path: root/testapi/opnfv_testapi/ui/components/projects/project/testCases/testCasesController.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testapi/opnfv_testapi/ui/components/projects/project/testCases/testCasesController.js')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testapi/opnfv_testapi/ui/components/projects/project/testCases/testCasesController.js b/testapi/opnfv_testapi/ui/components/projects/project/testCases/testCasesController.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0045284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testapi/opnfv_testapi/ui/components/projects/project/testCases/testCasesController.js
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular
+ .module('testapiApp')
+ .controller('TestCasesController', TestCasesController);
+ TestCasesController.$inject = [
+ '$scope', '$http', '$filter', '$state', '$window', '$uibModal', 'testapiApiUrl','raiseAlert',
+ 'confirmModal'
+ ];
+ /**
+ * TestAPI Test cases Controller
+ * This controller is for the tescases page where a user can browse
+ * through testcases declared in TestAPI and perform the CRUD operations
+ * in them.
+ */
+ function TestCasesController($scope, $http, $filter, $state, $window, $uibModal, testapiApiUrl,
+ raiseAlert, confirmModal) {
+ var ctrl = this;
+ ctrl.loadDetails = loadDetails;
+ = $state.params['name'];
+ ctrl.requestUrl = testapiApiUrl + '/projects/' + +'/cases';
+ ctrl.createTestCase = createTestCase;
+ ctrl.openCreateModal = openCreateModal;
+ ctrl.deleteTestCase = deleteTestCase;
+ ctrl.openDeleteTestModal = openDeleteTestModal;
+ ctrl.updateTestCase = updateTestCase;
+ ctrl.openUpdateTestModal = openUpdateTestModal;
+ ctrl.batchDelete = batchDelete;
+ ctrl.openBatchDeleteModal = openBatchDeleteModal;
+ ctrl.viewTestCase = viewTestCase;
+ ctrl.checkBox = [];
+ ctrl.checkBoxList = [];
+ /**
+ * This will contact the TestAPI to create a new test case.
+ */
+ function createTestCase(name, testcase) {
+ ctrl.showError = false;
+ ctrl.showSuccess = false;
+ if( != "" &&!=null){
+ var testCase_url = ctrl.requestUrl;
+ ctrl.testCasesRequest =
+ $, testcase).success(function (data){
+ ctrl.showSuccess = true ;
+ ctrl.successMessage = "Testcase is successfully created."
+ loadDetails();
+ })
+ .catch(function (data) {
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = data.statusText;
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = 'Name is missing.'
+ }
+ }
+ function viewTestCase(name, project_name){
+ $state.go('testCase', {'name':name, 'project_name':project_name}, {reload: true});
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will open the modal that will show the batch delete confirm
+ * message
+ */
+ function openBatchDeleteModal() {
+ confirmModal("Delete",ctrl.batchDelete);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will delete list of test cases.
+ */
+ function batchDelete(){
+ var index;
+ var checkedBox = [];
+ ctrl.checkBox.forEach(function(testcase, index){
+ if(!ctrl.showError){
+ if(testcase){
+ ctrl.deleteTestCase([index].name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ctrl.checkBox = []
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will contact the TestAPI to update an existing test case.
+ */
+ function updateTestCase(name, testCase) {
+ ctrl.showError = false;
+ ctrl.showSuccess = false;
+ if( != ""){
+ var testCase_url = ctrl.requestUrl + '/' + name;
+ ctrl.testCasesRequest =
+ $http.put(testCase_url, testCase).success(function (data){
+ ctrl.showSuccess = true ;
+ ctrl.successMessage = "Test case is successfully updated"
+ loadDetails();
+ })
+ .catch(function (data) {
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = data.statusText;
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = 'Name is missing.'
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will contact the TestAPI to delete an existing test case.
+ */
+ function deleteTestCase(name) {
+ ctrl.showError = false;
+ ctrl.showSuccess = false;
+ ctrl.testCasesRequest =
+ $http.delete(ctrl.requestUrl+"/"+name).success(function (data) {
+ loadDetails();
+ ctrl.showSuccess = true ;
+ ctrl.successMessage = "Test case is successfully deleted"
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = data.statusText;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will open the modal that will show the delete confirm
+ * message
+ */
+ function openDeleteTestModal(name) {
+ confirmModal("Delete", ctrl.deleteTestCase, name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will open the modal that will show the Create
+ * view
+ */
+ function openCreateModal(name){
+ ${
+ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/projects/project/testCases/modals/testCaseModal.html',
+ controller: 'TestCaseModalCtrl as TestCaseModalCtrl',
+ size: 'md',
+ resolve: {
+ data: function () {
+ return {
+ text: "Create",
+ successHandler: ctrl.createTestCase
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will open the modal that will show the update
+ * view
+ */
+ function openUpdateTestModal(name){
+ var testcase;
+ var index;
+ for(index in{
+ if([index].name==name){
+ testcase =[index]
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ ${
+ templateUrl: 'testapi-ui/components/projects/project/testCases/modals/testCaseModal.html',
+ controller: 'TestCaseModalCtrl as TestCaseModalCtrl',
+ size: 'md',
+ resolve: {
+ data: function () {
+ return {
+ text: "Update",
+ successHandler: ctrl.updateTestCase,
+ testCase: testcase
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * This will contact the TestAPI to get a listing of declared test cases.
+ */
+ function loadDetails() {
+ ctrl.testCasesReguest =
+ $http.get(ctrl.requestUrl).success(function (data) {
+ = data;
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ = null;
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = error.statusText;
+ });
+ }
+ ctrl.loadDetails();
+ }
+ /**
+ * TestAPI Modal instance Controller
+ * This controller is for the modal where a user can create
+ * test case or update the test case information.
+ */
+ angular.module('testapiApp').controller('TestCaseModalCtrl', TestCaseModalCtrl);
+ TestCaseModalCtrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'data'];
+ function TestCaseModalCtrl($scope, $uibModalInstance, data) {
+ var ctrl = this;
+ ctrl.confirm = confirm;
+ ctrl.cancel = cancel;
+ = angular.copy(data);
+ ctrl.createRequirements = [
+ {label: 'name', type: 'text', required: true},
+ {label: 'description', type: 'textarea', required: false},
+ {label: 'version', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'tier', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'tags', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'run', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'dependencies', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'trust', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'url', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'blocking', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'criteria', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'domains', type: 'text', required: false},
+ {label: 'catalog_description', type: 'text', required: false}
+ ];
+ ctrl.testcase = {name : null, description : null,version : null, tier : null, tags : null,
+ run : null, dependencies : null, trust : null, url : null, blocking : null,
+ criteria : null, domains : null, catalog_description : null};
+ if("Update"){
+ ctrl.testcase =
+ delete ctrl.testcase._id;
+ =
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initiate confirmation and call the success handler with the
+ * inputs.
+ */
+ function confirm() {
+ $uibModalInstance.close();
+ if (angular.isDefined( {
+, ctrl.testcase);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the confirm modal without initiating changes.
+ */
+ function cancel() {
+ $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
+ }
+ }