path: root/Testcases/cfgm_common/
diff options
authorStuart Mackie <>2016-01-29 16:00:57 -0800
committerStuart Mackie <>2016-01-29 16:00:57 -0800
commit82f1a7eb5535b30a95b1e71ff18c315d40d1e6f0 (patch)
treef930c90f75846ec8d8e33cf27325ff8fafc85d5c /Testcases/cfgm_common/
parent5c04f2e22eb6b5e7a671bc02ba53a438eb66e90d (diff)
OpenContrail test suitestable/colorado
Change-Id: I61168093a2a05d47377ef47c8638ae1554b1a999 Signed-off-by: Stuart Mackie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Testcases/cfgm_common/')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Testcases/cfgm_common/ b/Testcases/cfgm_common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c8d461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Testcases/cfgm_common/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
+import os
+import gevent
+import logging
+import kazoo.client
+import kazoo.exceptions
+import kazoo.handlers.gevent
+import kazoo.recipe.election
+from kazoo.client import KazooState
+from kazoo.retry import KazooRetry
+from bitarray import bitarray
+from cfgm_common.exceptions import ResourceExhaustionError, ResourceExistsError
+from gevent.coros import BoundedSemaphore
+import uuid
+LOG_DIR = '/var/log/contrail/'
+class IndexAllocator(object):
+ def __init__(self, zookeeper_client, path, size=0, start_idx=0,
+ reverse=False,alloc_list=None, max_alloc=0):
+ if alloc_list is None:
+ self._alloc_list = [{'start':start_idx, 'end':start_idx+size}]
+ else:
+ sorted_alloc_list = sorted(alloc_list, key=lambda k: k['start'])
+ self._alloc_list = sorted_alloc_list
+ alloc_count = len(self._alloc_list)
+ total_size = 0
+ start_idx = self._alloc_list[0]['start']
+ size = 0
+ #check for overlap in alloc_list --TODO
+ for alloc_idx in range (0, alloc_count -1):
+ idx_start_addr = self._alloc_list[alloc_idx]['start']
+ idx_end_addr = self._alloc_list[alloc_idx]['end']
+ next_start_addr = self._alloc_list[alloc_idx+1]['start']
+ if next_start_addr <= idx_end_addr:
+ raise Exception()
+ size += idx_end_addr - idx_start_addr + 1
+ size += self._alloc_list[alloc_count-1]['end'] - self._alloc_list[alloc_count-1]['start'] + 1
+ self._size = size
+ self._start_idx = start_idx
+ if max_alloc == 0:
+ self._max_alloc = self._size
+ else:
+ self._max_alloc = max_alloc
+ self._zookeeper_client = zookeeper_client
+ self._path = path
+ self._in_use = bitarray('0')
+ self._reverse = reverse
+ for idx in self._zookeeper_client.get_children(path):
+ idx_int = self._get_bit_from_zk_index(int(idx))
+ if idx_int >= 0:
+ self._set_in_use(idx_int)
+ # end for idx
+ # end __init__
+ def _get_zk_index_from_bit(self, idx):
+ size = idx
+ if self._reverse:
+ for alloc in reversed(self._alloc_list):
+ size -= alloc['end'] - alloc['start'] + 1
+ if size < 0:
+ return alloc['start']-size - 1
+ else:
+ for alloc in self._alloc_list:
+ size -= alloc['end'] - alloc['start'] + 1
+ if size < 0:
+ return alloc['end']+size + 1
+ raise Exception()
+ # end _get_zk_index
+ def _get_bit_from_zk_index(self, idx):
+ size = 0
+ if self._reverse:
+ for alloc in reversed(self._alloc_list):
+ if alloc['start'] <= idx <= alloc['end']:
+ return alloc['end'] - idx + size
+ size += alloc['end'] - alloc['start'] + 1
+ pass
+ else:
+ for alloc in self._alloc_list:
+ if alloc['start'] <= idx <= alloc['end']:
+ return idx - alloc['start'] + size
+ size += alloc['end'] - alloc['start'] + 1
+ return -1
+ # end _get_bit_from_zk_index
+ def _set_in_use(self, idx):
+ # if the index is higher than _max_alloc, do not use the bitarray, in
+ # order to reduce the size of the bitarray. Otherwise, set the bit
+ # corresponding to idx to 1 and extend the _in_use bitarray if needed
+ if idx > self._max_alloc:
+ return
+ if idx >= self._in_use.length():
+ temp = bitarray(idx - self._in_use.length())
+ temp.setall(0)
+ temp.append('1')
+ self._in_use.extend(temp)
+ else:
+ self._in_use[idx] = 1
+ # end _set_in_use
+ def alloc(self, value=None):
+ if self._in_use.all():
+ idx = self._in_use.length()
+ if idx > self._max_alloc:
+ raise ResourceExhaustionError()
+ self._in_use.append(1)
+ else:
+ idx = self._in_use.index(0)
+ self._in_use[idx] = 1
+ idx = self._get_zk_index_from_bit(idx)
+ try:
+ # Create a node at path and return its integer value
+ id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': idx}
+ self._zookeeper_client.create_node(self._path + id_str, value)
+ return idx
+ except ResourceExistsError:
+ return self.alloc(value)
+ # end alloc
+ def reserve(self, idx, value=None):
+ bit_idx = self._get_bit_from_zk_index(idx)
+ if bit_idx < 0:
+ return None
+ try:
+ # Create a node at path and return its integer value
+ id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': idx}
+ self._zookeeper_client.create_node(self._path + id_str, value)
+ self._set_in_use(bit_idx)
+ return idx
+ except ResourceExistsError:
+ self._set_in_use(bit_idx)
+ return None
+ # end reserve
+ def delete(self, idx):
+ id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': idx}
+ self._zookeeper_client.delete_node(self._path + id_str)
+ bit_idx = self._get_bit_from_zk_index(idx)
+ if 0 <= bit_idx < self._in_use.length():
+ self._in_use[bit_idx] = 0
+ # end delete
+ def read(self, idx):
+ id_str = "%(#)010d" % {'#': idx}
+ id_val = self._zookeeper_client.read_node(self._path+id_str)
+ if id_val is not None:
+ bit_idx = self._get_bit_from_zk_index(idx)
+ if bit_idx >= 0:
+ self._set_in_use(bit_idx)
+ return id_val
+ # end read
+ def empty(self):
+ return not self._in_use.any()
+ # end empty
+ @classmethod
+ def delete_all(cls, zookeeper_client, path):
+ try:
+ zookeeper_client.delete_node(path, recursive=True)
+ except kazoo.exceptions.NotEmptyError:
+ #TODO: Add retries for NotEmptyError
+ zookeeper_client.syslog("NotEmptyError while deleting %s" % path)
+ # end delete_all
+#end class IndexAllocator
+class ZookeeperClient(object):
+ def __init__(self, module, server_list, logging_fn=None):
+ # logging
+ logger = logging.getLogger(module)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ try:
+ handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_DIR + module + '-zk.log', maxBytes=10*1024*1024, backupCount=5)
+ except IOError:
+ print "Cannot open log file in %s" %(LOG_DIR)
+ else:
+ log_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(name)s]: %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
+ handler.setFormatter(log_format)
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ if logging_fn:
+ self.log = logging_fn
+ else:
+ self.log = self.syslog
+ self._zk_client = \
+ kazoo.client.KazooClient(
+ server_list,
+ timeout=400,
+ handler=kazoo.handlers.gevent.SequentialGeventHandler(),
+ logger=logger)
+ self._zk_client.add_listener(self._zk_listener)
+ self._logger = logger
+ self._election = None
+ self._server_list = server_list
+ # KazooRetry to retry keeper CRUD operations
+ self._retry = KazooRetry(max_tries=None, max_delay=300,
+ sleep_func=gevent.sleep)
+ self._conn_state = None
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='INIT', message='')
+ self._lost_cb = None
+ self.connect()
+ # end __init__
+ # start
+ def connect(self):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self._zk_client.start()
+ break
+ except gevent.event.Timeout as e:
+ # Update connection info
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='DOWN',
+ message=str(e))
+ gevent.sleep(1)
+ # Zookeeper is also throwing exception due to delay in master election
+ except Exception as e:
+ # Update connection info
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='DOWN',
+ message=str(e))
+ gevent.sleep(1)
+ # Update connection info
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='UP', message='')
+ # end
+ def is_connected(self):
+ return self._zk_client.state == KazooState.CONNECTED
+ # end is_connected
+ def syslog(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not self._logger:
+ return
+ # end syslog
+ def set_lost_cb(self, lost_cb=None):
+ # set a callback to be called when kazoo state is lost
+ # set to None for default action
+ self._lost_cb = lost_cb
+ # end set_lost_cb
+ def _zk_listener(self, state):
+ if state == KazooState.CONNECTED:
+ if self._election:
+ self._election.cancel()
+ # Update connection info
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='UP', message='')
+ elif state == KazooState.LOST:
+ # Lost the session with ZooKeeper Server
+ # Best of option we have is to exit the process and restart all
+ # over again
+ if self._lost_cb:
+ self._lost_cb()
+ else:
+ os._exit(2)
+ elif state == KazooState.SUSPENDED:
+ # Update connection info
+ self._sandesh_connection_info_update(status='INIT',
+ message = 'Connection to zookeeper lost. Retrying')
+ # end
+ def _zk_election_callback(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Exit if running master encounters error or exception
+ exit(1)
+ # end
+ def master_election(self, path, identifier, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ while True:
+ self._election = self._zk_client.Election(path, identifier)
+, func, *args, **kwargs)
+ # end master_election
+ def create_node(self, path, value=None):
+ try:
+ if value is None:
+ value = uuid.uuid4()
+ retry = self._retry.copy()
+ retry(self._zk_client.create, path, str(value), makepath=True)
+ except kazoo.exceptions.NodeExistsError:
+ current_value = self.read_node(path)
+ if current_value == value:
+ return True;
+ raise ResourceExistsError(path, str(current_value))
+ # end create_node
+ def delete_node(self, path, recursive=False):
+ try:
+ retry = self._retry.copy()
+ retry(self._zk_client.delete, path, recursive=recursive)
+ except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError:
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ # end delete_node
+ def read_node(self, path):
+ try:
+ retry = self._retry.copy()
+ value = retry(self._zk_client.get, path)
+ return value[0]
+ except Exception:
+ return None
+ # end read_node
+ def get_children(self, path):
+ try:
+ retry = self._retry.copy()
+ return retry(self._zk_client.get_children, path)
+ except Exception:
+ return []
+ # end read_node
+ def _sandesh_connection_info_update(self, status, message):
+ from pysandesh.connection_info import ConnectionState
+ from pysandesh.gen_py.process_info.ttypes import ConnectionStatus, \
+ ConnectionType
+ from pysandesh.gen_py.sandesh.ttypes import SandeshLevel
+ new_conn_state = getattr(ConnectionStatus, status)
+ ConnectionState.update(conn_type = ConnectionType.ZOOKEEPER,
+ name = 'Zookeeper', status = new_conn_state,
+ message = message,
+ server_addrs = self._server_list.split(','))
+ if (self._conn_state and self._conn_state != ConnectionStatus.DOWN and
+ new_conn_state == ConnectionStatus.DOWN):
+ msg = 'Connection to Zookeeper down: %s' %(message)
+ self.log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_ERR)
+ if (self._conn_state and self._conn_state != new_conn_state and
+ new_conn_state == ConnectionStatus.UP):
+ msg = 'Connection to Zookeeper ESTABLISHED'
+ self.log(msg, level=SandeshLevel.SYS_NOTICE)
+ self._conn_state = new_conn_state
+ # end _sandesh_connection_info_update
+# end class ZookeeperClient