BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Add missing licences in requirements.txt"Steven Pisarski6 years
stable/hunterMerge "Add missing licences in requirements.txt"Steven Pisarski6 years
stable/fraserSupport both admin role nameValentin Boucher7 years
stable/euphratesAvoid checking Keystone v3 domains when using API v2.0Georg Kunz7 years
stable/danubeFixed test for security groups when checking for project/tenant IDspisarski8 years
opnfv-6.2.0commit 7f8eee2885...jenkins-ci7 years
opnfv-6.1.0commit 4edc3d8739...Aric Gardner7 years
opnfv-6.0.0commit 4edc3d8739...Trevor Bramwell7 years
opnfv-5.0.0commit 02cbd9d2df...spisarski7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2019-01-25Merge "Add missing licences in requirements.txt"HEADstable/huntermasterSteven Pisarski1-2/+2
2019-01-25Add missing licences in requirements.txtCédric Ollivier1-2/+2
2019-01-24Fix an invalid filter attribute when listing floating ipsCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-11-05Set MTU=1442 in ansible_utils_tests.pyCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-10-25Merge "Local Documentation Builds"Aric Gardner6-0/+41
2018-10-08Deprecating launch app and ansible support.spisarski4-0/+16
2018-10-03Updates to the ansible API implementation to allow forspisarski7-27/+33
2018-09-28Local Documentation BuildsAric Gardner6-0/+41
2018-09-27Opened up API to allow for playbook application to localhostspisarski1-12/+18
2018-09-18Merge "Auto Generated INFO.yaml file"Randy Levensalor1-0/+44