path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
diff options
authorLuc Provoost <>2020-01-23 06:12:03 -0500
committerLuc Provoost <>2020-01-23 06:12:03 -0500
commit203bd7b09fa3c250a23b0eb9b6ce8921c8871172 (patch)
tree7460d8683e3b55af46c245c6ac6d3194847e15f1 /VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
parent1eb070d16476285b3dff087cff03cf352a0aadbc (diff)
Fix run_iteration when not using the sut_sock
When no sut_sock monitoring the swap, the while loop would never come to an end. Also added heartbeat timeout in the generator config files. Change-Id: I3c36991c65b9b826faf3d051a1354ca7eb34c24e Signed-off-by: Luc Provoost <>
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
index 4d1923c0..5e408906 100755
--- a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
+++ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
@@ -213,6 +213,10 @@ def connect_client(client):
log.debug("Connected to VM on %s" % client.ip())
def report_result(flow_number,size,speed,pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_perc,lat_perc_max,lat_max,tx,rx,tot_drop,elapsed_time,speed_prefix='',lat_avg_prefix='',lat_perc_prefix='',lat_max_prefix='',abs_drop_rate_prefix='',drop_rate_prefix=''):
+ if flow_number < 0:
+ flow_number_str = '| ({:>4}) |'.format(abs(flow_number))
+ else:
+ flow_number_str = '|{:>7} |'.format(flow_number)
if pps_req_tx == None:
pps_req_tx_str = '{0: >14}'.format(' NA |')
@@ -226,9 +230,9 @@ def report_result(flow_number,size,speed,pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx,pps_rx,lat
pps_sut_tx_str = '{:>7.3f} Mpps |'.format(pps_sut_tx)
if pps_rx == None:
- pps_rx_str = '{0: >24}'.format('NA ')
+ pps_rx_str = '{0: >24|}'.format('NA ')
- pps_rx_str = bcolors.OKBLUE + '{:>4.1f} Gb/s |{:7.3f} Mpps '.format(get_speed(pps_rx,size),pps_rx) + bcolors.ENDC
+ pps_rx_str = bcolors.OKBLUE + '{:>4.1f} Gb/s |{:7.3f} Mpps {}|'.format(get_speed(pps_rx,size),pps_rx,bcolors.ENDC)
if tot_drop == None:
tot_drop_str = ' | NA | '
@@ -243,7 +247,7 @@ def report_result(flow_number,size,speed,pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx,pps_rx,lat
elapsed_time_str = ' NA |'
elapsed_time_str = '{:>3.0f} |'.format(elapsed_time)
- return('|{:>7}'.format(flow_number)+' |' + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% '+speed_prefix +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps|'+ pps_req_tx_str + pps_tx_str + bcolors.ENDC + pps_sut_tx_str + pps_rx_str +lat_avg_prefix+ '| {:>5.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us'+lat_perc_str+lat_max_prefix+'{:>6.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | ' + '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | {:>9.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | '+ abs_drop_rate_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx-rx) + tot_drop_str +drop_rate_prefix+ '{:>5.2f}'.format(float(tx-rx)/tx) +bcolors.ENDC+' |' + elapsed_time_str)
+ return(flow_number_str + '{:>5.1f}'.format(speed) + '% '+speed_prefix +'{:>6.3f}'.format(get_pps(speed,size)) + ' Mpps|'+ pps_req_tx_str + pps_tx_str + bcolors.ENDC + pps_sut_tx_str + pps_rx_str +lat_avg_prefix+ ' {:>5.0f}'.format(lat_avg)+' us'+lat_perc_str+lat_max_prefix+'{:>6.0f}'.format(lat_max)+' us | ' + '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx) + ' | {:>9.0f}'.format(rx) + ' | '+ abs_drop_rate_prefix+ '{:>9.0f}'.format(tx-rx) + tot_drop_str +drop_rate_prefix+ '{:>5.2f}'.format(float(tx-rx)/tx) +bcolors.ENDC+' |' + elapsed_time_str)
def run_iteration(gensock, sutsock, requested_duration,flow_number,size,speed):
r = 0;
@@ -296,7 +300,8 @@ def run_iteration(gensock, sutsock, requested_duration,flow_number,size,speed):
tot_sut_core_measurement_duration = float(0)
tot_sut_rx = tot_sut_non_dp_rx = tot_sut_tx = tot_sut_non_dp_tx = tot_sut_drop = tot_sut_tx_fail = tot_sut_tsc = 0
lat_avail = core_avail = sut_avail = False
- while (tot_core_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1) or (tot_sut_core_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1) or (tot_lat_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1):
+ ##while (tot_core_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1) or (tot_sut_core_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1) or (tot_lat_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1):
+ while (tot_core_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1) or (tot_lat_measurement_duration - float(requested_duration) <= 0.1):
lat_min_sample, lat_max_sample, lat_avg_sample, used_sample, t3_lat_tsc, lat_hz, buckets = gensock.lat_stats(latcores)
single_lat_measurement_duration = (t3_lat_tsc - t2_lat_tsc) * 1.0 / lat_hz # time difference between the 2 measurements, expressed in seconds.
@@ -361,12 +366,13 @@ def run_iteration(gensock, sutsock, requested_duration,flow_number,size,speed):
t2_sut_rx, t2_sut_non_dp_rx, t2_sut_tx, t2_sut_non_dp_tx, t2_sut_drop, t2_sut_tx_fail, t2_sut_tsc = t3_sut_rx, t3_sut_non_dp_rx, t3_sut_tx, t3_sut_non_dp_tx, t3_sut_drop, t3_sut_tx_fail, t3_sut_tsc
sut_avail = True
if test == 'fixed_rate':
- if lat_avail == core_avail == sut_avail == True:
- lat_avail = core_avail = sut_avail = False
+ if lat_avail == core_avail == True:
+ lat_avail = core_avail = False
pps_req_tx = (delta_tx + delta_drop - delta_rx)/stored_single_core_measurement_duration/1000000
pps_tx = delta_tx/stored_single_core_measurement_duration/1000000
- if sutsock!='none':
+ if sutsock!='none' and sut_avail:
pps_sut_tx = delta_sut_tx/stored_single_sut_core_measurement_duration/1000000
+ sut_avail = False
pps_sut_tx = None
pps_rx = delta_rx/stored_single_core_measurement_duration/1000000
@@ -426,7 +432,7 @@ def run_iteration(gensock, sutsock, requested_duration,flow_number,size,speed):
pps_req_tx = (tot_tx + tot_drop - tot_rx)/tot_core_measurement_duration/1000000.0 # tot_drop is all packets dropped by all tasks. This includes packets dropped at the generator task + packets dropped by the nop task. In steady state, this equals to the number of packets received by this VM
pps_tx = tot_tx/tot_core_measurement_duration/1000000.0 # tot_tx is all generated packets actually accepted by the interface
pps_rx = tot_rx/tot_core_measurement_duration/1000000.0 # tot_rx is all packets received by the nop task = all packets received in the gen VM
- if sutsock!='none':
+ if sutsock!='none' and sut_avail:
pps_sut_tx = tot_sut_tx / tot_sut_core_measurement_duration / 1000000.0
pps_sut_tx = None
@@ -601,6 +607,7 @@ def run_flow_size_test(gensock,sutsock):
endwarning = '| | {:177.177} |'.format(retry_warning + lat_warning + gen_warning)
success = True
success_message=' SUCCESS'
+ speed_prefix = lat_avg_prefix = lat_perc_prefix = lat_max_prefix = abs_drop_rate_prefix = drop_rate_prefix = bcolors.ENDC
log.debug(report_result(-attempts,size,speed,pps_req_tx,pps_tx,pps_sut_tx,pps_rx,lat_avg,lat_perc,lat_perc_max,lat_max,abs_tx,abs_rx,abs_dropped,actual_duration,speed_prefix,lat_avg_prefix,lat_max_prefix,abs_drop_rate_prefix,drop_rate_prefix)+ success_message + retry_warning + lat_warning + gen_warning)
success_message=' FAILED'
@@ -969,6 +976,11 @@ for vm in range(1, int(required_number_of_test_machines)+1):
f.write('bucket_size_exp="%s"\n'% BUCKET_SIZE_EXP)
+ if testconfig.has_option('TestM%d'%vm, 'heartbeat'):
+ heartbeat = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'heartbeat'))
+ else:
+ heartbeat = 60
+ f.write('heartbeat="%s"\n'% heartbeat)
elif re.match('(l2){0,1}gen_gw.*\.cfg',config_file[-1]):
if testconfig.has_option('TestM%d'%vm, 'bucket_size_exp'):
BUCKET_SIZE_EXP = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'bucket_size_exp'))
@@ -994,6 +1006,11 @@ for vm in range(1, int(required_number_of_test_machines)+1):
f.write('bucket_size_exp="%s"\n'% BUCKET_SIZE_EXP)
+ if testconfig.has_option('TestM%d'%vm, 'heartbeat'):
+ heartbeat = int(testconfig.get('TestM%d'%vm, 'heartbeat'))
+ else:
+ heartbeat = 60
+ f.write('heartbeat="%s"\n'% heartbeat)
elif re.match('(l2){0,1}swap.*\.cfg',config_file[-1]):
sutstatcores = cores[-1]