path: root/dashboard/src/static
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dashboard/src/static')
4 files changed, 1153 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/dashboard/src/static/bower.json b/dashboard/src/static/bower.json
index 9ae744a..dda786d 100644
--- a/dashboard/src/static/bower.json
+++ b/dashboard/src/static/bower.json
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
"dependencies": {
- "eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker": "^4.17.37",
"fullcalendar": "^2.9.0",
"jquery-migrate": "^3.0.0",
- "startbootstrap-sb-admin-2-blackrockdigital": "^3.3.7"
- },
- "resolutions": {
- "font-awesome": "~4.6.3"
+ "bootstrap": "4.3.1",
+ "popper.js": "1.14.3",
+ "Font-Awesome": "5.9.0",
+ "": "1.10.19",
+ "": "1.10.19",
+ "": "2.1.1",
+ "": "2.2.3"
diff --git a/dashboard/src/static/css/base.css b/dashboard/src/static/css/base.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c51728c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard/src/static/css/base.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* Rotating arrows when dropdown happens */
+i.fas.rotate {
+ transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;
+a[aria-expanded="true"] > i.rotate {
+ transform: rotate(180deg);
diff --git a/dashboard/src/static/css/detail_view.css b/dashboard/src/static/css/detail_view.css
index 7948d85..c3d0a4d 100644
--- a/dashboard/src/static/css/detail_view.css
+++ b/dashboard/src/static/css/detail_view.css
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@
.detail_card {
- border: 2px;
- border-color: black;
border-radius: 5px;
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
margin: 5px;
padding-left: 25px;
padding-right: 25px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
diff --git a/dashboard/src/static/js/dashboard.js b/dashboard/src/static/js/dashboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84c3703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboard/src/static/js/dashboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+class MultipleSelectFilterWidget {
+ constructor(neighbors, items, initial) {
+ this.inputs = [];
+ this.graph_neighbors = neighbors;
+ this.filter_items = items;
+ this.result = {};
+ this.dropdown_count = 0;
+ for(let nodeId in this.filter_items) {
+ const node = this.filter_items[nodeId];
+ this.result[node.class] = {}
+ }
+ this.make_selection(initial);
+ }
+ make_selection( initial_data ){
+ if(!initial_data || jQuery.isEmptyObject(initial_data))
+ return;
+ for(let item_class in initial_data) {
+ const selected_items = initial_data[item_class];
+ for( let node_id in selected_items ){
+ const node = this.filter_items[node_id];
+ const selection_data = selected_items[node_id]
+ if( selection_data.selected ) {
+ this.markAndSweep(node);
+ this.updateResult(node);
+ }
+ if(node['multiple']){
+ this.make_multiple_selection(node, selection_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ make_multiple_selection(node, selection_data){
+ const prepop_data = selection_data.values;
+ for(let k in prepop_data){
+ const div = this.add_item_prepopulate(node, prepop_data[k]);
+ this.updateObjectResult(node,, prepop_data[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ markAndSweep(root){
+ for(let i in this.filter_items) {
+ const node = this.filter_items[i];
+ node['marked'] = true; //mark all nodes
+ }
+ const toCheck = [root];
+ while(toCheck.length > 0){
+ const node = toCheck.pop();
+ if(!node['marked']) {
+ continue; //already visited, just continue
+ }
+ node['marked'] = false; //mark as visited
+ if(node['follow'] || node == root){ //add neighbors if we want to follow this node
+ const neighbors = this.graph_neighbors[];
+ for(let neighId of neighbors) {
+ const neighbor = this.filter_items[neighId];
+ toCheck.push(neighbor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //now remove all nodes still marked
+ for(let i in this.filter_items){
+ const node = this.filter_items[i];
+ if(node['marked']){
+ this.disable_node(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ process(node) {
+ if(node['selected']) {
+ this.markAndSweep(node);
+ }
+ else { //TODO: make this not dumb
+ const selected = []
+ //remember the currently selected, then reset everything and reselect one at a time
+ for(let nodeId in this.filter_items) {
+ node = this.filter_items[nodeId];
+ if(node['selected']) {
+ selected.push(node);
+ }
+ this.clear(node);
+ }
+ for(let node of selected) {
+ this.markAndSweep(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ select(node) {
+ const elem = document.getElementById(node['id']);
+ node['selected'] = true;
+ elem.classList.remove('disabled_node', 'cleared_node');
+ elem.classList.add('selected_node');
+ }
+ clear(node) {
+ const elem = document.getElementById(node['id']);
+ node['selected'] = false;
+ node['selectable'] = true;
+ elem.classList.add('cleared_node')
+ elem.classList.remove('disabled_node', 'selected_node');
+ }
+ disable_node(node) {
+ const elem = document.getElementById(node['id']);
+ node['selected'] = false;
+ node['selectable'] = false;
+ elem.classList.remove('cleared_node', 'selected_node');
+ elem.classList.add('disabled_node');
+ }
+ processClick(id){
+ const node = this.filter_items[id];
+ if(!node['selectable'])
+ return;
+ if(node['multiple']){
+ return this.processClickMultiple(node);
+ } else {
+ return this.processClickSingle(node);
+ }
+ }
+ processClickSingle(node){
+ node['selected'] = !node['selected']; //toggle on click
+ if(node['selected']) {
+ } else {
+ this.clear(node);
+ }
+ this.process(node);
+ this.updateResult(node);
+ }
+ processClickMultiple(node){
+ const div = this.add_item_prepopulate(node, false);
+ this.process(node);
+ this.updateObjectResult(node,, "");
+ }
+ restrictchars(input){
+ if( input.validity.patternMismatch ){
+ input.setCustomValidity("Only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore(_), and hyphen (-) are allowed");
+ input.reportValidity();
+ }
+ input.value = input.value.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9-_.])+/g, "");
+ this.checkunique(input);
+ }
+ checkunique(tocheck){ //TODO: use set
+ const val = tocheck.value;
+ for( let input of this.inputs ){
+ if( input.value == val && input != tocheck){
+ tocheck.setCustomValidity("All hostnames must be unique");
+ tocheck.reportValidity();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ tocheck.setCustomValidity("");
+ }
+ make_remove_button(div, node){
+ const button = document.createElement("BUTTON");
+ button.type = "button";
+ button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Remove"));
+ button.classList.add("btn", "btn-danger");
+ const that = this;
+ button.onclick = function(){ that.remove_dropdown(,; }
+ return button;
+ }
+ make_input(div, node, prepopulate){
+ const input = document.createElement("INPUT");
+ input.type = node.form.type;
+ = +
+ input.pattern = "(?=^.{1,253}$)(^([A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,62}\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-_]{1,63})";
+ input.title = "Only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore(_), and hyphen (-) are allowed"
+ input.placeholder = node.form.placeholder;
+ this.inputs.push(input);
+ const that = this;
+ input.onchange = function() { that.updateObjectResult(node,, input.value); that.restrictchars(this); };
+ input.oninput = function() { that.restrictchars(this); };
+ if(prepopulate)
+ input.value = prepopulate;
+ return input;
+ }
+ add_item_prepopulate(node, prepopulate){
+ const div = document.createElement("DIV");
+ = "dropdown_" + this.dropdown_count;
+ div.classList.add("dropdown_item");
+ this.dropdown_count++;
+ const label = document.createElement("H5")
+ label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(node['name']))
+ div.appendChild(label);
+ div.appendChild(this.make_input(div, node, prepopulate));
+ div.appendChild(this.make_remove_button(div, node));
+ document.getElementById("dropdown_wrapper").appendChild(div);
+ return div;
+ }
+ remove_dropdown(div_id, node_id){
+ const div = document.getElementById(div_id);
+ const node = this.filter_items[node_id]
+ const parent = div.parentNode;
+ div.parentNode.removeChild(div);
+ delete this.result[node.class][]['values'][];
+ //checks if we have removed last item in class
+ if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(this.result[node.class][]['values'])){
+ delete this.result[node.class][];
+ this.clear(node);
+ }
+ }
+ updateResult(node){
+ if(!node['multiple']){
+ this.result[node.class][] = {selected: node.selected, id: node.model_id}
+ if(!node.selected)
+ delete this.result[node.class][];
+ }
+ }
+ updateObjectResult(node, childKey, childValue){
+ if(!this.result[node.class][])
+ this.result[node.class][] = {selected: true, id: node.model_id, values: {}}
+ this.result[node.class][]['values'][childKey] = childValue;
+ }
+ finish(){
+ document.getElementById("filter_field").value = JSON.stringify(this.result);
+ }
+class NetworkStep {
+ constructor(debug, xml, hosts, added_hosts, removed_host_ids, graphContainer, overviewContainer, toolbarContainer){
+ if(!this.check_support())
+ return;
+ this.currentWindow = null;
+ this.netCount = 0;
+ this.netColors = ['red', 'blue', 'purple', 'green', 'orange', '#8CCDF5', '#1E9BAC'];
+ this.hostCount = 0;
+ this.lastHostBottom = 100;
+ this.networks = new Set();
+ this.has_public_net = false;
+ this.debug = debug;
+ this.editor = new mxEditor();
+ this.graph = this.editor.graph;
+ this.editor.setGraphContainer(graphContainer);
+ this.doGlobalConfig();
+ this.prefill(xml, hosts, added_hosts, removed_host_ids);
+ this.addToolbarButton(this.editor, toolbarContainer, 'zoomIn', '', "/static/img/mxgraph/zoom_in.png", true);
+ this.addToolbarButton(this.editor, toolbarContainer, 'zoomOut', '', "/static/img/mxgraph/zoom_out.png", true);
+ if(this.debug){
+ this.editor.addAction('printXML', function(editor, cell) {
+ mxLog.write(this.encodeGraph());
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.addToolbarButton(this.editor, toolbarContainer, 'printXML', '', '/static/img/mxgraph/fit_to_size.png', true);
+ }
+ new mxOutline(this.graph, overviewContainer);
+ //sets the edge color to be the same as the network
+ this.graph.addListener(mxEvent.CELL_CONNECTED, function(sender, event) {this.cellConnectionHandler(sender, event)}.bind(this));
+ //hooks up double click functionality
+ this.graph.dblClick = function(evt, cell) {this.doubleClickHandler(evt, cell);}.bind(this);
+ if(!this.has_public_net){
+ this.addPublicNetwork();
+ }
+ }
+ check_support(){
+ if (!mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) {
+ mxUtils.error('Browser is not supported', 200, false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ prefill(xml, hosts, added_hosts, removed_host_ids){
+ //populate existing data
+ if(xml){
+ this.restoreFromXml(xml, this.editor);
+ } else if(hosts){
+ for(const host of hosts)
+ this.makeHost(host);
+ }
+ //apply any changes
+ if(added_hosts){
+ for(const host of added_hosts)
+ this.makeHost(host);
+ this.updateHosts([]); //TODO: why?
+ }
+ this.updateHosts(removed_host_ids);
+ }
+ cellConnectionHandler(sender, event){
+ const edge = event.getProperty('edge');
+ const terminal = event.getProperty('terminal')
+ const source = event.getProperty('source');
+ if(this.checkAllowed(edge, terminal, source)) {
+ this.colorEdge(edge, terminal, source);
+ this.alertVlan(edge, terminal, source);
+ }
+ }
+ doubleClickHandler(evt, cell) {
+ if( cell != null ){
+ if( cell.getParent() != null && cell.getParent().getId().indexOf("network") > -1) {
+ cell = cell.getParent();
+ }
+ if( cell.isEdge() || cell.getId().indexOf("network") > -1 ) {
+ this.createDeleteDialog(cell.getId());
+ }
+ else {
+ this.showDetailWindow(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alertVlan(edge, terminal, source) {
+ if( terminal == null || edge.getTerminal(!source) == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const form = document.createElement("form");
+ const tagged = document.createElement("input");
+ tagged.type = "radio";
+ = "tagged";
+ tagged.value = "True";
+ form.appendChild(tagged);
+ form.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Tagged"));
+ form.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ const untagged = document.createElement("input");
+ untagged.type = "radio";
+ = "tagged";
+ untagged.value = "False";
+ form.appendChild(untagged);
+ form.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Untagged"));
+ form.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ const yes_button = document.createElement("button");
+ yes_button.onclick = function() {this.parseVlanWindow(edge.getId());}.bind(this);
+ yes_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Okay"));
+ const cancel_button = document.createElement("button");
+ cancel_button.onclick = function() {this.deleteVlanWindow(edge.getId());}.bind(this);
+ cancel_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cancel"));
+ const error_div = document.createElement("div");
+ = "current_window_errors";
+ form.appendChild(error_div);
+ const content = document.createElement('div');
+ content.appendChild(form);
+ content.appendChild(yes_button);
+ content.appendChild(cancel_button);
+ this.showWindow("Vlan Selection", content, 200, 200);
+ }
+ createDeleteDialog(id) {
+ const content = document.createElement('div');
+ const remove_button = document.createElement("button");
+ = '46%';
+ remove_button.onclick = function() { this.deleteCell(id);}.bind(this);
+ remove_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Remove"));
+ const cancel_button = document.createElement("button");
+ = '46%';
+ cancel_button.onclick = function() { this.closeWindow();}.bind(this);
+ cancel_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cancel"));
+ content.appendChild(remove_button);
+ content.appendChild(cancel_button);
+ this.showWindow('Do you want to delete this network?', content, 200, 62);
+ }
+ checkAllowed(edge, terminal, source) {
+ //check if other terminal is null, and that they are different
+ const otherTerminal = edge.getTerminal(!source);
+ if(terminal != null && otherTerminal != null) {
+ if( terminal.getParent().getId().split('_')[0] == //'host' or 'network'
+ otherTerminal.getParent().getId().split('_')[0] ) {
+ //not allowed
+ this.graph.removeCells([edge]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ colorEdge(edge, terminal, source) {
+ if(terminal.getParent().getId().indexOf('network') >= 0) {
+ const styles = terminal.getParent().getStyle().split(';');
+ let color = 'black';
+ for(let style of styles){
+ const kvp = style.split('=');
+ if(kvp[0] == "fillColor"){
+ color = kvp[1];
+ }
+ }
+ edge.setStyle('strokeColor=' + color);
+ }
+ }
+ showDetailWindow(cell) {
+ const info = JSON.parse(cell.getValue());
+ const content = document.createElement("div");
+ const pre_tag = document.createElement("pre");
+ pre_tag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Name: " + + "\nDescription:\n" + info.description));
+ const ok_button = document.createElement("button");
+ ok_button.onclick = function() { this.closeWindow();};
+ content.appendChild(pre_tag);
+ content.appendChild(ok_button);
+ this.showWindow('Details', content, 400, 400);
+ }
+ restoreFromXml(xml, editor) {
+ const doc = mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
+ const node = doc.documentElement;
+ editor.readGraphModel(node);
+ //Iterate over all children, and parse the networks to add them to the sidebar
+ for( const cell of this.graph.getModel().getChildren(this.graph.getDefaultParent())) {
+ if(cell.getId().indexOf("network") > -1) {
+ const info = JSON.parse(cell.getValue());
+ const name = info['name'];
+ this.networks.add(name);
+ const styles = cell.getStyle().split(";");
+ let color = null;
+ for(const style of styles){
+ const kvp = style.split('=');
+ if(kvp[0] == "fillColor") {
+ color = kvp[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(info.public){
+ this.has_public_net = true;
+ }
+ this.netCount++;
+ this.makeSidebarNetwork(name, color, cell.getId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ deleteCell(cellId) {
+ var cell = this.graph.getModel().getCell(cellId);
+ if( cellId.indexOf("network") > -1 ) {
+ let elem = document.getElementById(cellId);
+ elem.parentElement.removeChild(elem);
+ }
+ this.graph.removeCells([cell]);
+ this.currentWindow.destroy();
+ }
+ newNetworkWindow() {
+ const input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.type = "text";
+ = "net_name";
+ input.maxlength = 100;
+ = "net_name_input";
+ = "5px";
+ const yes_button = document.createElement("button");
+ yes_button.onclick = function() {this.parseNetworkWindow();}.bind(this);
+ yes_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Okay"));
+ const cancel_button = document.createElement("button");
+ cancel_button.onclick = function() {this.closeWindow();}.bind(this);
+ cancel_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Cancel"));
+ const error_div = document.createElement("div");
+ = "current_window_errors";
+ const content = document.createElement("div");
+ content.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Name: "));
+ content.appendChild(input);
+ content.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ content.appendChild(yes_button);
+ content.appendChild(cancel_button);
+ content.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ content.appendChild(error_div);
+ this.showWindow("Network Creation", content, 300, 300);
+ }
+ parseNetworkWindow() {
+ const net_name = document.getElementById("net_name_input").value
+ const error_div = document.getElementById("current_window_errors");
+ if( this.networks.has(net_name) ){
+ error_div.innerHTML = "All network names must be unique";
+ return;
+ }
+ this.addNetwork(net_name);
+ this.currentWindow.destroy();
+ }
+ addToolbarButton(editor, toolbar, action, label, image, isTransparent) {
+ const button = document.createElement('button');
+ = '10';
+ if (image != null) {
+ const img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.setAttribute('src', image);
+ = '16px';
+ = '16px';
+ = 'middle';
+ = '2px';
+ button.appendChild(img);
+ }
+ if (isTransparent) {
+ = 'transparent';
+ = '#FFFFFF';
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ mxEvent.addListener(button, 'click', function(evt) {
+ editor.execute(action);
+ });
+ mxUtils.write(button, label);
+ toolbar.appendChild(button);
+ };
+ encodeGraph() {
+ const encoder = new mxCodec();
+ const xml = encoder.encode(this.graph.getModel());
+ return mxUtils.getXml(xml);
+ }
+ doGlobalConfig() {
+ //general graph stuff
+ this.graph.setMultigraph(false);
+ this.graph.setCellsSelectable(false);
+ this.graph.setCellsMovable(false);
+ //testing
+ this.graph.vertexLabelIsMovable = true;
+ //edge behavior
+ this.graph.setConnectable(true);
+ this.graph.setAllowDanglingEdges(false);
+ mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
+ mxConstants.MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZE = 16;
+ mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 1;
+ //edge 'style' (still affects behavior greatly)
+ const style = this.graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle();
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ELBOW;
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW] = mxConstants.NONE;
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true;
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR] = 'black';
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = 'red';
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH] = '3';
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = true;
+ style[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxEdgeStyle.EntityRelation;
+ const hostStyle = this.graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle();
+ hostStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = 1;
+ this.graph.convertValueToString = function(cell) {
+ try{
+ //changes value for edges with xml value
+ if(cell.isEdge()) {
+ if(JSON.parse(cell.getValue())["tagged"]) {
+ return "tagged";
+ }
+ return "untagged";
+ }
+ else{
+ return JSON.parse(cell.getValue())['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(e){
+ return cell.getValue();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ showWindow(title, content, width, height) {
+ //create transparent black background
+ const background = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'absolute';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = '0px';
+ = 'black';
+ mxUtils.setOpacity(background, 50);
+ document.body.appendChild(background);
+ const x = Math.max(0, document.body.scrollWidth/2-width/2);
+ const y = Math.max(10, (document.body.scrollHeight ||
+ document.documentElement.scrollHeight)/2-height*2/3);
+ const wnd = new mxWindow(title, content, x, y, width, height, false, true);
+ wnd.setClosable(false);
+ wnd.addListener(mxEvent.DESTROY, function(evt) {
+ this.graph.setEnabled(true);
+ mxEffects.fadeOut(background, 50, true, 10, 30, true);
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.currentWindow = wnd;
+ this.graph.setEnabled(false);
+ this.currentWindow.setVisible(true);
+ };
+ closeWindow() {
+ //allows the current window to be destroyed
+ this.currentWindow.destroy();
+ };
+ othersUntagged(edgeID) {
+ const edge = this.graph.getModel().getCell(edgeID);
+ const end1 = edge.getTerminal(true);
+ const end2 = edge.getTerminal(false);
+ if( end1.getParent().getId().split('_')[0] == 'host' ){
+ var netint = end1;
+ } else {
+ var netint = end2;
+ }
+ var edges = netint.edges;
+ for( let edge of edges) {
+ if( edge.getValue() ) {
+ var tagged = JSON.parse(edge.getValue()).tagged;
+ } else {
+ var tagged = true;
+ }
+ if( !tagged ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ deleteVlanWindow(edgeID) {
+ const cell = this.graph.getModel().getCell(edgeID);
+ this.graph.removeCells([cell]);
+ this.currentWindow.destroy();
+ }
+ parseVlanWindow(edgeID) {
+ //do parsing and data manipulation
+ const radios = document.getElementsByName("tagged");
+ const edge = this.graph.getModel().getCell(edgeID);
+ for(let radio of radios){
+ if(radio.checked) {
+ //set edge to be tagged or untagged
+ if( radio.value == "False") {
+ if( this.othersUntagged(edgeID) ) {
+ document.getElementById("current_window_errors").innerHTML = "Only one untagged vlan per interface is allowed.";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const edgeVal = {tagged: radio.value == "True"};
+ edge.setValue(JSON.stringify(edgeVal));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.graph.refresh(edge);
+ this.closeWindow();
+ }
+ makeMxNetwork(net_name, is_public = false) {
+ const model = this.graph.getModel();
+ const width = 10;
+ const height = 1700;
+ const xoff = 400 + (30 * this.netCount);
+ const yoff = -10;
+ let color = this.netColors[this.netCount];
+ if( this.netCount > (this.netColors.length - 1)) {
+ color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215); //int in possible color space
+ color = '#' + color.toString(16).toUpperCase(); //convert to hex
+ }
+ const net_val = { name: net_name, public: is_public};
+ const net = this.graph.insertVertex(
+ this.graph.getDefaultParent(),
+ 'network_' + this.netCount,
+ JSON.stringify(net_val),
+ xoff,
+ yoff,
+ width,
+ height,
+ 'fillColor=' + color,
+ false
+ );
+ const num_ports = 45;
+ for(var i=0; i<num_ports; i++){
+ let port = this.graph.insertVertex(
+ net,
+ null,
+ '',
+ 0,
+ (1/num_ports) * i,
+ 10,
+ height / num_ports,
+ 'fillColor=black;opacity=0',
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ const ret_val = { color: color, element_id: "network_" + this.netCount };
+ this.networks.add(net_name);
+ this.netCount++;
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ addPublicNetwork() {
+ const net = this.makeMxNetwork("public", true);
+ this.makeSidebarNetwork("public", net['color'], net['element_id']);
+ this.has_public_net = true;
+ }
+ addNetwork(net_name) {
+ const ret = this.makeMxNetwork(net_name);
+ this.makeSidebarNetwork(net_name, ret.color, ret.element_id);
+ }
+ updateHosts(removed) {
+ const cells = []
+ for(const hostID of removed) {
+ cells.push(this.graph.getModel().getCell("host_" + hostID));
+ }
+ this.graph.removeCells(cells);
+ const hosts = this.graph.getChildVertices(this.graph.getDefaultParent());
+ let topdist = 100;
+ for(const i in hosts) {
+ const host = hosts[i];
+ if("host_")){
+ const geometry = host.getGeometry();
+ geometry.y = topdist + 50;
+ topdist = geometry.y + geometry.height;
+ host.setGeometry(geometry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ makeSidebarNetwork(net_name, color, net_id){
+ const newNet = document.createElement("li");
+ const colorBlob = document.createElement("div");
+ colorBlob.className = "colorblob";
+ const textContainer = document.createElement("p");
+ textContainer.className = "network_innertext";
+ = net_id;
+ const deletebutton = document.createElement("button");
+ deletebutton.className = "btn btn-danger";
+ = "float: right; height: 20px; line-height: 8px; vertical-align: middle; width: 20px; padding-left: 5px;";
+ deletebutton.appendChild(document.createTextNode("X"));
+ deletebutton.addEventListener("click", function() { this.createDeleteDialog(net_id); }.bind(this), false);
+ textContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(net_name));
+['background'] = color;
+ newNet.appendChild(colorBlob);
+ newNet.appendChild(textContainer);
+ if( net_name != "public" ) {
+ newNet.appendChild(deletebutton);
+ }
+ document.getElementById("network_list").appendChild(newNet);
+ }
+ makeHost(hostInfo) {
+ const value = JSON.stringify(hostInfo['value']);
+ const interfaces = hostInfo['interfaces'];
+ const width = 100;
+ const height = (25 * interfaces.length) + 25;
+ const xoff = 75;
+ const yoff = this.lastHostBottom + 50;
+ this.lastHostBottom = yoff + height;
+ const host = this.graph.insertVertex(
+ this.graph.getDefaultParent(),
+ 'host_' + hostInfo['id'],
+ value,
+ xoff,
+ yoff,
+ width,
+ height,
+ 'editable=0',
+ false
+ );
+ host.getGeometry().offset = new mxPoint(-50,0);
+ host.setConnectable(false);
+ this.hostCount++;
+ for(var i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++) {
+ const port = this.graph.insertVertex(
+ host,
+ null,
+ JSON.stringify(interfaces[i]),
+ 90,
+ (i * 25) + 12,
+ 20,
+ 20,
+ 'fillColor=blue;editable=0',
+ false
+ );
+ port.getGeometry().offset = new mxPoint(-4*interfaces[i].name.length -2,0);
+ this.graph.refresh(port);
+ }
+ this.graph.refresh(host);
+ }
+ submitForm() {
+ const form = document.getElementById("xml_form");
+ const input_elem = document.getElementById("hidden_xml_input");
+ input_elem.value = this.encodeGraph(this.graph);
+ const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"POST", "/wf/workflow/", false);
+ req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ req.onerror = function() { alert("problem with form submission"); }
+ const formData = $("#xml_form").serialize();
+ req.send(formData);
+ }
+class SearchableSelectMultipleWidget {
+ constructor(format_vars, field_dataset, field_initial) {
+ this.format_vars = format_vars;
+ this.items = field_dataset;
+ this.initial = field_initial;
+ this.expanded_name_trie = {"isComplete": false};
+ this.small_name_trie = {"isComplete": false};
+ this.string_trie = {"isComplete": false};
+ this.added_items = new Set();
+ for( let e of ["show_from_noentry", "show_x_results", "results_scrollable", "selectable_limit", "placeholder"] )
+ {
+ this[e] = format_vars[e];
+ }
+ this.search_field_init();
+ if( this.show_from_noentry )
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ disable() {
+ const textfield = document.getElementById("user_field");
+ const drop = document.getElementById("drop_results");
+ textfield.disabled = "True";
+ = "none";
+ const btns = document.getElementsByClassName("btn-remove");
+ for( const btn of btns )
+ {
+ btn.classList.add("disabled");
+ btn.onclick = "";
+ }
+ }
+ search_field_init() {
+ this.build_all_tries(this.items);
+ for( const elem of this.initial )
+ {
+ this.select_item(elem);
+ }
+ if(this.initial.length == 1)
+ {
+ document.getElementById("user_field").value = this.items[this.initial[0]]["small_name"];
+ }
+ }
+ build_all_tries(dict)
+ {
+ for( const key in dict )
+ {
+ this.add_item(dict[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ add_item(item)
+ {
+ const id = item['id'];
+ this.add_to_tree(item['expanded_name'], id, this.expanded_name_trie);
+ this.add_to_tree(item['small_name'], id, this.small_name_trie);
+ this.add_to_tree(item['string'], id, this.string_trie);
+ }
+ add_to_tree(str, id, trie)
+ {
+ let inner_trie = trie;
+ while( str )
+ {
+ if( !inner_trie[str.charAt(0)] )
+ {
+ var new_trie = {};
+ inner_trie[str.charAt(0)] = new_trie;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var new_trie = inner_trie[str.charAt(0)];
+ }
+ if( str.length == 1 )
+ {
+ new_trie.isComplete = true;
+ if( !new_trie.ids )
+ {
+ new_trie.ids = [];
+ }
+ new_trie.ids.push(id);
+ }
+ inner_trie = new_trie;
+ str = str.substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ search(input)
+ {
+ if( input.length == 0 && !this.show_from_noentry){
+ this.dropdown([]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( input.length == 0 && this.show_from_noentry)
+ {
+ this.dropdown(this.items); //show all items
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const trees = []
+ const tr1 = this.getSubtree(input, this.expanded_name_trie);
+ trees.push(tr1);
+ const tr2 = this.getSubtree(input, this.small_name_trie);
+ trees.push(tr2);
+ const tr3 = this.getSubtree(input, this.string_trie);
+ trees.push(tr3);
+ const results = this.collate(trees);
+ this.dropdown(results);
+ }
+ }
+ getSubtree(input, given_trie)
+ {
+ /*
+ recursive function to return the trie accessed at input
+ */
+ if( input.length == 0 ){
+ return given_trie;
+ }
+ else{
+ const substr = input.substring(0, input.length - 1);
+ const last_char = input.charAt(input.length-1);
+ const subtrie = this.getSubtree(substr, given_trie);
+ if( !subtrie ) //substr not in the trie
+ {
+ return {};
+ }
+ const indexed_trie = subtrie[last_char];
+ return indexed_trie;
+ }
+ }
+ serialize(trie)
+ {
+ /*
+ takes in a trie and returns a list of its item id's
+ */
+ let itemIDs = [];
+ if ( !trie )
+ {
+ return itemIDs; //empty, base case
+ }
+ for( const key in trie )
+ {
+ if(key.length > 1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ itemIDs = itemIDs.concat(this.serialize(trie[key]));
+ }
+ if ( trie.isComplete )
+ {
+ itemIDs.push(...trie.ids);
+ }
+ return itemIDs;
+ }
+ collate(trees)
+ {
+ /*
+ takes a list of tries
+ returns a list of ids of objects that are available
+ */
+ const results = [];
+ for( const tree of trees )
+ {
+ const available_IDs = this.serialize(tree);
+ for( const itemID of available_IDs ) {
+ results[itemID] = this.items[itemID];
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ generate_element_text(obj)
+ {
+ const content_strings = [obj.expanded_name, obj.small_name, obj.string].filter(x => Boolean(x));
+ const result = content_strings.shift();
+ if( result == null || content_strings.length < 1) {
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return result + " (" + content_strings.join(", ") + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ dropdown(ids)
+ {
+ /*
+ takes in a mapping of ids to objects in items
+ and displays them in the dropdown
+ */
+ const drop = document.getElementById("drop_results");
+ while(drop.firstChild)
+ {
+ drop.removeChild(drop.firstChild);
+ }
+ for( const id in ids )
+ {
+ const result_entry = document.createElement("li");
+ const result_button = document.createElement("a");
+ const obj = this.items[id];
+ const result_text = this.generate_element_text(obj);
+ result_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result_text));
+ result_button.onclick = function() { searchable_select_multiple_widget.select_item(; };
+ const tooltip = document.createElement("span");
+ const tooltiptext = document.createTextNode(result_text);
+ tooltip.appendChild(tooltiptext);
+ tooltip.setAttribute('class', 'entry_tooltip');
+ result_button.appendChild(tooltip);
+ result_entry.appendChild(result_button);
+ drop.appendChild(result_entry);
+ }
+ const scroll_restrictor = document.getElementById("scroll_restrictor");
+ if( !drop.firstChild )
+ {
+ = 'hidden';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ = 'inherit';
+ }
+ }
+ select_item(item_id)
+ {
+ if( (this.selectable_limit > -1 && this.added_items.size < this.selectable_limit) || this.selectable_limit < 0 )
+ {
+ this.added_items.add(item_id);
+ }
+ this.update_selected_list();
+ // clear search bar contents
+ document.getElementById("user_field").value = "";
+ document.getElementById("user_field").focus();
+ }
+ remove_item(item_id)
+ {
+ this.added_items.delete(item_id);
+ this.update_selected_list()
+ document.getElementById("user_field").focus();
+ }
+ update_selected_list()
+ {
+ document.getElementById("added_number").innerText = this.added_items.size;
+ const selector = document.getElementById('selector');
+ selector.value = JSON.stringify([...this.added_items]);
+ const added_list = document.getElementById('added_list');
+ while(selector.firstChild)
+ {
+ selector.removeChild(selector.firstChild);
+ }
+ while(added_list.firstChild)
+ {
+ added_list.removeChild(added_list.firstChild);
+ }
+ let list_html = "";
+ for( const item_id of this.added_items )
+ {
+ const item = this.items[item_id];
+ const element_entry_text = this.generate_element_text(item);
+ list_html += '<div class="list_entry">'
+ + '<p class="added_entry_text">'
+ + element_entry_text
+ + '</p>'
+ + '<button onclick="searchable_select_multiple_widget.remove_item('
+ + item_id
+ + ')" class="btn-remove btn">remove</button>';
+ list_html += '</div>';
+ }
+ added_list.innerHTML = list_html;
+ }