path: root/tools/laas-fog/README
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authorJack Morgan <>2017-09-19 23:28:01 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2017-09-19 23:28:01 +0000
commit56e74f8f2eafe0cfcc30e1f03a30b02665e3b4f6 (patch)
tree4284a8f3450d586738a1ceb05b0f92e9f8a93f53 /tools/laas-fog/README
parent1cd91a3788e6b9964e7f88a16a842355c9ee36e2 (diff)
parentee0b737e9182ddf7a674a0cde0ef5e7c115981cd (diff)
Merge "Adds various conveniences for hosters."
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/laas-fog/README')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/laas-fog/README b/tools/laas-fog/README
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+This Lab as a Serice project aims to create on demand OPNFV resources to developers.
+This project will automate the process, to the requested extent, of running an OPNFV
+installer and creating an Openstack environment within OPNFV automatically and on demand.
+To run, execute (from the project root):
+ source/
+To run the Pharos dahsboard listener, which will continualy poll the dashboard and run deployments in the background:
+ source/ --config <conf/pharos.conf>
+For convenience, there is a bash script source/ which will stop the dashboard listener and all related scripts.
+you must first:
+- Integrate FOG into your infrastructure
+- Fill out the needed configuration files
+- Populate the database with your available hosts
+Our OPNFV infrastructure uses a FOG server to pxe boot, read and write disk images, and otherwise control the hosts we have available for developers.
+FOG is an open source project, and you can view it here:
+FOG provides an easy and scriptable way to completely wipe and write the disks of our hosts.
+ This makes it quick and simple for us to restore our hosts to a known, clean state after a developer has released control of it.
+To run the deploy script, you need to:
+ Have a FOG master running
+ Have your hosts registered to the FOG master
+ Have a 'clean' disk image of for each installer / configuration you wish to support.
+ - Fuel, Compass, and JOID all need different distros / versions to run properly
+ - There is a mapping between images and their installers in the installer's config file
+The FOG server must be reachable by whatever machine is running this LaaS software,
+and have network access to PXE boot all of your hosted dev pods.
+-database Path to the SQLite database for storing host information.
+ Should be the same for all installers in most cases.
+-dhcp_log Path to log file containing DHCP information for dev pods.
+-dhcp_server IP address or hostname of the DHCP server which contains the above log file
+ set to `null` if the same machine will be running dhcp and this project
+--api_key The FOG api key. You may instead give the path to a file containing the api key.
+--server The URL of the fog server.
+ ex:
+--user_key The FOG api key specific to your user.
+ You may instead give the path to a secrets file containing the key.
+--image_id The id of the image FOG will use when this installer is requested.
+-installer The name of the installer, as seen from the dashboard.
+ `null` will match when no installer is selected, or the `None` installer is..
+-logging_dir The directory to create log files in.
+ Will create the dir if it does not already exist.
+-scenario The default scenario if one is not specified by the user.
+ NOTE: automation of different scenarios are not currently supported.
+ These values are silently ignored.
+--networks Path to the config file used to define the virtual networks for this installer.
+--vms Path to the config file used to define the virtual machines for this installer.
+-inventory Path to inventory file mapping dashboard host id's to FOG hostnames.
+-vpn_config Path to the vpn config file
+-jinja-template Path to the jinja xml template used to create libvirt domain xml documents.
+-domains A list of domains. List as many as you want, but be cognizant of hardware limitations
+--disk Path to the qcow2 disk image for this VM
+--interfaces List of interfaces for the vm
+---name The name of the network or bridge that provides this interface
+---type The source of the interface. Either 'bridge' or 'network' is valid, but the bridge
+ must already exist on the host.
+---URL Where to fetch the ISO from
+---location Where to save the ISO to
+---used Whether this host will use an iso as a boot drive
+ if `false`, the ISO will not be downloaded
+--memory Memory to allocate to the VM in KiB
+--name libvirt name of VM
+--vcpus How many vcpus to allocate to this host.
+-jinja-template Path to jinja template used to create libvirt XML network documents
+-networks List of networks that will be created
+--brAddr ip address of the bridge on the host
+--brName name of the bridge on the host
+--cidr cidr of the virtual network
+--dhcp dhcp settingg
+---rangeEnd end of DHCP address range
+---rangeStart start of DHCP address range
+---used Whether to enable dhcp for this network. Should probably be false.
+--forward Libvirt network forwarding settings
+---type forwarding type. See libvirt documentation for possible types.
+---used if `false`, the network is isolated.
+--name Name of this network in Libvirt
+--netmask Netmask for this network.
+-dashboard url of the dashboard. is the public OPNFV dashboard
+-database path to database to store booking information.
+ Should be the same db as the host database in most cases
+-default_configs a mappping of installers and their configuration files.
+-inventory path to the inventory file
+-logging_dir Where the pharos dashboard listener should put log files.
+-poling How many times a second the listener will poll the dashboard
+-token Your paros api token. May also be a path to a file containing the token
+NOTE: this all assumes you use LDAP authentication
+-server Domain name of your vpn server
+--pass password for your 'admin' user. May also be a path to a secrets file
+--user full dn of your 'admin' user
+--root The lowest directory that this program will need to access
+--user The directory where users are stored, relative to the given root dir
+--objects A list of object classes that vpn users will belong to.
+ Most general class should be on top, and get more specific from there.
+ ex: -top, -inetOrgPerson because `top` is more general
+-database The booking database
+-permanent_users Users that you want to be persistent, even if they have no bookings active
+ ie: your admin users
+ All other users will be deleted when they have no mroe bookings
+This file is used to map the resource id's known by pharos to the hostnames known by FOG.
+for example,
+50: fog-machine-4
+51: fog-machine-5
+52: fog-virtualPod-5.1
+0) lab resources are prepared and information is stored in the database
+1) source/ launches a background instance of
+ continually polls the dashboard for booking info, and stores it in the database
+2) A known booking begins and launches
+ - pod_manager is launched in a new process, so that the listener continues to poll the dashboard
+ and multiple hosts can be provisioned at once
+3) pod_manager uses FOG to image the host
+4) if requested, pod_manager hands control to deployment_manager to install and deploy OPNFV
+ - deployment_manager instantiates and calls the go() function of the given source/installers/installer subclass
+5) a vpn user is created and random root password is given to the dev pod
+##########The dashboard does not yet support the following actions#############
+6) public ssh key of the user is fetched from the dashboard
+7) user is automatically notified their pod is ready, and given all needed info
+ relies on FOG to retrieve a list of all hosts available to developers
+ source/ --both --config <CONFIG_FILE>
+will create a database and populate it.
+WARNING: This will delete existing information if run on a previously initialized database
+To aid in visualization and understanding of the resulting topolgy after fully deploying OPNFV and Openstack in
+a development pod, you may review the LaaS_Diagram in this directory.