path: root/framework/src/onos/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective b/framework/src/onos/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective
deleted file mode 100755
index 351c53ac..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Selectively builds only those projects that contained modified Java files.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-projects=$(find $ONOS_ROOT -type f -path '*/src/*' \
- -exec $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective-hook {} \; | \
- grep -v -f $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bin/onos-build-selective.exclude | \
- sort -u | sed "s:$ONOS_ROOT::g" | tr '\n' ',' | \
- sed 's:/,:,:g;s:,/:,:g;s:^/::g;s:,$::g')
-if [ -n "$projects" ]; then
- # Ascertain artifact IDs of the projects to be rebuilt
- modulesERE=""
- for pd in ${projects//,/ }; do
- if [ -f ${pd}/pom.xml ]; then
- artifactId=$(grep -E "^ <artifactId>.*</artifactId>$" ${pd}/pom.xml | \
- sed 's/.[^>]*>//;s/<.*//')
- modulesERE="$modulesERE|$artifactId"
- fi
- done
- modulesERE=${modulesERE#|*}
- # Search through staged app.xml files for any apps that require one or
- # more of the modified artifacts.
- appProjects=$(find $ONOS_ROOT -type f -path '*/target/oar/app.xml' | \
- xargs grep '<artifact>' | grep -E "/($modulesERE)/" | \
- cut -d: -f1 | sed 's:/target/oar/.*::g' | \
- sort -u | sed "s:$ONOS_ROOT::g" | tr '\n' ',' | \
- sed 's:/,:,:g;s:,/:,:g;s:^/::g;s:,$::g')
- # If we found any, append those app projects to the list of projects to
- # be built.
- [ -n "$appProjects" ] && projects=$projects,$appProjects
- echo Building projects $projects
- cd $ONOS_ROOT && mvn --projects $projects ${@:-clean install}
- status=$?
- [ -n "$appProjects" ] && echo "App staging required for projects $appProjects"
- exit $status
- exit 0