path: root/jjb/dovetail/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jjb/dovetail/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/jjb/dovetail/ b/jjb/dovetail/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a9c73c2f..000000000
--- a/jjb/dovetail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-#the noun INSTALLER is used in community, here is just the example to run.
-#multi-platforms are supported.
-set -e
-[[ $CI_DEBUG == true ]] && redirect="/dev/stdout" || redirect="/dev/null"
-[[ $BUILD_TAG =~ "virtual" ]] && DEPLOY_TYPE=virt
-[ -d ${DOVETAIL_HOME} ] && sudo rm -rf ${DOVETAIL_HOME}
-mkdir -p ${DOVETAIL_HOME}
-mkdir -p ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}
-mkdir -p ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-ssh_options="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
-# The path of is defined in
-if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'apex' ]]; then
- instack_mac=$(sudo virsh domiflist undercloud | grep default | \
- grep -Eo "[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+")
- INSTALLER_IP=$(/usr/sbin/arp -e | grep ${instack_mac} | awk {'print $1'})
- sshkey="-v /root/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
- if [[ -n $(sudo iptables -L FORWARD |grep "REJECT"|grep "reject-with icmp-port-unreachable") ]]; then
- #note: this happens only in opnfv-lf-pod1
- sudo iptables -D FORWARD -o virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
- sudo iptables -D FORWARD -i virbr0 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
- fi
-elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'joid' ]]; then
- # If production lab then creds may be retrieved dynamically
- # creds are on the jumphost, always in the same folder
- sudo cp $LAB_CONFIG/admin-openrc $OPENRC
- # If dev lab, credentials may not be the default ones, just provide a path to put them into docker
- # replace the default one by the customized one provided by jenkins config
-# Set iptables rule to allow forwarding return traffic for container
-if ! sudo iptables -C FORWARD -j RETURN 2> ${redirect} || ! sudo iptables -L FORWARD | awk 'NR==3' | grep RETURN 2> ${redirect}; then
- sudo iptables -I FORWARD -j RETURN
-[ -d ${releng_repo} ] && sudo rm -rf ${releng_repo}
-git clone ${releng_repo} >/dev/null
-[ -d ${pharos_repo} ] && sudo rm -rf ${pharos_repo}
-git clone ${pharos_repo} >/dev/null
-if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} != 'joid' ]]; then
- echo "SUT branch is $SUT_BRANCH"
- echo "dovetail branch is $BRANCH"
- ${releng_repo}/utils/ -d ${OPENRC} -i ${INSTALLER_TYPE} -a ${INSTALLER_IP} -o ${CACERT} >${redirect}
-if [[ -f $OPENRC ]]; then
- echo "INFO: openstack credentials path is $OPENRC"
- if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "compass" ]]; then
- if [[ -f ${CACERT} ]]; then
- echo "INFO: ${INSTALLER_TYPE} openstack cacert file is ${CACERT}"
- echo "export OS_CACERT=${CACERT}" >> ${OPENRC}
- else
- echo "ERROR: Can't find ${INSTALLER_TYPE} openstack cacert file. Please check if it is existing."
- sudo ls -al ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- echo "ERROR: cannot find file $OPENRC. Please check if it is existing."
- sudo ls -al ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}
- exit 1
-if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "fuel" ]]; then
- sed -i "s#/etc/ssl/certs/mcp_os_cacert#${CACERT}#g" ${OPENRC}
-cat $OPENRC
-# These packages are used for parsing yaml files and decrypting ipmi user and password.
-sudo pip install shyaml
-sudo yum install -y rubygems || sudo apt-get install -y ruby
-sudo gem install hiera-eyaml
-if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "compass" ]]; then
- compass_repo=${WORKSPACE}/compass4nfv/
- git clone ${compass_repo} >/dev/null
- scenario_file=${compass_repo}/deploy/conf/hardware_environment/$NODE_NAME/os-nosdn-nofeature-ha.yml
- ipmiIp=$(cat ${scenario_file} | shyaml get-value hosts.0.ipmiIp)
- ipmiPass=$(cat ${scenario_file} | shyaml get-value hosts.0.ipmiPass)
- ipmiUser=root
- jumpserver_ip=$(ifconfig | grep -A 5 docker0 | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
- cat << EOF >${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
-- {ip: ${jumpserver_ip}, name: node0, password: root, role: Jumpserver, user: root}
-- {ip:, name: node1, password: root, role: controller, user: root,
- ipmi_ip: ${ipmiIp}, ipmi_user: ${ipmiUser}, ipmi_password: ${ipmiPass}}
-- {ip:, name: node2, password: root, role: controller, user: root}
-- {ip:, name: node3, password: root, role: controller, user: root}
-- {ip:, name: node4, password: root, role: compute, user: root}
-- {ip:, name: node5, password: root, role: compute, user: root}
-if [[ ! "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" && ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'fuel' && ${DEPLOY_TYPE} == 'baremetal' ]]; then
- fuel_ctl_ssh_options="${ssh_options} -i ${SSH_KEY}"
- ssh_user="ubuntu"
- fuel_ctl_ip=$(ssh 2>/dev/null ${fuel_ctl_ssh_options} "${ssh_user}@${INSTALLER_IP}" \
- "sudo salt 'cfg*' pillar.get _param:openstack_control_address --out text| \
- cut -f2 -d' '")
- ipmi_index=$(ssh 2>/dev/null ${fuel_ctl_ssh_options} "${ssh_user}@${INSTALLER_IP}" \
- "sudo salt 'ctl*' network.ip_addrs cidr=${fuel_ctl_ip} --out text | grep ${fuel_ctl_ip} | cut -c 5")
- organization="$(cut -d'-' -f1 <<< "${NODE_NAME}")"
- pod_name="$(cut -d'-' -f2 <<< "${NODE_NAME}")"
- pdf_file=${pharos_repo}/labs/${organization}/${pod_name}.yaml
- ipmiIp=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.address)
- ipmiIp="$(cut -d'/' -f1 <<< "${ipmiIp}")"
- ipmiPass=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.pass)
- ipmiUser=$(cat ${pdf_file} | shyaml get-value nodes.$[ipmi_index-1].remote_management.user)
- [[ $ipmiUser == ENC* ]] && ipmiUser=$(eyaml decrypt -s ${ipmiUser//[[:blank:]]/})
- [[ $ipmiPass == ENC* ]] && ipmiPass=$(eyaml decrypt -s ${ipmiPass//[[:blank:]]/})
- cat << EOF >${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
-- {ip: ${INSTALLER_IP}, name: node0, key_filename: /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa,
- role: Jumpserver, user: ${ssh_user}}
-- {ip: ${fuel_ctl_ip}, name: node1, key_filename: /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa,
- role: controller, user: ${ssh_user}, ipmi_ip: ${ipmiIp}, ipmi_user: ${ipmiUser}, ipmi_password: ${ipmiPass}}
-if [[ ! -f ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml ]]; then
- set +e
- sudo pip install virtualenv
- cd ${releng_repo}/modules
- sudo virtualenv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- sudo pip install -e ./ >/dev/null
- sudo pip install netaddr
- if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == compass ]]; then
- options="-u root -p root"
- elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == fuel ]]; then
- options="-u root -p r00tme"
- elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == apex ]]; then
- options="-u stack -k /root/.ssh/id_rsa"
- elif [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == daisy ]]; then
- options="-u root -p r00tme"
- else
- echo "Don't support to generate pod.yaml on ${INSTALLER_TYPE} currently."
- echo "HA test cases may not run properly."
- fi
- cmd="sudo python ${releng_repo}/utils/ -t ${INSTALLER_TYPE} \
- -i ${INSTALLER_IP} ${options} -f ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml \
- -s /home/opnfv/userconfig/pre_config/id_rsa"
- echo ${cmd}
- ${cmd}
- deactivate
- set -e
-if [ -f ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml ]; then
- sudo chmod 666 ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
- echo "Adapt process info for $INSTALLER_TYPE ..."
- if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "apex" ]; then
- attack_process='rabbitmq_server'
- else
- attack_process='rabbitmq'
- fi
- cat << EOF >> ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
-- {testcase_name: dovetail.ha.rabbitmq, attack_process: ${attack_process}}
- echo "file ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml:"
- cat ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml
- echo "Error: cannot find file ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/pod.yaml. Please check if it is existing."
- sudo ls -al ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}
- echo "HA test cases may not run properly."
-if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "fuel" ]; then
- if [[ "${SUT_BRANCH}" =~ "danube" ]]; then
- echo "Fetching id_rsa file from jump_server $INSTALLER_IP..."
- sshpass -p r00tme sudo scp $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP}:~/.ssh/id_rsa ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/id_rsa
- else
- cp ${SSH_KEY} ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/id_rsa
- fi
-if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "apex" ]; then
- echo "Fetching id_rsa file from jump_server $INSTALLER_IP..."
- sudo scp $ssh_options stack@${INSTALLER_IP}:~/.ssh/id_rsa ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/id_rsa
-if [ "$INSTALLER_TYPE" == "daisy" ]; then
- echo "Fetching id_dsa file from jump_server $INSTALLER_IP..."
- sshpass -p r00tme sudo scp $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP}:~/.ssh/id_dsa ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/id_rsa
-if [[ ! -d ${image_path} ]]; then
- mkdir -p ${image_path}
-# sdnvpn test case needs to download this image first before running
-if [[ ! -f ${ubuntu_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${ubuntu_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-# yardstick and bottlenecks need to download this image first before running
-if [[ ! -f ${cirros_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${cirros_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-# functest needs to download this image first before running
-if [[ ! -f ${cirros_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${cirros_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-# snaps_smoke test case needs to download this image first before running
-if [[ ! -f ${ubuntu14_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${ubuntu14_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-# cloudify_ims test case needs to download these 2 images first before running
-if [[ ! -f ${cloudify_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image cloudify-manager-premium-4.0.1.qcow2 ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${cloudify_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-if [[ ! -f ${trusty_image} ]]; then
- echo "Download image trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img ..."
- wget -q -nc -P ${image_path}
-sudo cp ${trusty_image} ${DOVETAIL_IMAGES}
-opts="--privileged=true -id"
-docker_volume="-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
-dovetail_home_volume="-v ${DOVETAIL_HOME}:${DOVETAIL_HOME}"
-# Pull the image with correct tag
-if [ "$(uname -m)" = 'aarch64' ]; then
- DOCKER_REPO="${DOCKER_REPO}_$(uname -m)"
- DOCKER_TAG="latest"
-echo "Dovetail: Pulling image ${DOCKER_REPO}:${DOCKER_TAG}"
-docker pull ${DOCKER_REPO}:$DOCKER_TAG >$redirect
-cmd="docker run ${opts} -e DOVETAIL_HOME=${DOVETAIL_HOME} ${docker_volume} ${dovetail_home_volume} \
- ${sshkey} ${DOCKER_REPO}:${DOCKER_TAG} /bin/bash"
-echo "Dovetail: running docker run command: ${cmd}"
-${cmd} >${redirect}
-sleep 5
-container_id=$(docker ps | grep "${DOCKER_REPO}:${DOCKER_TAG}" | awk '{print $1}' | head -1)
-echo "Container ID=${container_id}"
-if [ -z ${container_id} ]; then
- echo "Cannot find ${DOCKER_REPO} container ID ${container_id}. Please check if it is existing."
- docker ps -a
- exit 1
-echo "Container Start: docker start ${container_id}"
-docker start ${container_id}
-sleep 5
-docker ps >${redirect}
-if [ $(docker ps | grep "${DOCKER_REPO}:${DOCKER_TAG}" | wc -l) == 0 ]; then
- echo "The container ${DOCKER_REPO} with ID=${container_id} has not been properly started. Exiting..."
- exit 1
-# Modify tempest_conf.yaml file
-if [[ ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'compass' || ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == 'apex' ]]; then
- volume_device='vdb'
- volume_device='vdc'
-cat << EOF >$tempest_conf_file
- min_compute_nodes: 2
- volume_device_name: ${volume_device}
-echo "${tempest_conf_file}..."
-cat ${tempest_conf_file}
-cp_tempest_cmd="docker cp ${DOVETAIL_CONFIG}/tempest_conf.yaml $container_id:/home/opnfv/dovetail/dovetail/userconfig"
-echo "exec command: ${cp_tempest_cmd}"
-if [[ ${TESTSUITE} == 'default' ]]; then
- testsuite=''
- testsuite="--testsuite ${TESTSUITE}"
-run_cmd="dovetail run ${testsuite} -d"
-echo "Container exec command: ${run_cmd}"
-docker exec $container_id ${run_cmd}
-sudo cp -r ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/results ./
-# To make sure the file owner is the current user, for the copied results files in the above line
-echo "Change owner of result files ..."
-echo "Current user is ${CURRENT_USER}, group is ${PRIMARY_GROUP}"
-sudo chown -R ${CURRENT_USER}:${PRIMARY_GROUP} ./results
-#remove useless files to save disk space
-sudo rm -rf ./results/workspace
-sudo rm -f ./results/yardstick.img
-sudo rm -f ./results/tmp*
-echo "Dovetail: done!"