path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/stats_ring.c
blob: d0792ac141c5b5d4640fb98d3096890a3b71924a (plain)

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// Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <rte_ring.h>
#include <rte_version.h>

#include "prox_malloc.h"
#include "stats_ring.h"
#include "prox_port_cfg.h"
#include "prox_cfg.h"
#include "lconf.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "quit.h"

struct stats_ring_manager {
	uint16_t n_rings;
	struct ring_stats ring_stats[0];

static struct stats_ring_manager *rsm;

int stats_get_n_rings(void)
	return rsm->n_rings;

struct ring_stats *stats_get_ring_stats(uint32_t i)
	return &rsm->ring_stats[i];

void stats_ring_update(void)
	for (uint16_t r_id = 0; r_id < rsm->n_rings; ++r_id) {
		rsm->ring_stats[r_id].free = rte_ring_free_count(rsm->ring_stats[r_id].ring);

static struct ring_stats *init_rings_add(struct stats_ring_manager *rsm, struct rte_ring *ring)
	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rsm->n_rings; ++i) {
		if (strcmp(ring->name, rsm->ring_stats[i].ring->name) == 0)
			return &rsm->ring_stats[i];
	rsm->ring_stats[rsm->n_rings++].ring = ring;
	return &rsm->ring_stats[rsm->n_rings - 1];

static struct stats_ring_manager *alloc_stats_ring_manager(void)
	const uint32_t socket_id = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(rte_lcore_id());
	struct lcore_cfg *lconf;
	uint32_t lcore_id = -1;
	uint32_t n_rings = 0;
	struct task_args *targ;

	/* n_rings could be more than total number of rings since
	   rings could be referenced by multiple cores. */
	while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 1) == 0) {
		lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id];

		for(uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) {
			targ = &lconf->targs[task_id];

			for(uint32_t rxring_id = 0; rxring_id < targ->nb_rxrings; ++rxring_id) {
				if (!targ->tx_opt_ring_task)
			for (uint32_t txring_id = 0; txring_id < targ->nb_txrings; ++txring_id) {
				if (!targ->tx_opt_ring)

	for (uint8_t port_id = 0; port_id < PROX_MAX_PORTS; ++port_id) {
		if (!prox_port_cfg[port_id].active) {

		if (prox_port_cfg[port_id].rx_ring[0] != '\0')

		if (prox_port_cfg[port_id].tx_ring[0] != '\0')

	size_t mem_size = sizeof(struct stats_ring_manager) +
		n_rings * sizeof(struct ring_stats);

	return prox_zmalloc(mem_size, socket_id);

void stats_ring_init(void)
	uint32_t lcore_id = -1;
	struct lcore_cfg *lconf;
	struct task_args *targ;

	rsm = alloc_stats_ring_manager();
	while(prox_core_next(&lcore_id, 1) == 0) {
		lconf = &lcore_cfg[lcore_id];

		for(uint8_t task_id = 0; task_id < lconf->n_tasks_all; ++task_id) {
			targ = &lconf->targs[task_id];

			for(uint32_t rxring_id = 0; rxring_id < targ->nb_rxrings; ++rxring_id) {
				if (!targ->tx_opt_ring_task)
					init_rings_add(rsm, targ->rx_rings[rxring_id]);

			for (uint32_t txring_id = 0; txring_id < targ->nb_txrings; ++txring_id) {
				if (!targ->tx_opt_ring)
					init_rings_add(rsm, targ->tx_rings[txring_id]);

	struct ring_stats *stats = NULL;

	for (uint8_t port_id = 0; port_id < PROX_MAX_PORTS; ++port_id) {
		if (!prox_port_cfg[port_id].active) {

		if (prox_port_cfg[port_id].rx_ring[0] != '\0') {
			stats = init_rings_add(rsm, rte_ring_lookup(prox_port_cfg[port_id].rx_ring));
			stats->port[stats->nb_ports++] = &prox_port_cfg[port_id];

		if (prox_port_cfg[port_id].tx_ring[0] != '\0') {
			stats = init_rings_add(rsm, rte_ring_lookup(prox_port_cfg[port_id].tx_ring));
			stats->port[stats->nb_ports++] = &prox_port_cfg[port_id];

	/* The actual usable space for a ring is size - 1. There is at
	   most one free entry in the ring to distinguish between
	   full/empty. */
	for (uint16_t ring_id = 0; ring_id < rsm->n_rings; ++ring_id)
		rsm->ring_stats[ring_id].size = rsm->ring_stats[ring_id].ring->prod.size - 1;
		rsm->ring_stats[ring_id].size = rsm->ring_stats[ring_id].ring->size - 1;