path: root/xci/playbooks/roles/create-vm-nodes/tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xci/playbooks/roles/create-vm-nodes/tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/xci/playbooks/roles/create-vm-nodes/tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml b/xci/playbooks/roles/create-vm-nodes/tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f49e756..00000000
--- a/xci/playbooks/roles/create-vm-nodes/tasks/prepare_libvirt.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-- name: "Restart libvirt service"
- service: name="{{libvirt_service_name}}" state=restarted
-# NOTE(Shrews) We need to enable ip forwarding for the libvirt bridge to
-# operate properly with dnsmasq. This should be done before starting dnsmasq.
-- name: "Enable IP forwarding in sysctl"
- sysctl:
- name: "net.ipv4.ip_forward"
- value: 1
- sysctl_set: yes
- state: present
- reload: yes
-# NOTE(Shrews) Ubuntu packaging+apparmor issue prevents libvirt from loading
-# the ROM from /usr/share/misc.
-- name: "Look for sgabios in {{ sgabios_dir }}"
- stat: path={{ sgabios_dir }}/sgabios.bin
- register: test_sgabios_qemu
-- name: "Look for sgabios in /usr/share/misc"
- stat: path=/usr/share/misc/sgabios.bin
- register: test_sgabios_misc
-- name: "Place sgabios.bin"
- command: cp /usr/share/misc/sgabios.bin /usr/share/qemu/sgabios.bin
- when: >
- test_sgabios_qemu == false and
- test_sgabios_misc == true
-# NOTE(TheJulia): In order to prevent conflicts, stop
-# dnsmasq to prevent conflicts with libvirt restarting.
-# TODO(TheJulia): We shouldn't need to do this, but the
-# libvirt dhcp instance conflicts withour specific config
-# and taking this path allows us to not refactor dhcp at
-# this moment. Our DHCP serving should be refactored
-# so we don't need to do this.
-- name: "Stop default dnsmasq service"
- service:
- name: dnsmasq
- state: stopped
- ignore_errors: true
-# NOTE(TheJulia): Seems if you test in a VM, this might
-# be helpful if your installed your host originally
-# with the default 192.168.122/0/24 network
-- name: destroy libvirt network
- virt_net:
- name: "{{ vm_network }}"
- state: absent
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-- name: ensure libvirt network is present
- virt_net:
- name: "{{ vm_network }}"
- state: present
- xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'net.xml.j2') }}"
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-- name: find facts on libvirt networks
- virt_net:
- command: facts
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-# NOTE(pas-ha) yet another place where non-local libvirt will not work
-- name: "Delete network interface if virtual network is not active"
- command: ip link del {{ ansible_libvirt_networks[vm_network].bridge }}
- when:
- - ansible_libvirt_networks[vm_network].state != 'active'
- - vm_libvirt_uri == 'qemu:///system'
- ignore_errors: yes
-- name: set libvirt network to autostart
- virt_net:
- name: "{{ vm_network }}"
- autostart: yes
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-- name: ensure libvirt network is running
- virt_net:
- name: "{{ vm_network }}"
- state: active
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-- name: get libvirt network status
- virt_net:
- name: "{{ vm_network }}"
- command: status
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
- register: test_vm_net_status
-- name: fail if libvirt network is not active
- assert:
- that: test_vm_net_status.status == 'active'
-- name: define a libvirt pool if not set
- virt_pool:
- name: "{{ node_storage_pool }}"
- state: present
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
- xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'pool_dir.xml.j2') }}"
-- name: ensure libvirt pool is running
- virt_pool:
- name: "{{ node_storage_pool }}"
- state: active
- autostart: yes
- uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
-- name: create dir for bm logs
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ node_logdir }}"
- recurse: yes
- mode: "0755"
-- name: install virtualbmc
- pip:
- name: virtualbmc
- version: 1.3 # >1.3 needs zmq dependency.
- virtualenv: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}"