path: root/VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js
diff options
authorDeepak S <>2017-07-21 06:20:45 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2017-07-21 06:20:45 +0000
commit4eca0440aee462f842567d5ef8b8796c27f4dd1b (patch)
tree63935d03fb32782b0cefce01b7531cf65449d23e /VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js
parentd923180e4af2612361dd7d4bf1627092a4d552d8 (diff)
parent1f6b18a1974c1b53a079b21b6be39af86deb2432 (diff)
Merge "VNF_Catalogue Codebase"
Diffstat (limited to 'VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js b/VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4509044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VNF_Catalogue/public/3rd_party/materialize-pagination.js
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ materialize Pagination v0.2.2
+ Sample usage:
+ $('#pagination').materializePagination({
+ align: 'left',
+ lastPage: 10,
+ firstPage: 1,
+ urlParameter: 'page',
+ useUrlParameter: true,
+ onClickCallback: function(requestedPage){
+ console.log('Requested page is '+ requestedPage)
+ }
+ });
+;(function($, window, document, undefined) {
+ var MaterializePagination = function(elem, options) {
+ this.$elem = $(elem);
+ this.options = options;
+ this.$container = null;
+ this.$prevEllipsis = null;
+ this.$nextEllipsis = null;
+ this.currentPage = null;
+ this.visiblePages = [];
+ this.maxVisiblePages = 3;
+ };
+ MaterializePagination.prototype = {
+ defaults: {
+ align: 'center',
+ lastPage: 1,
+ firstPage: 1,
+ urlParameter: 'page',
+ useUrlParameter: true,
+ onClickCallback: function(){}
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ // Combine defaults with user-specified options
+ this.config = $.extend({}, this.defaults, this.options);
+ // Get page defined by the urlParameter
+ var requestedPage = this.config.useUrlParameter ? this.parseUrl() : this.config.firstPage;
+ // Create initial pagination and add it to the DOM
+ if(this.createPaginationBase(requestedPage))
+ this.bindClickEvent();
+ },
+ createPaginationBase: function(requestedPage) {
+ //alert('getting called');
+ if (isNaN(this.config.firstPage) || isNaN(this.config.lastPage) ){
+ console.error('Both firstPage and lastPage attributes need to be integer values');
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (this.config.firstPage > this.config.lastPage ){
+ console.error('Value of firstPage must be less than the value of lastPage');
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.config.firstPage = parseInt(this.config.firstPage);
+ this.config.lastPage = parseInt(this.config.lastPage);
+ this.currentPage = this.config.firstPage - this.maxVisiblePages;
+ this.$container = $('<ul>')
+ .addClass('pagination')
+ .addClass(this.config.align + '-align');
+ this.$prevEllipsis = this.util.Ellipsis();
+ this.$nextEllipsis = this.util.Ellipsis();
+ var $firstPage = this.util.createPage(this.config.firstPage);
+ var $prevChevron = this.util.createChevron('prev');
+ var $nextChevron = this.util.createChevron('next');
+ this.$container
+ .append($prevChevron)
+ .append($firstPage)
+ .append(this.$prevEllipsis.$elem)
+ .append(this.$nextEllipsis.$elem)
+ .append($nextChevron);
+ if (this.config.lastPage > this.config.firstPage) {
+ var $lastPage = this.util.createPage(this.config.lastPage);
+ $lastPage.insertBefore($nextChevron);
+ }
+ this.requestPage(requestedPage, true);
+ this.renderActivePage();
+ this.$elem.append(this.$container);
+ return true;
+ },
+ requestPage: function(requestedPage, initing){
+ //alert(initing);
+ switch (requestedPage) {
+ case this.currentPage:
+ return;
+ case this.currentPage - 1:
+ this.requestPrevPage();
+ break;
+ case this.currentPage + 1:
+ this.requestNextPage();
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.requestPageByNumber(requestedPage);
+ }
+ if (!initing)
+ this.config.onClickCallback(this.currentPage);
+ this.renderActivePage();
+ if ( this.config.useUrlParameter )
+ this.updateUrlParam(this.config.urlParameter, this.currentPage);
+ },
+ requestPrevPage: function() {
+ this.currentPage -= 1;
+ this.visiblePages.pop().remove();
+ this.visiblePages.unshift(this.insertPrevPaginationComponent(this.currentPage - 1));
+ },
+ requestNextPage: function() {
+ this.currentPage += 1;
+ this.visiblePages.shift().remove();
+ this.visiblePages.push(this.insertNextPaginationComponent(this.currentPage + 1));
+ },
+ requestPageByNumber: function(requestedPage) {
+ this.purgeVisiblePages();
+ this.currentPage = requestedPage;
+ this.visiblePages.push(this.insertNextPaginationComponent(this.currentPage - 1));
+ this.visiblePages.push(this.insertNextPaginationComponent(this.currentPage));
+ this.visiblePages.push(this.insertNextPaginationComponent(this.currentPage + 1));
+ },
+ renderActivePage: function() {
+ this.renderEllipsis();
+ this.$container.find('').removeClass('active');
+ var currentPageComponent = $(this.$container.find('[data-page="' + this.currentPage + '"]')[0]);
+ currentPageComponent.addClass('active');
+ },
+ renderEllipsis: function() {
+ if (this.$prevEllipsis.isHidden &&
+ this.currentPage >= this.config.firstPage + this.maxVisiblePages)
+ this.$;
+ else if (!this.$prevEllipsis.isHidden &&
+ this.currentPage <= this.config.firstPage + this.maxVisiblePages - 1)
+ this.$prevEllipsis.hide();
+ if (this.$nextEllipsis.isHidden &&
+ this.currentPage <= this.config.lastPage - this.maxVisiblePages)
+ this.$;
+ else if (!this.$nextEllipsis.isHidden &&
+ this.currentPage >= this.config.lastPage - this.maxVisiblePages + 1)
+ this.$nextEllipsis.hide();
+ },
+ bindClickEvent: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ this.$container.on('click', 'li', function() {
+ var requestedPage = self.sanitizePageRequest($(this).data('page'));
+ self.requestPage(requestedPage, false);
+ });
+ },
+ insertPrevPaginationComponent: function(pageNumber) {
+ if (pageNumber > this.config.firstPage && pageNumber < this.config.lastPage) {
+ var $paginationComponent = this.util.createPage(pageNumber);
+ return $paginationComponent.insertAfter(this.$prevEllipsis.$elem);
+ }
+ return $('');
+ },
+ insertNextPaginationComponent: function(pageNumber) {
+ if (pageNumber > this.config.firstPage && pageNumber < this.config.lastPage) {
+ var $paginationComponent = this.util.createPage(pageNumber);
+ return $paginationComponent.insertBefore(this.$nextEllipsis.$elem);
+ }
+ return $('');
+ },
+ sanitizePageRequest: function(pageData) {
+ var requestedPage = this.config.firstPage;
+ if (pageData === 'prev') {
+ requestedPage =
+ this.currentPage === this.config.firstPage ?
+ this.currentPage : this.currentPage - 1;
+ }
+ else if (pageData === 'next') {
+ requestedPage =
+ this.currentPage === this.config.lastPage ?
+ this.currentPage : this.currentPage + 1;
+ }
+ else if (!isNaN(pageData) &&
+ pageData >= this.config.firstPage &&
+ pageData <= this.config.lastPage) {
+ requestedPage = parseInt(pageData);
+ }
+ return requestedPage;
+ },
+ purgeVisiblePages: function() {
+ var size = this.visiblePages.length;
+ for (var page = 0; page < size; page += 1)
+ this.visiblePages.pop().remove();
+ },
+ parseUrl: function(){
+ var requestedPage = this.getUrlParamByName(this.config.urlParameter) || this.config.firstPage;
+ return this.sanitizePageRequest(requestedPage);
+ },
+ getUrlParamByName: function(name) {
+ name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
+ var url = window.location.href;
+ var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)");
+ var results = regex.exec(url);
+ if (!results) return null;
+ if (!results[2]) return '';
+ return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
+ },
+ updateUrlParam: function (key, value) {
+ var baseUrl = [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname].join(''),
+ urlQueryString =,
+ newParam = key + '=' + value,
+ params = '?' + newParam;
+ if (urlQueryString) { // If the "search" string exists, then build params from it
+ keyRegex = new RegExp('([\?&])' + key + '[^&]*');
+ if (urlQueryString.match(keyRegex) !== null) { // If param exists already, update it
+ params = urlQueryString.replace(keyRegex, "$1" + newParam);
+ }
+ else { // Otherwise, add it to end of query string
+ params = urlQueryString + '&' + newParam;
+ }
+ }
+ window.history.pushState('', '', params);
+ },
+ util: {
+ createPage: function(pageData){
+ return $('<li>')
+ .text(pageData)
+ .addClass('waves-effect')
+ .attr('data-page', pageData);
+ },
+ createChevron: function(type){
+ var direction = type === 'next' ? 'right' : 'left';
+ var $icon = $('<i>')
+ .addClass('waves-effect')
+ .addClass('material-icons')
+ .text('chevron_' + direction);
+ return this.createPage(type).text('')
+ .attr('data-page', type)
+ .append($icon);
+ },
+ Ellipsis: function() {
+ var $ellipsis = $('<li>');
+ $ellipsis.text('...');
+ $ellipsis.addClass('hide disabled');
+ return {
+ $elem: $ellipsis,
+ isHidden: true,
+ show: function() {
+ this.isHidden = false;
+ this.$elem.removeClass('hide');},
+ hide: function() {
+ this.isHidden = true;
+ this.$elem.addClass('hide');}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ MaterializePagination.defaults = MaterializePagination.prototype.defaults;
+ $.fn.materializePagination = function(options) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ new MaterializePagination(this, options).init();
+ });
+ };
+})(jQuery, window, document);