path: root/xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml
diff options
authorManuel Buil <>2018-10-04 15:30:59 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2018-10-04 15:30:59 +0000
commit637814daf8715d70e1ee9b120ec6f8ebea0be9b5 (patch)
tree84e2b2cb9d9ea20b9785440ab3430afc8738d4b1 /xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml
parent342239db77b3e447ea91bd3d034248d080e6c335 (diff)
parentf54c78e2c36d7db53260bc868b5b538cb8e9d911 (diff)
Merge "[Baremetal] - Change roles and playbooks names"
Diffstat (limited to 'xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml b/xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df019c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xci/playbooks/roles/create-nodes/tasks/create_vm.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+- name: "Creating VM"
+ block:
+ - set_fact:
+ vm_name: "{{ node_names[item.0 | int] }}"
+ - set_fact:
+ vm_log_file: "{{ node_logdir }}/{{ vm_name }}_console.log"
+ vm_host_group: "{{ vm_default_groups }}"
+ - set_fact:
+ vm_host_group: "{{ vm_default_groups | union(vm_groups[vm_name]) }}"
+ when: vm_groups[vm_name] is defined
+ - name: set prealloc arg for Debian
+ set_fact:
+ prealloc: "--prealloc-metadata"
+ when:
+ - ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
+ - vm_libvirt_uri == 'qemu:///system'
+ - name: list info on pools
+ virt_pool:
+ command: facts
+ uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
+ - name: list existing vms
+ virt:
+ command: list_vms
+ register: existing_vms
+ - block:
+ - name: Check if volume exists
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ opnfv_image_path }}/{{ vm_name }}.qcow2"
+ register: _vm_volume_prepared
+ - name: Resize opnfv VM image to {{ item.disks[0].disk_capacity }}
+ command: "qemu-img resize {{ opnfv_image_path }}/opnfv.qcow2 {{ item.1.disks[0].disk_capacity }}"
+ when:
+ - vm_name == 'opnfv'
+ - _vm_volume_prepared.stat.exists
+ # NOTE(pas-ha) Ansible still lacks modules to operate on libvirt volumes
+ # mbuil: Assuming there is only one disk [0]
+ - name: create volume for vm
+ command: >
+ virsh --connect {{ vm_libvirt_uri }}
+ vol-create-as {{ node_storage_pool }} {{ vm_name }}.qcow2
+ {{ item.1.disks[0].disk_capacity }}
+ --format qcow2 {{ prealloc|default("") }}
+ when:
+ - not _vm_volume_prepared.stat.exists
+ - (vm_name + '.qcow2') not in ansible_libvirt_pools[node_storage_pool].volumes
+ - name: set path to the volume created
+ set_fact:
+ vm_volume_path: "{{ ansible_libvirt_pools[node_storage_pool].path }}/{{ vm_name }}.qcow2"
+ - name: pre-touch the vm volume
+ file:
+ state: touch
+ path: "{{ vm_volume_path }}"
+ when: vm_libvirt_uri == 'qemu:///system'
+ # NOTE(TheJulia): CentOS default installs with an XFS root, and chattr
+ # fails to set +C on XFS. This could be more elegant, however the use
+ # case is for CI testing.
+ - name: set copy-on-write for volume on non-CentOS systems
+ command: chattr +C {{ vm_volume_path }}
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ when:
+ - ansible_distribution != 'CentOS'
+ - vm_libvirt_uri == 'qemu:///system'
+ # Fetches the xml descriptor from the template
+ - name: create_vm
+ virt:
+ command: define
+ name: "{{ vm_name }}"
+ uri: "{{ vm_libvirt_uri }}"
+ xml: "{{ lookup('template', 'vm.xml.j2') }}"
+ rescue:
+ - name: "Execute `dmesg` to collect debugging output should VM creation fail."
+ command: dmesg
+ - name: >
+ "Execute `virsh capabilities` to collect debugging output
+ should VM creation fail."
+ command: virsh capabilities
+ - name: "Abort due to failed VM creation"
+ fail: >
+ msg="VM creation step failed, please review dmesg
+ output for additional details"
+ when: vm_name not in existing_vms.list_vms
+ # TODO(pas-ha) replace 'command: vbmc ...' tasks
+ # with a custom Ansible module using vbmc Python API
+ - name: get list of nodes from virtualbmc
+ command: vbmc list
+ environment:
+ PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ register: vbmc_list
+ # NOTE(NobodyCam): Space at the end of the find clause is required for proper matching.
+ - name: delete vm from virtualbmc if it is there
+ command: vbmc delete {{ vm_name }}
+ environment:
+ PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ when: vbmc_list.stdout.find(vm_name) != -1
+ - set_fact:
+ virtual_ipmi_port: "{{ (vm_ipmi_port_start|default(623) | int ) + (item.0 | int) }}"
+ - name: plug vm into vbmc
+ command: vbmc add {{ vm_name }} --libvirt-uri {{ vm_libvirt_uri }} --port {{ virtual_ipmi_port }}
+ environment:
+ PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ - name: start virtualbmc
+ command: vbmc start {{ vm_name }}
+ environment:
+ PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ - name: get XML of the vm
+ virt:
+ name: "{{ vm_name }}"
+ command: get_xml
+ register: vm_xml
+ - name: Fetch the index for admin network
+ set_fact:
+ admin_index: "{{ (vm_name == 'opnfv') | ternary(opnfv_vm_idf.net_config.admin.interface, idf.net_config.admin.interface) | int }}"
+ - name: Fetch the ip
+ set_fact:
+ vm_ip: "{{ item.1.interfaces[admin_index | int].address }}"
+ # Assumes there is only a single NIC per VM
+ - name: get MAC from vm XML
+ set_fact:
+ vm_mac: "{{ (vm_xml.get_xml | regex_findall(\"<mac address='.*'/>\") | first).split('=') | last | regex_replace(\"['/>]\", '') }}"
+ # NOTE(pas-ha) using default username and password set by virtualbmc - "admin" and "password" respectively
+ # see vbmc add --help
+ - name: set the json entry for vm
+ set_fact:
+ vm_data:
+ name: "{{ vm_name }}"
+ uuid: "{{ vm_name | to_uuid }}"
+ host_groups: "{{ vm_host_group }}"
+ driver: "{{ vm_node_driver|default('ipmi') }}"
+ driver_info:
+ power:
+ ipmi_address: ""
+ ipmi_port: "{{ virtual_ipmi_port }}"
+ ipmi_username: "{{ item.1.remote_management.user }}"
+ ipmi_password: "{{ item.1.remote_management.pass }}"
+ nics:
+ - mac: "{{ vm_mac }}"
+ ansible_ssh_host: "{{ vm_ip }}"
+ ipv4_address: "{{ vm_ip }}"
+ properties:
+ cpu_arch: "{{ item.1.node.arch }}"
+ ram: "{{ item.1.node.memory.rstrip('G') }}"
+ cpus: "{{ item.1.node.cpus }}"
+ disk_size: "{{ item.1.disks[0].disk_capacity.rstrip('G') }}"
+ - name: add created vm info
+ set_fact:
+ nodes_json_data: "{{ nodes_json_data | combine({vm_name: vm_data}) }}"
+ when: vm_name != 'opnfv'
+ - name: Record OPNFV VM ip
+ set_fact:
+ opnfv_vm_ip: "{{ vm_ip }}"
+ when: vm_name == 'opnfv'
+ when: (num_nodes | int) > (item.0 | int)