path: root/tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify
diff options
authorDeepak S <>2017-10-17 18:09:21 -0700
committerDeepak S <>2017-10-17 18:09:21 -0700
commit39e86509bc8459440f951aa0a6d5dff17a979d76 (patch)
treedef0db820abbb389893b28006a646efa7626d6b2 /tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify
parentb35f426f82a309ffde38cfdb18a0a4b4e76826b4 (diff)
Adding script to build samplevnf VM images
Change-Id: I1238aa72f178fb8744fdea688704ef7ff22c9c75 Signed-off-by: Deepak S <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify b/tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a79fb216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# samplevnf-img-dpdk-nsb-modify - download and modify a Ubuntu cloud image
+# The actual customization is done by a script passed with an absolute path as
+# the only single argument. The command needs to be invoked as sudo
+# Example invocation:
+# samplevnf-img-dpdk-nsb-modify /home/samplevnf/tools/
+# Warning: the script will create files by default in:
+# /tmp/workspace/samplevnf
+# the files will be owned by root!
+# TODO: image resize is needed if the base image is too small
+set -e
+set -x
+die() {
+ echo "error: $1" >&2
+ exit 1
+test $# -eq 1 -o $# -eq 2 || die "no image specific script as argument"
+test $(id -u) -eq 0 || die "should invoke using sudo"
+test -x $cmd
+if [[ "${YARD_IMG_ARCH}" = "arm64" ]]; then
+ boot_mode="uefi1"
+filename=$(basename $image_url)
+YARD_IMG_ARCH="amd64" #Neha added this just for testing
+apt-get install -y parted
+# download and checksum base image, conditionally if local copy is outdated
+download() {
+ test -d $workspace || mkdir -p $workspace
+ cd $workspace
+ rm -f SHA256SUMS # always download the checksum file to a detect stale image
+ wget $sha256sums_url
+ test -e $filename || wget -nc --progress=dot:giga $image_url
+ grep $filename SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c ||
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ rm $filename
+ wget -nc --progress=dot:giga $image_url
+ grep $filename SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c
+ fi
+ for i in $(seq 0 9); do
+ [ -a /dev/loop$i ] || mknod -m 660 /dev/loop$i b 7 $i
+ done
+ qemu-img convert $filename $raw_imgfile
+ cd -
+# mount image
+setup() {
+# qemu-img resize $raw_imgfile +5GB
+ mkdir -p $mountdir
+ loopdevice=$(kpartx -l $raw_imgfile | head -1 | cut -f1 -d ' ')
+ kpartx -av $raw_imgfile
+ # for trouble shooting
+ sleep 2
+ dmsetup ls
+ fuser -c /dev/loop0
+ fuser -f /dev/loop0
+ parted -l /dev/${loopdevice:0:5} || true
+ mount /dev/mapper/$loopdevice $mountdir
+ mount -t proc none $mountdir/proc
+ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/$loopdevice
+ cp $cmd $mountdir/$(basename $cmd)
+ YARD_IMG_ARCH="amd64" #Neha added this just for testing
+ if [ "${YARD_IMG_ARCH}" = "arm64" ]; then
+ cp /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static $mountdir/usr/bin
+ fi
+# modify image running a script using in a chrooted environment
+modify() {
+ # resolv.conf does not exist in base image, pass nameserver value from host
+ nameserver_ip=$(grep -m 1 '^nameserver' \
+ /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{ print $2 '})
+ # prevent init scripts from running during install
+ echo $'#!/bin/sh\nexit 101' >$mountdir/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
+ chmod a+x $mountdir/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
+ chroot $mountdir /$(basename $cmd) $nameserver_ip
+ rm -rf $mountdir/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
+ umount -f $mountdir/proc
+ umount -l $mountdir
+ qemu-img convert -c -o compat=0.10 -O qcow2 $raw_imgfile $imgfile
+ if dmsetup table | grep $loopdevice; then
+ dmsetup clear $loopdevice || true
+ fi
+# cleanup (umount) the image
+cleanup() {
+ # designed to be idempotent
+ mount | grep $mountdir/proc && umount -l $mountdir/proc
+ mount | grep $mountdir && umount -l $mountdir
+ mount | grep "/mnt/${release}" && umount -l "/mnt/${release}"
+ if [ -f "${raw_imgfile}" ]; then
+ #kpartx -dv $raw_imgfile sometimes failed, we should checked it agein.
+ #if [ -z "$(kpartx -l $raw_imgfile | grep 'loop deleted')" ]; then
+ # kpartx -dv $raw_imgfile
+ #fi
+ kpartx -dv $raw_imgfile || true
+ fi
+ rm -f $raw_imgfile
+ rm -rf $mountdir
+ local rc=$?
+ set +e
+ if [ -z "$exitcode" ]; then
+ exitcode=$rc
+ fi
+ dmesg -T | tail -50
+ cleanup
+ echo "Image build failed with $exitcode"
+ exit $exitcode
+main() {
+ cleanup
+ trap "error_trap" EXIT SIGTERM
+ download
+ setup
+ modify
+ cleanup
+ echo "the modified image is found here: $imgfile"