path: root/examples
diff options
authorSteven Pisarski <>2018-01-03 15:02:33 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2018-01-03 15:02:33 +0000
commit24e4fc3b5efd3382836091809e075ea6b371e597 (patch)
tree6eeec81fbd29a5118880826077cf3e041f4a1ca4 /examples
parente3011f7a8914a10cbe02a61bf5fe30f5bdbf1082 (diff)
parentfd6271827bbd82fca4b5b7939da404809e82ae64 (diff)
Merge "Enhancements to the SNAPS orchestrator/launcher"
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 671 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index 975d834..04bc5d6 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -18,558 +18,19 @@
# This script is responsible for deploying virtual environments
import argparse
import logging
-import re
-import time
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import os
import yaml
from snaps import file_utils
-from snaps.config.flavor import FlavorConfig
-from snaps.config.image import ImageConfig
-from snaps.config.keypair import KeypairConfig
-from import PortConfig, NetworkConfig
-from snaps.config.project import ProjectConfig
-from snaps.config.qos import QoSConfig
-from snaps.config.router import RouterConfig
-from snaps.config.security_group import SecurityGroupConfig
-from snaps.config.user import UserConfig
-from snaps.config.vm_inst import VmInstanceConfig
-from snaps.config.volume import VolumeConfig
-from snaps.config.volume_type import VolumeTypeConfig
-from snaps.openstack.create_flavor import OpenStackFlavor
-from snaps.openstack.create_image import OpenStackImage
-from snaps.openstack.create_keypairs import OpenStackKeypair
-from snaps.openstack.create_network import OpenStackNetwork
-from snaps.openstack.create_project import OpenStackProject
-from snaps.openstack.create_qos import OpenStackQoS
-from snaps.openstack.create_router import OpenStackRouter
-from snaps.openstack.create_security_group import OpenStackSecurityGroup
-from snaps.openstack.create_user import OpenStackUser
-from snaps.openstack.create_volume import OpenStackVolume
-from snaps.openstack.create_volume_type import OpenStackVolumeType
-from snaps.openstack.os_credentials import OSCreds, ProxySettings
-from snaps.openstack.utils import deploy_utils
-from snaps.provisioning import ansible_utils
+from snaps.openstack.utils import launch_utils
__author__ = 'spisarski'
logger = logging.getLogger('snaps_launcher')
ARG_NOT_SET = "argument not set"
-def __get_creds_dict(os_conn_config):
- """
- Returns a dict of OSCreds where the key is the creds name.
- For backwards compatibility, credentials not contained in a list (only
- one) will be returned with the key of None
- :param os_conn_config: the credential configuration
- :return: a dict of OSCreds objects
- """
- if 'connection' in os_conn_config:
- return {DEFAULT_CREDS_KEY: __get_os_credentials(os_conn_config)}
- elif 'connections' in os_conn_config:
- out = dict()
- for os_conn_dict in os_conn_config['connections']:
- config = os_conn_dict.get('connection')
- if not config:
- raise Exception('Invalid connection format')
- name = config.get('name')
- if not name:
- raise Exception('Connection config requires a name field')
- out[name] = __get_os_credentials(os_conn_dict)
- return out
-def __get_creds(os_creds_dict, os_user_dict, inst_config):
- """
- Returns the appropriate credentials
- :param os_creds_dict: a dictionary of OSCreds objects where the name is the
- key
- :param os_user_dict: a dictionary of OpenStackUser objects where the name
- is the key
- :param inst_config:
- :return: an OSCreds instance or None
- """
- os_creds = os_creds_dict.get(DEFAULT_CREDS_KEY)
- if 'os_user' in inst_config:
- os_user_conf = inst_config['os_user']
- if 'name' in os_user_conf:
- user_creator = os_user_dict.get(os_user_conf['name'])
- if user_creator:
- return user_creator.get_os_creds(
- project_name=os_user_conf.get('project_name'))
- elif 'os_creds_name' in inst_config:
- if 'os_creds_name' in inst_config:
- os_creds = os_creds_dict[inst_config['os_creds_name']]
- return os_creds
-def __get_os_credentials(os_conn_config):
- """
- Returns an object containing all of the information required to access
- OpenStack APIs
- :param os_conn_config: The configuration holding the credentials
- :return: an OSCreds instance
- """
- config = os_conn_config.get('connection')
- if not config:
- raise Exception('Invalid connection configuration')
- proxy_settings = None
- http_proxy = config.get('http_proxy')
- if http_proxy:
- tokens = re.split(':', http_proxy)
- ssh_proxy_cmd = config.get('ssh_proxy_cmd')
- proxy_settings = ProxySettings(host=tokens[0], port=tokens[1],
- ssh_proxy_cmd=ssh_proxy_cmd)
- else:
- if 'proxy_settings' in config:
- host = config['proxy_settings'].get('host')
- port = config['proxy_settings'].get('port')
- if host and host != 'None' and port and port != 'None':
- proxy_settings = ProxySettings(**config['proxy_settings'])
- if proxy_settings:
- config['proxy_settings'] = proxy_settings
- else:
- if config.get('proxy_settings'):
- del config['proxy_settings']
- return OSCreds(**config)
-def __parse_ports_config(config):
- """
- Parses the "ports" configuration
- :param config: The dictionary to parse
- :return: a list of PortConfig objects
- """
- out = list()
- for port_config in config:
- out.append(PortConfig(**port_config.get('port')))
- return out
-def __create_instances(os_creds_dict, creator_class, config_class, config,
- config_key, cleanup=False, os_users_dict=None):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of SNAPS creator objects where the key is the name
- :param os_creds_dict: Dictionary of OSCreds objects where the key is the
- name
- :param config: The list of configurations for the same type
- :param config_key: The list of configurations for the same type
- :param cleanup: Denotes whether or not this is being called for cleanup
- :return: dictionary
- """
- out = {}
- if config:
- try:
- for config_dict in config:
- inst_config = config_dict.get(config_key)
- if inst_config:
- creator = creator_class(
- __get_creds(os_creds_dict, os_users_dict, inst_config),
- config_class(**inst_config))
- if cleanup:
- creator.initialize()
- else:
- creator.create()
- out[inst_config['name']] = creator
-'Created configured %s', config_key)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error('Unexpected error instantiating creator [%s] '
- 'with exception %s', creator_class, e)
- return out
-def __create_vm_instances(os_creds_dict, os_users_dict, instances_config,
- image_dict, keypairs_dict, cleanup=False):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of OpenStackVmInstance objects where the key is the
- instance name
- :param os_creds_dict: Dictionary of OSCreds objects where the key is the
- name
- :param os_users_dict: Dictionary of OpenStackUser objects where the key is
- the username
- :param instances_config: The list of VM instance configurations
- :param image_dict: A dictionary of images that will probably be used to
- instantiate the VM instance
- :param keypairs_dict: A dictionary of keypairs that will probably be used
- to instantiate the VM instance
- :param cleanup: Denotes whether or not this is being called for cleanup
- :return: dictionary
- """
- vm_dict = {}
- if instances_config:
- try:
- for instance_config in instances_config:
- conf = instance_config.get('instance')
- if conf:
- if image_dict:
- image_creator = image_dict.get(conf.get('imageName'))
- if image_creator:
- instance_settings = VmInstanceConfig(
- **instance_config['instance'])
- kp_creator = keypairs_dict.get(
- conf.get('keypair_name'))
- vm_dict[conf[
- 'name']] = deploy_utils.create_vm_instance(
- __get_creds(
- os_creds_dict, os_users_dict, conf),
- instance_settings,
- image_creator.image_settings,
- keypair_creator=kp_creator,
- init_only=cleanup)
- else:
- raise Exception('Image creator instance not found.'
- ' Cannot instantiate')
- else:
- raise Exception('Image dictionary is None. Cannot '
- 'instantiate')
- else:
- raise Exception('Instance configuration is None. Cannot '
- 'instantiate')
-'Created configured instances')
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error('Unexpected error creating VM instances - %s', e)
- return vm_dict
-def __apply_ansible_playbooks(ansible_configs, os_creds_dict, vm_dict,
- image_dict, flavor_dict, env_file):
- """
- Applies ansible playbooks to running VMs with floating IPs
- :param ansible_configs: a list of Ansible configurations
- :param os_creds_dict: Dictionary of OSCreds objects where the key is the
- name
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated VMs where the name is
- the key
- :param image_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated images where the
- name is the key
- :param flavor_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated flavors where the
- name is the key
- :param env_file: the path of the environment for setting the CWD so
- playbook location is relative to the deployment file
- :return: t/f - true if successful
- """
-"Applying Ansible Playbooks")
- if ansible_configs:
- # Ensure all hosts are accepting SSH session requests
- for vm_inst in list(vm_dict.values()):
- if not vm_inst.vm_ssh_active(block=True):
- logger.warning(
- "Timeout waiting for instance to respond to SSH requests")
- return False
- # Set CWD so the deployment file's playbook location can leverage
- # relative paths
- orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
- env_dir = os.path.dirname(env_file)
- os.chdir(env_dir)
- # Apply playbooks
- for ansible_config in ansible_configs:
- if 'pre_sleep_time' in ansible_config:
- try:
- sleep_time = int(ansible_config['pre_sleep_time'])
-'Waiting %s seconds to apply playbooks',
- sleep_time)
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- except:
- pass
- os_creds = os_creds_dict.get(None, 'admin')
- __apply_ansible_playbook(ansible_config, os_creds, vm_dict,
- image_dict, flavor_dict)
- # Return to original directory
- os.chdir(orig_cwd)
- return True
-def __apply_ansible_playbook(ansible_config, os_creds, vm_dict, image_dict,
- flavor_dict):
- """
- Applies an Ansible configuration setting
- :param ansible_config: the configuration settings
- :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials object
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated VMs where the name is
- the key
- :param image_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated images where the
- name is the key
- :param flavor_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated flavors where the
- name is the key
- """
- if ansible_config:
- (remote_user, floating_ips, private_key_filepath,
- proxy_settings) = __get_connection_info(
- ansible_config, vm_dict)
- if floating_ips:
- retval = ansible_utils.apply_playbook(
- ansible_config['playbook_location'], floating_ips, remote_user,
- private_key_filepath,
- variables=__get_variables(ansible_config.get('variables'),
- os_creds, vm_dict, image_dict,
- flavor_dict),
- proxy_setting=proxy_settings)
- if retval != 0:
- # Not a fatal type of event
- logger.warning(
- 'Unable to apply playbook found at location - %s',
- ansible_config.get('playbook_location'))
-def __get_connection_info(ansible_config, vm_dict):
- """
- Returns a tuple of data required for connecting to the running VMs
- (remote_user, [floating_ips], private_key_filepath, proxy_settings)
- :param ansible_config: the configuration settings
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary of VMs where the VM name is the key
- :return: tuple where the first element is the user and the second is a list
- of floating IPs and the third is the
- private key file location and the fourth is an instance of the
- snaps.ProxySettings class
- (note: in order to work, each of the hosts need to have the same sudo_user
- and private key file location values)
- """
- if ansible_config.get('hosts'):
- hosts = ansible_config['hosts']
- if len(hosts) > 0:
- floating_ips = list()
- remote_user = None
- pk_file = None
- proxy_settings = None
- for host in hosts:
- vm = vm_dict.get(host)
- if vm:
- fip = vm.get_floating_ip()
- if fip:
- remote_user = vm.get_image_user()
- if fip:
- floating_ips.append(fip.ip)
- else:
- raise Exception(
- 'Could not find floating IP for VM - ' +
- pk_file = vm.keypair_settings.private_filepath
- proxy_settings = vm.get_os_creds().proxy_settings
- else:
- logger.error('Could not locate VM with name - ' + host)
- return remote_user, floating_ips, pk_file, proxy_settings
- return None
-def __get_variables(var_config, os_creds, vm_dict, image_dict, flavor_dict):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of substitution variables to be used for Ansible
- templates
- :param var_config: the variable configuration settings
- :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials object
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated VMs where the name is
- the key
- :param image_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated images where the
- name is the key
- :param flavor_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated flavors where the
- name is the key
- :return: dictionary or None
- """
- if var_config and vm_dict and len(vm_dict) > 0:
- variables = dict()
- for key, value in var_config.items():
- value = __get_variable_value(value, os_creds, vm_dict, image_dict,
- flavor_dict)
- if key and value:
- variables[key] = value
- "Set Jinga2 variable with key [%s] the value [%s]",
- key, value)
- else:
- logger.warning('Key [%s] or Value [%s] must not be None',
- str(key), str(value))
- return variables
- return None
-def __get_variable_value(var_config_values, os_creds, vm_dict, image_dict,
- flavor_dict):
- """
- Returns the associated variable value for use by Ansible for substitution
- purposes
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials object
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated VMs where the name is
- the key
- :param image_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated images where the
- name is the key
- :param flavor_dict: the dictionary of newly instantiated flavors where the
- name is the key
- :return:
- """
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'string':
- return __get_string_variable_value(var_config_values)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'vm-attr':
- return __get_vm_attr_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'os_creds':
- return __get_os_creds_variable_value(var_config_values, os_creds)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'port':
- return __get_vm_port_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'floating_ip':
- return __get_vm_fip_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'image':
- return __get_image_variable_value(var_config_values, image_dict)
- if var_config_values['type'] == 'flavor':
- return __get_flavor_variable_value(var_config_values, flavor_dict)
- return None
-def __get_string_variable_value(var_config_values):
- """
- Returns the associated string value
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :return: the value contained in the dictionary with the key 'value'
- """
- return var_config_values['value']
-def __get_vm_attr_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict):
- """
- Returns the associated value contained on a VM instance
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary containing all VMs where the key is the VM's
- name
- :return: the value
- """
- vm = vm_dict.get(var_config_values['vm_name'])
- if vm:
- if var_config_values['value'] == 'floating_ip':
- return vm.get_floating_ip().ip
- if var_config_values['value'] == 'image_user':
- return vm.get_image_user()
-def __get_os_creds_variable_value(var_config_values, os_creds):
- """
- Returns the associated OS credentials value
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param os_creds: the credentials
- :return: the value
- """
-"Retrieving OS Credentials")
- if os_creds:
- if var_config_values['value'] == 'username':
-"Returning OS username")
- return os_creds.username
- elif var_config_values['value'] == 'password':
-"Returning OS password")
- return os_creds.password
- elif var_config_values['value'] == 'auth_url':
-"Returning OS auth_url")
- return os_creds.auth_url
- elif var_config_values['value'] == 'project_name':
-"Returning OS project_name")
- return os_creds.project_name
-"Returning none")
- return None
-def __get_vm_port_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict):
- """
- Returns the associated OS credentials value
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary containing all VMs where the key is the VM's
- name
- :return: the value
- """
- port_name = var_config_values.get('port_name')
- vm_name = var_config_values.get('vm_name')
- if port_name and vm_name:
- vm = vm_dict.get(vm_name)
- if vm:
- port_value_id = var_config_values.get('port_value')
- if port_value_id:
- if port_value_id == 'mac_address':
- return vm.get_port_mac(port_name)
- if port_value_id == 'ip_address':
- return vm.get_port_ip(port_name)
-def __get_vm_fip_variable_value(var_config_values, vm_dict):
- """
- Returns the floating IP value if found
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param vm_dict: the dictionary containing all VMs where the key is the VM's
- name
- :return: the floating IP string value or None
- """
- fip_name = var_config_values.get('fip_name')
- vm_name = var_config_values.get('vm_name')
- if vm_name:
- vm = vm_dict.get(vm_name)
- if vm:
- fip = vm.get_floating_ip(fip_name)
- if fip:
- return fip.ip
-def __get_image_variable_value(var_config_values, image_dict):
- """
- Returns the associated image value
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param image_dict: the dictionary containing all images where the key is
- the name
- :return: the value
- """
-"Retrieving image values")
- if image_dict:
- if var_config_values.get('image_name'):
- image_creator = image_dict.get(var_config_values['image_name'])
- if image_creator:
- if var_config_values.get('value') and \
- var_config_values['value'] == 'id':
- return image_creator.get_image().id
- if var_config_values.get('value') and \
- var_config_values['value'] == 'user':
- return image_creator.image_settings.image_user
-"Returning none")
- return None
-def __get_flavor_variable_value(var_config_values, flavor_dict):
- """
- Returns the associated flavor value
- :param var_config_values: the configuration dictionary
- :param flavor_dict: the dictionary containing all flavor creators where the
- key is the name
- :return: the value or None
- """
-"Retrieving flavor values")
- if flavor_dict:
- if var_config_values.get('flavor_name'):
- flavor_creator = flavor_dict.get(var_config_values['flavor_name'])
- if flavor_creator:
- if var_config_values.get('value') and \
- var_config_values['value'] == 'id':
- return flavor_creator.get_flavor().id
def main(arguments):
@@ -605,127 +66,11 @@ def main(arguments):
config = yaml.load(output)
if config:
- os_config = config.get('openstack')
- creators = list()
- vm_dict = dict()
- images_dict = dict()
- flavors_dict = dict()
- os_creds_dict = dict()
clean = arguments.clean is not ARG_NOT_SET
- if os_config:
- os_creds_dict = __get_creds_dict(os_config)
- try:
- # Create projects
- projects_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackProject, ProjectConfig,
- os_config.get('projects'), 'project', clean)
- creators.append(projects_dict)
- # Create users
- users_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackUser, UserConfig,
- os_config.get('users'), 'user', clean)
- creators.append(users_dict)
- # Associate new users to projects
- if not clean:
- for project_creator in projects_dict.values():
- users = project_creator.project_settings.users
- for user_name in users:
- user_creator = users_dict.get(user_name)
- if user_creator:
- project_creator.assoc_user(
- user_creator.get_user())
- # Create flavors
- flavors_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackFlavor, FlavorConfig,
- os_config.get('flavors'), 'flavor', clean, users_dict)
- creators.append(flavors_dict)
- # Create QoS specs
- qos_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackQoS, QoSConfig,
- os_config.get('qos_specs'), 'qos_spec', clean, users_dict)
- creators.append(qos_dict)
- # Create volume types
- vol_type_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackVolumeType, VolumeTypeConfig,
- os_config.get('volume_types'), 'volume_type', clean,
- users_dict)
- creators.append(vol_type_dict)
- # Create volume types
- vol_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackVolume, VolumeConfig,
- os_config.get('volumes'), 'volume', clean, users_dict)
- creators.append(vol_dict)
- # Create images
- images_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackImage, ImageConfig,
- os_config.get('images'), 'image', clean, users_dict)
- creators.append(images_dict)
- # Create networks
- creators.append(__create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackNetwork, NetworkConfig,
- os_config.get('networks'), 'network', clean, users_dict))
- # Create routers
- creators.append(__create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackRouter, RouterConfig,
- os_config.get('routers'), 'router', clean, users_dict))
- # Create keypairs
- keypairs_dict = __create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackKeypair, KeypairConfig,
- os_config.get('keypairs'), 'keypair', clean, users_dict)
- creators.append(keypairs_dict)
- # Create security groups
- creators.append(__create_instances(
- os_creds_dict, OpenStackSecurityGroup,
- SecurityGroupConfig,
- os_config.get('security_groups'), 'security_group', clean,
- users_dict))
- # Create instance
- vm_dict = __create_vm_instances(
- os_creds_dict, users_dict, os_config.get('instances'),
- images_dict, keypairs_dict,
- arguments.clean is not ARG_NOT_SET)
- creators.append(vm_dict)
- 'Completed creating/retrieving all configured instances')
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error(
- 'Unexpected error deploying environment. Rolling back due'
- ' to - ' + str(e))
- raise
- # Must enter either block
- if arguments.clean is not ARG_NOT_SET:
- # Cleanup Environment
- __cleanup(creators, arguments.clean_image is not ARG_NOT_SET)
- elif arguments.deploy is not ARG_NOT_SET:
-'Configuring NICs where required')
- for vm in vm_dict.values():
- vm.config_nics()
-'Completed NIC configuration')
- # Provision VMs
- ansible_config = config.get('ansible')
- if ansible_config and vm_dict:
- if not __apply_ansible_playbooks(ansible_config,
- os_creds_dict, vm_dict,
- images_dict, flavors_dict,
- arguments.tmplt_file):
- logger.error("Problem applying ansible playbooks")
+ clean_image = arguments.clean_image is not ARG_NOT_SET
+ deploy = arguments.deploy is not ARG_NOT_SET
+ launch_utils.launch_config(
+ config, arguments.tmplt_file, deploy, clean, clean_image)
'Unable to read configuration file - ' + arguments.tmplt_file)
@@ -734,17 +79,6 @@ def main(arguments):
-def __cleanup(creators, clean_image=False):
- for creator_dict in reversed(creators):
- for key, creator in creator_dict.items():
- if ((isinstance(creator, OpenStackImage) and clean_image)
- or not isinstance(creator, OpenStackImage)):
- try:
- creator.clean()
- except Exception as e:
- logger.warning('Error cleaning component - %s', e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# To ensure any files referenced via a relative path will begin from the
# directory in which this file resides