path: root/docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst
diff options
authorrandyl <>2017-03-03 15:30:05 -0700
committerrandyl <>2017-03-03 15:30:05 -0700
commit406584267b076f60c54d6cfef518dc22a82ae76c (patch)
tree2294dc736992a8621d90c40938cf04bc4622608a /docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst
parentbadc81a7ff469e02303a729c7544216258d40239 (diff)
Fixed docs build and examples
Modified index.rst to include the other docs. Removed redundnat items. Cleaned up the examples. JIRA: SNAPS-41 Change-Id: I7058f1604135f6a2af0376d7b3d2ebc7bafd63e7 Signed-off-by: randyl <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst b/docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c84afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/how-to-use/LibraryUsage.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+SNAPS-OO Library Usage
+The pattern used within the SNAPS-OO library for creating OpenStack
+instances have been made as consistent as possible amongst the different
+instance types. Each consists of a constructor that takes in a
+credentials object and generally takes in a single "settings"
+(configuration) object. The only exception to this rule is with the
+OpenStackVMInstance (creates an OpenStack Server) where it takes in the
+additional settings used for the associated image and SSH key-pairs
+credentials as those objects contain additional attributes required of
+SNAPS, primarily when one needs to obtain remote access. After
+instantiation, the create() method must be called to initiate all of the
+necessary remote API calls to OpenStack required for proper instance
+SNAPS Credentials
+As communicating with OpenStack is performed via secure remote RESTful
+API calls, any function or method performing any type of query or CRUD
+operation must know how to connect to the NFVI. The class ***OSCreds***
+defined in *snaps.openstack.os\* contains everything
+required to connect to any Keystone v2.0 or v3 authorization server. The
+attributes are listed below:
+- username
+- password
+- auth\_url
+- project\_name (aka. tenant\_name)
+- identity\_api\_version (for obtaining Keystone authorization token.
+ Versions 2.0 & v3 only validated.)
+- image\_api\_version (Glance version 1 currently only validated)
+- network\_api\_version (Neutron version 2 currently only validated)
+- compute\_api\_version (Nova version 2 currently only validated)
+- user\_domain\_id (default='default')
+- project\_domain\_id (default='default')
+- proxy\_settings
+ - host (the HTTP proxy host)
+ - port (the HTTP proxy port)
+ - ssh\_proxy\_cmd (same as the value placed into ssh -o
+ ProxyCommand='<this config value>')
+Create OS Credentials Object
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.os_credentials import OSCreds
+ os_creds=OSCreds(username='admin', password`='admin'
+ auth_url='http://localhost:5000/v3, project_name='admin',
+ identity_api_version=3)
+SNAPS Object Creators
+Each creator minimally requires an OSCreds object for connecting to the
+NFVI, associated \*Settings object for instance configuration, create()
+method to make the necessary remote API calls and create all of the
+necessary OpenStack instances required, and clean() method that is
+responsible for deleting all associated OpenStack instances. Please see
+the class diagram `here </display/SNAP/SNAPS-OO+Classes>`__. Below is a
+textual representation of the requirements of each creator classes with
+their associated setting classes and a sample code snippet on how to use
+the code.
+Create User
+- User - snaps.openstack.create\_user.OpenStackUser
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_user.UserSettings
+ - name - the username (required)
+ - password - the user's password (required)
+ - project\_name - the name of the project to associated to this
+ user (optional)
+ - domain\_name - the user's domain (default='default')
+ - email - the user's email address (optional)
+ - enabled - flag to determine whether or not the user should be
+ enabled (default=True)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_user import UserSettings, OpenStackUser
+ user_settings = UserSettings(name='username', password='password)
+ user_creator = OpenStackUser(os_creds, user_settings)
+ user_creator.create()
+ # Retrieve OS creds for new user for creating other OpenStack instance
+ user_creds = user_creator.get_os_creds(os_creds.project_name)
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ user_creator.clean()
+Create Project
+- Project - snaps.openstack.create\_project.OpenStackProject
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_project.ProjectSettings
+ - name - the project name (required)
+ - domain - the project's domain (default='default')
+ - description - the project's description (optional)
+ - enables - flag to determine whether or not the project should
+ be enabled (default=True)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_project import ProjectSettings, OpenStackProject
+ project_settings = ProjectSettings(name='username', password='password)
+ project_creator = OpenStackProject(os_creds, project_settings)
+ project_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ project_creator.clean()
+Create Flavor
+- Flavor - snaps.openstack.create\_flavor.OpenStackFlavor
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_flavor.FlavorSettings
+ - name - the flavor name (required)
+ - flavor\_id - the flavor's string ID (default='auto')
+ - ram - memory in MB to allocate to VM (required)
+ - disk - disk storage in GB (required)
+ - vcpus - the number of CPUs to allocate to VM (required)
+ - ephemeral - the size of the ephemeral disk in GB (default=0)
+ - swap - the size of the swap disk in GB (default=0)
+ - rxtx\_factor - the receive/transmit factor to be set on ports
+ if backend supports QoS extension (default=1.0)
+ - is\_public - flag that denotes whether or not other projects
+ can access image (default=True)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_flavor import FlavorSettings, OpenStackFlavor
+ flavor_settings = FlavorSettings(name='flavor-name', ram=4, disk=10, vcpus=2)
+ flavor_creator = OpenStackFlavor(os_creds, flavor_settings)
+ flavor_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ flavor_creator.clean()
+Create Image
+- Image - snaps.openstack.create\_image.OpenStackImage
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_image.ImageSettings
+ - name - the image name (required)
+ - image\_user - the default image user generally used by
+ OpenStackVMInstance class for obtaining an SSH connection
+ (required)
+ - img\_format - the image's format (i.e. qcow2) (required)
+ - url - the download URL to obtain the image file (this or
+ image\_file must be configured, not both)
+ - image\_file - the location of the file to be sourced from the
+ local filesystem (this or url must be configured, not both)
+ - nic\_config\_pb\_loc - the location of the ansible playbook
+ that can configure additional NICs. Floating IPs are required
+ to perform this operation. (optional)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_image import ImageSettings, OpenStackImage
+ image_settings = ImageSettings(name='image-name', image_user='ubuntu', img_format='qcow2',
+ url='')
+ image_creator = OpenStackImage(os_creds, image_settings)
+ image_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ image_creator.clean()
+Create Keypair
+- Keypair - snaps.openstack.create\_keypair.OpenStackKeypair
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_keypair.KeypairSettings
+ - name - the keypair name (required)
+ - public\_filepath - the file location to where the public key is
+ to be written or currently resides (optional)
+ - private\_filepath - the file location to where the private key
+ file is to be written or currently resides (optional but highly
+ recommended to leverage or the private key will be lost
+ forever)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_keypair import KeypairSettings, OpenStackKeypair
+ keypair_settings = KeypairSettings(name='kepair-name', private_filepath='/tmp/priv-kp')
+ keypair_creator = OpenStackKeypair(os_creds, keypair_settings)
+ keypair_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ keypair_creator.clean()
+Create Network
+- Network - snaps.openstack.create\_network.OpenStackNetwork
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_network.NetworkSettings
+ - name - the name of the network (required)
+ - admin\_state\_up - flag denoting the administrative status of
+ the network (True = up, False = down)
+ - shared - flag indicating whether the network can be shared
+ across projects/tenants (default=True)
+ - project\_name - the name of the project (optional - can only be
+ set by admin users)
+ - external - flag determining if network has external access
+ (default=False)
+ - network\_type - the type of network (i.e. vlan\|vxlan\|flat)
+ - physical\_network - the name of the physical network (required
+ when network\_type is 'flat')
+ - subnet\_settings (list of optional
+ snaps.openstack.create\_network.SubnetSettings objects)
+ - cidr - the subnet's CIDR (required)
+ - ip\_version - 4 or 6 (default=4)
+ - name - the subnet name (required)
+ - project\_name - the name of the project (optional - can only
+ be set by admin users)
+ - start - the start address for the allocation pools
+ - end - the end address for the allocation pools
+ - gateway\_ip - the gateway IP
+ - enable\_dhcp - flag to determine whether or not to enable
+ DHCP (optional)
+ - dns\_nameservers - a list of DNS nameservers
+ - host\_routes - list of host route dictionaries for subnet
+ (optional, see pydoc and Neutron API for more details)
+ - destination - the destination for static route (optional)
+ - nexthop - the next hop for the destination (optional)
+ - ipv6\_ra\_mode - valid values include: 'dhcpv6-stateful',
+ 'dhcp6v-stateless', 'slaac' (optional)
+ - ipvc\_address\_mode - valid values include:
+ 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcp6v-stateless', 'slaac' (optional)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_network import NetworkSettings, SubnetSettings, OpenStackNetwork
+ subnet_settings = SubnetSettings(name='subnet-name', cidr='')
+ network_settings = NetworkSettings(name='network-name', subnet_settings=[subnet_settings])
+ network_creator = OpenStackNetwork(os_creds, network_settings)
+ network_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ network_creator.clean()
+Create Security Group
+- Security Group -
+ snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.OpenStackSecurityGroup
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.SecurityGroupSettings
+ - name - the security group's name (required)
+ - description - the description (optional)
+ - project\_name - the name of the project (optional - can only be
+ set by admin users)
+ - rule\_settings (list of
+ optional snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.SecurityGroupRuleSettings
+ objects)
+ - sec\_grp\_name - the name of the associated security group
+ (required)
+ - description - the description (optional)
+ - direction - enum
+ snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.Direction (required)
+ - remote\_group\_id - the group ID to associate with this rule
+ - protocol -
+ enum snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.Protocol
+ (optional)
+ - ethertype -
+ enum snaps.openstack.create\_security\_group.Ethertype
+ (optional)
+ - port\_range\_min - the max port number in the range that is
+ matched by the security group rule (optional)
+ - port\_range\_max - the min port number in the range that is
+ matched by the security group rule (optional)
+ - sec\_grp\_rule - the rule object to a security group rule
+ object to associate (note: does not work currently)
+ - remote\_ip\_prefix - the remote IP prefix to associate with
+ this metering rule packet (optional)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_security_group import SecurityGroupSettings, SecurityGroupRuleSettings, Direction,
+ OpenStackSecurityGroup
+ rule_settings = SubnetSettings(name='subnet-name', cidr='')
+ network_settings = NetworkSettings(name='network-name', subnet_settings=[subnet_settings])
+ sec_grp_name = 'sec-grp-name'
+ rule_settings = SecurityGroupRuleSettings(name=sec_grp_name, direction=Direction.ingress)
+ security_group_settings = SecurityGroupSettings(name=sec_grp_name, rule_settings=[rule_settings])
+ security_group_creator = OpenStackSecurityGroup(os_creds, security_group_settings)
+ security_group_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ security_group_creator.clean()
+Create Router
+- Router - snaps.openstack.create\_router.OpenStackRouter
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_router.RouterSettings
+ - name - the router name (required)
+ - project\_name - the name of the project (optional - can only be
+ set by admin users)
+ - external\_gateway - the name of the external network (optional)
+ - admin\_state\_up - flag to denote the administrative status of
+ the router (default=True)
+ - external\_fixed\_ips - dictionary containing the IP address
+ parameters (parameter not tested)
+ - internal\_subnets - list of subnet names to which this router
+ will connect (optional)
+ - port\_settings (list of optional
+ snaps.openstack.create\_router.PortSettings objects) - creates
+ custom ports to internal subnets (similar to internal\_subnets
+ with more control)
+ - name
+ - network\_name
+ - admin\_state\_up
+ - project\_name - the name of the project (optional - can only
+ be set by admin users)
+ - mac\_address
+ - ip\_addrs
+ - fixed\_ips
+ - security\_groups
+ - allowed\_address\_pairs
+ - opt\_value
+ - opt\_name
+ - device\_owner
+ - device\_id
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_router import RouterSettings, OpenStackRouter
+ router_settings = RouterSettings(name='router-name', external_gateway='external')
+ router_creator = OpenStackRouter(os_creds, router_settings)
+ router_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ router_creator.clean()
+Create VM Instance
+- VM Instances - snaps.openstack.create\_instance.OpenStackVmInstance
+ - snaps.openstack.create\_instance.VmInstanceSettings
+ - name - the name of the VM (required)
+ - flavor - the name of the flavor (required)
+ - port\_settings - list of
+ snaps.openstack.create\_network.PortSettings objects where each
+ denote a NIC (see above in create router section for details)
+ API does not require, but newer NFVIs now require VMs have at
+ least one network
+ - security\_group\_names - a list of security group names to
+ apply to VM
+ - floating\_ip\_settings (list of
+ snaps.openstack\_create\_instance.FloatingIpSettings objects)
+ - name - a name to a floating IP for easy lookup 
+ - port\_name - the name of the VM port on which the floating
+ IP should be applied (required)
+ - router\_name - the name of the router to the external
+ network (required)
+ - subnet\_name - the name of the subnet on which to attach the
+ floating IP (optional)
+ - provisioning - when true, this floating IP will be used for
+ provisioning which will come into play once we are able to
+ get multiple floating IPs working.
+ - sudo\_user - overrides the image\_settings.image\_user value
+ when attempting to connect via SSH
+ - vm\_boot\_timeout - the number of seconds that the thread will
+ block when querying the VM's status when building (default=900)
+ - vm\_delete\_timeout - the number of seconds that the thread
+ will block when querying the VM's status when deleting
+ (default=300)
+ - ssh\_connect\_timeout - the number of seconds that the thread
+ will block when attempting to obtain an SSH connection
+ (default=180)
+ - availability\_zone - the name of the compute server on which to
+ deploy the VM (optional must be admin)
+ - userdata - the cloud-init script to execute after VM has been
+ started
+ - image\_settings - see snaps.openstack.create\_image.ImageSettings
+ above (required)
+ - keypair\_settings - see
+ snaps.openstack.create\_keypairs.KeypairSettings above (optional)
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.openstack.create_instance import VmInstanceSettings, FloatingIpSettings, OpenStackVmInstance
+ from snaps.openstack.create_network import PortSettings
+ port_settings = PortSettings(name='port-name',
+ floating_ip_settings = FloatingIpSettings(name='fip1',,
+ instance_settings = VmInstanceSettings(name='vm-name', flavor=', port_settings=[port_settings],
+ floating_ip_settings=[floating_ip_settings]
+ instance_creator = OpenStackVmInstance(os_creds, instance_settings, image_settings, kepair_settings)
+ instance_creator.create()
+ # Perform logic
+ ...
+ ssh_client = instance_creator.ssh_client()
+ ...
+ # Cleanup
+ instance_creator.clean()
+Ansible Provisioning
+Being able to easily create OpenStack instances such as virtual networks
+and VMs is a good start to the problem of NFV; however, an NFVI is
+useless unless there is some software performing some function. This is
+why we added Ansible playbook support to SNAPS-OO which can be located
+in snaps.provisioning.ansible\_utils#apply\_playbook. See below for a
+description of that function's parameters:
+- playbook\_path - the file location of the ansible playbook
+- hosts\_inv - a list of hosts/IP addresses to which the playbook will
+ be applied
+- host\_user - the user (preferably sudo) to use for applying the
+ playbook
+- ssh\_priv\_key\_file\_path - the location to the private key file
+ used for SSH
+- variables - a dict() of substitution values for Jinga2 templates
+ leveraged by Ansible
+- proxy\_setting - used to extract the SSH proxy command (optional)
+Apply Ansible Playbook Utility
+.. code:: python
+ from snaps.provisioning import ansible_utils
+ ansible_utils.apply_playbook(playbook_path='/tmp/playbook.yml',
+ hosts_inv=[instance_creator.get_port_ip(instance_settings.port_settings[0].name,
+ host_user=instance_creator.get_image_user(),
+ ssh_priv_key_file_path=instance_creator.keypair_settings.private_filepath)
+OpenStack Utilities
+For those who do like working procedurally, SNAPS-OO also leverages
+utilitarian functions for nearly every query or request made to
+OpenStack. This pattern will make it easier to deal with API version
+changes as they would all be made in one place. (see keystone\_utils for
+an example of this pattern as this is the only API where SNAPS is
+supporting more than one version)
+- snaps.openstack.utils.keystone\_utils - for calls to the Keystone
+ APIs
+- snaps.openstack.utils.glance\_utils - for calls to the Glance APIs
+- snaps.openstack.utils.neutron\_utils - for calls to the Neutron APIs
+- snaps.openstack.utils.nova\_utils - for calls to the Nova APIs