path: root/xci/files/
diff options
authorMarkos Chandras <>2018-04-06 20:28:10 +0100
committerMarkos Chandras <>2018-05-18 11:20:52 +0100
commitf95ad15a811c3111b42c09f569d0f1f303a8b597 (patch)
tree26ed83a35b01f267dbf14df1b67e60ccbb69dae2 /xci/files/
parent02f2ee5f3f047f6ee5f4e570a0cb5599460de0a5 (diff)
xci: Move sourcing of configuration files to the
The assumes that certain configuration files have been loaded before it's sourced. However, this doesn't work well when other scripts are using directly since they also need to load the same configuration files. As such, lets source all these configuration files from the file directly. We also rename this file to '' since it's not just about installation helpers anymore. Change-Id: I35e1e804db06b2bb512e4991e5fdf21a72ffaadb Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <>
Diffstat (limited to 'xci/files/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/xci/files/ b/xci/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index af86be41..00000000
--- a/xci/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# NOTE(hwoarang): Most parts of this this file were taken from the
-# bifrost repository (scripts/ This script contains all
-# the necessary distro specific code to install ansible and it's dependencies.
-function install_ansible() {
- set -eu
- # Use the upper-constraints file from the pinned requirements repository.
- local uc="${OPENSTACK_REQUIREMENTS_VERSION}/upper-constraints.txt"
- local install_map
- declare -A PKG_MAP
- # workaround: for latest bindep to work, it needs to use en_US local
- export LANG="C"
- gcc
- libffi
- libopenssl
- lsb-release
- make
- net-tools
- python-devel
- python
- venv
- wget
- curl
- )
- source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release
- case ${ID,,} in
- *suse)
- OS_FAMILY="Suse"
- INSTALLER_CMD="sudo -H -E zypper -q install -y --no-recommends"
- CHECK_CMD="zypper search --match-exact --installed"
- [gcc]=gcc
- [libffi]=libffi-devel
- [libopenssl]=libopenssl-devel
- [lsb-release]=lsb-release
- [make]=make
- [net-tools]=net-tools
- [pip]=python-pip
- [python]=python
- [python-devel]=python-devel
- [venv]=python-virtualenv
- [wget]=wget
- [curl]=curl
- )
- EXTRA_PKG_DEPS=( python-xml )
- sudo zypper -n ref
- # NOTE (cinerama): we can't install python without removing this package
- # if it exists
- if $(${CHECK_CMD} patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts &> /dev/null); then
- sudo -H zypper remove -y patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts
- fi
- ;;
- ubuntu|debian)
- OS_FAMILY="Debian"
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
- INSTALLER_CMD="sudo -H -E apt-get -y -q=3 install"
- CHECK_CMD="dpkg -l"
- [gcc]=gcc
- [libffi]=libffi-dev
- [libopenssl]=libssl-dev
- [lsb-release]=lsb-release
- [make]=make
- [net-tools]=net-tools
- [pip]=python-pip
- [python]=python-minimal
- [python-devel]=libpython-dev
- [venv]=python-virtualenv
- [wget]=wget
- [curl]=curl
- )
- EXTRA_PKG_DEPS=( apt-utils )
- sudo apt-get update
- ;;
- rhel|fedora|centos)
- OS_FAMILY="RedHat"
- PKG_MANAGER=$(which dnf || which yum)
- INSTALLER_CMD="sudo -H -E ${PKG_MANAGER} -q -y install"
- CHECK_CMD="rpm -q"
- [gcc]=gcc
- [libffi]=libffi-devel
- [libopenssl]=openssl-devel
- [lsb-release]=redhat-lsb
- [make]=make
- [net-tools]=net-tools
- [pip]=python2-pip
- [python]=python
- [python-devel]=python-devel
- [venv]=python-virtualenv
- [wget]=wget
- [curl]=curl
- )
- sudo $PKG_MANAGER updateinfo
- EXTRA_PKG_DEPS=( deltarpm )
- ;;
- *) echo "ERROR: Supported package manager not found. Supported: apt, dnf, yum, zypper"; exit 1;;
- esac
- # Build instllation map
- for pkgmap in ${CHECK_CMD_PKGS[@]}; do
- install_map+=(${PKG_MAP[$pkgmap]} )
- done
- install_map+=(${EXTRA_PKG_DEPS[@]} )
- ${INSTALLER_CMD} ${install_map[@]}
- # Note(cinerama): If pip is linked to pip3, the rest of the install
- # won't work. Remove the alternatives. This is due to ansible's
- # python 2.x requirement.
- if [[ $(readlink -f /etc/alternatives/pip) =~ "pip3" ]]; then
- sudo -H update-alternatives --remove pip $(readlink -f /etc/alternatives/pip)
- fi
- # We need to prepare our virtualenv now
- virtualenv --quiet --no-site-packages ${XCI_VENV}
- set +u
- source ${XCI_VENV}/bin/activate
- set -u
- # We are inside the virtualenv now so we should be good to use pip and python from it.
- pip -q install --upgrade pip==9.0.3 # We need a version which supports the '-c' parameter
- pip -q install --upgrade -c $uc ara virtualenv pip setuptools ansible==$XCI_ANSIBLE_PIP_VERSION ansible-lint==3.4.21
- ara_location=$(python -c "import os,ara; print(os.path.dirname(ara.__file__))")
- export ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS="/etc/ansible/roles/plugins/callback:${ara_location}/plugins/callbacks"
-ansible_lint() {
- set -eu
- # Use the upper-constraints file from the pinned requirements repository.
- local uc="${OPENSTACK_REQUIREMENTS_VERSION}/upper-constraints.txt"
- local playbooks_dir=(xci/playbooks xci/installer/osa/playbooks xci/installer/kubespray/playbooks)
- # Extract role from scenario information
- local testing_role=$(sed -n "/^- scenario: ${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}/,/^$/p" ${XCI_PATH}/xci/opnfv-scenario-requirements.yml | grep role | rev | cut -d '/' -f -1 | rev)
- # clear XCI_CACHE
- rm -rf ${XCI_CACHE}/repos/openstack-ansible-tests
- # Clone OSA rules too
- git clone --quiet --depth 1 \
- ${XCI_CACHE}/repos/openstack-ansible-tests
- # Because of, ansible-lint does not understand
- # import and includes yet so we need to trick it with a fake playbook so we can test our roles. We
- # only test the role for the scenario we are testing
- echo "Building testing playbook for role: ${testing_role}"
- cat > ${XCI_PATH}/xci/playbooks/test-playbook.yml << EOF
- - name: Testing playbook
- hosts: localhost
- roles:
- - ${testing_role}
- # Only check our own playbooks
- for dir in ${playbooks_dir[@]}; do
- for play in $(ls ${XCI_PATH}/${dir}/*.yml); do
- echo -en "Checking '${play}' playbook..."
- ansible-lint --nocolor -R -r \
- ${XCI_CACHE}/repos/openstack-ansible-tests/ansible-lint ${play}
- echo -en "[OK]\n"
- done
- done
- # Remove testing playbook
- rm ${XCI_PATH}/xci/playbooks/test-playbook.yml
-collect_xci_logs() {
- echo "----------------------------------"
- echo "Info: Collecting XCI logs"
- echo "----------------------------------"
- # Create the ARA log directory and store the sqlite source database
- mkdir -p ${LOG_PATH}/ara/ ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ara
- rsync -q -a "${HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${LOG_PATH}/ara/"
- rsync -q -a root@${OPNFV_HOST_IP}:releng-xci/${LOG_PATH#$XCI_PATH/}/ ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ &> /dev/null || true
- rsync -q -a root@${OPNFV_HOST_IP}:.ara/ansible.sqlite ${LOG_PATH}/opnfv/ara/ &> /dev/null || true
- sudo -H -E bash -c 'chown ${SUDO_UID}:${SUDO_GID} -R ${LOG_PATH}/'
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: