+ cmd = cmd + ' ' + nodename
+"Upgrading ceph on %s", nodename)
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ run.Raw(cmd),
+ ],
+ )
+ # restart all ceph services, ideally upgrade should but it does not
+ args=[
+ 'sudo', 'systemctl', 'restart', ''
+ ]
+ )
+['sudo', 'ceph', '-s'])
+ # workaround for
+ # write the correct mgr key to disk
+ if config.get('setup-mgr-node', None):
+ mons = ctx.cluster.only(teuthology.is_type('mon'))
+ for remote, roles in mons.remotes.iteritems():
+ args=[
+ run.Raw('sudo ceph auth get client.bootstrap-mgr'),
+ run.Raw('|'),
+ run.Raw('sudo tee'),
+ run.Raw('/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/ceph.keyring')
+ ]
+ )
+ if config.get('setup-mgr-node', None):
+ mgr_nodes = get_nodes_using_role(ctx, 'mgr')
+ mgr_nodes = " ".join(mgr_nodes)
+ mgr_install = './ceph-deploy install --mgr ' + ceph_branch + " " + mgr_nodes
+ mgr_create = './ceph-deploy mgr create' + " " + mgr_nodes
+ # install mgr
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ run.Raw(mgr_install),
+ ],
+ )
+ # create mgr
+ args=[
+ 'cd',
+ '{tdir}/ceph-deploy'.format(tdir=testdir),
+ run.Raw('&&'),
+ run.Raw(mgr_create),
+ ],
+ )
+['sudo', 'ceph', '-s'])
+ if config.get('wait-for-healthy', None):
+ wait_until_healthy(ctx, ceph_admin, use_sudo=True)
+ yield
+def task(ctx, config):
+ """
+ Set up and tear down a Ceph cluster.
+ For example::
+ tasks:
+ - install:
+ extras: yes
+ - ssh_keys:
+ - ceph-deploy:
+ branch:
+ stable: bobtail
+ mon_initial_members: 1
+ ceph-deploy-branch: my-ceph-deploy-branch
+ only_mon: true
+ keep_running: true
+ # either choose bluestore or filestore, default is bluestore
+ bluestore: True
+ # or
+ filestore: True
+ # skip install of mgr for old release using below flag
+ skip-mgr: True ( default is False )
+ tasks:
+ - install:
+ extras: yes
+ - ssh_keys:
+ - ceph-deploy:
+ branch:
+ dev: master
+ conf:
+ mon:
+ debug mon = 20
+ tasks:
+ - install:
+ extras: yes
+ - ssh_keys:
+ - ceph-deploy:
+ branch:
+ testing:
+ dmcrypt: yes
+ separate_journal_disk: yes
+ """
+ if config is None:
+ config = {}
+ assert isinstance(config, dict), \
+ "task ceph-deploy only supports a dictionary for configuration"
+ overrides = ctx.config.get('overrides', {})
+ teuthology.deep_merge(config, overrides.get('ceph-deploy', {}))
+ if config.get('branch') is not None:
+ assert isinstance(
+ config['branch'], dict), 'branch must be a dictionary'
+'task ceph-deploy with config ' + str(config))
+ with contextutil.nested(
+ lambda: install_fn.ship_utilities(ctx=ctx, config=None),
+ lambda: download_ceph_deploy(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ lambda: build_ceph_cluster(ctx=ctx, config=config),
+ ):
+ yield