path: root/VNFs/vFW
diff options
authorLuc Provoost <>2021-04-16 15:57:36 +0200
committerLuc Provoost <>2021-04-16 15:57:36 +0200
commit769aa66a42a6ea578752c664e21741e8a1932c65 (patch)
tree70960b8d7b71d1dee7b21e1d0dc09bd8f24bb5c7 /VNFs/vFW
parentb1cfe607cf04071e217f670b200b56d379b7b975 (diff)
Adding documentation in the test files
a README file in the tests subdirectory is now describing the parameters used in the test description files. Each test files has a comment pointing to the README file for more information. Change-Id: I49b9b3e1fac0a65c43e7f2d7dc90612923e28f78 Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/vFW')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
137'>137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813
 * Copyright (c) 2000 ATecoM GmbH 
 * The author may be reached at
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute  it and/or modify it
 * under  the terms of  the GNU General  Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 of the  License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * You should have received a copy of the  GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write  to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#ifndef _IDT77252_H
#define _IDT77252_H 1

#include <linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/workqueue.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>

/*                                                                           */
/* Makros                                                                    */
/*                                                                           */
#define VPCI2VC(card, vpi, vci) \
        (((vpi) << card->vcibits) | ((vci) & card->vcimask))

/*                                                                           */
/*   DEBUGGING definitions                                                   */
/*                                                                           */

#define DBG_RAW_CELL	0x00000400
#define DBG_TINY	0x00000200
#define DBG_GENERAL     0x00000100
#define DBG_XGENERAL    0x00000080
#define DBG_INIT        0x00000040
#define DBG_DEINIT      0x00000020
#define DBG_INTERRUPT   0x00000010
#define DBG_OPEN_CONN   0x00000008
#define DBG_CLOSE_CONN  0x00000004
#define DBG_RX_DATA     0x00000002
#define DBG_TX_DATA     0x00000001


#define CPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_CLOSE_CONN) printk(args); } while(0)
#define OPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_OPEN_CONN)  printk(args); } while(0)
#define IPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_INIT)       printk(args); } while(0)
#define INTPRINTK(args...) do { if (debug & DBG_INTERRUPT)  printk(args); } while(0)
#define DIPRINTK(args...)  do { if (debug & DBG_DEINIT)     printk(args); } while(0)
#define TXPRINTK(args...)  do { if (debug & DBG_TX_DATA)    printk(args); } while(0)
#define RXPRINTK(args...)  do { if (debug & DBG_RX_DATA)    printk(args); } while(0)
#define XPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_XGENERAL)   printk(args); } while(0)
#define DPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_GENERAL)    printk(args); } while(0)
#define NPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_TINY)	    printk(args); } while(0)
#define RPRINTK(args...)   do { if (debug & DBG_RAW_CELL)   printk(args); } while(0)


#define CPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define OPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define IPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define INTPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define DIPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define TXPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define RXPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define XPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define DPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define NPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)
#define RPRINTK(args...)	do { } while(0)


#define SCHED_UBR0		0
#define SCHED_UBR		1
#define SCHED_VBR		2
#define SCHED_ABR		3
#define SCHED_CBR		4


/*                                                                           */
/*   Free Buffer Queue Layout                                                */
/*                                                                           */
#define SAR_FB_SIZE_0		(2048 - 256)
#define SAR_FB_SIZE_1		(4096 - 256)
#define SAR_FB_SIZE_2		(8192 - 256)
#define SAR_FB_SIZE_3		(16384 - 256)

#define SAR_FBQ0_LOW		4
#define SAR_FBQ0_HIGH		8
#define SAR_FBQ1_LOW		2
#define SAR_FBQ1_HIGH		4
#define SAR_FBQ2_LOW		1
#define SAR_FBQ2_HIGH		2
#define SAR_FBQ3_LOW		1
#define SAR_FBQ3_HIGH		2

#if 0
#define SAR_TST_RESERVED	44	/* Num TST reserved for UBR/ABR/VBR */
#define SAR_TST_RESERVED	0	/* Num TST reserved for UBR/ABR/VBR */

#define TCT_CBR			0x00000000
#define TCT_UBR			0x00000000
#define TCT_VBR			0x40000000
#define TCT_ABR			0x80000000
#define TCT_TYPE		0xc0000000

#define TCT_RR			0x20000000
#define TCT_LMCR		0x08000000
#define TCT_SCD_MASK		0x0007ffff

#define TCT_TSIF		0x00004000
#define TCT_HALT		0x80000000
#define TCT_IDLE		0x40000000
#define TCT_FLAG_UBR		0x80000000

/*                                                                           */
/*   Structure describing an IDT77252                                        */
/*                                                                           */

struct scqe
	u32		word_1;
	u32		word_2;
	u32		word_3;
	u32		word_4;

#define SCQ_ENTRIES	64
#define SCQ_SIZE	(SCQ_ENTRIES * sizeof(struct scqe))
#define SCQ_MASK	(SCQ_SIZE - 1)

struct scq_info
	struct scqe		*base;
	struct scqe		*next;
	struct scqe		*last;
	dma_addr_t		paddr;
	spinlock_t		lock;
	atomic_t		used;
	unsigned long		trans_start;
        unsigned long		scd;
	spinlock_t		skblock;
	struct sk_buff_head	transmit;
	struct sk_buff_head	pending;

struct rx_pool {
	struct sk_buff_head	queue;
	unsigned int		len;

struct aal1 {
	unsigned int		total;
	unsigned int		count;
	struct sk_buff		*data;
	unsigned char		sequence;

struct rate_estimator {
	struct timer_list	timer;
	unsigned int		interval;
	unsigned int		ewma_log;
	u64			cells;
	u64			last_cells;
	long			avcps;
	u32			cps;
	u32			maxcps;

struct vc_map {
	unsigned int		index;
	unsigned long		flags;
#define VCF_TX		0
#define VCF_RX		1
#define VCF_IDLE	2
#define VCF_RSV		3
	unsigned int		class;
	u8			init_er;
	u8			lacr;
	u8			max_er;
	unsigned int		ntste;
	spinlock_t		lock;
	struct atm_vcc		*tx_vcc;
	struct atm_vcc		*rx_vcc;
	struct idt77252_dev	*card;
	struct scq_info		*scq;		/* To keep track of the SCQ */
	struct rate_estimator	*estimator;
	int			scd_index;
	union {
		struct rx_pool	rx_pool;
		struct aal1	aal1;
	} rcv;

/*                                                                           */
/*   RCTE - Receive Connection Table Entry                                   */
/*                                                                           */

struct rct_entry
	u32		word_1;
	u32		buffer_handle;
	u32		dma_address;
	u32		aal5_crc32;

/*                                                                           */
/*   RSQ - Receive Status Queue                                              */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_RSQE_VALID      0x80000000
#define SAR_RSQE_IDLE       0x40000000
#define SAR_RSQE_BUF_MASK   0x00030000
#define SAR_RSQE_BUF_ASGN   0x00008000
#define SAR_RSQE_NZGFC      0x00004000
#define SAR_RSQE_EPDU       0x00002000
#define SAR_RSQE_BUF_CONT   0x00001000
#define SAR_RSQE_EFCIE      0x00000800
#define SAR_RSQE_CLP        0x00000400
#define SAR_RSQE_CRC        0x00000200
#define SAR_RSQE_CELLCNT    0x000001FF

#define RSQSIZE            8192
#define RSQ_NUM_ENTRIES    (RSQSIZE / 16)
#define RSQ_ALIGNMENT      8192

struct rsq_entry {
	u32			word_1;
	u32			word_2;
	u32			word_3;
	u32			word_4;

struct rsq_info {
	struct rsq_entry	*base;
	struct rsq_entry	*next;
	struct rsq_entry	*last;
	dma_addr_t		paddr;

/*                                                                           */
/*   TSQ - Transmit Status Queue                                             */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_TSQE_INVALID         0x80000000
#define SAR_TSQE_TYPE		 0x60000000
#define SAR_TSQE_TYPE_TIMER      0x00000000
#define SAR_TSQE_TYPE_TSR        0x20000000
#define SAR_TSQE_TYPE_IDLE       0x40000000
#define SAR_TSQE_TYPE_TBD_COMP   0x60000000

#define SAR_TSQE_TAG(stat)	(((stat) >> 24) & 0x1f)

#define TSQSIZE            8192
#define TSQ_NUM_ENTRIES    1024
#define TSQ_ALIGNMENT      8192

struct tsq_entry
	u32			word_1;
	u32			word_2;

struct tsq_info
	struct tsq_entry	*base;
	struct tsq_entry	*next;
	struct tsq_entry	*last;
	dma_addr_t		paddr;

struct tst_info
	struct vc_map		*vc;
	u32			tste;

#define TSTE_MASK		0x601fffff

#define TSTE_OPC_MASK		0x60000000
#define TSTE_OPC_NULL		0x00000000
#define TSTE_OPC_CBR		0x20000000
#define TSTE_OPC_VAR		0x40000000
#define TSTE_OPC_JMP		0x60000000

#define TSTE_PUSH_IDLE		0x01000000
#define TSTE_PUSH_ACTIVE	0x02000000

#define TST_SWITCH_DONE		0
#define TST_SWITCH_WAIT		2

#define FBQ_SHIFT		9
#define FBQ_SIZE		(1 << FBQ_SHIFT)
#define FBQ_MASK		(FBQ_SIZE - 1)

struct sb_pool
	unsigned int		index;
	struct sk_buff		*skb[FBQ_SIZE];

#define POOL_HANDLE(queue, index)	(((queue + 1) << 16) | (index))
#define POOL_QUEUE(handle)		(((handle) >> 16) - 1)
#define POOL_INDEX(handle)		((handle) & 0xffff)

struct idt77252_dev
        struct tsq_info		tsq;		/* Transmit Status Queue */
        struct rsq_info		rsq;		/* Receive Status Queue */

	struct pci_dev		*pcidev;	/* PCI handle (desriptor) */
	struct atm_dev		*atmdev;	/* ATM device desriptor */

	void __iomem		*membase;	/* SAR's memory base address */
	unsigned long		srambase;	/* SAR's sram  base address */
	void __iomem		*fbq[4];	/* FBQ fill addresses */

	struct mutex		mutex;
	spinlock_t		cmd_lock;	/* for r/w utility/sram */

	unsigned long		softstat;
	unsigned long		flags;		/* see blow */

	struct work_struct	tqueue;

	unsigned long		tct_base;	/* TCT base address in SRAM */
        unsigned long		rct_base;	/* RCT base address in SRAM */
        unsigned long		rt_base;	/* Rate Table base in SRAM */
        unsigned long		scd_base;	/* SCD base address in SRAM */
        unsigned long		tst[2];		/* TST base address in SRAM */
	unsigned long		abrst_base;	/* ABRST base address in SRAM */
        unsigned long		fifo_base;	/* RX FIFO base in SRAM */

	unsigned long		irqstat[16];

	unsigned int		sramsize;	/* SAR's sram size */

        unsigned int		tct_size;	/* total TCT entries */
        unsigned int		rct_size;	/* total RCT entries */
        unsigned int		scd_size;	/* length of SCD */
        unsigned int		tst_size;	/* total TST entries */
        unsigned int		tst_free;	/* free TSTEs in TST */
        unsigned int		abrst_size;	/* size of ABRST in words */
        unsigned int		fifo_size;	/* size of RX FIFO in words */

        unsigned int		vpibits;	/* Bits used for VPI index */
        unsigned int		vcibits;	/* Bits used for VCI index */
        unsigned int		vcimask;	/* Mask for VCI index */

	unsigned int		utopia_pcr;	/* Utopia Itf's Cell Rate */
	unsigned int		link_pcr;	/* PHY's Peek Cell Rate */

	struct vc_map		**vcs;		/* Open Connections */
	struct vc_map		**scd2vc;	/* SCD to Connection map */

	struct tst_info		*soft_tst;	/* TST to Connection map */
	unsigned int		tst_index;	/* Current TST in use */
	struct timer_list	tst_timer;
	spinlock_t		tst_lock;
	unsigned long		tst_state;

	struct sb_pool		sbpool[4];	/* Pool of RX skbuffs */
	struct sk_buff		*raw_cell_head; /* Pointer to raw cell queue */
	u32			*raw_cell_hnd;	/* Pointer to RCQ handle */
	dma_addr_t		raw_cell_paddr;

	int			index;		/* SAR's ID */
	int			revision;	/* chip revision */

	char			name[16];	/* Device name */

	struct idt77252_dev	*next;

/* definition for flag field above */
#define IDT77252_BIT_INIT		1
#define IDT77252_BIT_INTERRUPT		2

#define ATM_CELL_PAYLOAD         48

#define FREEBUF_ALIGNMENT        16

/*                                                                           */
/* Makros                                                                    */
/*                                                                           */
#define ALIGN_ADDRESS(addr, alignment) \
        ((((u32)(addr)) + (((u32)(alignment))-1)) & ~(((u32)(alignment)) - 1))

/*                                                                           */
/*   ABR SAR Network operation Register                                      */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_REG_DR0	(card->membase + 0x00)
#define SAR_REG_DR1	(card->membase + 0x04)
#define SAR_REG_DR2	(card->membase + 0x08)
#define SAR_REG_DR3	(card->membase + 0x0C)
#define SAR_REG_CMD	(card->membase + 0x10)
#define SAR_REG_CFG	(card->membase + 0x14)
#define SAR_REG_STAT	(card->membase + 0x18)
#define SAR_REG_RSQB	(card->membase + 0x1C)
#define SAR_REG_RSQT	(card->membase + 0x20)
#define SAR_REG_RSQH	(card->membase + 0x24)
#define SAR_REG_CDC	(card->membase + 0x28)
#define SAR_REG_VPEC	(card->membase + 0x2C)
#define SAR_REG_ICC	(card->membase + 0x30)
#define SAR_REG_RAWCT	(card->membase + 0x34)
#define SAR_REG_TMR	(card->membase + 0x38)
#define SAR_REG_TSTB	(card->membase + 0x3C)
#define SAR_REG_TSQB	(card->membase + 0x40)
#define SAR_REG_TSQT	(card->membase + 0x44)
#define SAR_REG_TSQH	(card->membase + 0x48)
#define SAR_REG_GP	(card->membase + 0x4C)
#define SAR_REG_VPM	(card->membase + 0x50)
#define SAR_REG_RXFD	(card->membase + 0x54)
#define SAR_REG_RXFT	(card->membase + 0x58)
#define SAR_REG_RXFH	(card->membase + 0x5C)
#define SAR_REG_RAWHND	(card->membase + 0x60)
#define SAR_REG_RXSTAT	(card->membase + 0x64)
#define SAR_REG_ABRSTD	(card->membase + 0x68)
#define SAR_REG_ABRRQ	(card->membase + 0x6C)
#define SAR_REG_VBRRQ	(card->membase + 0x70)
#define SAR_REG_RTBL	(card->membase + 0x74)
#define SAR_REG_MDFCT	(card->membase + 0x78)
#define SAR_REG_TXSTAT	(card->membase + 0x7C)
#define SAR_REG_TCMDQ	(card->membase + 0x80)
#define SAR_REG_IRCP	(card->membase + 0x84)
#define SAR_REG_FBQP0	(card->membase + 0x88)
#define SAR_REG_FBQP1	(card->membase + 0x8C)
#define SAR_REG_FBQP2	(card->membase + 0x90)
#define SAR_REG_FBQP3	(card->membase + 0x94)
#define SAR_REG_FBQS0	(card->membase + 0x98)
#define SAR_REG_FBQS1	(card->membase + 0x9C)
#define SAR_REG_FBQS2	(card->membase + 0xA0)
#define SAR_REG_FBQS3	(card->membase + 0xA4)
#define SAR_REG_FBQWP0	(card->membase + 0xA8)
#define SAR_REG_FBQWP1	(card->membase + 0xAC)
#define SAR_REG_FBQWP2	(card->membase + 0xB0)
#define SAR_REG_FBQWP3	(card->membase + 0xB4)
#define SAR_REG_NOW	(card->membase + 0xB8)

/*                                                                           */
/*   Commands                                                                */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_CMD_NO_OPERATION         0x00000000
#define SAR_CMD_WRITE_SRAM           0x40000000
#define SAR_CMD_READ_SRAM            0x50000000
#define SAR_CMD_READ_UTILITY         0x80000000
#define SAR_CMD_WRITE_UTILITY        0x90000000


/*                                                                           */
/*   Configuration Register bits                                             */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_CFG_SWRST          0x80000000  /* Software reset                 */
#define SAR_CFG_LOOP           0x40000000  /* Internal Loopback              */
#define SAR_CFG_RXPTH          0x20000000  /* Receive Path Enable            */
#define SAR_CFG_IDLE_CLP       0x10000000  /* SAR set CLP Bits of Null Cells */
#define SAR_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_1 0x04000000  /* TX FIFO Size = 1 cell          */
#define SAR_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_2 0x08000000  /* TX FIFO Size = 2 cells         */
#define SAR_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_4 0x0C000000  /* TX FIFO Size = 4 cells         */
#define SAR_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_9 0x00000000  /* TX FIFO Size = 9 cells (full)  */
#define SAR_CFG_NO_IDLE        0x02000000  /* SAR sends no Null Cells        */
#define SAR_CFG_RSVD1          0x01000000  /* Reserved                       */
#define SAR_CFG_RXSTQ_SIZE_2k  0x00000000  /* RX Stat Queue Size = 2048 byte */
#define SAR_CFG_RXSTQ_SIZE_4k  0x00400000  /* RX Stat Queue Size = 4096 byte */
#define SAR_CFG_RXSTQ_SIZE_8k  0x00800000  /* RX Stat Queue Size = 8192 byte */
#define SAR_CFG_RXSTQ_SIZE_R   0x00C00000  /* RX Stat Queue Size = reserved  */
#define SAR_CFG_ICAPT          0x00200000  /* accept Invalid Cells           */
#define SAR_CFG_IGGFC          0x00100000  /* Ignore GFC                     */
#define SAR_CFG_VPVCS_0        0x00000000  /* VPI/VCI Select bit range       */
#define SAR_CFG_VPVCS_1        0x00040000  /* VPI/VCI Select bit range       */
#define SAR_CFG_VPVCS_2        0x00080000  /* VPI/VCI Select bit range       */
#define SAR_CFG_VPVCS_8        0x000C0000  /* VPI/VCI Select bit range       */
#define SAR_CFG_CNTBL_1k       0x00000000  /* Connection Table Size          */
#define SAR_CFG_CNTBL_4k       0x00010000  /* Connection Table Size          */
#define SAR_CFG_CNTBL_16k      0x00020000  /* Connection Table Size          */
#define SAR_CFG_CNTBL_512      0x00030000  /* Connection Table Size          */
#define SAR_CFG_VPECA          0x00008000  /* VPI/VCI Error Cell Accept      */
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_NOINT    0x00000000  /* No Interrupt on PDU received   */
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_NODELAY  0x00001000  /* Interrupt without delay to host*/
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_256US    0x00002000  /* Interrupt with delay 256 usec  */
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_505US    0x00003000  /* Interrupt with delay 505 usec  */
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_742US    0x00004000  /* Interrupt with delay 742 usec  */
#define SAR_CFG_RAWIE          0x00000800  /* Raw Cell Queue Interrupt Enable*/
#define SAR_CFG_RQFIE          0x00000400  /* RSQ Almost Full Int Enable     */
#define SAR_CFG_RSVD2          0x00000200  /* Reserved                       */
#define SAR_CFG_CACHE          0x00000100  /* DMA on Cache Line Boundary     */
#define SAR_CFG_TMOIE          0x00000080  /* Timer Roll Over Int Enable     */
#define SAR_CFG_FBIE           0x00000040  /* Free Buffer Queue Int Enable   */
#define SAR_CFG_TXEN           0x00000020  /* Transmit Operation Enable      */
#define SAR_CFG_TXINT          0x00000010  /* Transmit status Int Enable     */
#define SAR_CFG_TXUIE          0x00000008  /* Transmit underrun Int Enable   */
#define SAR_CFG_UMODE          0x00000004  /* Utopia Mode Select             */
#define SAR_CFG_TXSFI          0x00000002  /* Transmit status Full Int Enable*/
#define SAR_CFG_PHYIE          0x00000001  /* PHY Interrupt Enable           */

#define SAR_CFG_TX_FIFO_SIZE_MASK 0x0C000000  /* TX FIFO Size Mask           */
#define SAR_CFG_RXSTQSIZE_MASK 0x00C00000
#define SAR_CFG_CNTBL_MASK     0x00030000
#define SAR_CFG_RXINT_MASK     0x00007000

/*                                                                           */
/*   Status Register bits                                                    */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_STAT_FRAC_3     0xF0000000 /* Fraction of Free Buffer Queue 3 */
#define SAR_STAT_FRAC_2     0x0F000000 /* Fraction of Free Buffer Queue 2 */
#define SAR_STAT_FRAC_1     0x00F00000 /* Fraction of Free Buffer Queue 1 */
#define SAR_STAT_FRAC_0     0x000F0000 /* Fraction of Free Buffer Queue 0 */
#define SAR_STAT_TSIF       0x00008000 /* Transmit Status Indicator       */
#define SAR_STAT_TXICP      0x00004000 /* Transmit Status Indicator       */
#define SAR_STAT_RSVD1      0x00002000 /* Reserved                        */
#define SAR_STAT_TSQF       0x00001000 /* Transmit Status Queue full      */
#define SAR_STAT_TMROF      0x00000800 /* Timer overflow                  */
#define SAR_STAT_PHYI       0x00000400 /* PHY device Interrupt flag       */
#define SAR_STAT_CMDBZ      0x00000200 /* ABR SAR Command Busy Flag       */
#define SAR_STAT_FBQ3A      0x00000100 /* Free Buffer Queue 3 Attention   */
#define SAR_STAT_FBQ2A      0x00000080 /* Free Buffer Queue 2 Attention   */
#define SAR_STAT_RSQF       0x00000040 /* Receive Status Queue full       */
#define SAR_STAT_EPDU       0x00000020 /* End Of PDU Flag                 */
#define SAR_STAT_RAWCF      0x00000010 /* Raw Cell Flag                   */ 
#define SAR_STAT_FBQ1A      0x00000008 /* Free Buffer Queue 1 Attention   */
#define SAR_STAT_FBQ0A      0x00000004 /* Free Buffer Queue 0 Attention   */
#define SAR_STAT_RSQAF      0x00000002 /* Receive Status Queue almost full*/  
#define SAR_STAT_RSVD2      0x00000001 /* Reserved                        */

/*                                                                           */
/*   General Purpose Register bits                                           */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_GP_TXNCC_MASK   0xff000000  /* Transmit Negative Credit Count   */
#define SAR_GP_EEDI         0x00010000  /* EEPROM Data In                   */
#define SAR_GP_BIGE         0x00008000  /* Big Endian Operation             */
#define SAR_GP_RM_NORMAL    0x00000000  /* Normal handling of RM cells      */
#define SAR_GP_RM_TO_RCQ    0x00002000  /* put RM cells into Raw Cell Queue */
#define SAR_GP_RM_RSVD      0x00004000  /* Reserved                         */
#define SAR_GP_RM_INHIBIT   0x00006000  /* Inhibit update of Connection tab */
#define SAR_GP_PHY_RESET    0x00000008  /* PHY Reset                        */
#define SAR_GP_EESCLK	    0x00000004	/* EEPROM SCLK			    */
#define SAR_GP_EECS	    0x00000002	/* EEPROM Chip Select		    */
#define SAR_GP_EEDO	    0x00000001	/* EEPROM Data Out		    */

/*                                                                           */
/*   SAR local SRAM layout for 128k work SRAM                                */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_SRAM_SCD_SIZE        12
#define SAR_SRAM_TCT_SIZE         8
#define SAR_SRAM_RCT_SIZE         4

#define SAR_SRAM_TCT_128_BASE    0x00000
#define SAR_SRAM_TCT_128_TOP     0x01fff
#define SAR_SRAM_RCT_128_BASE    0x02000
#define SAR_SRAM_RCT_128_TOP     0x02fff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB0_128_BASE    0x03000
#define SAR_SRAM_FB0_128_TOP     0x033ff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB1_128_BASE    0x03400
#define SAR_SRAM_FB1_128_TOP     0x037ff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB2_128_BASE    0x03800
#define SAR_SRAM_FB2_128_TOP     0x03bff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB3_128_BASE    0x03c00
#define SAR_SRAM_FB3_128_TOP     0x03fff
#define SAR_SRAM_SCD_128_BASE    0x04000
#define SAR_SRAM_SCD_128_TOP     0x07fff
#define SAR_SRAM_TST1_128_BASE   0x08000
#define SAR_SRAM_TST1_128_TOP    0x0bfff
#define SAR_SRAM_TST2_128_BASE   0x0c000
#define SAR_SRAM_TST2_128_TOP    0x0ffff
#define SAR_SRAM_ABRSTD_128_BASE 0x10000
#define SAR_SRAM_ABRSTD_128_TOP  0x13fff
#define SAR_SRAM_RT_128_BASE     0x14000
#define SAR_SRAM_RT_128_TOP      0x15fff

#define SAR_SRAM_FIFO_128_BASE   0x18000
#define SAR_SRAM_FIFO_128_TOP    0x1ffff

/*                                                                           */
/*   SAR local SRAM layout for 32k work SRAM                                 */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_SRAM_TCT_32_BASE     0x00000
#define SAR_SRAM_TCT_32_TOP      0x00fff
#define SAR_SRAM_RCT_32_BASE     0x01000
#define SAR_SRAM_RCT_32_TOP      0x017ff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB0_32_BASE     0x01800
#define SAR_SRAM_FB0_32_TOP      0x01bff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB1_32_BASE     0x01c00
#define SAR_SRAM_FB1_32_TOP      0x01fff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB2_32_BASE     0x02000
#define SAR_SRAM_FB2_32_TOP      0x023ff
#define SAR_SRAM_FB3_32_BASE     0x02400
#define SAR_SRAM_FB3_32_TOP      0x027ff
#define SAR_SRAM_SCD_32_BASE     0x02800
#define SAR_SRAM_SCD_32_TOP      0x03fff
#define SAR_SRAM_TST1_32_BASE    0x04000
#define SAR_SRAM_TST1_32_TOP     0x04fff
#define SAR_SRAM_TST2_32_BASE    0x05000
#define SAR_SRAM_TST2_32_TOP     0x05fff
#define SAR_SRAM_ABRSTD_32_BASE  0x06000
#define SAR_SRAM_ABRSTD_32_TOP   0x067ff
#define SAR_SRAM_RT_32_BASE      0x06800
#define SAR_SRAM_RT_32_TOP       0x06fff
#define SAR_SRAM_FIFO_32_BASE    0x07000
#define SAR_SRAM_FIFO_32_TOP     0x07fff

/*                                                                           */
/*   TSR - Transmit Status Request                                           */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_TSR_TYPE_TSR  0x80000000
#define SAR_TSR_TYPE_TBD  0x00000000
#define SAR_TSR_TSIF      0x20000000
#define SAR_TSR_TAG_MASK  0x01F00000

/*                                                                           */
/*   TBD - Transmit Buffer Descriptor                                        */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_TBD_EPDU      0x40000000
#define SAR_TBD_TSIF      0x20000000
#define SAR_TBD_OAM       0x10000000
#define SAR_TBD_AAL0      0x00000000
#define SAR_TBD_AAL34     0x04000000
#define SAR_TBD_AAL5      0x08000000
#define SAR_TBD_GTSI      0x02000000
#define SAR_TBD_TAG_MASK  0x01F00000

#define SAR_TBD_VPI_MASK  0x0FF00000
#define SAR_TBD_VCI_MASK  0x000FFFF0

#define SAR_TBD_VPI_SHIFT 20

/*                                                                           */
/*   RXFD - Receive FIFO Descriptor                                          */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_MASK     0x0F000000
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_512      0x00000000  /* 512 words                      */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_1K       0x01000000  /* 1k words                       */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_2K       0x02000000  /* 2k words                       */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_4K       0x03000000  /* 4k words                       */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_8K       0x04000000  /* 8k words                       */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_16K      0x05000000  /* 16k words                      */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_32K      0x06000000  /* 32k words                      */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_64K      0x07000000  /* 64k words                      */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_128K     0x08000000  /* 128k words                     */
#define SAR_RXFD_SIZE_256K     0x09000000  /* 256k words                     */
#define SAR_RXFD_ADDR_MASK     0x001ffc00

/*                                                                           */
/*   ABRSTD - ABR + VBR Schedule Tables                                      */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_MASK   0x07000000
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_512    0x00000000  /* 512 words                      */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_1K     0x01000000  /* 1k words                       */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_2K     0x02000000  /* 2k words                       */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_4K     0x03000000  /* 4k words                       */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_8K     0x04000000  /* 8k words                       */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_SIZE_16K    0x05000000  /* 16k words                      */
#define SAR_ABRSTD_ADDR_MASK   0x001ffc00

/*                                                                           */
/*   RCTE - Receive Connection Table Entry                                   */
/*                                                                           */

#define SAR_RCTE_IL_MASK       0xE0000000  /* inactivity limit               */
#define SAR_RCTE_IC_MASK       0x1C000000  /* inactivity count               */
#define SAR_RCTE_RSVD          0x02000000  /* reserved                       */
#define SAR_RCTE_LCD           0x01000000  /* last cell data                 */
#define SAR_RCTE_CI_VC         0x00800000  /* EFCI in previous cell of VC    */
#define SAR_RCTE_FBP_01        0x00000000  /* 1. cell->FBQ0, others->FBQ1    */
#define SAR_RCTE_FBP_1         0x00200000  /* use FBQ 1 for all cells        */
#define SAR_RCTE_FBP_2         0x00400000  /* use FBQ 2 for all cells        */
#define SAR_RCTE_FBP_3         0x00600000  /* use FBQ 3 for all cells        */
#define SAR_RCTE_NZ_GFC        0x00100000  /* non zero GFC in all cell of VC */
#define SAR_RCTE_CONNECTOPEN   0x00080000  /* VC is open                     */
#define SAR_RCTE_AAL_MASK      0x00070000  /* mask for AAL type field s.b.   */
#define SAR_RCTE_RAWCELLINTEN  0x00008000  /* raw cell interrupt enable      */
#define SAR_RCTE_RXCONCELLADDR 0x00004000  /* RX constant cell address       */
#define SAR_RCTE_BUFFSTAT_MASK 0x00003000  /* buffer status                  */
#define SAR_RCTE_EFCI          0x00000800  /* EFCI Congestion flag           */
#define SAR_RCTE_CLP           0x00000400  /* Cell Loss Priority flag        */
#define SAR_RCTE_CRC           0x00000200  /* Received CRC Error             */
#define SAR_RCTE_CELLCNT_MASK  0x000001FF  /* cell Count                     */

#define SAR_RCTE_AAL0          0x00000000  /* AAL types for ALL field        */
#define SAR_RCTE_AAL34         0x00010000
#define SAR_RCTE_AAL5          0x00020000
#define SAR_RCTE_RCQ           0x00030000
#define SAR_RCTE_OAM           0x00040000

#define TCMDQ_START		0x01000000
#define TCMDQ_LACR		0x02000000
#define TCMDQ_START_LACR	0x03000000
#define TCMDQ_INIT_ER		0x04000000
#define TCMDQ_HALT		0x05000000

struct idt77252_skb_prv {
	struct scqe	tbd;	/* Transmit Buffer Descriptor */
	dma_addr_t	paddr;	/* DMA handle */
	u32		pool;	/* sb_pool handle */

#define IDT77252_PRV_TBD(skb)	\
	(((struct idt77252_skb_prv *)(ATM_SKB(skb)+1))->tbd)
#define IDT77252_PRV_PADDR(skb)	\
	(((struct idt77252_skb_prv *)(ATM_SKB(skb)+1))->paddr)
#define IDT77252_PRV_POOL(skb)	\
	(((struct idt77252_skb_prv *)(ATM_SKB(skb)+1))->pool)

/*                                                                           */
/*   PCI related items                                                       */
/*                                                                           */

#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_IDT 0x111D
#endif /* PCI_VENDOR_ID_IDT */

#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_IDT_IDT77252
#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_IDT_IDT77252 0x0003
#endif /* PCI_DEVICE_ID_IDT_IDT772052 */

#endif /* !(_IDT77252_H) */