path: root/sfc/tests/functest/sfc_parent_function.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sfc/tests/functest/sfc_parent_function.py')
1 files changed, 768 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfc/tests/functest/sfc_parent_function.py b/sfc/tests/functest/sfc_parent_function.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..410c0e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfc/tests/functest/sfc_parent_function.py
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import urllib3
+import sfc.lib.test_utils as test_utils
+import sfc.lib.openstack_utils as os_sfc_utils
+import sfc.lib.topology_shuffler as topo_shuffler
+from opnfv.utils import ovs_logger as ovs_log
+from opnfv.deployment.factory import Factory as DeploymentFactory
+from sfc.lib import config as sfc_config
+from sfc.lib import odl_utils as odl_utils
+from sfc.lib.results import Results
+# Disable InsecureRequestWarning errors when executing the SFC tests in XCI
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CLIENT = "client"
+SERVER = "server"
+openstack_sfc = os_sfc_utils.OpenStackSFC()
+COMMON_CONFIG = sfc_config.CommonConfig()
+results = Results(COMMON_CONFIG.line_length)
+class SfcCommonTestCase(object):
+ def __init__(self, testcase_config, supported_installers, vnfs):
+ self.compute_nodes = None
+ self.controller_clients = None
+ self.compute_clients = None
+ self.tacker_client = None
+ self.ovs_logger = None
+ self.network = None
+ self.router = None
+ self.sg = None
+ self.image_creator = None
+ self.vnf_image_creator = None
+ self.creators = None
+ self.odl_ip = None
+ self.odl_port = None
+ self.default_param_file = None
+ self.topo_seed = None
+ self.test_topology = None
+ self.server_instance = None
+ self.server_creator = None
+ self.client_instance = None
+ self.client_creator = None
+ self.vnf_id = None
+ self.client_floating_ip = None
+ self.server_floating_ip = None
+ self.fips_sfs = []
+ self.vnf_objects = dict()
+ self.testcase_config = testcase_config
+ self.vnfs = vnfs
+ self.port_server = None
+ self.server_ip = None
+ self.port_client = None
+ self.prepare_env(testcase_config, supported_installers, vnfs)
+ def prepare_env(self, testcase_config, supported_installers, vnfs):
+ """Prepare the testcase environment and the components
+ that the test scenario is going to use later on.
+ :param testcase_config: the input test config file
+ :param supported_installers: the supported installers for this tc
+ :param vnfs: the names of vnfs
+ :return: Environment preparation
+ """
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.installer_type != 'configByUser':
+ deployment_handler = DeploymentFactory.get_handler(
+ COMMON_CONFIG.installer_type,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.installer_ip,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.installer_user,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.installer_password,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.installer_key_file)
+ installer_type = os.environ.get("INSTALLER_TYPE")
+ installer_ip = os.environ.get("INSTALLER_IP")
+ cluster = COMMON_CONFIG.installer_cluster
+ openstack_nodes = (deployment_handler.
+ get_nodes({'cluster': cluster})
+ if cluster is not None
+ else deployment_handler.get_nodes())
+ self.compute_nodes = [node for node in openstack_nodes
+ if node.is_compute()]
+ for compute in self.compute_nodes:
+ logger.info("This is a compute: %s" % compute.ip)
+ controller_nodes = [node for node in openstack_nodes
+ if node.is_controller()]
+ self.controller_clients = test_utils. \
+ get_ssh_clients(controller_nodes)
+ self.compute_clients = test_utils. \
+ get_ssh_clients(self.compute_nodes)
+ self.odl_ip, self.odl_port = odl_utils. \
+ get_odl_ip_port(openstack_nodes)
+ else:
+ installer_type = 'configByUser'
+ installer_ip = COMMON_CONFIG.installer_ip
+ openstack_nodes = COMMON_CONFIG.nodes_pod
+ self.compute_nodes = [node for node in
+ COMMON_CONFIG.nodes_pod
+ if node['role'] == 'Compute']
+ for compute in self.compute_nodes:
+ logger.info("This is a compute: %s" % compute['ip'])
+ controller_nodes = [node for node in openstack_nodes
+ if node['role'] == 'Controller']
+ self.odl_ip, self.odl_port = odl_utils. \
+ get_odl_ip_port_no_installer(openstack_nodes)
+ if installer_type not in supported_installers:
+ if installer_type != 'configByUser':
+ raise Exception(
+ '\033[91mYour installer is not supported yet\033[0m')
+ if not installer_ip:
+ logger.error(
+ '\033[91minstaller ip is not set\033[0m')
+ raise Exception(
+ '\033[91mexport INSTALLER_IP=<ip>\033[0m')
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "=")
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "STATUS", "SUBTEST")
+ results.add_to_summary(0, "=")
+ custom_flv = openstack_sfc.create_flavor(
+ COMMON_CONFIG.ram_size_in_mb,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.disk_size_in_gb,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vcpu_count)
+ if not custom_flv:
+ raise Exception("Failed to create custom flavor")
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ self.tacker_client = os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_client()
+ os_sfc_utils.register_vim(self.tacker_client,
+ vim_file=COMMON_CONFIG.vim_file)
+ self.ovs_logger = ovs_log.OVSLogger(
+ os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir, 'ovs-logs'),
+ COMMON_CONFIG.functest_results_dir)
+ self.network, self.router = openstack_sfc.\
+ create_network_infrastructure(testcase_config.net_name,
+ testcase_config.subnet_name,
+ testcase_config.subnet_cidr,
+ testcase_config.router_name)
+ self.sg = openstack_sfc.create_security_group(
+ testcase_config.secgroup_name)
+ # Image for the vnf is registered
+ self.vnf_image_creator = openstack_sfc.register_glance_image(
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnf_image_name,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnf_image_url,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnf_image_format,
+ 'public')
+ # Image for the client/server is registered
+ self.image_creator = openstack_sfc.register_glance_image(
+ COMMON_CONFIG.image_name,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.image_url,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.image_format,
+ 'public')
+ self.creators = openstack_sfc.creators
+ odl_utils.get_odl_username_password()
+ self.default_param_file = os.path.join(
+ COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnfd_dir,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnfd_default_params_file)
+ self.topo_seed = topo_shuffler.get_seed()
+ self.test_topology = topo_shuffler.topology(vnfs, openstack_sfc,
+ seed=self.topo_seed)
+ logger.info('This test is run with the topology {0}'
+ .format(self.test_topology['id']))
+ logger.info('Topology description: {0}'
+ .format(self.test_topology['description']))
+ self.server_instance, port_server = \
+ openstack_sfc.create_instance(SERVER, COMMON_CONFIG.flavor,
+ self.image_creator, self.network,
+ self.sg,
+ self.test_topology['server'],
+ [SERVER + '-port'])
+ self.client_instance, port_client = \
+ openstack_sfc.create_instance(CLIENT, COMMON_CONFIG.flavor,
+ self.image_creator, self.network,
+ self.sg,
+ self.test_topology['client'],
+ [CLIENT + '-port'])
+ logger.info('This test is run with the topology {0}'.format(
+ self.test_topology['id']))
+ logger.info('Topology description: {0}'.format(
+ self.test_topology['description']))
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.installer_type != 'configByUser':
+ self.port_server = port_server[0]
+ self.port_client = port_client[0]
+ port_fixed_ips = self.port_server
+ for ip in port_fixed_ips:
+ self.server_ip = ip.get('ip_address')
+ logger.info("Server instance received private ip [{}]".format(
+ self.server_ip))
+ else:
+ self.port_server = port_server
+ self.port_client = port_client
+ self.server_ip = self.server_instance.ports[0].ips[0]['ip_address']
+ logger.info("Server instance received private ip [{}]".format(
+ self.server_ip))
+ def register_vnf_template(self, test_case_name, template_name):
+ """ Register the template which defines the VNF
+ :param test_case_name: the name of the test case
+ :param template_name: name of the template
+ """
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ self.create_custom_vnfd(test_case_name, template_name)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ # networking-sfc does not have the template concept
+ pass
+ def create_custom_vnfd(self, test_case_name, vnfd_name):
+ """Create VNF Descriptor (VNFD)
+ :param test_case_name: the name of test case
+ :param vnfd_name: the name of vnfd
+ :return: vnfd
+ """
+ tosca_file = os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnfd_dir, test_case_name)
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnfd(self.tacker_client,
+ tosca_file=tosca_file,
+ vnfd_name=vnfd_name)
+ def create_vnf(self, vnf_name, vnfd_name=None, vim_name=None,
+ symmetric=False):
+ """Create custom vnf
+ :param vnf_name: name of the vnf
+ :param vnfd_name: name of the vnfd template (tacker)
+ :param vim_name: name of the vim (tacker)
+ :param symmetric: specifies whether this is part of the symmetric test
+ :return: av zone
+ """
+ logger.info('This test is run with the topology {0}'.
+ format(self.test_topology['id']))
+ logger.info('Topology description: {0}'
+ .format(self.test_topology['description']))
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnf_in_av_zone(
+ self.tacker_client, vnf_name, vnfd_name, vim_name,
+ self.default_param_file, self.test_topology[vnf_name])
+ self.vnf_id = os_sfc_utils.wait_for_vnf(self.tacker_client,
+ vnf_name=vnf_name)
+ if self.vnf_id is None:
+ raise Exception('ERROR while booting vnfs')
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ av_zone = self.test_topology[vnf_name]
+ if symmetric:
+ ports = [vnf_name + '-port1', vnf_name + '-port2']
+ else:
+ ports = [vnf_name + '-port']
+ vnf_instance, vnf_port = \
+ openstack_sfc.create_instance(vnf_name, COMMON_CONFIG.flavor,
+ self.vnf_image_creator,
+ self.network,
+ self.sg,
+ av_zone,
+ ports,
+ port_security=False)
+ self.vnf_objects[vnf_name] = [vnf_instance, vnf_port]
+ logger.info("Creating VNF with name...%s", vnf_name)
+ logger.info("Port associated with VNF...%s",
+ self.vnf_objects[vnf_name][1])
+ def assign_floating_ip_client_server(self):
+ """Assign floating IPs on the router about server and the client
+ instances
+ :return: Floating IPs for client and server
+ """
+ logger.info("Assigning floating IPs to client and server instances")
+ self.client_floating_ip = openstack_sfc.assign_floating_ip(
+ self.client_instance, self.port_client)
+ self.server_floating_ip = openstack_sfc.assign_floating_ip(
+ self.server_instance, self.port_server)
+ def assign_floating_ip_sfs(self):
+ """Assign floating IPs to service function
+ :return: The list fips_sfs consist of the available IPs for service
+ functions
+ """
+ logger.info("Assigning floating IPs to service functions")
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ vnf_ip = os_sfc_utils.get_vnf_ip(self.tacker_client,
+ vnf_id=self.vnf_id)
+ self.fips_sfs = openstack_sfc.assign_floating_ip_vnfs(self.router,
+ vnf_ip)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ for vnf in self.vnfs:
+ # instance object is in [0] and port in [1]
+ vnf_instance = self.vnf_objects[vnf][0]
+ vnf_port = self.vnf_objects[vnf][1]
+ sf_floating_ip = openstack_sfc.\
+ assign_floating_ip(vnf_instance, vnf_port[0])
+ self.fips_sfs.append(sf_floating_ip)
+ def check_floating_ips(self):
+ """Check the responsivness of the floating IPs
+ :return: The responsivness of IPs in the fips_sfs list is checked
+ """
+ fips = [self.client_floating_ip, self.server_floating_ip]
+ for sf in self.fips_sfs:
+ fips.append(sf)
+ for ip in fips:
+ logger.info("Checking connectivity towards floating IP [%s]" % ip)
+ if not test_utils.ping(ip, retries=50, retry_timeout=3):
+ os_sfc_utils.get_tacker_items()
+ odl_utils.get_odl_items(self.odl_ip, self.odl_port)
+ raise Exception("Cannot ping floating IP [%s]" % ip)
+ logger.info("Successful ping to floating IP [%s]" % ip)
+ if not test_utils.check_ssh(self.fips_sfs):
+ raise Exception("Cannot establish SSH connection to the SFs")
+ def start_services_in_vm(self):
+ """Start the HTTP server in the server VM as well as the vxlan tool for
+ the SFs IPs included in the fips_sfs list
+ :return: HTTP server and vxlan tools are started
+ """
+ logger.info("Starting HTTP server on %s" % self.server_floating_ip)
+ if not test_utils.start_http_server(self.server_floating_ip):
+ raise Exception('\033[91mFailed to start HTTP server on %s\033[0m'
+ % self.server_floating_ip)
+ for sf_floating_ip in self.fips_sfs:
+ logger.info("Starting vxlan_tool on %s" % sf_floating_ip)
+ test_utils.start_vxlan_tool(sf_floating_ip)
+ def present_results_ssh(self):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ SSH protocol is blocked or not.
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ logger.info("Test SSH")
+ if test_utils.is_ssh_blocked(self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "SSH Blocked")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> SSH NOT BLOCKED\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "SSH Works")
+ return results
+ def present_results_allowed_ssh(self):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ SSH protocol is available or not.
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ logger.info("Test SSH")
+ if not test_utils.is_ssh_blocked(self.client_floating_ip,
+ self.server_ip):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "SSH works")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> SSH BLOCKED\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "SSH is blocked")
+ return results
+ def remove_vnffg(self, par_vnffg_name, par_vnffgd_name):
+ """Delete the vnffg and the vnffgd items that have been created
+ during the test scenario.
+ :param par_vnffg_name: The vnffg name of network components
+ :param par_vnffgd_name: The vnffgd name of network components
+ :return: Remove the vnffg and vnffgd components
+ """
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffg(self.tacker_client,
+ vnffg_name=par_vnffg_name)
+ os_sfc_utils.delete_vnffgd(self.tacker_client,
+ vnffgd_name=par_vnffgd_name)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ # TODO: If we had a testcase where only one chains must be removed
+ # we would need to add the logic. Now it removes all of them
+ openstack_sfc.delete_chain()
+ openstack_sfc.delete_port_groups()
+ def create_classifier(self, fc_name, port=85,
+ protocol='tcp', symmetric=False):
+ """Create the classifier component following the instructions from
+ relevant templates.
+ :param fc_name: The name of the classifier
+ :param port: Input port number
+ :param protocol: Input protocol
+ :param symmetric: Check symmetric
+ :return: Create the classifier component
+ """
+ logger.info("Creating the classifier...")
+ self.neutron_port = self.port_client
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ openstack_sfc.create_classifier(self.neutron_port.id,
+ port,
+ protocol,
+ fc_name,
+ symmetric)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ logger.info("Creating classifier with tacker is not supported")
+ def create_vnffg(self, testcase_config_name, vnffgd_name, vnffg_name,
+ port=80, protocol='tcp', symmetric=False, vnf_index=-1):
+ """Create the vnffg components following the instructions from
+ relevant templates.
+ :param testcase_config_name: The config input of the test case
+ :param vnffgd_name: The name of the vnffgd template
+ :param vnffg_name: The name for the vnffg
+ :param port: Input port number
+ :param protocol: Input protocol
+ :param symmetric: Check symmetric
+ :param vnf_index: Index to specify vnf
+ :return: Create the vnffg component
+ """
+ logger.info("Creating the vnffg...")
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ tosca_file = os.path.join(COMMON_CONFIG.sfc_test_dir,
+ COMMON_CONFIG.vnffgd_dir,
+ testcase_config_name)
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnffgd(self.tacker_client,
+ tosca_file=tosca_file,
+ vnffgd_name=vnffgd_name)
+ self.neutron_port = self.port_client
+ if symmetric:
+ server_ip_prefix = self.server_ip + '/32'
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg_with_param_file(
+ self.tacker_client,
+ vnffgd_name,
+ vnffg_name,
+ self.default_param_file,
+ self.neutron_port.id,
+ server_port=self.port_server.id,
+ server_ip=server_ip_prefix)
+ else:
+ os_sfc_utils.create_vnffg_with_param_file(
+ self.tacker_client,
+ vnffgd_name,
+ vnffg_name,
+ self.default_param_file,
+ self.neutron_port.id)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ logger.info("Creating the vnffg without any mano component...")
+ port_groups = []
+ if vnf_index == -1:
+ for vnf in self.vnfs:
+ # vnf_instance is in [0] and vnf_port in [1]
+ vnf_instance = self.vnf_objects[vnf][0]
+ vnf_port = self.vnf_objects[vnf][1]
+ if symmetric:
+ # VNFs have two ports
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_port2 = vnf_port[1]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1, neutron_port2]
+ else:
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1]
+ port_group = \
+ openstack_sfc.create_port_groups(neutron_ports,
+ vnf_instance)
+ port_groups.append(port_group)
+ else:
+ vnf = self.vnfs[vnf_index]
+ vnf_instance = self.vnf_objects[vnf][0]
+ vnf_port = self.vnf_objects[vnf][1]
+ if symmetric:
+ # VNFs have two ports
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_port2 = vnf_port[1]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1, neutron_port2]
+ else:
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1]
+ port_group = openstack_sfc.create_port_groups(
+ neutron_ports, vnf_instance)
+ port_groups.append(port_group)
+ self.neutron_port = self.port_client
+ if symmetric:
+ # We must pass the server_port and server_ip in the symmetric
+ # case. Otherwise ODL does not work well
+ server_ip_prefix = self.server_ip + '/32'
+ openstack_sfc.create_chain(port_groups,
+ self.neutron_port.id,
+ port, protocol, vnffg_name,
+ symmetric,
+ server_port=self.port_server.id,
+ server_ip=server_ip_prefix)
+ else:
+ openstack_sfc.create_chain(port_groups,
+ self.neutron_port.id,
+ port, protocol, vnffg_name,
+ symmetric)
+ def update_vnffg(self, testcase_config_name, vnffgd_name, vnffg_name,
+ port=80, protocol='tcp', symmetric=False,
+ vnf_index=0, fc_name='red'):
+ """Update the vnffg components following the instructions from
+ relevant templates.
+ :param testcase_config_name: The config input of the test case
+ :param vnffgd_name: The name of the vnffgd template
+ :param vnffg_name: The name for the vnffg
+ :param port: To input port number
+ :param protocol: To input protocol
+ :param symmetric: To check symmetric
+ :param vnf_index: Index to identify vnf
+ :param fc_name: The name of the flow classifier
+ :return: Update the vnffg component
+ """
+ logger.info("Update the vnffg...")
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ port_groups = []
+ for vnf in self.vnfs:
+ # vnf_instance is in [0] and vnf_port in [1]
+ vnf_instance = self.vnf_objects[vnf][0]
+ vnf_port = self.vnf_objects[vnf][1]
+ if symmetric:
+ # VNFs have two ports
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_port2 = vnf_port[1]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1, neutron_port2]
+ else:
+ neutron_port1 = vnf_port[0]
+ neutron_ports = [neutron_port1]
+ port_group = \
+ openstack_sfc.create_port_groups(neutron_ports,
+ vnf_instance)
+ port_groups.append(port_group)
+ openstack_sfc.update_chain(vnffg_name, fc_name, symmetric)
+ elif COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'tacker':
+ logger.info("update for tacker is not supported")
+ def swap_classifiers(self, vnffg_1_name, vnffg_2_name, symmetric=False):
+ """Interchange classifiers between port chains
+ :param vnffg_1_name: Reference to port_chain_1
+ :param vnffg_2_name: Reference to port_chain_2
+ :param symmetric: To check symmetric
+ :return: Interchange the classifiers
+ """
+ if COMMON_CONFIG.mano_component == 'no-mano':
+ openstack_sfc.swap_classifiers(vnffg_1_name,
+ vnffg_2_name,
+ symmetric=False)
+ def present_results_http(self):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ HTTP protocol is blocked or not.
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ logger.info("Test HTTP")
+ if test_utils.is_http_blocked(self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "HTTP Blocked")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP WORKS\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "HTTP works")
+ return results
+ def present_results_allowed_port_http(self, testcase_config):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ HTTP protocol and for a specific port is available or not.
+ :param testcase_config: The config input of the test case
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ allowed_port = testcase_config.source_port
+ logger.info("Test if HTTP from port %s works" % allowed_port)
+ if not test_utils.is_http_blocked(
+ self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip, allowed_port):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "HTTP works")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP BLOCKED\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "HTTP is blocked")
+ return results
+ def present_results_blocked_port_http(self, testcase_config,
+ test='HTTP'):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ HTTP protocol and for a specific port is blocked or not.
+ :param testcase_config: The config input of the test case
+ :param test: custom test string to print on result summary
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ allowed_port = testcase_config.source_port
+ logger.info("Test if HTTP from port %s doesn't work" % allowed_port)
+ if test_utils.is_http_blocked(
+ self.client_floating_ip, self.server_ip, allowed_port):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", test + " blocked")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP WORKS\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", test + " works")
+ return results
+ def check_deletion(self):
+ """Check that the deletion of the chain has been completed sucessfully.
+ :return: Check that the chain has been completed deleted without
+ leftovers.
+ """
+ if not odl_utils.\
+ check_vnffg_deletion(self.odl_ip, self.odl_port,
+ self.ovs_logger,
+ [self.neutron_port],
+ self.client_instance.hypervisor_hostname,
+ self.compute_nodes):
+ logger.debug("The chains were not correctly removed")
+ raise Exception("Chains not correctly removed, test failed")
+ def present_results_allowed_http(self):
+ """Check whether the connection between server and client using
+ HTTP protocol is available or not.
+ :return: The results for the specific action of the scenario
+ """
+ if not test_utils.is_http_blocked(self.client_floating_ip,
+ self.server_ip):
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "PASS", "HTTP works")
+ else:
+ error = ('\033[91mTEST [FAILED] ==> HTTP BLOCKED\033[0m')
+ logger.error(error)
+ test_utils.capture_ovs_logs(
+ self.ovs_logger, self.controller_clients, self.compute_clients,
+ error)
+ results.add_to_summary(2, "FAIL", "HTTP is blocked")
+ return results
+ def vxlan_blocking_start(self, floating_ip, port_blocked):
+ """Start the vxlan tool for one floating IP and blocking
+ a specific port.
+ :param floating_ip: Floating IP
+ :param port_blocked: Port
+ :return: The port for the floating IP is blocked
+ """
+ test_utils.stop_vxlan_tool(floating_ip)
+ logger.info("Starting HTTP firewall on %s" % floating_ip)
+ test_utils.start_vxlan_tool(floating_ip, block=port_blocked)
+ def vxlan_blocking_stop(self, floating_ip):
+ """Stop the vxlan tool for a specific IP
+ :param floating_ip: Floating IP
+ :return: The vxlan tool for the specific floating IP is stopped
+ """
+ logger.info("Starting HTTP firewall on %s" % floating_ip)
+ test_utils.stop_vxlan_tool(floating_ip)
+ def vxlan_start_interface(self, floating_ip, interface, output, block):
+ """Start the vxlan tool for one floating IP and blocking
+ a specific interface.
+ :param floating_ip: Floating IP
+ :param interface: Interface
+ :param output: output interface
+ :param block: port
+ :return: The interface or/and port for specific floating IP is blocked
+ """
+ logger.info("Starting vxlan_tool on %s" % floating_ip)
+ test_utils.start_vxlan_tool(floating_ip, interface=interface,
+ output=output, block=block)