path: root/docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst
diff options
authorShubhamRathi <>2017-04-29 15:56:27 +0530
committerShubhamRathi <>2017-05-02 19:32:03 +0530
commita3c38919def45d732897aa91533bb0e30e6e3670 (patch)
tree05f07ec764e9532ece1c128bf60fa1b8008f57e9 /docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst
parent494dc57a7c838a0129ddd1ec15c858ef71022060 (diff)
Misc Changes
1. Add sidebar akin to ODL 2. Remove redundant 'OPNFV' from all composite document titles 3. Edit documentation-example for the updated toolchain. Renamed this file as 'addendum.rst'. Eliminated obsolete content. 4. Listed test projects in alphabetic order Change-Id: Ica1c4aa89e3c8f8bcb960fcd4574971960dc52dc Signed-off-by: ShubhamRathi <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst b/docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 16609e068..000000000
--- a/docs/how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-How to create documentation for your OPNFV project
-Directory Structure
-This is the directory structure of the docs/ directory which have to be placed
-in the root of your project directory.
-.. code-block:: bash
- ./how-to-use-docs/documentation-example.rst
- ./how-to-use-docs/index.rst
-To create your own document, create any number of directories (depending
-on your need, e.g. manual) under the docs/ and place an index.rst in each
-The depth of all directory should be one, so that you can make sure that
-all directory names are unique. If you want to have set of all documents in
-your repo, create new ``docs/all/index.rst`` and list document links in OPNFV
-artifact server ( instead of including all other rst files
-or having ``docs/index.rst``, in order to avoid having duplicated contents in
-your documents.
-You may have "docs/how-to-use-docs/" in you project repo. You can delete it,
-since it is sample and master version is stored in opnfvdocs repo.
-During the document build process, 'docs_build' and 'docs_output' will be
-created in the project root directory. To avoid conflict, you should not
-use those names and should add the following entries in '.gitignore' file
-so that git can ignore built files.
-.. code-block:: bash
- /docs_build/
- /docs_output/
-Index File
-This index file must refence your other rst files in that directory.
-Here is an example index.rst :
-.. code-block:: bash
- *******************
- Documentation Title
- *******************
- .. toctree::
- :numbered:
- :maxdepth: 2
- documentation-example.rst
-Source Files
-Document source files have to be written in reStructuredText format (rst).
-Each file would be build as an html page.
-Here is an example source rst file :
-.. code-block:: bash
- =============
- Chapter Title
- =============
- Section Title
- =============
- Hello!
-Writing RST Markdown
-See .
-You can add dedicated contents by using 'only' directive with build type
-('html' and 'singlehtml') for OPNFV document. But, this is not encouraged to
-use since this may make different views.
-.. code-block:: bash
- .. only:: html
- This line will be shown only in html version.
-If you need to change the default configuration for document build, create
-new in the document directory (e.g. 'docs/how-to-use-docs/')
-that will be used in build process instead of default for OPNFV document
-During the build process, the following default parameters are automatically
-added if they are not set in the ````.
-* **extensions** =
- ['sphinxcontrib.httpdomain',
- 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
- 'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
- 'sphinx.ext.napoleon']
-* **needs_sphinx** = '1.3'
-* **numfig** = True
-* **master_doc** = 'index'
-* **pygments_style** = 'sphinx'
-* **html_use_index** = False
-* **html_logo** = 'opnfv-logo.png'
-* **html_sidebars** = {'**': ['globaltoc.html',
- '``path to opnfvdocs dir``/etc/pagemenu.html',
- 'searchbox.html']}
-* **release** = '``git last tag name`` (``git last commit hash``)'
-* **version** = '``git last tag name`` (``git last commit hash``)'
-* **project** = '``git repo name``'
-* **copyright** = '``year``, OPNFV'
-* **rst_epilog** = ' Revision:``git last commit hash``\n Build date:``build date in year-month-date format``'
-You can leave the file path for OPNFV logo image which will be prepared
-before each document build.
-The relevant release and version information will be added to your documents
-by using tags from your project's git repository.
-The tags will be applied by Releng Project.
-You can test document build in your laptop by using build script which is
-also used in document build jobs below:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo pip install virtualenv
- $ cd /local/repo/path/to/project
- $ git clone docs_build/_opnfvdocs
- $ ./docs_build/_opnfvdocs/scripts/
-Then, you can see the docs in 'docs_output' directory if build succeeded.
-If you have a problem of missing python package, you can make sure all
-necessary packages are installed as follows:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ sudo pip install Sphinx==1.3.1 doc8 sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
-Developers are encouraged to use
-instead of "", so that you can quickly start
-development in opnfvdocs.
-See for more detail.
-Jenkins Jobs
-Enabling Jenkins Jobs
-Jenkins in OPNFV infra performs the jobs to verify and update your documents.
-To make your project repository watched by Jenkins to execute those jobs, you
-have to add your project name in 'project-pattern' of the following jobs by
-sending patch to update `jjb/opnfv/opnfv-docs.yml`_ on gerrit.
-.. _jjb/opnfv/opnfv-docs.yml:
-Verify Job
-The verify job name is **opnfv-docs-verify**.
-When you send document changes to gerrit, jenkins will create your documents
-in HTML formats (normal and single-page) to verify that new document can be
-built successfully. Please check the jenkins log and artifact carefully.
-You can improve your document even though if the build job succeeded.
-Documents will be uploaded to
-``<Change Number>/`` for review.
-Those documents will be replaced if you update the change by sending new
-patch set to gerrit, and deleted after the change is merged.
-Document link(s) can be found in your change page on gerrit as a review
-Merge Job
-The merge job name is **opnfv-docs-merge**.
-Once you are happy with the look of your documentation, you can submit the
-change. Then, the merge job will upload latest build documents to
-``<Project Name>/docs/`` .
-You can put links in your project wiki page, so that everyone can see the
-latest document always.
-Sphinx Extensions
-You can see available sphinx extension(s) in `opnfvdocs/etc/requirements.txt`_.
-.. _opnfvdocs/etc/requirements.txt:
-You can use other sphinx extensions to improve your documents.
-To share such improvements, we encourage you to enable the extension in OPNFV infra
-by asking releng and opnfvdocs teams to add new sphinx extension via gerrit
-(proposing change in `opnfvdocs/scripts/`_ and `opnfvdocs/etc/requirements.txt`_).
-After quick sanity checks, we'll merge the patch to make it available in OPNFV
-document build.
-.. _opnfvdocs/scripts/
-The document builder script supports pre-hook. If you need to execute some
-commands before starting to build process (e.g. generate API rst from codes),
-create '<your repo>/docs/' which will be executed (using 'source')
-once before all document build start.