BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
stable/coloradoModify the doc file namehailiu8 years
masterModify the doc file namehailiu8 years
stable/brahmaputrarewrite document format to satisfy sphinxMatthewLi9 years
colorado.1.0commit 32da78e83a...hailiu8 years
brahmaputra.1.0commit 084e399637...MatthewLi9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2016-09-21Modify the doc file nameHEADmasterhailiu3-0/+0
2016-06-28Add more performace measurements for predictorLinghui Zeng1-41/+129
2016-05-16Modify the predictor to run several modelsLinghui Zeng1-55/+144
2016-05-10Imporve data collection code for command lineLinghui Zeng1-33/+33
2016-05-09Merge changes from topics 'PREDICTION64', 'PREDICTION63'Linghui Zeng2-0/+139
2016-05-09Merge "Add the csv format for hard drive data JIRA: PREDICTION-62"Linghui Zeng1-0/+0
2016-05-09Merge "Modify data collection code for command line JIRA:PREDICTION-61"Linghui Zeng1-30/+31
2016-05-09Add prediction algorithm run on SparkLinghui Zeng1-0/+139
2016-05-09Add the hard drive processed dataLinghui Zeng1-0/+0
2016-05-09Add the csv format for hard drive dataLinghui Zeng1-0/+0