path: root/bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions
diff options
authorGiuseppe Carella <>2017-10-02 16:55:40 +0200
committerMichael Pauls <>2017-10-02 17:31:28 +0000
commit9ddde2b8fff89b81fd675eed5af115c0eb0656ae (patch)
tree87687b8af1ec494d67c03584027fa35c81b3400a /bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions
parentd897a8fae077e366a9a9e1fa53d160b0db6e356a (diff)
Extended documentation for Euphrates
Inlcuded user guide and configuration guide that can be used to get started immediately with orchestra Change-Id: Idec9cf8462b0497addc8419fb77744a639fd8718 Signed-off-by: Giuseppe Carella <> Signed-off-by: Michael Pauls <> (cherry picked from commit dca493fb41c38de1618b64084565d5fc46c9c3cf)
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions b/bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd06fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap/bootstrap-common-functions
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#### General Settings ####
+set -u
+#set -x # only for DEBUG
+#### Global Variables ####
+#### Security ####
+enable_https () {
+ export properties_file_name=${1}
+ # In case of "noninteractive" FRONTEND the default value will remain valid (see in lines below)
+ if [ "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "Noninteractive" -a "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "noninteractive" ]; then
+ read -p " * Do you want to enable HTTPS? [N/y]: " https
+ fi
+ https=${https:-$HTTPS_DEFAULT}
+ if [ "${https}" = "y" -o "${https}" = "Y" -o "${https}" = "yes" ]; then
+ log_success_msg "Enabling HTTPS .."
+ # server.port = 8443
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.port\s*=\s*8443|server.port=8443|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # server.ssl.enabled = true
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.ssl.enabled\s*=\s*true|server.ssl.enabled=true|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # server.ssl.key-store = /etc/openbaton/keystore.p12
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.ssl.key-store\s*=\s*\/etc\/openbaton\/keystore.p12|server.ssl.key-store=\/etc\/openbaton\/keystore.p12|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # server.ssl.key-store-password = password
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.ssl.key-store-password\s*=\s*password|server.ssl.key-store-password=password|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # server.ssl.keyStoreType = PKCS12
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.ssl.keyStoreType\s*=\s*PKCS12|server.ssl.keyStoreType=PKCS12|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # server.ssl.keyAlias = tomcat
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*server.ssl.keyAlias\s*=\s*tomcat|server.ssl.keyAlias=tomcat|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # nfvo.https = false
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*nfvo.https\s*=\s*false|nfvo.https=true|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ fi
+fix_jvm_delay_for_random_number_generation () {
+ java7_installed="false"
+ result=$( dpkg -l | grep "openjdk-7-jre" | wc -l)
+ if [ ${result} -gt 0 ]; then
+ java7_installed="true"
+ fi
+ if [ "${OS_TYPE}" = "Linux" ]; then
+ if [ "${OS_ARCHITECTURE}" = "x86_64" ]; then
+ if [ "${OS_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_MAJOR}" -ge "16" -a "${java7_installed}" != "true" ]; then # Ubuntu 16
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|securerandom.source=file:/dev/random|securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom|g" ${OPENJDK_8_LINUX_X86_64_SECURITYFILE}'
+ else # Ubuntu 14
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom|securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom|g" ${OPENJDK_7_LINUX_X86_64_SECURITYFILE}'
+ fi
+ else # i386
+ if [ "${OS_DISTRIBUTION_RELEASE_MAJOR}" -ge "16" -a "${java7_installed}" != "true" ]; then # Ubuntu 16
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|securerandom.source=file:/dev/random|securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom|g" ${OPENJDK_8_LINUX_I386_SECURITYFILE}'
+ else # Ubuntu 14
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom|securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom|g" ${OPENJDK_7_LINUX_I386_64_SECURITYFILE}'
+ fi
+ fi
+ elif [ "${ostype}" = "Darwin" ]; then
+ $_ex 'sed -i "" "s|securerandom.source=file:/dev/urandom|securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom|g" ${OPENJDK_7_OSX_SECURITYFILE}'
+ fi
+#### MySQL ####
+configure_mysql () {
+ export properties_file_name=${1}
+ log_success_msg "Configuring MySQL for Open Baton .."
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.datasource.url\s*=\s*jdbc:hsqldb:file:\/tmp\/openbaton\/openbaton.hsdb|spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:\/\/localhost:3306\/openbaton|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.datasource.driver-class-name\s*=\s*org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver|spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.jpa.database-platform\s*=\s*org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect|spring.jpa.database-platform=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto\s*=\s*.*|spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*spring.datasource.validationQuery\s*=\s*SELECT 1|spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|#\s*spring.datasource.testOnBorrow\s*=\s*true|spring.datasource.testOnBorrow=true|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # Enable MySQL
+ # In case of "noninteractive" FRONTEND the default value will remain valid (openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user: admin ; openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password: changeme)
+ if [ "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "Noninteractive" -a "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "noninteractive" ]; then
+ read -p " * Please, type the name of the MySQL user you would like the Open Baton NFVO to use [admin]: " openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user
+ # Turning echo ON and OFF between password reading
+ stty -echo
+ read -p " * Please, provide the password for this user [changeme]: " openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password ; echo
+ stty echo
+ # Turning echo ON and OFF batween password reading
+ stty -echo
+ read -p " * Please, provide the password of the 'root' user of MySQL [root]: " mysql_root_password ; echo
+ stty echo
+ fi
+ # Set the mysql user
+ export openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user=${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user:-$OPENBATON_NFVO_MYSQL_USER_DEFAULT}
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.datasource.username\s*=\s*.*|spring.datasource.username=${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user}|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ # Set the mysql user's password
+ export openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password=${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password:-$OPENBATON_NFVO_MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT}
+ $_ex 'sed -i "s|spring.datasource.password\s*=\s*.*|spring.datasource.password=${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password}|g" /etc/openbaton/${properties_file_name}'
+ result=$(ps aux | grep -v 'grep' | grep 'mysql' | wc -l)
+ if [ ${result} -le 0 ]; then
+ $_ex 'service mysql start'
+ fi
+ export mysql_root_password=${mysql_root_password:-$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_DEFAULT}
+ # Create the Database
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "CREATE DATABASE openbaton /*\!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;"
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "CREATE USER ${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user}@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user_password}';"
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "GRANT ALL ON openbaton.* TO '${openbaton_nfvo_mysql_user}'@'localhost';"
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "USE openbaton;"
+install_mysql () {
+ # TODO: fix properties files' names in DEBIAN and SOURCE installation
+ if [ -f "${OPENBATON_BASE_CONFIG_DIR}/" ]; then
+ properties_file_name=""
+ elif [ -f "${OPENBATON_BASE_CONFIG_DIR}/" ]; then
+ properties_file_name=""
+ else
+ log_failure_msg "Open Baton properties file not found in properties standard directory ('${OPENBATON_BASE_CONFIG_DIR}'). Cannot enable persistence."
+ fi
+ mysql=${mysql:-$MYSQL_DEFAULT}
+ # In case of "noninteractive" FRONTEND the default value will remain valid (mysql: yes)
+ if [ "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "Noninteractive" -a "${DEBIAN_FRONTEND}" != "noninteractive" ]; then
+ read -p " * Do you want to enable the Open Baton persistence through MySQL? [Y/n]: " mysql
+ else
+ if [ "${mysql}" = "" -o "${mysql}" = "y" -o "${mysql}" = "Y" -o "${mysql}" = "yes" ]; then
+ export mysql_root_password=${mysql_root_password:-$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_DEFAULT}
+ log_warning_msg "The root password used for the installation is: '${mysql_root_password}'"
+ # TODO OSX support for non interactive installation
+ $_ex 'apt-get install -y debconf-utils'
+ $_ex 'echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password ${mysql_root_password} | debconf-set-selections'
+ $_ex 'echo mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password ${mysql_root_password} | debconf-set-selections'
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "${mysql}" = "" -o "${mysql}" = "y" -o "${mysql}" = "Y" -o "${mysql}" = "yes" ]; then
+ echo " * Enabling MySQL Persistence"
+ $_ex 'apt-get update'
+ $_ex 'apt-get install -y mysql-server'
+ configure_mysql ${properties_file_name}
+ else
+ echo " * NOT Enabling MySQL Persistence"
+ fi
+#### Main ####
+wait_for_nfvo_up () {
+ max_wait=300
+ i_wait=${max_wait}
+ while ! nc -z localhost 8080; do
+ sleep 1 # wait for 1 second before check again
+ i_wait=$((${i_wait}-1))
+ if [ ${i_wait} -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo " * The NFVO is not up after ${max_wait} seconds. Please, check the problem into the log file."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+clean_db () {
+ component_name_fancy="${1}"
+ component_db_name="${2}"
+ component_mysql_user="${3}"
+ # Clean MySQL for Components
+ component_mysql_user=${component_mysql_user:-"undefined"}
+ if [ "${component_mysql_user}" != "undefined" ]; then
+ read -p " * Do you want to delete the Open Baton ${component_name_fancy} database: '${component_db_name}' (this will also delete the associated user: '${component_mysql_user}')? (if you skip this step then you won't be able, later on, to delete this database and its user using this script) [Y/n]: " mysql
+ if [ "${mysql}" = "" -o "${mysql}" = "y" -o "${mysql}" = "Y" -o "${mysql}" = "yes" ]; then
+ stty -echo
+ read -p " * Please, provide the password of the 'root' user of mysql [root]: " mysql_root_password ; echo
+ stty echo
+ echo " * Deleting Open Baton ${component_name_fancy} database and its associated user."
+ mysql_root_password=${mysql_root_password:-$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD_DEFAULT}
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${component_db_name};" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ mysql -uroot -p${mysql_root_password} -e "DROP USER ${component_mysql_user}@localhost;" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ 1>$(tty)
+ else
+ echo " * NOT deleting Open Baton ${component_name_fancy} database and its associated user."
+ fi
+ fi
+clean () {
+ mysql=$( dpkg -l | grep "mysql-client" | wc -l)
+ # TODO: fix properties files' names in DEBIAN and SOURCE installation
+ # Retrieve mysql credentials and rabbitmq user, ip, and management port
+ if [ -f "/etc/openbaton/" ]; then
+ nfvo_mysql_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.datasource.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ if [ -f "/etc/openbaton/" ]; then
+ fms_mysql_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.datasource.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ fi
+ rabbitmq_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.rabbitmq.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ rabbitmq_ip=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "nfvo.rabbit.brokerIp=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ rabbitmq_management_port=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ elif [ -f "/etc/openbaton/" ]; then
+ nfvo_mysql_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.datasource.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ if [ -f "/etc/openbaton/" ]; then
+ fms_mysql_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.datasource.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ fi
+ rabbitmq_user=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "spring.rabbitmq.username=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ rabbitmq_ip=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "nfvo.rabbit.brokerIp=") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ rabbitmq_management_port=$( awk -F'=' '{ if($0 ~ "") { print $2 }}' /etc/openbaton/ )
+ fi
+ # Clean Open Baton binaries and properties files
+ debian_packages_num=$( dpkg -l | grep openbaton | wc -l )
+ for i in $( seq 1 ${debian_packages_num}); do
+ package=$( dpkg -l | grep openbaton | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' )
+ $_ex "apt-get purge -y ${package}"
+ done
+ # Clean Open Baton source code and properties files
+ if [ -d ${OPENBATON_BASE_CONFIG_DIR} ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ${mysql} -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Clean MySQL for NFVO
+ nfvo_mysql_user=${nfvo_mysql_user:-"undefined"}
+ if [ "${nfvo_mysql_user}" != "undefined" ]; then
+ clean_db "NFVO" "openbaton" "${nfvo_mysql_user}"
+ fi
+ # Clean MySQL for FMS
+ fms_mysql_user=${fms_mysql_user:-"undefined"}
+ if [ "${fms_mysql_user}" != "undefined" ]; then
+ clean_db "FMS" "faultmanagement" "${fms_mysql_user}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Retrieve rabbitmqadmin cli
+ wget -O rabbitmqadmin http://${rabbitmq_ip}:${rabbitmq_management_port}/cli/rabbitmqadmin
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ log_failure_msg "rabbitmqadmin utility not retrievable: impossible to clean the RabbitMQ installation"
+ echo " * Cleaning of Open Baton installation completed"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ $_ex "chmod +x ./rabbitmqadmin"
+ $_ex "apt-get install -y python"
+ # Clean RabbitMQ
+ #./rabbitmqadmin delete vhost name="openbaton" #TODO
+ echo " * Deleting Open Baton RabbitMQ user and its associated exchanges (if any)."
+ ./rabbitmqadmin delete user name="${rabbitmq_user}"
+ result=$(./rabbitmqadmin list exchanges | grep "openbaton-exchange" | wc -l)
+ if [ ${result} -gt 0 ]; then
+ ./rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name="openbaton-exchange"
+ fi
+ result=$(./rabbitmqadmin list exchanges | grep "plugin-exchange" | wc -l)
+ if [ ${result} -gt 0 ]; then
+ ./rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name="plugin-exchange"
+ fi
+ # Delete rabbitmqadmin cli
+ $_ex "rm ./rabbitmqadmin"
+ 1>$(tty)
+ echo " * Cleaning of Open Baton installation completed"