ofs | hex dump | ascii |
0000 | 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 03 20 00 00 02 32 08 06 00 00 00 33 19 ae | .PNG........IHDR.......2.....3.. |
0020 | 4c 00 00 00 06 62 4b 47 44 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff a0 bd a7 93 00 00 00 09 70 48 59 73 00 00 0b 13 00 | L....bKGD..............pHYs..... |
0040 | 00 0b 13 01 00 9a 9c 18 00 00 00 07 74 49 4d 45 07 e1 05 09 0a 0b 27 ef 4d 4b 0b 00 00 00 19 74 | ............tIME......'.MK.....t |
0060 | 45 58 74 43 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 00 43 72 65 61 74 65 64 20 77 69 74 68 20 47 49 4d 50 57 81 0e 17 | EXtComment.Created.with.GIMPW... |
0080 | 00 00 20 00 49 44 41 54 78 da ec dd 77 78 15 55 fa c0 f1 ef cc dc 96 9b de 08 21 09 84 12 7a 6f | ....IDATx...wx.U..........!...zo |
00a0 | 22 45 9a 05 b0 20 a0 80 65 5d 2b b6 15 5d cb da cb da 60 ed 6d 7f d8 db 0a 36 44 11 51 aa 48 93 | "E......e]+..]....`.m....6D.Q.H. |
00c0 | 22 bd f7 d0 42 20 bd 27 f7 de 99 39 bf 3f 12 81 14 d8 a0 c1 05 79 3f cf 93 47 b9 33 73 e6 cc cc | "...B..'...9.?.......y?..G.3s... |
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0100 | 08 21 84 10 42 02 10 21 84 10 42 08 21 84 90 00 44 08 21 84 10 42 08 21 01 88 10 42 08 21 84 10 | .!..B..!..B.!...D.!..B.!...B.!.. |
0120 | 42 48 00 22 84 10 42 08 21 84 90 00 44 08 21 84 10 42 08 21 01 88 10 42 08 21 84 10 42 48 00 22 | BH."..B.!...D.!..B.!...B.!..BH." |
0140 | 84 10 42 08 21 84 90 00 44 08 21 84 10 42 08 21 24 00 11 42 08 21 84 10 42 48 00 22 84 10 42 08 | ..B.!...D.!..B.!$..B.!..BH."..B. |
0160 | 21 84 90 00 44 08 21 84 10 42 08 21 24 00 11 42 08 21 84 10 42 48 00 22 84 10 42 08 21 84 10 12 | !...D.!..B.!$..B.!..BH."..B.!... |
0180 | 80 08 21 84 10 42 08 21 24 00 11 42 08 21 84 10 42 48 00 22 84 10 42 08 21 84 10 12 80 08 21 84 | ..!..B.!$..B.!..BH."..B.!.....!. |
01a0 |
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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
.. License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
Yardstick Test Case Description TC044
.. _man-pages: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/free.1.html
|Memory Utilization |
| |
|test case id | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC044_Memory Utilization |
| | |
|metric | Memory utilization |
| | |
|test purpose | To evaluate the IaaS compute capability with regards to |
| | memory utilization.This test case should be run in parallel |
| | to other Yardstick test cases and not run as a stand-alone |
| | test case. |
| | Measure the memory usage statistics including used memory, |
| | free memory, buffer, cache and shared memory. |
| | Both average and maximun values are obtained. |
| | The purpose is also to be able to spot trends. |
| | Test results, graphs and similar shall be stored for |
| | comparison reasons and product evolution understanding |
| | between different OPNFV versions and/or configurations. |
| | |
|configuration | File: memload.yaml (in the 'samples' directory) |
| | |
| | * interval: 1 - repeat, pausing every 1 seconds in-between. |
| | * count: 10 - display statistics 10 times, then exit. |
| | |
|test tool | free |
| | |
| | free provides information about unused and used memory and |
| | swap space on any computer running Linux or another Unix-like|
| | operating system. |
| | free is normally part of a Linux distribution, hence it |
| | doesn't needs to be installed. |
| | |
|references | man-pages_ |
| | |
| | ETSI-NFV-TST001 |
| | |
|applicability | Test can be configured with different: |
| | |
| | * interval; |
| | * count; |
| | * runner Iteration and intervals. |
| | |
| | There are default values for each above-mentioned option. |
| | Run in background with other test cases. |
| | |
|pre-test | The test case image needs to be installed into Glance |
|conditions | with free included in the image. |
| | |
| | No POD specific requirements have been identified. |
| | |
|test sequence | description and expected result |
| | |
|step 1 | The host is installed as client. The related TC, or TCs, is |
| | invoked and free logs are produced and stored. |
| | |
| | Result: logs are stored. |
| | |
|test verdict | None. Memory utilization results are fetched and stored. |
| | |