path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/openstack-rapid.yaml
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-04-28Default use of rapid_rsa_keyLuc Provoost1-1/+1
A secret and public key pair is available in the rapid directory: rapid_rsa_key and is now modified to upload this key into OpenStack if the keypair does not already exist in OpenStack. Which keypair to use is now only defined in params_rapid.yaml. You can still define a key pair with a different name in params_rapid.yaml. If the secret and public key files are not available, a new keypair will be created and the secret key file will be saved. The name of the secret key file is the name as the OpenStack keypair name. The name of the public file is the same, with the pub extension. Change-Id: Ib8b5e4bf3a3d3138216698dc588a6908248220c0 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
2021-04-08cgnat test case addedLuc Provoost1-18/+47
A cgnat test can now be executed. This test needs 3 PROX instances. The first one, the generator needs to have an interface on the private dataplane network. The second instance, the cgnat needs to have it's first dataplane interface on the private network, while the second data plane needs to be on the public network. The third instance will be playing the role of internet server that the generator is connecting to. It will have one dataplane interface on the public network. This third instance will increase the packet size of the received packets by padding it with zeros and it will send the packets back to the cgnat mutliple times. How many times is defined by a multiplier in the cgnat.cfg file. In that cgnat file, we also define a range of IP addresses that will be used for the dynamic source IP NAT-ing. Make sure that the ports are allowed to accept other IP addresses than their own (e.g. allowed address pairs) and that the range of IP addresses is not overlapping with other machines in the public network. Change-Id: Ibc1c8513ac4e8a304378814fceb28c090dff895f Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
2020-07-05Adding vdev support and vfioLuc Provoost1-3/+23
Using vfio in stead of igb_uio. DPDK 2020.5 is NOT compiling the igb_uio driver by default any more. For the l3 mode, we are now using the new PROX vdev feature. This is achieved by adding the vdev parameter in the port section of the PROX config files. One of the advantages is that we can now ping a port managed by PROX: the requests will be forwarded by PROX to the LINUX stack, who will reply to the ping. A tap device is being created by PROX to support this feature. Installing old version of nasm since latest causes some issues. If not pushgateway is being used, it should be commented out in the config_file. vfio is now loaded by specifying the module in /etc/modules-load.d There is also an script that will be run by, which can be used for further configuration of the instance after boot. There is now also a file created /opt/rapid/system_ready_for_rapid by the script. This file is created once all configuration is done. The script will wait till this file is created before executing any tests. Change-Id: Ic5c41af82642066af42134c3323297f5a06f6f72 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
2020-05-28IPV6 testing & minor changes and fixesLuc Provoost1-2/+2
IPV6 test has been added. The generator will now generate IPV6 packets using NDP to resolve MAC addresses. The hex IP addresses in the inline definition of the packets in the cfg files is now calculated by a lua function called in parameters.lua. The hard-coded path /home/centos has been replaced by ~. An error in the speed calculations has been fixed. See the RapidTest class for details. The actual number of generated flows is now reported. If the requested number of flows is not a power of 2, the lowest power of 2 that is larger than the requested number of flows will be used and reported. Change-Id: I36b8d345b4a03c2cf358c19ec353ca8ad2831293 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <> is now using heat templates yamlLuc Provoost1-0/+117
yaml files have been added to the repo as an example. Please check the README explaining the output section reqs for this yaml file. There is also a new file (config_file): it also specifies which yaml files to use. multiple dataplane interfaces per VM can now be specified and will appear in the <STACK>.env file. An error in setting the packet size has been fixed (see set_udp_packet_size for packet size setting details) Change-Id: Ie89a4940521dac7dd3652acca477739abb9f5497 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>