path: root/sfc/unit_tests/unit/lib/test_openstack_utils.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sfc/unit_tests/unit/lib/test_openstack_utils.py')
1 files changed, 2504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfc/unit_tests/unit/lib/test_openstack_utils.py b/sfc/unit_tests/unit/lib/test_openstack_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdd53d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfc/unit_tests/unit/lib/test_openstack_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2504 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Venkata Harshavardhan Reddy Allu and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import unittest
+from mock import call
+from mock import Mock
+from mock import patch
+from mock import mock_open
+from mock import DEFAULT
+from mock import MagicMock
+import sfc.lib.openstack_utils as os_sfc_utils
+from tackerclient.v1_0 import client as tacker_client
+__author__ = "Harshavardhan Reddy <venkataharshavardhan_ven@srmuniv.edu.in>"
+class SfcOpenStackUtilsTesting(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.patcher1 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.constants,
+ 'ENV_FILE', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher2 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.openstack_tests,
+ 'get_credentials', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher3 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.nova_utils,
+ 'nova_client', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher4 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.neutron_utils,
+ 'neutron_client', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher5 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.heat_utils,
+ 'heat_client', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher6 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.keystone_utils,
+ 'keystone_client', autospec=True)
+ self.patcher7 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.connection,
+ 'from_config', autospec=True,)
+ self.patcher8 = patch.object(os_sfc_utils.neutronclient,
+ 'Client', autospec=True,)
+ self.env_file = self.patcher1.start().return_value
+ self.os_creds = self.patcher2.start().return_value
+ self.nova = self.patcher3.start().return_value
+ self.neutron = self.patcher4.start().return_value
+ self.heat = self.patcher5.start().return_value
+ self.keystone = self.patcher6.start().return_value
+ self.conn = self.patcher7.start().return_value
+ self.neutron_client = self.patcher8.start().return_value
+ self.os_sfc = os_sfc_utils.OpenStackSFC()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.patcher1.stop()
+ self.patcher2.stop()
+ self.patcher3.stop()
+ self.patcher4.stop()
+ self.patcher5.stop()
+ self.patcher6.stop()
+ self.patcher7.stop()
+ self.patcher8.stop()
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('os.environ', {'OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION': '1'})
+ def test_get_neutron_client_version(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_neutron_client_version
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("OS_NETWORK_API_VERSION is 1")]
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_neutron_client_version()
+ assert result == '1'
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_register_glance_image_already_exists(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of register_glance_image
+ function when the image is local
+ """
+ image_obj = Mock()
+ image_obj.name = 'name'
+ log_calls = [call('Registering the image...'),
+ call('Image ' + image_obj.name + ' already exists.')]
+ self.conn.image.find_image.return_value = image_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.register_glance_image('name',
+ 'url',
+ 'img_format',
+ 'public')
+ self.conn.image.find_image.assert_called_once_with(image_obj.name)
+ assert result is image_obj
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch("__builtin__.open", autospec=True)
+ def test_register_glance_image_is_local(self,
+ mock_open_fn,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of register_glance_image
+ function when the image is local
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Registering the image...'),
+ call('Image created')]
+ image_obj_None = None
+ image_obj_name = 'name'
+ image_obj = Mock()
+ mocked_file = mock_open(read_data='url').return_value
+ mock_open_fn.return_value = mocked_file
+ self.conn.image.find_image.return_value = image_obj_None
+ self.conn.image.upload_image.return_value = image_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.register_glance_image('name',
+ 'url',
+ 'img_format',
+ 'public')
+ assert result is image_obj
+ self.conn.image.find_image.assert_called_once_with(image_obj_name)
+ self.conn.image.upload_image.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='name',
+ disk_format='img_format',
+ data='url',
+ is_public='public',
+ container_format='bare')
+ self.assertEqual([image_obj], self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.urllib2.urlopen', autospec=True)
+ def test_register_glance_image_is_not_local(self,
+ mock_urlopen,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of register_glance_image
+ function when the image is not local
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Registering the image...'),
+ call('Downloading image'),
+ call('Image created')]
+ image_obj_None = None
+ image_obj_name = 'name'
+ image_obj = Mock()
+ mock_file = Mock()
+ mock_file.read.side_effect = ['http://url']
+ mock_urlopen.return_value = mock_file
+ self.conn.image.find_image.return_value = image_obj_None
+ self.conn.image.upload_image.return_value = image_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.register_glance_image('name',
+ 'http://url',
+ 'img_format',
+ 'public')
+ assert result is image_obj
+ self.conn.image.find_image.assert_called_once_with(image_obj_name)
+ self.conn.image.upload_image.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='name',
+ disk_format='img_format',
+ data='http://url',
+ is_public='public',
+ container_format='bare')
+ self.assertEqual([image_obj], self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_flavour(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_flavor
+ function
+ """
+ mock_openstack_flavor_ins = self.conn.compute.\
+ create_flavor.return_value
+ log_calls = [call('Creating flavor...')]
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_flavor('name',
+ 'ram',
+ 'disk',
+ 'vcpus')
+ assert result is mock_openstack_flavor_ins
+ self.assertEqual([mock_openstack_flavor_ins],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ self.conn.compute.create_flavor.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='name',
+ ram='ram',
+ disk='disk',
+ vcpus='vcpus')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.env.get', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_network_infrastructure(self, mock_env_get, mock_log):
+ log_calls = [call('Creating Networks...'),
+ call('Creating Router...')]
+ network_obj = Mock()
+ network_obj.id = '1'
+ subnet_obj = Mock()
+ subnet_obj.id = '2'
+ ext_network_obj = Mock()
+ ext_network_obj.id = '3'
+ router_obj = Mock()
+ router_obj.id = '4'
+ self.conn.network.create_network.return_value = network_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_subnet.return_value = subnet_obj
+ self.conn.network.find_network.return_value = ext_network_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_router.return_value = router_obj
+ self.conn.network.get_router.return_value = router_obj
+ mock_env_get.return_value = 'ext_net_name'
+ expected = (network_obj, router_obj)
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_network_infrastructure('net_name',
+ 'sn_name',
+ 'subnet_cidr',
+ 'router_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_network.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='net_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_subnet.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='sn_name', cidr='subnet_cidr',
+ network_id=network_obj.id, ip_version='4')
+ self.conn.network.find_network.\
+ assert_called_once_with('ext_net_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_router.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='router_name')
+ self.conn.network.add_interface_to_router.\
+ assert_called_once_with(router_obj.id, subnet_id=subnet_obj.id)
+ self.conn.network.update_router.\
+ assert_called_once_with(
+ router_obj.id,
+ external_gateway_info={'network_id': ext_network_obj.id})
+ self.conn.network.get_router.assert_called_once_with(router_obj.id)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ self.assertEqual([network_obj, subnet_obj, router_obj],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_security_group(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_security_group
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the security groups...')]
+ sec_group_obj = Mock()
+ sec_group_obj.id = '1'
+ self.conn.network.create_security_group.return_value = sec_group_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_security_group('sec_grp_name')
+ assert result is sec_group_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_security_group.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='sec_grp_name')
+ pc_calls = [call(security_group_id=sec_group_obj.id,
+ direction='ingress',
+ protocol='icmp'),
+ call(security_group_id=sec_group_obj.id,
+ direction='ingress',
+ protocol='tcp',
+ port_range_min=22,
+ port_range_max=22),
+ call(security_group_id=sec_group_obj.id,
+ direction='ingress',
+ protocol='tcp',
+ port_range_min=80,
+ port_range_max=80)]
+ self.conn.network.create_security_group_rule.\
+ assert_has_calls(pc_calls)
+ self.assertEqual([sec_group_obj], self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_instance_port_security_false(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_instance
+ function
+ """
+ keypair_obj = Mock()
+ keypair_obj.name = 'keypair_name'
+ flavor_obj = Mock()
+ flavor_obj.id = '1'
+ port_obj1 = Mock()
+ port_obj1.id = '2'
+ port_obj2 = Mock()
+ port_obj2.id = '3'
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'instance_name'
+ secgrp = Mock()
+ secgrp.name = 'sec_grp'
+ secgrp.id = '4'
+ img_cre = Mock()
+ img_cre.id = '5'
+ network = Mock()
+ network.id = '6'
+ ports = ['port1', 'port2']
+ port_security = False
+ log_calls = [call('Creating Key Pair vm_name...'),
+ call('Creating Port ' + str(ports) + '...'),
+ call('Creating the instance vm_name...'),
+ call('Waiting for instance_name to become Active'),
+ call('instance_name is active')]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.return_value = keypair_obj
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.return_value = flavor_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_port.side_effect = [port_obj1, port_obj2]
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ port_obj_list = [port_obj1, port_obj2]
+ expected = (instance_obj, port_obj_list)
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_instance('vm_name',
+ 'flavor_name',
+ img_cre,
+ network,
+ secgrp,
+ 'av_zone',
+ ports,
+ port_security=port_security)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ pc_calls = [call(name=ports[0],
+ is_port_security_enabled=port_security,
+ network_id=network.id),
+ call(name=ports[1],
+ is_port_security_enabled=port_security,
+ network_id=network.id)]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name' + "_keypair")
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.assert_called_once_with('flavor_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_port.\
+ assert_has_calls(pc_calls)
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name',
+ image_id=img_cre.id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_obj.id,
+ networks=[{"port": port_obj1.id},
+ {"port": port_obj2.id}],
+ key_name=keypair_obj.name,
+ availability_zone='av_zone')
+ self.conn.compute.wait_for_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(instance_obj)
+ self.assertEqual([keypair_obj, port_obj1, port_obj2, instance_obj],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_instance(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_instance
+ function
+ """
+ keypair_obj = Mock()
+ keypair_obj.name = 'keypair_name'
+ flavor_obj = Mock()
+ flavor_obj.id = '1'
+ port_obj = Mock()
+ port_obj.id = '2'
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'instance_name'
+ secgrp = Mock()
+ secgrp.name = 'sec_grp'
+ secgrp.id = '4'
+ img_cre = Mock()
+ img_cre.id = '5'
+ network = Mock()
+ network.id = '6'
+ ports = ['port1']
+ port_obj_list = [port_obj]
+ port_security = True
+ log_calls = [call('Creating Key Pair vm_name...'),
+ call('Creating Port ' + str(ports) + '...'),
+ call('Creating the instance vm_name...'),
+ call('Waiting for instance_name to become Active'),
+ call('instance_name is active')]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.return_value = keypair_obj
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.return_value = flavor_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_port.return_value = port_obj
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ # self.conn.compute.wait_for_server.return_value = wait_ins_obj
+ expected = (instance_obj, port_obj_list)
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_instance('vm_name',
+ 'flavor_name',
+ img_cre,
+ network,
+ secgrp,
+ 'av_zone',
+ ports,
+ port_security=port_security)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ pc_calls = [call(name=ports[0],
+ is_port_security_enabled=port_security,
+ network_id=network.id,
+ security_group_ids=[secgrp.id])]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name' + "_keypair")
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.assert_called_once_with('flavor_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_port.\
+ assert_has_calls(pc_calls)
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name',
+ image_id=img_cre.id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_obj.id,
+ networks=[{"port": port_obj.id}],
+ key_name=keypair_obj.name,
+ availability_zone='av_zone')
+ self.conn.compute.wait_for_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(instance_obj)
+ self.assertEqual([keypair_obj, port_obj, instance_obj],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_instance_port_security_false_one_port(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_instance
+ function
+ """
+ keypair_obj = Mock()
+ keypair_obj.name = 'keypair_name'
+ flavor_obj = Mock()
+ flavor_obj.id = '1'
+ port_obj = Mock()
+ port_obj.id = '2'
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'instance_name'
+ secgrp = Mock()
+ secgrp.name = 'sec_grp'
+ secgrp.id = '4'
+ img_cre = Mock()
+ img_cre.id = '5'
+ network = Mock()
+ network.id = '6'
+ ports = ['port1']
+ port_obj_list = [port_obj]
+ port_security = False
+ log_calls = [call('Creating Key Pair vm_name...'),
+ call('Creating Port ' + str(ports) + '...'),
+ call('Creating the instance vm_name...'),
+ call('Waiting for instance_name to become Active'),
+ call('instance_name is active')]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.return_value = keypair_obj
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.return_value = flavor_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_port.return_value = port_obj
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ expected = (instance_obj, port_obj_list)
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_instance('vm_name',
+ 'flavor_name',
+ img_cre,
+ network,
+ secgrp,
+ 'av_zone',
+ ports,
+ port_security=port_security)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ pc_calls = [call(name=ports[0],
+ is_port_security_enabled=port_security,
+ network_id=network.id)]
+ self.conn.compute.create_keypair.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name' + "_keypair")
+ self.conn.compute.find_flavor.assert_called_once_with('flavor_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_port.\
+ assert_has_calls(pc_calls)
+ self.conn.compute.create_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(name='vm_name',
+ image_id=img_cre.id,
+ flavor_id=flavor_obj.id,
+ networks=[{"port": port_obj.id}],
+ key_name=keypair_obj.name,
+ availability_zone='av_zone')
+ self.conn.compute.wait_for_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(instance_obj)
+ self.assertEqual([keypair_obj, port_obj, instance_obj],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ def test_get_instance(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_instance function
+ """
+ mock_instance_id = 'instance-abyz'
+ mock_instance = Mock()
+ mock_instance.id = mock_instance_id
+ mock_instance.name = 'test-instance'
+ mock_instance.hypervisor_hostname = 'nova-abyz'
+ self.conn.compute.get_server_metadata.return_value = mock_instance
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_instance(mock_instance_id)
+ self.assertEqual(result, mock_instance)
+ @patch.object(os_sfc_utils.OpenStackSFC, 'get_hypervisor_hosts')
+ def test_get_av_zones(self, mock_hosts):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_av_zone
+ function
+ """
+ mock_hosts.return_value = ['host1', 'host2']
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_av_zones()
+ mock_hosts.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertEqual(['nova::host1', 'nova::host2'], result)
+ def test_get_hypervisor_hosts(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_av_zone
+ function
+ """
+ from openstack.compute.v2 import hypervisor
+ hypervisor1 = Mock()
+ hypervisor1.state = 'up'
+ hypervisor1.name = 'compute00'
+ hypervisor2 = Mock()
+ hypervisor2.state = 'up'
+ hypervisor2.name = 'compute01'
+ nodes = [hypervisor1.name, hypervisor2.name]
+ hypervisors_list = MagicMock()
+ mock_obj = patch.object(hypervisor, 'Hypervisor')
+ mock_obj.side_effect = [hypervisor1, hypervisor2]
+ self.conn.compute.hypervisors.return_value = hypervisors_list
+ hypervisors_list.__iter__.return_value = [hypervisor1, hypervisor2]
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_hypervisor_hosts()
+ self.conn.compute.hypervisors.assert_called_once()
+ self.assertEqual(nodes, result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_hypervisor_hosts_exception(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_av_zone
+ function when an exception appears
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Error [get_hypervisors(compute)]: Error MSG')]
+ self.conn.compute.hypervisors.side_effect = Exception('Error MSG')
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_hypervisor_hosts()
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.OpenStackSFC.get_vm_compute',
+ autospec=True, return_value='mock_client')
+ def test_compute_client(self, mock_get_vm_compute):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_compute_client
+ function
+ """
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_compute_client()
+ self.assertEqual('mock_client', result)
+ mock_get_vm_compute.assert_called_once_with(self.os_sfc, 'client')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.OpenStackSFC.get_vm_compute',
+ autospec=True, return_value='mock_server')
+ def test_get_compute_server(self, mock_get_vm_compute):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_compute_server
+ function
+ """
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_compute_server()
+ self.assertEqual('mock_server', result)
+ mock_get_vm_compute.assert_called_once_with(self.os_sfc, 'server')
+ def test_get_vm_compute_raised_exception(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vm_compute
+ function when no VM with the given name is found
+ """
+ ErrorMSG = "There is no VM with name 'mock_vm_name'!!"
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.get_vm_compute('mock_vm_name')
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, ErrorMSG)
+ def test_get_vm_compute(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vm_compute
+ function
+ """
+ mock_cre_obj_1 = Mock()
+ mock_cre_obj_2 = Mock()
+ mock_cre_obj_1.get_vm_inst.return_value.name = 'pro_vm'
+ mock_cre_obj_2.get_vm_inst.return_value.name = 'dev_vm'
+ mock_cre_obj_2.get_vm_inst.return_value.compute_host = 'mock_host'
+ self.os_sfc.creators = [mock_cre_obj_1, mock_cre_obj_2]
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_vm_compute('dev_vm')
+ self.assertEqual('mock_host', result)
+ def test_get_port_by_ip(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functonality of get_port_by_ip function
+ """
+ mock_port_ip_address = 'e.f.g.h'
+ mock_port_one, mock_port_two = Mock(), Mock()
+ mock_port_one.id = 'port-abcd'
+ mock_port_two.id = 'port-efgz'
+ mock_port_one.fixed_ips = [{'ip_address': 'a.b.c.d'}]
+ mock_port_two.fixed_ips = [{'ip_address': 'e.f.g.h'}]
+ self.conn.network.ports.return_value = [mock_port_one, mock_port_two]
+ self.conn.network.get_port.return_value = mock_port_two
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_port_by_ip(mock_port_ip_address)
+ self.assertEqual(result, mock_port_two)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.OpenStackVmInstance',
+ autospec=True)
+ def test_get_instance_port_raised_exceptioin(self,
+ mock_os_vm,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_client_port
+ function when no port is returned
+ """
+ mock_os_vm_ins = mock_os_vm.return_value
+ mock_vm = Mock()
+ mock_vm.name = 'mock_vm_name'
+ mock_os_vm_ins.get_port_by_name.return_value = None
+ ErrorMSG = 'Client VM does not have the desired port'
+ log_calls = [call("The VM mock_vm_name does not have any port"
+ " with name mock_vm_name-port")]
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.get_instance_port(mock_vm, mock_os_vm_ins)
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, ErrorMSG)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.OpenStackVmInstance',
+ autospec=True)
+ def test_get_instance_port(self,
+ mock_os_vm,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_client_port
+ function when no port is returned
+ """
+ mock_os_vm_ins = mock_os_vm.return_value
+ mock_vm = Mock()
+ mock_vm.name = 'mock_vm_name'
+ mock_os_vm_ins.get_port_by_name.return_value = 'mock_port'
+ result = self.os_sfc.get_instance_port(mock_vm, mock_os_vm_ins)
+ self.assertEqual('mock_port', result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.env.get', autospec=True)
+ def test_assign_floating_ip(self,
+ mock_env_get,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of assigning_floating_ip
+ function
+ """
+ ext_network_obj = Mock()
+ ext_network_obj.id = '1'
+ fip_obj = Mock()
+ fip_obj.floating_ip_address = 'floating_ip_address'
+ port_obj = Mock()
+ port_obj.id = '2'
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.id = '3'
+ log_calls = [call(' Creating floating ips '),
+ call(' FLoating IP address '
+ + fip_obj.floating_ip_address
+ + ' created'),
+ call(' Adding Floating IPs to instances ')]
+ mock_env_get.return_value = 'ext_net_name'
+ self.conn.network.find_network.return_value = ext_network_obj
+ self.conn.network.create_ip.return_value = fip_obj
+ self.conn.netwotk.get_port.return_value = port_obj
+ self.conn.compute.get_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.assign_floating_ip(instance_obj, port_obj)
+ assert result is fip_obj.floating_ip_address
+ self.conn.network.find_network.assert_called_once_with('ext_net_name')
+ self.conn.network.create_ip.\
+ assert_called_once_with(floating_network_id=ext_network_obj.id,
+ port_id=port_obj.id)
+ self.conn.compute.add_floating_ip_to_server.\
+ assert_called_once_with(instance_obj.id,
+ fip_obj.floating_ip_address)
+ self.assertEqual([fip_obj],
+ self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.heat_utils.get_stack_servers',
+ autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.generate_creator', autospec=True)
+ def test_assign_floating_ip_vnfs_raised_exception_ips_provided(
+ self, mock_generate_creator, mock_get_stack_servers, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of assign_floating_ip_vnfs
+ function when server name does not have any floating IP assignment
+ """
+ ErrorMSG = "The VNF server_name-float does not have any suitable" + \
+ " port with ip any of ['floating_ip', 'other_ip'] for" + \
+ " floating IP assignment"
+ log_calls = [call(ErrorMSG)]
+ self.os_sfc.image_settings = 'image_settings'
+ self.heat.stacks.list.return_value = ['stack_obj']
+ mock_ips = ['floating_ip', 'other_ip']
+ mock_server_obj = Mock()
+ mock_port_obj = Mock()
+ mock_server_obj.name = 'server_name'
+ mock_server_obj.ports = [mock_port_obj]
+ mock_port_obj.name = None
+ mock_port_obj.ips = [{'ip_address': 'floating_ip'}]
+ mock_get_stack_servers.return_value = [mock_server_obj]
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.assign_floating_ip_vnfs('router', mock_ips)
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, ErrorMSG)
+ mock_get_stack_servers.assert_called_once_with(self.heat,
+ self.nova,
+ self.neutron_client,
+ self.keystone,
+ 'stack_obj',
+ 'admin')
+ mock_generate_creator.assert_called_once_with(self.os_creds,
+ mock_server_obj,
+ 'image_settings',
+ 'admin')
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.heat_utils.get_stack_servers',
+ autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.generate_creator', autospec=True)
+ def test_assign_floating_ip_vnfs_raised_exception_ips_not_provided(
+ self, mock_generate_creator, mock_get_stack_servers, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of assign_floating_ip_vnfs
+ function when server name does not have any floating IP assignment
+ """
+ ErrorMSG = "The VNF server_name-float does not have any suitable" + \
+ " port for floating IP assignment"
+ log_calls = [call(ErrorMSG)]
+ self.os_sfc.image_settings = 'image_settings'
+ self.heat.stacks.list.return_value = ['stack_obj']
+ mock_server_obj = Mock()
+ mock_port_obj = Mock()
+ mock_server_obj.name = 'server_name'
+ mock_server_obj.ports = [mock_port_obj]
+ mock_port_obj.name = None
+ mock_port_obj.ips = [{'ip_address': 'floating_ip'}]
+ mock_get_stack_servers.return_value = [mock_server_obj]
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.assign_floating_ip_vnfs('router')
+ mock_get_stack_servers.assert_called_once_with(self.heat,
+ self.nova,
+ self.neutron_client,
+ self.keystone,
+ 'stack_obj',
+ 'admin')
+ mock_generate_creator.assert_called_once_with(self.os_creds,
+ mock_server_obj,
+ 'image_settings',
+ 'admin')
+ self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message, ErrorMSG)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.FloatingIpConfig', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.generate_creator',
+ autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.heat_utils.get_stack_servers',
+ autospec=True)
+ def test_assign_floating_ip_vnfs(self,
+ mock_get_stack_servers,
+ mock_generate_creator,
+ mock_floating_ip_config):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of assign_floating_ip_vnfs
+ function
+ """
+ self.os_sfc.image_settings = 'image_settings'
+ self.heat.stacks.list.return_value = ['stack_obj']
+ mock_router = Mock()
+ mock_server_obj = Mock()
+ mock_ip_obj = Mock()
+ mock_port_obj = Mock()
+ mock_router.name = 'm_router'
+ mock_server_obj.name = 'serv_obj'
+ mock_server_obj.ports = [mock_port_obj]
+ mock_ips = ['floating_ip', 'other_ip']
+ mock_ip_obj.ip = 'mocked_ip'
+ mock_port_obj.name = 'port_obj'
+ mock_port_obj.ips = [{'ip_address': 'floating_ip'}]
+ mock_get_stack_servers.return_value = [mock_server_obj]
+ mock_os_vm_ins = mock_generate_creator.return_value
+ float_ip_ins = mock_floating_ip_config.return_value
+ mock_os_vm_ins.add_floating_ip.return_value = mock_ip_obj
+ result = self.os_sfc.assign_floating_ip_vnfs(mock_router, mock_ips)
+ self.assertEqual(['mocked_ip'], result)
+ self.assertEqual([mock_os_vm_ins], self.os_sfc.creators)
+ mock_get_stack_servers.assert_called_once_with(self.heat,
+ self.nova,
+ self.neutron_client,
+ self.keystone,
+ 'stack_obj', 'admin')
+ mock_generate_creator.assert_called_once_with(self.os_creds,
+ mock_server_obj,
+ 'image_settings',
+ 'admin')
+ mock_floating_ip_config.assert_called_once_with(name='serv_obj-float',
+ port_name='port_obj',
+ router_name='m_router')
+ mock_os_vm_ins.add_floating_ip.assert_called_once_with(float_ip_ins)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_all_security_groups(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_all_security_groups
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls_info = [call('Deleting remaining security groups...')]
+ secgrp1_obj = Mock()
+ secgrp2_obj = Mock()
+ secgrp_list = MagicMock()
+ self.conn.network.create_security_groups.side_effect = [secgrp1_obj,
+ secgrp2_obj]
+ self.conn.network.security_groups.return_value = secgrp_list
+ secgrp_list.__iter__.return_value = [secgrp1_obj, secgrp2_obj]
+ del_calls = [call(secgrp1_obj),
+ call(secgrp2_obj)]
+ self.os_sfc.delete_all_security_groups()
+ self.conn.network.security_groups.assert_called_once()
+ self.conn.network.delete_security_group.assert_has_calls(del_calls)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.cr_inst.OpenStackVmInstance',
+ autospec=True)
+ def test_wait_for_vnf(self, mock_os_vm):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of wait_for_vnf function
+ """
+ mock_os_vm.vm_active.return_value = "x"
+ result = self.os_sfc.wait_for_vnf(mock_os_vm)
+ self.assertEqual('x', result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_port_groups_raises_exception(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_port_groups when length of ports is greater than 2
+ """
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'name'
+ self.conn.compute.get_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ log_calls_info = [call('Creating the port pairs...')]
+ log_calls_err = [call('Only SFs with one or two ports are supported')]
+ exception_message = "Failed to create port pairs"
+ vnf_ports = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3']
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.create_port_groups(vnf_ports, instance_obj)
+ self.assertEqual(exception_message, cm.exception.message)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls_err)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_port_groups_returns_none_from_pp(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_port_groups when something goes wrong in port pair
+ creation
+ """
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'name'
+ port_obj1 = Mock()
+ port_obj2 = Mock()
+ port_obj1.id = '123abc'
+ port_obj2.id = '456def'
+ self.conn.compute.get_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ self.conn.network.get_port.return_value = port_obj1
+ self.conn.network.get_port.return_value = port_obj2
+ log_calls_info = [call('Creating the port pairs...')]
+ log_calls_warn = [call('Chain creation failed due to port pair '
+ 'creation failed for vnf %(vnf)s',
+ {'vnf': instance_obj.name})]
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.return_value = None
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_port_groups(
+ [port_obj1, port_obj2], instance_obj)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ mock_log.warning.assert_has_calls(log_calls_warn)
+ @patch('snaps.domain.network.Port', autospec=True)
+ @patch('snaps.domain.vm_inst.VmInst', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_port_groups_exception_nopp(self, mock_log, mock_osvm,
+ mock_port):
+ """
+ Checks the create_port_groups when openstack does not commit the pp
+ """
+ log_calls_info = [call('Creating the port pairs...')]
+ mock_port_ins = mock_port.return_value
+ mock_port_ins.id = '123abc'
+ mock_vm_ins = mock_osvm.return_value
+ mock_vm_ins.name = 'vm'
+ exception_message = "Port pair was not committed in openstack"
+ expected_port_pair = {'name': 'vm-connection-points',
+ 'description': 'port pair for vm',
+ 'ingress': '123abc',
+ 'egress': '123abc'}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.return_value = \
+ {'port_pair': {'id': 'pp_id'}}
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_pairs.return_value = \
+ {'port_pairs': [{'id': 'xxxx'}]}
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
+ self.os_sfc.create_port_groups([mock_port_ins], mock_vm_ins)
+ self.assertEqual(exception_message, cm.exception.message)
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'port_pair': expected_port_pair})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ @patch('snaps.domain.network.Port', autospec=True)
+ @patch('snaps.domain.vm_inst.VmInst', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_port_groups_returns_none_from_ppg(self, mock_log,
+ mock_vm,
+ mock_port):
+ """
+ Checks the create_port_groups when something goes wrong in port pair
+ group creation
+ """
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'name'
+ port_obj = Mock()
+ port_obj.id = '123abc'
+ self.conn.compute.get_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ self.conn.network.get_port.return_value = port_obj
+ log_calls_info = [call('Creating the port pairs...'),
+ call('Creating the port pair groups for name')]
+ log_calls_warn = [call('Chain creation failed due to port pair group '
+ 'creation failed for vnf '
+ '{}'.format(instance_obj.name))]
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.return_value = \
+ {'port_pair': {'id': 'pp_id'}}
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_pairs.return_value = \
+ {'port_pairs': [{'id': 'pp_id'}]}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair_group.return_value = None
+ result = self.os_sfc.create_port_groups([port_obj], instance_obj)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ mock_log.warning.assert_has_calls(log_calls_warn)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_port_groups_returns_id(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_port_groups when everything goes as expected
+ """
+ log_calls_info = [call('Creating the port pairs...')]
+ instance_obj = Mock()
+ instance_obj.name = 'vm'
+ port_obj = Mock()
+ port_obj.id = '123abc'
+ self.conn.compute.get_server.return_value = instance_obj
+ self.conn.network.get_port.return_value = port_obj
+ expected_port_pair = {'name': 'vm-connection-points',
+ 'description': 'port pair for vm',
+ 'ingress': '123abc',
+ 'egress': '123abc'}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.return_value = \
+ {'port_pair': {'id': 'pp_id'}}
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_pairs.return_value = \
+ {'port_pairs': [{'id': 'pp_id'}]}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair_group.return_value = \
+ {'port_pair_group': {'id': 'pp_id'}}
+ expected_port_pair_gr = {'name': 'vm-port-pair-group',
+ 'description': 'port pair group for vm',
+ 'port_pairs': ['pp_id']}
+ self.os_sfc.create_port_groups([port_obj], instance_obj)
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'port_pair': expected_port_pair})])
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_pair_group.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'port_pair_group': expected_port_pair_gr})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls_info)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_classifier(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_classifier method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the classifier...')]
+ neutron_port = 'neutron_port_id'
+ port = 80
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ fc_name = 'red_http'
+ symmetrical = False
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.return_value = \
+ {'flow_classifier': {'id': 'fc_id'}}
+ expected_sfc_classifier_params = {'name': fc_name,
+ 'logical_source_port': neutron_port,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': port,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': port,
+ 'protocol': protocol}
+ self.os_sfc.create_classifier(neutron_port, port,
+ protocol, fc_name, symmetrical)
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'flow_classifier': expected_sfc_classifier_params})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_classifier_symmetric(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_chain method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the classifier...')]
+ neutron_port = 'neutron_port_id'
+ port = 80
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ fc_name = 'red_http'
+ symmetrical = True
+ serv_p = '123'
+ server_ip = ''
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.return_value = \
+ {'flow_classifier': {'id': 'fc_id'}}
+ expected_sfc_classifier_params = {'name': fc_name,
+ 'logical_source_port': neutron_port,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': port,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': port,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': server_ip,
+ 'logical_destination_port': serv_p,
+ 'protocol': protocol}
+ self.os_sfc.create_classifier(neutron_port, port,
+ protocol, fc_name, symmetrical,
+ server_port='123',
+ server_ip='')
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'flow_classifier': expected_sfc_classifier_params})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_chain(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_chain method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the classifier...'),
+ call('Creating the chain...')]
+ port_groups = ['1a', '2b']
+ neutron_port = 'neutron_port_id'
+ port = 80
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ vnffg_name = 'red_http'
+ symmetrical = False
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.return_value = \
+ {'flow_classifier': {'id': 'fc_id'}}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_chain.return_value = \
+ {'port_chain': {'id': 'pc_id'}}
+ expected_sfc_classifier_params = {'name': vnffg_name + '-classifier',
+ 'logical_source_port': neutron_port,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': port,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': port,
+ 'protocol': protocol}
+ expected_chain_config = {'name': vnffg_name + '-port-chain',
+ 'description': 'port-chain for SFC',
+ 'port_pair_groups': port_groups,
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['fc_id']}
+ self.os_sfc.create_chain(port_groups, neutron_port, port,
+ protocol, vnffg_name, symmetrical)
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'flow_classifier': expected_sfc_classifier_params})])
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_chain.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'port_chain': expected_chain_config})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_chain_symmetric(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the create_chain method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the classifier...'),
+ call('Creating the chain...')]
+ port_groups = ['1a', '2b']
+ neutron_port = 'neutron_port_id'
+ port = 80
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ vnffg_name = 'red_http'
+ symmetrical = True
+ serv_p = '123abc'
+ server_ip = ''
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.return_value = \
+ {'flow_classifier': {'id': 'fc_id'}}
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_chain.return_value = \
+ {'port_chain': {'id': 'pc_id'}}
+ expected_sfc_classifier_params = {'name': vnffg_name + '-classifier',
+ 'logical_source_port': neutron_port,
+ 'destination_port_range_min': port,
+ 'destination_port_range_max': port,
+ 'destination_ip_prefix': server_ip,
+ 'logical_destination_port': serv_p,
+ 'protocol': protocol}
+ expected_chain_config = {'name': vnffg_name + '-port-chain',
+ 'description': 'port-chain for SFC',
+ 'port_pair_groups': port_groups,
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['fc_id'],
+ 'chain_parameters': {'symmetric': True}}
+ self.os_sfc.create_chain(port_groups, neutron_port, port,
+ protocol, vnffg_name, symmetrical,
+ server_port=serv_p, server_ip=server_ip)
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_flow_classifier.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'flow_classifier': expected_sfc_classifier_params})])
+ self.neutron_client.create_sfc_port_chain.assert_has_calls(
+ [call({'port_chain': expected_chain_config})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_update_chain_symmetric(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the update_chain method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Update the chain...')]
+ vnffg_name = 'red_http'
+ fc_name = 'blue_ssh'
+ symmetrical = True
+ self.neutron_client.find_resource.return_value = \
+ {'id': 'fc_id'}
+ expected_chain_config = {'name': vnffg_name + '-port-chain',
+ 'flow_classifiers': ['fc_id'],
+ 'chain_parameters': {'symmetric': True}}
+ self.os_sfc.update_chain(vnffg_name, fc_name, symmetrical)
+ self.neutron_client.update_sfc_port_chain.assert_has_calls(
+ [call('fc_id', {'port_chain': expected_chain_config})])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_swap_classifiers(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the swap_classifiers method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Swap classifiers...')]
+ vnffg_1_name = 'red_http'
+ vnffg_2_name = 'blue_ssh'
+ symmetrical = False
+ self.os_sfc.swap_classifiers(vnffg_1_name, vnffg_2_name, symmetrical)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_port_groups(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the delete_port_groups method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Deleting the port groups...'),
+ call('Deleting the port pairs...')]
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_pair_groups.return_value = \
+ {'port_pair_groups': [{'id': 'id_ppg1'}, {'id': 'id_ppg2'}]}
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_pairs.return_value = \
+ {'port_pairs': [{'id': 'id_pp1'}, {'id': 'id_pp2'}]}
+ self.os_sfc.delete_port_groups()
+ self.neutron_client.delete_sfc_port_pair_group.assert_has_calls(
+ [call('id_ppg1'), call('id_ppg2')])
+ self.neutron_client.delete_sfc_port_pair.assert_has_calls(
+ [call('id_pp1'), call('id_pp2')])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_chain(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the delete_chain method
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Deleting the chain...'),
+ call('Deleting the classifiers...')]
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_port_chains.return_value = \
+ {'port_chains': [{'id': 'id_pc1'}]}
+ self.neutron_client.list_sfc_flow_classifiers.return_value = \
+ {'flow_classifiers': [{'id': 'id_fc1'}]}
+ self.os_sfc.delete_chain()
+ self.neutron_client.delete_sfc_port_chain.\
+ assert_has_calls([call('id_pc1')])
+ self.neutron_client.delete_sfc_flow_classifier.assert_has_calls(
+ [call('id_fc1')])
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+class SfcTackerSectionTesting(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.patcher = patch.object(tacker_client, 'Client', autospec=True)
+ self.mock_tacker_client = self.patcher.start().return_value
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.patcher.stop()
+ @patch('os.getenv', autospec=True, return_value=None)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_tacker_client_version_returned_default(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_getenv):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_tacker_client_version
+ function when the os.getenv returns none
+ """
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_client_version()
+ self.assertEqual(result, '1.0')
+ mock_getenv.assert_called_once_with('OS_TACKER_API_VERSION')
+ mock_log.info.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('os.getenv', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_tacker_client_version(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_getenv):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_tacker_client_version
+ function when the os.getenv returns version
+ """
+ ver = '2.0'
+ mock_getenv.return_value = ver
+ log_calls = [call("OS_TACKER_API_VERSION is set in env as '%s'", ver)]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_client_version()
+ self.assertEqual(result, ver)
+ mock_getenv.assert_called_once_with('OS_TACKER_API_VERSION')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_id_from_name_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_id_from_name
+ function when tacker_client.list returns None
+ """
+ resource_name = 'mock_resource_name'
+ resource_type = 'mock_resource_type'
+ params = {'fields': 'id', 'name': resource_name}
+ collection = resource_type + 's'
+ path = '/' + collection
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [call('Error [get_id_from_name(tacker_client, '
+ 'resource_type, resource_name)]: ErrorMSG')]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_id_from_name(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ resource_type,
+ resource_name)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list.assert_called_once_with(collection,
+ path,
+ **params)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.openstack_tests.get_credentials',
+ autospec=True, return_value='os_creds')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.keystone_utils.keystone_session',
+ autospec=True, return_value='keystone_session_obj')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.constants.ENV_FILE', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.tackerclient.Client', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_tacker_client(self, mock_tacker_client,
+ mock_env_file,
+ mock_keystone_session,
+ mock_get_credentials):
+ """
+ checks the proper functionality of get_tacker_client
+ function
+ """
+ mock_tacker_client_ins = mock_tacker_client.return_value
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_client()
+ assert result is mock_tacker_client_ins
+ mock_get_credentials.assert_called_once_with(os_env_file=mock_env_file,
+ overrides=None)
+ mock_keystone_session.assert_called_once_with('os_creds')
+ mock_tacker_client.assert_called_once_with(
+ '1.0', session='keystone_session_obj')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_id_from_name(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_id_from_name
+ function when tacker_client.list returns id
+ """
+ resource_name = 'mock_resource_name'
+ resource_type = 'mock_resource_type'
+ params = {'fields': 'id', 'name': resource_name}
+ collection = resource_type + 's'
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list.return_value = {collection: {0: {'id':
+ 'mock_id'}}}
+ path = '/' + collection
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_id_from_name(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ resource_type,
+ resource_name)
+ self.assertEqual('mock_id', result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list.assert_called_once_with(collection,
+ path,
+ **params)
+ mock_log.error.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_id_from_name', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnfd_id(self, mock_get_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnfd_id
+ function
+ """
+ mock_get_id.return_value = 'id'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnfd_id(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ self.assertEqual('id', result)
+ mock_get_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnfd',
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_id_from_name', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vim_id(self, mock_get_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper fucntionality of get_vim_id
+ function
+ """
+ mock_get_id.return_value = 'id'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vim_id(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vim_name')
+ mock_get_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vim',
+ 'vim_name')
+ self.assertEqual('id', result)
+ @patch('time.sleep', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_id_from_name', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnf_id(self,
+ mock_get_id,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_sleep):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnf_id
+ function
+ """
+ vnf_name = 'mock_vnf'
+ log_calls = [call("Could not retrieve ID for vnf with name [%s]."
+ " Retrying." % vnf_name)]
+ get_id_calls = [call(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vnf', vnf_name)] * 2
+ mock_get_id.side_effect = [None, 'vnf_id']
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf_id(self.mock_tacker_client, vnf_name, 2)
+ self.assertEqual('vnf_id', result)
+ mock_sleep.assert_called_once_with(1)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ mock_get_id.assert_has_calls(get_id_calls)
+ @patch('time.sleep', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_id_from_name', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnffg_id(self,
+ mock_get_id,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_sleep):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnffg_id
+ function
+ """
+ vnffg_name = 'mock_vnffg'
+ log_calls = [call("Could not retrieve ID for vnffg with name [%s]."
+ " Retrying." % vnffg_name)]
+ get_id_calls = [call(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vnffg', vnffg_name)] * 2
+ mock_get_id.side_effect = [None, 'vnf_id']
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnffg_id(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ vnffg_name,
+ 2)
+ self.assertEqual('vnf_id', result)
+ mock_sleep.assert_called_once_with(1)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ mock_get_id.assert_has_calls(get_id_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_id_from_name', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnffgd_id(self, mock_get_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnffgd_id
+ function
+ """
+ mock_get_id.return_value = 'id'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnffgd_id(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ mock_get_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffgd',
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ self.assertEqual('id', result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vnfds_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnfds
+ function when the list_vnfds returns none
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Error [list_vnfds(tacker_client)]: ErrorMSG')]
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfds.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnfds(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfds.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vnfds(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnfds
+ function when the list_vnfds returns vnfds
+ """
+ vnfds = {
+ 'vnfds': [{'id': 1},
+ {'id': 2}]
+ }
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfds.return_value = vnfds
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnfds(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfds.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ mock_log.assert_not_called()
+ self.assertEqual([1, 2], result)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnfd_returned_none_tosca_file_not_provided(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnfd
+ function when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Creating the vnfd..."),
+ call("Error [create_vnfd(tacker_client, 'None')]: "
+ "ErrorMSG")]
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnfd.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnfd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnfd.assert_called_once_with(
+ body={'vnfd': {'attributes': {'vnfd': {}},
+ 'name': 'vnfd_name'}})
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:1])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1:])
+ @patch('yaml.safe_load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnfd_returned_none_tosca_file_provided(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_safe_load):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnfd
+ function when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Creating the vnfd..."),
+ call("VNFD template:\nmock_vnfd"),
+ call("Error [create_vnfd(tacker_client, 'tosca_file')]: "
+ "ErrorMSG")]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'mock_vnfd'
+ mock_safe_load.return_value = 'mock_vnfd_body'
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnfd.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnfd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'tosca_file',
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('tosca_file')
+ open_handler.read.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_safe_load.assert_called_once_with('mock_vnfd')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:2])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[2:])
+ @patch('yaml.safe_load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnfd(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_safe_load):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnfd
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("VNFD template:\nmock_vnfd")]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'mock_vnfd'
+ mock_safe_load.return_value = 'mock_vnfd_body'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnfd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'tosca_file',
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnfd.return_value
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnfd.assert_called_once_with(
+ body={"vnfd": {"attributes": {"vnfd": "mock_vnfd_body"},
+ "name": "vnfd_name"}})
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('tosca_file')
+ open_handler.read.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_safe_load.assert_called_once_with('mock_vnfd')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ mock_log.error.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vnfd_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnfd
+ function when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [delete_vnfd(tacker_client, 'None', 'None')]:"
+ " You need to provide VNFD id or VNFD name")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnfd(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnfd_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vnfd')
+ def test_delete_vnfd(self, mock_get_vnfd_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnfd
+ function
+ """
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnfd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnfd.return_value
+ mock_get_vnfd_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnfd.assert_called_once_with('vnfd')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vnfs_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnfs
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [list_vnfs(tacker_client)]: ErrorMSG")]
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfs.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnfs(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfs.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ def test_list_vnfs(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnfs
+ function
+ """
+ vnfs = {'vnfs': [{'id': 1},
+ {'id': 2}]}
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfs.return_value = vnfs
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnfs(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertEqual([1, 2], result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnfs.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnf_returned_none_vnfd_not_provided(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnf
+ function when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Creating the vnf..."),
+ call("error [create_vnf(tacker_client,"
+ " 'vnf_name', 'None', 'None')]: "
+ "vnfd id or vnfd name is required")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vnf_name')
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:1])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1:])
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnf_returned_none_vnfd_provided(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnf
+ function when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Creating the vnf..."),
+ call("error [create_vnf(tacker_client,"
+ " 'vnf_name', 'None', 'vnfd_name')]: "
+ "vim id or vim name is required")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name',
+ None,
+ 'vnfd_name',
+ None,
+ None)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:1])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1:])
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vim_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vim_id')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnfd_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vnfd_id')
+ def test_create_vnf_vim_id_not_provided(self,
+ mock_get_vnfd_id,
+ mock_get_vim_id,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ mock_body = {'vnf': {'attributes': {'param_values': 'mock_data'},
+ 'vim_id': 'vim_id',
+ 'name': 'vnf_name',
+ 'vnfd_id': 'vnfd_id'}}
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the vnf...')]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'mock_data'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name',
+ None,
+ 'vnfd_name',
+ None,
+ 'vim_name',
+ 'param_file')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnf.return_value
+ mock_get_vnfd_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnfd_name')
+ mock_get_vim_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vim_name')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnf.assert_called_once_with(
+ body=mock_body)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnf_vim_id_provided(self, mock_log, mock_open):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ mock_body = {'vnf': {'attributes': {},
+ 'vim_id': 'vim_id',
+ 'name': 'vnf_name',
+ 'vnfd_id': 'vnfd_id'}}
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the vnf...')]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'mock_data'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 'vnfd_id',
+ 'vnfd_name',
+ 'vim_id',
+ 'vim_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnf.return_value
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnf.assert_called_once_with(
+ body=mock_body)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnf_returned_none_vnf_not_provided(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnf
+ functionality when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Could not retrieve VNF [vnf_id=None, vnf_name=None]"
+ " - You must specify vnf_id or vnf_name")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value=None)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnf_returned_none_vnf_provided(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_get_vnf_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnf
+ functionality when an exception is raised
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Could not retrieve VNF [vnf_id=None, "
+ "vnf_name=vnf_name] - Could not retrieve ID from "
+ "name [vnf_name]")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnf_name')
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_get_vnf_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name')
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.list_vnfs', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_vnf(self,
+ mock_list_vnfs,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ vnf = {'vnfs': [{'id': 'default'},
+ {'id': 'vnf_id'}]}
+ mock_list_vnfs.return_value = vnf
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vnf_id', None)
+ self.assertDictEqual(vnf['vnfs'][1], result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('json.loads', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf', autospe=True)
+ def test_get_vnf_ip(self,
+ mock_get_vnf,
+ mock_json_loads):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_vnf_ip
+ function
+ """
+ vnf = {"mgmt_url": {"VDU1": ""}}
+ mock_get_vnf.return_value = vnf
+ mock_json_loads.return_value = vnf['mgmt_url']
+ result = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf_ip(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertEqual("", result)
+ mock_get_vnf.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ None)
+ mock_json_loads.assert_called_once_with(vnf['mgmt_url'])
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf', autospec=True)
+ def test_wait_for_vnf_returned_none_unable_to_retrieve_vnf(self,
+ mock_get_vnf,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of wait_for_vnf
+ function when an Exception is raised
+ """
+ mock_get_vnf.return_value = None
+ log_calls = [call("error [wait_for_vnf(tacker_client, 'vnf_id', "
+ "'vnf_name')]: Could not retrieve VNF - id='vnf_id',"
+ " name='vnf_name'")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.wait_for_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_get_vnf.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name')
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('time.sleep', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf', autospec=True)
+ def test_wait_for_vnf_returned_none_unable_to_boot_vnf(self,
+ mock_get_vnf,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_sleep):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of wait_for_vnf
+ function when an Exception is raised
+ """
+ mock_vnf_values = [{'id': 'vnf_id',
+ 'status': 'ERROR'},
+ {'id': 'vnf_id',
+ 'status': 'PEDNING_CREATE'}]
+ mock_get_vnf.side_effect = mock_vnf_values
+ log_calls = [call("Waiting for vnf %s" % str(mock_vnf_values[0])),
+ call("error [wait_for_vnf(tacker_client, 'vnf_id', "
+ "'vnf_name')]: Error when booting vnf vnf_id")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.wait_for_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_get_vnf.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:1])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1:])
+ @patch('time.sleep', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf', autospec=True)
+ def test_wait_for_vnf_returned_none_timeout_booting_vnf(self,
+ mock_get_vnf,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_sleep):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of wait_for_vnf
+ function when an Exception is raised
+ """
+ mock_vnf_values = [{'id': 'vnf_id',
+ 'status': 'PENDING_CREATE'},
+ {'id': 'vnf_id',
+ 'status': 'PENDING_CREATE'}]
+ mock_get_vnf.side_effect = mock_vnf_values
+ log_calls = [call("Waiting for vnf %s" % str(mock_vnf_values[1])),
+ call("error [wait_for_vnf(tacker_client, 'vnf_id', "
+ "'vnf_name')]: Timeout when booting vnf vnf_id")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.wait_for_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_get_vnf.assert_called_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[:1])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1:])
+ @patch('time.sleep', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf', autospec=True)
+ def test_wait_for_vnf(self,
+ mock_get_vnf,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_sleep):
+ """
+ Checks for the proper functionality of wait_for_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ mock_vnf_values = [{'status': 'PENDING_CREATE',
+ 'id': 'vnf_id'},
+ {'status': 'ACTIVE',
+ 'id': 'vnf_id'}]
+ log_calls = [call("Waiting for vnf %s" % mock_vnf_values[0])]
+ mock_get_vnf.side_effect = mock_vnf_values
+ result = os_sfc_utils.wait_for_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_id',
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 3)
+ self.assertEqual('vnf_id', result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vnf_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [delete_vnf(tacker_client, 'None', 'None')]:"
+ " You need to provide a VNF id or name")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnf_id', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vnf(self,
+ mock_get_vnf_id,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnf
+ function
+ """
+ mock_get_vnf_id.return_value = 'vnf'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnf(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnf_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnf.return_value
+ mock_get_vnf_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnf.assert_called_once_with('vnf')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vim_returned_none(self,
+ mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vim
+ function when the vim_file is not provided
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vim.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [[call("Creating the vim...")],
+ [call("Error [create_vim(tacker_client, 'None')]"
+ ": ErrorMSG")]]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vim(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vim.assert_called_once_with(body={})
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[0])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1])
+ @patch('json.load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vim(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_json_loads):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vim
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Creating the vim..."),
+ call("VIM template:\nmock_data")]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ mock_json_loads.return_value = 'mock_data'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vim(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vim_file')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vim.return_value
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('vim_file')
+ mock_json_loads.assert_called_once_with(open_handler)
+ mock_log.error.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnffgd_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffgd
+ function when create_vnffgd raises an Exception
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffgd.side_effect = Exception(
+ 'ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [[call("Creating the vnffgd...")],
+ [call("Error [create_vnffgd(tacker_client, 'None')]"
+ ": ErrorMSG")]]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnffgd(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[0])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1])
+ @patch('yaml.safe_load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnffgd(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_safe_load):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffgd
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the vnffgd...'),
+ call('VNFFGD template:\nmock_data')]
+ vnffgd_body = {'id': 0, 'type': 'dict'}
+ mock_vim_body = {'vnffgd': {'name': 'vnffgd_name',
+ 'template': {'vnffgd': vnffgd_body}}}
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'mock_data'
+ mock_safe_load.return_value = {'id': 0, 'type': 'dict'}
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnffgd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'tosca_file',
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffgd.return_value
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('tosca_file')
+ mock_safe_load.assert_called_once_with('mock_data')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffgd.assert_called_once_with(
+ body=mock_vim_body)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ mock_log.error.assert_not_called()
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnffg_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffg
+ function when the vnffgd id or vnffg name is not provided
+ """
+ log_calls = [[call("Creating the vnffg...")],
+ [call("error [create_vnffg(tacker_client,"
+ " 'None', 'None', 'None')]: "
+ "vnffgd id or vnffgd name is required")]]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls[0])
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls[1])
+ @patch('yaml.safe_load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnffgd_id', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnffg_vnffgd_id_not_provided(self,
+ mock_get_vnffgd_id,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_safe_load):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffg
+ function when the vnffgd id or vnffg name is not provided
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the vnffg...')]
+ vnffg_calls = [call(body={
+ 'vnffg': {
+ 'attributes': {'param_values': {'type': 'dict',
+ 'id': 0}},
+ 'vnffgd_id': 'mocked_vnffg_id',
+ 'name': 'vnffg_name',
+ 'symmetrical': False}})]
+ mock_get_vnffgd_id.return_value = 'mocked_vnffg_id'
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'data'
+ mock_safe_load.return_value = {'id': 0, 'type': 'dict'}
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffg_name',
+ None,
+ 'vnffgd_name',
+ 'param_file')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffg.return_value
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('param_file')
+ open_handler.read.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_get_vnffgd_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ mock_safe_load.assert_called_once_with('data')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffg.assert_has_calls(vnffg_calls)
+ @patch('yaml.safe_load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_create_vnffg_vnffgd_id_provided(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_safe_load):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffg
+ function when the vnffgd id or vnffg name is not provided
+ """
+ log_calls = [call('Creating the vnffg...')]
+ vnffg_calls = [call(body={
+ 'vnffg': {
+ 'attributes': {'param_values': {'type': 'dict',
+ 'id': 0}},
+ 'vnffgd_id': 'vnffgd_id',
+ 'name': 'vnffg_name',
+ 'symmetrical': False}})]
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_handler.read.return_value = 'data'
+ mock_safe_load.return_value = {'id': 0, 'type': 'dict'}
+ result = os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffg_name',
+ 'vnffgd_id',
+ 'vnffgd_name',
+ 'param_file')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffg.return_value
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with('param_file')
+ open_handler.read.assert_called_once_with()
+ mock_safe_load.assert_called_once_with('data')
+ mock_log.info.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.create_vnffg.assert_has_calls(vnffg_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vnffgds_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnffgds
+ function when list_vnffgds raises an Exception
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgds.side_effect = Exception(
+ 'ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [call('Error [list_vnffgds(tacker_client)]: ErrorMSG')]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnffgds(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgds.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ def test_list_vnffgds(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functtionality of list_vnffgds
+ function
+ """
+ vnffgds = {'vnffgds': [{'id': 'vnffgd_obj_one'},
+ {'id': 'vnffgd_obj_two'}]}
+ mock_vnffgds = ['vnffgd_obj_one', 'vnffgd_obj_two']
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgds.return_value = vnffgds
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnffgds(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_vnffgds, result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgds.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vnffgs_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnffgs
+ function when list_vnffgs raises an Exception
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgs.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [call('Error [list_vnffgs(tacker_client)]: ErrorMSG')]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnffgs(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgs.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ def test_list_vnffgs(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vnffgs
+ function
+ """
+ vnffgs = {'vnffgs': [{'id': 'vnffg_obj_one'},
+ {'id': 'vnffg_obj_two'}]}
+ mock_vnffgs = ['vnffg_obj_one', 'vnffg_obj_two']
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgs.return_value = vnffgs
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vnffgs(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_vnffgs, result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vnffgs.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vnffg_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnffg
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [delete_vnffg(tacker_client, 'None', 'None')]"
+ ": You need to provide a VNFFG id or name")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffg(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnffg_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vnffg')
+ def test_delete_vnffg(self, mock_get_vnffg_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnffg
+ function
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnffg.return_value = 'deleted'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffg(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnffg_name')
+ self.assertEqual('deleted', result)
+ mock_get_vnffg_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffg_name')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnffg.assert_called_once_with('vnffg')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vnffgd_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnffgd
+ function
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [delete_vnffgd(tacker_client, 'None', 'None')"
+ "]: You need to provide VNFFGD id or VNFFGD name")]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffgd(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vnffgd_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vnffgd')
+ def test_delete_vnffgd(self, mock_get_vnffgd_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vnffgd
+ function
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnffgd.return_value = 'deleted'
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffgd(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ self.assertEqual('deleted', result)
+ mock_get_vnffgd_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffgd_name')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vnffgd.assert_called_once_with('vnffgd')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_list_vims_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of list_vims
+ function when VNFFGD id is not provided
+ """
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vims.side_effect = Exception('ErrorMSG')
+ log_calls = [call('Error [list_vims(tacker_client)]: ErrorMSG')]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vims(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vims.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ def test_list_vims(self):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality list_vims
+ function
+ """
+ vims = {'vims': [{'id': 'vim_obj_1'},
+ {'id': 'vim_obj_2'}]}
+ mock_vims = ['vim_obj_1', 'vim_obj_2']
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vims.return_value = vims
+ result = os_sfc_utils.list_vims(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertEqual(mock_vims, result)
+ self.mock_tacker_client.list_vims.assert_called_once_with(
+ retrieve_all=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_delete_vim_returned_none(self, mock_log):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vim
+ function when VIM id and VIM name is not provided
+ """
+ log_calls = [call("Error [delete_vim(tacker_client, '%s', '%s')]: %s"
+ % (None, None, 'You need to provide '
+ 'VIM id or VIM name'))]
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vim(self.mock_tacker_client)
+ self.assertIsNone(result)
+ mock_log.error.assert_has_calls(log_calls)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_vim_id',
+ autospec=True, return_value='vim_id')
+ def test_delete_vim(self, mock_get_vim_id):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of delete_vim
+ function
+ """
+ result = os_sfc_utils.delete_vim(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ None,
+ 'vim_name')
+ assert result is self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vim.return_value
+ mock_get_vim_id.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vim_name')
+ self.mock_tacker_client.delete_vim.assert_called_once_with('vim_id')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.get_tacker_client',
+ autospec=True, return_value='tacker_client_obj')
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.logger', autospec=True)
+ def test_get_tacker_items(self,
+ mock_log,
+ mock_tacker_client):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of get_tacker_items
+ function
+ """
+ mock_dict = {'list_vims': DEFAULT,
+ 'list_vnfds': DEFAULT,
+ 'list_vnfs': DEFAULT,
+ 'list_vnffgds': DEFAULT,
+ 'list_vnffgs': DEFAULT}
+ with patch.multiple('sfc.lib.openstack_utils',
+ **mock_dict) as mock_values:
+ os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_items()
+ mock_tacker_client.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(5, mock_log.debug.call_count)
+ for key in mock_values:
+ mock_values[key].assert_called_once_with('tacker_client_obj')
+ @patch('json.dump', autospec=True)
+ @patch('json.load', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.create_vim', autospec=True)
+ def test_register_vim(self,
+ mock_create_vim,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_json_loads,
+ mock_json_dump):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of register_vim
+ function
+ """
+ tmp_file = '/tmp/register-vim.json'
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ open_calls = [call('vim_file'),
+ call(tmp_file, 'w')]
+ mock_json_loads.return_value = {'vim': {'auth_cred':
+ {'password': None},
+ 'auth_url': None}}
+ json_dict = {'vim': {'auth_cred': {'password': 'os_auth_cred'},
+ 'auth_url': 'os_auth_url'}}
+ patch_dict = {'OS_AUTH_URL': 'os_auth_url',
+ 'OS_PASSWORD': 'os_auth_cred'}
+ with patch.dict('os.environ', patch_dict):
+ os_sfc_utils.register_vim(self.mock_tacker_client, 'vim_file')
+ mock_json_loads.assert_called_once_with(open_handler)
+ mock_json_dump.assert_called_once_with(json_dict,
+ mock_open(tmp_file, 'w'))
+ mock_open.assert_has_calls(open_calls, any_order=True)
+ mock_create_vim.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ vim_file=tmp_file)
+ @patch('json.dump', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.create_vnf', autospec=True)
+ @patch('os.path.join',
+ autospec=True, return_value='/tmp/param_av_zone.json')
+ def test_create_vnf_in_av_zone(self,
+ mock_path_join,
+ mock_create_vnf,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_json_dump):
+ """
+ Checks the proper fucntionality of test_create_vnf_in_av_zone
+ fucntion
+ """
+ data = {'zone': 'av::zone'}
+ param_file = '/tmp/param_av_zone.json'
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnf_in_av_zone(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name',
+ 'vnfd_name',
+ 'vim_name',
+ 'param_file',
+ 'av::zone')
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ mock_path_join.assert_called_once_with('/tmp', 'param_av_zone.json')
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with(param_file, 'w+')
+ mock_json_dump.assert_called_once_with(data, open_handler)
+ mock_create_vnf.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnf_name',
+ vnfd_name='vnfd_name',
+ vim_name='vim_name',
+ param_file=param_file)
+ @patch('json.dump', autospec=True)
+ @patch('__builtin__.open', autospec=True)
+ @patch('sfc.lib.openstack_utils.create_vnffg', autospec=True)
+ @patch('os.path.join', autospec=True, return_value='/tmp/param_name.json')
+ def test_create_vnffg_with_param_file(self,
+ mock_path_join,
+ mock_create_vnffg,
+ mock_open,
+ mock_json_dump):
+ """
+ Checks the proper functionality of create_vnffg_with_param_file
+ function
+ """
+ data = {
+ 'ip_dst_prefix': 'server_ip',
+ 'net_dst_port_id': 'server_port',
+ 'net_src_port_id': 'client_port'
+ }
+ param_file = '/tmp/param_name.json'
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg_with_param_file(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ 'vnffgd_name',
+ 'vnffg_name',
+ 'default_param_file',
+ 'client_port',
+ 'server_port',
+ 'server_ip')
+ open_handler = mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
+ mock_path_join.assert_called_once_with('/tmp', 'param_vnffg_name.json')
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with(param_file, 'w+')
+ mock_json_dump.assert_called_once_with(data, open_handler)
+ mock_create_vnffg.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_tacker_client,
+ vnffgd_name='vnffgd_name',
+ vnffg_name='vnffg_name',
+ param_file=param_file,
+ symmetrical=True)