BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterMerge "Updated list of upstream contributions in Blazar"Gerald Kunzmann6 years
stable/gambiaMerge "Updated list of upstream contributions in Blazar"Gerald Kunzmann6 years
stable/euphratesMerge "Fix defaultbranch in .gitreview" into stable/euphratesGerald Kunzmann7 years
stable/danubeRemove numberingGerald Kunzmann8 years
stable/coloradoSlightly modified installationprocedure as Promise repo has been updatedBertrand Souville8 years
stable/brahmaputradocs: fix filenameRyota MIBU9 years
opnfv-7.1.0commit 9fef88d4c9...Gerald Kunzmann6 years
opnfv-7.0.0commit 9fef88d4c9...Gerald Kunzmann6 years
opnfv-5.1.0commit 2ff86a9281...Gerald Kunzmann7 years
opnfv-5.0.0commit 7a860ddb02...Gerald Kunzmann7 years
opnfv-5.0.RC1commit 7a860ddb02...Gerald Kunzmann7 years
danube.3.0commit 13ebd0c0f1...Gerald Kunzmann8 years
danube.3.RC1commit 13ebd0c0f1...Gerald Kunzmann8 years
danube.2.0commit 13ebd0c0f1...Gerald Kunzmann8 years
danube.1.0commit 41c8034559...Gerald Kunzmann8 years
danube.1.RC1commit 41c8034559...Gerald Kunzmann8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-03-31Remove numberingdanube.1.RC1danube.1.0Gerald Kunzmann1-1/+0
2017-03-29Update doc structure to better fit release notes:Gerald Kunzmann2-12/+4
2017-03-08Adding LabelsShubhamRathi4-1/+7
2017-03-07Various updates to documentation, e.g. remove the history tableGerald Kunzmann3-58/+2
2017-02-28Bugfix: fix exec return code when all the cases are not OKMorgan Richomme1-18/+17
2017-02-24bugfix: manage unhomogeneous OS_AUTH_URLMorgan Richomme1-4/+10
2017-02-17Merge "Update docs structure according to new guidelines in https://wiki.opnf...Gerald Kunzmann32-6/+6
2017-02-15Update docs structure according to new guidelines in Kunzmann32-6/+6
2017-02-10Adapt Promise to framework with abstraction classMorgan Richomme1-0/+248
2017-01-05Update to the INFO files related to the change in PTL.Gerald Kunzmann1-3/+3