path: root/testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js b/testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js
index c3961ab..ac1f954 100644
--- a/testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js
+++ b/testapi/opnfv_testapi/tests/UI/e2e/podsControllerSpec.js
@@ -4,202 +4,418 @@ var mock = require('protractor-http-mock');
var baseURL = "http://localhost:8000"
describe('testing the Pods page for anonymous user', function () {
- beforeEach(function(){
- mock([{
- request: {
- path: '/api/v1/pods',
- method: 'GET'
- },
- response: {
- data: {
- pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test", owner: "testUser",
- details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
- creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}]
- }
- }
- }]);
- });
- afterEach(function(){
- mock.teardown();
- });
- it( 'should navigate to pods link ', function() {
- browser.get(baseURL);
- var podslink = element(by.linkText('Pods')).click();
- var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
- browser.wait(EC.urlContains(baseURL+ '/#/pods'), 10000);
- });
- it('create button is not visible for anonymous user', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(buttonCreate.isDisplayed()).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('filter button is visible for anonymous user', function () {
- var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
- expect(buttonFilter.isDisplayed()).toBe(true)
- });
- it('clear button is visible for anonymous user', function () {
- var buttonClear = element(by.buttonText('Clear'));
- expect(buttonClear.isDisplayed()).toBe(true)
- });
- it('Show results when click filter button', function () {
- var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
- var pod = element(by.css('.show-pod'));
- expect(pod.isPresent()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('Show results when click clear button', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
- var buttonClear = element(by.buttonText('Clear'));
- var pod = element(by.css('.show-pod'));
- expect(pod.isPresent()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('If details is not shown then show details when click the link',function() {
- expect(element(by.css('.show-pod.hidden')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
- var podslink = element(by.linkText('test')).click();
- expect(element(by.css('.show-pod.hidden')).isPresent()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('If details is shown then hide details when click the link',function() {
- expect(element(by.css('.show-pod.hidden')).isPresent()).toBe(false);
- var podslink = element(by.linkText('test')).click();
- expect(element(by.css('.show-pod.hidden')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('If backend is not responding then show error when click filter button', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL + '/#/pods');
- mock.teardown();
- var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
- expect(element(by.css(''))
- .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
- });
- });
+ beforeEach(function(){
+ mock([
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET',
+ queryString: {
+ name: 'test'
+ }
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ pods: [
+ {role: "community-ci", name: "test2", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7ae5",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"},
+ {role: "production-ci", name: "test", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "virtual", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]);
+ });
+ afterEach(function(){
+ mock.teardown();
+ });
+ it( 'should navigate to pods link ', function() {
+ browser.get(baseURL);
+ var podslink = element(by.linkText('Pods')).click();
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.urlContains(baseURL+ '/#/pods'), 10000);
+ });
+ it('create button is not visible for anonymous user', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
+ expect(buttonCreate.isDisplayed()).toBeFalsy();
+ });
+ it('filter button is visible for anonymous user', function () {
+ var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
+ expect(buttonFilter.isDisplayed()).toBe(true)
+ });
+ it('Delete button is visible for anonymous user', function () {
+ var buttonDelete = element(by.buttonText('Delete'));
+ expect(buttonDelete.isDisplayed()).toBeFalsy();
+ });
+ it('Show results in a sorted order', function () {
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test");
+ });
+ it('Sort the results by mode', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var sortMode = element(by.xpath('//*[@id="ng-app"]/body/div/div[5]/div/table/thead/tr/th[4]/a[2]/span'))
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test2");
+ });
+ it('Sort the results by role', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var sortRole = element(by.xpath('//*[@id="ng-app"]/body/div/div[5]/div/table/thead/tr/th[3]/a[2]/span'))
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test2");
+ });
+ it('Show relevant results to the filter', function () {
+ var filter = element(by.model('ctrl.filterText'));
+ filter.sendKeys('test');
+ var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test");
+ });
+ it('delete Operation is not visible for user ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var deleteOperation = element(by.css('a[title=Delete]'));
+ expect(deleteOperation.isDisplayed()).toBeFalsy();
+ });
describe('testing the Pods page for authorized user', function () {
- beforeEach(function(){
- mock([
- {
- request: {
- path: '/api/v1/pods',
- method: 'POST'
- },
- response: {
- data: {
- href: baseURL+"/api/v1/pods/test"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- request: {
- path: '/api/v1/pods',
- method: 'POST',
- data: {
- name: 'test1',
- details : 'DemoDetails',
- role : 'community-ci',
- mode : 'metal'
- }
- },
- response: {
- status : 403
- }
- },
- {
- request: {
- path: '/api/v1/profile',
- method: 'GET'
- },
- response: {
- data: {
- "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed",
- "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users",
- "opnfv-gerrit-functest-submitters"], "email": ""
- }
- }
- }
- ]);
- });
- afterEach(function(){
- mock.teardown();
- });
- it('create button is visible for authorized user', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL + '/#/pods');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(buttonCreate.isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('Do not show error if input is acceptable', function () {
- var name = element(by.model(''));
- var details = element(by.model('ctrl.details'));
- name.sendKeys('test');
- details.sendKeys('DemoDetails');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(element(by.css(''))
- .isDisplayed()).toBe(false);
- });
- });
- it('Show error when user click the create button with a empty name', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL+ '/#/pods');
- var details = element(by.model('ctrl.details'));
- details.sendKeys('DemoDetails');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(element(by.cssContainingText(".alert","Name is missing.")).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('Show error when user click the create button with an already existing name', function () {
- browser.get(baseURL+ '/#/pods');
- var name = element(by.model(''));
- var details = element(by.model('ctrl.details'));
- name.sendKeys('test1');
- details.sendKeys('DemoDetails');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(element(by.cssContainingText(".alert","Error creating the new pod from server: undefined")).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('If backend is not responding then show error when user click the create button',function(){
- mock.teardown();
- mock([
- {
- request: {
- path: '/api/v1/profile',
- method: 'GET'
- },
- response: {
- data: {
- "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed",
- "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users"],
- "email": ""
- }
- }
- }
- ]);
- browser.get(baseURL+ '/#/pods');
- var name = element(by.model(''));
- var details = element(by.model('ctrl.details'));
- name.sendKeys('test');
- details.sendKeys('DemoDetails');
- var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
- expect(element(by.css(''))
- .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
- });
- });
+ beforeEach(function(){
+ mock([{
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/profile',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed",
+ "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users",
+ "opnfv-gerrit-functest-submitters"], "email": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET',
+ queryString: {
+ name: 'test'
+ }
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods/test',
+ method: 'DELETE'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ href: baseURL+"/api/v1/pods/test"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods/test1',
+ method: 'DELETE'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ href: baseURL+"/api/v1/pods/test1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'POST'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ href: baseURL+"/api/v1/pods/test1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods/test',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {role: "community-ci", name: "test", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}
+ }
+ }
+ ]);
+ });
+ afterEach(function(){
+ mock.teardown();
+ });
+ it( 'should navigate to pods link ', function() {
+ browser.get(baseURL);
+ var podslink = element(by.linkText('Pods')).click();
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.urlContains(baseURL+ '/#/pods'), 10000);
+ });
+ it('create button is not visible for user', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
+ expect(buttonCreate.isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('filter button is visible for user', function () {
+ var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
+ expect(buttonFilter.isDisplayed()).toBe(true)
+ });
+ it('Delete button is visible for user', function () {
+ var buttonDelete = element(by.buttonText('Delete'));
+ expect(buttonDelete.isDisplayed()).toBe(true)
+ });
+ it('Show results', function () {
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test");
+ });
+ it('Show relevant results to the filter', function () {
+ var filter = element(by.model('ctrl.filterText'));
+ filter.sendKeys('test');
+ var buttonFilter = element(by.buttonText('Filter'));
+ var row = element.all(by.repeater('(index, pod) in')).first();
+ var cells = row.all(by.tagName('td'));
+ expect(cells.get(1).getText()).toContain("test");
+ });
+ it('delete Operation is visible for user ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+'#/pods');
+ var deleteOperation = element(by.css('a[title=Delete]'));
+ expect(deleteOperation.isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('Batch Delete the pods ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var checkBox = element(by.model('ctrl.checkBox[index]'));
+ var buttonDelete = element(by.buttonText('Delete'));;
+ expect(element(by.cssContainingText('label', "You are about to delete following pods : test"))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ var buttonOK = element(by.buttonText('Ok'));
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.cssContainingText("","Delete Success"))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
+ it('Delete the pods ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var deleteOperation = element(by.css('a[title=Delete]'));
+ var buttonOK = element(by.buttonText('Ok'));
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.cssContainingText("","Delete Success"))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
+ it('Create the pod', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
+ var name = element(by.model(''));
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(name), 5000);
+ name.sendKeys('test1');
+ var buttonOK = element(by.buttonText('Ok'));
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.cssContainingText("","Create Success"))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
+ it('Showing error when creating with a empty name ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var buttonCreate = element(by.buttonText('Create'));
+ var name = element(by.model(''));
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(name), 5000);
+ var buttonOK = element(by.buttonText('Ok'));
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.cssContainingText("","Name is missing."))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
+ it('cancel the delete confimation modal of the pod ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var deleteOperation = element(by.css('a[title=Delete]'));
+ var buttonCancel = element(by.buttonText('Cancel'));
+ expect(buttonCancel.isPresent()).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it('Delete the pods which do not exist ', function () {
+ mock.teardown();
+ mock([{
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ pods: [{role: "community-ci", name: "test1", creator: "testUser",
+ details: "DemoDetails", mode: "metal", _id: "59f02f099a07c84bfc5c7aed",
+ creation_date: "2017-10-25 11:58:25.926168"}]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/profile',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed",
+ "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users",
+ "opnfv-gerrit-functest-submitters"], "email": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods/test1',
+ method: 'DELETE'
+ },
+ response: {
+ status : 403,
+ data : 'pods do not exist'
+ }
+ }
+ ]);
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var deleteOperation = element(by.css('a[title=Delete]'));
+ var buttonOK = element(by.buttonText('Ok'));
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.css(""))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
+ it('view the test case ', function () {
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var viewOperation = element(by.linkText('test'));
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.urlContains('#/pods/test'), 10000);
+ });
+ it('Show error if server is not responding', function () {
+ mock.teardown();
+ mock([{
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/pods',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ status : 404
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ request: {
+ path: '/api/v1/profile',
+ method: 'GET'
+ },
+ response: {
+ data: {
+ "fullname": "Test User", "_id": "79f82eey9a00c84bfhc7aed",
+ "user": "testUser", "groups": ["opnfv-testapi-users",
+ "opnfv-gerrit-functest-submitters"], "email": ""
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ]);
+ browser.get(baseURL+"#/pods");
+ var EC = browser.ExpectedConditions;
+ browser.wait(EC.urlContains(baseURL+ '/#/pods'), 5000);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+ expect(element(by.css(""))
+ .isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
+ browser.sleep(500);
+ browser.ignoreSynchronization = false;
+ });
}); \ No newline at end of file