path: root/utils
diff options
authorAndrii Ostapenko <>2017-06-09 14:20:20 +0300
committerAndrii Ostapenko <>2017-06-15 09:34:43 +0300
commit8359219bae93a028f6205cdc9460654f9e45c217 (patch)
treed8b7e7ceca81822e11881a7122b2ec15206a5339 /utils
parent82efe6ad203fe95ce8a092e5a9a85e326aaef7d7 (diff)
Fuel: adds retrieving OS credentials for MCP
Adjusts retrieving OS credentials for MCP (master branch in fuel repo) Also removes legacy admin_ip and public_ip retrieving. Change-Id: Ib7781a3701c7281b781872b18150332b94298260 Signed-off-by: Andrii Ostapenko <>
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 458bbda3b..993c0b948 100755
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
usage() {
- echo "usage: $0 [-v] -d <destination> -i <installer_type> -a <installer_ip>" >&2
+ echo "usage: $0 [-v] -d <destination> -i <installer_type> -a <installer_ip> [-s <ssh_key>]" >&2
echo "[-v] Virtualized deployment" >&2
+ echo "[-s <ssh_key>] Path to ssh key. For MCP deployments only" >&2
info () {
@@ -53,11 +54,12 @@ swap_to_public() {
: ${DEPLOY_TYPE:=''}
#Get options
-while getopts ":d:i:a:h:v" optchar; do
+while getopts ":d:i:a:h:s:v" optchar; do
case "${optchar}" in
d) dest_path=${OPTARG} ;;
i) installer_type=${OPTARG} ;;
a) installer_ip=${OPTARG} ;;
+ s) ssh_key=${OPTARG} ;;
v) DEPLOY_TYPE="virt" ;;
*) echo "Non-option argument: '-${OPTARG}'" >&2
@@ -70,6 +72,9 @@ done
+if [ "${installer_type}" == "fuel" ] && [ "${BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
+ installer_ip=${SALT_MASTER_IP}
if [ -z $dest_path ] || [ -z $installer_type ] || [ -z $installer_ip ]; then
@@ -89,40 +94,45 @@ ssh_options="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
# Start fetching the files
if [ "$installer_type" == "fuel" ]; then
- #ip_fuel=""
verify_connectivity $installer_ip
+ if [ "${BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
+ ssh_key=${ssh_key:-$SSH_KEY}
+ if [ -z $ssh_key ] || [ ! -f $ssh_key ]; then
+ error "Please provide path to existing ssh key for mcp deployment."
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ ssh_options+=" -i ${ssh_key}"
- env=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
- 'fuel env'|grep operational|head -1|awk '{print $1}') &> /dev/null
- if [ -z $env ]; then
- error "No operational environment detected in Fuel"
- fi
- env_id="${FUEL_ENV:-$env}"
- # Check if controller is alive (online='True')
- controller_ip=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
- "fuel node --env ${env_id} | grep controller | grep 'True\| 1' | awk -F\| '{print \$5}' | head -1" | \
- sed 's/ //g') &> /dev/null
+ # retrieving controller vip
+ controller_ip=$(ssh 2>/dev/null ${ssh_options} ubuntu@${installer_ip} \
+ "sudo salt --out txt 'ctl01*' pillar.get _param:openstack_control_address | awk '{print \$2}'" | \
+ sed 's/ //g') &> /dev/null
- if [ -z $controller_ip ]; then
- error "The controller $controller_ip is not up. Please check that the POD is correctly deployed."
- fi
+ info "Fetching rc file from controller $controller_ip..."
+ ssh ${ssh_options} ubuntu@${controller_ip} "sudo cat /root/keystonercv3" > $dest_path
+ else
+ #ip_fuel=""
+ env=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null ${ssh_options} root@${installer_ip} \
+ 'fuel env'|grep operational|head -1|awk '{print $1}') &> /dev/null
+ if [ -z $env ]; then
+ error "No operational environment detected in Fuel"
+ fi
+ env_id="${FUEL_ENV:-$env}"
- info "Fetching rc file from controller $controller_ip..."
- sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
- "scp $ssh_options ${controller_ip}:/root/openrc ." &> /dev/null
- sshpass -p r00tme scp 2>/dev/null $ssh_options root@${installer_ip}:~/openrc $dest_path &> /dev/null
+ # Check if controller is alive (online='True')
+ controller_ip=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null ${ssh_options} root@${installer_ip} \
+ "fuel node --env ${env_id} | grep controller | grep 'True\| 1' | awk -F\| '{print \$5}' | head -1" | \
+ sed 's/ //g') &> /dev/null
- #This file contains the mgmt keystone API, we need the public one for our rc file
- admin_ip=$(cat $dest_path | grep "OS_AUTH_URL" | sed 's/^.*\=//' | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g" | sed s'/\/$//')
- public_ip=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${installer_ip} \
- "ssh ${controller_ip} 'source openrc; openstack endpoint list'" \
- | grep keystone | grep public | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep ^http | head -1) &> /dev/null
- #| grep http | head -1 | cut -d '|' -f 4 | sed 's/v1\/.*/v1\//' | sed 's/ //g') &> /dev/null
- #NOTE: this is super ugly sed 's/v1\/.*/v1\//'OS_AUTH_URL
- # but sometimes the output of endpoint-list is like this:
- # Fuel virtual need a fix
+ if [ -z $controller_ip ]; then
+ error "The controller $controller_ip is not up. Please check that the POD is correctly deployed."
+ fi
+ info "Fetching rc file from controller $controller_ip..."
+ sshpass -p r00tme ssh 2>/dev/null ${ssh_options} root@${installer_ip} \
+ "scp ${ssh_options} ${controller_ip}:/root/openrc ." &> /dev/null
+ sshpass -p r00tme scp 2>/dev/null ${ssh_options} root@${installer_ip}:~/openrc $dest_path &> /dev/null
+ fi
#convert to v3 URL
auth_url=$(cat $dest_path|grep AUTH_URL)
if [[ -z `echo $auth_url |grep v3` ]]; then