path: root/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
diff options
authorYury Kylulin <>2019-12-03 18:29:00 +0300
committerPatrice Buriez <>2020-01-31 19:09:11 +0100
commit855816b08aaa8529dfcccef91890bbdae0a1dd3e (patch)
tree8db6b6982467011ddbb83e89d6a23c76e0f64cf1 /VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
parent5d3bcf89c23b72fcdc0c32306a843bb3a0f64dcf (diff)
Add support for kubernetes deployment in rapid scripts.
In case of kubernetes based deployments procedure for test environment creation is different. Please refer to README.k8s file for more details. Dockerfile and files can be used to create a docker image with prox. There is separate script which is used to create appropriate number of PODs for testing based on the rapid.pods configuration. port_info is a helper application to identify port MAC address. Change-Id: I73611f066ac54260aa11dd17c173379df06f46a5 Signed-off-by: Yury Kylulin <> Signed-off-by: Patrice Buriez <>
Diffstat (limited to 'VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..caf2d2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VNFs/DPPD-PROX/helper-scripts/rapid/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+## Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+## You may obtain a copy of the License at
+## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+## limitations under the License.
+import sys
+from kubernetes import client, config
+import ConfigParser
+import logging
+from logging import handlers
+from pod import Pod
+class K8sDeployment:
+ """Deployment class to create containers for test execution in Kubernetes
+ environment.
+ """
+ LOG_FILE_NAME = "createrapidk8s.log"
+ SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = "./rapid_rsa_key"
+ SSH_USER = "centos"
+ POD_YAML_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "pod-rapid.yaml"
+ _log = None
+ _create_config = None
+ _runtime_config = None
+ _total_number_of_pods = 0
+ _pods = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Configure logger
+ self._log = logging.getLogger("k8srapid")
+ self._log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ console_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
+ console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter)
+ file_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - "
+ "%(levelname)s - "
+ "%(message)s")
+ file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.LOG_FILE_NAME,
+ backupCount=10)
+ file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter)
+ self._log.addHandler(file_handler)
+ self._log.addHandler(console_handler)
+ # Initialize k8s plugin
+ config.load_kube_config()
+ Pod.k8s_CoreV1Api = client.CoreV1Api()
+ def load_create_config(self, config_file_name):
+ """Read and parse configuration file for the test environment.
+ """
+"Loading configuration file %s", config_file_name)
+ self._create_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ try:
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._log.error("Failed to read config file!\n%s\n" % e)
+ return -1
+ # Now parse config file content
+ # Parse [DEFAULT] section
+ if self._create_config.has_option("DEFAULT", "total_number_of_pods"):
+ self._total_number_of_pods = self._create_config.getint(
+ "DEFAULT", "total_number_of_pods")
+ else:
+ self._log.error("No option total_number_of_pods in DEFAULT section")
+ return -1
+ self._log.debug("Total number of pods %d" % self._total_number_of_pods)
+ # Parse [PODx] sections
+ for i in range(1, int(self._total_number_of_pods) + 1):
+ # Search for POD name
+ if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i,
+ "name"):
+ pod_name = self._create_config.get(
+ "POD%d" % i, "name")
+ else:
+ pod_name = "pod-rapid-%d" % i
+ # Search for POD hostname
+ if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i,
+ "nodeSelector_hostname"):
+ pod_nodeselector_hostname = self._create_config.get(
+ "POD%d" % i, "nodeSelector_hostname")
+ else:
+ pod_nodeselector_hostname = None
+ # Search for POD dataplane static IP
+ if self._create_config.has_option("POD%d" % i,
+ "dp_ip"):
+ pod_dp_ip = self._create_config.get(
+ "POD%d" % i, "dp_ip")
+ else:
+ pod_dp_ip = None
+ pod = Pod(pod_name)
+ pod.set_nodeselector(pod_nodeselector_hostname)
+ pod.set_dp_ip(pod_dp_ip)
+ pod.set_id(i)
+ # Add POD to the list of PODs which need to be created
+ self._pods.append(pod)
+ return 0
+ def create_pods(self):
+ """ Create test PODs and wait for them to start.
+ Collect information for tests to run.
+ """
+"Creating PODs...")
+ # Create PODs using template from yaml file
+ for pod in self._pods:
+"Creating POD %s...", pod.get_name())
+ pod.create_from_yaml(K8sDeployment.POD_YAML_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME)
+ # Wait for PODs to start
+ for pod in self._pods:
+ pod.wait_for_start()
+ # Collect information from started PODs for test execution
+ for pod in self._pods:
+ pod.set_ssh_credentials(K8sDeployment.SSH_USER, K8sDeployment.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY)
+ pod.get_sriov_dev_mac()
+ def save_runtime_config(self, config_file_name):
+"Saving config %s for runrapid script...",
+ config_file_name)
+ self._runtime_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ # Section [DEFAULT]
+# self._runtime_config.set("DEFAULT",
+# "total_number_of_test_machines",
+# self._total_number_of_pods)
+ # Section [ssh]
+ self._runtime_config.add_section("ssh")
+ self._runtime_config.set("ssh",
+ "key",
+ K8sDeployment.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY)
+ self._runtime_config.set("ssh",
+ "user",
+ K8sDeployment.SSH_USER)
+ # Section [rapid]
+ self._runtime_config.add_section("rapid")
+ self._runtime_config.set("rapid",
+ "total_number_of_machines",
+ self._total_number_of_pods)
+ # Export information about each pod
+ # Sections [Mx]
+ for pod in self._pods:
+ self._runtime_config.add_section("M%d" % pod.get_id())
+ self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(),
+ "admin_ip", pod.get_admin_ip())
+ self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(),
+ "dp_mac", pod.get_dp_mac())
+ self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(),
+ "dp_pci_dev", pod.get_dp_pci_dev())
+ self._runtime_config.set("M%d" % pod.get_id(),
+ "dp_ip", pod.get_dp_ip())
+ # Section [Varia]
+ self._runtime_config.add_section("Varia")
+ self._runtime_config.set("Varia",
+ "vim",
+ "kubernetes")
+ # Write runtime config file
+ with open(config_file_name, "w") as file:
+ self._runtime_config.write(file)
+ def delete_pods(self):
+ for pod in self._pods:
+ pod.terminate()