path: root/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoD3.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoD3.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 641 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoD3.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoD3.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf2eb4f..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoD3.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- Topology D3 Module.
- Functions for manipulating the D3 visualizations of the Topology
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- // injected refs
- var $log, fs, sus, is, ts;
- // api to topoForce
- var api;
- /*
- node() // get ref to D3 selection of nodes
- link() // get ref to D3 selection of links
- linkLabel() // get ref to D3 selection of link labels
- instVisible() // true if instances panel is visible
- posNode() // position node
- showHosts() // true if hosts are to be shown
- restyleLinkElement() // update link styles based on backing data
- updateLinkLabelModel() // update backing data for link labels
- */
- // configuration
- var devCfg = {
- xoff: -20,
- yoff: -18
- },
- labelConfig = {
- imgPad: 16,
- padLR: 4,
- padTB: 3,
- marginLR: 3,
- marginTB: 2,
- port: {
- gap: 3,
- width: 18,
- height: 14
- }
- },
- badgeConfig = {
- radius: 12,
- yoff: 5,
- gdelta: 10
- },
- icfg;
- var status = {
- i: 'badgeInfo',
- w: 'badgeWarn',
- e: 'badgeError'
- };
- function badgeStatus(badge) {
- return status[badge.status] || status.i;
- }
- // internal state
- var deviceLabelIndex = 0,
- hostLabelIndex = 0;
- var dCol = {
- black: '#000',
- paleblue: '#acf',
- offwhite: '#ddd',
- darkgrey: '#444',
- midgrey: '#888',
- lightgrey: '#bbb',
- orange: '#f90'
- };
- // note: these are the device icon colors without affinity
- var dColTheme = {
- light: {
- rfill: dCol.offwhite,
- online: {
- glyph: dCol.darkgrey,
- rect: dCol.paleblue
- },
- offline: {
- glyph: dCol.midgrey,
- rect: dCol.lightgrey
- }
- },
- dark: {
- rfill: dCol.midgrey,
- online: {
- glyph: dCol.darkgrey,
- rect: dCol.paleblue
- },
- offline: {
- glyph: dCol.midgrey,
- rect: dCol.darkgrey
- }
- }
- };
- function devBaseColor(d) {
- var o = d.online ? 'online' : 'offline';
- return dColTheme[ts.theme()][o];
- }
- function setDeviceColor(d) {
- var o = d.online,
- s = d.el.classed('selected'),
- c = devBaseColor(d),
- a = instColor(d.master, o),
- icon = d.el.select('g.deviceIcon'),
- g, r;
- if (s) {
- g = c.glyph;
- r = dCol.orange;
- } else if (api.instVisible()) {
- g = o ? a : c.glyph;
- r = o ? c.rfill : a;
- } else {
- g = c.glyph;
- r = c.rect;
- }
- icon.select('use').style('fill', g);
- icon.select('rect').style('fill', r);
- }
- function instColor(id, online) {
- return sus.cat7().getColor(id, !online, ts.theme());
- }
- // ====
- function incDevLabIndex() {
- deviceLabelIndex = (deviceLabelIndex+1) % 3;
- switch(deviceLabelIndex) {
- case 0: return 'Hide device labels';
- case 1: return 'Show friendly device labels';
- case 2: return 'Show device ID labels';
- }
- }
- // Returns the newly computed bounding box of the rectangle
- function adjustRectToFitText(n) {
- var text = n.select('text'),
- box = text.node().getBBox(),
- lab = labelConfig;
- text.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
- .attr('y', '-0.8em')
- .attr('x', lab.imgPad/2);
- // translate the bbox so that it is centered on [x,y]
- box.x = -box.width / 2;
- box.y = -box.height / 2;
- // add padding
- box.x -= (lab.padLR + lab.imgPad/2);
- box.width += lab.padLR * 2 + lab.imgPad;
- box.y -= lab.padTB;
- box.height += lab.padTB * 2;
- return box;
- }
- function hostLabel(d) {
- var idx = (hostLabelIndex < d.labels.length) ? hostLabelIndex : 0;
- return d.labels[idx];
- }
- function deviceLabel(d) {
- var idx = (deviceLabelIndex < d.labels.length) ? deviceLabelIndex : 0;
- return d.labels[idx];
- }
- function trimLabel(label) {
- return (label && label.trim()) || '';
- }
- function emptyBox() {
- return {
- x: -2,
- y: -2,
- width: 4,
- height: 4
- };
- }
- function updateDeviceRendering(d) {
- var label = trimLabel(deviceLabel(d)),
- noLabel = !label,
- node = d.el,
- dim = icfg.device.dim,
- box, dx, dy, bsel,
- bdg = d.badge,
- bcr = badgeConfig.radius,
- bcgd = badgeConfig.gdelta;
- node.select('text')
- .text(label)
- .style('opacity', 0)
- .transition()
- .style('opacity', 1);
- if (noLabel) {
- box = emptyBox();
- dx = -dim/2;
- dy = -dim/2;
- } else {
- box = adjustRectToFitText(node);
- dx = box.x + devCfg.xoff;
- dy = box.y + devCfg.yoff;
- }
- node.select('rect')
- .transition()
- .attr(box);
- node.select('g.deviceIcon')
- .transition()
- .attr('transform', sus.translate(dx, dy));
- // handle badge, if defined
- if (bdg) {
- renderBadge(node, bdg, { dx: dx + dim, dy: dy });
- }
- }
- function updateHostRendering(d) {
- var node = d.el,
- bdg = d.badge;
- updateHostLabel(d);
- // handle badge, if defined
- if (bdg) {
- renderBadge(node, bdg, icfg.host.badge);
- }
- }
- function renderBadge(node, bdg, boff) {
- var bsel,
- bcr = badgeConfig.radius,
- bcgd = badgeConfig.gdelta;
- node.select('g.badge').remove();
- bsel = node.append('g')
- .classed('badge', true)
- .classed(badgeStatus(bdg), true)
- .attr('transform', sus.translate(boff.dx, boff.dy));
- bsel.append('circle')
- .attr('r', bcr);
- if (bdg.txt) {
- bsel.append('text')
- .attr('dy', badgeConfig.yoff)
- .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
- .text(bdg.txt);
- } else if (bdg.gid) {
- bsel.append('use')
- .attr({
- width: bcgd * 2,
- height: bcgd * 2,
- transform: sus.translate(-bcgd, -bcgd),
- 'xlink:href': '#' + bdg.gid
- });
- }
- }
- function updateHostLabel(d) {
- var label = trimLabel(hostLabel(d));
- d.el.select('text').text(label);
- }
- function updateDeviceColors(d) {
- if (d) {
- setDeviceColor(d);
- } else {
- api.node().filter('.device').each(function (d) {
- setDeviceColor(d);
- });
- }
- }
- // ==========================
- // updateNodes - subfunctions
- function deviceExisting(d) {
- var node = d.el;
- node.classed('online', d.online);
- updateDeviceRendering(d);
- api.posNode(d, true);
- }
- function hostExisting(d) {
- updateHostRendering(d);
- api.posNode(d, true);
- }
- function deviceEnter(d) {
- var node = d3.select(this),
- glyphId = d.type || 'unknown',
- label = trimLabel(deviceLabel(d)),
- //devCfg = deviceIconConfig,
- noLabel = !label,
- box, dx, dy, icon;
- d.el = node;
- node.append('rect').attr({ rx: 5, ry: 5 });
- node.append('text').text(label).attr('dy', '1.1em');
- box = adjustRectToFitText(node);
- node.select('rect').attr(box);
- icon = is.addDeviceIcon(node, glyphId);
- if (noLabel) {
- dx = -icon.dim/2;
- dy = -icon.dim/2;
- } else {
- box = adjustRectToFitText(node);
- dx = box.x + devCfg.xoff;
- dy = box.y + devCfg.yoff;
- }
- icon.attr('transform', sus.translate(dx, dy));
- }
- function hostEnter(d) {
- var node = d3.select(this),
- gid = d.type || 'unknown',
- rad = icfg.host.radius,
- r = d.type ? rad.withGlyph : rad.noGlyph,
- textDy = r + 10;
- d.el = node;
- sus.visible(node, api.showHosts());
- is.addHostIcon(node, r, gid);
- node.append('text')
- .text(hostLabel)
- .attr('dy', textDy)
- .attr('text-anchor', 'middle');
- }
- function hostExit(d) {
- var node = d.el;
- node.select('use')
- .style('opacity', 0.5)
- .transition()
- .duration(800)
- .style('opacity', 0);
- node.select('text')
- .style('opacity', 0.5)
- .transition()
- .duration(800)
- .style('opacity', 0);
- node.select('circle')
- .style('stroke-fill', '#555')
- .style('fill', '#888')
- .style('opacity', 0.5)
- .transition()
- .duration(1500)
- .attr('r', 0);
- }
- function deviceExit(d) {
- var node = d.el;
- node.select('use')
- .style('opacity', 0.5)
- .transition()
- .duration(800)
- .style('opacity', 0);
- node.selectAll('rect')
- .style('stroke-fill', '#555')
- .style('fill', '#888')
- .style('opacity', 0.5);
- }
- // ==========================
- // updateLinks - subfunctions
- function linkEntering(d) {
- var link = d3.select(this);
- d.el = link;
- api.restyleLinkElement(d);
- if (d.type() === 'hostLink') {
- sus.visible(link, api.showHosts());
- }
- }
- var linkLabelOffset = '0.3em';
- function applyLinkLabels() {
- var entering;
- api.updateLinkLabelModel();
- // for elements already existing, we need to update the text
- // and adjust the rectangle size to fit
- api.linkLabel().each(function (d) {
- var el = d3.select(this),
- rect = el.select('rect'),
- text = el.select('text');
- text.text(d.label);
- rect.attr(rectAroundText(el));
- });
- entering = api.linkLabel().enter().append('g')
- .classed('linkLabel', true)
- .attr('id', function (d) { return d.id; });
- entering.each(function (d) {
- var el = d3.select(this),
- rect,
- text;
- if (d.ldata.type() === 'hostLink') {
- el.classed('hostLinkLabel', true);
- sus.visible(el, api.showHosts());
- }
- d.el = el;
- rect = el.append('rect');
- text = el.append('text').text(d.label);
- rect.attr(rectAroundText(el));
- text.attr('dy', linkLabelOffset);
- el.attr('transform', transformLabel(d.ldata.position));
- });
- // Remove any labels that are no longer required.
- api.linkLabel().exit().remove();
- }
- function rectAroundText(el) {
- var text = el.select('text'),
- box = text.node().getBBox();
- // translate the bbox so that it is centered on [x,y]
- box.x = -box.width / 2;
- box.y = -box.height / 2;
- // add padding
- box.x -= 1;
- box.width += 2;
- return box;
- }
- function transformLabel(p) {
- var dx = p.x2 - p.x1,
- dy = p.y2 - p.y1,
- xMid = dx/2 + p.x1,
- yMid = dy/2 + p.y1;
- return sus.translate(xMid, yMid);
- }
- function applyPortLabels(data, portLabelG) {
- var entering = portLabelG.selectAll('.portLabel')
- .data(data).enter().append('g')
- .classed('portLabel', true)
- .attr('id', function (d) { return d.id; });
- entering.each(function (d) {
- var el = d3.select(this),
- rect = el.append('rect'),
- text = el.append('text').text(d.num);
- rect.attr(rectAroundText(el));
- text.attr('dy', linkLabelOffset);
- el.attr('transform', sus.translate(d.x, d.y));
- });
- }
- function labelPoint(linkPos) {
- var lengthUpLine = 1 / 3,
- dx = linkPos.x2 - linkPos.x1,
- dy = linkPos.y2 - linkPos.y1,
- movedX = dx * lengthUpLine,
- movedY = dy * lengthUpLine;
- return {
- x: movedX,
- y: movedY
- };
- }
- function calcGroupPos(linkPos) {
- var moved = labelPoint(linkPos);
- return sus.translate(linkPos.x1 + moved.x, linkPos.y1 + moved.y);
- }
- // calculates where on the link that the hash line for 5+ label appears
- function hashAttrs(linkPos) {
- var hashLength = 25,
- halfLength = hashLength / 2,
- dx = linkPos.x2 - linkPos.x1,
- dy = linkPos.y2 - linkPos.y1,
- length = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)),
- moveAmtX = (dx / length) * halfLength,
- moveAmtY = (dy / length) * halfLength,
- mid = labelPoint(linkPos),
- angle = Math.atan(dy / dx) + 45;
- return {
- x1: mid.x - moveAmtX,
- y1: mid.y - moveAmtY,
- x2: mid.x + moveAmtX,
- y2: mid.y + moveAmtY,
- stroke: api.linkConfig()[ts.theme()].baseColor,
- transform: 'rotate(' + angle + ',' + mid.x + ',' + mid.y + ')'
- };
- }
- function textLabelPos(linkPos) {
- var point = labelPoint(linkPos),
- dist = 20;
- return {
- x: point.x + dist,
- y: point.y + dist
- };
- }
- function applyNumLinkLabels(data, lblsG) {
- var labels = lblsG.selectAll('g.numLinkLabel')
- .data(data, function (d) { return 'pair-' + d.id; }),
- entering;
- // update existing labels
- labels.each(function (d) {
- var el = d3.select(this);
- el.attr({
- transform: function (d) { return calcGroupPos(d.linkCoords); }
- });
- el.select('line')
- .attr(hashAttrs(d.linkCoords));
- el.select('text')
- .attr(textLabelPos(d.linkCoords))
- .text(d.num);
- });
- // add new labels
- entering = labels
- .enter()
- .append('g')
- .attr({
- transform: function (d) { return calcGroupPos(d.linkCoords); },
- id: function (d) { return 'pair-' + d.id; }
- })
- .classed('numLinkLabel', true);
- entering.each(function (d) {
- var el = d3.select(this);
- el.append('line')
- .classed('numLinkHash', true)
- .attr(hashAttrs(d.linkCoords));
- el.append('text')
- .classed('numLinkText', true)
- .attr(textLabelPos(d.linkCoords))
- .text(d.num);
- });
- // remove old labels
- labels.exit().remove();
- }
- // ==========================
- // Module definition
- angular.module('ovTopo')
- .factory('TopoD3Service',
- ['$log', 'FnService', 'SvgUtilService', 'IconService', 'ThemeService',
- function (_$log_, _fs_, _sus_, _is_, _ts_) {
- $log = _$log_;
- fs = _fs_;
- sus = _sus_;
- is = _is_;
- ts = _ts_;
- icfg = is.iconConfig();
- function initD3(_api_) {
- api = _api_;
- }
- function destroyD3() { }
- return {
- initD3: initD3,
- destroyD3: destroyD3,
- incDevLabIndex: incDevLabIndex,
- adjustRectToFitText: adjustRectToFitText,
- hostLabel: hostLabel,
- deviceLabel: deviceLabel,
- trimLabel: trimLabel,
- updateDeviceLabel: updateDeviceRendering,
- updateHostLabel: updateHostLabel,
- updateDeviceColors: updateDeviceColors,
- deviceExisting: deviceExisting,
- hostExisting: hostExisting,
- deviceEnter: deviceEnter,
- hostEnter: hostEnter,
- hostExit: hostExit,
- deviceExit: deviceExit,
- linkEntering: linkEntering,
- applyLinkLabels: applyLinkLabels,
- transformLabel: transformLabel,
- applyPortLabels: applyPortLabels,
- applyNumLinkLabels: applyNumLinkLabels
- };
- }]);